Largo Public Library I N E - News Events Stories

Largo Public Library I N E - News Events Stories
April/May 2021
Vol. 4 No. 3

Largo Public Library
                  M   A   G   A   Z   I

                 News • Events • Stories
                                          N   E
Largo Public Library I N E - News Events Stories
Be the Change
 From the                                                                                                                                                                   At the heart of every organization is a group of hard-working people that pour their
                                                                                                                                                                            souls into their work, and they don't even get paid for it. These people are known as
 Library                                                                                                                                                                    Volunteers. At the City of Largo and the Largo Public Library our volunteers are truly
 Director                                                                                                                                                                   appreciated. Every year we get to honor our volunteers for everything they've done
                                                                                                                                                                            and our Adult Volunteer Coordinator, Mitzi, and Teen Volunteer Coordinator, Merissa,
                                                                                                                                                                            go all out planning elaborate, themed events. While this year's festivities may look

                                                                                             5                                                                      7
                                                                                                                                                                            a little different, our gratitude reaches just as far. This past year has been especially
                                                                                                                                                                            tough with most of our adult volunteers having to stay at home and our teen volun-

                                                                                                                                                                            teers working virtually. Our bookstore volunteers have been real troopers, making
                                                                                                                                                                            sure the bookstore stays open while still running mini book sales to raise money for
    f you’re looking for something                                                                                                                                          the library. The teen volunteers have been truly amazing, creating virtual program-
creative and engaging to do, look no                                                                                                                                        ming, charitable drives, and conducting their meetings via Zoom. We're proud to
                                                                                                                                                                            have a group of such empowered young people to call ours. We also can't forget our          Teen Library Council (TLC)
further than the library. Innovative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    members Kayla Nguyen, Katie
                                                                                                                                                                            Pinellas Genealogy Society volunteers who have been running all of their programs
thinking doesn’t just happen. It                                                                                                                                            virtually since last summer with much success! Thank you to all of our volunteers and       Quach, and Ken Quach.
takes time to learn a skill, explore                                                                                                                                        we hope in the coming months we get to see you all again in person.
new interests, and find success                                                                                                                                             The City of Largo will be holding a drive through, contact-less event for all of our City   See more about TLC's
in those pursuits. The creative                                                                                                                                             volunteers Friday, April 16, 6pm-8pm at the Community Center. There will be music,          Charitable Drives on page 7.
programs at the library help make                                                                                                                                           decorations, and every volunteer will receive a special swag bag as a Thank You!

                                                                                       11                                                                     14
this exploration easy and fun. It’s
amazing to me how people have
embraced take home crafts for kids
and adults, and virtual programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                          NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK
that educate and entertain. This
month’s lineup is as inspiring as
ever. Library staff strives to keep           Contents                                                                                                                       This year we will celebrate National Library Week from April 4, 2021 through April 10, 2021. The American Library
                                                                                                                                                                             Association has chosen this year's theme as Welcome to Your Library, as it "promotes the idea that libraries
                                                                                                                                                                             extend far beyond the four walls of a building – and that everyone is welcome to use their services." (,
programs fresh and on trend despite                                                                                                                                          2021). Actress Natalie Portman will serve as the 2021 National Library Week Honorary Chair. Natalie is a lifelong
the limitations of the times. I hope          Be the Change ..................................................................................................... 3
                                                                                                                                                                             book lover and shares what she is reading on her Instagram feed using #WhatNatReads. Since our beginning and
you will indulge yourself at one of           Adult Programs ...............................................................................................4-5              throughout this past year, Largo Public Library has been not only providing information to all that enter, either
our many program opportunities                                                                                                                                               physically or virtually, but building community. We strive to always meet the needs of our patrons no matter what
and give yourself some time to be             Community Outreach ..................................................................................... 6                     comes our way. From pivoting our programming to provide online options to revamping our hours and cleaning
innovative. As we celebrate the               English Language Learning ......................................................................... 6                          procedures to provide safe, in-person programs we will always do all we can for our patrons and our community.
105th anniversary of the library, I                                                                                                                                          Don't forget to tag us on social media and use #NationalLibraryWeek and #LibrariesTransform during April 4-10,
marvel at our longevity and how               Teen Scene .............................................................................................................7      2021 and show your love for Largo Public Library.
we’ve adapted over the years. Thank           Gallery 120 ............................................................................................................. 8
you for making the library a resilient
community hub!                                Technology and Digital Learning ...........................................................8-9
                                              eResources and Databases .......................................................................... 9
                                              Children’s Programs ................................................................................... 10-11
                                              Genealogy ...................................................................................................... 12-13
                                              Friends of the Largo Library ........................................................................14
                                              Greater Largo Library Foundation ............................................................15
                                                                                                                                                                                                        SPECIAL EVENTS: On the Cover
                                                                                                                                                                            On April 7, 2021 the Largo Public Library turns 105 years old. The original library opened its doors, in the Largo
                                                                                                                                                                            Town Hall, on April 7, 1916 after a campaign headed up by the Largo Woman's Club to obtain the books and
                                                                                                                                                                            building materials. Since that time we have occupied three other buildings. The library that opened in 1962 was
                                                                                                                                                                            estimated to contain 14,000 books, the 1977 library had 30,000 volumes when it first opened and over 250,000
                                                                      L I B R A R Y                              H O U R S                                                  after the building's expansion in 1989, and, of course, the beautiful building we call home today where we had
        Find Us Online!                                                  Closed: Memorial Day | Mon | May 31                                                                almost 700,000 checkouts in 2020. Now, in addition to our physical collection, we have over 70,000 items in our
                                                                                                                                                                            digital collection, a Bookmobile, and a Home Delivery service, ensuring that all our patrons can enjoy the Library
     @LargoPublicLibrary                                  Original Hours                                      Main Building Reduced Hours                                   whether or not they can walk through the doors. The images on the cover represent all four of our libraries over
                                                       Mon - Wed | 9am - 8pm                                       Mon | 10am - 7pm                                         the course of our 105 years in the Largo community. During the month of April look for all the special ways we will
               @LargoPublicLibrary                     Thu - Fri | 10am - 6pm                                    Tue - Fri | 10am - 6pm                                     celebrate this monumental occasion.
                                                         Sat | 10am - 5pm                                          Sat | 10am - 5pm
                         @LPLnews                           Sun | Closed                                              Sun | Closed                                          Cover images clockwise from the top: the old camphor tree where Largo residents donated items for the original
                                                                                                                                                                            library, the library from 1962-1977, the present day library tower with our famous tabebuia trees, the present day
                                                                                                                                                                            library at sunrise, the opening ceremony of the 1977 library, the original library from 1916-1962. All images can be
                                                                                                                                                                            found in the Largo Public Library Collection on Pinellas Memory:

