May 2020

         In an effort to standardize and improve the quality of LOA documents, the Military
Departments (MILDEPs) and DSCA developed the attached LOA Standardization Guide to
facilitate LOA development across the Security Cooperation Enterprise.

        This is a “living” product that was developed through collaboration between DSCA
Directorate for Security Assistance/ Case Writing Division (DSCA/DSA/CWD), DSCA Strategy,
Plans, and Policy Directorate/ Strategic Planning and Integration Division (DSCA/SPP/SPI), and
the Military Departments (MILDEPs).

      DSCA/DSA/CWD will be responsible for collaborating with SPI and MILDEPs to review
and update this guide at least annually. (CWD POC: Ellen Jenkins-Moorman).

      All LOA document developers will follow this guide when developing their LOA
documents using the Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS), which will
promote consistency and accuracy.

       This document is not intended to replace the DSCA Security Assistance Management
Manual (SAMM) 5105.38-M, or any active DSCA Policy, but rather to standardize and enhance

        The LOA Standardization Guide will be published to the DSCA Website and will maintain
special features, such as the ability to use hyperlinks to SAMM references and policy memos.

       For questions regarding this guide, contact Ms. Ellen Jenkins-Moorman, DSCA/DSA/CWD,
at (937) 713-3191 or email: ellen.d.jenkins-moorman.civ@mail.mil.

Disclaimer: This is a General Administrative Guide to assist in preparing a Letter of Offer and
Acceptance (LOA) to improve communication, quality and to minimize processing delays. The
contents of this document are not intended to replace the Security Assistance Management
Manual (SAMM) or any active DSCA Policy, but rather to enhance and standardize application.
The SAMM and DSCA Policy Memoranda can be found on DSCA’s web site:
Table of Contents

Letter of Offer And Acceptance (LOA) Standardization Guidance............................................................ 1
   Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 1
   1. General Information......................................................................................................................... 1
   2. Customer Reference ........................................................................................................................ 3
   3. Case Description................................................................................................................................ 4
   4. Offer Expiration Date (OED) .............................................................................................................. 6
   5. State Description ............................................................................................................................... 7
   6. Case Notes......................................................................................................................................... 8
   7. Personal Identifiable Information (PII)............................................................................................ 10
   8. U.S. Government Equivalent Classification Remarking .................................................................. 10
Annex A - Quick References .................................................................................................................... 12
Letter of Offer And Acceptance (LOA)
                                Standardization Guidance

   The Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) is a government-to-government agreement used by
   the U.S. Government to transfer defense materiel and services to foreign governments and
   international organizations via the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process. This administrative
   tool is provided to improve quality, and standardize LOA document development across the
   entire Security Cooperation Enterprise. All LOA document developers and reviewers will use
   this tool when building their LOA documents in the Defense Security Assistance Management
   System (DSAMS).

1. General Information:
      •    SAMM C5.4.11. Quality Control of LOAs
      •    SAMM C5.T8. General LOA Preparation Responsibilities
   The Case Description and Case Notes should follow standardized administrative guidelines to
   provide clear and consistent communication to all parties reviewing the LOA.
      A. Terminology: The use of consistent terminology throughout the document is necessary
         to avoid confusion for the customer or U.S. Government personnel reviewing an LOA
         document. To the extent possible, the terminology used should be adopted from the
         DSAMS fields and/or the LOA column headings, and utilize the limited character spacing
         in certain DSAMS fields.
                             Do Use                               Don’t Use
                                                       Period of Performance (PoP) /
                    Months of Service (MOS)         Availability/ Lead-time / Performance
                                                          Period / Dates of Service
                        Source Code (SC)              Source of Supply (SOS) Code (SC)
                        U.S. Government                             USG
                        Customer (FMS)
                    Benefitting Country (BPC)
                                                    Material (substance or substances of
                 Materiel (military materials and
                                                    which a thing is made or composed;
                                                           crude or raw matter)
                        Case Description                          Preamble
                              Line                                Line Item

                                                                                            Page | 1
B. Capitalization: A specific title or name should always be capitalized.
                    Correct                                            Incorrect
                    Line 001                      vs                   line 001
       References to titles of position (Wing Commander), specific documents or lines,
       organizations (Department of Defense), military units (AFLCMC/WI), and
       acronyms (i.e. Letter of Request (LOR)).
       Specific columns or sections of the document which are being affected such as
       Delivery Term Code (DTC), Offer Release Code (ORC), etc.

