Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg

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Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
ISSUE #2   September 2018                                                           OFFICIAL UJ ALUMNI MAGAZINE

  Prof Marwala shares his vision
  on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

           ESTHER MAHLANGU          CHIEF JUSTICE                  PROF ROBERT
           recognised for           MOGOENG MOGOENG                FRY ENGLE
           her legacy as a          Acknowledged for his notable   The 2003 Nobel
           cultural entrepreneur.   contributions within the       laureate in economics.
                                     judiciary sphere.
Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg

               NEW! FULLY ONLINE
               NEW! FULLY ONLINE
               Our Programmes are now more accessible.
               Our Programmes are now more accessible.
               Towards the end of 2017, UJ launched four 100% online only programmes. These first-of-its-kind online
               Towards were      theof
                           the end  Master
                                       2017, UJof Public Health,
                                                  launched  four the
                                                                 100% Master ofonly
                                                                        online  Public  Management
                                                                                     programmes.      andfirst-of-its-kind
                                                                                                   These    Governance, the  Master
               of    Education  Management,       and  the Master  of Education  in Information and  Communication
               degrees were the Master of Public Health, the Master of Public Management and Governance, the Master     Technology.
               of Education Management, and the Master of Education in Information and Communication Technology.
               UJ has now launched its second batch of 100% online only programmes, including the following
               UJ has  additional online programmes:
                         now launched     its second batch of 100% online only programmes, including the following
               four    additional online  programmes:
               - Bachelor of Commerce in International Accounting
               -- Bachelor    of Commerce
                    Bachelor of  Human Resource       Management
                                              in International Accounting
                -- Advanced    Diploma   in Financial   Markets
                    Bachelor of Human Resource Management
                 -- Advanced
                    Advanced Diploma
                               Diploma inin Transportation
                                            Financial MarketsManagement
                  - Advanced Diploma in Transportation Management
                  By going online, UJ is offering learning opportunities that accommodate logistical
                  By          such as
                     going online, UJ full-time
                                       is offeringemployment,   geographical
                                                    learning opportunities     location,
                                                                            that         family obligations,
                                                                                  accommodate    logistical
                  and a host such
                  challenges  of other  challenges
                                   as full-time      that our modern
                                                  employment,          studentlocation,
                                                                geographical    body faces.
                                                                                         family obligations,
                  and a host of other challenges that our modern student body faces.
               To find out more, visit and for any specific questions,
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Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
                                                                                     Prof Marwala
                                                                                     Sharing his vision
                                                                                     on The Fourth
                                                                                     Industrial Revolution

       Prof Basie von Solms
Research Professor in UJ’s Academy
 for Computer Science and Software

                                                                                     Itumeleng Sekhu
                                                                                     Burn survivor,

                                                                                     media personality and
                                                                                     motivational speaker

             6   Esther Mahlangu recognized for her legacy as a cultural entrepreneur.
             8   Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng acknowledged for his notable contributions within the judiciary sphere.
             9   Prof Robert Fry Engle, the 2003 Nobel laureate in economics receives an honorary doctorate from UJ.
            10   Prof Omotayo Arotiba is honored with Professorial Inauguration.
            13   JIAS, advancing excellence and diversity.
            18   Professorial Inaugural address of Prof Marlize Lombard.
            20   UJ researchers discover family of silver-based anti-cancer drugs.
            24   Motheo Khoaripe, eNCA business journalist and markets anchor.
            26   Mike Sharman, living his best life.
            28   Roger Haitengi, Namibian athlete and head of UJ’s Athletics Club.
            31   Unbeaten UJ women take USSA football title.
            32   UJ takes seventh USSA squash title.
            34   UJ Choir wins at the World Choir Games 2018.
            39   UJ Library hosts a series of events.
                                                                                                     ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   1
Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg

“My vision is to position the           new forms of machine intelligence,
University of Johannesburg in the       breakthrough materials and
Fourth Industrial Revolution”, said     approaches to governance that
Professor Tshilidzi Marwala in his      rely on cryptographic methods.
inaugural speech. “Those who will
                                        Prof Marwala said that UJ was
thrive in the Fourth Industrial age
                                        a leading university in such
will have to understand the world,
                                        technologies and it should
and the University of Johannesburg
                                        be linked to the innovation
should therefore be at the forefront
                                        architecture of South Africa
of laying down a foundation for the     playing “a critical role in increasing
University of the 22nd century”.        the productivity of our industrial
But what exactly is the Fourth          sector and, thereby, reducing the
Industrial Revolution? And what         challenges of unemployment,
does it specifically mean for UJ?       inequality and poverty”.

