HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life

Page created by Beverly Stephens
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life

                   Fairs and
GIFTS                TV star
For him
and her            JOHN

HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
22                                 21


                   25                                                                28
                 FEBRUARY 2018

                 6     Diary: What’s on and where

                 9     Music: Highlights at The Hexagon

                 13 Theatre: John Challis at The Kenton

                 16 Design: Women in architecture

                 18 Weddings: Local fairs

                 20 Pets: Weddings for pets

                 22 Travel: Hong Kong highlights

                 25 Beauty: Prepare for Spring

                 27 Fashion: Accent on accessories

                 30 My Henley Life: Fashion guru Natalie Johnson

 HenleyLife is a HIGGS GROUP publication, hand delivered to
 more than 10,000 homes in South Oxfordshire and Berkshire
                  Caxton House, 1 Station Road
                  Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1AD
 Magazine Manager: Vivienne M. Clark
 T: 01491 419449
 Editorial assistant: Maisie Webb
 Advertising Sales: Victoria Horn
 T: 01491 419449
 Designer/Sub Editor: Debra Aspinall
 Features Writer: Cindy Burrowes
 T: 01491 419449
                                                              Wedding fairs page 18
 Published by HIGGS GROUP T: 01491 419400
 Printed by PCP Ltd, Telford.
 Henley Life cannot accept responsibility for any omissions or errors and no part of
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                                                                                          HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018   3
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
Milestone Avenue, Charvil                                                   Crisp Road, Henley-On-Thames
                           £1,200,000                                                                     £450,000
    We are delighted to offer this fantastic opportunity to purchase this unique   We are pleased to offer this stunning immaculately presented two bedroom
     4/5 bedroom detached family home situated in a stunning rural location         semi detached house for sale situated in a popular residential area. The
      close to the River Thames, yet only a short distance from convenient          property has recently undergone refurbishment and has been finished to
                                   transport links.                                a high standard throughout with quality fixtures and fittings. This really is a
         The property is light and spacious with quality fixtures and fittings                      must view with several hidden benefits.
       throughout. The property boosts many features including an elegant
       conservatory, log burning fire, gated driveway and large garden with
                     delightful fruit trees and summer house.
                Viewing essential to fully appreciate what’s on offer.

                                   • SPECIAL OFFER •
                     Are you paying too much? Sell your home for less!
                                           0.5% + vat sales fee
                   Contact us today for more information about buying, selling or letting your home.
                                                Call us on 07920 887833
                                               Ask about our 8 a.m.—8 p.m. viewings
                                                          Offer subject to term and conditions

4   HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
                                                                                           Queen Anne’s School

... to the February issue of Henley   the vote, we bring you the
  And with a sigh of relief we
move out of the gloom of
                                      Berkshire Women in Architecture
                                      Group, and a feature on what it
                                      means to be a female architect.
                                                                                   The right choice for your
January and nearer to Spring.
                                      Enterprising and glamorous                          daughter’s future
Traditionally this is the time        entrepreneur Natalie Johnson is
for love, romance and the onset       our My Henley Life interviewee
of preparations for the wedding
season. Keep up-to-date with
what’s on offer and plan to visit
                                      this month.

                                      At the opposite end of the
                                                                                                                             Open Morning
some of the best wedding fairs        spectrum we have a page on
in the area, listed on page 18.       ‘Boycie’ from Only Fools and
                                      Horses who will be entertaining                                                               
Our dedicated page about pets         Henley at the Kenton Theatre in
takes a brief look at pet             March.
weddings or ‘puptials’ as they are
called and if you are searching       If you considering an exotic           Independent Schools

for a special romantic token for      holiday destination for a special
your loved one, we aim to             trip or honeymoon, turn to page
indulge with our pick of the best     22, to find out what Henley Life’s
gifts that say ‘I Love you.’ And in   Cindy Burrowes thought of her                                           BOOK ONLINE
planning for that future event,       recent visit to Hong Kong.
our fashion page looks at new
season shoes and bags for a           Enjoy the lighter nights and our       ���������������������������������������������������������������
chilly, bright Spring wedding.        romance-themed February                                       T: +44(0)118 918 7300 E: www.qas.org.uk
As a nod to the 100th
anniversary of women achieving                     The Henley Life team

   Henley Festival
   See local news page 8                                                       SHEKU
                                                                               HENLEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
                                                                               Ian Brown Conductor

                                                                               Marriage of Figaro: Overture
                                                                               Cello Concerto
                                                                               Symphony No 1 ‘Titan’

                                                                               THE HEXAGON
                                                                               Sunday 18 March 2018
                                                                                               2018, 7 30 pm
                                                                           Tickets����������: 01235 859210 or www.henleysymphonyorchestra.co.uk/contact
                                                                           £18, £15, £12; U16s/students half price; groups: 1 in 8 free;����������������������������������������������������

                                                                                                                                     HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018                                5
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
                                                                                                                          “Stuck in the Middle with You — Shades of Grey in a

