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Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(1) January 2018
 p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
                                                                                The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
                                                                                Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

                                            Acep Haryudin
                            English Education Department of IKIP Siliwangi
                                     E-mail: haryacep@gmail.com

                                     Ningtyas Orilina Argawati
                            English Education Department of IKIP Siliwangi
                                    E-mail: tyas.orilina@yahoo.com

APA Citation: Haryudin, A., & Argawati, N .O. (2018). Lesson study to improve student English
                  grammar mastery using jigsaw technique to the third semester students of IKIP
                  Siliwangi. Indonesian EFL Journal, 4(1), 49-56. DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v4i1.798.

Received: 10-11-2017                     Accepted: 27-12-2017                    Published: 01-01-2018

 Abstract: The implementation of Lesson Study is aimed to improve students’ ability in mastering the
 teaching materials on English grammar, fostering creativity, improving critical thinking, and
 increasing ability to work both personally and in group. In implementing this lesson study, the
 researchers used jigsaw as a learning technique. This study was conducted in 3 cycles, in which each
 cycle consists of planning (Plan), implementation (do), and reflection (see). The results showed that
 there are good developments on students’ learning where the constraints that appear can be
 minimized. Besides, students understand the function and word forms, they have high critical thinking
 or curiosity, and they have no difficulties in comprehending Grammar Formula. Moreover, the result
 also showed that students have high motivation in learning English and there was no gap between
 high-motivated and low-motivated students. Finally, after knowing what, why, and how Lesson Study
 was implemented, lecturers could consider the importance of applying lesson study in the learning
 Keyword: cooperative learning, grammmar mastery, jigsaw, learning technique, lesson study

          Many approaches and methods have        English is not dealing only on vocabulary but
been tried by English teachers and instructors    also on grammar. Strumpf and Douglas
on teaching English as a foreign language.        (2004, p. 14) also say “we study grammar so
They do such efforts in order to improve their    that we may speak and write in a clearer and
students mastering English. As we know,           more effective manner.” Grammar covers
English has four basic skills; they are           many themes that may confuse students on
listening, reading, speaking, and writing. To     memorizing and understanding them.
master all of the four basic skills, students     However, since grammar is important to their
must learn the other skills such as vocabulary    development of English mastery, they have to
and grammar as the basic skills. Both             study it well.
vocabulary and Grammar are the two                         Many difficulties are faced by
important things that should be mastered by       English teachers during the process of
students in learning English. This assumption     teaching grammar since grammar need to be
arises because vocabularies are very              not only memorized but also understood by
significant on one’s mastery of such a            the students. It relies more on the concepts.
language. Besides, grammar is something           Once the students comprehend the concept,
which cannot be ignored on learning English       they will easily develop their ability on
as stated by Argawati (2017) that learning        solving problem concerning grammar. To

Acep Haryudin & Ningtyas Orilina Argawati
Lesson study to improve student English grammar mastery using jigsaw technique to the third
semester students of IKIP Siliwangi