   Refer to Section 3 (Case Description) for further details and exceptions.
C. Punctuation: Use proper punctuation to make sentences and paragraphs easy to read.
   Character space is limited in many of the online entries for case documents. When
   listing a series of consecutive numbers a dash (-) is used, with no spaces, to simplify and
   save character space.
                    Correct                                            Incorrect
                Lines 001-005                     vs      Lines 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005
                Sublines 001a-c                   vs        Sublines 001a, 001b, and 001c

D. Grammar: Apply proper grammar in a way that clearly communicates intent.
   Present Tense: Describe actions using present tense such as: “are” vs. “were” or “has
   been”; “is” vs. “was”, etc.
E. Acronyms: Acronyms must be spelled out the first time they are used in the Case
   Description, each Line Description and in each Case Note, capitalizing the first letter of
   each word, followed by the acronym in parentheses. An acronym is spelled out in the
   note title and the 1st occurrence within the note text.
                              Military Articles and Services List (MASL)

   EXCEPTION: In the DSAMS Customer Reference field, the customer’s reference does
   not need to be spelled out. It can be reflected as an acronym because the customer is
   already familiar with their own organizational acronyms.
F. Date Format: Dates must be reflected in the Day/Month/Year format. The month
   should always be spelled out.
                                           17 March 2020

                                                                                              Page | 2
G. Proofread: Proofread and ensure all documentation is free of spelling and grammatical
         errors throughout all phases of LOA development. As noted above, everyone involved
         in the LOA development process is responsible for ensuring the highest quality at each
         phase to avoid unnecessary processing delays.
          BEST PRACTICE: Build LOA verbiage within Microsoft Word, use the “Spelling and
          Grammar” function, then cut and paste into DSAMS. Due to conversion issues between
          Microsoft Word and DSAMS, adjust any spacing and character errors accordingly.

2. Customer Reference:
      •   SAMM C5.F14 Generic LOR Checklist
      A. The Customer Reference field identifies the LOR(s) initiated and serve as the basis for
         the LOA. This field must include, but is not limited to:
             1. The initial request from the customer (LOR)
             2. All subsequent changes/clarifications requested that add or differ from the
                original request
             3. All customer concurrences on Implementing Agency (IA) clarifications/changes
                  a. Sole Source request (not the IA approval)
                  b. Quantity/item changes
                  c. Customer requested Payment Schedule (PS) requirements
      NOTE: The above is not intended to imply customer concurrence is required on all LOR
      documents/changes, however, it is recommended to increase transparency and communication
      with the customer.
      B. The phrase “Based on” is hard-coded in DSAMS for all documents and precedes the data
         entered in the Customer Reference field.
      C. A Modification (MOD) generated by internal IA communications should read ‘Based on
         U.S. Government Review’. A date is not necessary. The DSAMS Customer Reference
         field should not include correspondence not visible/provided to the customer.
      D. LOR(s) should be listed in chronological order, oldest to newest, with the proper date
      E. In order to reduce the size of the off-line packages sent to the Defense Security
         Cooperation Agency/ Directorate for Security Assistance / Case Writing Division
         (DSCA/DSA/CWD), ensure duplicate copies of LOR(s) and/or email strings that do not
         add value are not included.