                                                                                                                          Black-and-White Industry”. The term “zwischenfach”
                                                                                                                          (meaning “between fachs”) is part of the German “fach”
                                                                                                                          system of categorising voices. The enduring question is
                                                                                                                          what happens to the voices that fall in between. As a
                                                                                                                          self-confessed “zwischenfach” herself, mezzo-soprano
                                                                                                                          Rosie explores what that means in today’s increasingly
Wednesday 7th                                                   years’ experience whose achievements include being        rigid industry. The lecture-recital runs from 10.30am to
February                                                        voted North West Organist of the Year. Doors open at      12.30pm and tickets are £20. For more information and
Henley Filling Station,                                         2.30pm for a 3pm start. A raffle will be held, with       to book, visit www.thelittleboxoffice.com/operaprelude
Red Lion Hotel                                                  refreshments available to purchase. Entry is £8 with
Running from 8pm to                                             concessions £7 and proceeds from the concert will go      Friday 23rd February
9.30pm, with coffee from                                        to help the Thames Valley Air Ambulance. For more         The Marriage of Figaro,
7.45pm, this is one of a                                        information, visit www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk or call    Kenton Theatre
series of events taking place                                   Susan Rusman on 0118 972 4988.                            In this new production of
on the first Wednesday of                                                                                                 Mozart’s beloved opera buffa,
each month. Jeremy Bray                                         Sunday 11th February                                      life, liberty and the pursuit of
(pictured) will be speaking on “The Mark of a Christian”.       Mozart and Mendelssohn,                                   love in the jazz clubs of the
A popular speaker, Jeremy is a freelance medical writer,        Chiltern Arts Festival,                                   Sixties is driving everyone
foster carer and church leader in Warwick, together with        Dorchester Abbey                                          crazy. Figaro loves Susanna, Cherubino loves the
his wife Jo. They are excited to be moving back to              The closing event of the newly                            Countess, and the Countess loves the Count. The
Henley in summer 2018 to help lead the Baptist Church.          launched Chiltern Arts Festival,                          Count is intent on chasing Susanna and on preventing
Please note that the venue for Henley Filling Station           this 7.30pm concert sees the                              Figaro from marrying her. Outsmarted not only by a
meetings has recently moved from the town hall to the           stellar players of the City of                            cunning disguise, but also by the arrival of a couple of
Red Lion Hotel in Hart Street. A spokesman for the              London Sinfonia perform a programme bringing              long-lost parents and by Figaro’s and Susanna’s
group said: “There is a cosy bar and sofas to relax on          together two of the greatest child prodigies who ever     ingenuity, the Count slowly realises that everyone else
before and after the meetings. We recommend to park             lived — Mozart and Mendelsohn. After opening with the     is running rings round him... The Merry Opera
in the main town car parks in King’s Road or Greys              evergreen Hebrides Overture, Ben Goldscheider             Company returns to the Kenton following the success
Road but disabled parking is available on site.” For more       (pictured), a past BBC Young Musician finalist, is the    of 2016’s production of La Bohème. This time around
information, visit www.thefillingstation.org.uk                 soloist for Mozart’s effervescent Horn Concerto No4 in    they are bringing Mozart’s classic to life with a
                                                                Eb Major. The concert, and festival, then culminates in   translation by Amanda Holden, directed by John
Friday 9th February                                             a holiday-inspired work by Mendelssohn — his Italian      Ramster with music by Harry Sever. According to
An Audience with                                                Symphony. Tickets are priced £20 and £25. For more        Opera Now magazine: “The Merry Opera Company has
Michael Bolton, New                                             information and to book, visit www.chilternarts.com       a nice line in these slightly offbeat touring shows,
Theatre Oxford                                                                                                            performing them with charm, energy and wit.” Tickets
Grammy Award-winning                                            Thursday 15th                                             are £20 for adults and £13 for children. To book, call
singer, songwriter and                                          February to Tuesday                                       (01491) 575 698 or visit www.kentontheatre.co.uk
social activist Michael                                         27th February
Bolton is back in the UK                                        Unlikely Perceptions,                                     ONGOING EVENTS
this year for a handful of                                      Old Fire Station Gallery                                  Until Saturday
selected dates — one of                                         This exhibition of work by four                           17th March
which will see him telling his life story. In this one to one   artists from the University for                           The Hound of the
interview, Michael will personally take the audience            the Creative Arts in Farnham — Peta Jacobs, Jennie        Baskervilles, The
through the highs and lows of his fantastic career in           Jewitt-Harris, Karen Marks and Jaci Foster — takes        Mill at Sonning
music. This will be a special evening for all Michael           differing views of the act of perception: apprehension    An age-old curse... A
Bolton fans and all music fans interested to hear the           by means of the senses or interpretation through the      ravenous monster... Can
story of an artist who pushed himself to the top of his         mind, cognition and understanding. All explore this       Sherlock Holmes and his
field. Bolton’s career achievements include selling more        theme through different media. Peta Jacobs’s artworks     friend Dr Watson solve
than 75 million records, recording eight top 10 albums          explore the phenomena of light and matter, particularly   the terrifying mystery before it’s too late? Sir Charles
and two number-one singles on the Billboard charts, as          the paradoxical nature of wave and particle behaviour     Baskerville dies in strange circumstances with a look of
well as winning six American Music Awards and two               at the quantum level. The physical act of seeing          fear and terror on his face. Legend has it there is a
Grammy Awards. He originally performed in the hard              underlies the work of Jennie Jewitt-Harris — her          curse on the family — a curse in the form of a gigantic,
rock and heavy metal genres from the mid-Seventies to           drawings and sculpture “tease at the notions of vision,   ferocious, glowing hound of hell — that brings death to
the mid-Eighties, both on his early solo albums and             visibility and meaning”. Karen Marks reshapes thrown      each successive head of the Baskerville family. And
those recorded as the frontman of the band Blackjack.           and coloured porcelain while it is still damp to          when Sir Henry Baskerville returns from overseas to
He later became better known for his series of pop-rock         reinterpret the flow and rhythm of water. And Jaci        claim his inheritance and property on the treacherous
ballads, recorded after a stylistic change in the late          Foster ’s work explores the concept of home and the       terrain of darkest Dartmoor, he calls on the renowned
Eighties. An Audience with Michael Bolton will be               many different perceptions that link this with female     Sherlock Holmes to help him solve the riddle of his
hosted in a talk show-style format as a spoken word             identity. The fundamental concept examined by Unlikely    uncle’s violent death. Is there really a revenge-seeking
event, with maybe a few surprises! Doors open at 7pm.           Perceptions is that of perspective and the artworks       hound? Or are there other evil motives at work? Actor
For more information and to book, call 0844 871 3020            exhibited ask the viewer to look at ordinary, everyday    and playwright Simon Williams has adapted this classic
or visit www.atgtickets.com                                     things in a different way, creating new understanding.    Conan Doyle mystery. His son Tam Williams has
                                                                                                                          devised the production for the Mill and Thomas Daley is
Sunday 11th February                                            Friday 23rd February                                      director extraordinaire with his real flair for horror in
Henley and District Theatre                                     Zwischenfach, Opera                                       theatre and film. Together they have devised many
Organ Trust concert,                                            Prelude, Christ Church                                    ways to bring the eeriness of the moors into The Mill’s
Henley Town Hall                                                Centre, Reading Road                                      auditorium itself. You will feel the presence of the mys-
Known as “Little Miss Dynamite”,                                Presented by Rosie Clifford                               tical hound right next to you. If you like to be scared,
Lancashire-born farmer’s daughter                               (pictured) accompanied by                                 believe us you will be! For tickets and times, call 0118
Elizabeth Harrison (pictured) is a                              Natalie Burch on piano, this                              969 8000 or visit www.millatsonning.com. Sunday
theatre organist of more than 20                                lecture-recital is subtitled                              matinées start on 11th February.
6    HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
                                                 you to go on a real journey of gin! Each       Day features a space dedicated to showcasing
                                                 carefully selected gin will be introduced      the work of local women architects.
                                                 and presented with its backstory, botanical     Around half-a-dozen women architects and
                                                 make up and tasting notes.                     guest designers can help you bring your ideas
                                                  To get you into the spirit they will          to life – just look for the RIBA Women in
                                                 encourage you and your guests to get           Architecture banner.
                                                 interactive with the gins, tonics and          Taking part together in the Design Day grew
                                                 garnishes in order to create a fun and         out of meetups of women architects in this
                                                 informal experience, and whilst doing so       area.
                                                 help you master the perfect serve! A vital      “A group of us started to meet regularly after
                                                 skill for any gin enthusiast! You are          work last year. We realised that we have a lot
                                                 guaranteed a unique and unforgettable gin      in common,” says Claire Truman, Principal of
                                                 themed experience with The Gin To My           Reading-based Heritage Revival Design
                                                 Tonic. Included in your ticket price will be   Consultancy.
                                                 bar snacks and of course your gin and           “Only one in five RIBA Chartered Architects
Save th
S    the d
           t                                     different tonics for the evening.
                                                                                                are women. Running smaller practices, often
                                                                                                from home, can be challenging; we have
Hobbs of Henley Gin Tasting Cruises              01491 572035                                   found the networking and sharing of
Saturday February 24 & Saturday March 24                                                        experiences mutually beneficial for us, and
3pm to 6pm. £45                                  Henley Design Day                              ultimately for our clients.”
                                                 Henley Town Hall                                The Design Day is completely free and very
These events are hosted by the fabulous ‘The     Saturday March 17 10am to 3.30pm               informal. Architects and other design
Gin to my Tonic’ - an experienced,                                                              specialists can talk through your ideas for
professional team who will take you on a gin     Henley Design Day is the one-stop shop         your home and show you examples of their
tasting experience whilst cruising along the     which showcases architects and other           completed building projects.
River Thames on the Hobbs flagship vessel        design experts in Henley Town Hall, all         You should come away with a good idea of
‘The New Orleans’ (pictured).                    waiting to inspire you to make bold            what you could do for the budget that you
 The Gin To My Tonic will build a tailored gin   changes to your home! It’s run by the Royal    have in mind, plus contact details of architects
tasting menu of 5 courses including Hobbs of     Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and     and information about how they could work
Henley’s very own gin ‘Mr Hobbs’ which was       organised by their project manager, Sarah      for you.
launched in May last year.                       Miller.                                         See our features on women in architecture on
 The gins will be all very different allowing      This year, for the first time Henley Design   pages 15, 16 and 17.