deliver the concept, teachers must put their       1.   Students are divided into a 5 or 6
effort to seek for a suitable learning technique        person jigsaw group. The group
for the students.                                       should be diverse in terms of
       To cope with the problems mentioned              ethnicity, gender, ability, and race.
above, teachers may refer to the cooperative       2. The day’s lesson is divided into 5-6
language learning (or simply cooperative                segments (one for each member)
learning) approach. This is an approach to         3. Each student is assigned one segment to
teaching that makes maximum use of                      learn. Students should only have direct
cooperative activities involving pairs and              access to only their own segment.
small groups of learners in the classroom. As      4. Students should be given time to read
stated by Slavin (1995) that cooperative                over their segment at least twice to
language learning in which students work in             become familiar with it. Students do not
small groups help students learn academic               need to memorize it.
content more easily. In cooperative learning       5. Temporary experts groups should be
situations, there is a positive interdependence         formed in which one student from each
among students’ goal attainments: students              jigsaw group joins other students
perceive that they can reach their learning             assigned to the same segment. Students
goals if and only if the other students in the          in this expert group should be given
learning group also reach their goals.                  time to discuss the main points of
Therefore, the success of cooperative learning          their segment and rehearse the
highly depends on the nature and                        presentation they are going to make to
organization of group work. According to                their jigsaw group.
Slavin (1995, p. 5), there are several specific    6. Students come back to their jigsaw
models teachers can use to set up cooperative           group.
learning groups: 1) STAD (Student Teams            7. Students present his or her
Achievement Divisions), 2) Team                         segment to the group. Other
Accelerated Instruction (TAI), 3) Jigsaw                members are encouraged to ask question
Technique, 4) Reading and Composition                   for clarification.
(CIRC), 5) Teams Games Tournaments                 8. The teacher needs to float from group
(TGT), and 6) Cooperative Integrated.                   to group in order to observe the
       From those six models, jigsaw is                 process. Intervene if any group is having
selected to be proposed as a solution in this           trouble such as a member being
research.                                               dominating or disruptive.
Jigsaw is a technique belonging to                 9. A quiz on the material should be
cooperative approaches which enable                     given at the end so students realize
students to work in group discussion.The                that the sessions are not just for fun and
jigsaw technique is a method of organizing              games, but that they really count.
classroom activity that makes students                  The application of this method, jigsaw,
dependent on each other to succeed. It breaks      itself will not be effective if it is only used
classes into groups and breaks assignments         without any appropriate arrangement.
into pieces that the group assembles to            Therefore, the researchers put this method
complete the (jigsaw) puzzle. It was designed      into several cycles which belong to lesson
by social psychologist Elliot Aronson to help      study. Lesson study is a major form of quality
weaken racial cliques in forcibly integrated       improvement of learning and teacher
schools.                                           professional development. It was first
       There are nine steps considered to be       developed by elementary teachers in Japan
important in the implementation of the jigsaw      (Susilo et al., 2011, p. 2). It provides a
classroom. Aronson (2008) describes them as        process for collaborating and designing
follows.                                           lessons and evaluating the success of teaching

Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(1) January 2018
 p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
                                                                             The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
                                                                             Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

strategies that have been implemented in an        learning is the most impactful action a
effort to improve students’ learning and           school leader can take to improve
learning process itself (Santyasa, 2009).          educational outcomes for pupils (Robinson,
Lesson study has three main sections in every      Hohepa & Lloyd, 2009). LS only started to
cycle; they are (1) plan: planning an              become popular in the west this century,
instruction or action in the classroom, (2) do:    following the success attributed to it by US
doing an action which had been planned, and        researchers in developing deep teacher
(3) see: evaluating and revising the action        knowledge of both pedagogy and of subject
done. Teachers feel free to determine how          amongst Japanese teachers. This leads to high
many cycle they want to conduct on this            standards of educational attainment by
study. The more the cycle conducted, the           Japanese pupils when compared with those of
better the effect would be.                        comparable groups of pupils in the US
        Lesson Study (LS) is a highly              (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999; TIMSS, 1999).
specified form of classroom action research                Another definition for lesson study
focusing on the development of teacher             comes from Rusman (2011, p. 385) who
practice. It has been used in Japan since the      argues that lesson study is one of the
1870s. LS therefore pre-dates action research      coaching efforts to improve the learning
as we know it in the West, by some 70 years.       process conducted by a group of teachers in a
LS involves groups of teachers                     collaborative and continuous in planning,
collaboratively planning, teaching, observing      implementing, observing and reporting the
and analyzing learning and teaching in             results of reflection of learning activities.
‘research lessons’. They record their findings.    Moreover, Hendayana (2006, p. 10) argue
Over a cycle of research lessons, they may         that lesson study is a model of educational
innovate or refine a pedagogical approach          profession development through collaborative
that will improve pupil’s learning and which       learning and continuous learning based on the
will be shared with others both through            principle of colleague and mutual learning to
public research lessons, and through the           build learning communities.
publication of a paper outlining their work.              The procedure of research and how the
        Taking part in collaborative               program work in implementing lesson study
enquiries into improving teaching and              is showed at figure bellow.

