Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare

Page created by Lillian Flynn
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
December 16, 2021

                               Kronos Outage
FYI                            As you are aware the Kronos payroll issue resolution is still not determinable at this time. We
                               are asking that all managers keep track of their staffs hour (and any bonus pay) manually on the
                               appropriate sheets. (examples below)

                               Please work with you supervisor to ensure your time is entered correctly.

                                                                                              Please direct any questions
                                                                                             about the manual timekeeping
                                                                                                 process to Jon Mace

                               NON EXEMPT:

Our Values are

I ntegrity
                               Due to the outage, tomorrow’s paycheck may be different than what you were expecting (or earned).
C   ompassion                  Please know that the Payroll Dept. is doing everything it can, with the limited information and tools
                               available to them, to insure that you are 1) paid, and 2) that the amount is in the right ballpark. To
A ccountability                achieve this we have had to duplicate the December 2 paycheck. In the coming days and weeks we will
                               work to correct any overages or under payments. We know how critical it is to get everyone a paycheck
                               for tomorrow. Please be understanding and patient with us.
R espect
                               • If you worked approximately the same as last pay period, give or take a few hours, your check will
                                 replicate the December 2 paycheck; adjustments will be made in the future.
E xcellence
                               • If you did not work in the last pay period but did for this period (or are a new hire) we will manually
                                 generate an advance check.
                               Note: Without the calculation tools in Kronos, the payroll dept. will be making approximations of taxes,
The deadline for the next
FYI is December 23             deductions, etc. therefore, your check may still not be exact. Again, adjustments will be made in the
Email:                         coming weeks.

                              Our mission is to enhance health, maximize function and transform lives.
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Your Appearance
 To patients, to co-workers and to visitors. Please
 maintain a professional appearance at all times,
 even on casual Fridays. Ripped, worn or threaded
 jeans are not permitted. Click HERE to see our
 guide on what, and what not, to wear.

 Thank you
The IT Department's Applications
team has moved across the street to
Woodside House

It's Getting Cold
   Out There...
Order your Gaylord Gear Today!
             Click Here
                                                            Gaylord In
                                                             The News
                                                      Check out the intranet homepage for
                                                      the latest in Gaylord media coverage.

                                                                                          page 2
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Tune in to CPTV CUTLINE:
          Hope, Heroes and Feats of

     December 16, 8 p.m.
         Watch Greg Whitehouse’s
           story - from illness,
          recovery, to Gauntlet

     Featuring Dr. Hongmei Wang
            and CJ Connors

Good Morning America Features Gaylord Patient's Recovery
                                                                        A thankful 25-year-old Gaylord patient’s COVID
                                                                        recovery was recently highlighted nationally on Good
                                                                        Morning America.

                                                                        Glenn Merritt III contracted the virus several weeks
                                                                        before his age group became eligible for the vaccine
                                                                        and now serves as a beacon to young and vaccine-
                                                                        hesitant people to “take the virus seriously.”

                                                                        Jackie Skirkanich, PTA and Madeline Murgatroyd,
                                                                        OTR/L were both prominently featured in video
                                                                        footage throughout the clip.

Although the clip was not publicly posted online, you can email publicist Joy Savulak to
watch a recorded clip of the segment.

    December           January 2022              February                      March                        April                        May
      Craft Fair       Casual for Causes     National Heart Month         National Brain Injury      National Occupational    Better Speech & Hearing Month
    December 16                                                            Awareness Month              Therapy Month
                                           National Psychology Month                                                             Stroke Awareness Month
   Casual for Causes                                                   National Social Work Month   Patient Experience Week
     December 17                               Casual for Causes                                                                 National Hospital Week
                                                                           Casual for Causes           Casual for Causes
   Casual for Causes                                                                                                                  Nurses' Week
     December 31
                                                                                                                                    Casual for Causes

                                                                                                                                                          page 3
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
                                                                                                    Service Awards
                                                                                                 Congratulations to the following

            HIPAA Reminder
                                                                                                   employees for their years of
                                                                                                       service to Gaylord:

                                                                                                           25 YEARS
                                                                                                         Ann E. Dwyer
All of our patients deserve to have their privacy                                                       Care Management
protected. Inappropriate access or disclosure of patient
information not only puts our patients’ privacy at risk
it also puts our organization at risk. This message is a                                                   15 YEARS
reminder that access to a patient record is on a need-                                                     Karen Dube
to-know basis only.

