Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times

Page created by Brenda Norton
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, June 15, 2020
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                                  Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should
                                  they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5

Hollywood                                                 Back Page
The Bachelor casts Matt James                             Gone but not
as its first black leading man.                           forgotten!
                          Page 15                                           Page 16
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
2     GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                  ROUND & ABOUT
                                                           SERIES TO BINGE WATCH ON AMAZON PRIME

Fajr                                          3.12am
Shorooq (sunrise)                             4.45am
Zuhr (noon)                                  11.36am
Asr (afternoon)                               2.59pm
Maghreb (sunset)                              6.27pm
Isha (night)                                  7.57pm


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Qatar Airways                             44496000           The Last Tycoon                                                SYNOPSIS: The series centres on Hollywood’s first
Hamad Medical Corporation        44392222, 44393333          DIRECTION: Billy Ray                                         wunderkind studio executive in the 1930s, Monroe Stahr, and
Qatar General Electricity and                                CAST: Matt Bomer, Kelsey Grammer, Lily Collins               the power struggle between him and his mentor.
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             uote Unquote
          “Positive thinking will
       let you do everything better
      than negative thinking will.”
              — Zig Ziglar

                                                             James May: Our Man in Japan                                  he’s clueless about Japanese etiquette but at least he
                                                             CAST: James May, Yujiro Taniyama, Masayo Fujii               knows there’s a small tree called a banzai... Not only that,
                                                             SYNOPSIS: James May has always been intrigued                but Japan is one of the most contradictory and confusing
                                                           and seduced by the idea of Japan, yet this nation and its      places on earth.
                                                           culture remains a complete mystery to him. Now he’s              Here, classical art forms and haiku poetry rub shoulders
            Community Editor                               on a one-man mission to immerse himself in its society,        with Godzilla, Cosplay, and some of the strangest
                                                           places, and people in a bid to unlock its extraordinary        obsessions on the planet, while stunning, peaceful vistas
              Kamran Rehmat                                secrets. By taking on an epic journey across all of Japan      of gently falling cherry blossom give way to neon lights,
    e-mail:                       from north to south, James is determined to gain a genuine     J-Pop, and frenetic urban environments. Fifteen years
         Telephone: 44466405                               understanding into why this unique land and its people         since he first visited as a baffled tourist, James is now
              Fax: 44350474                                are the way they are, what drives their whole culture, and     ready to leap into the unknown and embark on a quest to
                                                           what their approach to life can teach the rest of us. So far   reconcile these contradictions and to truly understand
                                                           so good, but it won’t be easy. He can’t speak the language,    what makes Japan tick.
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, June 15, 2020   GULF TIMES                        3

 BODY & MIND                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY
Why it’s critical for children to
get their routine healthcare
                    If you have held off making your well-child health appointment or have
                       missed your child’s routine vaccinations due to Covid-19 restrictions,
                       you may want to consider putting that on the top of your to-do list
                                                                                                                                                                    reason, measles is a big concern,”
                                                                                                                                                                    says Dr Rajapakse.

                                                                                                                                                                       Whooping cough
                                                                                                                                                                       Also known as pertussis,
                                                                                                                                                                    whooping cough, is a highly
                                                                                                                                                                    contagious bacterial respiratory
                                                                                                                                                                    tract infection. It’s characterised
                                                                                                                                                                    by severe hacking cough followed
                                                                                                                                                                    by a high-pitched intake of breath
                                                                                                                                                                    that sounds like “whoop.” While
                                                                                                                                                                    deaths from pertussis may be rare,
                                                                                                                                                                    it mostly occurs in infants.
                                                                                                                                                                       “Whooping cough circulates in
                                                                                                                                                                    the community, and when you have
                                                                                                                                                                    decreases in vaccination rates, then
                                                                                                                                                                    you can see that illness affecting
                                                                                                                                                                    some of the most vulnerable groups
                                                                                                                                                                    which are very young infants, so
                                                                                                                                                                    under 6 months of age, who are
                                                                                                                                                                    susceptible,” says Dr Rajapakse.
                                                                                                                                                                    “We don’t want to add that on what
                                                                                                                                                                    we’re all dealing with right now
                                                                                                                                                                    with Covid-19 as well.”

                                                                                                                                                                      Dr Rajapakse urges parents and
                                                                                                                                                                    care-givers to ensure children
                                                                                                                                                                    are up-to-date on their vaccine
                                                                                                                                                                    schedule. The Centers for Disease
                                                                                                                                                                    Control and Prevention offers a
                                                                                                                                                                    vaccine schedule for all age groups
                                                                                                                                                                    including infants, children and

                                                                                                                                                                       Dr Rajapakse offered these
                                                                                                                                                                    recommendations to stay safe when
                                                                                                                                                                    visiting a clinic:
                                                                                                                                                                       1. Parent and child (> 2 years of
PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Vaccines can prevent infectious diseases that once killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults including polio, measles,               age) should wear a mask.
mumps, rubella, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough).                                                                                         2. Wash hands frequently or use

                                                                                                                                                                    alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
         We have seen, over the             Vaccines                                                                                                                   3. Try and maintain 6 feet of
         last few months, across            Vaccines can prevent infectious                                                                                         distance in waiting rooms or other
         the country that rates of       diseases that once killed or harmed                                                                                        areas where other people may be
         vaccines in children have       many infants, children, and                                                                                                around.
         dropped precipitously,          adults including polio, measles,                                                                                              4. Call ahead if you or your child
and that’s really concerning to us       mumps, rubella, influenza, tetanus,                                                                                        have any symptoms of Covid-19.
as paediatricians because it means       diphtheria and pertussis (whooping                                                                                            5. If sick, any non-urgent visits
that we are now at risk for having       cough).                                                                                                                    should be delayed until you have
outbreaks of vaccine-preventable            “Vaccines are lifesaving                                                                                                recovered and are no longer at risk
diseases,” says Dr Nipunie               interventions for children,” says                                                                                          for transmitting the infection to
Rajapakse, a paediatrics infectious      Dr Rajapakse. “They prevent                                                                                                others.
diseases specialist at Mayo Clinic.      many serious and life-threatening                                                                                             If you have concerns about the
“That’s why we’re really assuring        infectious diseases that affect                                                                                            safety of your healthcare provider
parents that it is safe to bring their   children and adults. When you have                                                                                         due to Covid-19, Dr Rajapakse
children to the clinic.”                 rates of vaccine that drop below a                                                                                         says, “It’s very reasonable to call
  “At Mayo, we’ve had time to            certain threshold, often referred     DELAY THE VISIT: If sick, any non-urgent visits should be delayed until you          your paediatrician or your family
put systems and practices into           to as herd immunity, you then set     have recovered and are no longer at risk for transmitting the infection to others.   doctor’s office to find out what they
place to help protect patients and       up a situation where you can start                                                                                         have put in place to help keep you
families, and so it is now safe to       to see outbreaks of these vaccine-    than 100,000 people a year, most           large outbreaks of measles occur          and your family protected,” says
start returning to get routine care,     preventable diseases.”                under the age of 5. Measles can be         across the country. Once your herd        Dr Rajapakse. “Many offices have
which is critically important,                                                 prevented with a vaccine as part           immunity drops below a certain            gone above and beyond to try and
especially when it comes to well-           Measles                            of the measles-mumps-rubella               threshold, you really set yourself        keep their patients and families
child checks and vaccines,” says Dr         Measles is a highly contagions     (MMR) vaccine.                             up in a situation where those             protected.” – Mayo Clinic News
Rajapakse.                               viral infection that kills more          “In the last year or two we’ve had      outbreaks can occur. And, for this        Network/TNS
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
4    GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

