Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners

Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
APRIL 2018           SURVEY

Law Firms
Who’s Who
  Detailed Listing of Ireland’s
Top Commercial Law Firms and
the views of Managing Partners
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                    C O M M E R C I A L L AW

   Talent Competition                           Gerry Byrne hears from managing partners in the top

        here are continuing increases in
        revenue among Ireland’s top           commercial law firms about sector competition, cybercrime
        commercial law firms but the                threats, Brexit fallout and staffing pressures
        average level of profit growth in
the Top 20 firms has slowed, according
to the latest survey of the sector by
accountancy firm Smith & Williamson.
   The survey shows continued
improvement in trading conditions and
many firms enjoying increased revenues
and profits through 2017:
l 78% of the Top 20 firms increased
revenue in 2017, with half the firms
enjoying an increase in excess of 10%.
l Profits increased in half of the Top 20
firms, down from 62% in 2016. Almost
half of these firms saw profits grow by
more than 10% through last year, though
one in ten firms reported a profit
   “Maintaining profitability is seen by
most firms as the biggest challenge
facing them as a result of increased
competition, fee pressures and
increasing salary and operating costs,”
says Paul Wyse, managing director at
Smith & Williamson. “Managing cash
flows presents issues for many firms, as
debtors and work in progress increase, as
a result of higher revenues.”                 Ronan Daly Jermyn relocated its Dublin office to the Exchange building in
   Catherine Guy, managing partner at         George’s Dock at the IFSC in December 2017. Pictured with managing partner
ByrneWallace, says her staff are running      Richard Martin (right) and Jamie Olden (left), who heads up the Dublin office,
faster to stay in the same position. “We      is new hire Peter Lennon
are happy enough with our profitability,      “Margins are under pressure and we             complex piece of advice on privacy law
although it is a tough business in which to   have certainly seen increases in staff         or tax advice might command a better
retain a reasonable margin and produce a      costs and salaries, and I don’t think          rate. On privacy issues, our specialists
reasonable return on investment.”             that’s going to change anytime soon.”          are working all the hours they can and
   Richard Martin, managing partner at           John White, managing partner at             they command better rates.”
Ronan Daly Jermyn, says that during the       Beauchamps, is more sanguine. “It’s a             This view is shared by Brian
recession many clients had a hard look at     tougher environment but a good deal of         O’Gorman, managing partner at Arthur
legal spend. “That has combined with          legal business is still going on, which        Cox. “You have to differentiate between
intense competition in the marketplace,       would still make one optimistic in             domestic work for domestic clients and
plus intense competition for quality staff.   relation to profitable growth,” says White.    work for international clients,” says
So with costs increasing and downward         “The market for legal services remains         O’Gorman. At Maples and Calder,
pressure on revenue, profitability was        highly competitive in both the public and      managing partner Nicholas Butcher
squeezed.”                                    private sector. Maintaining profitability is   remarks: “Profitability remains key, but in
   David Phelan, managing partner at          a priority and our experience is that          an increasingly competitive market,
Hayes Solicitors, agrees. “Tight margins      clients continue to be sensitive but           recruitment and retention of talent is
are a common feature in legal firms.          pragmatic when it comes to fees.”              critical and will be a significant focus for
There are still a lot of difficulties out        The profit margin in legal work can         us in 2018. The use of technology to
there for clients, so it’s inevitable that    depend on the sector, explains Declan          innovate is also important, in order to be
this translates into fee pressure,” he        Black, managing partner at Mason               able to improve client service in a secure
observes. At Whitney Moore, managing          Hayes & Curran. “Conventional work             environment whilst striving to find
partner John Lynch comments:                  will be competitively priced, but a            efficiencies.”

50   BUSINESS PLUS        APRIL 2018
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                  C O M M E R C I A L L AW

   Michael Lavelle, managing partner of       and profit. This confidence is echoed by       “Our growth in headcount and our
Lavelle Solicitors, states that some          Michael Jackson, managing partner at        continued investment in learning and
finance-related clients are streamlining      Matheson. “We had a stronger year in        development are as a result of this
their costs and that is having an effect      2017 than the year before and I don’t       strategy,” says Yarr. “The pace of
on the market. “However, there is more        have concerns around the general            technological change has really picked
work at the moment on the property            economic environment.”                      up in the last couple of years. It helps
side and we are definitely getting work                                                   deliver the efficiencies and improved

that is more profitable,” Lavelle adds.               hatever about profits and           service that clients expect. It also means
   “It’s my view that if you bring good               margins, staffing issues are        that our lawyers are involved in more
value to your clients, they will pay a fair           common across the sector,           interesting and varied work, and less
and reasonable fee, so I think it all         according to the Smith & Williamson         repetitive manual processes.”
comes back to bringing value to your          survey. Not only are law firms in              Walkers Ireland added six solicitors to
client,” suggests Alan Murphy,                competition with each other for             its headcount last year, according to Law
managing partner at Eversheds                 desirable hires, but large corporates and   Society data. Though Walkers is
Sutherland. “Getting our client offering      state organisations are also looking for    international, managing partner Garry
right is our focus. Once this is right,       experienced in-house lawyers.               Ferguson, 43, has built the firm in
profitability will follow.”                   Meanwhile, UK firms setting up              Ireland from the ground up. Walkers is a
   Philip Lee, managing partner at            greenfield operations in Dublin are also    specialist in Insurance Linked Securities
Philip Lee, is interested in improving        poaching staff. “That creates               and Collateralised Loan Obligations,
cash flow as much as margins. “Unlike a       competition and impacts on the reward       sectors of Ireland’s thriving funds
cash business such as a grocery store, a      culture,” says Paul Wyse, managing          industry. Irish domiciled assets exceed
law firm often doesn’t bill clients for       director of Smith & Williamson Ireland.     €2 trillion, making Ireland the third
weeks or sometimes months into the               A&L Goodbody is Ireland’s largest law    largest centre of regulated funds globally.
work. You don’t get paid quite                firm in terms of the number of solicitors      Ferguson says that recruitment and
immediately,” he points out.                  employed. Managing partner Julian           retention of staff is the operational issue
   Bryan Bourke, managing partner at          Yarr says that attracting and keeping       that occupies most of his time. “We
William Fry, says the firm had a really       the best people has always been a key       operate in a fiercely competitive
positive year in 2017, growing turnover       part of the firm’s strategy.                                     continued on page 52