                                                                                            Page | 3
3. Case Description:
       •    SAMM C6.7 Amendments and Modifications
   The Case Description on the Basic LOA provides a brief overview of the Defense Articles and
   services being provided on the document. On AMDs and MODs, it identifies the major program
   involved, changes that were made, reason(s) for the change(s), and identification of previous
   unaccepted amendments, if any. In cases where the Case Description in intended to increase
   or decrease funds or Months of Service (MOS), the description must clearly state the reason for
   the increase or decrease. IAs are no longer required to reference each individual line within the
   Case Description.
   RECOMMENDATION: In general, IAs should use Tables C6.T7. and C6.T8. as a guide of changes
   that should be listed within the Case Description field. Tables C6.T7. and C6.T8. do not provide
   an inclusive list of changes.
   EXCEPTIONS: The following do NOT need to be called out in the Case Description, UNLESS they
   are the main or only reason for the document: Updates to Notes, description, payment
   schedule, Source Code, Type of Assistance Code, Offer Release Code, Line Manager Code
   and/or Operating Agency Code, and shipped complete status.
   The phrase “This LOA” is hard-coded in DSAMS for all Basic documents and precedes the data
   entered in the Case Description.
                This LOA provides ammunition and applicable technical documentation, per
                Customer’s request.

       A. The phrase “This Amendment” / “This Modification” is hard-coded in DSAMS for all
          AMDs/MODs and precedes the data entered in the Case Description.
                This Amendment provides for two additional C-130J aircraft and increases
                associated equipment, technical orders, technical assistance and AFMC Services,
                per Customer’s request.
                This Modification decreases several lines to the highest financial requirement and
                corrects the FMS Administrative Surcharge on all applicable lines in support of SG-
                84C and SYV-5 technical assistance, per U.S. Government internal review.
                This Modification extends the Months of Service on the F-15 contractor provided
                support equipment line due to contract slippage and delayed delivery, per U.S.
                Government internal review. There is no change in scope to this document.

       B.   Case Closure Document
            •   SAMM Appendix 7, Chapter 4: Closure
            •   SAMM C16.4 Closure

                                                                                                      Page | 4
Identifies LOA documents being prepared for case closure. Case Closure is the final phase
of the FMS life cycle and is extremely important to the U.S. Government and the customer.
It ensures the customer has received all deliverables outlined in the LOA document, and
provides final billing and the return of any unused funds. When a document is processed
for case closure, it will be identified in the first sentence of the Case Description using all
capital letters for the term “CASE CLOSURE”.
         This Modification is for CASE CLOSURE which decreases all remaining lines to the
         highest financial requirement, per U.S. Government internal review.

NOTE: This is intended for Supply Services’ Complete (SSC) case closure only, not line
C.   Restated Documents
     •   SAMM C6.7.1.4. Restatements
Identifies that a previous document was offered to the customer, including offer date
(found on Page 1 of the original offered document), but requires changes before the
customer will accept the offer. When a restated document is processed, it is identified in
the first sentence of the Case Description and is identified by all capital letters for the term
“RESTATED”. The Case Description needs to identify all changes for the current document
         This Amendment is a RESTATED document which supersedes the previous version
         offered on 16 July 2016. It provides for on-site maintenance support, repair and
         return services, and spares replenishment for an existing AH-64E Longbow Crew
         Trainer (LCT) and Tactical Engagement Simulation System (TESS), per Customer’s

EXCEPTION: If required changes are discovered before the document is sent to the
customer, this situation is treated as a Rework and the “Restate” language is not referenced
in the Case Description.
     1. The IA will still need to enter the RESTATE milestone required in DSAMS to return
        the case to Development status.
     2. The IA will add remarks in the LOA Checklist Comments section (page 2) and in the
        Case Remarks advising that the document was not sent to the customer.
D. Previous Unaccepted Document
     •   SAMM C6.T9., Item 2d: Instructions for Preparing an Amendment or Modification
Occasionally, an AMD or MOD is canceled which creates a gap in the numerical sequence of
documents being sent to the customer. To explain the gap, the unaccepted document is
referenced in the Case Description of the next document of that type. For instance, if MOD

                                                                                            Page | 5
2 is canceled, the next MOD that is generated must reference the canceled MOD. This is
       the last sentence in the Case Description.
              The previous document, Amendment 2, was canceled on 10 March 2017.