HIPAA Privacy Guidelines as well as State and                                                              10 YEARS
other regulatory agencies restrict access to patient                                                  Vincent Papotto
information unless you need information in order to                                                 Environmental Services
perform your job. Unless you are directly involved in
the care of a patient, do not access information or
discuss the care of a patient outside of your own job
                                                                                                            5 YEARS
                                                                                                       Barbara Bova
responsibilities.                                                                                Outpatient Speech Therapy

*Inappropriate access by a staff member to a medical                                                     Lysette Gabriel
record may result in termination of employment.*                                                         Nursing Services

Please refer to Administrative Policy 2.600-                                                         Abigail Hull-Gulotta
                                                                                                  Inpatient Physical Therapy
B.02 SUBJECT: HIPAA Confidentiality for further
clarification of our policy.                                                                             Jordan Davis
http://portal/policies/Administrative/2-600-B-02.docx                                               Information Technology

Thank you for doing your part to meet the privacy                                                     Andrew McIsaac
                                                                                                  Cromwell Physical Therapy
requirements as well as to protect the privacy of our
patients. Please contact Craig or Tracey if you have any                                                 Evelyn Bykowski
questions or concerns.                                                                                   Nursing Services

Craig Stearns: CIO & Compliance Officer
Tracey Nolan: Privacy Officer

       June                    July               August                September                            October
  National Aphasia         Legacy Week         Casual for Causes    National Rehabilitation        National Physical Therapy Month
  Awareness Month                                                     Awareness Week
                        Employee of the Year                                                       National Case Management Week
  Casual for Causes                                                National Spinal Cord Injury
                                                                       Awareness Month              National Respiratory Care Week
 Gaylord Golf Classic
      June 20                                                      Complex Rehab Technology            National Pharmacy Week
                                                                      Awareness Week
  Gaylord Gauntlet                                                                                    Infection Prevention Week
      June 25

                                                                                                                                     page 4
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Casual for Causes:
                Near Misses:                                                   December 17
                Heroic Efforts From Our Safety-Minded Staff
                                                                                                  Friday, December 17, 2021
                                                                                                  is a CFC and the featured
A near miss is an event that might have resulted in harm but the problem did                      organization is:
 not reach the patient because of timely intervention by our amazing staff.
                                                                                                  Gaylord Special
                                                                                                  Needs Fund
 The Safety Coaches have chosen to recognize the
 following Near Miss for October: Tracy Houle, Wound
                                                                               The Wilbur Goff Memorial Special Needs
 APRN submitted an RL after discovering the incorrect
                                                                               Fund was started in 2001 for patients who have
 label on a medication to be used for the treatment of
                                                                               experienced a life-altering accident or sudden
 a wound. Tracy’s Attention to Detail and use of our
 CHAMP tool: STAR-Stop, Think, Act, and Review                                 illness and have lost essential items important
 prevented potential harm to the patient.                                                                            to them.
                                                                                  Employees need a Casual Gaylord
 Submitting RLs are an effective safety learning tool that                        for Causes sticker or              patients
 allow for process improvement.                                                   button to indicate their           often require
                                                                                  participation.                     replacement
                                                                                                                     or purchase
                                                                                  Stickers can be
                                                                                                                     of items
                                                                                  purchased for $2 in
                                                                                  the Cafeteria, Human               lost during
                                                                                  Resources, Jackson 2               a health
                                                                                  Outpatient, North Haven, crisis. Some
                                                                                  Cheshire and Cromwell.             items are
                                                                                                                     to the
                                                                               patient’s rehabilitation, ultimate return home
                                                                               and maximizing their function. Examples of
 We would like to thank the following individuals for
                                                                               these items include clothing suitable for physical
 submitting a Near Miss in the month of October:
                                                                               therapy in a co-ed gym, specialized wheelchair
                                                                               cushions to prevent pressure wounds,
   •    Tracy Houle                    •    Tawana Mazzera
                                                                               transportation to and from outpatient therapy,
   •    Todd Belcourt (2)              •    Claudia Napiorkowska
   •    Stephanie Bonaldo              •    Elizabeth Spataj (2)
                                                                               and small modifications to their homes for
   •    Brittany Brown                 •    Jonna Tomasello                    accessibility. The Special Needs Fund at Gaylord
   •    Patricia Haskell               •    Stephen Verdolino                  was created to address these unexpected needs
   •    Martha Mencseli                                                        on behalf of our patients. Each year dozens
                                                                               of patients need some amount of financial
Thank you to everyone for your hard work and attention to detail!              assistance to support their rehabilitation or
                                                                               return home. These expenses range from $50,
                                                                               to over $1,000 depending on the need. Gaylord
                                                                               staff will help patients get personal items
       Follow Gaylord Specialty Healthcare on Facebook!                        replaced, and recommend our Special Needs specialtyhealthcare                            Fund after health and other insurance decline
                                                                               the patient’s request.
       Gaylord is also on YouTube.

