Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...

Page created by Timothy Cortez
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Leprechaun Gold

                             A student publication of St. Vincent-St. Mary High School

Akron, Ohio                        May 26, 2021                 Vol. XLVIII * Issue No. 5

         The Senior Issue: Congratulations St. Vincent-St. Mary Class of 2021!
                                                                         yond our time at St. Vincent- St. Mary. We will be forever grateful
Journalism Goodbye                                                       for the time we have spent with her. As Ms. Dannemiller has taught
By Emily. Abby, Sarah, & Sadie                                           us, it is important to include quotes in articles, so we’ll leave you
                                                                         with this, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying

D     ear Leprechaun Gold Readers,
          Where to begin… It has been the honor of our lifetime to
serve as your Co-Editors throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
                                                                         goodbye so hard” - Winnie the Pooh.

                                                                         With all our love,
Each and every month, we worked tirelessly, day and night, to put
                                                                         Abby Minear, Emily Bame,
together a quality issue that our readers would love. Unfortunate-
ly throughout this past year, we have stumbled upon some road-           Sarah Sollenberger, and Sadie Porchowsky
blocks that inhibited our ability to release regular issues of the be-
loved paper, as we had hoped. However, all good things must come
to an end. We hope that our legacy will be continued for years to
come, although we have left pretty big shoes to fill. It is with heavy
hearts, that we must step down from our positions. Although our
time at the Leprechaun Gold is coming to an end, we will forever
cherish our time spent with the other amazing reporters. We start-
ed as a diverse group of students, but I think we speak for every-
one when we say we have turned into a family. Our time with the
newspaper has flown by, and we are so sad to close this chapter. We
have valued all of the knowledge we have gained, especially under
the guidance of the the Editor In-Chief, Ms. Meghan Dannemiller.
There are truly no words to describe the impact she has had on our
lives. Her dedication to her students is shown through the safe and
fun environment she fosters within the four walls, some may call a
classroom. The lessons we have learned from her will stem far be-
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Page 2                        MEMORIES                                                                     26 May 2021

                                                Freshman Year Memories
  The   Leprechaun Gold                         •   A Midsummer           •   First Hoban Week           lenge Nationals trip
St. Vincent - St. Mary High School                  Night’s Dream             and pep rally              to Chicago
       15 N. Maple Street                       •   Hello Dolly           •   The Wingfoot Clas-     •   Cross Country
                                                •   Freshman Home-            sic Basketball game        State
       Akron, OH 44303
                                                    coming                •   Freshman Day of        •   Basketball State
   On the web: www.stvm.com
                                                •   Model UN trips            Reflection             •   Soccer team camp
                                                •   First football and    •   Mrs. Robert’s histo-       out
                                                    basketball game           ry class               •   State finals for
              ADVISOR                               student sections      •   Academic Chal-             Symphonic Band
 Ms. Meghan Dannemiller VM12

            Emily Bame VM21
           Abigail Minear VM21
         Sadie Porchowsky VM21
         Sarah Sollenberger VM21

        Anthony Albanese VM21
         Nariah Edwards VM22
          Thomas Gupta VM22
            Chloe Haas VM21
          Theresa Hagey VM21
             Sofia Kane VM21
           Tara Lanham VM21
            John Lloyd VM21                     Sophomore Year Memories
        Nicholas Lombardo VM21                  •   Summer Gym                Parade                 •   Getting to watch
            Abigail May VM21                    •   Sophomore Days of     •   Romeo and Juliet           the Basetball Team
          Diana Metzler VM21
        Tariq Montgomery VM22
                                                    Reflection            •   Jekyll and Hyde            play at State
          Saniah Mosely VM22                    •   World Language        •   Talent Show            •   Track State
           Jayden Palma VM22                        field trips to the    •   Winter Formal          •   Ms. Diamond’s
          Anna Parasson VM22                        Film Festival         •   Ski Club                   English class
        Samantha Pianalto VM22                  •   Marching Band         •   The baseball and       •   Cedar Point
          Kathryn Saum VM22
          Brooke Shook VM21
                                                    trip to Chicago for       softball trip to Pi-   •   Getting Driver’s
         Ryan VanDevere VM22                        St. Patrick’s Day         geon Forge, TN             licenses
         Drew Vereecken VM21