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                                                                                                            HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018        7
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
                                                                                     Henley   Festival announces
                                                                                     sstar-studded line-up
                                                                                       A special launch party for 80 supporters of the Henley
                                                                                      FFestival was hosted at Phyllis Court Club’s pavilion.
                                                                                        Guests were given details of the line-up for this year’s five
                                                                                      dday event ahead of the official festival announcement.
                                                                                      There  were cheers of delight as the artistic director
                                                                                      Stewart   Collins and CEO, Charlotte Geeves (pictured)
                                                                                      announced     the names of headline acts and restaurant
                                                                                      partners.   Nile Rodgers, Grace Jones and Rita Ora are
                                                                                      among    the star names who will headline at this year’s
                                                                                     wwith an
                                                                                     aarray of

Ph lli C
Phyllis Courtt Fit
               Fitness                                                                                                                    Picture by
Centre on schedule                                                                                                                      Kathryn Fell

The greatly anticipated Fitness Centre at
Phyllis Court Club has risen from the ground,
with the steel frame and roof in place.
 The building of the facility at the private
members club is on schedule, and the entire                                                                                        From left to
building will be enclosed by March.                                                                                                right: Ruth
 The Fitness Centre is due to open in                                                                                              Dunkin, Sir Tim
September 2018 and, once complete, it will                                                                                         Jenner, Tricia
be timber-clad with floor-to-ceiling windows                                                                                       Christmas,
and white render.                                                                                                                  Diana
 Club Chairman, Patricia Christmas                                                                                                 Pearman,
commented: “The Fitness Centre has                                                                                                 Fiona Devine,
sprouted out of the ground like magic. The                                                                                         Julia Phillipson
project is on schedule and council and I are
very pleased with the progress to date - it’s
very exciting.”                                  Charity
                                                 Ch  it success
 Equipped with a gym, a 20m pool, exercise
studio, sanarium, consultation/treatment         On Tuesday January 30 the Charity Action Group (CAG) at Phyllis Court held their AGM and
rooms and changing rooms, the centre will        cheque presentation.
be available exclusively to members of the        The group was delighted to announce that in 2017, £35,000 was raised for Thames Valley Air
club.                                            Ambulance and Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.
 The gym will be set-out with high quality        The figure far surpasses the funds raised in previous years (£31,000 in 2016 and £29,500 in
equipment, including weights and a cardio        2015) and Diana Pearman, Chair of the CAG said: “Success breeds success. We have raised the
area with training equipment such as rowing      profile of our efforts on behalf of Phyllis Court, which means more members have joined our
machines, cross trainers and treadmills.         group, thereby raising more money for these very worthy charitable causes. My special thanks
 There will be qualified personal trainers       to everyone at Phyllis Court and within the CAG for everything they do and for all their
available to provide customised fitness          support.”
routines, and nutrition plans. Members will       Representatives from both charities were delighted with the kind donations. Ruth Dunkin
have gym inductions where the equipment          from Thames Valley Air Ambulance gratefully thanked Club members and the CAG for their
will be demonstrated, and exercise plans         generosity and explained that the funds will “assist greatly in the lifesaving work that (TVAA)
mapped out.                                      carry out in the area.”
 Group exercise classes will be conducted by      Fiona Devine from the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice thanked the CAG for raising “an
certified fitness instructors, and a number of   amazing amount of money” and explained that the donation will be used “towards the
these classes will be complimentary each         opening of the new day-care centre”.
week. Initially these sessions are likely to      After the presentation, the CAG was pleased to announce that the chosen charities for 2018
include Pilates and Yoga with others such as     are Riverside Counselling Service, Thames Valley Adventure Playground and Carers Bucks.
Aerobics, Zumba and Aqua Aerobics to             The event was concluded with Prosecco and musical entertainment performed by Henley
come.                                            Music School.

8   HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life
  Hyejin Kim                                      On Thursday February 22, award-winning
                                                British pianist, Steven Osborne, brings his               Box Office: 0118 960 6060.
                                                insightful interpretations of diverse repertoire    Download the full 2017/2018 brochure,
                                                to The Concert Hall.                                 sign up to the Classical Membership
                                                 Sandwiched between works by Russian                     Scheme and book online at
                                                composer, Prokofiev, are works by Ravel – the               www.readingarts.com
                                                somewhat impressionistic Miroirs – and Berg’s        Ticket prices shown are inclusive of
                                                fascinating Piano Sonata No.1.                                    booking fee
                                                 Steven Osborne brings his diverse
                                                   repertoire to The Concert Hall
                                                                                                    Steven Osborne
                                                 A remarkably versatile performer, Steven
                                                Osborne’s numerous awards include The
                                                Royal Philharmonic Society Instrumentalist of
                                                the Year (2013) and two Gramophone awards.
                                                 The Russian State Philharmonic Orchestra
                                                bring a rich Russian programme to The
                                                Hexagon on Monday February 26.
                                                 Under their music director, Valery Polyansky,
                                                the programme includes some of
                                                Tchaikovsky’s best known ballet music, with
                                                excerpts from The Nutcracker, Swan Lake and
A Russian                                       Sleeping Beauty.
                                                 Plus pianist, Hyejin Kim, performs the ever-
February                                        popular Piano Concerto No.2 by Rachmaninov
                                                (this is a change to the previously advertised
Classical Music Alive concerts at The Hexagon   programme for this concert, but will be just as
and The Concert Hall in Reading during          triumphant).
February have a distinctly Russian theme.        Tickets for this fantastic concert are £22.50 to
Let’s hope the weather doesn’t match it too     £25.50, with under 18s only £6 each and Test
much.                                           Drive tickets only £10.