2                                        Largo Public Library
                                               M AGA Z I N E
                                                                                       News • Events • Stories                    April/May 2021                                     R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                 3
ADULT PROGRAMS                                                                            ADULT PROGRAMS
  Book Clubs                                                                         Ages 18 and up.                                                                          Ages 18 and up.                                           Book Clubs
   & Events
                                                   Masks and social distancing are required during all in-person programs. Anyone who
                                                   does not have a mask will be provided with one. Masks must be worn appropriately,
                                                    covering both the mouth and nose. Anyone not abiding by the mask policy will be
                                                   asked to leave the program and will not be allowed to register for future programs.
                                                                                                                                            Masks and social distancing are required during all in-person programs. Anyone who
                                                                                                                                            does not have a mask will be provided with one. Masks must be worn appropriately,
                                                                                                                                             covering both the mouth and nose. Anyone not abiding by the mask policy will be
                                                                                                                                            asked to leave the program and will not be allowed to register for future programs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         & Events
                                               R Make a Bookmark Booklight                     R Sew a Quilted Bookcover                   R Cardmaking: Watercolor Flowers              R Make a Bookmark Booklight –
                                               Mon | Apr 5 | 6pm or 7pm                       Wed | Apr 14 | 6pm                           Mon | May 3 | 6pm                            VIRTUAL
Dress Like Your                                                                               Thu | Apr 15 | 3pm                           Make 2 cards with                            Thu | May 13 | 10:30am                                      Two Serpents Rise by Max
Favorite Book Character                                                                       Sew a cover for a book                       watercolors: one                             Follow along as we use LED lights, con-                     Gladstone. This book is
April 4-10                                                                                    or journal. Please bring                     with an embossed                             ductive thread, and basic sewing to make                    an Urban Fantasy book
We’re kicking off National Library Week                                                       2 fat quarters (18" by                       design and one with                          bookmarks to illuminate your reading!                       with complex characters
in style! We invite you to dress like your                                                    22”) of fabric or a 10"                      a stamped design.                            Access information will be emailed to you                   and a plot that centers on
favorite character from a book, post a         LED technology has a number of uses.           by 13" quilted panel                                                                      a week prior. Supply kits will be available                 mythological influences.
selfie on Facebook or Instagram, and           We will use LED lights, conductive thread,     from a previous class.                       R Edible Science Series – VIRTUAL            for pick up May 8, & 10-12 for registered
tag yourself with #LPLBookStyle to             and basic sewing to make bookmarks to                                                       Mon | May 3 | 6pm                            attendees.
enter. We’ll gather up all the entries and     illuminate your reading! You will also be       R The Art of Book Folding – VIRTUAL                                Learn how to use                                                                  Cold Spell by Jackson
cast votes from April 13-16. A prize will      able to decorate your bookmark.                Thu | Apr 15 | 10:30am                                              molecular gastron-    R                                                           Pearce. This book is an
                                                                                                                                                                                           Paint Water Lilies
be awarded to the winner, and there                                                           Learn how to create art                                             omy techniques                                                                    Urban Fantasy with a similar
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mon | May 17 | 6pm
may be additional prizes for costumes           R Paint Along with Bob Ross                   from your used books.                                               for Cinco de Mayo                                                                 writing style to Empire of
                                                                                                                                                                                        Inspired by Claude
that really wow us. Keep an eye on our         Tue | Apr 6 | 6pm                              We’ll be doing a music                                              snacks. Supplies of                                                               Wild and has werewolves.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Monet, create your own
Facebook page, staff costumes will be          Join us for another                            note pattern. Supplies                                              food additives will   impressionistic painting
posted throughout the week for you to          paintalong with the                            will be provided or you                      be provided if you choose the option         of water lilies.
guess the book character.                      iconic Bob Ross.                               can use your own book.                       during registration, for pick up the week                                                                Visions by Kelley Armstrong.
                                               Supplies and guid-                             Online access informa-                       prior. Access information will be emailed     R Sew Palazzo Pants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    This book is a Canadian
                                               ance will be provid-                           tion will be emailed April 8. Registered     by Thursday, April 29.                                                                                   supernatural suspense title.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Wed | May 19 | 6pm                                          Both Empire of Wild and
         Personalized Book Picks               ed as you create a                             attendees: supplies will be ready for pick                                                Thu | May 20 | 3pm
                                                                                              up Saturday, April 10.                        R Etched Glass Candle Holder                                                                            this title deal with missing
      (formerly Reader's Advisory)             beautiful landscape from an episode of                                                                                                   Sew up your own pair
                                               The Joy of Painting.                                                                        Tue | May 4 | 6pm                                                                                        persons.
                                                                                                                                                                                        of pants with a pattern
                                                                                              R Cardmaking:                                Etch a design on a glass
Ever wonder what a librarian would pick                                                                                                                                                 from Finnish designers,                        As you can see there is a wide range
out for you to read? Get a Bespoke Book        R   SHINE: Serving Health Insurance            Abstract & Geometric                         jar, and then tint it with                   Named Patterns. Sewn
                                                                                                                                           your choice of colors,                                                                      of books that could be placed on hold.
Bundle! Just fill out a short form and get     Needs Of Elders                                Mon | Apr 19 | 6pm                                                                        with or without the                            Not every title might be a hit but I would
six books placed on hold just for you!         Wed | Apr 7, 21 & May 5, 19                    Make 2 cards: one                            glitter optional!                            front slit, full-length or                     hope that at least some of them would
                                               If you are celebrating your 65th birthday      with an abstract                                                                          cropped, these pull-on                         spark your interest. I am always happy to
Lets say one of your favorite books of         this year, recently retired, or just want to   design and one with a                         R Intro to 3D Printing – VIRTUAL            pants will put a spring                        receive feedback from any list I send out,
the last few years was Empire of Wild          know more about your healthcare options        geometric repeating design.                  Thu | May 6 | 4pm                            in your step! You will                         too. Fill out the form, get your Bespoke
by Cherie Dimaline. You, in general,           under Medicare, SHINE may be able to                                                        View a demonstration of                      need to provide your own fabric to make        Book Bundle, and let me know how I did
like Urban Fantasy, but found that you         help. SHINE schedules free, unbiased,          R Geometric Candles                          the library's 3D printer                     the pants, please see the online listing for   so that any future books I place on hold
really liked that Empire of Wild had a         and confidential counseling appoint-           Tue | Apr 20 | 6pm                           and learn the basics of                      details.                                       for you are closer to what you’re looking
bleak and suspenseful tone. You also           ments each month through the Largo                             Fold up mold to make a       3D printing. Registered
appreciated that the characters were           Public Library. SHINE volunteers will con-                     geometric candle. Then       attendees: Access infor-                      R Issues That Matter Series:
complex.                                       duct the appointments over the phone                           fill it with your choice     mation will be emailed                       Military Appreciation Month                                        Find your next reads at:
                                               on the date and time you schedule your                         of colored soy wax and       prior to the class.                          Mon | May 24 | 5pm                             
With this information I would place on         appointment.                                                   fragrance.                                                                May is Military
hold:                                                                                                                                       R Felt Flowers – Facebook Live
                                                                                                                                                                                        Appreciation Month! Join
                                               R Color Blocked                                 R Geode Soap                                Mon | May 10 | 6pm                           us as we thank our active
             Gods of Jade and Shadow                                                                                                       Make a flower that will                                                                     Chapter Chat @ Evermore Café
                                               Candles                                        Wed | Apr 21 | 6pm                                                                        service members and
             by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.                                                                                                      never wilt! Use wool felt                                                                   Wed | Apr 14 & May 12 | 5pm
                                               Tue | Apr 13 | 6pm                             Make a bar of soap that                                                                   veterans, by writing thank
             This book has complex             Make a colorful votive                         looks like the inside of                     to make your choice                          you cards. When you register, choose a
             characters and mythological                                                                                                   of flower: rose, peony,                                                                     Apr | Between the World and
                                               candle using soy wax.                          a geode. We'll use melt                                                                   time slot to participate. For the in-person
             influences like Empire of                                                                                                     ranunculus or star                                                                          Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
                                                                                              and pour soap to create                                                                   program option, for Adults 18+, masks
             Wild.                              R Animal Crossing with the Library                                                         succulent. Kits will be                                                                     May | The Burgess Boys
                                                                                              soap crystals, and then                                                                   are required and we will adhere to 6ft
                                                                                                                                           available to pick up starting on May 4th.                                                   by Elizabeth Strout
                                               Wed I April 14, 28 & May 12, 26 I 6pm          you'll add your choice of                                                                 social distancing guidelines. Alternatively,
                                                                        You asked and we      color and fragrance.                                                                      you can pick up a card or coloring sheet
             My Sister, the Serial Killer by                                                                                               R Chinese Brush Painting                                                                    Evermore Café is located at
                                                                        listened! Animal                                                                                                starting May 18 at the drive-thru or inside
             Oyinkan Braithwaite. This                                                                                                     Wed | May 12 | 6pm                                                                          325 West Bay Drive #4B
                                                                        Crossing is for        R  Secret Belgian Bookbinding –                                                          the library, and return it by May 25.
             book has the same writing                                                                                                                                                                                                 Largo, FL 33770
                                                                        everyone and          Facebook Live
             style as Empire of Wild as                                 Biblioteca has        Tue | Apr 27 | 6pm                                                                        R Breadmaking: Focaccia & Pizza –
             well as complex characters.                                                                                                                                                                                               If you feel inclined to join us
                                                                        events for adult      Make a hardback                                                                           Facebook Live                                  email:
                                                                        fans or newbies!      book with the secret                                                                      Tue | May 25 | 6pm                   
                                                                        Come collect fos-     (but surprisingly easy!)                                                                  Learn to make your own
                                               sils, shake some trees, go on a scavenger      Belgian bookbinding                                                                       pizza dough with your
             Darkfever by Karen Marie          hunt, or just hang out with our villagers.     method. The finished                                                                      choice of toppings. If
             Moning. This book is the                                                                                                                                                                                                  Booktalking with Iris
                                               Can't make it or don't have a Switch? No       book can open flat or                                                                     you're already a pizza
             first in a long standing                                                                                                      Use ink and watercolor to paint a cherry                                                    Wed | Apr 14 &
                                               worries! We will be streaming this event       be folded over to use                                                                     pro, try baking focaccia.
             Urban Fantasy series with a                                                                                                   blossom branch on rice paper.                                                               May 12 | 12pm
                                               on our Facebook. Participants will need a      like a notepad. Kits will be available to                                                 Kits with dry ingredients
             bleak and suspenseful tone.                                                                                                                                                                                               Jenkins C
                                               Nintendo Switch, Animal Crossing: New          pick up starting on April 21st.                                                           will be available to pick                      Listen to a talk on popular
                                               Horizons, and a Nintendo Online sub-                                                                                                     up starting on May 19.                         titles each month.
                                               scription in order to visit the island.
                  Continued on page 5...