         COMMUNITY                                                              COVER STORY

    Entertainment wealth
    distribution, anyone?
    Should the money-spinning streaming services be coughing up some cash to make
     sure the theatres they need to make their money don’t go bust, asks Chris Jones

                            ‘                                                   T
                                                                                            he live entertainment
                                        It’s only fair for them to share                    industry is in deep
                                                                                            trouble. Major music
                                        some of that surplus cash with                      promoters and
                                                                                            presenters like Live
                                        their longtime partners, just           Nation Entertainment and AEG
                                        as insurance companies have             Live have laid off or furloughed
                                                                                a daunting percentage of their
                                        returned a portion of their             staffs in recent weeks, arguing
                                                                                their businesses were among
                                        premiums to drivers losing their        the first to close and will be the
                                                                                last to reopen. Broadway and
                                        cars less. It’s doing the right thing   live performance across the
                                                                                country remains shuttered and,
                                                                                especially as the first round of
                                        — Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune          the Paycheck Protection Program
                                                                                expires this month, job losses
                                        culture columnist                       in nonprofit theaters and other
                                                                                arts organisations have been
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, June 15, 2020   GULF TIMES              5

 COVER STORY                                                                                                               COMMUNITY
   The Guthrie Theatre in
Minneapolis, for example, has
seen its staff reduced from 262 to
55. Second City has furloughed
a majority of its staffers. Other
major job losses in Chicago and
elsewhere have been happening
more quietly, even as the theatre
engages in a period of self-
examination after widespread
allegations of institutionalised
   Meanwhile, often by claiming
to be neutral presenters of diverse
programming, Netflix, Amazon
and other streaming services have
been making record amounts
of cash: Netflix reported $709
million in profits during the
first quarter of 2020, more than
double the previous year’s. As
quarantined citizens widely
relied on streamed dramatic
entertainment to get through their
lonely lockdowns — as revealing
of the ongoing necessity of the
arts to American life as at any
point in history — Netflix also
added a stunning 16 million new
   You could argue that Netflix
and its peers merely are reaping
the rewards from meeting societal
changes, or even that they deserve
their luck. But this staggering
disconnect between two closely
related industries — one never
more successful, the other
mired in a veiled but existential      SHUTTERED: Milwaukee’s Oriental Theatre says “Go Away Virus. Stay Safe MKE”. They are among many theatres and small businesses closed by the
economic crisis — has sparked          coronavirus.
new conversations about what
those profiting from the current       and thus something desirable: a        to the minor leagues or give up
state of affairs owe those who are     chance for poorly compensated          artistic control and there would be     Netflix reported $709 million in
in trouble.                            playwrights or performers to finally   worries such a change would end
   Or, to put that more bluntly,       make some real money in TV. That       up taking money out of artists’         profits during the first quarter of 2020,
should these streaming services
be coughing up some cash to make
                                       remains true, to a point. But the
                                       amount of money to be made, and
                                                                                 Baseball’s farm system asserts a
                                                                                                                      more than double the previous year’s.
sure the theatres they need to make    the attractiveness of the gig, has
                                       diminished as some shows have
                                                                              level of institutionalised discipline   Netflix also added a stunning
their money don’t go bust?                                                    and standardisation that never
   The argument, similar to the        been ordering fewer episodes           would fly in the arts. And minor        16 million new subscribers
powerful case recently made by         and the market has become more         league players make little money
newspapers that Facebook and           fractured.                             compared to the paychecks in the
Google should compensate them             In either case, theatres, as        majors.
for sharing their content, has         institutions, traditionally have          Still, there’s a strong business
been advanced by the director          received little or none of that        argument to be made for the
Sam Mendes and others in the           money. All they have been able to      streamers to ensure that the small
United Kingdom. It points out          do these last few Covid-dominated      but artistically mighty entities
that streaming giants like Netflix,    months is put out their own online     that have made the golden age
Hulu and Amazon are reliant on         content produced, in almost every      of television possible don’t go
live theatres for the development      case, without access to the very       belly-up. Broadway has done that
of new plays and playwrights, and      resources that would allow them to     for years through entities like
for the training and cultivation of    be competitive.                        the Shubert Foundation, a major
actors, designers and other creative      You could argue the theatres        funding of regional theater and of
artists.                               don’t deserve it: most of them         training programmes.
   With massive resources available    have not chosen to employ                 The Covid-19 crisis has increased
for purchasing content, these          these artists but rather to do         that moral imperative. This is,
companies can, in essence, lie in      business with them as part of          after all, a life-threatening crisis.
wait and read reviews until a writer   the gig economy, spending their        Theatres, comedy clubs and
shows a level of mature talent         money instead on high-priced           independent music venues could
following years of cultivation by a    administrators. And unions             not control nor anticipate the
theatre, and then swoop in and steal   understandably don’t want their        health crisis, nor the regulations
that writer away.                      members to be obligated to share       that forced them to close. Those set
   There are, of course, countless     royalties for their own work.          up to pipe entertainment into the
examples of writers moving from           On the other hand, consider         home got very lucky.
the theatre to running and writing     baseball: Major League teams              Surely, it’s only fair for them to
shows for cable and streaming          fund minor-league affiliates,          share some of that surplus cash
platforms: Tanya Saracho (Vida),       using them to develop emerging         with their longtime partners,
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Chilling       talent. Minor league teams are         just as insurance companies
Adventures of Sabrina), Marisa         independently owned and operated       have returned a portion of their
Wegrzyn (The Liar), Ike Holter         but contractually affiliated with      premiums to drivers losing their
(Fosse/Verdon) and enough              the majors, ensuring their stability   cars less. It’s doing the right
others to fill scores of paragraphs.   and, in this moment, their quick       thing.
Moreover, many of the actors in        recovery.                                 At minimum, it’s time for Netflix,
those and other shows honed their         A permanent relationship like       Amazon, Hulu and HBO Max to
craft in one of the very theaters      that with a giant like Netflix is      sponsor some virtual galas. It’s
looking at enormous holes in its       probably a bridge too far for many     strange how rarely those names
budget.                                theatres; Chicago’s Goodman            have been on the list of benefactors.
   In the past, this opportunity       or Steppenwolf Theatres would          Who has more reason?
has been seen in individual terms      not want to relegate themselves                      — Chicago Tribune /TNS
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
6       GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                               INTERIOR DESIGN

 Setting the stage: inside an
 ever-changing Paris home
         Everything is fluid in the Paris apartment of an artistic director and scenographer
             famed in the fashion world for his visual displays, writes Aimee Farrell