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                                                                                                            HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018      9
HENLE - JOHN CHALLIS TV star - Henley Life

Lady Nuffield’s Wolseley Eight on the
Nuffield Place, at Huntercombe near Henley-        repairing to manufacturing and William’s first   surprisingly modest Arts and Crafts-style
on-Thames, is proud to hold the only             car was created in 1913. He was one of the       home and the Wolseley Eight, an equally
road-worthy classic car in the National Trust.   first manufacturers to use mass production       unpretentious car.
 It’s a Wolseley Eight, gifted to Lady Nuffield    methods and this fuelled his rise to              Back in Lady Nuffield’s day, it was a very
for her birthday in 1939 by her husband Lord     prosperity.                                      reliable run-about. From her diaries, we know
Nuffield, although she had to wait until 1946                                                       that she used the Wolseley Eight to pick up
to actually receive it due to the intervening        Lord Nuffield gave away                      cakes on a Friday from Wallingford and to visit
war years.                                           much of his vast fortune                     her sisters in Oxford.
 Lord Nuffield, or William Morris as he was                                                          After her death, Lord Nuffield continued to
known when he founded Morris Motors Ltd,          At the height of his career, Lord Nuffield was    use the car himself until frailty obliged him to
certainly knew his cars.                         reputedly earning £2,000 a day.                  use a chauffeur.
 He was an apprentice in an Oxford bicycle        However, he was never extravagant with           After Lord Nuffield died in 1963, the house
shop at the age of 14 to help support his        money. Questioned about his riches, he           and car passed into the ownership of Nuffield
family. After a year, William asked for a pay    replied, ‘Well you can only wear one suit at a   College.
rise. When it was denied, he promptly set up     time’.                                            When the car came to the National Trust in
his own bicycle repair company with just £4       Lord Nuffield gave away much of his vast          2013 (by way of the Oxfordshire Museum
capital.                                         fortune, donating £30million to good causes      Service) it went to the Heritage Motor Centre
 As a practical man with a passion for           (the equivalent of £700m in today’s money).      at Gaydon for checking over and has been
engineering, it was a natural move from           Consequently, Nuffield Place is a                 cared for since by the dedicated volunteer

10 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
                                                                             What goes on at Nuffield Place during the
                                                                             Winter closure?
                                                                             Most National Trust places are open 363 days
                                                                             of the year these days. There are just a few of
                                                                             the more fragile places (or those with
                                                                             extensive collections) that close for
                                                                             conservation work in the Winter.
                                                                               While nature is sleeping in the gardens and
                                                                             the doors are serenely closed to the outside
                                                                             world, there’s a hive of activity within the
                                                                             property as the house and collections teams
                                                                             and volunteers get to work.
                                                                               One of the main, though not necessarily
                                                                             most glamorous tasks, is a thorough
                                                                             conservation clean. The house teams work
                                                                             literally from the ceilings to floors. They go
                                                                             over every intimate corner of a room, probing
                                                                             the insides of drawers and every crease and
                                                                             elbow of objects and artworks with tiny
                                                                             brushes and museum vacs.
                                                                               The team also undertake assessment
                                                                             surveys of the collection. At Nuffield Place
                                                                             this year, there was a full leather conservation
                                                                             survey and a set of leather chairs in the
                                                                             Billiard Room and Lord Nuffield’s boots had
                                                                             some remedial work and can now be put
                                                                             back on display.
                                                                               Portraits are also checked for sagging
                                                                             canvases, holes, dirt and cracking and general
                                                                             degradation. For those that require work,
                                                                             such detailed, specialist repair work is
                                                                             expensive, so a priority list is drawn up for
                                                                             when funds are available.
                                                                               Preserving the metalwork at Nuffield Place is
                                                                             an ongoing project. The intricate design of
                                                                             the main wrought iron gate has been
                                                                             repaired and the house’s weathervane has
                                                                             undergone conservation work. And there is
                                                                             more mundane maintenance work we all
                                                                             need to do on our own houses.
                                                                               The historic bathrooms in the house have
                                                                             been repainted with like-for-like ragwork so
                                                                             that it now looks much more as it would have
                                                                             when first commissioned by Lord and Lady

 he road again
                                                                             To visit, volunteer or donate, go to
                                                                             nationaltrust.org.uk/nuffield-place, email
                                                                             nuffieldplace@nationaltrust.org.uk or call
                                                                             01491 641224
   team at Nuffield Place, supported by
   enthusiast club, the Wolseley Register.
    The Wolseley Eight is looking forward to
   some more outreach work this year after the
   maintenance team managed to get to the
   bottom of an issue that was holding her back.
    “She always used to falter on hills,” explains
   Paul Cook, volunteer car display coordinator,
   “When we went to local shows we always had
   to search out the flattest return route.”
    However, since volunteer mechanic, Phil
   Grinham, unblocked the fuel filter, the
   Wolseley Eight is running like a dream and is
   on display (except for rally days) in the garage
   at Nuffield Place.
    Nuffield Place reopens on Monday February
   26 and its opening day will be marked in the
   morning by a display of Cowley-produced
   cars from the former Morris works.