Acep Haryudin & Ningtyas Orilina Argawati
Lesson study to improve student English grammar mastery using jigsaw technique to the third
semester students of IKIP Siliwangi

                                                 Lesson Study

                    Problems Found on Students’ Learning Grammar

                                1. Students have low motivation in learning English
       2.    Students do not understand between function and form of words (verb, noun, adjective etc.)
                                    3. Students have no critical thinking/curiosity
                          4. Students have difficulties in comprehending Grammar Formula
                       5. There was a gap between high-motivated and low-motivated students
                          6. Students rarely interacted with the teacher and/or among them
                                  7. Do not want to be involved in learning process

                                                Jigsaw Technique

                                       Outputs after LS Implementation

                              1.        Students have high motivation in learning English,
            2.      Students understand between function and form of using words (verb, noun, adjective etc.)
                                 3.       Students have high critical thinking/ curiosity,
                      4.        Students have no difficulties in comprehending Grammar Formula,
                   5.       There was no a gap between high-motivated and low-motivated students,
                      6.       Students have good interacted with the teacher and/or among them,
                               7.        Students want to be involved in learning process.
                             Figure 1. Problem, solution and output after LS

METHOD                                                          study provides a process for collaborating
       This study was conducted at IKIP                         and designing lessons and evaluating the
Siliwangi Bandung. Specifically, the study                      success of teaching strategies that have been
was carried out at Class A3 which consists                      implemented in an effort to improve
of 40 students majoring English Education.                      students’ learning and learning processes.
In this research, lesson study was used to                      This study relies more on the process of
improve the quality of the students covering                    colaboration between student to student, and
creativity, critical thinking, ability to                       between students to teacher. In conducting
collaborate and communicate when they                           this study, the researchers use procedure as
study grammar using jigsaw. Fernandez                           proposed by Putra et al. (2010, p. 8). He
(2005) as cited in Hartanti (2007) expresses                    states that lesson study is supported by three
that the goal of lesson study is to improve                     pillars of activities, namely, plan, do and see.
the effectiveness of the experiences that the                   Figure 2 below shows the procedure of
teachers provide to their students. In                          lesson study used by the researchers.
addition, Santyasa (2009) argues that lesson

Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(1) January 2018
 p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
                                                                                    The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
                                                                                    Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

                              Figure 2. Procedure of Lesson study

   Firstly, in plan step, the researchers               psychologycal factor that affects the
design learning activities which relate to              students’ difficulties, namely anxiety. Since
student-centered instruction where students             they do not understand the concept, they
are able to participate actively in the learning        mostly could not answer the question
process. Secondly, in do step, the researchers          correctly. This situasion rises their anxiety of
conduct an action planned by using jigsaw.              being wrong.
Here, the students actively follow the                        To solve the problem, technique of
learning process given by the researchers.              jigsaw was proposed. Jigsaw belongs to
Lastly, in see step, the researchers evaluate           cooperative learning which seeks to develop
the action done and make a necessary                    classrooms that foster cooperation rather that
revision for the next cycle.                            competition in learning. Brown (2001, p.
                                                        185) defines jigsaw technique as a special
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                  form of information gap in which each
      Lesson study involves groups of                   member of a group is given some specific
teachers meeting regularly over a period of             information and the goal is to pool all
time (ranging from several months to a year)            information to achieve some objectives.
to work on the design, implementation,                  Jigsaw involves two distinct groups in which
testing, and improvement of one or several              students will be a part of. Initially, there is a
“research lessons” (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999).           heterogeneous group that the students will
Research lessons are actual classroom                   temporarily leave to meet with homogeneous
lessons taught to one’s own students, that are          group to learn to be an expert on a topic.
(a) focused on a specific teacher-generated             After students have become “experts” they
problem, goal, or vision of pedagogical                 reconvene with their original heterogeneous
practice, (b) carefully planned, usually in             group to take turns sharing their “expert”
collaboration with one or more colleagues,              knowledge.
(c) observed by other teachers, (d) recorded                  The teaching method used in this
for analysis and reflection, and (e) discussed          reseach was Lesson study. Lesson study has
by lesson study group members, other                    three main section in every cycle; they are
colleagues, administrators, and/or an invited           (1) plan: planning an instruction or action in
commentator (Lewis &Tsuchida, 1998).                    the classroom, (2) do: doing an action which
      Lesson study which was conducted by               had been planned, and (3) see: evaluating
the researchers took place at IKIP Siliwangi,           and revising the action done. On this
especially to thethird semester students                research, the researchers decided to use two
which consisted of 40 students. The class               cycles of the lesson study. Each cycle
was choosen due to the existence of some                consisted of those three steps.
problems. As mentioned above, many                            Action in cycle I began with the
students found difficulties in understanding            application of Jigsaw technique. The
the concept of grammar. Grammar has a                   implementation of this lesson aims to
wide discussion and number of point to                  improve discipline and teamwork. Cycle I is
discuss. Besides, there is also a                       held during the first meeting or 2 hours of