  4                                             Largo Public Library
                                                           M AGA Z I N E
                                                                                    News • Events • Stories   April/May 2021                            R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                        5
A Second                                 LIBRARY IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD                                                                                                TEEN SCENE                                                             Crafts
    Chance at                             For all the latest information on the Bookmobile and our new service, LibraryHD visit                                                     Ages 12-18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                & Kits
                                                                                                                                                    For more                               R Read Woke Book Club
                                        April 7, 2021 is National Library Outreach Day (formally National Bookmobile Day). This                     Teen Services content,                Mon | Apr 12 & May 10 | 5:30pm-7pm
                                        day celebrates library outreach and the dedicated professionals who are meeting their pa-                   follow us @largoteens!                Apr 12 | Unbroken: 13 sto-
                                        trons where they are. (, 2021). With the Bookmobile, Library Home Delivery, and                                                            ries starring disabled teens

                                        our many events that we attend, we are doing everything we can to bring the library to                                                            by Various Authors                         Games2Go
                                        the community. In honor of this special day we wanted to highlight some of the wonderful
                                        messages our patrons have sent us that let us know we are making an impact.                       Special Events                                  May 10 | Patron Saints of
                                                                                                                                                                                          Nothing by Randy Ribay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Check out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Games2Go kits that
      argo Public Library is offering                                                                                                                                                     Join the RWBC to read
qualified community members the                                                                                                            R Poetry Reading with Isabella                                                            include a mix of
                                        "I just wanted to say thank you again and let you know how much myself and the resi-                                                              and talk about books that                  classic and specialty
opportunity to earn an accredited       dents here really appreciate what you & your team do. I hear residents chatting about             Ramirez, National Student Poet                  explore diverse identities                 tabletop and card
high school diploma (not a GED)         what a great job you guys do at getting them the types of books they want to read."               Mon | Apr 19 | 5pm-6pm                          and experiences! Books                     games to enjoy at
                                                                                 Ryan, REC Regional Connector at Belleair Towers          Join us on Zoom to                              follow the monthly Read
through Career Online High School                                                                                                         celebrate National Poetry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     home. Kits include
                                                                                                                                                                                          Woke themes. Copies to                     3-4 games and check out for 4 weeks. One
(COHS). Part of the world’s first                                  "Many thanks to the Largo Mobile Library team for taking such          Month with speaker                              read and keep are available
accredited, private online school                                                                                                                                                                                                    kit per card. Kits must be checked out at
                                                                   care to deliver books, etc. to us during this time of isolation. You   Isabella Ramirez! Isabella                      to book club members                       the Teen Desk only and are not renewable.
district, COHS is specifically                                     certainly have contributed much to my sanity during this time          is the 2020 National                            while supplies last. Books
designed to re-engage adults into                                  and I greatly appreciate it."                                          Student Poet of the                             recommended for 14+.
                                                                                                             Bonnie, LibraryHD patron     Southeast Region of the                                                                    Take & Make Crafts
the education system and prepare                                                                                                          United States. She will                                                                    Tue | Apr 6, 20 & May 4, 18
them for entry into post-secondary                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pick-Up in the Teen Room
career education or the workforce.
                                        "Thank you so much for providing this new service to library patrons -
                                        it's a lot of extra work for you all, I know. But it's priceless to those of us
                                                                                                                                          give a poetry reading,
                                                                                                                                          then there will be a Q&A session.               Reading Incentive
                                        without a car!
                                                                                               Jean, LibraryHD patron                     Star Wars Week                                  Summer Reading Challenge &
Largo Public Library will award
                                                                                                                                          Mon-Fri | May 3-7                               Beanstack
scholarships for COHS to residents                                                                                                                                                        Summer reading is coming soon!
                                                                                                                                          May the Fourth be
of Pinellas County, ages 19 or          Thank you to ALL of our Outreach patrons, you make it all worth it!                               with you! This week                             Download the Beanstack app to par-
older, looking to earn a high school                                                                                                                                                      ticipate in existing reading challenges    Stop by the Teen Room to pick up a
                                                                                                                                          we’ll celebrate the
diploma and advance their careers.                                                                                                                                                        and get ready for Summer. Follow our       crafting kit to take home! Main supplies
                                                                                                                                          Star Wars universe
                                                                                                                                                                                          Instagram @largoteens to hear about        included. New kits will be available on
Once enrolled, COHS pairs each                                                                                                            with a Baby Yoda Take & Make craft as
                                                                                                                                                                                          upcoming challenges, events, and           select Tuesdays and you can pick them up