     The Leprechaun Gold is published
 throughout the year for the students of St.
  Vincent-St. Mary High School. Letters to
  the editor are encouraged, provided they
  do not contain disruptive material to the
    educational process, and that they are
signed. This paper reserves the right to edit
  submitted material for length. Photos for
this issue are provided by Mrs. Beth Dolan
the Yearbook Staff, Mr. Anthony Boarman,
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
May 26 2021            MEMORIES                                                                    Page 3
    Junior Year Memories
•    WKYC field trip                  •   Starting the E-Sports Club        •   Dance Marathon
•    Football Season                  •   Getting “2 weeks” off of school   •   Shakespeare in Love
•    Football game vs. Massillon      •   Swim meets                        •   Jazz Band
•    The run to the Xoban             •   Winter Choir Concert              •   Winter Formal
•    Football vs. Xoban               •   Psychology Class                  •   Kenny’s warm Snickerdoodles
•    Volleyball District game         •   Not having to take final exams    •   Winning boy’s soccer District
•    Homecoming                       •   Chris Sipe’s piano playing            Game
•    XC Season                        •   Yearbook Field Trip               •   NHS Induction

Senior Year Memories
• Being together again after online   •   Final NASA rocket launch          • Outdoor Prom
school                                •   House Competitions                • Bonding with new people
• Decorating the hallways at the      •   AP Bio Cleveland Zoo field trip   • House Cup Day
senior lock in                        •   Marching band senior show         • Kenny’s Bday Bash
• Football game vs. Xoban             •   Chic-fil-A lunches                • Getting the computerizd babies
• Mr. Irish competition               •   Murder Mystery show               in Family Studies class
• Dance Marathon                      •   Track and XC seasons              • Baseball game vs Xoban
• K40!!!                              •   Girl’s tennis seasons             • Painting the Senior mural
• Boy’s Basketball States in Dayton   •   14 hour math challenge            • White Lie Wednesday
• Journalism class                    •   Senior Skip Day(s)
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Page 4                SUPERLATIVES                                             26 May 2021

                  Best Smile                                      Best Laugh

  Tejzah Brooks-Hood       Joseph Brown        Sarah Sollenberger        Drew Vereecken
                 Prettiest Eyes                               Best Voice

     Diana Metzler            Connor Littler       Julia Mullin        Charles Domonkos III
                  Best Hair                                  Most Spirited

         Sofia Kane           James Gupta         Abigail May              John Lloyd
             Biggest “Glow-Up”                                Most Artistic

   Guilianna D’Andrea      Jackson Dengg           Ella Brindo           Zeke Knezevich
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
26 May 2021     SUPERLATIVES                                               Page 5

              Most Athletic                      Most Dramatic

    McKenna Jones       Darrian Lewis     Lily Barker            Luke Dobson
        Most Likely to Succeed                      Biggest Flirt

    Maeve Gaffney      Ryan Chicoski     Mary Jewell           O’Hadji Jackson
      Most Likely to be Famous                          Worst Driver

    Abigail Minear     Malaki Branham   Alexandra Faust           Quinn Knox
     Most Likely to Work at STVM                    Class Clown

      Emily Bame         Eric Brown      Jebrey Gwen            Mason Fordyce
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Page 6                SUPERLATIVES                                      26 May 2021

                  Friendliest                            Best Dressed

         Annie Hart         Kenny Crosby      Maggie Gilkey        Josh Nickerson
     Most likely to never be single                     Cutest Couple

    Natalie Folatko        Andrew Morse        Diana Metzler       Ryan Chicoski
                 Best Friends                            Best Friends

     Dream Cherry        Tejiah Brooks-Hood   O’Hadji Jackson       Derrian Lewis

                  Class of 2021!
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
26 May 2021           IN 10 YEARS I SEE MYSELF...                                                                             Page 7

