SUMMARY of PROCEEDINGS - Draft Only - Wyoming Legislature

Page created by Alexander Williams
SUMMARY of PROCEEDINGS - Draft Only - Wyoming Legislature
Draft Only

              Approval Pending


                                     COMMITTEE MEETING INFORMATION
                                            June 14, 2018 | 10:00 AM
                                        Jonah Business Center, Room L54
                                             3001 E. Pershing Blvd.
                                              Cheyenne, Wyoming

                                       COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT
                                       Governor Matt Mead, Co-Chairman
                                         Senator Eli Bebout, Co-Chairman
                                       Senator Drew Perkins (by telephone)
                                              Senator Chris Rothfuss
                                          Representative Cathy Connolly
                                          Representative Steve Harshman
                                           Representative David Miller
                                           Representative Bob Nicholas
                                   State Treasurer Mark Gordon (by telephone)
                                                   Phil Nicholas
                                                     Tony Ross

                                    COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT
                                               Senator Fred Emerich

                                    LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE STAFF
                                     Wendy Madsen, Special Projects
                                          Matt Obrecht, Director
                          Riana Davidson, Associate Legislative Information Officer

                    Please refer to Appendix 1-02 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
                            for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.

  The Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings (meeting minutes) is prepared by the Legislative Service Office
   (LSO) and is the official record of the proceedings of a legislative committee meeting. This document does not
 represent a transcript of the meeting; it is a digest of the meeting and provides a record of official actions taken by
  the Committee. All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office,
   public officials, lobbyists, and the public are on file at the Legislative Service Office and are part of the official
 record of the meeting. An index of these materials is provided at the end of this document and these materials are
  on file at the Legislative Service Office. For more information or to review meeting materials, please contact the
Legislative Service Office at (307) 777-7881 or by e-mail at The Summary of Proceedings for each
        legislative committee meeting can be found on the Wyoming Legislature’s website at

The Oversight Group met on June 14, 2018 in Cheyenne and approved the preliminary master plan and
approved the donation of salvaged west stair stone to the Fallen Warriors Memorial and the Warren Rest
House. The members approved the selection of a sculptor and themes for the rotunda niche statuary, a
uniform blind system for the Herschler Buildings, temporary privacy screening for selected staff and for
additional security items in the Herschler East Building. The Oversight Group recommended the use of
major maintenance monies for an irrigation line from the Central Utility Plant (CUP) to the Barrett,
Supreme Court, and Hathaway Buildings and for equipment in the CUP that feeds these buildings. They
approved a contract extension for MOCA through the end of the project and for MOCA to receive past
quarterly bonuses.

Co-Chairman Bebout called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. The Oversight Group’s Meeting Agenda
summarizes the Committee’s proceedings by topic (Appendix 1-01). The Oversight Group approved the
March 27, 2018 meeting minutes without change (Appendix 1-03).

General Construction Update
Mr. David Hart, MOCA Systems, reported demolition work on the Herschler West Building is on
schedule and complimented the move efforts of the Construction Management Division within the State
Construction Department and the Department of Administration and Information (A&I) on relocating
staff to the Herschler East Building.

Mr. Hart explained that inside of the Capitol, the ceiling heights and the arched window in former Room
302 have been restored and the decorative paint will commence soon. In addition, the plaster molds have
arrived for the House Chamber (Appendix 2-01). Mr. Hart reported the updated work to replace some of
the deteriorating metal with copper on the dome and drum is proceeding.

Fundraising update
Ms. Wendy Madsen, LSO, reminded the members that at the May 2018 Oversight Group meeting the
members approved entering into a contract with the Wyoming Community Foundation to serve as the
fiscal agent for fundraising and approved drafting a RFQ to hire a fundraising consultant. The contract
and fundraising RFQ are now being reviewed by the Attorney General’s Office and A&I Procurement
before release.

Consolidated Capitol Master Plan
Mr. Paul Brown, MOCA Systems, reviewed the draft consolidated Capitol master plan and will present
the completed plan to the Oversight Group in August. Mr. Brown presented the design guidelines in the
plan, beginning with the concept of the Central Park overlay. Historically there was a large park, located
where the Barrett Building and the Supreme Court currently sit, and Central Avenue did not exist.