                                                    ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING
student with an Academic Coach,                                                                                                           well as coloring sheets, pixel art, and
                                                                                                                                                                                          giveaways.                                 throughout the week while supplies last.
who assists with developing an
individual career plan, offers                                                                                                                                                            Read Woke Reading Challenge                Celebrating Asian-American Pacific
ongoing guidance, evaluates             PCS Adult English Classes                                                                         Virtual Programs                                Aug 1, 2020 – Jun 30, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                          April | Diverse Abilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The second Take & Make Craft in May
performance, and connects the           Mon-Thu
                                        10am-12pm | Beginner                                                                               R Virtual Gaming                               May | Asian American Pacific Islander      will feature art projects designed by AAPI
learner with the resources needed                                                                                                                                                                                                    artists. Unleash your creativity as you learn
                                        12pm-2pm | Intermediate /Advanced                                                                                                                 Voices
to demonstrate mastery of the                                                                                                             Thu | Apr 8, 22 & May 6, 20 |                                                              about JooYoung Choi, Sopheap Pich, and
                                        2pm-4pm | Intermediate/Advanced                                                                                                                   We have a few months left of our Read
course material.                                                                                                                          4pm-5:30pm                                                                                 Janna Añonuevo Langholtz! Pick up a craft
                                        ELL Classroom                                                                                                                                     Woke challenge, but you can earn badg-
                                                                                                                                          Play Jackbox, Among                                                                        bag in the Teen Room starting May 18.
                                        In collaboration with Pinellas County Schools,                                                                                                    es from previous months, too. Sign up
                                                                                                                                          Us, Kahoot trivia, and
Career Online High School is a          this program will help adults speak, write, and                                                                                                   on the Beanstack app to get started!
                                                                                                                                          other games with
                                        read English in a classroom setting. Registration is required and is continuous through-                                                          Read Woke explores social justice issues
program made possible at Largo                                                                                                            us from home in the
                                        out the semester. There is a $45 fee for each six-month term of enrollment. Class size            Virtual Teen Room! You
                                                                                                                                                                                          and marginalized voices at your own        TLC Charitable Drives
Public Library with the help of Lynn                                                                                                                                                      pace. Pick a book and complete the         The Teen Library Council is working with
                                        limited, please call 727.942.9146 or email Naki Angelou at to                   can play or just hang out to watch your
Pippenger. Lynn has fully supported     register.                                                                                                                                         badge by reading and exploring activi-     fellow student charity and nonprofit lead-
the COHS program in 2019 and                                                                                                                                                              ties. Themed book displays and reading     ers to support youth activism, raise aware-
2020. Lynn has been a friend and        English Conversation Club At-Home – VIRTUAL                                                                                                       lists are also available at the Library.   ness, and collect resources for important
                                                                                                                                           R Virtual Kpop Club
major donor for the Largo Public        Tue | 6pm-7:30pm                                                                                                                                                                             equity issues: period poverty and global
                                                                                                                                          Wed | Apr 14 & May 12 | 4pm-5:30pm                                                         youth literacy.
Library for many years. She has         Practice speaking & listening in English. Meet with other English Language learners.
served on the Greater Largo Library     Club meets virtually every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm. Email to
                                                                                                                                          Join us on Zoom to chat about your
                                                                                                                                          biases and favorite songs – and come
                                        receive an email with instructions on how to join.                                                                                                                                           There are two donation bins in the Teen
Foundation Board of Directors as                                                                                                          prepared for Kpop trivia! Groups of the                                                    Room to benefit Pink Power Project and
                                                                                                                                          Month: April: TXT, May: ITZY. Requires          Summer Volunteering
the President, Vice President, and                                                                                                                                                        Applications open April 1-30               Touch the Words.
                                        Citizenship and Naturalization Preparation Classes Online – VIRTUAL                               internet access.
Treasurer, bringing her accounting      Mon | 6pm-8pm                                                                                                                                     Limited Positions
                                                                                                                                                                                          We’re looking for motivated teen vol-      Pink Power Project bin: Juniors' cloth-
expertise to the Foundation.            Wed | 6pm-8pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ing in good condition. Please wash/iron
                                        Do you want to become a U.S. Citizen? We can                                                                                                      unteers to help our Teen Services team
                                                                                                                                                                                          this summer! Priority given to teens       clothes as needed before placing them in
                                        help! Prepare for the naturalization process with
If you are interested in applying,                                                                                                                                                        looking to lead recurring online events    the donation bin. Clothes are donated or
                                        online instructions in Civic & U.S. History and
please go to:                                                                                                                                                                             or clubs. Some ideas include: leading      sold to support local food/supply pan-
                                        practice for the interview. Classes are taught by                                                                                                                                                          D&D campaigns, gaming programs,            tries. Hygiene items in original packaging:
                                        Learning Empowered instructors.
                                                                                                                                                                                          creative writing groups, fan/chess/        period products, deodorant, razors, toilet
                                        Register at:
                                                                                                                                                                                          cooking clubs, promoting reading and       paper, toothbrushes, soap, hand sanitizer.
                                        For more info: 727.244.9301 or citizenship3@
                                                                                                                                                         designing book lists, etc. Apply online
                                                                                                                                                                                          at to pitch   Touch the Words bin: Books for youth and
                                                                                                                                                                                          your ideas!                                young adults in good condition in English,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spanish and other languages.

6                                       Largo Public Library
                                                  M AGA Z I N E
                                                                              News • Events • Stories       April/May 2021                              R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                      7
Gallery                             Technology & Digital Learning                                                                Technology & Digital Learning                                                                    Did You
     120                                   Learn basic computer skills, programs, and ways to connect virtually through social
                                              media. Discover how to use the devices that make our everyday lives easier.
                                                Masks will be required for all in-person programs. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                       Learn basic computer skills, programs, and ways to connect virtually through social
                                                                                                                                          media. Discover how to use the devices that make our everyday lives easier.
                                                                                                                                            Masks will be required for all in-person programs. Registration required.                 Know?
                                                                                                                                      ANDROID                                       TECHNOLOGY
                                       BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS                           SOCIAL MEDIA
       April & May                     No prerequisite                                 Prerequisite: Have active                      Prerequisite: Have email ad-                  No prerequisite                              Find car repair, maintenance, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 recall information for free with
    Fabio Lopez                        R  Email & Internet
                                                                                       email account and password                     dress, username, password,
                                                                                                                                      and bring your own device.                    R  Color Your Reality: Experience            your Largo Public Library card.
                                                                                        RIntro to Facebook Marketplace                                                              Augmented Reality                            Access the Chilton database at
                                       Wed | Apr 14 | 3pm                                                                              R Android Phones for Beginners 2             Thu | Apr 1 | 4pm
                                       Set up an email account, send and re-           Wed | Apr 7 | 3pm                                                                                                                then choose
 Mr. Lopez is excited to show his                                                                                                     Tue | Apr 6 | 3pm                             Relax, color, and learn about augmented      eBranch and select Databases.
                                       ceive messages, and acquire the skill set                                                                                                    reality technology. Bring your own device
work at Gallery 120 for the months                                                                                                    Learn more basics for your Android                                                         Choose Chilton from the alphabetized
                                       to comfortably cruise online.                                                                                                                (smartphone or tablet) and app store
 of April and May. He specializes                                                                                                     phone including email and apps. Bring                                                      list and log in with your LPL card
                                                                                                                                      your own device, as well as account login     login information.
 in acrylic paintings from nature;     R Amazon/eBay/PayPal                                                                                                                                                                      number. Use the drop-down menus to
                                                                                                                                      information (passwords, usernames).
 birds, flowers, pets, and the like.   Wed | Apr 28 | 3pm                                                                                                                            R Estate Planning:                          select the make, model, and year of
                                       Learn how to create accounts and discov-        Explore Facebook Marketplace and learn
                                                                                                                                      R Android Tablets for Beginners               Get Your Digital House in Order              your vehicle.
                                       er how these online entities can work for       how to make the most of this helpful
                                                                                       online resource.                               Tue | May 4 | 3pm                             Tue | Apr 20 | 3pm
                                                                                                                                                                                    Learn tips for preparing ahead to erase
                                        R Financial Accounts Online
                                                                                                                                                                                    your “digital footprint.” Basic overview
                                                                                       APPLE                                                                                        for planning for your online account man-
                                       Wed | May 19 | 3pm                                                                                                                           agement, when you no longer can. This
                                       Investigate how to                                                                                                                           class is not providing legal advice.
                                       set up a bank account                           Prerequisite: Have Apple ID
                                       online, and learn                               and password                                                                                  R Break Up with Your Cable (& hoopla
                                       about apps for paying
                                       bills online. We’ll also                                                                                                                     Basics)                                      Start a garden or refresh your
                                                                                        R Getting to Know Your MacBook                Bring your Android tablet and learn the
                                       cover safety recommendations.                                                                                                                Tue | May 11 | 3pm                           landscaping! Find information using
                                                                                       Thu | Apr 8 | 3pm                              basics from adding apps and navigating        Learn cost-saving options for alternatives
                                                                                       Get to know your MacBook better by             your device, in this hands-on class. Please   to cable, to stream TV shows and movies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Gardening, Landscaping, and
                                       R Exploring Community Resources
                                                                                       learning fun and useful tips on what it can    bring your account information with you       Also, learn how to use the library eRe-      Horticulture Collection. Access the
                                       Wed | May 26 | 3pm                              do, as well as lots                            (email address, usernames, passwords).                                                     database at
                                                                                                                                                                                    source hoopla, to access free movies, TV
                                                                                       of smart and easy                                                                            shows, eBooks, music and more with your      then choose eBranch and select
                                                                                       shortcuts. Bring                                                                             library card.                                Databases. Choose the gardening
                                                                                       your questions!                                                                                                                           database from the alphabetized list
                                                                                        R Apple Watch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and login with your PPLC library card