Prof Marwala described the Fourth       “We should create an environment
Industrial Revolution as one which      for our staff and students to
is going to integrate humans and        master the tools of the Fourth
machines, the physical and the          Industrial Revolution”, he said. “We     graduates must have fluency of
cyber, a technological revolution       should bring technology into our         ideas. Fluency of ideas means that
that will transform the world. He       classrooms, whether by means of          our graduates must be able to
explained how the First Industrial      blended learning or robotic tutors.      come up with multiple ideas about
Revolution occurred in England in       We should use technology to
                                                                                 a topic. Our graduates must be
the 17th century, bringing the steam    monitor the progress of
                                                                                 active, agile and adaptive learners”.
engine and the mechanisation            our students”.
of goods. The Second Industrial                                                  Prof Marwala stressed that the
                                        “We should increase the graduation
Revolution happened largely in the                                               other vital skill for the Fourth
                                        rates of our students. We should
United States and was connected                                                  Industrial Revolution is judgement
                                        increase the qualification levels of
to the generation of electricity. The                                            and decision making. “A robot
                                        our staff. We should deepen our
Third Industrial Revolution came                                                 will not be able to decide how
                                        international profile by bringing
about because of the invention of       the world into our classrooms and        we should deal with migration
semiconductors in the 1950s, giving     taking our staff and students into       of destitute people or about
us a transistor and ushering in the     the world. We should aim to have         ethics or how to convince a
electronic age.                         20% of our staff to be international     leader of a country that war is an
                                        by the year 2025 and 15% of our          inappropriate way of
The Fourth Industrial Revolution,
                                        students to be international by the      handling disputes”.
he said, is the advent of cyber-
                                        year 2020”.                              He said students should be treated
physical systems involving entirely
new capabilities for people and         “We are required to train scientists     well and that campuses should be
machines as technology becomes          and engineers who understand             safe spaces for generating new
embedded within society and             humanities and social sciences.          and very often provocative ideas.
even within our bodies. He used         We are to train social scientists        “UJ will master the Fourth Industrial
examples such as genome editing,        who understand technology. Our           Revolution only if we invest in

Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
Prof Tshilidzi Marwala
shares his vision
our implementation capacity and        Prof Marwala told Impumelelo           “I have visited divisions and
infrastructure. Our approach should    recently that significant progress     faculties on all four campuses. I
facilitate open engagements. It        had been made in the course of the     have interacted with our students
should facilitate blended learning     year, from streamlining registration   and unions to deal with all the
where technology is the integral       to resolving labour issues. He         outstanding issues, especially
part of teaching and learning”.        said that his major challenge          around salary negotiations. We
                                       was increasing the graduation
He said one of his immediate                                                  have overhauled our systems of
                                       rate of students. “Also how do I
priorities was the newly established                                          financial governance to prevent
                                       create a culture of responsible
Johannesburg Business School,                                                 future lapses in governance. I have
                                       behaviour, of working hard and of
which would “facilitate the flow of                                           met with industrial players to create
                                       being ambitious in our students?”
the latest technology, leadership      he asked. “How do I take UJ to         programmes and projects
and management to our industrial       industry and bring industry to         that are of mutual benefit. Now
and government sectors”. Another       UJ, especially given the serious       is the time! I therefore call all our
was to establish a Medical School.     financial governance challenges we     stakeholders in society, industry,
“Again, we need to mobilise            experienced last year that led to      government, domestic and
support from both local and            the departure of senior leaders of     international as well as our alumni,
national governments to achieve        our university? How do                 staff and students to join me in
this. We will be seeking also the      I deal with outstanding issues         this great initiative of taking our
participation of the private medical   around accreditation and how do        University into the Fourth Industrial
industry. Our Medical School should    I create a university of the Fourth    Age. Let us jointly mobilize our
                                       Industrial Age?”                       intellectual and physical resources
allow graduates with three-year
degrees to complete a medical          He said he had adopted a strategy      to facilitate success in this
degree in four years”.                 of communication.                      great initiative”.

                                                                                              ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   3
Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
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Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
                        “Through my art, I have seen           Mahlangu, who with song, cheers
                        the world. In turn, the world          and a standing ovation accepted
                        learned about my Ndebele               an honorary doctoral degree from
                        heritage. I speak isiNdebele, I walk   the University of Johannesburg
                        isiNdebele and I wear isiNdebele       (UJ) on Monday, 9 April 2018.
                        – it is my culture. I am humbled
                        and honoured to receive this           “With this honorary doctorate,
                        prestigious accolade for keeping       we recognise Esther Mahlangu
                        my culture alive for the generation    for her legacy as a cultural
                        to come after me.” This was            entrepreneur, skillfully negotiating
                        the sentiment of South Africa’s        local and global worlds, and as an
                        foremost Ndebele artist and            educator. Indeed, as a visionary,
                        international icon, Esther Nikwambi    she traverses what to others are

Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
insurmountable political barriers.      Swedish fashion designer,              and Culture Award, an award from
From now on it is Dr Mahlangu!”         Eytys, who embroidered Ms              the French Ministry of Culture, two
said Professor Federico Freschi,        Mahlangu’s designs on to the           awards from Radio Ndebele, and
the Executive Dean of the Faculty       Doja Mahlangu series.                  many others from South Africa
of Art, Design and Architecture                                                and abroad.
                                        Over the past three decades,
(FADA) at UJ.
                                        Ms Mahlangu has exhibited both         “In the context of current debates
Ms Mahlangu began painting as a         mural and canvas paintings             in South African institutions of
child. At the age of 10, her mother     throughout Europe, Asia, North         higher learning on questions of
and grandmother, in accordance          and South America, also capturing      decolonisation of the curriculum,
with tradition, taught her the art of   the imagination of more than           Ms Mhlangu is a living example of
Ndebele homestead wall painting         one generation on social media         how authentic African knowledge
and beadwork. Her work came             through charitable campaigns.
                                                                               systems can be articulated
to international attention in 1989
                                        She collaborated with American         meaningfully and sustainably”,
after her inclusion in the important
                                        singer, songwriter, musician and       said Prof Freschi.
exhibition Magiciens de la terre,
                                        actor John Legend in a 2017
held at the Centre Pompidou                                                    “In her, we have an icon worthy
                                        Belvedere Vodka advertising
in Paris.                                                                      of being looked up to by the next
                                        campaign, along with RED
                                                                               generation of creatives, and the
In 1991, she painted the 525i model     (a Bono-founded charitable
                                                                               University, in particular. FADA is
for the BMW Art Car Series, the         organisation) to raise awareness
first woman and the first person                                               greatly honoured to confer the
                                        and raise funds for the fight
from outside Europe or the United       against HIV/AIDS in Africa.            degree of Philosophiae Doctor
States to do so. Her designs also                                              honoris causa upon her.”
                                        As a national icon and custodian
covered the tails of British Airways                                           Ms Mahlangu concluded:
                                        of heritage Ms Mahlangu has been
aircraft in 1997, and the new Fiat                                             “This honour bestowed on me
                                        honoured with awards and medals
500.                                                                           today binds me to this institution
                                        by Government many times, and
In 2017, artist Imani Shanklin          by more than one South African         that shares my passion. I have
Roberts celebrated her with a           president. She received the Order      respect for the University
mural on a Tribeca boulevard in         of Ikhamanga, silver class, in 2006,   and its endeavours to
New York. In collaboration with         as well as the Mpumalanga Arts         promote Africanism.”

                       Esther Mahlangu
                        ENDEAVOURS TO PROMOTE AFRICANISM.”

                                                                                               ALUMNI IMPUMELELO    7
Prof Marwala shares his vision on the Fourth Industrial Revolution - University of Johannesburg
Honorary Doctorate Chief Justice
Mogoeng Mogoeng
                                                    “The Constitution of the Republic
                                                    of South Africa challenges all of us
                                                    to recognise that once upon a time
                                                    there were injustices in this country
                                                    and today, we believe that South
                                                    Africa belongs to all who live in it
                                                    and may God bless South Africa.”
                                                    These were the sentiments of
                                                    Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng,
                                                    who was acknowledged with an
                                                    honorary doctoral degree by the
                                                    University of Johannesburg (UJ) on
                                                    Tuesday, 27 March 2018.
                                                    The University conferred an
                                                    honorary doctorate on Chief
                                                    Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng in
                                                    recognition of his pioneering
                                                    commitment to serving humankind
                                                    by upholding the independence
                                                    of the judiciary and by promoting
                                                    access to justice in tangible ways.
                                                    This has earned him widespread
                                                    respect and admiration for
                                                    serving humankind.
                                                    Speaking ahead of the conferral,
                                                    the Chancellor of UJ, Prof
                                                    Njabulo Ndebele highlighted the
                                                    significance of such an honorary
From left: The Registrar, Professor Burger Kinta,
                                                    degree – both to the recipient
and chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng.
                                                    and to the University, pointing out
                                                    that this honorary doctorate is
THIS HONORARY DOCTORATE IS CONFERRED UPON           conferred upon Judge Mogoeng
JUDGE MOGOENG AS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR             as an acknowledgement of his
                                                    notable contributions within the
HIS NOTABLE CONTRIBUTIONS WITHIN THE JUDICIARY      judiciary sphere - which should
                                                    remind South Africans to take the
                                                    Constitution as a guide that will
TAKE THE CONSTITUTION AS A GUIDE WHICH WILL GIVE    give us unity to build our country
                                                    and to reconcile us all as South
US ALL AS SOUTH AFRICANS.                           Mogoeng Thomas Reetsang
                                                    Mogoeng, born in 1961, is the Chief
                                                    Justice of the Republic of South
                                                    Africa, having assumed office
                                                    on 8 September 2011. Through
                                                    his exemplary leadership of the
                                                    judicial branch of government,
                                                    he has steadfastly advanced the

constitutional values of human
dignity, equality and freedom;
non-racialism and non-sexism;
the supremacy of the Constitution
and the Rule of Law.