                                                                                        HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 11
                                                                                                                 C         Hills and features                    achievement of all time: cracking the
  The Garden of Disguises                                                                                        internationally-renowned
                                                                                                                 in                                              ‘Enigma’ code.
                                                                                                                 artists including Tenebrae,                      At St Mary-le-More Church,
                                                                                                                 Tasmin   Little, Martin Roscoe,                 Wallingford, OX10 8DW at 1pm
                                                                                                                 t Brodsky Quartet, the
                                                                                                                 the                                              Tickets: £15 / £10 / Box office: 01442
                                                                                                                 Orlando   Consort and the                       920303. www.chilternarts.com
                                                                                                                 Academy     of Ancient Music.
                                                                                                                  Locations include Henley,                         NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF
                                                                                                                 Marlow,   Hughenden, Great                                  MOZART OPERA
                                                                                                                 Missenden     and High                          The Chiltern Arts Festival presents
                                                                                                                 Wycombe.                                        Ryedale Festival Opera’s acclaimed
                                                                                                                  T programme was created
                                                                                                                  The                                            production of Mozart’s early comic
                                                                                                                 b creative director, Naomi
                                                                                                                 by                                              opera La Finta Giardiniera -- The Garden
                                                                                                                 Taylor,  with Chiltern Arts                     of Disguises on February 10.
                                                                                                                 Artistic Partner, Grammy                         John Warrack’s ‘clever new translation’
                                                                                                                 award-winning     pianist,                      (Opera Magazine) is conducted by the
                                                                                                                 Christopher    Glynn.                           acclaimed Eamonn Dougan, Associate
                                                                                                                                                                 Conductor of The Sixteen, and directed
Chiltern Arts
         At                                                                      THE LOST WORLD OF BLETCHLEY PARK
                                                                                                                                                                 by Nina Brazier – ‘one of Britain's
                                                                                                                                                                 leading young directors of opera (The
Festival presents...                                                                      WITH SINCLAIR MCKAY
                                                                           Join author Sinclair McKay in a fascinating
                                                                                                                                                                 Observer) with a cast of award-winning
                                                                                                                                                                 young singers and players from the
Chiltern Arts is a new festival bringing music,                            exploration of wartime Bletchley Park.                                                Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
literature and art to the towns and villages in                             Accompanied by illustrations never seen before                                       Experience Ensemble.
and around the Chiltern Hills. Throughout                                  from the Bletchley Park archive, this talk partners the                               The Garden of Disguises / La Finta
February churches, stately homes and                                       publication of the first official illustrated history of                                Giardiniera. Saturday February 10 at
outdoor spaces across the region have been                                 the Second World War codebreaking centre – The Lost                                   7pm (2.5 hours including interval)
transformed into stunning concert and arts                                 World of Bletchley Park.                                                               At the Performing Arts Centre, Pipers
venues.                                                                     Home to some of Britain’s most brilliant                                             Corner School, Pipers Lane, Great
  This vibrant Winter festival takes place                                 mathematical minds, including Alan Turing, this                                       Kingshill, Bucks HP15 6LP
February 3 to 11 and consists of 18 different                               beautiful Buckinghamshire country house was the                                         Tickets: £25 or £20. Box office: 01442
events taking place in venues across the                                   scene of the most famous codebreaking                                                 920303 or www.chilternarts.com

   Who do you turn to for good legal advice?                                                                                                                    “Chris, thank you so much, you didn’t
   We are a leading Thames Valley firm of specialist lawyers providing a range of legal services                                                                 miss a thing – I am so grateful.”
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs G, Berkshire
   to businesses, individuals and families consistently delivering high quality, value for money
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                                                                                                                                                                “I moved my shop to new premises
   • Wills & Will Disputes                              • Litigation including                            • Motoring Offences                                   and needed help with the lease. Mike
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     OUR PARTNERS                                                                                          OUR ASSOCIATES                                       informative. I am very happy with
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                                                                                                                                                                “My experience of making a will with
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     Chris            Paul             Mike              Guy             Peter           Sarah             Paula            Beatrice         Stevyn             competently and quickly to my
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                                                                                                                                                                “Paula, thank you for assisting me
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12 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018

                                                                                                            Only Fools And Boycie
                                                                                                           An intimate evening with
                                                                                                          Only Fools And Horses actor
                                                                                                                 John Challis.

                                                                                                          Enjoy an evening at the Kenton Theatre
                                                                                                          with John Challis. In this one-off show
                                                                                                          the national treasure will reveal secrets
                                                                                                          from the set with stories and anecdotes
                                                                                                          from his dazzling career.

                                                                                                          Having worked with some of the
                                                                                                          biggest names in show business, he'll
                                                                                                          be spilling the beans about Only Fools
                                                                                                          and Horses co-stars like Sir David Jason
                                                                                                          and Nicholas Lyndhurst and friends
                                                                                                          and fellow performers including The
                                                                                                          Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

                                                                                                          John Challis will also meet fans after
                                                                                                          the show to sign autographs and pose
                                                                                                          for pictures, while signing copies of his
                                                                                                          autobiography, Being Boycie, and novel,

An evening with John Challis                                                                              Reggie: A Stag At Bay.

                                                                                                          Show running time: 90 minutes with
He’s one of the nation’s best-loved comedy           what's going on. I like Miranda, for instance,       20 minute interval.
characters. TV star John Challis is best known       and Mrs Brown’s Boys also gets my vote of            Sunday March 4 at The Kenton
for his role as Boycie in BBC’s Only Fools And       approval. I suppose the people I looked up           Theatre www.kentontheatre.co.uk
Horses – and in recent years he has returned to      to most were the comics from The Goon                01491 575698
the screen to play Captain Peacock in BBC’s          Show. I could do all of the voices. That's how I     Tickets, £17 + Booking Fees.
Are You Being Served? He will also be seen this      got started. I used to imitate people, I was a
month as Monty Staines in the 10th series of         natural mimic. I wasn't the brightest kid in
ITV’s smash hit comedy Benidorm.                     the class, but I was the one who could make
 Henley Life caught up with him on the road          people laugh.
before his appearance at Henley’s Kenton                                                                Why do you think the character of Boycie
Theatre in March.                                    Do you ever think you’ll team up again             has endured for so long?
                                                     with other cast members from Only Fools            Boycie is still popular because people had
What can your fans expect from your show?            and Horses?                                        sympathy for him. They realised he was
They can expect plenty of laughter.                  We were a huge gang and we all got along.          wheeling and dealing to try and make
Ahahahahaha. After all, that's what Boycie is        Of course, quite a few of the cast are no          something better.
best known for. I love meeting fans when I'm         longer with us. We continue to see one              I think people identified with that. Of
out on the road and Only Fools and Horses            another, but I don't think there'll be another     course, he found himself in hilarious
remains one of the most popular shows of all         series.                                            situations and that made people laugh.
time. I'll also reveal a few surprises from my
50+years in showbusiness.

Do you find it hard to write new material or
does it come easy for you?
I've got a lifetime's worth of material to
choose from. So many things have happened
in my life that it's never difficult to pick up a
funny anecdote.
  I shared Marlon Brando's dressing room
when I was touring a play in America, I drank
with George Best when he was the country's
most famous footballer and I watched in
horror as Oliver Reed smashed up a hotel
room. I've lived a remarkable life and it's a real
thrill to be able to share some of my stories
with fans.