       The canceled document is identified in DSAMS: 1) View, Case Reports, Document History
       (RP079) and 2) the Document Number window.

4. Offer Expiration Date (OED):
          •   SAMM C5.F6, Para 5: Offer Expiration Date (OED)
          •   DSCA Policy 08-30 Clarification of OEDs for LOAs
   Identifies the last date that a document may be accepted by the customer. Most countries use
   a standard OED which is 85 days from the date of the Military Department Approval (MILAP)
   Milestone in DSAMS. Some countries have been approved a longer time period.
       A. Short OED
       Short OEDs are used for U.S. Government requirements only (e.g. contract award), not for
       customer-driven requirements. The standard OED is used even when it is anticipated the
       customer may accept the document early (e.g. to meet the customer’s budgetary
       requirements). This allows the customer the option to accept the document early, and
       eliminates unnecessary pen and ink changes to revise the OED if the customer does not
       accept the document early, as previously indicated. In this situation, the IA must include
       the short OED note. There will be only one short OED note on a case updated and revised
       as necessary.
       B. Long OED
       Long OEDs are requested on a case-by-case basis. If a longer than normal OED is requested
       by the customer and approved by the IA, the IA must enter a Case Remark in DSAMS.
       C. BPC OED
          •   SAMM C15.T5 Instructions for Preparing Pseudo LOAs
       The recommended OED for BPC cases to meet U.S. Government requirements is 30 days (25
       days for administrative processing and 5 days for DSCA review) unless the DSCA Country
       Portfolio Director (CPD) requests a longer timeframe.
       D. Relationship Between OEDs and Months of Service (MOS)
          •   DSCA Policy 13-41 Clarification to Standardize use of the MOS Fields on an LOA
       The start month/date of the MOS on new lines must begin on or after the OED. The
       Delivery Schedule and MTDS must match the MOS on each applicable line. This must be
       cross-checked on returned and reworked documents.

                                                                                            Page | 6
5. State Description:
           •     C5.T11 IA Responsibilities concerning the State Description
           •     DSCA Policy 11-04
   The State Description Field in DSAMS provides the Department of State (DoS) with a description
   of the Defense articles and services being provided on the LOA document. The IA is responsible
   for ensuring a clear and concise description of the Major Defense Equipment (MDE), sensitive
   munitions, other Defense articles and or services being transferred or sold, to include
   quantities, and identifies follow-on support or spares are also being provided. (Note:
   Information entered here does not print on the LOA document).
                C-130 and F-5 Aircraft Spare Parts and Equipment - A2 adds two (2) additional
                MIDS Terminals and associated support equipment.

       •   State List Report (RP139): This is a DSAMS report generated by the DSCA/CWD to
           provide an overview of each document sent to DoS for approval during “Proposed
           Status”. In addition to the information listed in the State Description Field, this report is
           populated based on the information from the following DSAMS fields:
                            Field / Tab                                 Description
               Case Detail window / Summary tab         Country, Case Designator
                                                        Version Type (LOA, AMD, MOD), Doc No.,
               Case Detail window / Document tab        Congressional Transmittal No., Terms of
                                                        Sale (TOS)
               Case Detail window / Description tab     State Description
               Case Line window / Identification tab    MASL Description (MDE and SME only)
               Case Summary window / Case Data
                                                        Total Values (previous and current)
                                                        State Dept. Case Prep Hold (SHOLD)
               Milestone window
                                                        MDE Line Values (previous and current)
                                                        end item

   A DoS approval is required for cases that add/increase scope, such as Basic LOAs, Amendments.
   All Concurrent Modifications require DoS approval. These documents require the State
   Description field to be completed in DSAMS. If DoS approval is required, the checkbox must be
   selected in DSAMS (Case Detail window, Document Tab). This identifies that the current case
   version is to be included on the RP139. This field is checked by default in DSAMS for a Basic
   LOA, Amendments, and Concurrent Modifications, but is not checked by default for
   Modifications. DSAMS provides a validation warning for a checkmark in this field which causes
   the STLST (State List) milestone with a planned date to be created when the MILSGN (MILDEP

                                                                                                  Page | 7
Signature) milestone is created. It is important to ensure this field is correctly annotated. CWD
   submits the RP139 to the DoS daily.