He then proceeded to review the rest of the guidelines within the plan and explained one idea central to all
the guidelines is to provide clear vistas to the Capitol dome from a variety of locations. The next concept
includes diagonal block crossings where pedestrians would cross sites diagonally in accordance with the
historic Central Park design. The next element addresses traffic slowing designs on 24th Street and Capitol
Avenue creating a pedestrian environment within the Capitol Complex. Another guideline is for buildings
to be placed in a park-like setting with green space around them. The plan also includes a guideline
regarding the placement of monuments and sculptures, recognizing the Capitol site is small and pieces


         WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
    TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

may need to be located within the Capitol Complex. In addition, the plan addresses art placement. MOCA
has been working with the State Museum and has identified some pieces of artwork to bring back to the
Capitol and Extension. MOCA will present an artwork placement plan at the next meeting. The last two
guidelines include heights, materials, and placement for buildings near the Capitol (Appendix 2-01).

Co-chairman Bebout inquired if the proposed structures within the plan are preliminary. In response, Mr.
Brown stated everything in the plan is conceptual. Governor Mead inquired about closing some of the
streets and whether the City of Cheyenne has been included in those discussions. Mr. Brown responded
that these discussions would need to take place after the concepts are reviewed by the appropriate entities.
Representative Nicholas updated the Committee on action from the Governor’s Residence working group
in relation to discussions that have taken place with the City of Cheyenne regarding road closures,
specifically if the residence is relocated near the Capitol. Treasurer Gordon asked if the plan addresses
lighting. In response, Mr. Brown stated a lighting scheme for the Capitol and Herschler Buildings has
been developed and a similar lighting scheme could be developed for the surrounding grounds.

Mr. Nicholas inquired about protection of artwork. In response, Mr. Brown stated MOCA has worked
with the State Museum staff on how to protect permanent and valuable pieces behind glass, but most of
those pieces will be in the Capitol and the Extension will have rotating exhibits.

Mr. Brown explained the northwest corner of the Barrett Building site is the proposed location for the
Fallen Warriors Memorial and the location preserves the vista to the Capitol dome. Mr. Brown reviewed
the timeline for the plan and approvals. He explained after the Oversight Group’s review in August, the
plan would go to the Advisory Task Force for a recommendation, then to the State Building Commission
(SBC) for their review. Governor Mead expressed concern for the timeline because the Veteran’s
Commission is currently fundraising for the Fall Warriors Memorial and does not want the timeline to
hinder fundraising efforts or delay the installation. In response, Mr. Brown stated MOCA has worked
with the Veteran’s Commission and the State Museum regarding the placement of the monument and its
compatibility with the draft plan. In addition, MOCA will work with the landscape architect to ensure the
design adheres to the draft plan. Mr. Nicholas added the site location for the monument on the Barrett
Building grounds can be finalized as the plan is reviewed by necessary parties.

Mr. Ross stated the Subcommittee unanimously recommended the preliminary plan. Representative
Nicholas moved the Oversight Group make a request to SBC that the Fallen Warriors Memorial
placement be consistent with the preliminary master plan developed by MOCA. Further, the plan should
be shared with SBC and the Supreme Court with a request from the Oversight Group that no new
memorials or other statuary be sited until the master plan is fully developed. The motion was seconded
and carried.

Update on Capitol Historic Reproduction Lighting
Mr. Hart reviewed the progress of the historic and reproduction lighting. MOCA has approved all the
materials and explained the historic finish on the fixtures. All 800 handblown glass shades have been
approved and attic stock has been ordered for replacement. (Appendix 2-01). Co-chairman Bebout
inquired about the cost for the 800 handblown glass shades. In response, Mr. Hart stated the entire budget
for the restoration and reproduction of the lighting is around $1.5 million and was competitively bid.


         WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
    TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

Reuse of historic west stair stone (Warren Rest House)
Mr. Brown updated the members on the damaged Capitol west stair stone tread that was removed. The
stone has been replaced with new sandstone that matches the base of the Capitol and the south stairs. Mr.
Michael O’Donnell, Attorney General’s Office, explained the history of the Warren Rest House
commissioned in 1902 as a pavilion located in historic Central Park, where the Supreme Court currently
resides. In 1937, the rest house was moved to Holiday Park to accommodate the construction of the new
Supreme Court building. He explained restoration efforts are commencing with the Historic Preservation
board to restore the Warren Rest House (Appendix 2-01). MOCA was approached about using the
salvaged west stair stone in the restoration efforts of the rest house, because the same stone was used in
both the rest house and the stairs of the Capitol. Representative Harshman inquired if there has been any
discussion about moving the Warren Rest House back to its original location. In response, Mr. O’Donnell
reported MOCA would explore the idea with the preservation board. Mr. Brown explained the excess
damaged stone has also been considered for earth-retaining elements in construction of the Fallen
Warriors Memorial.