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Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                   C O M M E R C I A L L AW

market,” Ferguson explains. “Our lawyers      broader economy is at near full                At Matheson, Michael Jackson’s view
are heavily sought after by the law firms     employment levels, and in the legal         is that the priority for any law firm
in London, new entrants to the market         market it is at full employment plus.       should always be investing in attracting
and the large domestic firms. We work         So the cost of employing the best is a      and retaining the best people.
hard to keep our team engaged and             challenge, but one we have to meet.”           “Last year, there were a lot of Irish
enfranchised – we tend to be more open           Mark Thorne, managing partner of         lawyers looking to come home from
with our associates than the traditional      Dillon Eustace, says the firm enjoys huge   London, so we had a very successful
firms. To date, we have managed quite         loyalty from its lawyers. “Our most         recruitment year, finishing it with 20
well, but retention is not an area where      recent partner appointments shows that      more lawyers than we started with,” says
we can ever be complacent.”                   loyalty works both ways, as all of our      Jackson. “The best people will produce
   Barry Devereux, managing partner at        new partners this year originally trained   the best results provided that they are
McCann FitzGerald, says the firm invests      with the firm,” says Thorne. “We have       given the best support and the best
significantly in continuing professional      also attracted a number of senior hires     development opportunities.”
development. “We value our people’s           over the past 12 months from other large       For Orlaith O’Brien, partner in OBH
differences and encourage the                 firms.”                                     Partners, finding like-minded people is
collaborative work practices that produce                                                 critical. “We like to ‘home-grow’ our staff

innovative thinking and creative                    or Brian O’Gorman at Arthur Cox,      as far as possible with a view to having
solutions,” says Devereux. “Everything else         people are the most important         our trainees remain with us following
is secondary to this, as only through the           aspect of the business. “So finding   qualification, but this has been more
recruitment, retention and development        the right people and retaining them is      difficult in the current economic climate,”
of our people can we deliver the solutions    always top of my agenda,” he says. “We      says O’Brien. “Staff retention is very
that clients expect in the rapidly-           are always looking for ways to make         important to us because our collective
changing market for legal services.”          people’s lives easier and more              team experience is key to our ability to be
   “One of the big challenges for us is the   manageable in what can be a very            able to service our clients’ needs.”
battle for talent,” admits William Fry’s      demanding career. Our associates are           Larry Fenelon at Leman notes
Bryan Bourke. “There is huge demand           very good at letting us know what we        “tremendous fluidity” at associate and
for legal services, but the other side of     could be doing better, as well as what we   senior associate level. “It’s less so with
the coin is that everyone is hiring. The      are getting right.”                                                continued on page 54

52    BUSINESS PLUS       APRIL 2018
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
D U B L I N | LO N D O N | N E W YO R K | S A N F R A N C I S C O | S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                    C O M M E R C I A L L AW

juniors and trainees, but it is affecting
everybody. If you have to absorb rising
labour costs without passing them on to
the client, then you need to find the
savings somewhere else.”
   Some skills are scarcer than others,
notes Declan Black at Mason Hayes &
Curran. “In the lead-up to the
commencement of the GDPR, there’s an
absolute flood of privacy work. If you are
a privacy specialist, you are in huge
demand.” New lawyers shunned property
during the recession, specialising instead
in litigation, employment and insolvency.
“That makes property lawyers hard to
find,” says Richard Martin at Ronan Daly
Jermyn, adding that the firm has grown
its property team from 12 to 23 people.         A&L Goodbody, led by Julian Yarr (right), is one of a number of large firms
   Brian O’Gorman at Arthur Cox says            that have secured ISO 27001 accreditation to combat cybercrime
wage inflation has been “fairly chunky”         to secure junior and senior solicitors. “In   those who do not.”
over the past three years. “It’s running        the past 12 months, we have witnessed            ByrneWallace was the first Irish law
well ahead of wage inflation in the             an increasing demand for talented staff       firm to achieve ISO 27001 accreditation
general economy. Lawyers at associate           from domestic firms, as well as UK firms      but, as Catherine Guy explains, it doesn’t
level are in particular demand,” he adds.       entering the market,” he says. “Staff         mean the firm can rest on its laurels. “It
For Alan Murphy at Eversheds                    recruitment and retention will remain a       was a lot of hard work. It’s not a box-
Sutherland, rising staff costs are              key business priority.”                       ticking exercise and we get audited twice
inevitable as premier law firms seek to            At Whitney Moore, John Lynch says          a year to maintain it,” says Guy.
retain the best talent.                         recruitment efforts were successful over         “You’ve got to do a huge amount of
   John White at Beauchamps suggests            the second half of 2017. “We are              work in terms of your systems, your
that there is a UK factor at play. “A           continuing to recruit but we still have a     infrastructure and investment in
number of UK firms have already dipped          number of vacant positions,” he says.         expensive software. If you don’t have the
their toes in the water and are                 “We encourage professional and personal       equivalent of an ISO, and if you don’t
aggressively pursuing staff,” he says.          development via internal and external         have policies and protocols that are
“This has had a further impact on               training programmes and opportunities         aligned with that type of accreditation, I
salaries right across the board.”               for growth within the practice. This          don’t know how you can operate safely. I
                                                approach helps retention of talent that       think it will become the market standard.”