Acep Haryudin & Ningtyas Orilina Argawati
Lesson study to improve student English grammar mastery using jigsaw technique to the third
semester students of IKIP Siliwangi

lesson.The implementation of this learning             would be delivered by one of the researchers
technique was done by one lecturer model               as a lecturer of the subjects of the
who was assigned to teach and become a                 Foundation of English Grammar who will
learning facilitator, and three observers who          also serve as the lecturer model in the
were tasked to observe the learning process.           implementation of this lesson study. The
In the first cycle, the application of learning        design of learning was made by focusing on
is done by collaborative learning method               the importance of teamwork and student
which contains two activities, namely group            discipline. Based on the draft, the lesson
discussion and group presentation.                     study for do in the first cycle requires
1.    Plan stage                                       instructional tools, such as papers containing
      The first phase of the first cycle is the        materials for Jigsaw implementation and
plan or planning phase implemented on                  lessons learned in group discussions. The
April 6th, 2017. The researchers did                   researchers should prepare an observation
discussion session to determine the material           sheet to observe the activities and
and the technique apllied in the classroom. It         performance of each group.

                    Figure 3. Discussion session and material preparation

        Figure 3 shows the situation when the          conducted preliminary learning activities
researchers discussed about the material               such as checked the readiness of the students
which would be delivered in the classroom.             in following the lesson, asked students
The material chosen was about tense                    condition, checked the attendance, then
covering progressive and simple present                leading the prayer. Then the model lecturers
tense. The first researcher proposed jigsaw as         did the core activities of learning, delivered
a technique and some media in the form of              learning objectives, materials and indicators
cards which contained some problems and                to be achieved. After that, the lecturer model
their answer sheet. Students would set on              divided the students into several groups to
group and would get their own task to be               further implement Jigsaw as a technique in
gathered on the expert group. After coming             learning. After the lecturer divided the
back to their first group, they had to share           students into several groups and provided the
their knowledge gaining from the expert                Foundation of English Grammar material,
group.                                                 other lecturers as observers observed the
2.     Do stage                                        course of the learning process and observed
        Do stage or stage of learning                  the involvement of each student in the
implementation in cycle I is executed on               learning process.
April 7th, 2017 where the learning activity                    Based on the conditions and target
starts with the lecturer model. After the              achievement of the course, the group formed
lesson was started, the lecturer model then            is a group based on the divisions that exist in

Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(1) January 2018
 p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635
                                                                                    The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
                                                                                    Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

Grammar learning activities. It aims to have           results of the discussions that have been
good communication and coordination on                 carried out by each group. Then, the lecturer
every student. At the end of the learning              concluded and motivated students to work
activities, the lecturer conducted an                  well together.
evaluation by requesting a brief report on the

                        Figure 4. The learning condition in the classroom

             The figure shows the process of           a.     Students have high motivation in
      learning and teaching conducted by the                  learning English,
      researchers. The first researcher was as         b.     Students understand the function and
      the lecturer, and the second researcher                 word forms (verb, noun, adjective, etc.)
      acted as the observer. The students              c.     Students have high critical
      were doing discussion and one of them                   thinking/curiosity
      was explaining about the definition and          d.     Students have no difficulties in
      function of present progressive and                     comprehending Grammar Formula
      present simple tense. On the other               e.     There was no a gap between high-
      hand, the other students were paying                    motivated and low-motivated students
      attention and they had to be ready to            f.     Students have a good interaction with
      give any suggestion or additional                       the teacher and among them
      information if needed. After the                 g.     Students want to be involved in
      discussion, they came back to their                     learning process.
      first group and accomplished the
      exercise given by the lecturer.                          Actually there are three cycles for
3.    See stage                                        this research based on Lesson study and
        Phase see or evaluation of learning            Jigsaw as technique, but the researchers only
was done immediately after the do stage                provided one cycle as the representative of
completed on April 7th, 2017. Based on                 LS. To make it clear, the description of final
observations, stage do that has been                   result of Lesson study from cycle 1 to 3 is
conducted has a great impact on students in            shown in the table below.
the learning process, namely:

                 Table 1. Description of Final Lesson Study Observation Sheet
No            Aspect of Learning Activities                 Score                   Note
 1    A. Students with Materials                             86         Excellent
 2    B. Students with Learning Media                        85         Excellent
 3    C. Student with Teacher                                87         Excellent

Acep Haryudin & Ningtyas Orilina Argawati
Lesson study to improve student English grammar mastery using jigsaw technique to the third
semester students of IKIP Siliwangi

 4     D. Students with Students                            84           Good
 5     E. Achievement of Learning Objectives                88           Excellent
                        Total Score                 430= 86              Excellent
                      General Comment               Based on the result, Lesson Study Using Jigsaw as
                                                    the technique could give Excellent feedback for
                                                    students in learning Grammar.They had great
                                                    improvement in joining learning process.
Scoring Scale:
Excellent : 85– 100
Good       : 75 – 84
Fair       : 65 – 74
Poor       : < 64

         From the table, it can be seen that the        consider the importance of applying lesson
four aspects of learning activities, including          study in the learning process.
students’ interaction with learning materials,
learning media, teachers, and the                       REFERENCES
achievement of learning objectives,                     Fernandez, M. L. (2005). Exploring “Lesson Study”
categorize as excellent. It means that lesson                 in teacher preparation. In Chick, H. L. &
                                                              Vincent, J. L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th
study with jigsaw technique gives positive                    Conference of the International Group for the
impact on students in learning grammar. In                    Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 305-
terms of students’ relationship with other                    312. Melbourne: PME. Retrieved from
students, it categorizes since the students                   http://www.emis.de/proceedings/PME29/P.
work well in group activities such as                   Hartanti, P. (2007). Penerapan lesson study dalam
                                                              pembelajaran statistika sebagai upaya
students actively involved in group                           meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas 3
activities, collaborative learning, etc.                      akuntansi 1 SMK negeri 1 Jember. A paper
                                                              presented in KGI 2007. Jakarta, 27-28
CONCLUSION                                                    Nopember 2007.
        From the analysis, it can be                    Hendayana, S. (2006). Lesson study: Suatu strategi
                                                              untuk meningkatkan keprofesionalan
concluded that the implementation of                          pendidikan (Pengalaman IMSTEP-JICA).
Lesson Study lesson study in improving                        Bandung: UPI Press.
students’ ability in mastering grammar                  Putra, Y., et al., 2010. Belajar dari Pembelajaran:
materials using jigsaw as a learning                          Best practice implementasi lesson study.
technique gives positive impacts on                           Jakarta: Direktorat Tenaga Kependidikan,
                                                              Dirjen PMPTK Kementerian Pendidikan
students in which there are good                              Nasional.
developments on students’ learning where                Robinson, V., Hohepa, M., & Lloyd, C. (2009).
the constraints that appear can be                            School leadership and student outcomes:
minimized. Besides, students understand                       Identifying what works and why best evidence
the function and word forms, they have                        synthesis. Auckland: New Zealand Ministry of
high critical thinking or curiosity, and they           Rusman. (2011). Model-model pembelajaran:
have no difficulties in comprehending                         Mengembangkan profesional guru. Jakarta:
Grammar Formula. Moreover, the result                         Rajagrafindo Persada.
also showed that students have high                     Susilo, H., et al. (2011). Lesson study berbasis
motivation in learning English and there                      sekolah: Guru konservatif menuju guru inovatif.
                                                              Jatim: Bayu Media.
was no gap between high-motivated and                   Santyasa, W. I. (2009). Implementasi lesson study
low-motivated students. Finally, after                        dalam pembelajaran. A paper presented in a
knowing what, why, and how Lesson                             Seminar at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
Study was implemented, lecturers could                  Strumpf, M., & Douglas, A. (2004). Golden’s concise
                                                              English grammar. Kuala Lumpur: Golden
                                                              Books Centre SDN.

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