Steven Hauck: “In 10 years I see myself          spending time with my family.”                 Children’s hospital.”
as either a teacher or a sports broadcast-       Angela Peterson: “In ten years I hope          Aneirin Brooks: “Being a professional
er for baseball. My love for baseball is like    that I am a teacher, traveling, and hopeful-   basketball player.”
none other, so I seriously would love to         ly starting a family.”                         Macyo Williams: “The top defensive
have the opportunity to do something I           Evan Kerr: “Starting my own business           tackle in the NFL.”
love every single day for as long as I can.”     and working in Finance for a company in        Anthony Kovacevich: “Making money
Dominic Vanderlin: “Being a teacher/             the sports world.”                             and changing the world.”
professor in history, trying to get a book       Abby May: “Teaching underprivileged            Dream Cherry: “Married few kids and
published (either a novel or an informative      and special needs children at a school in      wealthy.”
text), attempt to do something in film or        the Akron area.”                               Jacob Thomas: “I honestly have no idea.”
theater, and being surrounded by a group         Jeanie Hunt: “I see myself working as a        Tara Lanham: “Living my best life.”
of wonderful people.”                            Physician Assistant and traveling across       Saniah Mosley: “Financially stable.”
Maggie Gilkey: “I see myself very suc-           the world.”                                    Carden Jones: “Owning a cow farm.”
cessful and happy with my life. I hope to        Catedia Bertolini-Rivas: “In 10 years I        Sarah Fuch: “As a teacher.”
have travelled across the world and have         see myself working in a bakery or working      Anthony Albanese: “Off the grid.”
gone to many fashion shows and hopefully         in a top resturant.”                           Kaleb Lopp: “As a pilot.”
met some of my idols.”                           Sofia Kane: “Hopefully finishing up trav-      Jalynn Gwen: “As a nurse.”
Brooke Shook: “Hopefully working as              eling, starting a successful job and a fami-   Mason Fordyce: “I have no idea.”
either a travel nurse or in a specific nursing   ly.”
profession. Hopefully truly enjoying my          Emily Bame: “In a steady career, sur-
job and possibly thinking about starting a       rounded by friends, traveling, hopefully
family.”                                         married!”
McKenna Warren: “In 10 years I see               Eric Brown: “Teaching English and His-
myself with my masters degree in social          tory in middle school and hopefully mar-
work and working for an agency that is           ried.”
helping kids, as well as hopefully having a      Diana Metzler: “Having a successful ca-
family of my own.”                               reer, traveling the world, and being happy.”
Mason Niskanen: “Working hard and                Maggie McCarron: “Working as a
being successful in the corporate world. I       nurse, traveling, getting married, maybe
also see myself having a family and giving       having kids.”
back to those who helped me throughout           Brady Kastelic: “Hopefully in the house
my life.”                                        of my dreams working the job I love.”
Abby Minear: “Hopefully having my                Johnny Lloyd: “Being a millionaire with
dream job as a Radio City Rockette, living       about 4 cars and happily engaged.”
in New York City, starting a family, and be-     Tyler Ellsworth: “As a doctor working in
ing happy with my life!”                         either residency or a fellowship.”
Rennick Best: “With a masters degree in          Halle Kalaman: “Graduated, having my
whatever degree I choose, pursuing a ca-         own family, and job that I enjoy.”
reer that makes me happy and that I am           Theresa Hagey: “I see myself settled
passionate about.”                               down with a job I am happy with.”
Mary Jewell: “Working in an animal               Makaela Kovatch: “Hopefully working
rescue or refuge and being able to go back       for the FBI as a criminal profiler.”
to my own home to my dogs and many dif-          Jaun Gaines: “Somewhere in Utah creat-
ferent plants.”                                  ing banger fashion pieces.”
Nick Lombardo: “In 10 years I see my-            Olivia Mathis: “Educated, having a fam-
self working for ESPN or TNT and being           ily, living a happy life.”
around the NBA living somewhere with             Drew Vereecken: “Married with a fam-
my wife and kids.”                               ily and a job.”
Sarah Sollenberger: “In 10 years I see           Johnny Mostoller: “I have no idea, very
myself, with a successful job, living in a fun   far from here (hopefully).”
city, with my husband and a few kids.”           Chloe Haas: “Either working as a detec-
Ryan Chicoski: “In 10 years I see myself         tive or in the FBI.”
out of college, spending time traveling, and     Cassidy Milliken: “As a Nurse in Akron
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Page 8                               CLASSIFIEDS                                                                       26 May 2021
Jack Thomas: “I’d like to thank the fol-        all of the faculty and staff. In particular     faculty and staff, especially Mrs. Drumm.