         ichael Lavelle of Lavelle Solicitors   ultimately benefits our clients and our

         says the shortage of talent, even      business.”                                           onan Daly Jermyn has also secured
         at junior levels, is becoming a           Philip Lee insists that his firm has              ISO 27001. “We see security as a
major issue. “The larger firms appear to        not had any huge difficulties in                     major issue,” says Richard Martin.
be paying a lot of money for trainees,” he      recruiting. “Lawyers go where they will       “A lot of our non-national clients,
explains. “We get good trainees but there       get interesting clients and we have           especially in the US, are approaching a
is much more competition for them, as           Ryanair, Microsoft, the HSE, Disney,          point where they are going to insist on it.
well as for newly qualified solicitors. As      the Data Protection Commissioner and          The questionnaires we see in tender
we are increasing staff numbers,                An Bord Pleanála,” says Lee. “In terms        submissions are running to over ten
recruitment is more of an issue than            of recruitment, we have been successful       pages on security issues, but having ISO
retention of staff, though our retention        at attracting real talent into the firm,      27001 allows you to pretty much skip
rate compares well to most Dublin               and this is acknowledged in feedback          over them.”
businesses.”                                    from clients.”                                   William Fry’s Bryan Bourke describes
   For Bernard McEvoy at McEvoy                    Cybercrime has become an issue that        online security as a major focus for the
Corporate Law, attracting and retaining         outranks even Brexit on the worry-list of     firm. “We hold a lot of private client
lawyers with ability and good                   Irish law firms. According to Smith &         information so we are significant targets
relationship skills is important to             Williamson’s Paul Wyse: “Ransomware           for people trying to get information. We
growing the business. “To do so we must         grew 350% last year, and because law          made a big investment in security
compete against the top firms. For              firms hold client funds they are              technology and training to achieve ISO
lifestyle reasons, a lot of lawyers don’t       vulnerable to attack. Firms without           27001 certification, but we are
want to work 24/7. Our firm strives to          sophisticated systems may not even            consistently focused on doing more to
maintain a good work/lifestyle balance,         realise they are being attacked.              ensure we protect client confidentiality
which we believe is a good selling point.”      Internationally, more commercial              and client funds.”
   JP McDowell, managing partner at             organisations with a cybersecurity               Julian Yarr at A&L Goodbody was
McDowell Purcell, says it is taking longer      programme reported a breach than                                   continued on page 56

54    BUSINESS PLUS        APRIL 2018
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
Arthur Cox is pleased to announce the appointment of six new partners at its
Dublin office, further strengthening the firm’s expertise in Corporate M&A, Finance,
Competition & Regulation Markets, Property and Litigation.

L-R: Patrick Horan, Deirdre O’Mahony, Brian O’Gorman (Managing Partner), Maeve Moran, Michael Coyle,
Deirdre Sheehan and Darragh Geraghty.

Ireland Law Firm of the Year 2017
Chambers Europe Awards
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                  C O M M E R C I A L L AW

another early convert to ISO 27001. “It                                                   training,” he says.
seems to me that technical innovation in            IRELAND’S                                “It’s a headache for everybody,” says
law firms is not being held back by lack                                                  Eversheds Sutherland’s Alan Murphy.
of ideas – it’s probably being delayed by
                                                     LARGEST                              “It’s the kind of thing we need to be very
the boundaries of information security,”            LAW FIRMS                             aware of and surround with very strict
says Yarr. “Law firms are always going to                                                 policies and procedures. We also need to
have price-sensitive or otherwise                                                         ensure that those policies and
                                                Practice                    Solicitors
interesting information, so they are a                                                    procedures are observed by everyone in
target for global malware attacks that          A&L Goodbody                      293     the organisation.”
are driven by governments as much as                                                         Brexit appears to pose a double
                                                Arthur Cox                         274
they are driven by cybercriminals.”                                                       challenge to Irish law firms, particularly
   Mason Hayes & Curran runs dummy              Matheson                          268     in the wake of the registration of
phishing campaigns to heighten                  McCann FitzGerald                 247     hundreds of English solicitors with the
awareness. “We see ourselves as being                                                     Law Society. Added to the continued
subject to attacks but none of them have        William Fry                       220     uncertainty around a final Brexit deal,
ever succeeded,” explains Declan Black.         Mason Hayes & Curran               201    the law sector is wondering if English
“Perhaps we are targeted because we                                                       firms will establish full-service practices
hold money and transfer it on the               ByrneWallace                       127    in Dublin.
instructions of clients. If you can pretend     Maples and Calder                   115      “Lewis Silkin, which specialises in
to be a client, you might be able to get it                                               employment law, is the fourth law firm
transferred to you. It’s easier to articulate
                                                Eversheds Sutherland               103    to set up here recently,” Alan Murphy of
than to do, but we still must take              Ronan Daly Jermyn                   95    Eversheds Sutherland points out. “It’s
precautions.”                                                                             interesting that they have come here,
                                                Dillon Eustace                      82
   Arthur Cox’s Brian O’Gorman adds:                                                      because hitherto it’s been mostly funds
“I’ve heard it said that if you want to get     Beauchamps                          79    and aviation-type operations.
information on a major corporation, the                                                   Historically, Dublin had fewer
                                                Eugene F Collins                    59
best way is probably through their law                                                    international law firms than most of the
firm. We take cybersecurity very seriously      LK Shields                          56    other European capitals, so I for one
and the amount we spend on it has               Hayes Solicitors                    49    would welcome the competition.”
increased by more than 300% over five                                                        Brian O’Gorman at Arthur Cox notes
years. This is not discretionary spend –        Walkers Ireland                     47    that just because Freshfields now has 86
this is something you have to do.”              Philip Lee                          44    UK solicitors registered with the Law
   Whitney Moore’s John Lynch believes                                                    Society doesn’t mean that the firm will
that every law firm in the country is           McDowell Purcell                    42    open an office in Dublin. “Once Brexit
probably affected by cyber hacking. “If         Holmes O’Malley Sexton              38    happens, British-registered lawyers will
you think you’re not, then you probably                                                   lose the right of audience in front of EU
have a bigger problem,” he warns. JP            Whitney Moore                       36    institutions like the European Court of
McDowell at McDowell Purcell says his                                                     Justice, so to maintain those rights they
                                                    Practising solicitor numbers as of
firm also runs phishing drills so that                                                    need to be qualified in an EU state.
                                                 31 December 2017. Source: Law Society
staff learn what to look out for. “If they                                                   “International firms such as
fall for them, they are given extra                                                                             continued on page 58

56    BUSINESS PLUS        APRIL 2018
Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
S I D E                       B Y                S I D E

              O N E O F I R E L A N D ’ S T O P F U L L S E R V I C E C O M M E R C I A L L AW F I R M S ,

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Law Firms Who's Who Detailed Listing of Ireland's Top Commercial Law Firms and the views of Managing Partners
BP SURVEY                     C O M M E R C I A L L AW