          I’m always searching                                                                                                                                    instinctive approach to design.
          for objects,” says Jean-                                                                                                                                Instead of meticulously planning
          Christophe Aumas of the                                                                                                                                 with mood boards, it’s spontaneity
          midcentury designs and                                                                                                                                  – and the objects themselves – that
          curiosities that lend his                                                                                                                               determines the decor. Beyond the
Pigalle apartment its theatrical,                                                                                                                                 kitchen, his modus operandi was to
lived-in look. The Parisian artistic                                                                                                                              keep the palette uncharacteristically
director and founder of the visual                                                                                                                                restrained. “The style of the interior
and set design studio, Singular, is                                                                                                                               is so unique, rather than have mono
the imaginative eye behind some of                                                                                                                                blocks of colour everywhere I
luxury fashion’s most spectacular                                                                                                                                 decided to let it breathe,” he says.
creative displays. Aumas spends                                                                                                                                      Aside from the arched blue
his days scouring flea markets                                                                                                                                    mirror he conceived for the living
and galleries for design finds                                                                                                                                    room mantelpiece, little is fixed
and furnishings, destined for the                                                                                                                                 in this ever-evolving home. Huge
windows, instore scenes and events                                                                                                                                canvases lean against the walls,
he conjures for everyone from                                                                                                                                     grouped with eclectic ensembles of
Hermès to Diptych. Starting his                                                                                                                                   Portuguese and Spanish ceramics
career at Christian Lacroix, Aumas                                                                                                                                and left-field, one-time props.
joined Marc Jacobs at Louis Vuitton                                                                                                                               It’s an ad-hoc style that allows
as head of visual identity in 1997,                                                                                                                               him freedom to play around and
before striking out on his own to                                                                                                                                 constantly reconfigure the space.
collaborate with a roster of clients                                                                                                                              “My apartment is like a laboratory
including Phoebe Philo and Alber                                                                                                                                  for my ideas,” he explains. “It’s
Elbaz.                                                                                                                                                            important to me that it feels like a
   “I learned something different                                                                                                                                 constant work in progress.”
from each one of them,” he says.                                                                                                                                     Drawn to designs from the
“From Philo it was the beauty of                                                                                                                                  1950s and 1970s for their cool
simplicity; that even a plain chair                                                                                                                               sense of modernity, Aumas made
can be wonderful and compelling.”                                                                                                                                 his first serious investment in the
From Jacobs, it was unfettered self-                                                                                                                              black leather sofa by the Italian
expression. “He let us do whatever                                                                                                                                architect Vincenzo De Cotiis, which
we wanted to do,” says Aumas, who       CHANGING ROOMS: Jean-Christophe Aumas’s Paris flat is a testing ground for the designer’s work life. A black leather      currently sits alongside an armchair
has distilled every one of these        sofa by Vincenzo De Cotiis takes pride of place in the light-filled sitting room.                                         by another favourite – Carlos
sartorial lessons into the home he                                                                                                                                Scarpa.
shares with his French bulldog,         dominated by a procession of             the loft he’d lived in for more than a      Next, he set to work on the             Far from a design snob, he finds
René.                                   stained-glass windows. Thought           decade – but he knew immediately         kitchen, adding the circular concrete   as much aesthetic value in a stone,
   The apartment occupies the           to be in the original Art Deco style,    it had to be his. Rather than            table and fashioning the okoume         a shell a junk-shop find as a quality
entire ground floor of an 18th-         their bright, bold design lends the      reconfiguring the layout, he set         plywood cabinetry, which stands         design piece from a gallery. “It’s not
century hôtel particulier, which,       space the ecclesiastical atmosphere      about installing the skylight and        in stark contrast to the lilac walls.   a question of whether something
though divided into three separate      of a church.                             floor-to-ceiling glass doors in the      That unexpected tone, chosen to         is good or bad taste, it’s whether
homes some 50 years ago, retains           When Aumas was first shown            sitting room: “I wanted to bring in      clash with a geometric acquamarine      it tells a story,” says Aumas. He is
its original grandeur from the richly   the property in 2015, he wasn’t          more light and open things up to         wall light he picked up at a Belgian    attracted to objects for their shape,
decorative plaster detailing to the     particularly looking to move from        enhance the sense of modernity.”         flea market, is typical of Aumas’s      hue or material finish.
seriously lofty ceilings. Accessed                                                                                                                                   The compulsion to decorate
by a small door at the end of a                                                                                                                                   started young. The walls of his
long, antique tiled corridor, the                                                                                                                                 childhood bedroom would frequently
space is a tranquil shelter from the                                                                                                                              change, shifting from blue to black
nocturnal hum of the nearby clubs                                                                                                                                 to yellow. This easy fluidity extends
and fabled Moulin Rouge. A quirky,                                                                                                                                to his current work life, too. Often,
lavender-toned kitchen opens                                                                                                                                      he’ll source a piece of furniture or
out into a generous, glass-walled                                                                                                                                 an object for a window display that
sitting room complete with its own                                                                                                                                will end up in his apartment; or he’ll
compact courtyard garden. “It has                                                                                                                                 pull the perfect piece from his home
a very special feeling,” says Aumas                                                                                                                               to put in a showroom. “There’s no
of the veritable jungle teeming with                                                                                                                              boundary between my work and
bamboo, banana plants and ferns                                                                                                                                   my home,” he says. “It’s all just my
in oversized pots and trailing from                                                                                                                               way of styling. I like the idea that my
hanging baskets. You can’t believe                                                                                                                                home is never finished.”
that you’re in central Paris the                                                                                                                                     During lockdown, the designer has
garden has a real Mediterranean feel.                                                                                                                             been pondering a move to the French
   The architectural surprises don’t                                                                                                                              country or seaside, his long-held
end there. The airy sitting room                                                                                                                                  dream to relocate to Italy on hold for
leads to a large study, complete with                                                                                                                             now. “When I start to feel stuck,” he
mezzanine bunk and bathroom,                                                                                                                                      says, “I’ll simply move on to another
and on to a dining room and two                                                                                                                                   space.”
adjoining bedrooms that are             BASIC: Plywood and concrete fittings contrast with the softer lilac colour scheme in the kitchen.                                                  – The Guardian
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, June 15, 2020   GULF TIMES                     7

 GARDENING                                                                                         COMMUNITY
                                                    Tips for outdoor
                                                   space, gardening
                                                  By Aimee Farrell

                                                                    ith space in
                                                                    our homes at a
                                                                    premium, even the
                                                                    tiniest outdoor plot
                                                                    provides solace.
                                                  We’ve never needed nature’s salve
                                                  more. So, for anyone lucky enough
                                                  to have a garden, now’s the time
                                                  to treat your backyard with the
                                                  same decorative care as your front
                                                  room. We asked five decorators
                                                  and designers to share their tricks
                                                  for creating the ultimate outdoor
                                                  retreat, from furniture to table