“Through his actions, Judge
Mogoeng has been concretising
each of the core values of the
University. An unquestionable
ethical foundation is evident
from his judgements in the
Constitutional Court, delivered
without fear or favour, as well
as from his public addresses
and publications. He has earned
trust and credibility through
judgments that were critical of
executive decisions and conduct;
of parliamentary rules and
conventions; and of legislation
that does not conform to the
Constitution, resisting political
pressure and maintaining judicial

                                       Prof Robert Fry Engle
independence”, said the Executive
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof
Letlhokwa George Mpedi.

Judge Mogoeng’s commitment to
judicial independence has a wider      WORLD-RENOWNED ECONOMIST
purpose: promoting access to
justice by regenerating the judicial   The 2003 Nobel laureate in              features, autoregressive conditional
system. “His quest for institutional   economics, Prof Robert Fry Engle        duration and more recently, dynamic
                                       was acknowledged with an honorary       conditional correlation models,”
legitimacy of the judiciary is
                                       doctoral degree by the University of    says Prof Van Lil, the Executive
rooted in the realisation that
                                       Johannesburg (UJ) on Monday, 19         Dean of the College of Business
many South Africans felt alienated
                                       February 2018.                          and Economics.
from the court system”, said
Prof Mpedi.                            “This is a proud moment for both        Prof Engle’s Autoregressive
                                       the college and myself. An honorary     Conditional Heteroscedasticity
During his tenure as Chief
                                       doctorate is conferred upon an          models (ARCH) have become
Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng has           individual as an acknowledgment         indispensable econometric tools
made a decided impact on and           for his/her notable contributions       employed by private and public
contribution to South African          to a specific field or outstanding      sector economic researchers and
society. This is clear from two        service to society which relates        practitioners operating as financial
awards made to him in 2017.            to the universities vision, mission,    market analysts and economic
Mogoeng Mogoeng has received           values, and strategic goals and         decision makers.
the Biko Fanon award from the          objectives. Association with the
                                                                               Prof Van Lill points out that the
Pan-African Psychology Congress        university forms part of the reason
                                                                               University is honoured by Prof
for contributing to psychological      why we confer honorary doctorates.
                                                                               Engle’s acceptance of a UJ honorary
liberation. The award commends         Today we honor and celebrate
                                                                               doctorate in Economics. “The
him for contributing to public         Professor Robert Fry Engle” says the
                                                                               commitment of the CBE School of
awareness and creating a source        Vice Chancellor of the University of
                                                                               Economics to quality econometric
of hope for morality in the country.   Johannesburg, Professor Tshilidzi
                                                                               education and training will be
He was also voted 2017 South           Marwala.
                                                                               enhanced through association with
African of the Year in a public poll   “His research has also brought into     Prof Robert Engle - a global leader
hosted by News24, having been          being, innovative statistical methods   in econometric risk-modelling”,
nominated by a panel of                such as co-integration, common          he says.
journalists and experts.

                                                                                                ALUMNI IMPUMELELO     9
From left: Professor Tshilidzi Marwala, Professor Omotayo Arotiba, Professor Debra Meyer, Professor Emmanuel Iwuoha


