Knowledge-based Service for African Traditional Herbal Medicine: A Hybrid Approach

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Knowledge-based Service for African Traditional Herbal Medicine: A Hybrid Approach
Knowledge-based Service for African Traditional
                        Herbal Medicine: A Hybrid Approach

        Samuel Nii Odoi Devine1, Emmanuel Awuni Kolog2, Erkki Sutinen3 and Ilari Sääksjärvi4
    1Departmentof Information and Communication Technology, Presbyterian University College Ghana, Okwahu, Ghana
    2Departmentof Operations and Management Information Systems, University of Ghana Business School, Accra, Ghana
                        3Department of Future Technologies, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
                            4Department of Biodiversity, University of Turku, Turku, Finland

    ,, {erkki.sutinen, ileesa}

Keywords:         Knowledge-base, Information Retrieval, Ontology, Machine Learning, African Traditional Herbal Medicine.

Abstract:         Globally, the acceptance and use of herbal and traditional medicine is on the rise. Africa, especially Ghana,
                  has its populace resorting to African Traditional Herbal Medicine (ATHMed) for their healthcare needs due
                  to its potency and accessibility. However, the practice involving its preparation and administration has come
                  into question. Even more daunting is the poor and inadequate documentation covering the preservation and
                  retrieval of knowledge on ATHMed for long-term use, resulting in invaluable healthcare knowledge being
                  lost. Consequently, there is the need to adopt strategies to help curtail the loss of such healthcare knowledge,
                  for the benefit of ATHMed stakeholders in healthcare delivery, industry and academia. This paper proposes
                  a hybrid-based computational knowledge framework for the preservation and retrieval of traditional herbal
                  medicine. By the hybrid approach, the framework proposes the use of machine learning and ontology-based
                  techniques. While reviewing literature to reflect the existing challenges, this paper discusses current
                  technologies suited to approach them. This results in a framework that embodies an ontology driven
                  knowledge-based system operating on a semantically annotated corpus that delivers a contextual search
                  pattern, geared towards a formalized, explicit preservation and retrieval mechanism for safeguarding
                  ATHMed knowledge.

1     INTRODUCTION                                                       Predominantly and habitually, this knowledge, as
                                                                     classified by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), is tacit,
The idea of providing treatment to ailments or                       which does not suit the view of long-term use and
diseases has, over the years, seen various methods                   preservation of such valuable knowledge. Tacit
being applied, with each having to show its own                      knowledge comprises of the skills, ideas and
potency and often attributed to a specific region or                 experiences people possess, which are hard to access
country. The case of Ghana is not different as the use               and transfer (Chugh, 2018, p. 2), in this case the
of such methods is either orthodox or traditional.                   ATHMed practitioners in Ghana. There are many
Before the introduction of orthodox medicine, many                   cases where in an attempt to remain relevant, herbal
a Ghanaian took to the use of traditional herbal                     practitioners (traditional healers and herbalist) pass
treatments, of all sorts, to help cure all forms of                  on the knowledge to only their close allies or families.
diseases. Still, the use of African traditional herbal               This often leads to the likelihood of such knowledge
medicine (ATHMed) is widespread in Ghana, as an                      being either lost or failing to be developed over time
estimated 70% of the population obtain healthcare                    (Amoah et al., 2014). In the case where the
through traditional healers (Amoah et al., 2014),                    knowledge is not shared at all, the practitioner
especially with rural communities. Interestingly,                    eventually dies with the knowledge. Furthermore, due
preference for traditional medicine is on the rise                   to the absence of proper documentation on the choice
worldwide (Frass et al., 2012; Zhang, 2004). The                     selection of ingredients, methods of drug preparation
preparation of ATHMed is often in various forms                      and administration, some ATHMed patrons often
with ingredients (herbs) and methods which are                       doubt the efficacy of these medications. There have
usually in the keep of the practitioners.                            been reported instances of “misinformation and abuse
of traditional health knowledge” (Yeboah, 2000: p.           or treatment of physical and mental illness" (WHO,
208) which poses negative consequences to the health         2018, p. 1). Herbal medicines also encompass "herbs,
of ATHMed patrons. With these concerns, this study           herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished
seeks to develop a framework for preserving and              herbal products that contain as active ingredients
retrieving knowledge in traditional herbal medicine.         parts of plants, or other plant materials, or
    Throughout history, attempts and varying                 combinations" (WHO, 2018, p. 1).