       Follow Gaylord on Twitter.

                                                                                                                              page 5
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Did you know? Forms that are entered into the
medical record MUST be approved by the Forms
Committee. If you are unsure if a form will need to
be entered into the medical record, please defer to       Please direct all
Tracey Nolan.
                                                           media inquiries
Some examples of forms that DO NOT need                     to the Public
approval are:
• EVS tracking forms                                    Relations Department
• Department use only forms                                  at ext. 2881.
• Community provider check sheet

All approved forms require the Gaylord Hospital,             Thank you!
Inc. name or logo. We cannot use Gaylord Specialty
Healthcare, Gaylord Specialty Healthcare | Hospital,
Outpatient or PT on forms that are entered into the
medical record. It is important to identify if a form
is included in the medical record when requesting
a new form or revisions from PR or administrative        for all emergencies dial
support staff.                                                  3399

                                                                                    page 6
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
2021 Annual
Window Painting
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Craft Fair
   December 16
  Jackson Lobby
    9 am - 4 pm

                  page 8
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
December 1-20
PAPER GOODS                                      The following wish list items are needed:

                                                      • Paper plates
                                                      • Paper bowls
                                                      • Plastic forks, knives and spoons
                                                      • Food storage containers – family size (GLADWARE, ZIPLOC)
                                                      • Disinfectant wipes
   to benefit                                         • Antibacterial hand soap in pump bottles

                                         Bins will be located in Cheshire, Cromwell, North Haven,
                                         Jackson lobby, the cafeteria and in Brooker lobby.

                                                                      Contact James Russo

           Gift Card Drive                                                             to benefit
                                     December 1-20
                Cards needed for the teens CAFAF serves:
                           Clothing and good stores, such as:
                                          • Best Buy
                                          • TJ Maxx
                                          • Marshalls
                                          • Justice
                  Contact James Russo     • GameStop
                                         *no restaurants, please*

                Please drop off gift cards at the following locations:
                • Cammy Nigro’s office- Brooker 102
                • Jackson Security
                • For PT locations, bring to Laura Sarvay, Andrew McIsaac or Phil Silverio

                                                                                                                   page 9
Kronos Outage - Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
BLOOD DRIVE    Sponsored by:

  DEC 29
      To schedule an appointment call:
              1-800-RED CROSS
 or visit: Gaylord
                       SUPPORT GROUP
Inpatients, outpatients, and community members welcome!
This support group is designed for individuals living with a brain injury. Caregivers, friends,
and family are welcome and encouraged to join. This group is open to all ages. Join us for
open group discussions on a variety of topics and opportunities for peer support!
*Brain injuries may include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), anoxic injuries, concussion, stroke, or any other
forms of brain damage*