Prof Omotayo Arotiba
The Vice-Chancellor and Principal       biosensors and sensors (Sense it);      Mrs Margaret Bamidele Arotiba
of the University of Johannesburg       2) Electrochemical technologies,        (Ughoton, Okpe, Delta State). He
(UJ), Professor Tshilidzi Marwala,      such as electrochemical                 completed his BSc Honours and
and the Executive Dean of the           oxidation, photoelectrochemical         MSc in Industrial Chemistry at
Faculty of Science, Professor           oxidation, electrocoagulation,          the University of Ilorin and the
Debra Meyer, hosted the                 ionic diode for water treatment         University of Benin, respectively,
professorial inauguration of            (Treat it); 3) Materials science,       both in Nigeria. He proceeded to
Omotayo Arotiba, Professor in           nanotechnology, membrane                South Africa for a PhD in Physical
Applied Chemistry at UJ.                composites, and electrochemical         Chemistry (Electrochemistry
                                        characterisation. Sensors and           speciality) with a scholarship from
The inauguration took place
                                        biosensors are analytical devices       the National Research Foundation
at the Council Chambers,
                                        that are capable of providing
Madibeng Building, Auckland                                                     South Africa at SensorLab,
                                        qualitative, semi-quantitative and
Park, Kingsway Campus on                                                        Department of Chemistry,
                                        quantitative information about an
Monday 6 August 2018.                                                           University of the Western Cape
                                        analyte. They are characterised
                                                                                (UWC) under the supervision of
The inaugural lecture titled, Sense     by low cost, simplicity, fast
                                                                                Prof Emmanuel Iwuoha and Prof
it, Treat it, Electrochemistry in       response/analysis, ease of use,
                                                                                Priscilla Baker.
Action, highlights research in          possibilities of on-site or point of
the fields of electrochemistry,         care application, miniaturisability,    He joined the Department of
photoelectrochemistry, analytical       etc. Electrochemical technologies       Applied Chemistry (UJ) in 2011
electrochemistry, nano-                 offer a complementary or                where he is now a full Professor
electrochemistry, materials science     alternative approach to water           (since Oct 2016). Prof Arotiba
and electrochemistry of materials       treatment. These technologies are       is the Director of the Centre
from 2006 to date.                      sustainable, easy to design and         for Nanomaterials Science
                                        operate, environmentally benign,        Research at UJ; the pioneer and
Professor Arotiba’s research
                                        sustainable and can remove              leader of the Electrochemistry
is based on the application
                                        recalcitrant pollutants.                Research Group at UJ; and
of electrochemistry to solving
environmental, water, biomedical        Prof Omotayo Ademola Arotiba            also the current Chairperson of
and industrial challenges. More         was born in Nigeria into the family     the Electrochemistry Division
specifically, Prof Arotiba’s research   of Chief David Omotayo Arotiba          (ElectrochemSA) of the South
looks at: 1) Electrochemical            (from Ipele, Owo, Ondo State) and       African Chemical Institute (SACI).

Prof Sebastiaan Hendricus (Basie)
von Solms is a Research Professor
in the University of Johannesburg’s
                                        Alumnus, Research Professor
Academy for Computer Science
and Software Engineering, and the       and one of UJ’s longest
longest serving UJ employee, with
nearly five decades (48 years) of
IT research and innovation under
                                        serving employees
his belt.
He is also the Director of UJ’s         Prof von Solms joined UJ as a         converted by a punch card
Centre for Cyber Security, and an       lecturer in 1970, in the newly        machine to a set of punch cards
Associate Director of the Global        established Department of             for submission to the mainframe.
Cyber Security Capacity Centre of       Computer Science. He completed        There were no such things as
the University of Oxford in the UK.     his PhD in Computer Science at UJ     desktop computers”, recalls
                                        in 1972 – one of the first in South   Prof von Solms.
A specialist in research and            Africa – and was promoted to
consultancy in the field of             senior lecturer. In 1978, he became   In the early 1980s, the University
information and cyber security,         Chairperson of the Department of      created its first hands-on
Prof von Solms has written                                                    laboratory for Computer Science
                                        Computer Science, a position he
and presented more than 150
                                        occupied until 2006.                  students, consisting of Burroughs
papers, most of which have
                                                                              B20 mini-computers – one of the
been presented at international         “I started out long before anybody
                                        had even heard of the Internet        first such labs in South Africa. “A
research conferences and/or
                                        or cyberspace. Back in those          few years later, the IBM PC was
published in international subject
journals. He has supervised more        days, there were basically only       launched, and labs were refitted
than 150 postgraduate students,         big mainframe computers, and          with these new ‘wonder machines’.
and is well known in the media          students had to prepare their         Still, the idea of portable
as one of South Africa’s most           programs on coding forms.             computers didn’t yet exist”,
authoritative cyber security experts.   The programs had to then be           remembers Prof von Solms.