Eversheds, Maples, Walkers and Dechert
have been coming to Ireland for upwards
of 15 years. More recently, Brexit has had
a slight impact, but they are niche firms
in financial services, healthcare and
pharma, and specialist insurance. None
are saying they plan a full-service
offering in competition with the big five.”
   Law firms reflect the economy to a
large extent, argues Declan Black at
Mason Hayes & Curran. “We are getting
a bit of a Brexit dividend prior to having
a Brexit cost. The bigger UK law firms
will follow their clients over here,” he
predicts. At William Fry, Bryan Bourke
expects more inbound competition in
the financial services area, which is a
focus for all the larger firms. “Dublin
might attract more work because the
                                                     Philip Lee (second from right) sponsored the CIF Annual Conference 2017.
sector becomes more sophisticated as a
                                                     Also pictured with CIF executives Dominic Doheny (left) and Tom Parlon
result,” says Bourke.                                (right) is housing minister Eoghan Murphy
   Julian Yarr at A&L Goodbody expects
Ireland to benefit from overseas financial           Overall though, we think Brexit is a bad         it is unless we get something that is only
institution investment from corporates               thing for Europe, for the UK and for             half of Brexit, such as the UK remaining
that need access to European markets.                Ireland.”                                        in the customs union or in the Single
“We might also pick up some FDI from                   John White in Beauchamps concurs               Market. When I look at sectors like
Asia for the same reason, as Ireland is a            that the downside of a rancorous                 entertainment, broadcasting or health, I
good place to do business from a                     Brexit would far outweigh the benefits.          see enormous problems. Every sector you
regulatory perspective. Overall though, I            “At the moment, we are all seeing                look into is a nightmare.”
think that without the UK being a                    people who can’t take the uncertainty               However, Larry Fenelon at Leman sees
member of the European Union, Ireland                any longer and are making strategic              opportunity for his challenger firm to
is going to be in a more challenged place            decisions to relocate head offices to            strengthen relations with UK law firms
politically and economically than it has             Ireland or other parts of Europe,” says          that are not establishing bases in
been in the past.”                                   White. “You would also hope that a lot           Ireland. “Large UK firms with deep
   Matheson’s Michael Jackson believes               of inward US investment will be                  pockets can come over here and disrupt
that, in the short term, Brexit will                 directed to Ireland rather than the UK           the status quo. Who wins? The client
benefit the legal sector. “We think it               post-Brexit.”                                    wins, solicitors looking for fresh
makes Ireland more compelling as an                    Philip Lee, founder of the Philip Lee          challenges win, and Dublin wins by
international offering because we are                law firm, is downbeat about the Brexit           becoming a much more significant legal
the only English-speaking common law                 implications. “Is Brexit the enormous            player in Europe.”
jurisdiction left in the EU post-Brexit.             disaster that some people think it is? Yes,                   Survey continued on page 60

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58    BUSINESS PLUS           APRIL 2018
BP SURVEY                      C O M M E R C I A L L AW

 ‘We achieved significant savings for clients
 by deploying machine-learning technology’
                                                     John Kinsella canvassed the views of Managing Partners
BARRY DEVEREUX                                         in Ireland’s leading commercial law firms about their
Managing Partner                                                   activity, the economy and Brexit
McCann FitzGerald
ACTIVITY The past 12 months have seen
strategic investments yield dividends across all
major practice areas of the firm, including
Finance, Corporate, Real Estate (including
construction) and Litigation. We expanded our
Data Investigations Group from a team of 15
people to more than 50. In September 2017, we
invested in Neota Logic for the first
deployment of its AI software in Ireland.
   During the past year, we achieved
significant savings in both time and money
for clients in a number of contract review
projects by deploying machine-learning
contract analysis technology. The cost to
clients is typically reduced by 40% over              We are moving to a more agile way of           in London will not automatically be able to sell
traditional document review methods. We also       working, which will see increased focus and       services across the EU. Those banks can opt to
created a new ‘R&D hub’ within DIG as a            prioritisation of resourcing models that are      establish an operation in Dublin to preserve
space where technology-driven solutions can        flexible, and greater use of CRM to enhance       their passporting rights, and there are several
be developed. The overarching mission of the       client relationships.                             good reasons to do so.
R&D function is to replicate the firm’s long-         NOTABLE DEAL We advised Allied Irish              On the negative side, some economic
standing tradition of lawyering excellence in      Banks on its €3.4bn IPO and admission to the      disruption, even in the event of a relatively
the age of the algorithm.                          Irish and London Stock Exchanges. It was the      amicable deal, is inevitable. Ongoing political
   GROWTH DRIVERS We will continue                 largest IPO in Europe in 2017 and the largest     uncertainty will lead to a holding back of
our investment in technology and the               IPO by a financial institution since the          investment, particularly in the UK.
digitisation of services for clients to            financial crisis in 2008.                            USP We offer a supportive, collegial
complement our traditional legal services             BREXIT If the UK maintains red lines around    working environment, where everyone is
offering. Other ongoing investment                 jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice,    respected and has a voice. We encourage
commitments will see us broaden our reach          there will inevitably be regulatory disruption    leadership, integrity, performance and
in the US and other new markets, as well           when the transition period ends. It currently     progress, and these values inform every
as align our internal structures with our          appears probable that the UK will lose its EEA    aspect of our work, ultimately benefiting the
revised strategic direction.                       banking passport, meaning banks established       work we do on behalf of clients.

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60   BUSINESS PLUS           APRIL 2018
BP SURVEY                     C O M M E R C I A L L AW

Managing Partner
                                                        ‘It is important not to underestimate
Arthur Cox                                              the Brexit threats’
ACTIVITY In the past year, a significant
development was our move to a new building                                                           the availability of credit has enabled
at Ten Earlsfort Terrace. While the new building                                                     transactions to proceed that were either put
is only up the road from our old offices, life in                                                    on hold or not entered into at all until the
the office has been transformed and it’s great                                                       economy began to rebound.
to be able to offer state-of-the-art facilities to                                                      KEY ISSUES The job of a Managing Partner
everyone. We now have outdoor spaces, a                                                              is to try and get the balance right with
restaurant and a gym, as well as sit-stand                                                           profitability, investment and staff
desks and laptops for everyone to facilitate                                                         recruitment/retention. Finding the right people
and encourage agile working.                                                                         and retaining them is always top of my agenda.
   Another major development for the firm                                                            We are always looking for ways to make
was the arrival in January 2018 of three new                                                         people’s lives easier and more manageable in
senior members of our asset management                                                               what can be a very demanding, challenging and
and investment funds team – Tara O’Reilly,                                                           exciting career. Our associates are very good
Cormac Commins and Ian Dillon. This is an                                                            at letting us know what we could be doing
exciting time for the funds industry in Ireland                                                      better (as well as what we are getting right!).
and they are a great addition to our very                                                               BREXIT The uncertainty in the wake of the
strong practice in this area.                                                                        Brexit vote is now the new normal and
   IRISH ECONOMY Not all aspects of the                                                              business life has continued, after an initial
economy have rebounded strongly in recent            internationally. I think we have rebuilt that   period of shock. I think that like most threats
years. We were starting from a very low base         confidence and the world has seen that we       there are some opportunities, but it is
and there was a serious lack of confidence in        have restructured the country’s finances in a   important not to underestimate the threats.
the country, both domestically and                   sensible and measured fashion. I think that                    Survey continued on page 62