          When:                                              Contact:
          2nd Thursday of every month                        For the ZOOM link or if you have any
                                                             questions, please contact:
                                                             Kaila Morin, PT, DPT
          Via ZOOM
          (email for the link)            (203) 284-2800 ext. 3614
          5-6 p.m.
Do you know anyone who
is looking for the following jobs:
                    36 or 24 hour Respiratory
                       Therapist on Nights
                            Refer them to Gaylord and you could receive a

          $2,000 referral bonus!
*external hire with (6) months or more experience : $500 net upon hire; $750 net at 6 months; $750 net at 1 year

Eligible employees include staff level employees, supervisors, and managers, unless in own department. Bonus payout is only for external hires. Referring employee’s name must be listed at the time the
           application is submitted to be eligible for the payout. Referred and referring staff member must be employed at the time of payout for referring employee to be eligible for payouts.

    Check out the intranet homepage for more information.
Do you know anyone who
is looking for the following jobs:

                  Environmental Services
                     Food & Nutrition

                Refer them to Gaylord and you could receive a

$500 net referral bonus
                                *external hire : $250 upon hire; $250 after intro period

  Eligible employees include staff level employees, supervisors, and managers, unless in own department. Bonus payout is only for external hires. Referring employee’s name must be listed at the time the
             application is submitted to be eligible for the payout. Referred and referring staff member must be employed at the time of payout for referring employee to be eligible for payouts.

Check out the intranet homepage for more information.
Please join us for a                            presentation on:
           Presenter:               Date:
                                    Monday, January 10, 2022

                                    12 -1pm, includes Q&A

                                    Discussion will include:
                                     •   What are they, and why they’re important for all ages.
                                     •   How to set up your living will.
                                     •   Assigning a healthcare representative.
Kathy Reilly, RN, MS, ACM-RN
                                     •   Power of attorney considerations.
  Director of Healthcare Advocacy
   Gaylord Specialty Healthcare      •   Appointing a conservator.

                                     For login information, RSVP to

                                                                                          page 10
December’s Safety Habit:
                    Handoff                                  COACH’S
                   Effectively                                 Corner

             Handoff Effectively                                         SBAR to Transfer Information

   We provide effective handoffs of                              An outline for planning and communicating information
   patients, tasks and materials to ensure                       about a patient condition or any other issue or problem
   understanding and ownership
                                                                 First, introduce yourself and who is involved – the patient,
                                                                 employee or family member. Then provide the following,
   Effective Handoffs:                                           ensuring you say the highlighted words:
   ■ Must occur prior to a change in a care
    provider or project owner
   ■ May be for an entire shift or part of a shift
                                                                          SITUATION                       ASSESSMENT
                                                                    The bottom line (diagnosis,    What is happening now? (current
   ■ Involve interactive, direct communications                     current condition, problem)      findings, needs, concerns)
    between care providers or project owners
                                                                        BACKGROUND                   RECOMMENDATION
   ■ Should minimize distractions                                       What do you know?           What is next? (recommendation or
   ■ Should follow a standardized process                           (medical history, past tests or     request for plan of care)
    specified by the department/service                                     treatments)
   ■ Should use a checklist
                                                                       Always check to see if either party has any questions.

                                                    SBAR – Clinical Example
                                                “Hi, this is Steve calling from 3 West…

                          SITUATION             Lucy Jones needs special transport to diagnostic imaging – we need to ensure
                                                she has continuous monitoring and nursing care during her transport

                    BACKGROUND                  Mrs. Jones has had frequent blood pressure changes over the past 12 hours

                     ASSESSMENT                 I’m concerned about her vitals and the potential for falls due to a syncopal

          RECOMMENDATION                        Maintain continuous monitoring and page Dr. Tim Brown at 6-5123 if she
                                                becomes hypotensive or experiences other changes in vital signs during
                                                transport or during the imaging procedure

                                                Do you have any questions?