                                                     Unleash your imagination
                                                     “If you do it well, a garden
                                                  is an escape into another little
                                                  world,” says Beata Heuman. The
                                                  Sweden-born interior designer,
                                                  whose own London plot features a
                                                  conservatory-style garden house,
                                                  suggests adding a simple string
                                                  of filament-bulb lights outdoors.
                                                  “It’s so atmospheric,” she says. “At     GREEN THOUGHT IN A GREEN SHADE: A cleverly designed rooftop space
                                                  night, it really heightens the sense     with smart garden in Bloomsbury, central London.
                                                  of space.”
                                                     Heuman treats the garden like a       used as extraction filters in the             Turn up the colours
                                                  room. “Think about how you want          production of olive oil. Made in              Matilda Goad has turned her
                                                  to use it throughout the day,” she       La Scourtinerie, a small factory in        modest north London plot into
                                                  says. Consider whether you’ll need       Provence, the rugs are “so sweet           a series of little havens. It’s
                                                  to provide shade, or if you want         underfoot”, says Rauzy.                    partitioned both by foliage and
                                                  to face the sun. With furniture,            Watson and Rauzy dine at a round        flowers, and old railway sleepers
                                                  Heuman errs on the side of caution.      rattan 1960s table topped with tiles       found on eBay, to build borders,
                                                  “It can be quite sad looking out on      by the French ceramicist Roger             paths and a bench. “It creates a
                                                  lots of empty chairs in winter,” she     Capron. They’ll arrange large rattan       sense of discovery even in a small
                                                  says. “But a garden bench looks nice     armchairs and sunbeds together             space, which is exactly what I like
                                                  all year round.”                         with giant planters and lanterns           to do indoors,” says designer and
                                                     Inspired by the wall tattoos at       of their own design. The key to            consultant Goad, who created the
                                                  Jean Cocteau’s French Riviera home,      the outdoor idyll is practicality.         space under the guidance of the
                                                  Heuman has plans for a terrace           “Everything has to be easy to              garden designer Butter Wakefield.
                                                  mural in her own garden. “It gives       live with,” says Rauzy, “so less is        Rather than splurge on furniture,
                                                  depth and a sense of something           definitely more.”                          Goad plans to build a concrete-
                                                  to discover,” she says. Her holy                                                    topped dining space. “We so
                                                  horticultural grail is the Sicilian         Blur the boundaries                     rarely have amazing weather in
                                                  poolside in Luca Guadagnino’s 2016          Simplicity is the essence of            this country, it makes sense to
                                                  film A Bigger Splash. “People aren’t     Nathalie Farman-Farma’s garden             think about pieces to pull into the
                                                  imaginative about gardens,” she          style. The textile designer’s terrace      garden from your sitting room,”
                                                  says, “but it’s a great place in which   on the roof of her London studio           she says. Long wooden benches
                                                  to be creative.”                         draws on the botanical aesthetic           and little stools work just as well
                                                                                           of traditional Russian dachas              outside as in, especially when
                                                     Keep it practical                     (cottages). “Nothing should                teamed with Hungarian linen
                                                     For Atelier Vime founders             compete with nature,” she says             cushions and Mexican rugs to pull
                                                  Anthony Watson and Benoît Rauzy,         of the richly layered tapestry of          everything together.
                                                  outdoor living can be organised into     vegetables, herbs and climbers in             Goad makes an exception for
                                                  a trio of spaces: somewhere to dine,     terracotta pots. The most important        bistro tables and chairs by the
                                                  somewhere to read and a place to         addition is her white wooden café          French maker Maison Drucker and
                                                  lie in the sun. The pair have been       table with foldable chairs. But the        Parisian-style park benches – the
                                                  spending their days on their farm        style should be dictated by the            brighter the hue, the better. “An
                                                  in Brittany, where they’re growing       context, she says. She’ll use vintage      acid-yellow bench really pops
                                                  their first crop of wicker, the base     scarves, or antique folk textiles as       against a brick wall and greenery.”
                                                  material for their creations. “Garden    a tablecloth, topped with small            Try eBay, Pamono or Selancy
                                                  reading is an activity that requires     Japanese ikebana basket planters. “I       for similar vintage pieces and
                                                  a comfortable chair and a low table      love things to feel a little overgrown,”   smarten up with a lick of paint. “If
                                                  for your book, carafe and glass,” says   she says of her rooftop’s romantic,        you have a small terrace or garden,
                                                  Rauzy. “I’m a big fan of the outdoor     yet unfussy look. For guests she’ll        why not paint it Yves Klein Blue or
                                                  bookshelf – ideally somewhere            pull out cushions and Bessarabian          use a bright tone on the exterior
                                                  sheltered from the rain.”                kilims from indoors. “I like the           doors?” suggests Goad. “The
                                                     For outdoor flooring they love        continuity between the outside and         garden is a place where you can be
                                                  scourtin, the circular rugs made         in,” she says. “It’s nice to blur the      brave.”
SUN TRAP: The Provençal garden of Atelier Vime.   out of coconut fibre that were once      boundaries.”                                                     – The Guardian
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
8       GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                     FASH

 How coronavirus is shaking
                                   The industry has been taken apart at the seams. Is this
                                      the end of lavish shows and packed front rows?
                                                                                                                                                                clothes. There is no guarantee that
By Jess Cartner-Morley                                                                                                                                          consumers will automatically dance
                                                                                                                                                                to the beat of trends again. Sale-

                                                                                                                                                                of-the-century discounts are likely
       t was on the morning of 18                                                                                                                               this summer as retailers rush to
       March, when Glastonbury                                                                                                                                  shift stock – but will anyone want
       was confirmed cancelled,                                                                                                                                 an expensive keepsake of a season
       that Sarah Gresty, BA course                                                                                                                             they spent indoors and anxious?
       leader in fashion at Central                                                                                                                             How do we try on clothes safely?
Saint Martins (CSM), realised                                                                                                                                   What happens to fashion week,
that the class of 2020 would be a                                                                                                                               now that squishing hundreds of
graduating year unlike any other.                                                                                                                               people from all over the world on
“That was when we thought: OK,                                                                                                                                  to packed benches so they can take
this is only heading one way. After                                                                                                                             pictures on their phones seems,
that, everything happened really                                                                                                                                well, loopy? And – biggest of all,
fast. That evening many of the                                                                                                                                  this – how will this unexpected
international students started                                                                                                                                  quarantine of shopping impact on
getting sent home, and were literally                                                                                                                           consumer demand? Have we kicked
grabbing their things from the                                                                                                                                  our fashion habit? And what will
studios and heading to the airport.”                                                                                                                            that mean for a generation hoping to
Within days, all students were told                                                                                                                             make a living creating clothes?
that there would be no final show.                                                                                                                                 “Fashion will survive. Creativity
“It was traumatic,” says Gresty.                                                                                                                                will always find its way, I’m not
“For many of them, that show is a                                                                                                                               worried about that,” says Jefferson
moment they had been dreaming                                                                                                                                   Hack, co-founder and CEO of Dazed
about since they were children.”                                                                                                                                Media. Fashion, after all, was one
   I have spent the last week talking                                                                                                                           of the first industries to repurpose
to class of 2020 graduates from                                                                                                                                 itself, with designers pivoting to
all over the country, and a word                                                                                                                                the production of masks and gowns
I have heard time and again is                                                                                                                                  for frontline workers. “What I
“heartbreaking”. They made it all                                                                                                                               am concerned about is the bad
the way to the final year of fashion                                                                                                                            deal that young people get in this
college, only to find themselves in                                                                                                                             country. Long before coronavirus,
the right place at the wrong time,                                                                                                                              the younger generation were being
with college paused before the show                                                                                                                             hung out to dry economically and
that was meant to launch them into                                                                                                                              politically. The generation Dazed
the world. A final-year fashion show,                                                                                                                           is for have inherited a messed-
after all, is a night like no other                                                                                                                             up environment and an insecure
– think prom meets Absolutely           NEVER THE SAME: Models walk along a fake beach at Karl Lagerfeld’s SS19 collection for Chanel at the Grand Palais, in   economy. We need to build a new
Fabulous meets Frieze.                  October 2018.                                                                                                           fashion system that is ethical and
   But there are other words I                                                                                                                                  equal, and empowers young people.”
have heard a lot, too. Change.          Paris, Milan or New York. But the       of independent designer labels           wiped out.                                Many students tell me of jobs that
Opportunity. Sustainability. Reset.     globalised supply chains on which       whose survival depends on the sale          At a meta level, there is a sense   had been advertised disappearing
“I am proud to be part of the first     mass fashion depends in order to        of clothes that have been sitting        of a spell having been broken. The     from recruitment websites. Some
generation of post-pandemic             serve customers with the speed and      behind shuttered shop doors since        carousel of seasonal fashion trends    who planned to begin postgraduate
graduates,” CSM student Viktorija       low prices they now expect have         March look set to go bust. The           broke down just as the spring/         courses in the autumn have
Kozorezova tells me from her            been severed, and a question mark       British Fashion Council has warned       summer ride was getting started,       deferred, waiting to see how the
bedroom, where she is producing         hangs over whether they can ever        that without substantial support,        throwing everyone off, to stumble      chips fall, while others who hoped
the wearable sculptures she had         be safely resurrected. Thousands        half the country’s industry could be     indoors to their homes and comfy       to find employment are opting for
been planning to produce in the                                                                                                                                 further study. Many are wrestling
college metal workshop, but out                                                                                                                                 with emotional fallout alongside
of DIY filling foam instead. Maisie                                                                                                                             the logistical issues. “I always felt
Crome, from Kingston School of Art,                                                                                                                             left out by traditional educational
has spotted craft and homemade                                                                                                                                  methods,” says Thomas Robert,
projects “all over Instagram, the                                                                                                                               a fashion promotion student at
TV news, everywhere. I specialise                                                                                                                               Manchester Metropolitan University
in knitwear and I chime on about                                                                                                                                (MMU). “High school was tough
handmade, about UK-made, so                                                                                                                                     and so was college. University has
I’m really excited to be part of that                                                                                                                           been the making of me as a person,
movement.” “I know for a fact,”                                                                                                                                 and I feel deflated that I will not get
says Hannah Eleri Russell of the                                                                                                                                to celebrate this amazing milestone
University for the Creative Arts                                                                                                                                in my life.” Another MMU student,
Epsom, “that this time has made                                                                                                                                 Deanna Barber, says: “I know this
me look at clothes in my wardrobe                                                                                                                               won’t last for ever, but it feels like
in a different way. Given the level                                                                                                                             my goals have got much further
of overproduction, I hope this is a                                                                                                                             away. A lot of uncertainty – about
chance to consider caring for our                                                                                                                               income, happiness, sense of
clothes better and to learn new ways                                                                                                                            achievement – has entered my life.”
to mend and make pieces.”                                                                                                                                          That uncertainty is felt right
   Fashion has been taken apart at                                                                                                                              up to the top of the fashion food
the seams by the coronavirus crisis                                                                                                                             chain. “I feel very strongly that
– and the class of 2020 could be                                                                                                                                when we come out at the other end,
the ones to redesign and remake it.                                                                                                                             people’s values are really going to
Graduate-level jobs in the industry                                                                                                                             have shifted,” Anna Wintour said
often mean a move to an atelier in      A TALE OF OLD TIMES: Customers wait ahead of the Balmain x H&M launch on Regent Street, London, in November.            recently. “It is an opportunity for all
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, June 15, 2020   GULF TIMES                      9