                                                                        At the core of Irish business

                                                                             No.1 M&A law rm in 2017
                                                                              for the 6th successive year

                                                                                                       Ranked by Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg,
                                                                                                           Mergermarket and Experian Corp n
BP SURVEY                       C O M M E R C I A L L AW

Managing Partner
ACTIVITY We have maintained a healthy rate of
growth on all of the key metrics year on year
and are focused on ensuring that we maintain a
continuing and sustainable level of growth.
   We have developed and added services in
the areas of regulatory investigations and
enforcement, procurement, EU and
competition, structured finance, tax advisory
and compliance, health sector, and energy
and renewables.
   GROWTH DRIVERS We need to ensure that
we deliver excellent services in a way that                                                           Series A financing to date in relation to an
makes sense to our clients and adds value for           ‘It is clear that                             Indian-based tech company.
them. The market is more sophisticated and                                                               IRISH ECONOMY The economic rebound
competitive than ever, and we embrace the               our clients are up                            has been possible thanks to a very open
challenges that this presents.
   We are well underway with a large project
                                                        for the challenge’                            FDI environment, strong export performance
                                                                                                      and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. There is
to upgrade and improve our practice                                                                   also a general resurgence of confidence.
management system, which will provide                  NOTABLE DEAL We acted for technology           No one thinks that it is going to be easy,
additional resources and support to our              company Browserstack Ltd in relation to its      but it is clear that our clients are up for
lawyers and our clients. We also have to             $50m Series A funding round with Accel.          the challenge.
continue to work hard to make sure that we           The Irish entity that took in the funding is        USP The feedback from clients and
attract and retain the best talent, and that we      the holding company – Browserstack has           non-clients is that we are commercial,
provide a good environment in which our              operations in India, Ireland and the US –        business-like, hardworking, accessible and
people can flourish and develop their careers.       and as far as we are aware this is the largest   very good to deal with.

Managing Partner                                        ‘We promote Irish legal services
Maples and Calder                                       to our global clients’
ACTIVITY Last year, in response to continued
business growth, our affiliate MaplesFS
relocated its Dublin office to Molesworth Street.                                                         NOTABLE DEAL Our Investment Funds
The new location signals that the Maples group                                                        team recently acted as counsel to Bank of
is well positioned for continued strong growth                                                        Ireland Private Banking in the establishment of
in Ireland, and underscores our commitment to                                                         a unique and highly innovative synthetic
investing in the resources necessary to support                                                       investment product for its Irish private wealth
our clients and our employees.                                                                        investors, offering bespoke indirect exposure
   We also established a branch of Maples and                                                         to a KKR-managed, Irish-regulated private
Calder Ireland in London last year, initially                                                         equity fund.
providing Irish legal advice in the areas of Asset                                                       BREXIT Overall, we are cautious in
Finance, Corporate and Investment Funds. New                                                          predicting any significant movement of people
partners have also joined, representing our                                                           as a result of Brexit. Certainly, this will be
Funds, Corporate, Finance and Litigation                                                              driven by legal and structuring requirements:
groups. Together, these developments all show                                                         asset managers and other clients in the
our continued expansion in and commitment to                                                          regulated space will need to have a physical
business in Ireland.                                                                                  presence, as required by regulators. However,
   GROWTH DRIVERS We are constantly                                                                   it does not necessarily follow that we will see
looking for ways to promote Irish legal                                                               significant relocations either to Ireland or to
services to our global clients, and this is front                                                     other jurisdictions.
and centre of our growth strategy. We have                                                               USP We are innovative and entrepreneurial,
opened Irish desks in our Cayman and Hong                                                             working very closely with our clients to find
Kong offices, as well as taking Irish legal                                                           commercial solutions that are right for their
services directly to our clients through our                                                          businesses.
Irish branch in London.                                                                                             Survey continued on page 64

62    BUSINESS PLUS            APRIL 2018
Pictured L-R: David O’Mahony, Partner, Banking; Maria Kennedy, Partner, Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution; Barry McGettrick, Partner, Tax;
Michael Jackson, Managing Partner; Kate McKenna, Partner, EU and Competition; Michael Hastings, Partner, Banking; Russell Rochford, Partner,
Employment, Pensions and Benefits; and Donal O’Byrne, Partner, Asset Management.

                                                                                                        Ireland M&A Legal Adviser of the Year
New Partner Appointments                                                                                Mergermarket European M&A Awards 2017
                                                                                                        Ranked Ireland’s Most Innovative Law Firm
                                                                                                        Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Report 2017
Matheson is delighted to announce the appointment of seven new partners at the firm,
                                                                                                        International Firm in the Americas
right across our practice in the areas of Finance and Capital Markets, Corporate, EU and
                                                                                                        International Tax Review 2017
Competition, Asset Management, Investment Funds, Employment, Pensions and Benefits,
                                                                                                        Number One Ranked Irish Funds Law
Real Estate Financing, Litigation and Dispute Resolution. Our new partner appointments
                                                                                                        Practice acting for 29% of Irish Domiciled
reflect the strength and continued growth of our business and, with five global offices, 84             Investment Funds by AUM
partners and tax principals, and over 650 legal and business support professionals, Matheson            Monterey Insight Ireland Fund Survey 2017
provides the full range of legal advice and services our clients need, when they need it.               European Financial Services Tax Deal of
Matheson. The Irish law firm of choice for internationally focused companies and                        the Year
                                                                                                        International Tax Review 2017
financial institutions doing business in and from Ireland.
                                                                                                        Client Choice Award Winners for Corporate;
For further information about our legal services, contact our Managing Partner                          Banking; and IT and Internet Law in Ireland
Michael Jackson at, or your usual contact at Matheson.                     International Law Office 2017

Dublin      London         New York         Palo Alto       San Francisco                                         
BP SURVEY                       C O M M E R C I A L L AW