Do you have any influences when it comes
to comedy? Who are the greats in your
I still follow comedy and I keep an eye on

                                                                                                                  HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 13
Held at Henley Town Hall on Saturday 17th March,
        from 10am to 3.30pm

14 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
                                                  practice but has historically received much     RIBA in February 2016 shortly before she died
                                                  less recognition than her husband. The          suddenly.
                                                  manner in which she conducts herself in life     Her legacy was that of one of the greatest
                                                  and practice is humbling. She was the           female architects of her time and, despite not
                                                  keynote speaker at the Women in                 having to juggle her career with a family, she
                                                  Architecture Awards a few years ago.            was a woman pioneer in her field.
                                                                                                   Her most notable projects include the
                                                                                                  London Olympics Aquatic Centre, the
                                                    Her legacy was that of one of the
                                                                                                  Riverside Museum in Glasgow, the
                                                       greatest female architects                 extraordinary Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku,
                                                              of her time                         Azerbaijan and the Port Authority in
                                                   There has, however, been one woman              In the words of her colleagues at Zaha
                                                  recognised as one of the greatest               Hadid Architects: “Experiencing Hadid’s
   Zaha Hadid                                     British architects – Zaha Hadid.                architecture yields an understanding that the
   1950-2016                                       The Iraqi-British architect died suddenly in   quest for beauty alone was not her modus
   Photo by Alberto Heras                         2016 leaving behind a legacy of                 operandi.
                                                  extraordinary buildings.                         “Her buildings are beautiful – and beauty
                                                   She was the first woman to receive             may account for their seductive urban
Leaving a legacy                                  the Pritzker Architecture Prize and won the
                                                  UK’s most prestigious award, the Stirling
                                                                                                  presence, for their hold on the eye – but
                                                                                                  beauty and virtuosity within her work is
                                                  Prize, twice.                                   married to meaning.
2018 marks 100 years since Parliament              Zaha Hadid was born in Baghdad, Iraq in         “Her architecture is inventive, original and
passed a law which allowed the first              1950 and then studied mathematics at the        civic, offering generous public spaces that
women, and all men, to vote for the first         American University of Beirut before moving     are clearly organized and intuitive to
time.                                             to London in 1972 to attend the                 navigate. As they open, each of Hadid’s
 We will celebrate this milestone by              Architectural Association (AA) School where     buildings takes its place in architectural
highlighting the struggles and celebrating        she received the Diploma Prize in 1977.         history for its virtuosic construction, its
success unique to women working in the             She taught at the AA School until 1987 and     architectural idealogy, and its sheer magnetic
UK. This month Henley Life looks at women         also held chairs and guest professorships at    presence.”
in architecture.                                  universities around the world including
                                                  Columbia, Harvard, Yale and the University of
We recognise Sadie Morgan not only for her        Applied Arts in Vienna.
architecture, but her business skills running a    She founded Zaha Hadid Architects in 1979.      “Zaha Hadid continues to be an inspiration to
practice and her role in HS2 bridging between     In 2004 she was the first woman to win the      many architects, male and female: she never
construction disciplines.                         prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize,        made excuses for her experimental style, and
 Internationally Patty Hopkins should be as       followed by a Damehood in 2012 for services     pushed the artistic and technological
equally recognised as her husband Michael         to architecture, and she became the first       boundaries with each scheme.
Hopkins -- she has equally been part of the       woman to win the Royal Gold Medal from           “In 2016 she became the first woman in her
                                                                                                  own right to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal
                                                                                                  in Architecture from the RIBA. In her speech of
                                                                                                  thanks she made a rare gender reference,
   Riverside Museum                                                                               highlighting although more female architects
   Glasgow                                                                                        are now seen to become established, 'That
                                                                                                  doesn't mean it's easy. Sometimes the
                                                                                                  challenges are immense'.
                                                                                                   “In these two short statements Hadid sat
                                                                                                  herself beside many female architects,
                                                                                                  acknowledged their world, and cheered them
                                                                                                  on. Everyone needs someone in their corner.”
                                                                                                                                    Claire Truman
                                                                                                                             RIBA, IHBC Affiliate

                                                                                                                    Claire Truman

                                                                                                             HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 15

    Some of the Women in
    Architecture Group who
    will be at Henley Design
    Day in March.

Local women in architecture
Claire Truman is a local architect who has
                                                      their work. They are delighted to feel they      impact. We tend to forget the issue of what it
recently set up as a sole practitioner for
                                                      have the support of other women in their         is like to walk next to a very tall building,
lifestyle and family reasons. She has also
                                                      field.                                           how you cross a road with kids, but women
set up a networking group of female
                                                        Over the decades there has been a steady       architects and women urban planners are
architects in the area and they will be
                                                      intake of both male and female architecture      starting to look at the social side, it has sort
exhibiting at Henley Design Day. Cindy
                                                      students with approximately a 50/50 split.       of been forgotten in the push to get more
Burrowes spoke to Claire about her work,
                                                      However, only 25 per cent of qualified British   floor area.”
and life as a woman architect.
                                                      architects are women and this puzzles the          Claire’s own story illustrates the conundrum
Architecture, in its simplest form, is the artistic   industry, according to Claire.                   of a woman architect with a family. She has a
and scientific process of designing and                “It is a disservice to the industry by not      two and a three-year-old and her husband is
constructing a building.                              having more female architects because men        a self employed site carpenter.
 This is a crucial profession to human living         and women bring different outlooks to a             She commuted from Reading to London,
and therefore, it is no wonder that the               space,” said Claire whose view is echoed by      where she worked in a big architectural firm
qualification and training is so long.                fellow group member, Sandra Orlando Payne        for 12 years. Her work took her away from
 Architecture needs a vast range of skills from       of Inhabitat Design Studios in Windsor.          the home from 6am to 8pm, five days a
design to contract law to crucial negotiation.                                                         week, and frequent weekends, but after all
 As one would expect from a professional                  “The key with women archi-                   costs Claire’s take home-salary was
person, who has worked so hard in their                    tects is that we have really                comparable to her husband’s.
career, Claire is calm and assured but                       good negotiation skills”                   “I believe women are not getting into the
animated and enthusiastic.                                                                             higher paid positions quickly enough before
 Architects are used to many hours working            “The key with women architects is that we        starting a family, after which time if there is
on their own, so can be perceived to be               have really good negotiation skills,” said       no clear career programme for the woman
introverted. Not so this group of women, once         Sandra. “I am really interested in the social    agreed with the employer.
they are in a room together and discussing            side of architecture and how we make an           “Then to be 'hopeful' things might work out
16 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018
                                                                                                   Left: One of Zoe Smith’s designs for a new
                                                                                                   basement with the listed farmhouse to the rear and
                                                                                                   a new kitchen/dining extension to the right.
                                                                                                   Planning Approved in 2016. www.zlal.co.uk