                                                                                                             Questions about
                                                                    SAFETY           SAFETY                     CHAMP?
                                                                    COACH            STARTS                Ask a Safety Coach. Talk to
                                                                                     WITH ME               a staff member wearing the
                                                                                                               Safety Coach button.
Source: HPI, Healthcare Performance Improvement, LLC.
                                                                                                             Gift Guide
                                                                                                                       Check off your list now +
                                                                                                                      pay later—up to 12 months

 Make your list. Check it twice. Purchasing Power, a benefit offered by your organization, has the
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*Promo valid online only for 15% off your order through 12/1/2021 at 11:59pm PT. . Exclude Select New Product Releases, Brand & Product Specials, Automotive, Vacations, Flooring, Flash Sales, Doorbusters and
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“Purchasing Power” is a registered trademark, of Purchasing Power, LLC. Other trademarks or registered trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.
© 2021 Purchasing Power, LLC. All rights reserved.
We are pleased to offer you an educational series from a trusted industry leader that will provide you with the information
you need to find your own path to financial wellness.

See what you will learn through Prudential Pathways: A Financial Wellness Series.
Prudential Pathways offers practical, down-to-earth information that will help you and your family today, tomorrow, and
beyond. It is designed to give you an understanding of the fundamentals of financial wellness, tips on developing a
retirement savings plan, techniques to protect your assets, and strategies to transfer your accumulated wealth to your heirs.

The seminar series will cover important topics like these:
    g   Setting your financial goals
    g   Protecting your assets through risk management
    g   Investment principles
    g   Healthcare planning
    g   Retirement and asset distribution strategies
    g   Tax strategies
    g   Estate planning strategies
    g   How your benefits fit into your overall financial wellness

Flip Over to Learn More!

                                                       plan toallattend
                                                                   five seminars:
                                                                         all five seminars:
                                                       Prudential Pathways information continuedways
 GREAT STRIDES: Understanding the Fundamentals of Financial                                                                    Jan 11           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
  Don’t miss out! To get the most out of this benefit, plan to attend all five seminars:
 An introduction to financial wellness, including the benefits of living within a budget and
 the variety of savings and investing vehicles available.

 GREAT STRIDES: Understanding the Fundamentals of Financial                                                                    Jan 11           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 FOR THE LONG HAUL: Building Your Road to Retirement                                                                           Jan 18           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 Proven approaches for developing a retirement plan and creating a retirement income
 An  introduction to financial wellness, including the benefits of living within a budget and
 the variety of savings and investing vehicles available.

 AVOID THE ROADBLOCKS: Protecting You and Your Loved Ones                                                                      Jan 26           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 FOR THE LONG HAUL: Building Your Road to Retirement                                                                           Jan 18           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 Techniques to effectively protect assets against predictable and unforeseen
 Proven  approaches for developing a retirement plan and creating a retirement income

 CRUISING ALONG: Getting the Most Out of Your Benefits                                                                         Feb 2            12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 AVOID THE ROADBLOCKS: Protecting You and Your Loved Ones                                                                      Jan 26           12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 Learn how insurance and employee benefits can work together to help maintain
 Techniques to effectively protect assets against predictable and unforeseen
 financial wellness.

 CRUISING ALONG: Getting the Most Out of Your Benefits                                                                         Feb 2            12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 THE JOURNEY CONTINUES: Creating a Solid Plan for the Future                                                                   Feb 9            12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall
 Learn how insurance and employee benefits can work together to help maintain
 financial wellness.
 Raise your awareness of the importance of estate planning strategies. Learn about
 the importance of regular beneficiary reviews and asset consolidation. Gain an
 understanding of common wealth transfer strategies and estate planning pitfalls.

 THE JOURNEY CONTINUES: Creating a Solid Plan for the Future                                                                   Feb 9            12:15-1:00 p.m.                      Brooker Lecture Hall

 Raise your awareness of the importance of estate planning strategies. Learn about
 the importance of regular beneficiary reviews and asset consolidation. Gain an
 understanding of common wealth transfer strategies and estate planning pitfalls.
It’s Easy to Register!