approaches have been developed and implemented in                The Government of Ghana realising such a need
order to safeguard, as well as, disseminate                  has setup the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant
knowledge. This is to ensure posterity and present           Medicine to lead the way in the preparation and
benefit from works, acts, processes, information and         standardization of herbal medicine in Ghana (Amoah
all relevant data that will help improve or maintain         et al., 2014). In recent times, attempts are being made
personal to organizational development needs.                by Universities in Ghana to train pharmacists in the
Knowledge is regarded as key to any organization’s           area of indigenous African herbal medicine treatment.
present and future growth, and competitive advantage         Two universities, Kwame Nkrumah University of
especially in the 21st century (Xue, 2017; Davenport         Science and Technology and University of Ghana, are
and Prusak, 1998), with its basis being often formed         currently offering degree programmes at the
by, but not limited to, data and information.                undergraduate level and training programs in an
    To help salvage and standardize such practices in        attempt to assist in formalizing the training of
the area of ATHMed, the United Nations Millennium            professionals in herbal medicine. However, their
Development Goals and the World Health                       focus has mainly been to help curb the challenge
Organization (WHO) has recognise the need to                 related to the Ghanaian traditional herbal medicine
promote and support the development of traditional           practitioner’s accurate measurement of ingredients
herbal medicine by launching the Traditional                 for drug preparation with issues on quality. The
Medicine Strategy 2014–2023 (WHA62.13) 1 . Key               universities also strive to provide strategies for long-
amongst its strategic objectives is "to build the            term      preservation,     appropriate     forms     of
knowledge base for active management of                      administration, and administering right dosage of
Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine          such herbal drugs. For instance, the University of
through appropriate national policies". In view of this      Ghana 2 in 2016 organized a 2-day face-to-face
advocacy, these researchers propose a novel model            training programme for manufacturers of herbal
and       knowledge-based        framework       using       products/food supplements, focusing on the
computational ontologies and machine learning to             improvement of safety and efficacy, evaluation of
help in the preservation and retrieval of traditional        raw materials, toxicological assessment, quality and
herbal medicines. In this paper, we have suggested a         standardization in Ghana. These interventions seek to
framework fit for use in Medical Institutions of             harness the potential of herbal medicine, providing
Higher Education (IHE) and herbal businesses where           orthodox and scientific approaches to standardizing
the knowledge of herbal medicine, sourced from               and safeguarding the knowledge associated with it,
“deep smart” knowledge bearers, is imparted to               and the practices in applying medication. This
students who are, potentially, future herbal doctors.        attempt also assists in documenting and preserving
                                                             practices and medications associated with African
                                                             traditional herbal medicines (ATHMed) which
2      BACKGROUND                                            hitherto was in the domain of the practitioner. Failure
                                                             to undertake such interventions would in the end lead
                                                             to loss of this indigenous yet efficient medicinal
2.1       Traditional Herbal Medicine                        approach (Boadu and Asase, 2017).
                                                                 To address the problem, a computer-aided
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
                                                             approach is suggested. The applications of
traditional medicine deals with "knowledge, skill, and
                                                             information technologies have been experienced in
practices based on the theories, beliefs, and
                                                             many fields of study and are described to be a viable,
experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether
                                                             sustainable mechanism for long-term storage
explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health
                                                             (preservation) and information sharing (retrieval)
as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement

1                                                            2
    ve-medicine/en/                                               programme-manufacturers-herbal-productsfood-
resident in the domain of knowledge management. To             Ashkenas (2013) advocates that to sustain,
this end, a knowledge-based framework for                  adequately formalize, explicitly define and ensure
preserving and retrieving ATHMed in the service            continuity of institutional knowledge, information
pharmaceutical sector and assistive of formal learning     technology, thus computational approaches, should
in Medical Institutions of Higher Education is             be adopted. In agreement, Panahi, Watson and
proposed. The framework provides a roadmap on              Partridge (2012) espouse that using computational
describing some key elements such as choice of             approaches are more effective and efficient than
medicinal plants, relationship between them and the        verbal/oral or face-to-face approaches. As knowledge
associated diseases they seek to cure. This would          sharing, which hinges on efficient knowledge
provide the base for preserving the knowledge of           preservation (KP), particularly tacit knowledge, is
traditional herbal medicine practitioners (formal and      paramount and unavoidable (Sarkiunaite and
informal), thus, the engineering of an African             Kriksciuniene, 2005), this paper proposes a hybrid
Traditional Herbal Medicine ontology. This is geared       approach to KB implementation for ATHMed, based
towards assisting in the efficient classification and      on prior approaches adopted in other related fields.