Mr. Ross stated the Subcommittee unanimously recommended the Oversight Group approve the salvaged
west stair stone be donated to the Fallen Warriors Memorial and the Warren Rest House and explore the
idea of moving the Warren Rest House back to its historic location. The motion was moved by
Representative Nicholas, seconded, and carried.

Update on niche statuary selection process
Mr. Ross reviewed the artist selection process for the rotunda niche statuary and reported after three days
of interviewing the four finalists, the selection committee unanimously selected the sculptor Delissalde.
The four allegorical female human figures represent Truth, Courage, Justice, and Hope, which symbolize
the State of Wyoming’s core values. He referenced letters of support from the Wyoming State Historic
Preservation Office and MOCA for these allegorical works (Appendix 3-01) (Appendix 3-02). He
related a historic newspaper article from the Cheyenne Illustrated during the building of the Capitol
discussing the statutes (Appendix 3-03). Mr. Brown explained the process of casting the clay maquettes
into bronze and the timeline. Co-Chairman Bebout requested MOCA work with Delissalde to consider
casting the pieces at the foundry in Lander rather than in Colorado, if possible.

Mr. Ross stated the Subcommittee unanimously recommended the Oversight Group approve selection of
the artist, Delissalde, and themes developed by the artist and for Delissalde to work with any interested
members from the artist selection committee on the refinement of the statuary. The motion was moved by
Representative Nicholas, seconded, and carried. Co-chairman Bebout inquired about the contractual
agreement with Delissalde regarding the use of the maquettes for promotional purposes. In response, Mr.
O’Donnell stated the contract is not finalized and will incorporate the Oversight Group’s feedback.

H E R S C H L E R B U I L D I N G D E S I G N /C O N S T R U C T I O N
Herschler Building exterior wall system update
Mr. Hart provided an update on the water issues identified in the exterior wall of the Herschler East
Building and stated a plan is in place to fix deficiencies. Lessons learned will be applied to the Herschler
West Building. Additional testing will take place once the re-work is completed.

Herschler East Building window covering request
Mr. Hart reminded the Oversight Group that, in the original design of the Herschler Buildings, blinds
were not included to create a brighter workspace, which has been accomplished. He explained some of
the occupants feel the light is too bright during the morning work hours and is impeding their work. The


          WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
     TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

Oversight Subcommittee recommends putting roller mecho shades in both the Herschler East and
Herschler West Buildings. The estimated price for both buildings is between $210,000 and $220,000.
Co-chairman Bebout inquired what budget the blinds would come from. In response, Mr. Hart stated from
either FF&E or the Owner’s Contingency.

Treasurer Gordon expressed concern about the preferences of employees who want the shades versus
those who want more light and the appearance of the blinds from the exterior. Mr. Nicholas stated if the
correct blind selection is made it would still allow light in and a color is recommended that from the
exterior makes it difficult to tell if the shades are opened or closed. He further noted there should be
permanent building policies in place to control the integrity of the building renovation. Representative
Nicholas suggested members review the different samples during morning hours.

Senator Rothfuss inquired if the lighting issue is more about people adjusting to a new building than
actual need. In response, Mr. O’Donnell reported some people have adapted, while others are still finding
it an issue and there is a balance of making the work environment comfortable, while keeping with the
original goal of letting more light into the building. Senator Perkins noted the lighting issue will vary
depending on the season. Co-chairman Bebout inquired why a decision needed to be made now. In
response, Mr. O’Donnell stated if the Oversight Group does not implement a universal solution, he fears
the divisions will continue to develop their own solutions, some of which may comprise the warranty of
the windows. Governor Mead inquired if the shading will affect the heating and cooling of the building.
In response, Mr. Hart explained the shading will have an impact on the direct heat gain, lowering costs to
cool the building. Senator Perkins moved the Oversight Group approve a uniform shade system for the
Herschler Buildings. The motion was seconded and carried.

Herschler interior glass film
Mr. Hart explained a request from agency directors for the Oversight Group to consider some form of
shading for interior glass walled offices for privacy. No shading was considered during design to allow
additional light to come into the workspace. He explained there are conference rooms to allow for private
conversations, but since the south side of the building is incomplete, those rooms are currenting being
used as temporary offices. MOCA is recommending a removable film that could be taken down once the
Herschler East Building is complete. Mr. Ross explained Subcommittee’s recommendation for the
Oversight Group to develop a uniform governance policy for providing temporary privacy screening for
selected staff, such as directors and human resource staff, with application to the SBC by others, if
requested. A permanent policy should be created for when the buildings are complete. The motion was
moved by Treasurer Gordon, seconded, and carried.