HION                                                                                                                                COMMUNITY
 up fashion industry at large
 of us to look at our industry… and                                                                                        are there Instagramming it. This          care about leaving the world in a
 really think about the waste and the                                                                                      could be the moment when fashion          better shape through your practice,
 amount of money and consumption                                                                                           week becomes, by necessity, created       you will make yourself irrelevant.”
 and excess that we’ve all – and I                                                                                         primarily for digital consumption.”          Today’s 20-year-olds, who
 obviously include myself in this –                                                                                        Why stop at Instagram and                 have grown up with the climate
 that we’ve all indulged in. We really                                                                                     YouTube: Fashion Week x Netflix,          emergency at the centre of their
 need to rethink what this industry                                                                                        anyone?                                   world view, see environmental
 stands for.”                                                                                                                 The crisis has, Amed points out,       impact as an essential part of
    Fashion, after all, should be                                                                                          broken down outmoded fashion              thinking about fashion, rather than
 about change. “Positives can and                                                                                          snobberies toward digital. With           a notion at loggerheads with it.
 will come out of this,” says Emma                                                                                         conferences and shows cancelled,          “I think the entire seasonal cycle
 Hope Allwood, head of fashion at                                                                                          many of the grandest names have           should adapt itself to the climate
 Dazed Digital. “We have been given                                                                                        found their way on to less polished       crisis,” says Saskia Purr, a student
 what we never had before: time and                                                                                        forms of communication. Marc              at Nottingham Trent University.
 distance to work out what we want                                                                                         Jacobs loves a Zoom chat; Olivier         “Climate change is making our
 our industry to look like. This crisis                                                                                    Rousteing, creative director of           winters warmer and our summers
 has made the waste and the excess                                                                                         Balmain, is on TikTok. “There is          longer.”
 more visible.”                                                                                                            an opportunity for young people
    The ingenuity required to                                                                                              here, because there are still so many        It is becoming fashionable, in
 complete studies during lockdown                                                                                          brands who really have no idea when       industry circles, to propose that
 has prompted students to think                                                                                            it comes to digital content. Now          the way forward for fashion is to
 outside fashion’s ribbon-tied box.                                                                                        is the time for them to be working        turn the clock back. “You know
 One student, no longer able to                                                                                            with the young trailblazers who           what fashion should have done? We
 source the buttons she wanted, went                                                                                       understand how to create work that        should have stuck to our guns,” says
 beachcombing for shells and used                                                                                          is fun and engaging. This is going to     Bebe Moratti, founder of the Italian
 those instead. Another, who had                                                                                           be a more marketable skill than ever      ethical luxury brand Redemption.
 planned to shoot her collection on                                                                                        before,” says Amed.                       The fashion system, he says,
 a model friend in the city where she                                                                                                                                should step away from the mass-
 studied, found herself isolating in                                                                                          Many of this year’s graduates are      consumption gravy train. “People
 the country with her parents and                                                                                          ahead of this curve. Earlier this year,   say you can’t go back to the old ways,
 had to switch to using her mother.                                                                                        long before the logistical impact         but that’s exactly what the brands
 Seeing the clothes on her mum                                                                                             of the pandemic was being felt,           that have survived the longest have
 unexpectedly made them look even                                                                                          Heriot-Watt University in Scotland        done. Look at Hermès. That is what
 stronger, she says.                                                                                                       had already decided to replace the        the dynamic of fashion should be
    When fashion students and                                                                                              traditional fashion show with a new,      an investment in something that’s
 established designers are canvassed                                                                                       more sustainable format showing           beautifully made, something that
 about the future of fashion, a                                                                                            final work digitally through video,       you love, a transaction that supports
 remarkable consensus emerges:                                                                                             film and photography. At CSM,             the person that made it. So, is my
 almost everyone wants to ditch                                                                                            five of this year’s 109 graduates         business model crazy, to go back to a
 overproduction and waste. But                                                                                             had opted for entirely virtual final      place where we cherish what we buy,
 almost everyone wants to save the                                                                                         collections before the crisis began       where we cherish the workers, where
 fashion show.                                                                                                             to unfold. Scarlett Yang, a student       we cherish the environment? No. It’s
    Fashion has become bloated.                                                                                            who has been collaborating with           not crazy at all. It works.”
 Collections are too big and too                                                                                           brands on 3D animations and                  “This crisis has made the
 frequent. “We have too much                                                                                               virtual reality showcases, tells me       nation less materialistic,” says
 product,” as Joseph Altuzarra put                                                                                         she now “has more offers of work          Bournemouth student Ffion
 it bluntly to Vogue recently, and it                                                                                      than I had before”. Jessica Gray,         McCormick-Edwards. “We have
 is produced to a trend cycle that                                                                                         23, a scholar          stayed connected by talking about
 has become unintelligible. Coats                                                                                          at CSM, says her final collection         what we are looking forward to:
 now have to go on sale in July to                                                                                         “represents the overwhelming effect       things like a family barbecue, or a
 shift them before the sundresses                                                                                          of the screen interfering in our lives.   party with friends, or seeing our
 hit the shop floor in November. The      STATEMENT: Nigerian influencer Angel Obasi wearing a face mask in Lagos,         If that wasn’t a premonition, I don’t     grandparents.”
 internal workings of a schedule          Nigeria, in May.                                                                 know what is!”                               Despite the blow of missing out
 yoked to outmoded department-                                                                                                The crisis has accelerated a shift     on graduation, “I wouldn’t say this
 store logic has come unmoored               But the fashion show – for all       pickled in champagne and reeking         towards a more waste-conscious            term has been all loss,” says fashion
 from common sense. Giorgio               its bad press as a gaudy totem of       of carbon. There is a strong desire to   mindset. One student who had had          knitwear student Rhiannon Davies.
 Armani has announced that his            excess – still has a magic, one many    bring back the magic, without the        his heart set on a beautiful silk that    “My collection has become a lot
 next haute couture collection            designers want to rediscover in a       circus. For many labels, cost-cutting    ended up shuttered in a locked-           more authentic to me, because doing
 will be seasonless, with pieces for      new, more modern form. For the rest     will be an economic necessity – and      down Italian factory has made his         it at home has cut off the many
 all climates, and denounced the          of 2020 at least, social distancing     even for the luxury houses best          final collection using a bedsheet         voices that I would find distracting
 churn of high-speed fashion as           seems set to put paid to fashion        placed to ride this out, there is        donated by his parents instead.           at university. Facing myself – and
 criminal and absurd. Designers           weeks as we have known them. “It’s      the matter of tone. “The narrative       Another, with bracing can-do spirit,      my own company – is something I
 Dries Van Noten and Marine Serre,        pretty clear that if the September      of fashion as a symbol of excess         is embroidering on to loo roll. And       don’t usually do a lot of. I almost feel
 and retailers Selfridges in the UK       shows do happen – and that’s a very     isn’t always warranted,” says Hope       while some internships in Paris and       I’ve found myself in the process.”
 and Lane Crawford in Hong Kong           big if at this point – they will be     Allwood, “but in a post-pandemic         Milan have been cancelled, others            Still, the class of 2020 has been
 and mainland China, are among            completely different,” says Imran       world brands will not want to be         are happening online. The savings         dealt a harsh blow. “I think the
 the signatories of an open letter        Amed, founder and CEO of the            seen to embody it.”                      on travel and accommodation not           biggest loss is not the show itself,
 proposing a reset to the seasons.        Business of Fashion. “I look back          This vintage of graduates are         only make for a smaller carbon            but the camaraderie around it,” says
 They want collections to be on sale      to the shows in February, where we      firmly generation Z, the first to        footprint, but opportunities that are     Gresty. “The last seven weeks before
 for longer, with less emphasis on        were all squeezed in like sardines,     have grown up fully digital native.      more accessible to students with less     a show is sheer hard work, tears,
 the extra seasons of resort and high     and that seems like another world.      They are perfectly poised to do          financial support, as Gresty points       panic, but also this amazing energy,
 summer. The late Azzedine Alaïa,         I don’t think fashion week will         what fashion designers have been         out.                                      supporting each other through the
 who refused to conform to Paris          look the same this year – and then      attempting to do, but not quite             The coming generation have the         fatigue – and then coming together
 fashion week schedules and showed        the question is, does that change       pulling off, for the past two decades,   opportunity to make sustainability        in celebration. Not having that is
 his collections as and when he felt      become permanent?”                      and reinvent the fashion show as         a core value. “Young people will          tough.” Despite the hardships of
 they were ready and appropriate, is         The fashion show at its best can     a digital-first event. “Until now,       emerge from this period wanting           this term, she sees a bright future.
 being hailed as ahead of his time.       be an electric collective experience,   digital has always been peripheral to    to buy for the future, to buy             “Students keep saying to me, ‘We’re
 “I’ll wait four years for Frank Ocean    immersive theatre at its best. But      fashion week,” says Amed. “Digital       secondhand – just to make better          so unlucky to be in this year – why
 to make an album,” notes Dazed           in the last decade, Hollywood-          has meant a show produced for a          choices, even if that’s buying            us?’ and I say, ‘Are you joking? You
 Digital’s Hope Allwood. “I can wait      scale set-building and guests flown     live audience and then broadcast. Or     something on Depop knowing you            are lucky. This is such a special year.
 more than three months for a brand       in from all over the world have         an Instagrammable moment – but           can flip it again later,” says Hope       This is the year that everyone will
 to do a show.”                           contributed to a spectacle of excess,   that depends on a live audience who      Allwood. “If your business doesn’t        remember for ever.’” – The Guardian
Bailout Netflix, other streaming services are making millions. Should they come to the aid of the reeling American theatre? P4-5 - Gulf Times
10 GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