                                                                                                                                                eResources                        & Databases                                    number. Don't forget to check out a
                                                                                       Thu | May 6 | 3pm
                                       Learn about and connect with resources          In this class, learn new and fun ways to                                                                                                  Gardening Mindfulness Kit available
                                       for all kinds of help and assistance, in-       use your Apple Watch. We will look at                                                                                                     at the Circulation Desk.
                                       cluding our library, our government, and        text size, screen shots, sending text mes-      Largo Public Library’s eResources include eBooks, downloadable/streaming music,
                                       some nonprofit agencies right here in our       sages, the Fitness and Workout Apps,              eAudiobooks, movies, and more. The research databases cover various subjects
                                       community.                                      and more. Questions welcome!                     including business and investing, health information, car repair, and author/book
                                                                                                                                      read-alikes. These introductory classes are typically hands-on learning; you can bring
                                                                                        R Intermediate iPads 1 & 2                   your own device, if you have one. The classes are held in the Jenkins Community Wing
                                       MICROSOFT                                       Thu | Apr 15 | 3pm                                   unless otherwise noted. Masks will be required for all in-person programs.
                                                                                       Thu | May 13 | 3pm
                                                                                                                                     R Get Down to Business: Learn Library Databases
                                       No prerequisite                                 Take better pictures,
                                                                                       multi-task, speak text,                       Tue | Apr 13 | 3pm
                                       R                                               tips for group FaceTime,                      Join us for an overview of the library’s business databases. With your library card you
                                           Basic Word
                                                                                       Safari, Notes, plus a lot                     have access to free resources to: find jobs, learn how to start your own business, ac-
                                                  Wed | Apr 21 | 3pm
                                                                                       more!                                         cess a resume building tool, locate businesses, and get stock analyst tips for investing.   Keep up with pop culture! From
                                                  Create a document, copy &
                                                  paste, change the font, save                                                                                                                                         , choose
                                                                                        R                                             R eBooks and More!: Learn Libby - VIRTUAL                                                  eBranch then Databases. Select the
                                                  & print.                                Intermediate iPads 3
                                                                                       Thu | Apr 22 | 3pm                            Mon | Apr 19 | 6pm                                                                          Pop Culture Studies database and
                                       R   Basic PowerPoint                            Thu | May 20 | 3pm                            Follow along and learn how to use the Libby app on your                                     login with your library card number.
                                                   Wed | May 5 | 3pm                   All-new tips & shortcuts for text messag-     Android tablet/phone or iPad/iPhone. Find eBooks or eMaga-
                                                   Create presentations for work       es, Maps, Calendar, Email, Notes, and a       zines to read, or listen to eAudiobooks. Have your device and
                                                   or school, slideshows for spe-      bunch more! Questions encouraged!             library account information (card and PIN) with you.
                                                   cial events.
                                                                                        R                                             R Health Information: Learn Library Databases
                                                                                         Intermediate iPhones 2
                                       R   Basic Excel                                 Thu | Apr 29 | 3pm                            Tue | May 25 | 3pm
                                                    Wed | May 12 | 3pm                 Thu | May 27 | 3pm                            Access free, credible health information with your Largo Public Library card. Learn how
                                                    Basic introduction to spread-      Learn new & fun iPhone tips! Bring your       to find information on diseases and conditions, prescription drug information through
                                                    sheets and making a simple         questions!                                    the library databases.

8                                       Largo Public Library
                                                   M AGA Z I N E
                                                                            News • Events • Stories    April/May 2021                             R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                     9
At-Home                                                 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS                                                                                                                                                               Reader's
                                                                                                                                               Take-Home                                          At-Home & Virtual
Book Clubs                                         Ages 12 and under. Children's programs for the months of April and May will be              Tuesdays:
                                                                                                                                               School-Age Craft