annotation of the knowledge of treatment in                Efficient and accurate retrieval of knowledge is
traditional herbal medicine, in order to build the         heavily dependent on how it is stored, herein,
relevant contextual relationship between ATHMed            preservation. The relevance and critical role of
remedies and their associated cures. The fulcrum of        knowledge preservation cannot be downplayed as it
designing such a retrieval mechanism is to enable          drives the very essence of continuous learning and
efficient access to the knowledge base (KB). A             improvement for posterity (Faust, 2007).
software artefact developed based on the framework             Knowledge preservation can be viewed as
is needed to test the adequacy and viability of the KB.    “a process for maintaining knowledge important
By this approach, the knowledge preservation of            to an organization’s mission that stores
ATHMed will aid in providing a formalized, explicit        knowledge/information over time and provides the
repository for future pharmaceutical needs and formal      possibility of recall for the future” (Mazour, 2006: p.
training.                                                  2). Probst et al., (2006) also argue that the processes
                                                           of KP are covered in three stages: select, store,
2.2    Related Works in Knowledge-base                     actualize. In an extensive review undertaken by
       Archival                                            Antonova et al., (2006) on technology solutions for
                                                           KM, the researchers explored numerous approaches
Since the 1990s, with the advent of computers,             employed within the domain. Antonova et al., (2006)
knowledge management (KM) has been implemented             detail notable technological solutions in managing
through software solutions. This is especially in the      knowledge by classifying them based on the key KM
employee training, based on well documented norms,         processes encompassing: ‘generation’, ‘storing,
practices and personal know-how (tacit knowledge)          codification and representation’, ‘transformation
of other internal employees, so that sharing and           and use’ and ‘transfer, sharing, retrieval, access and
safeguarding knowledge can be efficiently done             search’. This paper discusses KP and retrieval,
(Davenport and Völpel, 2001; El Morr, 2010).               focusing on storage, codification and representation
    Extant literature has revealed that, preservation of   of knowledge (Antonova et al., 2006), considering
data and knowledge has been the focus of many              KP as a purposeful, articulate, and explicit activity
organizations since the integration of procedures to       that involves the safeguarding of knowledge,
manage and improve information assets has become           especially tacit knowledge, for efficient storage,
critical for competitive growth in the 21st century        retrieval, use and dissemination.
(Xue, 2017). However, the preservation of                      Over the years, there has been a study migration
knowledge, especially tacit, is hard to transfer and       from merely employing information system strategies
difficult to preserve (Mazour, 2006). By implication,      that mainly focused on transaction processing,
there is the need for a more robust, explicit and          process controls and assisting in decision making, to
systematic approach to capturing, classifying and          the efficient capturing and dissemination of
sharing such knowledge. The involvement of                 interrelated knowledge. This shift has become a vital
computerization and various electronic-based               component to many an organization’s operations.
strategies also provide additional power to monitor        This focus seeks to guarantee the future success and
and manage electronic information (Davidavičienė           sustenance of organizations, using relevant,
and Raudeliūnienė, 2010).                                  progressive and adaptive computational approaches.