         COMMUNITY                                                                          INFOGRAPHIC
                                                Try This
                                                                                Hold middle of thin rubber
            need                      Hard-working                              band with your fingertips

            rubber                     rubber band
            band                              When a rubber
            • Thick                          band works hard,
            rubber                            you can feel the
            band                             results with your
                                                  fingers.                                   Hook a
                                                                                        2    finger in
                                                                                             each end of
                                  Feel it again with                                         band,
                                  your fingertips                                            stretch it as
                                                                                             far as it will
                                   Quickly stretch                                           go without
                              3    and relax it 20                                           breaking
                                   more times, and                                           and relax it
                                   feel it again                                             five times

    NOTE: Different
    kinds of rubber
    behave different
    ways, so you can                               Do you notice a change?
    find some that heat
    a lot and some that                            Repeat steps
    heat a little                              4   1, 2 and 3 with the
                                                   thick rubber band
    Graphic: Paul Trap, TNS

    What happened?

    Both rubber bands get warmer                                 The thick rubber band probably felt
    when stretched many times                                    warmer than the thin one for two
    Tiny rubber particles move
    around against each other                                    There’s more rubber in it creating heat
    when rubber stretches
                                                                 The thin band loses heat
    The friction (rubbing) between                               faster than the thick one
    particles converts some of the energy                        because the rubber inside it
    from the stretching movement to heat                         is close to its surface
Monday, June 15, 2020    GULF TIMES                          11

 LIFESTYLE/HOROSCOPE                                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY
 Longer time in bed during lockdowns
  could worsen sleep quality: survey
             eople are sleeping for          quality. To the contrary, those
             longer hours during             surveyed reported that their sleep
             lockdowns and work              quality actually deteriorated a little
             from home scenario              during the lockdown.
             as they do not need to             This is not very surprising,
travel to workplaces but the quality         explained Blume, “as this
of sleep has become worse in many,           unprecedented situation also was
reveals new research.                        highly burdening in many ways.
   If the differences in sleep timing        Financial and health concerns or
and duration between work days               stress related to child care are just a
and days off become too large, this          few relevant aspects”.
can lead to “social jetlag”.                    More than 85 per cent of the
   A latest survey by the University         respondents were working from
of Basel in Switzerland found                home at that time. Overall, the
respondents admitting sleeping               participants slept rather well and 75
up to 50 minutes longer than                 per cent of them were women.
before the lockdown. One factor                 The survey found that a
contributing to this could be that           relaxation of social rhythms – for
people no longer had to commute to           example, through more flexible
work in the morning.                         working hours – led to a reduction
   Flexible working hours, no                in “social jetlag”.
commuting and potentially more                  This suggests that the sleep-
time to sleep led to a reduction             wake patterns of those surveyed
in “social jetlag”, according to             were guided by internal biological
psychologist Dr Christine Blume              signals rather than social rhythms,”           constantly perform and be active.                 If the differences in sleep timing       those whose sleep has deteriorated.
from the University of Basel.                Blume added.                                     Rhythms of work and leisure                   and duration between work days               Our findings suggest that
   However, the reduction of “social            Many sleep disorders are caused             activities thus set a cycle that is             and days off become too large, this        physical activity outdoors could
jetlag” was not paralleled by an             by our modern lifestyle, which                 often at a mismatch with the body’s             can lead to “social jetlag”.               counteract deterioration in sleep
improvement in perceived sleep               is characterised by pressure to                internal biological clock.                        The sleep experts have a tip for         quality,” they suggested. — IANS

