Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...

Page created by Martin Strickland
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Welcome Cooper Families!
                              We will begin at 5:00 PM.
While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large
size of the call, some participation options will be turned on/ off throughout the meeting.
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Welcome & Introductions

   Lisa      Michael      Maureen        Michele         Director of
 Barrow        Rath      McLoughlin       Boak            Student
Principal    Assistant    Assistant   Interim Director
             Principal    Principal      of Student
            7th grade    8th grade        Services
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Welcome & Introductions

 Heather Dorman           Courtney Derr
School-Based Technology     Instructional
    Specialist (SBTS)          Coach
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...

                 Which picture best
1          2
                represents what’s on
               your mind about school

3          4
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
✓   Check-In & Introductions
❏   Cooper’s Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
❏   Cooper Prep
❏   Orientation & Open House
❏   Laptop Distribution/Forms
❏   Schoology, Instruction, Advisory
❏   After School Programming
❏   Renovation & Return to 5 Days
❏   Health Guidance
❏   Upcoming events
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Transitioning to Middle School

 • Post 2020 -Five Days a Week
     • Structured school environment vs
       self-directed at home
     • Consider executive functioning and
       ability to stay on task
 • Build community and trusting relationships
 • Maintain high academic standards
   balanced with meeting students where
   they are
 • Increased independence of an adolescent
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Mission and Vision
                The Cooper community supports the growth of all
                students to think critically and function as
                empathetic, respectful, and responsible global
                Cooper Middle School creates a caring culture for
                families, students, and staff. We are committed to
                collaborating with one another to meet the
                academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs
                of our students. We integrate meaningful learning
                experiences which foster students’ curiosity and
                develop their communication and collaborative
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
          •   Achieve high academic standards in a
              highly-engaged learning environment
          •   Develop timeless character qualities
          •   Learn responsibility
          •   Value perseverance and persistence
              (growth mindset)
          •   Grow socially and emotionally and affirm
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
Virtual Cooper Prep

 Virtual Cooper Prep is accessible to all students on Cooper website and
 includes a self-paced interactive module that covers a variety of topics -
  welcome messages, Cooper’s block schedule, organization strategies,
                        technology tips, and more!
Welcome Cooper Families! - We will begin at 5:00 PM. While you are waiting, familiarize yourself with the tools of this platform. Due to the large ...
In-person Cooper Prep
In-person registration:                  Activities:
  • Closed on July 10th and parents       • Welcome & community building
    who registered their child for the    • Block schedule overview
    in-person session received a          • School Tour
                                          • Laptop Distribution
    confirmation email on July 16th        • Meet administrators &
    from Aubrey Midgley.                     counselors
 • If you haven’t yet done so,
   please complete the student            Parents will receive an email with
   information request linked in the      links to the required Emergency
   email sent on July 16th.               Care form to completed prior to
                                                     Cooper Prep.
Student Orientation
                                                 Students Only
      Thursday, August 19th                        Students will receive schedules, have a chance
         9:00 - 11:00 AM                            to walk their schedule (odd/ even days), and
                                                                    meet teachers.
Bus transportation to CMS* from:
 ● Colvin Run ES - 8:25 AM                          Students must bring Emergency Care Card. If
 ● Forestville ES - 8:20 AM                          they turned one in at Cooper Prep, a second
                                                                 form is not required.
 ● Great Falls ES - 8:30 AM
 ● Spring Hill ES - 8:40 AM                                  There will be no laptops distributed.
                                                     If unable to attend any of the in-person events, schedules will be available in SIS
*Bus sign-up included in News You Choose email     StudentVue and ParentVue. All students will be provided a schedule on the first day
                                                                                          of school.
Family Open House
                            Open to Students & Families

  Thursday,            Medication
 August 19th                             Students will have a chance to walk their
                         drop-off         schedule (odd/ even days) and stop by to
                       available as            briefly meet their teachers.
2:00 - 5:00 PM        well as the first
                      day of school.
  *suggested 30                           Opportunity for form collection, laptop
   minute visit;
scheduled posted in                      distribution, and PTO (membership, spirit
 News You Choose                                    wear, and ice cream).
Welcome Packets with required forms being mailed this week.

The following forms must be turned in when your child comes to Cooper for
the first time (Cooper Prep, Orientation, Open House or First Day of School).

     ■ Emergency Care Card
     ■ Health Form
     ■ FLE Opt-Out Form (only if you opt out)

Online Technology Form will be available on August 11th.
Laptop Distribution

    Cooper Prep*                   August 11th or 12th
 *those registered for in-person

                                      August 12th
  Laptop Pick-Up
                                        2-4 PM
                                      August 19th
     Open House
                                        2-5 PM
 First Day of School                  August 23rd
Schoology & Zoom

  Cooper was a Schoology Pilot last year.