                                                                                                      The Typical Route to
                                                                                                         becoming an
                                                                                                       Architect in the UK
                                                                                                   The most usual route involves five years at
                                                                                                   university and two years’ practical
                                                                                                   experience. The RIBA (Royal Institute of
                                                                                                   British Architects) is the professional body
                                                                                                   for architects in the UK and is the
                                                                                                   accrediting body for becoming an

starts to become a heavy time-intensive 'risk'      Claire specialises in working with heritage    Entrance Requirements:
in the already long-hours culture of             buildings which are structures built before       Recommended subjects are English
architecture to be gambled against time 'lost'   1919.                                             language, art and design and
not engaging with the family,” said Claire. ‘     She has worked on some of our most               mathematics. Many UK universities
 “The lower earning potential, limited by slow   prestigious edifices including the                require to see a portfolio of work from
progression and promotion, means the             Waterhouse’s Victorian masterpiece known          potential architecture students.
women's salary is potentially less meaningful    as the Prudential Insurance Building
when both partners consider their effective       (Holborn Bars) on High Holborn and she is         Step 1: A three year undergraduate degree
contribution in the round against childcare      also a Heritage interior designer, so offers       RIBA Part 1 is completed through a BA or
costs.”                                          both perspectives to her clients.                 BSc over three to four years full time.
 So she has taken a risk in the name of her       However, the Women in Architecture Group         Some courses run exchange programmes
family life and launched her sole practice       is made up of a variety of expertise and          with universities abroad for up to a year of
Heritage Revival.                                practices. This will be evident at their launch   study.
 And what is it that Claire loves about being    at the Henley Design Day. “This is the perfect
an architect?                                    opportunity for the paying public to learn        Step 2: Part 1. Practical experience.
 “I think the mix. No two days are the same      just how different each architect can be,          Typically this is a ‘year out’ post RIBA Part
and it is such a social skill, trying to         without making a commitment,” said Claire.        1’s completion. The practical year on the
understand the client’s needs and wants and                                                        job needs to be recorded and meet the
understanding their brief, but unless you        The RIBA 6th Annual Henley Design Day             RIBA eligibility criteria.
answer the brief you are never going to have     2018 will be held on Saturday, March 17
a successful project.”                           10am to 3.30pm in Henley Town Hall.               Step 3: RIBA Part 2. This two year, full time
                                                                                                   post graduate univeristy degree leads to
                                                                                                   the equivalent of a masters degree and
                                                                                                   can be completed at the same institution
                                                                                                   where the Part 1 was studied, or at
                                                                                                   another approved University.

                                                                                                   Step 4: Part 2. Practical experience.
                                                                                                   A further 24 months of experience is
                                                                                                   required before the final hurdle. This is not
                                                                                                   an easy step to make depending on the
                                                                                                   economic climate at the time. At this stage
                                                                                                   the student can become a RIBA Associate

                                                                                                   Step 5: Part 3. Final qualifying
                                                                                                   This is the culmination of more than eight
                                                                                                   years’ study and practical experience.
                                                                                                   Once qualified the junior architect (a
                                                                                                   position that holds for around five years
                                                                                                   into post qualified practice) is eligible to
   The innovative roof and interior of the
                                                                                                   become a Chartered Member of the RIBA
   Gainsborough Hotel Bath Spa. Claire Truman
                                                                                                   and can register as an architect, a term
   was project architect while at EPR, and the
                                                                                                   protected by law.
   hotel won AA Hotel of the Year 2017 and
   European Hospitality Award 2016 for Opening
   of the Year: Renovation or Conversion
                                                                                                   For further information contact RIBA
                                                                                                   through www.architecture.com

                                                                                                              HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 17
 Stonor Park
                                                                                                            Conference Centre and meeting their
                                                                                                            experienced local wedding suppliers.
                                                                                                             The iconic home to Reading Football
                                                                                                            Club has a variety of event spaces to
                                                                                                            suit all needs. The Princess Suite
                                                                                                            creates the perfect setting for large
                                                                                                            events catering for up to 400 guests,
                                                                                                            for more intimate events the fabulous
                                                                                                            pitch-facing rooms can cater from 30
                                                                                                            to 150 guests. They have a Royal
                                                                                                            Suite, Premier Suite, 1871 Suite and
                                                                                                            Directors Lounge. The adjoining four
                                                                                                            star Millennium Madejski hotel boasts
                                                                                                            201 guest bedrooms.

                                                                                                            Saturday, March 17

                                                                                                            Stonor Park Show Case
                                                                                                            Stonor, Henley on Thames, RG9 6HF
                                                                                                            11am to 3pm
                                                                                                            Located on the lawns at the front of
                                                                                                            the house, a beautiful marquee will
A fair time for wedding planning                                                                            be decorated for a wedding day.
                                                                                                            Supplier information will be on
Tis the season of the wedding fair and for those who have never sampled these events, they are              display and the Stonor team will be
typically held in a hotel or venue, to showcase itself for brides, and grooms-to-be.                        available to answer any questions.
 These, usually free, weekend events are a chance for those getting married, and their families, to         The park, gardens and chapel will also
explore the options of everything involved in a wedding from the reception seating, to the confetti         be open to visitors.
 Some venues entice their potential clients through the door with complimentary glasses of fizz, or a       Sunday, March 18
goody bag. Some only showcase their own environment and suppliers, whereas others will cast the
net wider to bring a variety of caterers, linen suppliers, cake makers, florists, bridal finery suppliers   Stoke Park Wedding Showcase
and providers of the other myriad pieces that successfully make up the jigsaw of a day to remember.         Stoke Park, Park Road, Stoke Poges
                                                                                                            Bucks SL2 4PG
February Wedding Fairs                              March Wedding Fairs                                     10.30am to 3pm
                                                                                                            The beautiful rooms at this palladian
Saturday, February 10                               Sunday, March 4                                         mansion hotel will be dressed for
                                                                                                            weddings and their expert team will
Shiplake College Wedding Fair                       The Royal Berkshire Conference Centre                   be on hand to answer questions
Shiplake College, Henley-on-Thames,                 Wedding Fair                                            about holding your special day there.
RG9 4BW                                             Reading RG2 0FL                                          Contact their wedding co-ordinator,
11am to 2pm                                         11am to 3pm                                             Michele Connelly, by March 15 on
Please visit www.shiplake.org.uk/weddingfair        f you are looking for a modern wedding venue            01753 717188 or email
to register your interest in attending.             with unique character and style the then it would       weddings@stokepark.com to book
 The college and its exhibiting suppliers will                      g this fair at the Royal
                                                    be worth visiting                    y Berkshire        your place. No entry fee.
show visitors how its historic buildings and
unparalleled setting can be used for the                                                                                     Stoke Park
perfect wedding. There will be a tour of the
college, canapés and fizz on arrival.

Sunday, February 11

Lillibrooke Manor Wedding Fair
Ockwells Road, Cox Green, Maidenhead
Berkshire SL6 3LP
11am to 3pm
Located in Maidenhead, this grade II listed
manor house provides its spectacular grounds
as a perfect setting for your wedding.
 This medieval building has a rich history and
has been home to many esteemed figures.
 The Great Barn is a spacious, versatile space
with period features, including a beamed
ceiling and impressive wrought iron
chandeliers giving it a rustic charm and
relaxed atmosphere.