It’s Easy to Register!                                           Click Here to Register

                                                                 Click Here to Register

By providing my phone number, I agree that The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Pruco Securities LLC, Assurance IQ, LLC and their affiliates (“Prudential”) can contact me for marketing purposes by phone
call or text (including with an auto dialer and even if you’ve requested not to be contacted by Prudential or am on a do-not-call/contact list) at the phone number listed above. I understand that consent isn’t necessary to
make an investment or purchase. To arrange a meeting without providing your contact information, call (844) 592-8893.

These seminars are not intended to market or sell any specific products or services. Offering these seminars does not constitute an endorsement by the employer of Prudential products or services in any way.
You should consult with your employer regarding your specific plan benefits. The speaker of the seminar is a registered representative of Pruco Securities, LLC (Pruco), a Prudential Financial company.
Prudential and its representatives do not give legal or tax advice. Please consult your own advisors regarding your particular situation.
By providingthe
Prudential,    myPrudential
                   phone number,
                             logo, Ithe
                                     agree that
                                        Rock    The Prudential
                                             symbol            Insurance
                                                     and Prudential      Company
                                                                     Pathways  are of America,
                                                                                   service     Pruco
                                                                                           marks     Securities LLC,
                                                                                                  of Prudential      Assurance
                                                                                                                 Financial, Inc.,IQ,
                                                                                                                                       itsand  theirentities,
                                                                                                                                           related   affiliatesregistered
                                                                                                                                                                 (“Prudential”) canjurisdictions
                                                                                                                                                                          in many   contact me for marketing purposes by phone
call or text (including with an auto dialer and even if you’ve requested not to be contacted by Prudential or am on a do-not-call/contact list) at the phone number listed above. I understand that consent isn’t necessary to
make an investment or purchase. To arrange a meeting without providing your contact information, call (844) 592-8893.

These seminars are not intended to market or sell any specific products or services. Offering these seminars does not constitute an endorsement by the employer of Prudential products or services in any way.
Jump start 2022 with Adaptive Boxing!
4-WEEK SERIES STARTING JANUARY 6, 2022                                       THURSDAYS                        CLASSES HELD VIRTUALLY
    Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27                                     2:00PM - 3:00PM                           VIA ZOOM

  PROGRAM INFORMATION                                                       REGISTRATION
  Join us for our newest virtual fitness program – Adaptive Boxing!         This program is organized by Gaylord Sports Association,
  This is not your ordinary boxing workout – this is a fun and fast         an adaptive sports program at Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
  paced cardio workout for all abilities. Everyone will participate         in Wallingford, CT. We serve adults ages 16 and up with a
  at their own pace and no equipment is necessary. The class                physical disability or visual impairment, including veterans.
  will challenge you both mentally and physically as you learn              There is no cost to attend this program. Pre-registration is
  different boxing moves and sequences. Each class is 45 minutes            required. To register, please use the link in the QR code, call us
  and includes a warm-up, stretching, boxing and cardiovascular             at 203-284-2772 or email
  exercises. Benefits of participation include cardiovascular
  development, hand-eye coordination, memory, strengthening and
  conditioning, mobility, confidence and stress-relief. Classes will be
  held virtually on Zoom.

                                   MEET THE INSTRUCTOR
                                   Pierre Fallot has over 8 years of
                                   boxing and kickboxing experience
                                   training individuals and groups
                                   of all ages. He has worked               The Gaylord Sports Association is dedicated to improving the lives
                                   with individuals of all abilities        of individuals with physical disabilities through adaptive sports and
                                   and skill levels including those         recreation.
                                   with Parkinson’s, Autism, SCI,
                                   TBI and more. Pierre resides
                                   in Connecticut and trains I
                                   Can Adaptive Boxing classes
                                   nationally.                                                THANK YOU TO OUR
                                                                                              PROGRAM SPONSOR:

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