6. Case Notes:
       •   SAMM Appendix 6: LOA Notes Listing
       •   C5.F6. #14: Ordering of Notes
   Case Notes provide more detailed information regarding the Defense articles and/or services
   being provided to the customer. When LOAs are prepared before details are known, these
   notes should include general information and an estimate of when more specific information
   will be provided to the customer (such as after a definitization conference). These notes can be
   shared with the customer in advance, if necessary, and without prior DSCA approval, to ensure
   any additional customer-unique requirements are identified.
   Adhering to individual note responsibilities listed in the SAMM Appendix 6 will help avoid
   processing delays.
       A. Note Order: To ensure consistency, LOA notes should be included in the following
                   #                         Area                        Responsibility

                   1     Line Notes                                           IA
                         Case/IA Unique Notes
                   2                                                          IA
                         (e.g., description of the system)
                         Mandatory DSCA Standard Notes
                   3                                                       IA / CWD
                         (As listed in SAMM Appendix 6)
                   4     Standard Notes regarding waivers                    CWD
                   5     Standard Notes required on all cases                CWD

       B. Note Application and Maintenance: When preparing Amendments or Modifications to
          the LOA, application and maintenance of notes is essential for accuracy. This task is
          based on responsibility assignment, as specified in SAMM Appendix 6 for DSCA Standard
          Notes, and local guidance as specified by IA Policy offices for all IA-Unique Notes. The
          guidance provided below is intended to provide a standardized approach to IA and DSCA
          note maintenance guidelines.
       C. Expired Notes: As a general rule, new notes being added for the first time (not on the
          Implemented Case) must include the most current version (Note ID and/or Version
          number) of a note before a case advances. The most current note versions are updated
          based on current regulations, rules, and procedures that now make older versions
          outdated/obsolete. At the time a case is originally written, the implemented note
          version remains effective throughout the life of a case unless otherwise specified in
          SAMM Appendix 6 or IA Policy guidance for IA notes.

                                                                                             Page | 8
1. The majority of notes (Case and/or Standard) are effective upon implementation of
      a document and remain active until the case is closed/canceled. These notes are
      rarely updated even after expiration and can be found on the Implemented Version
      of a case or individual document versions. The expiration date of the note simply
      means that new cases cannot add that version of the note anymore and must use
      the newest version available.
   2. For DSCA Standard Notes that CWD has primary responsibility, the SAMM note
      usage must be followed, with additional guidance provided by DSCA (Strategy, Plans,
      and Policy Directorate (SPP) Strategic Planning and Integration Division (SPI)) and/or
      DSCA (Directorate of Business Operations (DBO) Financial Policy & Analysis Division
      (FPA)), as applicable.
   3. For DSCA Standard Notes that the IA has primary responsibility, the SAMM note
      usage must be followed. If the note usage is unclear, work with your Local/IA Policy
      Office to obtain clarification.
   4. Expired DSCA Standard Notes, with very few exceptions, remain unchanged and
      must not be updated to the most current version solely based on the DSAMS
      warning that a note version is expired.
   5. Expired Case/IA Notes, for which the IA has primary responsibility, should remain
      UNAFFECTED and NOT updated to the newest version simply because the note is
      expired. See below for Criteria to DELETE, REVISE, and/or RESTATE Notes.
D. Criteria to DELETE: When a line is deleted, the corresponding Line Note and any other
   associated notes need to be deleted (for deletion of a subline, the existing Line Note
   should be revised to delete the subline information from the text).
   1. For associated notes that only reference the specific line references in the text, the
      associated note(s) must be DELETED.
   2. For associated DSCA Standard or Case/IA Unique Notes that only reference a line
      being deleted in the text, the note must be DELETED.
   3. Notes should be deleted when it is discovered the note should have been deleted
      with a previous version of the document or when it should not have been included
      on the case at all.
E. Criteria to REVISE: Notes are revised to add additional information to update/clarify
   information in the note. If any notes on the Case Note List are expired, the Note Usage
   guidance should be reviewed to determine the appropriate action required (i.e., update
   to the most current version, etc.). Generally, the vast majority of "expired" notes can
   remain unchanged as indicated above.
   1. For associated DSCA Standard or Case/IA Unique Notes that reference multiple lines
      in the text, the note must be REVISED to remove the reference to the lines being
      deleted or added.