                                                           Mazour (2006) emphasizes that documentation,
hitherto preservation, is a “good means” to “articulate   approaches have been explored and adopted over the
knowledge” and though knowledge (tacit)                   years.
preservation and retrieval involves extensive effort,         In their study, Li, et al., (2003) investigated the
its benefit is undeniably vast.                           feasibility of adopting an ontology-based approach to
     Based on the classification proposed by Probst et    supporting KM activities in the metal industry in
al. (2006) for tacit knowledge preservation processes,    Taiwan. The researchers argue that, though this
Davidaviciene and Raudeliuniene (2010), in an             approach is an “adequate methodology” for domain
extended work, identified ICT tools that implement        specific KM, it is rather involving and time-
the KP process. The implementation is carried out         consuming. To this end, an ontology-based KMS was
through capturing systems (expert systems, chat           modelled, using KAON for building the ontology and
groups, wikis, blogs, podcasting, best practices and      Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) for the system in a
lessons learned databases, computer based                 web-based environment.
communication, computer based simulation) and                 Similarly, Tomai and Spanaki (2005) adopted the
sharing systems (team collaboration tools, wikis,         use of ontologies to propose a framework for
blogs, podcasting, web-based access to data,              modelling robust geographic concepts. However,
databases, best practice databases, lessons learned       they utilized NLP approaches for linguistic semantic
systems       and     expertise     locator    systems)   analysis of the knowledge in the KB. To enable data
(Davidaviciene and Raudeliuniene, 2010).                  be appropriately tagged, in context, the metadata
     Antonova et al., (2006) catalogued technological     handling and description language, Web Ontology
solutions for storage of knowledge assets into            Language (OWL) full was used. This enabled the
databases, knowledge bases, data warehouses and           application of W3C specification tools, thus
knowledge warehouses, data marts and data                 supporting        Extensible     Markup      Language
repositories. With regards to knowledge codification      (XML)/XML Schema and Resource Definition
and representation, case-based reasoning systems,         Framework (RDF)/RDF Schema. A web-based
rule-based approaches, frame and semantic nets as         environment for user interaction with the KB was also
well as formal logical, production and procedural         adopted, built on the .ASP format, and tested in an
model approaches are engaged (Antonova et al.,            intranet.
2006). Antonova et al. (2006) further postulate that          Lin, et al., (2013) also addressed the challenge of
for retrieval to be easily facilitated, knowledge         tackling environmental protection concerns in the
organization technologies which include directories,      product development process, through an eco-design
taxonomies and repository indexes must be adopted.        approach, using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
This suggests the adoption of ontology-based design       strategy. The researchers presented an ontology-
specifications. In addition to these technologies for     based process-oriented framework as the
knowledge storage and representation, topic and skill     underpinning strategy to address the problem, with
maps, and controlled vocabularies, structured as data     Protégé as the tool for building the ontology. A
dictionaries can be applied (Antonova et al., 2006).      reasoning engine was formed to establish an
     Presently, research leans towards contextual         ontology-based knowledge decision support system
semantic preservation of knowledge assets using           by transforming the knowledge acquired into a
semantic enabling technologies such as XML. The           linguistic information, fit for OWL and Semantic
use of XML has aided the provision of interrelated        Web Rule Language (SWRL), using the Java Expert
pattern     search     in    a    platform-independent    System Shell (Jess).
environment, as evident in the web environment.               In the aerospace industry domain, Sanya and
Other studies have indicated the integration of natural   Shehab (2014) propose a novel approach towards the
language processing (NLP) techniques to provide           development of a KB engineering framework for
linguistic semantic analysis and pattern related search   implementing platform-independent knowledge-
and retrieval of knowledge (Tomai and Spanaki,            enabled product design systems. With the aim of
2005). Additionally, machine learning techniques for      achieving long-term preservation of knowledge on
intuitive extraction of knowledge is being adopted.       engineering, their framework targeted a cost-
     As earlier espoused, KB development related          effective, reasonable, model-driven architecture, also
literature indicates focus towards intuitive, robust,     using an ontology-based approach that renders a
platform-independent,          metadata      dependent,   semantic and portable knowledge structuring system.
semantically driven, contextual domain-based              OWL and SWRL were used to model the KB system,
knowledge modelling, reasoning, preservation and          Java for the CAD interface and Jess was used for the
extraction systems. A number of these computational       inference engine.