                                                                                                          The government approval of the drafting of
   ‘We will tell clients what we would                                                                 the Investment Limited Partnership
                                                                                                       (Amendment) Bill 2017 will, it is hoped,
   do if we were in their position’                                                                    increase the options available in Ireland for
                                                                                                       fund promoters (including venture capital
                                                                                                       and PE) which may have a knock-on effect
                                                                                                       on M&A activity.
BRYAN BOURKE                                                                                              BREXIT We have been experiencing a real
Managing Partner                                                                                       spike in enquiries from UK law firms and UK-
                                                                                                       regulated financial service providers fine-tuning
William Fry                                                                                            or activating their Brexit contingency plans. As
ACTIVITY 2017 was a great year for William                                                             the only legal jurisdiction that speaks English,
Fry. We worked on the most significant and                                                             and as the main common law hub in the EU,
noteworthy deals and cases in the market, our                                                          Ireland is particularly attractive to the US, but
team grew and we performed very strongly                                                               that doesn’t mean we don’t need to improve our
financially, with upper-single-digit percentage                                                        own language skills. It would be naïve and
growth. We invested in staff initiatives while                                                         complacent to think that the English language
growing key areas of focus, such as Financial                                                          will have the same ubiquity it had pre-Brexit.
Services, Technology and Corporate/M&A.                                                                   In the context of Brexit, with new entrants or
Diversifying through hiring industry experts                                                           the expansion of existing firms, we anticipate
outside of the legal profession has also been                                                          the competition for associate level talent is
part of this strategy. Financial regulation,                                                           likely to increase. The higher price for talent is
regulation management and                               IRISH ECONOMY The government and IDA-          likely to impact on smaller firms the most, and
GDPR/cybersecurity are key areas at the              driven promotion of FDI have fuelled stable       could ‘nudge’ greater consolidation at that level.
moment, as is food and agriculture.                  economic growth since the mid-1990s and              USP Our teams are partner-led but very
   NOTABLE DEAL William Fry acted as lead            continues to contribute significantly to the      business-focused and practical. We work to find
adviser to the Department of Finance on the          competitive environment. Ireland was recently     solutions for our clients, we will explain the
€3.4bn IPO by the Minister for Finance of a          voted, for the sixth consecutive year, the best   best options and risks and we ‘call it’ – in that
28.8% stake in AIB. This was the first retail        country in the world for attracting high-value    we will tell clients what we would do if we were
offer in Ireland since the Aer Lingus IPO in 2006.   FDI, according to IBM’s Global Location report.   in their position.

                                                                                                          ‘Our relentless
                                                                                                          focus on financial
                                                                                                          services has
                                                                                                          driven our growth’
                                                                                                       client, CDPQ, in a joint venture with GECAS.
                                                                                                       This strategic partnership won the ‘Americas
                                                                                                       M&A Deal of the Year’ at the Aviation 100
                                                                                                       Awards 2018.
                                                                                                          BREXIT For regulated firms who use their
                                                     these areas, and this is borne out by the         licensing in the UK as a means for passporting
GARRY FERGUSON                                       calibre of our clients, award-winning             throughout the single market, Brexit is already
Managing Partner                                     transactions and volume of new mandates           a reality. Our regulatory team has doubled in
                                                     throughout the last year.                         size in the last year and will continue to grow
Walkers Ireland                                         GROWTH DRIVERS We recently recruited           in 2018. On a broader level, outside of financial
ACTIVITY We had another strong year across           two new partners into the investments funds       services, Brexit is a profoundly negative event.
our firm, but if I had to single out one             team and we expect to double our partner              USP What sets us apart, I believe, is our
achievement it would be the mutually                 bench in this team in the next 12 to 18 months,   global reach in financial services. We have a
propelled growth of our Finance department           and will continue to recruit at all levels. We    large footprint in the Americas, Asia and
and our corporate services affiliate, Walkers        also expect strong growth in our regulatory       Europe. As a firm, we know exactly what we
Professional Services. Together they provide a       and compliance team as Brexit-related             are about and our relentless focus on
one-stop shop in Ireland for clients in aviation     opportunities continue to emerge.                 financial services has definitely driven our
finance and debt capital markets. In my view,           NOTABLE DEAL We established a $2bn             growth in Ireland.
we operate in the top tier of firms active in        aviation financing platform for Canadian                        Survey continued on page 66

64    BUSINESS PLUS           APRIL 2018
BP SURVEY                       C O M M E R C I A L L AW

                                                                                                    MICHAEL JACKSON
                                                                                                    Managing Partner
                                                                                                    ACTIVITY 2017 was a record year for
                                                                                                    Matheson, with strong growth levels in terms
                                                                                                    of revenue and significant new client wins
                                                                                                    across the firm throughout the entire year.
                                                                                                    The growth we have seen from our
                                                                                                    international client base, and the many new
                                                                                                    mandates received, has been accompanied
                                                                                                    by some significant new instructions from
                                                                                                    Irish-owned corporates and state bodies.
                                                                                                       We built on our strong position in the
                                                                                                    traditional FDI space by increasing our
                                                                                                    presence on the ground in our foreign offices
                                                                                                    and opening a new office in San Francisco. We
                                                                                                    also more actively targeted indigenous Irish
                                                                                                    internationally-focused companies.
                                                                                                    Elsewhere, we have made strategic
                                                                                                    investments in key areas like innovation and
                                                                                                    technology, M&A, fintech, regulatory, state
                                                                                                    aid and disputes and investigations, and have
                                                                                                    particularly targeted Brexit-related business.

                                                                                                      ‘We continue to
MARK THORNE                                      some groundbreaking work in most of our core