Lessons learned:
 ● Consistent folder organization
● First days of school lessons
● Cooper Corner → One stop shop for
  students & parents
Schoology Parent View

Cooper Block Schedule
Each block is ~85 minutes and typically meets five times
over a two week rotation.
 ●   Community building
 ●   Independent work
 ●   Full group presentations
 ●   Group work
 ●   Interactive technology tools
 ●   Brain break times built in
Digital citizenship
 • Students are expected to participate and treat the
   online environment as they would their classrooms.
Advisory-Block 4
All FCPS middle & high schools have embedded this block of time into
the school day
  • Focus on relationships, community, resilience and empowerment
      •   Connection with a caring adult
      •   Connection with peers
      •   Engagement and fun
      •   Relevance (real life)
      •   Sense of belonging, affirming identities
      •   Elevating student voice
      •   Planning for the future
      •   Skill development, organization, executive functioning

 •   Combination of advisory time and academic support
Brain Break
FCPS division-wide initiative
 • Daily 15 minute “break” around lunch block
 • Brief break from academics and opportunity for
 • No cell phone use during this time
              Student attendance for all classes is required.

If you know your student will not be present for any class, please contact the front
                    office using the contact information below.


   Students are expected to check Schoology and follow-up with teachers upon
return from an absence. If your child will be absent three or more days, they should
          visit the main office and request the pre-arranged absence form.
After School Programming
We are excited to return to in-person after school activities and
encourage our students to find a club/activity of interest and connect
with peers!

All after school programs/activities will be offered in-person only
on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting mid-Sept.
 ● A Session → 2:25 - 3:25 PM
 ● B session → 3:30 - 4:30 PM

Offerings & sign-up will be posted in Schoology, stay tuned!

 Our After School Specialist will share more information soon!
Cell Phones
● “Away for the Day” from 7:30 AM - 2:15 PM.

● Cell phones and AirPods/ ear buds should remain off and in student’s
  backpacks for the duration of the school day. This includes any “smart
  phone” watch.

● Phones are available in the front office if students need to contact
Renovation Updates
Renovation Updates
Summer work                          Looking ahead
 ● Renovated cafeteria and gym I      ● New wing anticipated be completed
 ● New addition/wing under               Feb, 2022
   construction now                   ● Phase two planned to begin Feb,
                                         2022 and completed February, 2023
Update/Implications:                      ○ Includes: current main hallway,
 ● No lockers/PE lockers this year           science wing, upstairs math
   due to renovation                         hallway, Student Services suite,
                                             front office, continued second
                                             floor addition
Preparing for Returning 5 Days
 ●   First day of school is Monday, August 23rd
 ●   Transportation ridership survey was due yesterday
 ●   Charged FCPS laptop & charger
 ●   Supply list posted on Cooper website
      ○ Highly suggested that students have an odd day binder/ folder and an even
           day binder/ folder
 ●   ParentVue-sign up for your account if you do not already have access
 ●   7th grade vaccinations → Communication from FCPS about required vaccines

 ● Weekly News You Choose emails (sent on Wednesday evenings)
 ● Cooper website: https://cooperms.fcps.edu/
 ● Schoology Cooper Corner
Transportation Ridership Survey
If you wish for your Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) student to use school transportation
services for the 2021-2022 school year, it is important that you respond to this survey from the
Office of Transportation Services (OTS).

 ●   Submit a separate survey for each of your children enrolled in FCPS. If the survey is not
     completed, your child will not be added to a bus route at the beginning of the school year.
 ●   During the school year, changes to your intent can be made with your school's SIS operator
     if the need for transportation changes or you do not complete this survey. However, please
     note it may take up to five days to update transportation.
 ●   Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated.
 ●   Please see your SIS ParentVue account if you are unsure of your student's ID number.
Health Protocols
 ● Layered prevention strategies
    ○ Promoting vaccination
    ○ Consistent and correct mask use
    ○ Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
    ○ Staying home when sick and getting
    ○ Contact tracing, in combination with
      isolation and quarantine
    ○ Cleaning and disinfection

● Universal masking will be required while on
  buses & on school property (R2019).
● Mask exemption process requires a written
  statement from physician confirmation that
  not wearing a face covering is necessary -
  including documented health conditions AND
  communication impairments, or disabilities.
  Physician's note must be signed.

● 4 lunches, courtyard flexibility later in the fall
● Additional square footage once cafe is
● Masks required when not actively eating and
● Free breakfast and lunch
Positive Covid Cases

 ● Report positive test result or doctor provided
   COVID diagnosis
 ● School initiates a form for positive cases to the
   FCHD to initiate contact tracing
 ● FCHD will contact persons identified as close
   contacts and provides advisement to the school
 ● School communicates with Stakeholder groups
   with information and if necessary, FCHD
   communicates any next steps (quarantine, etc)
Additional Considerations

 ● Classroom seating charts
 ● One-way hall for foot traffic on the main level
 ● Teacher preparation for providing asynchronous
   work through Schoology when temporarily paused
   from instruction
Upcoming Events
                        ●   August 11 & 12th at In-person Cooper Prep
 Laptop Distribution    ●   August 12th from 2-4 PM
                        ●   August 19th from 3-5 PM
                        ●   First Day of School

 Student Orientation   Thursday, August 19th from 9-11 AM

    Open House         Thursday, August 19th from 2-5 PM

 First Day of School   Monday, August 23rd

Back to School Night   Thursday, September 9th (virtual)

                        We will again be hosting a Parent Series that covers a variety of topics. Please
    Parent Series
                               check the weekly News You Choose emails for additional details.
Question Themes

                  What questions
                  might you have
                  about COVID?
Question Themes

                   What questions
                   might you have
                  about instruction?
Question Themes

                   What questions
                   might you have
                  about scheduling
                    & logistics?
Question Themes

                  What questions
                   might you have
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