Song et al., (2016) explored a 3-tier system               For an Information Systems’ project such as this
architectural framework for KB systems’                    study, Peffer et al., (2006) propose six common
management of manufacturing process knowledge.             design process elements that cover DSR methodology
The researchers proposed an effective reusable             in a nominal sequence: Problem Identification and
management approach to implementing their KB               Motivation, Objectives of a Solution, Design and
system, via a systematic methodology for                   Development, Demonstration, Evaluation and
constructing the KB, indicating the key role of            Communication. This study takes a problem-centered
ontology development through an iterative process.         focus as its entry point. Consequently, the DSR
    According to Shang et al., (2017), by employing a      methodology is well suited for this research as our
vulnerability-centric ontology-based KB framework          aim is to develop an artefact that provides a formal
strategy, cyber security knowledge existing in some        computational solution for safeguarding ATHMed
independent KBs and on the internet, in text form,         knowledge (Peffers et al., 2006). Subject to this
was efficiently integrated. This enabled the extraction    approach, stakeholders for this project will be
of cyber security knowledge using both rule-based          involved throughout the developmental stages as
and machine learning information extraction                shown in Figure 1. The idea is to co-create the
techniques.                                                intended system with the stakeholders’ involvement.
    From the literature reviewed, in addressing KM             This paper forms part of the initial phase of the
needs, a systematic approach is to be adopted. The         DSR framework. Based on the DSR’s initial phase,
approach should be dynamic, contextual, ontology-          this study identifies the gap in the knowledge
based, AI-oriented, platform independent and               preservation and retrieval (KPR) practices within the
semantic in nature. This forms the basis of the design     ATHMed domain. From literature, it is evident that
and development approach adopted for this research.        the KPR practices are inadequate with its
                                                           repercussion having been discussed in earlier sections.
                                                           The motivation therefore is to propose a framework
3     METHODOLGY                                           to assist in addressing the phenomenon. This will
                                                           require clearly defined requirements to help obtain
                                                           relevant information and guidelines needed for
This research is an ongoing study that adopts a design
                                                           identifying key concepts towards the KBS
science research process. In this section, we provide
the overview of the DSR process and the framework          development.
for the implementation of the system.                          Of the requirements specified through active
                                                           stakeholders’ consultation, the artefact will be
                                                           designed and developed towards meeting the set
3.1    Design Science Research                             objectives. Four components of the artefact will be
                                                           materialized to provide a contextually fit and rigorous
As part of this project, the development of the
                                                           solution. The artefacts are interdependent covering an
knowledge-based system follows a design science
                                                           ATHMed Framework to guide the development
research (DSR) process. Peffers et al. (2006) DSR is
                                                           process, a formalized ontology, a corpus and a KBS.
adopted as shown in Figure 1. DSR is one of the two
                                                           The prototyping strategy shall be used to enable
major paradigms in Information System research
                                                           stepwise involvement of stakeholders. As a proof of
(Hevner et al., 2004; Mramba et al., 2016) and is a
                                                           concept, the KBS will undergo rigorous testing with
solution-oriented methodology that focuses on the
                                                           training data to demonstrate its ability and adequacy
design and investigation of IT artefacts (Peffer et al.,
                                                           to meet the objective for which the system was
2006; Hevner et al., 2004). DSR seeks the systematic
                                                           designed for.
and purposeful development of a solution (artefact)
                                                               Subsequently, the output, efficiency and overall
based on a rigorous scientific process. It provides a
                                                           performance of the artefact will be measured through
strategic mental model for empirical and theory
                                                           another stage of rigorous testing by stakeholders and
research building for contextual understanding,
                                                           patrons of ATHMed. This will help in assessing the
evaluation and reproducibility of a study. The artefact
                                                           veracity and efficacy of the KB and how usable the
may take the form of a construct, model, method, or
                                                           KBS is. The feedback obtained will affirm system
an instantiation such as hardware or software (Hevner
                                                           adequacy and viability, as well as usability and user
et al., 2004).
Figure 1: Design process with design science framework (Adopted from Peffers et al., 2006).