             March 21 — April 19
                                                                                          April 20 — May 20
                                                                                                                                                                      May 21 — June 20

 Today isn’t a day for meditation, Aries. The planetary energies are        If you have grievances about your personal life, Taurus, today is            Are you thinking of switching careers or travelling to the other side
asking you to step outside of yourself and get back into the world          the day to speak up. Indeed, today requires only total honesty and           of the world, Gemini? Or perhaps you just want to pull a “Greta
again! You’ve been doing an awful lot of thinking about your image          forthrightness in all areas. You can expect to confront “the other,”         Garbo” and stay at home alone with the shades drawn tight. A series
recently, and now you’re going to have to test out how the “new             whether it’s your mate or co-worker, on the basis of truth and               of small incidents at work is likely to inspire you with the most
and improved” you operates in your daily life. You can expect some          righteousness. Rest assured you’ll command their attention! Be careful       outlandish of ideas. It might just be that you sense your inner need
pleasant feedback and truly lasting changes!                                that the weight of your words doesn’t surpass that of your thoughts.         for a change of scene.

             June 21 — July 22
                                                                                          July 23 — August 22
                                                                                                                                                                      August 23 — September 22

You’re likely to find people somewhat irritating today, Cancer. It’s as     When you woke up this morning, you may have felt an                          The mood you’re in today is the stuff of which memorable
though nothing is good enough, and nobody seems to know exactly             oppressive mood hanging in the air. Unfortunately, that haze of              encounters are made. You’ll be wary at first, perhaps even
what he or she wants. You’ll reign supreme within this maze of overt        misunderstanding and conflict is likely to last all day. However, it         somewhat hostile, to anyone who dares intrude on your freedom.
conflict and dissatisfaction. You might even be asked to step in and        makes this an ideal time to speak up about anything that’s bothering         Then suddenly you’ll realise that this person is someone special,
restore order. If the conflict is domestic, go ahead. But tread carefully   you! Don’t be shy about going on the warpath today. If you don’t,            intriguing, and definitely out of the ordinary.
if you’re asked to be the sheriff at the office!                            Leo, you’re likely to be the target of a surprise attack.

             September 23 — October 22
                                                                                          October 23 — November 21
                                                                                                                                                                      November 22 — December 21

More than ever before, you’ll feel as though it’s time to take matters      This is the ideal moment to address once and for all the questions           Like your compatriots, Sagittarius, something is coming to an end
into your own hands and build your own career future. You’re fed up         that have been on your mind for the last three weeks, Scorpio. Pay           concerning the lack of confidence you have in yourself. You have
with living on hope and putting off your happiness until tomorrow.          particular attention to questions that touch on your sentimental             been hesitant to stand in the spotlight for quite a while now, feeling
Your determination will be so strong that you could even surprise           side. If you’re currently involved in unsatisfactory relationships, don’t    you aren’t quite ready. Well, no more excuses! Ready or not, you’re
yourself. Tomorrow you’ll refine your approach and make it more             be afraid to leave them behind. And if you’re fretting about a request       going to have to push forward. The only thing you risk losing is your
concrete. Today is the first day of a new life for you, Libra.              you made that has yet to be answered, let it go.                             pride, and that, Sagittarius, is your most resilient asset.

             December 22 — January 19
                                                                                          January 20 — February 18
                                                                                                                                                                      February 19 — March 20

It’s possible that the last few weeks have allowed you to gain a little     These past three weeks were rather good for your equilibrium,                It isn’t always pleasant to have to question oneself, Pisces, but this
clarity on certain questions you may have about your vocation,              Aquarius. It was just a matter of getting a bit more involved in life than   is the main objective of today’s planetary energies – to launch you
Capricorn. You might even be a little clearer about your feelings           is usual for you, and showing what you’re capable of. It’s likely you had    into new adventures. So take advantage of the configuration to look
concerning what your destiny might be. The planetary energy                 a mixture of successes and setbacks, but on the whole, improvements          inside and find the source of some of your setbacks. This isn’t an
makes this a good time to stop thinking about such questions and            have been steady. You might have noticed that something about you            easy exercise, to be sure, but it will do you an enormous amount of
let your life take over. You are well prepared for this kind of thing!      needed improvement, but isn’t that true for everyone?                        good. Just be honest with yourself.
12 GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

                                     COMMUNITY                                                 CARTOONS/PUZZLES
                   Wordsearch                                               Adam

                                                                            Pooch Cafe

APPLE                                  DUCK                         GOAT
JEANS                                  MASK                         PANTS
SEAL                                   VEST                         YACHT
BOOT                                   EAGLE                        HOUSE
KILT                                   NOSE                         QUILT
TIGER                                  WAND                         ZEBRA
CLAM                                   FAIRY                        INK
LEMON                                  OBOE                         ROSE
UMBRELLA                               XYLOPHONE

Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once.
Squares with the same number in have the same letter
in. Work out which number represents which letter.
Puzzles courtesy:



                                                                            Bound And Gagged

                                     Sudoku is a puzzle based
                                     on a 9x9 grid. The grid is
                                     also divided into nine (3x3)
                                     boxes. You are given a
                                     selection of values and to
                                     complete the puzzle, you
                                     must fill the grid so that
                                     every column, every anone
                                     is repeated.
Monday, June 15, 2020   GULF TIMES   13

 PUZZLES                                                                                COMMUNITY
 Super Cryptic Clues                                                       Colouring

Across                               Down
1 Sweet police found in a ditch      2 Something chewed, filled with
(4,4)                                brilliant yellow sauce (7)
6 Time to get some sausages (3)      3 Mafia boss found in river (3)
9 Odd bits of brass in bowl (5)      4 Birds talk wildly to Poles (6)
10 Different sort of saviour (7)     5 Everlasting variety for Peter
11 A group on leave (7)              and Paul (9)
13 Nobleman meeting youth            6 Love affair for one like Othello,
leader ahead of time (5)             we hear (5)
14 First-born of Israel destined     7 Written work from Midwest, for
for central role? (6)                example (5)
15 Sweet smell - and something       8 Burning a baker’s first loaf (6)
annoying (6)                         12 Sister involved with sad
19 Wrongful acts for children?       calamities (9)
That’s about right (5)               16 Disney film turning on Italian
21 Quandary for dreadful dim         child (7)
male (7)                             17 Burial places depicted by a
22 Have faith in cover held back     poet (6)
by worker (7)                        18 Redhead almost breaking
23 In a labyrinth I found corn (5)   stick (6)
24 Half of Sicily is like this (3)   19 Container, as provided for
25 Animal skin to be treated (8)     instruments (5)
                                     20 Surviving custom that’s a bit
                                     more licentious (5)
                                     23 A chap from Romania (3)
                                                                           Wordsearch       Codeword
14 GULF TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020

               COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                           BOLLYWOOD