lowing teachers: Mr. Corbett and Mrs. Mil-      I would like to thank Mrs. Spinner -- for       Thank you for giving me the opportunity
ligan having hope for me my freshman year,      always being willing to listen, Mr. Corbett     to be here. The time I have spent at STVM
even though I let them down. Ms. Patonai        -- for never failing to make me smile, Mrs.     has been the greatest time of my life.”
for reigniting my interest in mathematics,      Milligan -- for being one of my biggest sup-    Cassidy Milliken: “Thank you to the fac-
leading me to create the math team. Mrs.        porters, and Mr. Cobb -- for helping me         ulty and staff, especially Mr. McKrill and
Skovira and Mrs. Godshalk for enhances          to truly enjoy AP Biology class this year.”     Mrs. Mac. Thank you for giving me the op-
my writing abilities, even when I would         Abby Minear: “Thank you to the facul-           portunity to be here. The time I have spent at
write about the craziest things. Ms. Sanor      ty and staff, especially Ms. Dannemiller.       STVM has been the greatest time of my life.”
for letting me create the math team and         You have been the best teacher and some-        Drew Vereecken: “Thank you Mr.
introducing me to NASA SL, something            one I can always go to whenever I need          McKrill and Mrs. Gorr for putting for-
which changed my entire senior year expe-       something. You are the best! Thank you          ward your best effort to making this
rience. Mr. Engels for kicking me in the butt   to Mr. Corbett for being the coolest teach-     school year as good as possible, even
and patting me on the back when needed,         er and always making class so much fun!”        when the decisions were impossible to
teaching me leadership skills which I will      Evan Kerr: “A big thank you to Miss Carli-      make. We appreciate your hard work.”
never forget. Mr. Yeh for letting us get off    er! Thank you for making mentor group           Johnny Lloyd: “Thank you Mr. McDonald
topic in class and have open conversations      fun and enjoyable each and every day! I         for being the best teacher in the world. You
with him. Mr. Cobb for being the shining        looked forward to mentor group every day        have taught me a lot about having fun and
star of online learning during the pandemic     and I’m definitely going to miss you and        when to say the perfect one liners! You are the
and having such a structured class that was     every student in my mentor group when I         heart of this school and that is undeniable.”
easy to learn with. Mrs. Llerena for being      go off to college! Thank you Miss Carlier!”     Amaya (Carden) Jones: “Thank you to
a great Spanish teacher and excited about       Brooke Shook: “Thank you to the                 Mrs. Mac for always giving me candy and
all things Spanish club. Mrs. Widders for       faculty and staff, especially Mr. Al-           to the younger classes that I bonded with.
letting my change my schedule 5+ times in       niemi who makes me smile every time             Thank you to Mr. Cobb for always making
one week on her first week working here.        I see him and Mr. McDonald who is tru-          AP Bio fun and to Mrs. Petrilli for match-
Mrs. Wood for letting me print out huge         ly the sweetest man alive. Also another         ing with me on pj day for Hoban week.”
papers and always being ready to kick me        thank you to Ms. Dannemiller for being          Jalynn Gwen: “Thank you to everyone
out for playing poker or let me take a test     such a sweet person and cool teacher.”          especially Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Besesi for
at 6:30 in the morning. Mrs. Gorr and Mr.       Olivia Mathis: “I would like to give            always being there to talk to me or just
Mckrill for putting up with all my crazy        a special thank you to Mrs. McElhan-            simply being people I can trust. STVM has
ideas, even if most of them were ignored be-    ey for making my four years welcom-             been good to me.”
cause of their radicalism or never complet-     ing, exciting and inviting. Thank you           McKenna Warren: “Thank you to all the
ed because of quarantine difficulties. You      for teaching me math for 3 years, and           teachers that helped me get here, especially
all helped me go from a 2.0 GPA my fresh-       sharing a friendly bond. As well as, mak-       Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Dolan. I have loved all
man year, to above a 4.5 my senior year.”       ing my years at STVM more enjoyable.”           the memories and opportunities from my
Maggie Gilkey: “Thank you so much               Jeanie Hunt: “Thank you to the teachers         experience at STVM!”
to Mrs. Timms for always being there for        and staff, especially Mr. Cobb and Mr. Cor-     Johnny Mostoller: “Thank you to all my
me the past 4 years and for always being so     bett. Biology and psychology were two of        teachers especially Mrs. Mac and Mrs. L,
sweet and kind to all of us. Thank you to       my favorite classes. I really enjoyed my four   and Senoria Llerena. I don’t think I would
Mr. Neary for giving me such big oppor-         years, and my experience here has greatly       have stayed here all four years if it wasn’t