3.2    Knowledge-based Framework for                         Data Processing
       Traditional Herbal Medicine
                                                             As earlier indicated, with the DSR, stakeholders in
To contribute to the building of a formally defined          the medical fraternity are involve in the actual
body of knowledge in the domain of ATHMed                    implementation. Therefore, the initial data (ATHMed
practice and training in Medical IHE, a conceptual           corpus) obtained from interacting with the
framework (model) is proposed. As such, defining a           stakeholders (ATHMed practitioners and academia)
semantic-oriented, lexically functional, syntactic           is to be pre-processed for easy annotation. This
structure in a machine-readable and machine-                 processing is based on the elements relevant for
understandable language is the focus of this proposed        ingredient selection and processing, mode of
framework. The framework seeks to adopt and                  preparation and associated treatment (administration)
incorporate two major Artificial Intelligence (AI)           method. Through expert (experts from academia,
techniques – machine learning (ML) and ontology– to          research institutions and registered herbal clinics)
provide a progressively adaptive environment to              annotation, a predefine annotation scheme for the
implement an intuitive KBS. Additionally, the                ATHMed data shall be arrived at. This will enable the
retrieval mechanism for users’ interaction is                attainment of a good agreement score on what
facilitated using web and mobile technologies. The           element goes where, to obtain a concisely annotated
proposed knowledge-based framework has three                 data for training a ML classifier. This will lead to a
components as shown in Figure 2: data layer, logic           gold standard being obtained, from the initial test
layer and application layer. The system will be              data, via a supervised machine learning technique.
designed by following the Model-View-Control                     During storage, which implements the
(MVC) software architecture. The Data Layer                  preservation phase, the data after pre-processing, is
implements the Model component, the Logic Layer              run through a classifier for categorization into
actualizes the Control component and the View                specific non-static association and accurate
component is considered in the Application Layer.            identification of the knowledge using a suitable ML
                                                             classifier. Throughout classification process, each
3.2.1 The Data Layer                                         data value (or key words) will be tagged to enable
                                                             efficient association of term and concepts, via part-
The data layer is comprised of the data (knowledge)          of-speech tagging through lemmatization.
acquisition sub-component, which captures the                    Literature in medical research involving the use
knowledge, and knowledge base, which stores the              of ML suggests a diversity of techniques being
knowledge obtained from the domain experts.                  applied. Jiang et al., (2017) conducted a survey of AI
application in healthcare. The researchers observed       under the guide of a domain expert (in academia) and
that Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial          verified by experts (both academia and practitioners).
Neural Networks (ANNs) were often used. In a                  This shall require the use of knowledge and
related study on biomedical disease detection,            metadata representation tools. An ontology authoring
Niharika and Kaushik (2018) concluded that different      tool such as Protégé shall be used for building the
ML classifiers should be considered to build a unified    ontology. XML and XML Schema is suitable for
hybrid framework. By this, to obtain optimal results,     defining the metadata description, structure and
they recommend the use of SVM, extreme learning           storage, with RDF for describing related knowledge
with variations of various swarm techniques.              resources prevalent on the web for interrelation
Similarly, Bayesian Networks (BNs), ANNs and              definition. OWL Descriptive Logic (DL) shall be
SVM were identified as methods most frequently            used for defining the ontology structure and necessary
applied in the THMed domain (Arji et al., 2018).          semantics, and SPARQL to querying the ontology-
    Consequently, to determine which ML algorithm         based knowledge-base. A classification of key
is most suited for the ATHMed classifier, an optimal      elements and concepts, with their interrelationships
performance test shall be undertaken. This test shall     shall be explored, defined and annotated. Appropriate
involve the use of notable machine learning software,     axioms shall be used to implement the guidelines for
example WEKA. Based on the results, ML that               building the ontology.
demonstrate superiority in classifying ATHMed data            Through this approach, the proposed knowledge-
will be chosen for the implementation.                    based system is certain in providing knowledge users
     Additionally, a robust algorithm to improve          and ATHMed stakeholders with a computer-aided
classification of the ATHMed data shall be                solution that supports semantic capabilities. This will
considered. This is to directly influence the             facilitate relevant, contextual preservation and
performance of ontology model, through a novel            retrieval of results from the knowledge base, through
indexing approach, to facilitate quick retrieval.         a simplified search mechanism using a web portal or
                                                          mobile app.