& Storytimes
                                                   held online. For programs that require registration, please register online or call
                                                                                                                                               Programming                                      ASL Online
                                                                                                                                                                                                Mon | Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 &                         Spring
                                                  Reading Incentive
                                                                                                                                                                                                May 3, 10, 17, 24 | 10:30am
                                                                                               Games2Go, Junior                                During the months of April and May,              Learn American Sign Language from
For the months of April and May, all                                                           Sad that you can’t come into the library        all school-age programming will be a             home! Join Ms. Tasha each week to learn          Check out these titles related to Spring
children’s book clubs will be a simplified                                                     and play Lucky Ducks or Candyland with          simplified at-home edition. There will be        a new category of signs such as colors,          available here, at your local library. Some
at-home edition. There will be no in-per-                                                      your little one? We are now offering kits       three different craft activity kits avail-       numbers, or the ABC’s! These videos              titles are also available as eBooks through
son or online meet-ups, however you can         Read for rewards! To encourage children        of board and card games for check out.          able weekly, starting on Tuesdays, as            are made in partnership with the Deaf            Libby/Overdrive and/or hoopla. Ask a
always email us at       to read all year long, we have a few dif-      Games are grouped by age ranges and             noted below. The following week, you             Literacy Center and are geared towards           staff member for more information.
with any questions or to share pictures of      ferent options for you. Both options will      you are able to check out one per library       can join our staff online for step-by-step       children but all ages are encouraged to
                                                run through May 29, 2021. Stop by the          card for two weeks at a time. Come on in        instructions at the date and time listed
your book club activities. Packets for all                                                                                                                                                      participate.                                     Picture Books
Book Clubs will be available on Tuesdays,       Children's Department for more details         to check out our selection!                     on your kit. Instructions on where to find
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Spring Blossoms
as noted below. Adhere to the age               on either of these programs.                                                                   the videos will be provided in each kit.          R Tween Reads ARC Club | Ages 8-12              by Carole Gerber
guidelines listed. Registration is limited                                                     Pages of Largo                                  The activities are designed for children
                                                                                                                                                                                                Tue | Apr 6, 13 & May 4, 11                      Goodbye Winter, Hello
to 2 book clubs per family per week. Any                                                       In these journals we encourage you to be        ages 5-12, but if you have any questions
                                                                                                                                                                                                Want to read brand new books before              Spring by Kenard Pak
additional registrations will be canceled.                                                     creative, use your imagination, and ex-         or want to share pictures of your craft
                                                                                                                                                                                                they are even published?! Want to get            And Then It’s Spring
Registrations can be made online or by                                                         press yourself! Each journal has a partic-      activities, you can always email us at
                                                                                                                                                                                                exclusive free books to keep? Introducing        by Julie Fogliano
calling 727.587.6715.                                                                          ular theme and filling the pages will be a Registration is
                                                                                                                                                                                                the Tween Reads ARC Club! Read and
                                                                                               collective effort of children in the Pinellas   limited to 3 craft kits per family per week.
                                                Beanstack                                                                                                                                       review brand new books before they are           Beginning Readers
                                                                                               County community.                               Any additional registrations will be can-
                                                On Beanstack, there are two challenges                                                                                                          even printed for the public. How it works:       The Busy Spring by Carl Emerson
                                                                                                                                               celed. Registrations can be made online
                                                based on your child's age. Our Mini                                                                                                             register for a packet, pick up your packet       The Sound of Spring by David Lewman
                                                                                               Tender Totes                                    or by calling 727.587.6715.
                                                Bookworms Reading Challenge for Pre-                                                                                                            from the library, read the book, review it       Springtime Blossoms by Jerdine Nolen
                                                Readers is designed for ages 0-5 and our       These kits cover a variety of topics such                                                        using the form in the packet, drop off the
                                                                                                                                               R Apr 6 | Yarn Looming, Spring Crafts,
                                                Every Day Readers Book Challenge is            as grief, dealing with emotions, different                                                       review form or email it to us, and keep          Chapter Books
                                                                                               kinds of families, and other topics that        Paper Plate Calla Lily
                                                designed for ages 5-12. Both programs                                                                                                           the book as a thank you! ARC copies can          Fluffy and Freckles
                                                allow you to log your reading, submit          may seem difficult to talk to children                                                           be very limited so registration numbers          by Ellen Miles
                                                                                                                                               R Apr 13 | Unicorn Matchbox
                                                book reviews, and complete activities to       about. Each kit has books, activities, and                                                       will vary. Packets will be available for pick-   Jim Henson’s Enchanted
Bookworms Book Club | Ages 6-8                                                                 resources for adults to help facilitate con-    Notebook, Earth Day Crafts,
                                                unlock badges and earn coins all year                                                                                                           up starting on the dates listed. Contact         Sisters - Spring’s Sparkle
Apr 13 | Here’s Hank: Bookmarks Are                                                            versations with young ones about tender         Flower Basket
                                                long. The coins can then be used to                                                                                                    with questions.           Sleepover by Elise Allen
People Too! by Henry Winkler                    purchase prizes or books. To get started,      topics.
                                                                                                                                               R Apr 20 | Paper Flower Cactus, Star                                                              Nancy Drew Clue Book
May 11 | Jada Jones: Rock Star                  simply download the Beanstack app onto                                                                                                          R Animal Crossing with the Library
                                                                                                                                               Wars Crafts, Ninja Stress Ball                                                                    #9-Springtime Crime
by Kelly Starling Lyons                         your phone or other device and register        Travel Kits                                                                                      Wed | April 7, 21 & May 5, 19 | 6pm              by Carolyn Keene
                                                to start tracking your progress online. If     Check out a whole new world of possibil-
Fiction Addiction Book Club | Ages 9-12         you would rather not use the app, simply       ities with our children’s Travel Kits! Each                                                                                                       Fiction
Apr 20 | The Library of Ever                    register on our website at                     kit includes fun and interesting books,                                                                                                           Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell in Love
by Zeno Alexander                          activities, recipes, and more from a differ-                                                                                                      by Lauren Tarshis
May 18 | The Tiny Geniuses: Fly to the                                                         ent country around the world. Stop by the
                                                 Games, Kits & More
                                                                                                                                               R Apr 27 | Craft Stick Kite, Monkey                                                               Sabotage Stage Left by Casey Lyall
Rescue! by Megan E. Bryant                                                                     children’s desk to check out one of these
                                                                                                                                               Pattern Pillow, DIY Felt Pencil Toppers                                                           The Boxcar Children: The Sea Turtle
                                                                                               neat travel kits.                                                                                                                                 Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Non-Fiction Addiction Book Club |
                                                Additional Items to Check-Out                                                                  R May 4 | Butterfly Wind Craft,
Ages 9-12                                                                                                                                                                                       Ready for an island escape? Visit Largo          Non-Fiction
                                                Looking for educational toys, storytime                                                        Flower Crafts, Caterpillar on a
Apr 27 | Blast Back! The Titanic                                                                                                                                                                Public Library in Animal Crossing: New           Why is it Spring?
                                                backpacks, STEAM challenges, or crafting                                                       Leaf
by Nancy Ohlin                                                                                 The following contests are open to all                                                           Horizons for fun and adventure. Join Ms.         by Sara L. Latta
May 25 | The Truth and Myths About Weird        kits? We have all of those available for
                                                                                               children ages 12 and under, but we ask          R May 11 | Woven Butterfly,                      Emily on Facebook Live to collect fossils,       When Spring Comes
Animals by L. A. Peacock                        you to check-out at the library. Most items
                                                                                               that you only enter once a day. Winners         Buggy Crafts, Craft Roll Ninja                   shake some trees, go on a scavenger              by Robert Maass
                                                check out for 4 weeks, with the exception
                                                                                               will be contacted by phone.                                                                      hunt, or just hang out with our villagers.       A New Beginning:
                                                of the crafting kits, which check out for 2
Storytime At-Home | Ages 2-5                    weeks. Come look through the binders on                                                        R May 18 | Soda Tab Bracelets,                   Participants will need a Nintendo Switch,        Celebrating the Spring
Thu | Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 &                                                                   Lost Books                                      Ocean Crafts, Cute Paper Cat                     Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and a             Equinox
                                                our children’s service desk and take home
May 6, 13, 20, 27 | 10:30am                                                                    Apr 1-Apr 30                                                                                     Nintendo Online subscription in order to         by Wendy Pfeffer
                                                a treasure or two!
Join us for stories, music, and a few sur-                                                     There are different colored books hiding        R May 25 | Self-Care                             visit the island.
prises, designed for children ages 2-5.         The kits listed below are new to our           all around the children’s department!           Watercolors, Superhero Crafts,                                                                    Graphic Novels
                                                library. Come check them out!                  How many can you find of each color? All        Yarn-Wrapped Letters                             Pop-Up Programs                                  Silly Lilly and the Four
Bedtime Storytime At-Home | Ages 2-5                                                           correct answers will be entered to win a                                                         Keep an eye on our online events page            Seasons: A Toon Book
Tue | Apr 13, 27 & May 11, 25 | 7pm             ASL Kits                                       specially-selected prize!                        R Tween Time | Ages 8-12                        and/or our Youth Services Facebook               by Agnes Rosenstiehl
Wind down and join us for a special eve-        Have you been following our ASL videos                                                         These take-home craft kits are like our          Group for surprise pop-up virtual events!        The Tea Dragon Society
ning storytime featuring stories for children   on Facebook or YouTube? Want to                Count Those Droids                              weekly craft kits, but for older kiddos          These fun events may include trivia,             by Katie O’Neill
ages 2-5.                                       keep flexing your signing skills? Maybe        May 1-May 29                                    who want the extra challenge. Register to        Animal Crossing, surprise storytimes,            Poppy & Sam and the
                                                you haven't started learning to sign           There are droids like C-3PO, BB-8, and          pick-up a craft kit that will flex your craft-   charades, scavenger hunts, tea parties, &        Mole Mystery
Read Woke Storytime | Ages 8-12                 yet. Wherever you (or your kids) are in        R2D2 hiding all around the children’s           ing skills. Instructions on where to find        so much more!                                    by Cathon
Sat | Apr 17 & May 15 | 12pm                    starting your sign language journey, you       department! How many can you find? All          the craft-along videos will be provided in
Apr 17 | Diverse Abilities                      can come check out our new kits, which         correct guesses will be entered to win an       each kit.
May 15 | Asian American and Pacific             contain games, toys, flash cards, books,       out-of-this world prize!                                                                         Join our Youth Services
Islander Voices                                 music, and more!                                                                               Apr 20 | BFF Pins                                Group on Facebook. Scan
Join us on Facebook for a special storytime                                                                                                    May 18 | Cactus Felt Sewing                      the QR code with your
that teaches us about our differences and                                                                                                                                                       camera or find us through
how to help others have their voice heard!                                                                                                                                                      the Largo Public Library's
                                                                                                                                                                                                Facebook page.

10                                              Largo Public Library
                                                         M AGA Z I N E
                                                                                   News • Events • Stories     April/May 2021                               R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                            11
GENEALOGY: CLASSES & GROUPS: Watch Online                                                                                                     GENEALOGY: CLASSES & GROUPS: Watch Online
          As the date of the event draws nearer, we will publish instructions on how to participate on the PGS website, Blog, and                     As the date of the event draws nearer, we will publish instructions on how to participate on the PGS website, Blog, and
           weekly email distribution list. For more information, email Bob Bryan at or call 727.595.4521.                           weekly email distribution list. For more information, email Bob Bryan at or call 727.595.4521.