tunities while at STVM. All of the teachers     shaped my life and my path for my future.”      for you.”
that I’ve had in the past four years, espe-     Mason Niskanen: “Thank you to the staff         Ryan Chicoski: “Thank you to all of
cially this year, have made such a big im-      and the whole STVM community. I never           the STVM staff that has made my time
pact in my life and I will never forget it!”    knew what private school was like and its       here very memorable. Special thanks to
Sofia Kane: “Thank you faculty and              very different than public school. I enjoyed    the STVM administration for making my
staff for all you have done for me these        my time here and will never forget the mem-     senior year possible.”
past 4 years. I love you Mr. Alnemi for         ories and life long friendships I have made.”   Catiedia Bertolini-Rivas: “Thank you
brightening up my day, Marge for always         Abby May: “Thank you to all of the staff        to the faculty and staff for making the
being someone I could go to, and Ms.            because you have helped me through so           past 4 years of my high school experience
Dannemiller for being the coolest teach-        much here at stvm. I want to shout out Mr.      the best and thank you for giving me the
er and teaching the best class, journalism.     Cobb because without him I wouldn’t have        opportunity to be here.”
I have made the best friends at STVM            been able to find my true passion for help-     Rennick Best: “Thank you Mrs. God-
and will remember these people forever.”        ing children through the Dance Marathon.”       shalk for being one of the best teachers I
Diana Metzler: “Thank you so much to            Macyo Williams: “Thank you to the               have ever had. I would not have passed
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
26 May 2021                           CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                  Page 9
Makaela Kovatch: “Thank you to all my           and worked to give us a memorable senior         Sarah Sollenberger: “Thank you so
teachers, especially Mr. McDonald and Ms.       year!”                                           much to all of the amazing faculty and staff
Howard. Thank you for pushing me to do          Angela Peterson: “Thank you to all the           at STVM- you have all impacted my life in
my best, and making mentor group tons of        amazing STVM students and staff for mak-         so many ways. There are a few special peo-
fun!”                                           ing my experience as special as possible!”       ple who have made my time at STVM what
Sarah Futch: “I just wanna say thank you        Nick Lombardo: “Thank you to all the             it has been, and to them I owe the biggest
to my teachers for helping me and making        teachers who have taught me throughout           thanks. To Mr. Boarman, thank you for
me feel comfortable here at STVM. I will        my four years at STVM.”                          always being so willing to help the cross
miss you all and hope to visit soon.”           Saniah Mosley: “I have enjoyed my four           country team make their apparel and for
Tony Kovacevich: “Thank you to ev-              years at STVM and I am thankful to have          always taking time to support us. To Mrs.
eryone who has been a part of this process      this experience.”                                Milligan, thank you for always listening to
with me. Without everyone’s help and sup-       Brady Kastelic: “Thank you to the staff          our class talk about bagels, and for always
port, I wouldn’t have made it this far.”        for being very welcoming to me when I            making us laugh with the jokes of the day!
Juan Gaines: “Thank you STVM, you               transferred.”                                    To Mrs. Mac, thank you for being with us
taught me a lot about life and gave me mad      Dream Cherry: “Thank you to Mrs.                 since freshman year and for always have a
memories. Big shoutout to Mrs. Bisesi,          Mac and Mrs. Drumm the best teachers at          stash of chocolate. To Ms. Paolucci, I am
that’s an OG right there”                       stvm!!!”                                         so thankful for the bond we made on K40
Halle Kalaman: “Thank you to the fac-           Anthony Albanese: “Thank you to the              you are such an inspiration to me. To Mrs.
ulty and staff, I have loved these past four    faculty and staff for an eventful four years!”   Shoup, thank you for being my biggest sup-
years and would not have wanted to gradu-       Tara Lanham: “Thank you alnemi.”                 porter and always putting a smile on my
ate anywhere else.”                             Mason Fordyce: “S/o Mr. Wang.”                   face during study hall. And finally, to Ms.
Tyler Ellsworth: “Thank you to the fac-         Theresa Hagey: “Thank you to the fac-            Dannemiller, there is no way I could put
ulty and staff, especially Mr. Pitts and Mrs.   ulty and administration, especially Mrs.         into words the impact you have had on my
Timms. I have loved every second of my          Milligan. Thanks for giving me fun mem-          life. I am forever grateful for every memory