The Ontology Model                                        3.2.2 The Logical Layer
The proposed knowledge base (KB) design is based          This layer, as the middle layer, interacts with the data
on an ontology, for extensibility and reusability. As     layer where the knowledge is preserved and the
such, at the ontology construction phase, the proposed    application layer, where requests from users are
ontology model is to be defined through the process       submitted via queries. Thus, the reasoning module is
of organizing the ATHMed knowledge in categories,         executed via the logic layer, tagged as the Information
type classification into classes, hierarchical            Extraction Component (IE). The IE is implemented
structuring of associated instances and properties,       via two sub-components: Machine Learning
with appropriate axioms, rules, restrictions and          Extractor and Semantic Reasoner.
interrelations. The ontology model is to be evaluated
to verify functional specifications thereby ensuring
consistency, reliability, accuracy and extensibility. A   Machine Learning Extractor
further validation, involving verification and
evaluation tests for reliability (Preece, 1994) is        The information extraction component shall be used
required to ascertain the performance capacity of the     as the means to extract or retrieve information from
KBS. This is to measure the quality of the ontology       the knowledge base. The IE constructed using two
by ensuring adequate coverage of the knowledge            sub-approaches involving a machine learning based
within the ATHMed domain. The testing strategy for        (ML-based) extraction algorithm and an inference
the KB is tailored to conform to software                 engine. The ML extractor will be designed to
development test approaches.                              complement the ontology, that possess features of the
    The ontology-based approach is predominantly          ATHMed knowledge-based ontology, taking critical
novel yet extensive for knowledge engineering. It         considerations to class types, their relationships,
facilitates appropriate representation, maintenance       instances, connotations and semantics. The ML
and dissemination of knowledge, and thus relevant in      extractor interacts with the inference engine built to
applying this approach in the ATHMed domain. The          deduce new knowledge, thus from the data and
proposed        knowledge        capturing/acquisition    information present in the knowledge base (KB) to
component is targeted at being modelled based on a        ensure accurate prediction and determination of
standard medicine preparation template design focus,
appropriate treatment, association to ailment,               This requires employing technologies that are
preparation methods and other relevant inferences.           ubiquitous and support use, anywhere and at anytime
                                                             with ease. Web-based and mobile technologies have
                                                             shown potential to be adaptive to such an
Semantic Reasoner                                            environment. The proposed KBS is targeted at
                                                             providing users with a graphical front-end: web-
The proposed knowledge-based system’s semantic
                                                             based interface designed with J2EE technology and a
reasoner acts as the inference engine. The inference
                                                             mobile interface using Android technology. Users
engine structure is expected to work on the Java-
                                                             will pass queries through simple to expressive
based framework, Apache Jena. ML techniques
                                                             statements which are treated as natural language
mainly to improve efficiency of predictability,
                                                             expressions. NLP techniques and tools are efficient to
deduction accuracy and an extensible deeper learning
                                                             support such manipulation. This requires that all
approach shall be considered. This shall support
                                                             queries be analysed lexically, and semantically
making of inferences whiles deducing new
                                                             compared against the KB through the information
knowledge in a contextual form. This requires that the
                                                             extraction (IE) component. This is to facilitate the
ML algorithm (classifier) chosen must be trained,
                                                             extraction of relevant knowledge in the form required
firstly on some rule-based approach before a well-
                                                             for adequate interpretation and understanding to the
structured corpus for ATHMed is defined and
                                                             user. To this end, representation of the extracted
extended with the algorithm.
                                                             knowledge must be textual and visual where required.
                                                             Same interface shall be used to provide new
3.2.3 The Application Layer
                                                             knowledge to the KB.
As earlier mentioned, the application layer is the view          For optimal performance, thus reliability and
component, thus presentation layer for accessing the         accuracy of the proposed KB, systematic engagement
KBS. In the wake of enhanced and fluid ways of               of domain experts in designing and validating every
communication, there is the need to make access to           stage of the KBS is required. Below is a conceptual
knowledge easy and quick, supported in an                    design of the proposed ATHMed KB framework.
interconnected, platform independent environment.

         Figure 2: The Proposed knowledge-based framework for Achieving African traditional herbal medicine.