Prof Basie von Solms

                                                                                             ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   11
In the late 1990s, computer networks      members across all industries. At
developed faster as the Internet          UJ, we have been widely involved
evolved. “I was very privileged to have   with accountability of members of
seen the dawn of this discipline, to be   boards, as cybercrime is the number
part of and experience the massive        one threat for companies across all
developments in the IT fields over        sectors”, he says.
the years.
                                          Thus the demand for IT graduates
“I am proud that I could, over            is huge, says Prof von Solms. “It is
the years, be part of establishing        acknowledged globally that the
Computer Science and Informatics          demand for expertise in the cyber
as an academic discipline, and be         field is among the highest, if not
part of the internationally acclaimed     the highest, among all professional
Academy for Computer Science and          disciplines”, he says.
Software Engineering that we now
have at UJ”, says Prof von Solms.         As a result, the certificate courses
                                          in the Centre for Cyber Security
In 2005, Prof von Solms was awarded
                                          are constantly oversubscribed by IT
the ICT Leadership Award by the
                                          employees, while full-time students
South African IT industry and the
                                          can barely finish the four-year
Computer Society of South Africa
                                          degree before they are head-hunted.
for “exceptional thought leadership
                                          “We struggle to get lecturers and
qualities and sustainable contribution
                                          postgraduate students, because the
to the development and growth of
                                          demand out there is so high”, he says.
the South African IT Industry”. A year
later, the South African Academy for      In 2011, Prof von Solms was awarded
Science and Arts awarded him the          the Alumni Achievers award by
MT Steyn Medal for Scientific and         the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
Technical Achievement.                    University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth,
In 2009, the book Information Security    where he actually started his
Governance, co-authored with his          academic studies, in 1965, when
brother, Professor Rossouw von            it was still the University of Port
Solms, was published internationally      Elizabeth.
by Springer. The book documents the       In 2016, Prof von Solms was elected
experience and research resulting         as a member of the Academy of
from cooperation between the two
                                          Science of South Africa, which
brothers over 10 years.
                                          honours the country’s “most
The following year, he received the       outstanding and celebrated scholars”.
Computer Society of South Africa          He is also a Fellow of the Computer
(CSSA) Distinguished Service in ICT       Society of South Africa, a Fellow of
Award, as well as the 2010 IFIP TC-11     the British Computer Society, a
Kristian Beckman Award, for “his          Fellow of the Oxford Martin School
never tiring work towards broadening      of the University of Oxford and a
the meaning of Information Security       Chartered Information Technology
in various aspects”. Also in 2010, the    Professional (CITP).
SA Institute for Computer Scientists
and Information Technologists             He is a past president of the
awarded the Pioneers in Computer          International Federation for
Science and Information Technology        Information Processing (IFIP), which
Award to Prof von Solms for his           he is now an honorary member of,
contribution to IT, and specifically      and is the vice-chair (Africa) for the
Information Security, over the            IEEE’s Special Interest Group on Big
last 40 years.                            Data and Cyber Security.

Prof von Solms says cybercrime is         “My journey started early and is
now massively pervasive worldwide,        coming to an end, but the future lies
with Africa being a “hotbed” of           open for the present generation to
cybercrime. “Cybercrime is no             develop applications that we cannot
longer a technical issue, but an          even envisage at this stage”,
issue that concerns company board         says Prof von Solms.

and Diversity
The Johannesburg Institute                “New conversations start here”,
of Advanced Studies (JIAS)                says JIAS director, Professor Peter
promotes advanced research                Vale. We are sitting in the Cartoon
in the humanities and natural             Room, one of the Institute’s
sciences, and is the city’s first fully   conference spaces, its walls lined
fledged institute of its kind. JIAS is    with the works of contemporary
a joint initiative of the University      South African political cartoonists.
of Johannesburg (UJ) in South             “JIAS creates the conditions in
Africa, and Nanyang Technological         which scholars can deliver cutting-
University (NTU) in Singapore, and        edge interdisciplinary thought
is based in an elegant Roman              and research at the highest
style building in Westdene,               academic level”, he says. “This is
Johannesburg.                             a place to work, think, talk and
                                          deliberate, and the greatest luck
                                          of all was finding this property. It’s
                                          made all the difference because
                                          of its wonderfully conducive
                                          atmosphere. It’s like a little college
                                          in Oxford or Cambridge in the
                                          heart of an African city.”
                                          Built on a hillside, with playful
                                          concrete cherubs adorning
                                          its rooftops, the landmark
                                          JIAS building was formerly
                                          a guesthouse, and JIAS now
                                          uses it for conferences and
                                          workshops and accommodation
                                          for participants, visiting fellows
                                          and academics. The building
                                          also houses the JIAS staff
                                          offices. The accommodation is
                                          gracious; and there are shaded
                                          courtyards, generous lounges and
                                          libraries, conference spaces and a
                                          communal dining area.
                                          “Institutes for advanced studies
                                          have their early origins in
                                          monasteries”, explains Prof Vale.
                                          “The modern versions of institutes
                                          like these began with Princeton in
                                          the USA in the 1930s, when they