time at STVM.”                                  ories in AP Comp and Lit! Also, shout out        we have made. I look forward to seeing you
Eric Brown: “Thank you to the faculty for       to the Cross and Track teams for all the fun     everyday and hearing all the amazing ad-
believing in me and for helping me strive to    seasons.”                                        vice you have for me. I know that you will
be the best I could be”                         Emily Bame: “Thank you to everyone               continue to be such an important person in
Moira McCarron: “Thank you to all the           who has made the past 4 years at STVM so         my life, even after graduation. I will forever
faculty, staff, and my classmates for mak-      amazing! Special thanks to Ms. Dannemill-        cherish my time on the Leprechaun Gold
ing my experience at STVM one that I will       er, Mrs. Spinner, Mrs. Boarman, and Mrs.         with such an amazing group- you know
never forget.”                                  Milligan who were all positive role models       who you are! Thank you for all the memo-
Chloe Haas: “Thank you to everyone who          for me and made every day so much bright-        ries STVM, I will always have such a special
helped make these past four years great         er!”                                             place in my heart for you!”
Leprechaun Gold - St. Vincent-St. Mary High ...
Page 10          STAFF SHOUT OUTS                                          26 May 2020
Mr. Paolucci: Just want to give        has been a pleasure to have you
a quick shout out to Abby May,         all in class for the past three
Mary Jewel, Luke Dobson, and           years. I will miss you more than
Andrew McSteen for all of their        you know and I can’t wait to see
hard work as my house leader-          where this next step takes you!
ship team this year. You guys          Mr. Pitts: Congratulations Class
truly made being dean so much          of 2021! You Seniors were a huge
fun and should be very proud of        part of why my first year at STVM
everything you accomplished for        was so memorable and enjoyable.
your classmates and the entire         Especially to my Econ class, I
student body this year. Best wish-     couldn’t have hoped for a better
es to you all! Just want to take a     class than you guys. That class
second to wish Angela Peterson         truly was one of the highlights
the absolute best in college. I only   of not only this year, but of my
got to witness two of your 4 years     teaching career. As you all leave
here at STVM and it was an ab-         STVM, remember these three
solute privilege to get to teach my    pieces of advice: Pay someone else
own cousin. Love ya kiddo, see         to do your taxes, Marry up, and
you at the next family holiday lol.    always be BUILT DIFFERENT!
Mrs. Milligan: I will genuine-         Mr. Corbett: I am very lucky
ly miss so many of you. It has         to be on my way out with such
been my privilege to watch you         a great group of young men and
all grow and mature over the           women! It has been an absolute
past four years. Special shout         pleasure getting to know you all,
out to all of my AP Comp &             working alongside you trying to
Lit students - you will always         change the culture of our school,
have a special place in my heart.      and enjoying some unforgettable
Please remember to stay in             moments. I will forever cher-
touch. Best of luck next year!         ish our time in Honors Global,
Mr. Dages: Dear Seniors,               Summer P.E., and the priceless
God bless all of you -- thank          conversations during my class-
you for leading the school             es. Good luck and God bless!
during a very difficult and chal-      Mrs. Demboski-Ramirez: To
lenging year -- I wish you the         the Class of 2021, you will always
best always as we move into a          hold a special place in my heart!
brighter future. I’m confident         You were my very first class as a
all of you will do great things!       high school teacher, and we made
Mr. Campbell: Congratula-              the bumpy, sometimes emotion-
tions to the class of 2021 seniors     al, but often exciting transition
especially the band seniors. You       together from middle school
were Irish Warriors this year          to high school. All of you have
and I can not be more proud            grown and matured so much over
of you. I will never forget pre-       the years, but you each still have
miering Gallowglass with you.          that spark of energy that sets you
You did an amazing job on it!!!        apart from the rest. Please do not
Ms. Dannemiller: Congratu-             lose the sweet sincerity that you
lations to the Class of 2021! To       have; always work hard and give
my journalism seniors, thank           your best effort; and remember
you for the hard work you have         that life is about the little mo-
put in to the newspaper this           ments of happiness, smiles and
year. I have enjoyed spending          laughter. STVM will always be
5th period talking and laughing        family for you, and we will miss
with you. To my editors, (Em-          each of you as you go out and
ily, Abby, Sadie, and Sarah) it        find your place in this big world!
26 May 2021          STAFF SHOUT OUTS                                                                                           Page 11
