KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School

Page created by Charlotte Murray
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School

                        From The Principal
Wow! What a cool week it has been for the           took the opportunity to present an oral submission
history of Oropi School with our Gully planting     at Parliament on Wednesday regarding the School
day on Tuesday. I hope you have all managed         Donations Amendment Bill, which in its current
to see the news article about this on Sunlive. It   form, excludes additional funding for Decile 8-10
certainly was a collective effort: parents,         schools. My main message to politicians was that if
children, wider community members, staff,           we are to address the issue of inequity in the New
and sponsors. Thanks so much especially to          Zealand Education system, first and foremost we
Mark & Esme Dean and the PTA for getting this       must use new ways of delivering resources to all
off the ground. Take a look at the photo            children in all our schools, before using old tools
collage Kylie did and is up on the website and      such as the Decile system to determine the needs
facebook to capture the essence of the day.         of the school. The Government, Ministry, and
Thanks so much everyone!                            school leaders and teachers must work together to
                                                    achieve this. Time will tell whether the school
Speaking of collective efforts, on behalf of        donations bill rollout will change. I will keep you
Decile 8-10 schools from the Bay of Plenty I        posted.
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
In our assembly on Monday, we were able to
recognise all the children who achieved placings
in the school and interschool cross country. We
also celebrated the role of our International
Ambassadors we have in the school. This is a new
opportunity for children, who support new
international students and groups when they
come to Oropi School. Carissa Hawes, our
International Manager, coordinates this. More on
this further on in the newsletter.                    Milarn Gardiner
                                                      Elias Thompson
Also, we had Jan Pendergrast announce placings        Leyton Lefebrve
for the Book Week competitions. A big thank you       Vivy Gorrie
to Jan and her librarians for coordinating the Book   Josh Smith
Week. Remember, 2020 Book Week will involve a         Stefan Pendergrast
Book Character Parade. In total we raised $700 to
go towards new books for the library. Thank you all   They all put in their best effort and
for supporting this initiative.                       represented Oropi School admirably in this
                                                      event. Congratulations and the best of luck to

WBOP Cross
                                                      both Vivy Gorrie and Stefan Pendergrast who
                                                      made it through to the BOP Cross Country

                                                      Championship held in Kaharoa on Tuesday
                                                      25th June.

                                                      Kea Crossing
Congratulations to the fantastic Oropi runners
who made it through to the Western BOP
event which was held on Wednesday at
                                                      Great News! This project is now set to happen
Waipuna Park.
                                                      in the School holidays and will be complete for
                                                      the first day of term 3.

                                                      Calf Club
                                                      Calf Club is on Friday 18 October. This year the
                                                      calves are back which is great news.
                                                      Information will be coming out later in the
                                                      term about Calf Club and we will be looking
                                                      for sponsors for the raffle. In the meantime,
                                                      chicken orders are being taken. Order in Kindo
                                                      before 2 July. Chickens will be 15/16 days old at
                                                      time of delivery. Pullets only. They will be
                                                      delivered to School on 24 or 25 July.
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
Out of zone places
International Ambassadors

                                                    Term 3
                                                    For Term 3, the following out-of-zone places
                                                    are available based on numbers of leavers at
                                                    the end of Term 2:
                                                    · No Out-of-zone places for students at NE
                                                    level for term 3

These students were awarded certificates in         · 1 Out-of-zone place for students at Y1-2 level

becoming an International Ambassador for the        for term 3

school. This program allows the children to help    · 1 Out-of-zone Out-of-zone place for students

with orientation of international students and      at Y3-4 level for term 3

groups, helping them to feel a sense of belonging   · 1 Out-of-zone place for students at Y5-6 level

to the school and New Zealand, as well as making    for term 3

our international students feel welcome and have    · We have space in our Bilingual Unit. Arrange

a buddy they can call on. They all had to apply     a meeting with Andrew King to discuss if

and are working through different stages of the     interested

program. Congratulations to the following

                                                    From the Library

Ben Marshall
                                                    Our school's Access-It Library Web App
Mason Kitchingman
                                                    (catalogue) can now be accessed through the
Estelle Wright
                                                    school website's front page, along with a link
Senna Stanley
                                                    to the Facebook page.
Mikkayla Hawes
                                                    Go to 'Library' at the bottom of the list to find
Ayla Paige Pretty
                                                    the option you want.
Ben McKinlay
                                                    A short video explains how to use the
Anneka Gibbs
                                                    catalogue to find topics and titles in our
                                                    collection. You will find information about

Mid Year Reports                                    some of the books recently added, and current
                                                    library news. The option to reserve books won't
Reports will be sent home on Monday 1 July. If
                                                    be used.
you require two copies of the reports, please
copy and paste this link into your browser to
                                                    Enjoy browsing.
register for additional copies.

KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
Garden To Tip                                    Garden to Table
Root To Tip - open to year 5&6

Garden to Table is running their second annual
'Root to Tip' cooking competition (see
attached flyer). Students are tasked with
designing a 2-course vegetarian menu in
teams of two and are encouraged to minimise
food waste and to consider seasonal and local
produce in their design.
                                                 This week in garden-to-table Korimako, Ruru
                                                 and Tui have been cooking cabbage schnitzel
The best menus chosen by the judges
                                                 (or fritters) with a capsicum and chilli salsa. We
(including celebrity chef Al Brown) compete in
                                                 used up the very last of our capsicum and the
a BOP regional cook-off in Tauranga on
                                                 kids really enjoyed the fritters and were
Saturday 3rd August and regional winners
                                                 surprised that cabbage could taste so good.
compete in the national final in Wellington on
                                                 The garden crew enjoyed the fine weather and
Friday 23rd August. Entries are open now and
                                                 were busy making a bamboo frame for our
close on Monday 1st July. Availability on the
                                                 broad beans and shelling the last of the
cook-off dates and parental/guardian
                                                 summer beans. The kids planted tatsoi, leeks,
permission is a requirement of entry so once
                                                 spring onion, sorrel and broccoli and sowed
students have confirmed their interest next
                                                 seeds for tender stem broccoli, celeriac and
week, we will contact parents. In the
                                                 coriander. They continued to boost the
meantime you can find more information at
                                                 garden's health by topping up the beds with
www.roottotip.org.nz and have fun in the
                                                 homemade compost and plenty of 'worm wee'
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
Sports Report
Oropi Pukeko netball team had a brilliant win    Pukeko Year 5/6 Hockey team had a very
against Greenpark Pulse on Saturday. We won      evenly matched game against the Waldorf
13-6 with exceptional shooting from Elena.       Steiner School Wildsticks on Saturday with the
The girls played a nice consistent game of       final result a draw, 3 all. All 3 Oropi goals were
netball, attacking and defending well up and     scored by Tom. Players of the day were Brooke
down the court. Players of the day were Elena    and Felicity, both ACG students.
and Alya. Thanks to our loyal supports who

                                                 Parent Teacher
come and cheer the girls on each week and
our sublime coach Jackie, you rock!

                                                 Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on
                                                 Tuesday 2 July & Wednesday 3 July 2019.

                                                 The mid-year reports are Oropi School's form
                                                 of mid-year reporting. The interviews are
                                                 intended to discuss the contents of the report
                                                 you wish to clarify. The timeslots are therefore
                                                 shorter than normal and attendance optional.

                                                 Mid-year reports will be sent home on Monday
                                                 1 July.

                                                 If you would like to book a time to meet with
                                                 your child’s teacher, please go
                                                 to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter the
The Oropi Basketball team had a thrilling
                                                 code q5ntn
game against Tahatai Coast School on Tuesday
evening. Oropi won 20 - 12. Players of the day
                                                 Please ensure you book with your child’s
were Braxton Lloyd and Phoenix McHannigan.
                                                 teacher as they will have specific information
                                                 at hand about your child’s learning needs.
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
• Please ensure the School has your current        • Car parking is available on the road outside
contact information. We must have your             the School or you can park at the Hall and
mobile number, email address and                   walk along the path to School. Please avoid
emergency contact information.                     parking on the yellow lines. Please do not
                                                   park in the staff car park or in the bus-turning
• School starts at 8.55 am. Any child arriving     bay at any time.
after this time must report to the office before
going to class.
                                                   To avoid office queues please go online to
                                                   make payments through your mykindo
• Children who do not use the bus can be
dropped off at School from 8.15 am. Not
before please.
                                                   If you haven't used Kindo before, click this link
                                                   to get started (all you need is the email
• School finishes at 2.40 pm. Children who do      address we have on record)...
not use the bus must be collected before 3.10      https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/shop/handshake.shtml?
pm.                                                shop=Oropi%20School

                                                    If you already have a mykindo account, go to
• If your child uses the bus and you are picking
                                                   www.mykindo.co.nz or via the link on our
them up, please ensure you contact the office
                                                   school website.
BEFORE 2 pm by calling 5431479 option 1. If
you collect your child on a regular basis,
please notify the office. We do not carry over
this information from Term 4.

• If you have any health and safety concerns,
please email healthandsafety@oropi.school.nz

Remember to call the office to report your
child's absence.

                                                   School Bank Details
Call 543 1479 and leave a message or email
                                                   Preferred payment is made via Kindo.
                                                   Alternatively payment can be made into the
We have over 330 pupils so PLEASE include
                                                   School account. Oropi School
                                                   ASB 12-3440-0087772-00 - Please use your
class your child is in AND the reason they are
                                                   surname as a reference.
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
KOKAKO NEWS - From The Principal - Oropi School
This amazing flyer has been designed by Estelle. in te ohanga. Thanks Estelle!
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