                                                                                      Page | 9
2. When a line is revised for administrative purposes AND does not require a revision
              to the associated Line or Case/IA Unique Notes, those notes will remain
           3. When a line is revised to change scope, the associated Line Note may need to be
       F. Criteria to RESTATE: Case (IA) Unique Notes will NOT be RESTATED unless directed by
          DSCA or IA Policy.
               1. When it is discovered that a DSCA or Case/IA Unique Note was overlooked on an
                  earlier version of the case, it must be added.
               2. Restatement of existing DSCA Standard Notes is rare and must be specifically
                  addressed in the "Note Usage" section of the SAMM Appendix 6. For example,
                  financial notes and physical security and accountability notes are restated.
       G. Criteria to ADD: If a new line is added, a new Line Note must be added (for new
          sublines, the existing parent Line Note will be revised to add the new sublines to the
          text). A review of all existing notes should be performed to determine if any
          corresponding updates are necessary, or if additional notes are required.

7. Personal Identifiable Information (PII):
       •   DOD Privacy Program
   Personal Identifiable Information is prohibited under DoD 5400.11R (Department of Defense
   Privacy Program). Contact information should only be an organization or office symbol, general
   address, and phone number (personal home/mobile numbers prohibited).
           "DL1.14. Personal Information. Information about an individual that identifies, links,
           relates, or is unique to, or describes him or her, e.g., a social security number; age;
           military rank; civilian grade; marital status; race; salary; home/office phone numbers;
           other demographic, biometric, personnel, medical, and financial information, etc. Such
           information is also known as personally identifiable information (i.e., information which
           can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social
           security number, date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, biometric records,
           including any other personal information which is linked or linkable to a specified

8. U.S. Government Equivalent Classification Remarking:
       •   DoDM 5200.01
   The LOR must comply with DoDM 5200.01, which notes that when U.S. offices receive Foreign
   Government Information (FGI) which is marked with original host markings that are not the
   same classification as U.S. markings, that these documents are to be remarked to indicate the

                                                                                             Page | 10
equivalent U.S. marking so that all other personnel who subsequently receive and/or review
these documents are aware of the appropriate handling requirements.
According to DoDM 5200.01, Volume 3, 17.b.2:
       “FGI shall be re-marked if needed to ensure the protective requirements are clear. FGI
       may retain its original classification if it is in English. However, when the foreign
       government marking is not in English, or when the foreign government marking requires
       a different degree of protection than the same U.S. classification designation, a U.S.
       marking that results in a degree of protection equivalent to that required by the foreign
       government shall be applied. See Appendix 1 to Enclosure 4 of Volume 2 of this Manual
       for comparable U.S. classification designations.”
A single line through the host marking (to ensure it is still readable) and then remarking with
U.S.-equivalent marking is required.