Mrs. Widders: To the Class of 2021, you        will never forget all of the lessons that you   would not have been so successful - in so
did it! During a year of chaos and strug-      have taught me about being hopeful and          many ways. You will all be missed, but I
gle for everyone, you have all persevered,     never giving up. Hope is what carried us        am confident you will go on to do amazing
worked hard, and set an example for all        through this school year, and will make         things. Don’t forget to come back to visit!
of us. Hearing your laughter and seeing        you stronger than any challenge that comes      Go Irish!
your smiling masked faces made this year       your way. The Class of 2021 is the Class of     Mrs. Howard: To the Varsity Volley-
worth all the craziness. Thank you for all     HOPE! Now is the time for you to go out         ball Seniors - Thank-you for four great
the amazing ways you have contribut-           into the world--share that hope, trust in       years! The District Title Game at Tall-
ed to the school community. Continue           God, and do wonderful things! Love, Mrs.        madge is a match I will never forget! I wish
to be the wonderful people you are and         Spinner                                         you only the best! Stay in touch! Marge
make an impact on this world. Go Irish!        Mr. Cobb: YOU DID IT! What a year it            Mrs. Shoup-Colant: Senior Shout outs
Miss Zimmer: To the class of 2021: This        has been! I hope that through all of the        Shout Out to all the Class or 2021 Office
was a challenging year unlike any oth-         crazy parts of this year that you will all      Workers – for some of you it was 4 years of
er, but I am so proud of how you did not       focus on and remember the fun aspects           volunteering. Bless you! Shout Out to Joe
let covid ruin your year. You all showed       of your senior year. Although it may have       Brown – you are the B.E.S.T. - BEST pa-
how tremendously resilient of a class you      been different from what you envisioned         per delivery guy! You brighten my morn-
are and I have loved having the chance to      when you walked in STVM for the first           ings and afternoons with that enormous,
watch you grow these last two years. Spe-      time in 2017, I know that you guys were         beautiful, heartwarming smile. Shout out
cial shout-out to the House Captains and       able to make the most of each and every         to the Class of 2021 – Go show the world
Chaplains; thank you for putting your          moment. I had many of you as freshman           what I was able to see every day – that
hearts and souls into making the kick-off      and it has been wonderful and fulfilling        you are phenomenal and your kind heart
year of the House System as successful and     to see have much you have progressed            makes this world a better place! I feel truly
special as it was. I couldn’t have asked for   since freshman year. A special shoutout         blessed for knowing you these four years,
a better and more dedicated group of stu-      to my AP Biology seniors: thanks for be-        (your freshman year was my first year at
dents. We never could have done it without     ing a great and fun class--you survived!!       STVM as secretary to the Principal). And
your help and leadership! Congratulations      Mrs. Gorr: Congratulations and Best             Shout Out to our oldest Senior, Mr. Tom
class of 2021; I look forward to seeing all    Wishes to the Class of 2021! What a mem-        Carone, look at you, leaving in 1977 and
of the amazing things you will accomplish!     orable four years you have spent at STVM.       then leaving again in 2021. As many Se-
Mrs. Spinner: Shoutout to the entire se-       Your high school stories will be unlike         niors can imitate your voice as your pro-
nior class for being so AMAZING during         any other class to graduate from STVM.          claim, but not one can duplicate how you
a global pandemic! I was always impressed      Thank you for all of your hard work and         feel about STVM, “I love St. Vincent St.
by your ability to be optimistic and dedi-     dedication over the years. This year espe-      Mary” . Thank you for all your efforts here
cated to each other even though you had        cially, thank you for working with the fac-     High Atop a Hill in Akron! I know all of
already lost so much. This will be a year      ulty and staff to stay in school, in person     you will be exceptional in your future en-
no one will forget, and I can guarantee I      ALL YEAR! Without your efforts, this year       deavors. May God continue to bless you.
Page 12             THE BACK PAGE                             26 May 2021

College Match up
Match the graduating senior to their future college!

         Kiara Brady                  Carter Caputo

       Tyler Ellsworth                Olivia Mathis

        Macyo Williams            Matthew O’Connor

      Moira McCarron                    Isaiah Tuck
a. Steubenville                f. The Ohio State University
b. Ohio University             g. Franciscan University of
c. University of Cincinnatti   Steubenville
d. Lourdes University          h. Barry University
e. Kent State University
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