                                                         ALUMNI IMPUMELELO    13
started an institute for advanced     main programmes is the Writing        imaginative collection of short
studies that aimed to be at the       Fellowship. A dozen residence         stories featuring funerals and
very top of research and higher       Writing Fellows come to stay at       ancestors and satirical flair.
education. One of the first           JIAS for four months to work on       While Mhlongo recently led a
fellows, would you believe,           their chosen subject. The writers     JIAS seminar about African myth
was Albert Einstein”.                 apply for the fellowship and a        and magic realism, the subject of
                                      selection is then made. Last year     African ontology was the concern
Today’s institutes of advanced
                                      there were over 300 applicants        of another Writing Fellow, Dr
studies locate themselves
                                      from South Africa, Asia, Uganda,      Elvis Imafidon who teaches in
in different ways within the
                                      Nigeria, Kenya, the USA and India.    the Department of Philosophy
global academic world. JIAS is
                                      South African author, Niq Mhlongo,    of Ambrose Alli University in
a university-based institute as
                                      was one of the Writing Fellows        Nigeria. Ontology is the study of
opposed to free-standing institutes
                                      who stayed at JIAS this year to       metaphysics and the nature of
such as those in Princeton, Berlin,                                         being, and he looks at how African
Radcliffe, and Stellenbosch.          work on his new novel. Born in
                                                                            concepts of reality affect the
Although rooted within UJ and         Soweto, Mhlongo’s first highly
                                                                            African idea of the good.
                                      acclaimed novel Dog Eat Dog was
linked to NTU, JIAS collaborates
                                      published in 2004 by Kwela Books      In another field, that of urban
with other institutions of higher
                                      and was translated into Spanish       planning, Writing Fellow
learning throughout the country.
                                      under the title Perro Come Perro.     Melissa Tandiwe Myambo, did a
Launched in May 2015, JIAS is in      His most recent book Soweto under     comparative project on spatial
its fourth year now, and one of its   the Apricot Tree (Kwela 2018) is an   inequality in urban spaces in

JIAS is an
ongoing conversation...

Delhi and Johannesburg. In 2016,        and donate books. And they also           connect with leading scholars in
she did research in India while         visited a prison, where the Writing       their fields. These sessions feature
based at the Centre for the             Fellows engaged with more than            intense collaboration with scholars
Study of Developing Societies           100 inmates. JIAS gave readings           at the NTU, as well as with Nobel
in New Delhi, enabled by                and talked about how to produce           Laureates.
Fulbright-Nehru Academic and            written texts and poems. “It was
Professional Excellence Research        incredible what came out”, says           In the spring term, JIAS has topic
Award. Pamela Maseko, an                Prof Vale, “it was agreed that an         sessions, which include colloquia
associate professor at Rhodes           anthology of poetry written by            – the jewel in the crown of JIAS
University in the Eastern Cape,         the inmates would be published.”          events – in which international
was researching language policy         JIAS and individual writers               experts in the public and
and planning in education,              donated books to the Correctional         professional sectors gather for
language development, and               Services Library.                         intense debate about a specialist
the historiography of isiXhosa          Apart from the Writing Fellowship,        subject. In 2016, for example,
literature.                             JIAS also hosts a series of               JIAS hosted a hugely successful
The Writing Fellows host a series       workshops, conferences and                colloquium on Why the Brain
of weekly seminars during their         colloquia throughout the year.            Matters, which was attended by
stay at JIAS, and one gets a            “We host visiting lecturers               more than 50 participants from
sense that there is real academic       and academics, we do book                 more than 27 countries. The
and critical thinking across an         launches, we have conferences on
                                                                                  colloquium led by Prof Willem
incredible range of subjects here.      everything from the decolonisation
                                                                                  Hendrik Gispen, Professor Emeritus
                                        of thought to artificial intelligence”,
“As you can imagine”, says Prof                                                   of Neuroscience and former
                                        says Prof Vale. “JIAS is an ongoing
Vale, “the lunch conversation           conversation”.                            VC of Utrecht University in the
at JIAS is totally dynamic and                                                    Netherlands, and a range of global
can include from poetry and             The annual JIAS work program-             experts made presentations.
dark matter to the nature of            me is divided into three terms of
                                        equal length, the summer term             On 22 October 2018, JIAS is
the universe. There is real multi-
disciplinary thinking here. JIAS is a   (mid-February to mid-May); winter         hosting a colloquium on Digital
wonderful experiment”.                  term (from the start of June to end       Finance in Africa’s Future:
                                        August); and spring term (from            Innovations and Implications.
JIAS also works in the field and        mid-September to mid-December).           Trevor Manual will deliver the
within communities, says Prof Vale.     In the summer term, JIAS has its          keynote address at the opening
In April this year, for example, a      open session for students from any        session. With some 50 experts
team of the new Writing Fellows         discipline, encouraging them to
                                                                                  participating in panels and
went to the Polokwane Literary          pursue intensive reading, research
                                                                                  workshops, the colloquium seeks
Fair in Limpopo. The Fair is            or writing.
held by the Polokwane Cultural                                                    to map out developments in the
                                        In the winter term, JIAS has              fields of digital finance and try to
Services Department and JIAS has
                                        university sessions, which are open       understand the social and
attended for the last few years.
                                        to departments and faculties              political implications.
This time the JIAS team went to         within UJ. These sessions aim to
three high schools in Mankweng          encourage UJ staff to broaden             For more information visit the
township to engage with learners        the scope of their research and to        JIAS website

                                                                                                 ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   15
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Professor Alexander Broadbent and Professor Marlize Lombard
Professorial Inaugural address:
  Prof Marlize Lombard
                                                        THE FUTURE OF HUMAN ORIGINS RESEARCH
                                            LIES IN INTER-DISCIPLINARY RESEARCH PROGRAMMES,
                                                        AIMED AT UNDERSTANDING GENE-CULTURE,
                                                  BRAIN-CULTURE AND GENE-BRAIN CO-EVOLUTION.