18 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018

                                                            Luxury Weddings afloat with Hobbs of Henley
    A beautiful, romantic venue in a
     wonderful riverside location.
                                                                                           ‘A unique and romantic venue
The perfect setting for your special day                                                        for your special day’
Contact us today on 01491 418810 | 414550                                              For your fairy tale wedding with picturesque
       Email: weddings@henley.com                                                          river scenery please contact us today.

www.henleyweddings.org.uk                                      Hobbs of Henley, Station Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1AZ
        Greenlands, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 3AU           Tel: 01491 572035 Email: charter@hobbsofhenley.co.uk

 Impressive, romantic and
 with glor ious r iver views,
   the Pr ivate Member s’
  Club is a breathtaking
 setting for your wedding

  To request a brochure please email
   enquries@phylliscourt.co.uk or
          call 01491 570 500

Marlow Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2HT

                                                                                               HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 19
                                                                      A quick online search throws
                                                                    up results for outfits for both                             East Side collection
                                                                    the bride and groom and                                     Yappily Ever After
                                                                    even a Pet Wedding Planner.                                 Wedding Dress,
                                                                      Dog lovers should watch the                               £9.99 from
                                                                    videos on the Puptials Pet
                                                                    Ceremonies website
                                                                    ceremonies.uk) for inspiration
                                                                    and pure ‘aaah’ factor.
                                                                     This London-based
                                                                    enterprise also orchestrates
                                                                    dog birthday parties and pet
                                                                    funerals, but their main focus
                                                                    is pet weddings.
                                                                                                      Far left: Doggie
                                                                      Actually pet weddings are a
                                                                                                      wedding Dicky
                                                                    great way to raise money for
                                                                                                      Collar £7.99 from
                                                                    animal charities so they
                                                                    combine the joy of a party,
                                                                    with the celebration of           Right: There is

                                                                    animals.                          even a guidebook to help
                                                                     Children will get totally        you plan your pooch’s wedding.
                                                                   involved and love every            £12.38 from Amazon.zon.co.uk
This started out as a guide for couples as to the part a pet could minute of a pet wedding and
play in their wedding – maybe the family dog could walk up         if they know it is to raise
the aisle with the bridesmaids wearing a large, white bow, or      money for a rescue centre, or
ride in the carriage as they left the church.                      an endangered species, then        is the excuse they are looking for. Flowers,
 However, it appears that pet weddings, or ‘puptials’ are still    even better.                       venues, food, outfits, photographers, music –
being held throughout the UK, even though a few years ago,           If a pet parent has not          it can all be adapted for animals, with human
one would presume it was only ‘an American thing.’                 actually had their own             guests to celebrate.
 There is even a rom com movie called The Dog Wedding              wedding party, and would             Harrods department store in London has
(released 2015).                                                   like one, then this maybe this     even hosted pet weddings.

   Monthly Selected Antique Auctions
 Every Second Wednesday of the month
       February 14th March 14th
                at 10.30
   On view Saturday prior 9.30-12.30
    Monday & Tuesday 10.00-6.00
         And morning of sale

                                                                                                                          Entries invited for
                                                                                                                            Future sales

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20 HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018

Give luxuriously
                                                                                                 For Her
When it comes to finding gifts for the perfect partner a little time and
imaginative thinking will result in the perfect present. Only you will know
your partner well enough to go for something totally unexpected or whether
it is indeed, better to be safe than sorry. A special wedding anniversary,
Valentine’s Day or a wedding present are all fabulous excuses to bring out
the cheque book. Henley Life has found a wide variety of possible luxurious
gifts in a range of prices, and locations.                                       A bespoke piece
                                                                                  Something bespoke is really

                         For Him                                                    personal and Henley has a
                                                                                     jewellery studio that will
                                                                                         make a piece to your
                                                                                       personal requirements.
                   A vintage wristwatch                                          Studio 35 is long-established
        There are watches, and then there are                                     and has a gallery of some of
        vintage watches with provenance and                                                  the many pieces it has produced over the years
history. One of the country’s leading experts                                       (www.studio35henley.com). This is a bespoke diamond
   has a fascinating office full of watches and                                                                  trellis ring in 18 ct white gold.
          clocks in Tetbury, Glos. Ben Wright is
 passionate about clocks large and tiny, and
  has a wide selection of wristwatches made                                                                   The Cartier Love Bracelet
      before 1985 by the likes of Heuer, Rolex,                                        This iconic
 Tudor and Omega. The watch featured here                                            bracelet has
  is a Rolex Military Explorer Bund from 1978                                           become a
 which would make a statement, thoughtful                                        classic over the
  gift. www.benwrightvintagewatches.co.uk.                                          last 30 years.
                                                                                  Cartier make it
                              Classic cufflinks                                    in all shades of gold, with diamonds and without. It comes
                              Again, vintage might be the way to go and many     with a screwdriver to be fixed firmly in place on your loved
                              of the local jewellers will have old cufflinks,         one’s wrist. This pink gold with four diamonds version is
                              however if you would rather a personal pair        £8,950, but the bracelet starts at £3,600. www.cartier.co.uk
                              Aspinal of London has a wide selection of all
                              materials that can be engraved.
                              These are Hallmark sterling
                                                                                       A Hermès
                              silver at £130 per pair from                              silk scarf
                              www.aspinaloflondon.com                              This is the latest
                                                                                   print on Hermès’
                                                                                        classic scarf,
                                A great British watch                             beloved by many
          For a new watch for a new stage in life or a new                             over time. No
relationship then luxury British may be the answer in the                             longer does it
    form of a Bremont chronometer, made in Henley. The                             have to be worn
        boutique manufacturer makes a limited range of                           as a headscarf but
watches which can be seen on their website or in person                               could adorn a
    www.bremont.com. This is the Boeing 100 for £5,795.                                    favourite
                                                                                     handbag or be
                                                                                  worn around the
                                                                                                      neck. For all colours and prints in the full
                                            The gift of art                                              range, starting at £330 per scarf, visit
                                            Sometimes we all need a little                                                www.uk.hermes.com
                                            inspiration to find that perfect,
                                            unique gift that says all that we
                                            mean. An artwork is creative,                      Boodles bound
                                            usually unique, beautiful and will                 The family-owned British luxury jewellers is a
                                            often increase in value as time                    good first port of call for that really special
                                            goes on. Start by going to the                     piece. They have several ranges of their own
                                            Bohun Gallery                                      jewellery and are known for their design,
                                            (www.bohungallery.co.uk) on the                    craftsmanship and diamond quality.
                                            Reading Road to look at their                       They are also one of the few to carry
                                            paintings, prints, sculptures and                  watches by legendary swiss watchmaker
                                            glasswork. The team is very                        Patek Philippe. Boodles are represented at
                                            knowledgeable and will be happy                    Stoke Park and other stores can be found
                                            to advise you. This is Daybreak by                 online at www.boodles.com. This is the Patek
                                            Donald Hamilton Fraser, a limited                  Philippe Ladies’ Twenty-4.
                                            edition silkscreen from 1985.

                                                                                                           HENLEYlife | FEBRUARY 2018 21
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