Herschler East Building security
Mr. Hart reported there has been a request from the Wyoming Highway Patrol (WHP) and the elected
officials to provide additional security equipment in the Herschler East Building. He explained the
original security budget was $1 million over budget, therefore the cameras and card reader system were
removed to keep the project in budget. The WHP is requesting security equipment totaling $192,000.
Representative Miller inquired if the same security equipment would be added in the Herschler West
Building. In response, Mr. Hart stated the main driver for the security needs in the Herschler East
Building is the requirement of the WHP to provide security for the statewide elected officials. MOCA
anticipates fewer security needs in Herschler West due to occupancy differences.

Representative Nicholas suggested approaching Homeland Security as a potential funding source for the
request. Treasurer Gordon inquired if the security infrastructure would allow for additional security items


         WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
    TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

in the event more security is needed later. In response, Mr. Hart stated the system is scalable and
equipment can be added, if needed. Governor Mead expressed support for the request, but questioned
trying to find a funding source from other agencies. Co-chairman Bebout asked MOCA to provide a more
in-depth analysis of available budgets in the future. Mr. Ross moved the Subcommittee’s
recommendation for the Oversight Group to approve the security devices requested for the Herschler East
Building, but that authorization to purchase the devices with project money not be approved until it is
determined if other sources of funds are available to purchase the equipment. The motion was seconded,
and carried.

Interpretative Plan
Mr. Ross provided an overview of a Wyoming-based company TravelStoryGPS, which delivers self-
guided audio interpretation to visitors through a mobile platform application (Appendix 4-01). He also
explained that earlier in the project Design Minds designed an interpretative plan for the Capitol Square
Project, but the plan has not yet been implemented due to budget limitations. Mr. Ross explained the
Subcommittee’s motion to the Oversight Group requesting the Office of Tourism and Department of State
Parks and Cultural Resources work together to develop a plan and budget, and to identify a source of
funds to execute the design for the interpretive plan. The motion was moved by Representative Nicholas,
seconded, and carried.

Mr. Dave Hatch, owner of the Financial Center Building, expressed gratitude to the State of Wyoming for
allowing the Department of Environmental Quality to rent space in his building and has continued interest
in working with the State on a long-term lease agreement.

Representative Nicholas moved to resolve into executive session to discuss potential litigation and other
matters confidential by law. The motion was seconded and carried. The Oversight Group resolved into
executive session at 12:05 p.m. The Oversight Group returned to open session at 12:30 p.m.

Governor Mead moved the Oversight Group recommend Mr. O’Donnell execute a contract extension
with MOCA through the end of the project. The motion was seconded and carried. Governor Mead
moved the Oversight Group awarded MOCA performance bonuses past due under their contract. The
motion was seconded and carried.

Representative Nicholas moved the Oversight Group recommend Governor Mead authorize the release of
$99,028 in major maintenance funds for an irrigation line from the Central Utility Plant (CUP) to the
Barrett, Supreme Court, and Hathaway Buildings and for a fund transfer of $6,636,564 in major
maintenance funds to the Capitol Square Project for equipment in the CUP that is attributable to those
three offsite buildings. The motion was seconded and carried. Governor Mead abstained and Senator
Emerich was excused.

The next Capitol Rehabilitation and Restoration Oversight Group Subcommittee meeting will be held on
August 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., and the next Oversight Group meeting is scheduled for August 22, 2018 at
10:00 a.m. There being no further business, Co-chairman Bebout adjourned the meeting at 12:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


         WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
    TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

Senator Eli Bebout, Co-chairman


         WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
    TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE

         Committee Meeting
          Materials Index

            Agenda Item                   Document Description                           Document Provider

1-01                                      Agenda                                         LSO

1-02                                      Sign-in Sheet                                  LSO

1-03        Call to Order                 Oversight Group March 27, 2018 Minutes         LSO

                                          Capitol Building Restoration Oversight Group
2-01        Overall Project Items                                                        MOCA Systems
                                          Presentation, June 14, 2018

            Update on niche statuary                                                     Wyoming State Historic
3-01                                      Statement on Capitol Cupola Niches
            selection process                                                            Preservation Office

            Update on niche statuary
3-02                                      Timeless Design of Wyoming's Capitol           MOCA Systems
            selection process

            Update on niche statuary
3-03        selection process
                                          Cheyenne Illustrated Newspaper Article         LSO

            Herschler Building, Capitol
4-01        Extension,                    Travel Storys                                  TravelStory GPS


             WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 213 State Capitol • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
        TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL • WEBSITE
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