                                                 Debbie Wilson Smyth                                                    Orphan Trains and The Children Who                           Newspapers Online in Genealogy
 Special Events                                  Debbie has been research-                       Thu | Apr 8 | 6pm                            Rode Them                                     Wed | May 5 | 1pm                             Wed | May 12 | 1pm
                                                 ing her family since 1993                       Learn basic research techniques for get-     Wed | Apr 21 | 1pm                            Searching the Online Databases –              This class will explore the genealogy data
 Caring for Family Keepsakes: Top 10             and holds a Certificate in                      ting the most from this huge collection of   The story of the Orphan Trains, which         American Ancestors, the website for           to be found in newspapers (obituaries,
 Family Treasures                                Genealogical Research                           databases.                                   relocated children from the eastern           the New England Historic Genealogical         weddings, human interest stories, etc.)
 Speaker: Denise Levenick                        from Boston University. As                                                                   cities to rural farmlands, has become a       Society, provides more than 1 billion         and show where to find the online reposi-
 Sat | Apr 17 | 11am                             the owner of Oak Trails                         Advanced Genetic Genealogy                   part of American popular culture. This        records in over 450 databases online.         tories and how to use them.
 Learn how to care for your family trea-         Genealogy Services, LLC, she provides           Discussion                                   presentation explores the facts behind        Although much of the collection focuses
 sures, from photographs to furniture, love      professional genealogical services in           Sat | Apr 10 | 1pm                           the legends; follows a group of children      on New England, records from around           Living Persons
 letters to lockets, clocks, and Bibles. Also,   research, education, and consultation.          This is discussion group                     “placed-out” in 1880; and, provides re-       the U.S. and even some from other coun-       Mon | May 17 | 6pm
 learn how to identify common hazards            Her research focuses on mid-western and         reviews one chapter a                        sources available to learn more about the     tries are available. This presentation will   This class will focus on some tips and
 such as silverfish, mold, acid migration,       southern states, methodology, lineage           month from the book                          orphan trains and their riders.               provide a brief overview of the website,      techniques for finding living people. A
 and how to setup a simple Home Archive          society applications, and DNA. Debbie           Advanced Genetic                                                                           and will go through the basics of search-     case study will be given.
 to safely store your heirlooms.                 is President of the Suncoast Genealogy          Genealogy: Techniques                        Introduction to Genealogy                     ing these extensive databases.
                                                 Society and serves on its Board of              and Case Studies.                            Thu | Apr 22 | 6pm                                                                          Buried Treasure: Exploring Your Family
 Denise Levenick, The Family Curator             Directors. She is a member of the               Discussion started in May with Chapter       Basics of how to get started in research-     DNA Basics I - Ethnicity                      History Collection
 Denise Levenick was                             Association of Professional Genealogists,       1. While all are welcome, this is an at-     ing your family history – what to do first,   Thu | May 6 | 7pm                             Wed | May 19 | 1pm
 a high school English                           as well as several national, state, and         tendee led discussion with a moderator.      where to look, and how to do it.              This class defines DNA, gives examples        Every family has a unique story to tell.
 teacher when she inher-                         local societies.                                Attendees are expected to have read the                                                    of DNA inheritance patterns and dis-          Discover items to look for in your own
 ited her grandmother                                                                            chapter and be prepared to discuss its       RootsMagic User Group                         cusses the different types of DNA tests       family’s collection of photographs, docu-
 Arline’s chest of family                                                                        contents.                                    Sat | Apr 24 | 10am                           and the companies that provide them. It       ments, and more that will help bring that
 treasures. She wrapped it                       Virtual Programs                                                                                                                           gives ideas for the best ways to make the
                                                                                                                                                                                            most of your DNA dollars and how you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          story to life.
 into an honors literature                                                                       Backup and Computer Data Protection
 course called Reading                           DNA Basics III – Ancestry DNA                   Mon | Apr 12 | 6pm                                                                         might want to “target test” some of your      RootsMagic User Group
 Women’s Lives that read,                        Thu | Apr 1 | 7pm                               How to assure your genealogy (and other)                                                   relatives. In addition, the class provides    Sat | May 22 | 10am
 transcribed, analyzed, cat-                                                                     computer data is safe from natural disas-    Question & answer and demonstration           information on the ethnicity estimates        Question & answer and demonstration
 aloged, and preserved over 100 letters,                                                         ters, computer failure, viruses, spyware,    of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy        provided by each company and how you          of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy
 adapting techniques from libraries and                                                          etc. We will discuss what data you need      database software program.                    might use them in your research.              database software program.
 museums. The project was featured in                                                            to backup and specific means to safely
 Shades of the Departed online magazine,                                                         backup that data. We will show how to        Loyalists of the American Revolution          Advanced Genetic Genealogy                    Naturalization Records
 Denise’s award-winning blog, The Family                                                         protect your computer from viruses and       Mon | Apr 26 | 1pm                            Discussion                                    Mon | May 24 | 1pm
 Curator, was born. Two books later,                                                             spyware.                                     Who were the Loyalists, and how were          Sat | May 8 | 1pm                             Many of our ancestors became natural-
 Denise, a member of the Association of                                                                                                       they affected by the outcome of the war?      This discussion group                         ized citizens, and left a paper trail when
 Professional Genealogists, now lectures         By looking at DNA test results through          Homestead Act                                Were they rewarded for their loyalty to       reviews one chapter a                         they did so. This class explains the natu-
 and demonstrates the archivist’s skills.        the lens of one of the most popular             Wed | Apr 14 | 6pm                           the British crown, and if so, in what man-    month from the book                           ralization process, what information can
                                                 testing companies, class participants will      A review of the historical and political     ner? Get the answers to these questions       Advanced Genetic                              be found in the records, and where those
 You can find Denise, her blog and a mul-        be able to apply what they have learned         significance of the 1862 Homestead Act       and more, including what records may          Genealogy: Techniques                         records can be found.
 titude of tips at:                              in Basics I and II to their understanding       and associated legislation. Includes a       exist and where they might be found.          and Case Studies.                       of their own test results at      discussion of the process followed to                                                      Discussion started in May with Chapter        DNA Interest Group
                                                 This class reviews the tools and resources      establish a homestead on public domain       DNA Interest Group                            1. While all are welcome, this is an at-      Tue | May 25 | 1pm
 MPE: Disconnected Connections                   available through Ancestry DNA. While           land, and an understanding of the meth-      Tue | Apr 27 | 1pm                            tendee led discussion with a moderator.       Every month on the 4th Tuesday. Learn
 Speaker: Debbie Wilson Smyth                    Basics I and II are recommended, they are       od of legally surveying and describing       Every month on the 4th Tuesday. Learn         Attendees are expected to have read the       how to interpret your DNA test results
 Sat | May 15 | 11am                             not required prior to taking this class.        the land. The presentation will also cover   how to interpret your DNA test results        chapter and be prepared to discuss its        and apply those results to your current
 In genealogical circles, the acronym MPE                                                        an examination of the records that were      and apply those results to your current       contents.                                     family history research. Join our casual
 stands for a misattributed parentage            Family Tree Maker User Group                    created in establishing a homestead, their   family history research. Join our casual                                                    group as we research and learn together.
 event. It is different from an adoption         Sat | Apr 3 | 10am                              genealogical value, and where those re-      group as we research and learn together.      Death Records
 case or a case of an unknown parent. A          Question & answer and demonstration of          cords are found today. This is an in-depth                                                 Mon | May 10 | 6pm                            Female Ancestors
 misattributed parentage event encom-            how to use the Family Tree Maker genea-         treatment of the Homestead Act, which is     Family Tree Maker User Group                  This class will focus on finding records      Thu | May 27 | 6pm
 passes those situations where parentage         logical database software.                      briefly referred to in the presentation on   Sat | May 1 | 10am                            to establish the death date of your           Locating and tracing the maternal line;
 has been attributed to the wrong person.                                                        Property Research Basics in the U.S.         Question & answer and demonstration of        deceased kinfolk. We will describe and        tips and methods to finding maiden
 For example, learning that daddy wasn’t         Bounty Lands                                                                                 how to use the Family Tree Maker genea-       demonstrate how and where to find many        names.
 really the biological father. Finding a         Mon | Apr 5 | 6pm                                                  logical database software.                    types of records and resources that will
 MPE can be an unexpected or upset-              Bounty lands were used from before the          Mon | Apr 19 | 6pm                                                                         enable you to determine death dates. In
 ting matter. Truth is, it happens more          Revolutionary War up until 1858 to re-                                                       National Archives: Ordering Data              addition, to the commonly used records
 frequently than we think. This presen-          ward military service and stimulate enlist-                                                  Tue | May 4 | 6pm                             such as death certificates, tombstones,
 tation will begin with a discussion on          ment. Those records can confirm military                                                     This is an in-depth explanation of how to     obituaries, death indexes, etc., you will
 the myths, pursuits and ethics of MPE           service and even locate ancestors during                                                     order several different records from the      discover some that you may not have
 research, when the family lore, DNA and         and after hostilities. This class gives the                                                  National Archives. The records include        considered.
 documents diverge. The presentation             history of the subject, what records are                                                     military (both historic and modern),
 will conclude with a case study exploring       available, and where to find them.              This class will demonstrate how to search    naturalization, census, land, and micro-
 the speaker’s own personal MPE finding,                                                         the vast databases available on this rap-    film. Both online and postal mail ordering
 the research approach followed, and the                                                         idly-expanding site made available from      procedures will be covered.
 ethics involved.                                                                                the LDS (Mormon) genealogy collection.