   Maniesh Paul: I have failed many times                                          Why Monali Thakur                       I was like, ‘that’s not a bad idea
                                                                                   cast her husband in                     and paisa bhi bachega (it will save
      Actor and television host                                                    video of new song                       money)’,” she laughed, adding: “So,
   Maniesh Paul does not deny                                                                                              I went to Maik and told him that
   he has failed many times and                                                       Playback singer Monali Thakur        he would have to act in this video.
   says he does not take failures                                                  shares the story behind casting her     Finally, he did it.”
   to heart.                                                                       husband Maik Richter in her latest         The song is composed by
      “I have never taken failures                                                 music video, Dil ka fitoor.             Kaushik and Guddu, while the
   to heart. I will not deny I have                                                   Monali told IANS from                lyrics are written by Shloke Lal.
   failed a lot of times. I have                                                   Switzerland: “Honestly, Maik            The video is shot in the majestic
   given so many auditions and                                                     wasn’t the choice for the music         Alps.
   failed in so many of them, but                                                  video. Once we zeroed in on the            Asked about the concept of the
   it’s fine. I move on,” Maniesh                                                  concept, we went through the            video, Monali said: “Now that I
   told IANS.                                                                      process of finding an actor-model       have been staying here half the
      For Maniesh, every failure is DEBUT: Maniesh made his                        for the video. We zeroed down to        time, I have also seen the winter
   an experience.                      Bollywood debut in 2013 with the film       one very goodlooking model from         of Switzerland. It is beautiful.       NEW SONG: Monali Thakur says the
      “I think I don’t take failure Mickey Virus.                                  Germany to feature opposite me          So, when we were working on the        love story shown in the video of her
   to heart because I think it is                                                  in the video. We also finished the      concept of the video, I thought        latest song is close to her reality.
   the best learning. So, I take it as a learning experience and move on,”         contractual work.”                      of showing these snowcapped
   he added. The popular TV host, who is mostly known for his comic                   Then there was a twist in the        mountains of Switzerland as a          Of course he is a hotelier and does
   streak, had earlier shared with IANS that he does not believe in the            tale.                                   backdrop, with a simple boy-           not work in any hotel — like the one
   word typecast.                                                                     “Since we did not meet the           meets-girl love story. I wanted to     you guys saw in the music video.
      Maniesh made his Bollywood debut in 2013 with the film Mickey                model face to face, our DOP             show the Swiss alpine life.”           Mike and I exchanged glances
   Virus. He was later seen in films like Ranbanka, Tere Bin Laden 2               Shiraz Bhattacharya of the video           According to the singer, the love   and we started liking each other
   and Baa Baaa Black Sheep. Maniesh recently took a departure from                wondered if my chemistry with the       story that is shown in the video       immediately. So, yes, the bottom
   his image of wit and humour, and did a short film What If, a thriller           model will look that great or not.      is close to her reality. “In 2016, I   line of the story what we see in the
   around the subject of lockdown that was shot on a phone. Maniesh                So, in the last moment they asked       went to a place with my friends        video is similar to my love story,”
   has co-directed the film with Kartik Singh. – IANS                              me, ‘why don’t you take Maik?’          and brother and I saw Maik there.      Monali signed off. – IANS

 Tinseltown celebs shocked,
mourn young Sushant ’s death
            ondolences from              inspired me. Deepest condolences
            Bollywood colleagues         to his fans and family. RIP
            continued to pour in         #SushantSinghRajput,” he wrote.
            all through yesterday,          Anushka Sharma, who shared
            as the news of Sushant       screen space with Sushant in PK,
Singh Rajputs death became               wrote: “Sushant, you were too
known. The actor was found               young and brilliant to have gone so
hanging in his residence by his maid     soon. I’m so sad and upset knowing
yesterday morning.                       that we lived in an environment
   From superstars Akshay Kumar,         that could not help you through
Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithtik Roshan          any troubles you may have had.
and Saif Ali Khan, to co-stars           May your soul rest in peace.” Along
and colleagues including Varun           with the post, she shared a few stills
Dhawan, Disha Patani, Anushka            from PK.
Sharma, Jacqueline Fernandez,               Sushant’s MS Dhoni: The
and Kiara Advani, to filmmakers          Untold Story co-star Kiara Advani
including Karan Johar, Ashwiny           expressed: “Deeply saddened. My
Iyer Tiwari and Ekta Kapoor,             heart goes out to Sushants family
everyone expressed shock while           at this time. Reminiscing and
remembering the “young”,                 cherishing every moment of our
“talented” and “wonderful” actor         Dhoni shoot. Can’t believe this..
on social media.                         gone too too soon. Broken heart.”
   “He loved me so much... I will           Jacqueline Fernandez posted
miss him so much. His energy,            a video of a dance performance
enthusiasm and his full happy            with Sushant. The actress, who             YOUNG AND TALENTED: Sushant Singh was just 34.
smile. May Allah bless his soul          co-starred with the late actor in the
and my condolences to his near           digital film “Drive”, wrote: “Sush...      my level of compassion and to my         my baby,” Ekta wrote. Sidharth         Ashwini tweeted. Earlier in the
and dear ones. This is extremely         I’m so sorry... RIP.”                      ability to foster and protect my         Malhotra remembered Sushant as         day, as reported by IANS, several
sad....and so shocking,” Shah Rukh          Karan Johar, who produced Drive         equations.....I hope this resonates      a “fellow colleague with such good     of Sushant’s Bollywood colleagues
tweeted along with an image in           posted a long, emotional note on           with all of you as well....will miss     work backing him”                      including Akshay Kumar, Shahid
which he can be seen sharing smiles      Instagram. “I blame myself for not         your infectious smile and your bear         “Gone to soon, rest in peace        Kapoor, Abhishek Bachchan,
with the late actor.                     being in touch with you for the past       hug,” wrote Johar.                       bro. My prayer with his family and     Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Riteish
   Paying condolences to Sushant,        year..... I have felt at times like you      Saif Ali Khan wrote: “He was           loved ones #SushantSinghRajput,”       Deshmukh, Anurag Kashyap,
Hrithik Roshan tweeted: “Deeply          may have needed people to share            way too young with talent and            he added. Filmmaker Ashwiny            Dulquer Salmaan and Swara
saddened and shocked to hear             your life with...but somehow I             intelligence and a whole life ahead.     Iyer Tiwari spoke about her future     Bhasker, has expressed condolences
about Sushant. My heart goes out         never followed up on that feeling...       Terrible that he felt that this was      plans with Sushant which they had      over his shocking death.
to his family and loved ones. He         will never make that mistake               the way out. Very very sad.”             discussed together.                       Sushant was just 34. News of
had so much life in him. Extremely       again...we live in very energetic and        Producer Ekta Kapoor, who                 “We had to discuss so many          his death comes within days of
disheartening news.”                     noisy but still very isolated times        introduced Sushant as the lead           more unread books. Speak about         the news of his manager Disha
   Varun Dhawan recalled the             ...some of us succumb to these             actor in the hit TV show Pavitra         biomimicry. So much more to            Salian’s passing away. Sushant is
memorable time spent with                silences and go within...we need           Rishta, has posted a screenshot of       explore in life. Why my dear one.      best known for his titular role in
Sushant. “I really can’t believe this.   to not just make relationships but         her last conversation with Sushant       Why God. So many more unread           Neeraj Pandey’s 2016 release, MS
Sushant was a wonderful actor and        also constantly nurture them....           on Instagram.                            books. Speak about biomimicry.         Dhoni: The Untold Story, the biopic
I still remember the times I spent       Sushants unfortunate demise has              “Not fair Sushi. One week              So much more to explore in life.       of former Indian cricket captain
with him. His performance always         been a huge wake up call to me       everything changed. Not fair             Why my dear one. Why God,”             Mahendra Singh Dhoni. — IANS
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