Managing Partner
                                                 practice areas in 2017/2018. We advised on the       see growing
                                                 launch of one of the first direct lending Loan
Dillon Eustace                                   Origination Funds for Tennenbaum in our funds        activity in Brexit-
                                                 practice, while in banking we advised Nama in
ACTIVITY We have been the leading firm in
asset management and investment funds in
                                                 the Gem portfolio loan sale. In litigation, we       related matters’
                                                 won for the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Ireland
the Irish market for many years. Our client
                                                 in the Setanta case, and in real estate we
base is broader, both geographically and in                                                            GROWTH DRIVERS We continue to see
                                                 advised on the financing and acquisition of the
terms of product type, than any other firm,                                                         growing activity in Brexit-related matters
                                                 Exo building, soon to be Dublin’s tallest office
which gives us huge advantages in the                                                               across our practice. We believe that we are
experience and knowledge of our lawyers.                                                            acting for more financial institutions that
                                                    BREXIT Brexit is definitely an opportunity
   We have also seen significant growth in our                                                      have filed Brexit-related regulatory licence
                                                 to grow existing and new clients. We act for
Banking and Real Estate division (where we                                                          applications with the Central Bank than any
                                                 numerous UK-regulated entities that are
have hired a number of senior people). This in                                                      other firm, and we believe that the total
                                                 looking for new approvals, or want to extend
turn has led to increasing domestic tax work                                                        number of live Brexit-related matters that
                                                 existing authorisations, to ensure they have
to add to our leading international tax                                                             the firm is advising on is also well in excess
                                                 access to the Single Market post-Brexit.
practice. Our litigators have continued to be                                                       of competitor firms.
                                                    USP We are a proactive, innovative and
flat out, enjoying huge success with the                                                               The rise in regulatory activity, both at
                                                 responsive firm, where clients’ key business
Setanta insurance case.                                                                             domestic and EU level, has also presented
                                                 objectives are met through tailored practical
   Our Corporate department has had a very                                                          significant opportunities, and we continue to
                                                 and common-sense advice. As a place to work
busy 12 months, with a wide range of                                                                invest heavily in this space. Our M&A group is
                                                 and make a career, we offer our staff the
transactions across sectors such as healthcare                                                      going through a period of record growth and
                                                 opportunity to advise on the most high-profile,
and nursing homes, leisure, sport, regulated                                                        we foresee this continuing as we increase
                                                 complex and challenging work, yet at the same
financial services and manufacturing.                                                               our market share in this area. Technology
                                                 time enjoy the collegiate atmosphere, and
   NOTABLE DEAL It is difficult to single out                                                       and innovation, life sciences and fintech are
                                                 friendly and supportive environment, that the
one deal for the overall firm as we have done                                                       other areas where we see substantial activity
                                                 firm has always prided itself on.
                                                                                                    and opportunities.
                                                                                                       Our Energy, Projects, Commercial Real
  ‘Our litigators have continued to be flat                                                         Estate and Construction practices also
                                                                                                    continue to grow, with a significant increase
  out, enjoying huge success’                                                                       in the nature and complexity of the deals
                                                                                                    being done and an emphasis at government

66   BUSINESS PLUS          APRIL 2018
BP SURVEY                 C O M M E R C I A L L AW

and private sector level on increasing
investment levels in infrastructure.
   NOTABLE DEAL Matheson advised Gurnet
Point Capital, a €2bn healthcare investment
fund, on its €209m public takeover of
Innocoll Holdings plc, a Nasdaq-listed global
pharmaceutical and medical device company.
The need to comply with different legislative
frameworks and to satisfy distinct
supervisory authorities created significant
   IRISH ECONOMY The fact that Ireland
continued to provide legal, tax and regulatory
stability and certainty during its greatest
financial crisis has meant that our
international offering and our international
competitiveness have been further enhanced.
Ireland’s determination and willingness to
continue to defend its corporate tax rate has
not gone unnoticed internationally.
   USP Innovation is embedded deep within
the firm’s culture and is something we take
great pride in. We foster a diverse,
collaborative and innovative culture, as well
as a forward-thinking work ethic which
transfers across all of our initiatives and
ensures we stay ahead of the curve.
              Survey continued on page 68        Michael Jackson (left) with Simon Coveney, Minister for Foreign Affairs

                                                               At McCann FitzGerald, we’re proud to be home
                                                               to many of the most talented and experienced
                                                               legal minds working in the global marketplace
Why you                                                        today. We believe that their expertise is worth
                                                               paying for – but only when you need it.

shouldn’t                                                      Today, many tasks that used to be the exclusive
                                                               responsibility of lawyers can now be carried out more

always use                                                     efficiently and effectively with new technologies and
                                                               new methods of working – saving our lawyers for
                                                               when they can add true strategic value.

our lawyers.                                                   To find out more about Ireland’s most progressive
                                                               major law firm, contact our Managing Partner,
                                                               Barry Devereux, on +353 1 829 0000, or go to

                                                               d u b l i n | lo n d o n | n e w y o r k | b r u s s e l s
BP SURVEY                      C O M M E R C I A L L AW

Managing Partner
                                                      ‘Our tax offering is growing rapidly,
Eversheds Sutherland                                  as it provides a unique service’
ACTIVITY Our Dublin and Belfast offices
continue to be star performers across the
                                                      NOTABLE DEAL We acted for Sojitz
Eversheds Sutherland global firm. We have
                                                   Corporation in relation to the acquisition
seen very strong growth across multiple
                                                   of a 60% interest in Evalair Ltd, which
practice areas, particularly in data protection,
                                                   holds a wind farm portfolio in Ireland,
cybersecurity, taxation and real estate. In
                                                   comprising 223 megawatts of capacity.
2017, we also saw significant growth in our
                                                   The purchaser was an SPV and the
regulatory consultancy division, with some
                                                   transaction was structured to provide for two
big account wins.
                                                   completion dates. This was a cross-border
   GROWTH DRIVERS As business continues
                                                   matter that included Ireland, Japan,
to globalise, our global approach to the
                                                   Luxembourg and the UK.
provision of legal services will increasingly
                                                      IRISH ECONOMY One of the reasons
become relevant to all clients. Our tax
                                                   why our economy has rebounded is that our
offering, having specialist tax lawyers around
                                                   clients have proven to be very resilient – they
the world and perhaps most particularly in
                                                   have taken tough decisions and have used
Ireland and the US, is growing rapidly, as it
                                                   their business acumen to adapt their
provides a unique service to US companies
                                                   businesses to enable a growth cycle.
doing business in Ireland and to Irish
                                                      USP Eversheds Sutherland is the only
companies doing business in the US.
                                                   full-service international law firm in Ireland
   Our GDPR team is world class and the
                                                   offering an all-Ireland and global presence.
quality of their offering to businesses across
                                                   With 2,400 lawyers worldwide, no other
Ireland is peerless. In a short period of time
                                                   law firm in Ireland can offer businesses
they have gained an outstanding reputation
                                                   access to this level of support on both sides
for excellence and innovation, and we expect
                                                   of the Atlantic.
strong growth in this area this year and next.