                                       Confidential FOUO

The following statement must be placed on the bottom of each page that is Remarked and
filled out appropriately:

          Remarked by: (Insert Name of Person Remarking Doc)
          Authority: DoD 5200.01 and (insert office symbol) email/memo dated
          (insert date of email/memo)
          Remarked on: (Insert Date of Remarking)

If the document is not clearly remarked with U.S. Government equivalent markings, the
document will be returned to the IA.

                                                                                          Page | 11
Annex A - Quick References

#                   Reference                                           Link

1    Amendment Requirements - SAMM             https://www.samm.dsca.mil/chapter/chapter-6#C6.T7.
2    Acronyms                                  https://www.samm.dsca.mil/listing/esamm-acronyms

     BPC Programs and Authorities - SAMM
3                                              https://www.samm.dsca.mil/table/table-c15t2
4    BPC LOA Preparation - SAMM C15.T5.        https://www.samm.dsca.mil/table/table-c15t5

     Case-Related Manpower Functions and
5                                              https://www.samm.dsca.mil/table/table-c9t2
     Funding Source Manpower Matrix
     DOD Dictionary of Military and
6                                              https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1029823.pdf
     Associated Terms
     FMS Administrative Surcharge Rate -       https://www.samm.dsca.mil/policy-memoranda/dsca-
     DSCA Policy 19-23                         19-23

8    Glossary                                  https://www.samm.dsca.mil/listing/esamm-glossary
9    LOA Checklist - DSCA Policy 16-03         16-03

10   LOA Information                           https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f5

11   LOA Preparation Instructions              https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f6

     LOA Notes & Responsibility - SAMM
12                                             https://www.samm.dsca.mil/appendix/appendix-6
     Appendix 6
     LOA Revised Pricing Guidance - DSCA       https://www.samm.dsca.mil/policy-memoranda/dsca-
     Policy 19-06                              19-06

     Modification Requirements - SAMM
14                                             https://www.samm.dsca.mil/chapter/chapter-6#C6.T8.
     Months of Service (MoS) Clarification -   https://www.samm.dsca.mil/policy-memoranda/dsca-
     DSCA Policy 13-41                         13-41

     Nonrecurring Cost Recoupment Charges
16   for Major Defense Equipment - SAMM        https://www.samm.dsca.mil/appendix/appendix-1
     Offer Expiration Date (OED), SAMM
17                                             https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f6
     C5.F6, Para 5
18   Offer Release Code (ORC) - SAMM C7.T6.    https://www.samm.dsca.mil/chapter/chapter-7#C7.T6.

                                                                                            Page | 12
#                    Reference                                          Link
     Ordering of LOA Notes - SAMM C5.F6.,
19                                               https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f6
     para. 14
20   Payment Schedule Dates - SAMM C9.T12. 9#C9.T12.

21   Pricing Clarification - DSCA Policy 14-08   14-08

                                                 NATO: https://www.samm.dsca.mil/chapter/chapter-
     Reciprocal Agreement Participants -         10#C10.T15.
     SAMM C10.T13-14.                            Other: https://www.samm.dsca.mil/chapter/chapter-

23   SAMM References                             https://www.samm.dsca.mil/listing/esamm-references

     Source of Supply (SOS) Code (SC) - SAMM
24                                           https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f5
     C5.F5., para. d
25   Standard Terms and Conditions               https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f4

     Table of Charges - SAMM C9.T4 (Admin,
26                                               https://www.samm.dsca.mil/table/table-c9t4
     CAS, etc.)
27   Terms of Sale (ToS) - SAMM C9.T11.          9#C9.T11.

     Transportation Cost Look-Up Tables -
28                                               https://www.samm.dsca.mil/appendix/appendix-2
     SAMM A2
     Type of Assistance (TA) Codes - SAMM
29                                               https://www.samm.dsca.mil/figure/figure-c5f5
     C5.F5., para. f

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2800 Defense Pentagon
Defense Security Cooperation Agency    Washington, DC 20301-2800
                                           Phone: (703) 601-1646
Security Through Global Partnerships         Email : info@dsca.mil
                                          Website: www.dsca.mil
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