12                                                Largo Public Library
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                                                                                      News • Events • Stories   April/May 2021                            R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715                            13
Friends of the Largo Library                                                                                              Greater Largo Library Foundation
                Thank You So Very Much!                                     Gift Ideas for Mother's Day                                    Board Member Spotlight                      Commemorative bricks will be installed around the
                                                                                                                                                                                       planter boxes at the entrance to the Library. This is a
 2020 was a year for the history books! Yet through           Our bookstore features a variety of fiction paperback        A message from Board President, Andrea Hartmann:            great way to honor someone with a lasting tribute or
 it all, the support and generosity of our patrons in         and hardcover titles at bargain prices that start at $0.50                                                               memorialize a special person while helping to support
 the community still continued to shine. Through the          each! Looking for a new project? We have DIY books           As you may know, the Greater Largo Library Foundation       the Greater Largo Library Foundation.
 dedication of our Managers, Jan Hendrick and Pat             on home improvement, gardening, arts and crafts. Give        consists mainly of volunteers who generously donate
 Bell, and our many volunteers we had a successful            your eyes a rest and listen to a CD audiobook for $3         their time to support the Library. In the coming weeks,     The Greater Largo Library Foundation received the
 year. We were able to open the Bookstore and do              a title or revisit a musical artist with Music CDs for $1!   The Foundation will be featuring active board members       below testimonial from an out of town donor who
 our on-line sales. We recently reflected on last year's      Break out the popcorn and make it a movie night with         on the Foundation's Facebook page to not only thank         purchased a commemorative brick to remember his
 accomplishments in our Annual Meeting, coordinated           DVDs and Blu-Rays for just $1! Kick back and unwind          them for their efforts, but also to introduce them to our   grandfather.
 by Chair Lissa Dexter. Our thanks go out to her.             with our large selection of magazines for $0.50 a piece.     readers on a more personal level. Be sure to follow the
                                                              And, as always, don't forget our beautiful flower            Greater Largo Library Foundation Page on Facebook to            "Well I'm from Clearwater, and my family
 In March, we celebrated Bookstore Volunteer                  selection received on Thursdays by 10:30am because           find out more about our members. Features will include          moved to Tennessee when I was 10 years
 Appreciation. Congratulations to Louise Karim, our           flowers are a great surprise any time.                       a photo and short bio to help you get to know the               old. I still have family down there, including
 Volunteer of the Year! A big thank you to all of our                                                                      board members who work tirelessly to make all of our            my grandparents, and I still visit the area
 dedicated Bookstore Volunteers:                                                                                           fundraising events possible and guide us to fulfill the         occasionally (though I haven't been down since
                                                                                                                           mission of the Greater Largo Library Foundation.                COVID). My grandpa frequented the library
 Patricia Bell			                 Carol Manguson                                                                                                                                           on an almost daily basis (or so I'm told), and
 Patrick Bell			                  Paul McCarthy                                                                            For this issue of the Largo Public                              he passed away a few days before Christmas.
 Dot Borst			                     Annette Melucci                                                                          Library Magazine we wanted                                      I received a check from them the same day, as
 Susan Brillat			                 Kathy Oswald                                                                             to introduce you to new Board                                   they always send me money for Xmas. It felt
 Bonnie Chamberlain		             Marie Parks                                                                              Member, Angela Williams, who                                    strange to cash it and spend it on myself, so I
 Shirley Curley			                Kay Pefferman                                                                            joined the Board in July 2020.                                  thought I would do something with it that he
 Lissa Dexter			                  Andrea Pelletier                                                                         Angela is a dedicated member                                    would have liked. I found the brick program
 Terri Gandy			                   William Puckett                                                                          of the Greater Largo Library                                    on your website and thought that would be
 Helen Gorski			                  Carolyn Reed                                                                             Foundation and we are so                                        perfect, since the money would go to a place
 Pam Gullifer			                  Iris Shalit                                                                              thankful for all she does to help                               he loved and it would also be another way of
 Jackie Guthrie			                Peggy Smith                                                                              us support the Library. Angela                                  memorializing him."
 Jan Hendrick			                  Tina Smith                                                                               moved to Clearwater in the                                                          - Justin White, Elizabethton, TN
 Phyllis Hoerr			                 Don Southard                                                                             summer of 2012, is the mother
 Sarah Hofmann			                 Rennie Stefans                                                                           of three children and wife to Pastor James Williams at      For additional information on purchasing bricks
 Sandy Hoover 			                 Betty Thomas                                                                             the Mount Olive AME Church.                                 please contact Elliott Rakofsky, Foundation Director
 Therese Knapik			                Ellen Thornycroft                      Get a Jump on Summer Reading                                                                                  at or (727) 586-7398.
 Connie Kraker			                 Karen Trefz                                                                              Angela is no stranger to giving back to her community.
 Linda Locascio			                Ben Wiley                   Get a jump start and check out our wide selection of         Prior to joining the Foundation, she was a former
 Tammy Lombardi                                               preschool, school age and young adult books starting at      Advisory Board member of the Haven of RCS                              Your Opinions Made a Difference
                                                              $0.50. We also have a large variety of teaching materials    Women's Shelter and is the President of the Cinderella
 Thanks to our patrons' support the Friends of the Largo      designed to keep up with your child's scholastic needs.      Transformation Inc., non-profit. Angela has been            The Express Feedback for Good™
 Library was able to raise $43,211.67 for the Largo           If you haven't visited in a while, come check us out! Our    involved in community projects throughout Pinellas          fundraiser lasted from February
 Library. This was used to help fund the Bibliotheca Self     inventory is replenished regularly. You never know what      County and genuinely enjoys people and helping them         9th through March 9th. There were
 Check out System as well provide funding to Adult,           you can find at a price you can afford while you support     reach their true potential.                                 9 other non-profit organizations
 Teen, and Children's Programming. In addition, the           your Largo Public Library. Our bookstore is open                                                                         participating along with us. The
 Friends sponsored the Teen Art Contest and the Stanley       Monday through Saturday from 10am to 4pm.                        Limited Time Offer on Commemorative Bricks              Foundation had more than 100
 Shalit Short Story Competition. Unfortunately for all                                                                                                                                 people signed up and providing
 involved, awards for students couldn't be held in person                                                                  Now through May 15th with the purchase of a regular         feedback on a variety of brands
 because of the pandemic. Nonetheless, our thanks to                                                                       priced commemorative brick at $250.00, you will have        and retail stores. It was a very
 Ben Wiley for all he did to achieve the competition's                                                                     the option to purchase a second brick for half price        successful endeavor, raising over $2,800! We look
 continued success and congratulations to all the                                                                          ($125.00). Donors who take advantage of the special         forward to participating again in the future.
 talented winners and their families. We could not have                                                                    brick offer will also receive one original brick from the
 done all of this without our patrons who prove their                                                                      Historic Belleview Biltmore Hotel, as a thank you gift      Thank you to all who participated by taking the time to
 friendship to the Library with their ongoing commitment                                                                   from the Foundation (while supplies last).                  provide feedback while supporting the programs and
 to uphold their Library.                                                                                                                                                              services of the Largo Public Library.

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                                                                   News • Events • Stories     April/May 2021                         R Registration required. Register online at -> Events or call 727.587.6715           15
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