JOHN WHITE                                                                                           Infrastructure Group. The team was led by
                                                                                                     partner Ainsley Heffernan, and supported by
Managing Partner                                                                                     partners in construction, banking and finance.
Beauchamps                                                                                              IRISH ECONOMY Levels of startups business
                                                                                                     and entrepreneurship, supported by a series of
ACTIVITY We continue to experience                                                                   government incentives, are increasing. The
increased activity across almost every                                                               emergence of private equity and new and
practice group and sector, and the firm is on                                                        alternative capital sources for businesses to
track to achieve double-digit growth again                                                           scale and grow quickly has been a welcome
this financial year. I am also delighted with                                                        ‘shot in the arm’ for business activity.
the addition of top-class talent joining our                                                            BREXIT My view is that a significant
team from the UK and leading Irish firms, as                                                         majority of UK firms will continue to rely on
well as the addition of new clients across all                                                       the local jurisdictional expertise and
practice areas. This is the result of a                                                              experience of Irish law firms, as and when
sustained and deliberate strategy focused on                                                         concrete proposals for Brexit emerge. If
our core practice areas.                                                                             clients move substantial parts of their
   With the recent addition of Dorit McCann as                                                       business to Ireland, then we can expect the
Head of EU, Competition and Procurement, and
Barry Cahir as Head of Insolvency and
                                                     ‘Our partners                                   law firms to follow.
                                                                                                        USP When I meet our clients, I always
Corporate Restructuring, we have also seen
significant growth in these areas.
                                                     are available,                                  ask them about their experience of working
                                                                                                     with Beauchamps, and how we can improve.
   GROWTH DRIVERS Our long-term growth
strategy remains focused on our core
                                                     accessible and                                  The message is generally the same:
                                                                                                     we consistently deliver a high-level of
commercial practice areas, where regulation
and compliance play a significant role. We
                                                     pragmatic’                                      professional advice, coupled with a
                                                                                                     dedication to exceptional client service –
expect M&A activity to increase, and we are                                                          basically, we help clients get things done. In
also engaging with in-house counsel to               NOTABLE DEAL We advised the                     practical terms, this means our partners are
provide solutions on a project-by-project or       shareholders of Pallas Windfarm Ltd on the        available, accessible and pragmatic.
consultancy basis post-merger/acquisition, or      sale of an operational wind farm and under-
during significant change projects.                construction project to The Renewables                        Survey continued on page 70

68    BUSINESS PLUS          APRIL 2018
Pre-eminent in Financial Services                                                                                                    Global Legal and Professional Services
BERMUDA         |   BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS              |   CAYMAN ISLANDS             |   DUBAI      |   GUERNSEY |          HONG KONG              |   IRELAND |   JERSEY   |   LONDON   |   SINGAPORE

Walkers works in exclusive association with Taylors in Bermuda, a full service commercial law firm providing advice on all aspects of Bermuda law.
BP SURVEY                      C O M M E R C I A L L AW

JULIAN YARR                                             ‘We have a relentless focus on
Managing Partner
A&L Goodbody                                            developing brilliant people’
ACTIVITY 2017 was another very strong year
for us. We maintained market share across                                                              faceted, requiring multiple teams from our
our core areas and were involved in the                                                                corporate, commercial property, finance, tax
majority of the large, complex deals and                                                               and employment departments. The scale of
disputes that the market has offered.                                                                  the transaction, in terms of the number of
What particularly pleased me was the                                                                   properties involved, was unprecedented.
significant growth in the majority of our                                                                 IRISH ECONOMY We are seen as global
specialist areas, from EU law to insurance,                                                            leaders in many important sectors, hence
tech and data and intellectual property, and                                                           there is a strong magnet for new related
financial regulation.                                                                                  investment. Our talent, tax system and
   We have increased our headcount by 10%,                                                             access to Europe remains key. Consumer
with a healthy mixture of lateral hires from                                                           confidence has also returned and had a
other firms and trainees coming through the                                                            multiplier effect on the domestic Irish
system. We have also introduced a bespoke                                                              economy.
learning and development programme for our                                                                BREXIT While there have been a number
lawyers, and we refreshed our brand as a                                                               of businesses looking to locate operations
major part of a three-year client engagement                                                           in Ireland, it’s not at the level that some
strategy, which has been very positively                                                               were predicting.
received.                                                                                                 USP We have a relentless focus on
   GROWTH DRIVERS Our growth strategy                                                                  attracting and developing brilliant people
matches the market, domestically and                 of the market to maximise on those                who match our collaborative culture. How
internationally. While the Irish economy             opportunities.                                    well we work together, and with our clients,
is doing well, Brexit and the US                        NOTABLE DEAL We advised Irish house-           has been commented upon by clients as a
administration present opportunities as well         builder Glenveagh Properties plc on its           strong reason for the high-quality service
as challenges. We have to stay a step ahead          €550m IPO. It was complex and multi-              and advice we provide them.

Managing Partner
Eugene F Collins
ACTIVITY There has been good growth across
the firm throughout the practice, in areas such
as banking, corporate, property and litigation.
This partly reflects the market but was also
due to some new hires. At the moment one of
the areas we work on most is staff retention.
What we offer our lawyers is access to
interesting work coupled with a proper life
balance. You know people will work hard when
the transactions are there, but they won’t be
in the office until midnight every night.
    GROWTH DRIVERS I think you need to be                                                              are dealing with Germans, Italians and others,
proactive. We’re a full-service law firm, so you       ‘I think you need                               and recently I was dealing with a firm from Hong
have to try and ensure that growth isn’t too                                                           Kong. The country’s reputation took a dent
concentrated in particular practice areas. We          to be proactive’                                during the recession but now Ireland is viewed
have a tradition of being a strong corporate                                                           as a country that has sorted itself out. So there
firm, with a good reputation for insolvency and                                                        is money coming in, with investors taking up
litigation. We have to keep our focus on these       a complex, cross-jurisdictional restructuring     some of the financing slack left by the banks.
areas even when corporate is booming and             transaction that involved our banking,               USP There’s a quote about the firm in ‘Legal
there is lots of M&A activity. You just can’t rest   corporate, property and employment teams.         500’ from a client who had been involved in a
on your laurels – you have to focus on all the       There were also litigation advices, so it was a   corporate transaction. What he said was: ‘They
divisions and achieve consistent growth.             good rounded transaction that pulled in all the   are large enough to have the knowledge and
    NOTABLE DEAL We were involved with               different areas of the firm.                      experience we need, but they are familiar and
property developers Cannon Kirk and their               IRISH ECONOMY Ireland seems to be an           user-friendly’. And that kind of sums it up.
€100m refinance of debt owed to Nama. It was         acceptable place in which to invest again. We                   Survey continued on page 72

70    BUSINESS PLUS            APRIL 2018
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