4    DISCUSSION                                               practitioners of THMed willingly share their
                                                              knowledge with their assistants, they choose to
Developing countries have about 80% of their                  purposefully, deliberately and prudently transfer such
populace depending on THMed, with reports of rising           knowledge, comfortably with their own relations.
global demands, for their health needs (WHO, 2018;            Notably, albeit some African countries are attempting
Frass et al., 2012; Zhang, 2004). This is due to              to safeguard THMed knowledge, it is predominantly
THMed’s ease of use, natural form, often minimal              oral and being leisurely done using some form of
side effects, availability, affordability and ease of         recording (Maluleka and Ngulube, 2018; Adekannbi,
preparation. Poorna, Mymoon and Hariharan (2014)              et al., 2014; Yeboah, 2000). Consequently, a
reported cases of countries pursuing knowledge                knowledge bearer may teach in part resulting in half-
preservation and retrieval practices on traditional           baked practitioners administering poor medical
knowledge, thus THMed. Their findings, indicate               practices which are likely to cause more harm than
strategic, meticulous efforts to safeguard THMed              good, as evidenced in some reports (Yeboah, 2000).
knowledge,        have     yielded     distinctive      yet       To help salvage the situation, deliberate calls and
collaboratively immense benefits. This result was             attempts have been made, by academia and research
attained through an all-inclusive effort spanning the         institutions worldwide, to help formalize and train
health, academic and industry divide. Interestingly,          THMed professionals. As custodians, these
all 6 countries that were observed to be making strives       professionals will not only guide the processes and
by implementing THMed documentation initiatives               procedures to the preparation, preservation and
were from developing nations. This reiterates the             administration of THMed, but also ensure the
importance of THMed to developing nations, and                knowledge is not lost (WHO, 2018; Boadu and Asase,
African countries in particular.                              2017; Amoah et al., 2014; Poorna, et al., 2014).
    In essence, the impact of pursuing such THMed             Additionally, this effort is to assist in safeguarding
knowledge preservation and retrieval leads to key             such vital knowledge which can be extracted and
benefits to countries especially in Africa. There are         refined for further commercialization in the service
obvious implications of healthcare benefits. It provides      industry. Key to benefiting from this are researchers
economic benefits whiles promoting preservation of            and academia, in general, via extending studies into
indigenous cultural heritage (Boadu and Asase, 2017;          the viability of such medicines and the development
van Andel et al., 2015). It provides avenues for              of appropriate curricula in the training of qualified
securing patents to THMed knowledge (Zhang, 2004)             herbal medicinal practitioners and healthcare
and protecting such knowledge against misuse                  professionals who will ensure continuity and
(Poorna, et al., 2014). These benefits were witnessed         formalization of THMed practices in Higher Learning
amongst the 6 countries that were observed by Poorna,         Institutions. The resulting output from academia will
Mymoon and Hariharan (2014). This was possible                feed the pharmaceutical industry with the requisite
through proper codification and documentation                 knowledge on THMed. Causally, it will provide
(Poorna, Mymoon and Hariharan, 2014), a requisite             opportunities for job creation while sustaining
strongly advocated for, to facilitate preservation            economies of countries that depend predominantly on
(Faust, 2007; Mazour, 2006). This means that for              THMed for providing healthcare to their indigenes.
THMed knowledge to be preserved, a consistent and             Ultimately, the effort will assist in improving socio-
purposeful effort is required. In addition, it is necessary   economic livelihoods and sustaining biological
that all such knowledge captured are interlinked or           resources at the same time. The overall effect shall be
semantically correlated, to enable efficient search and       to the advantage of the general populace with regards
retrieval, in order to promote new discoveries in related     to the provision of relevant information on what
medicines and treatments.                                     choice of THMed medication to resort to in servicing
    Despite extant literature indicating growing              their medical needs. The study conducted by Poorna,
interest in herbal medicine usage, especially in              et al., (2014) supports these claims. In their study, it
developing countries, most of these practices are             was revealed that countries that pursued preservation
either not well preserved nor documented. The                 of THMed knowledge benefited not only to safeguard
evidence and dangers of THMed knowledge not                   such knowledge, but also inherently promoted saving
being properly and adequately transferred from one            and securing patent to these national assets.
bearer to another, to continue the medicinal practice             The provision of improved, timely, accessible and
is well documented in literature. Instances of this           affordable healthcare through the offering of
nature were observed by Adekannbi, et al., (2014).            alternative healthcare practices based on a formalized
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expected impact will not only be for developing            research then culminates with an implementation of
countries like Ghana, but all regions that value and       the framework proposed and validation of the
access healthcare through THMed.                           ATHMed KBS.
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