According to Professor Marlize         “Around two million years ago         the population history of sub-
Lombard, the Director of the           when these early hominins roamed      Saharan Africa, aligning it with
Centre for Anthropological             our grasslands and where many         the archaeological records of
Research at the University of          fossil discoveries have been           the region.”
Johannesburg (UJ), human origins       made since, mostly by non-South
researchers will need to integrate     African researchers in a still male   She highlighted that the artefacts
fossil, archaeological and genetic     dominated field. Yet, the work of     excavated by archaeologists are
records with state-of-the-art          South African women scientists        human-made material culture, the
methods, and global trends and         is greatly influencing what we        tangible products and extensions
debates; while dedicating the          are learning about the genetic        of the human mind. “Lyn Wadley,
knowledge thus gained to the           and cognitive origins of our own      my mentor, A-rated scientist,
youth and to their futures in          species, Homo sapiens”, she said.     and the first woman professor
a region that gave birth to                                                  in archaeology in South Africa,
                                       Prof Lombard pointed out              worked several prominent Stone
our humanness.
                                       that Prof Himla Soodyall was          Age sites, and her cognitive
Professor Lombard explored the         a trailblazer in the field of         archaeology on material culture
questions what make us human           mitochondrial DNA, which showed       from these sites demonstrates how
(Homo sapiens or modern human,         that all living humans stem           ancient hunter-gatherers had fluid
i.e., ‘us’), and how, where and when   from one ‘great, great, great …       intelligence that allowed them
did we gain our humanness, when        grandmother’, a woman who lived       to conceive of and use complex
she delivered her professorial         in sub-Saharan Africa (perhaps        knowledge systems to resolve
inauguration address, Human            even southern Africa), and most       everyday problems innovatively”.
Origins in Southern Africa: A Stone    closely resembled a San woman
Age Archaeologist’s Reflections on     of today. “Her mentee Carina          “It is then to the human mind
the Past and Future. Prof Lombard      Schlebusch now works from             – a mind that is capable of
sketched some of the paradoxes         Uppsala in Sweden, from where         wisdom and reason, and a mind
and puzzles around the discovery       she is exploring ancient human        that is flexible enough to think
of the first fossil skull of a young   DNA in a collaborative project        simultaneously both scientifically
hominin child in South Africa          with myself and other scientists      and creatively – that I find myself
almost a century ago.                  in an endeavour to reconstruct        drawn to explore the origins of our

                                                                                            ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   19
humanness here in southern Africa.       of our humanness – there can be        such as neuro-archaeology, and
Working with cognitive scientists        no science, no art, and indeed         reconstructing the full genomes
from Scandinavia, we are                 no Fourth Industrial Revolution        of people who lived millennia
delving into the earliest symbolic       without them. This way of thinking     before us were inconceivable. “The
behaviours, what stone tools             has its neurological foundations
                                         in the precuneus, an area of the       future of human origins research
can reveal about human                                                          now lies in inter-disciplinary
                                         brain in which only Homo sapiens
cognitive evolution, and the             displays a general enlargement.”       research programmes, aimed
evolution of causal cognition”,                                                 at understanding gene-culture,
said Prof Lombard.                       Prof Lombard stressed activities
                                         such as bow hunting was                brain-culture and gene-brain
In a first study of its kind they used   instrumental in shaping the            co-evolution. As human origins
EEG (electroencephalography)             modern human brain. “A brain           researchers, our task will be
scanning that provided the first         with which Africans colonised the      to integrate fully our fossil,
direct neuro-archaeological              globe – outwitting and outlasting
                                                                                archaeological and genetic
                                         all other human groups, becoming
evidence for praxis, the human                                                  records with state-of-the-art
                                         ancestral to us all. It also alludes
ability, based on ‘ideas’ or             to our abilities to gain causal        methods, and global trends and
‘imaginings’, to knowingly play out      knowledge, and to reason about         debates; whilst dedicating the
different scenarios in our minds         outcomes based on it, which is key     knowledge thus gained to the
before enacting them.                    to the human way of thinking.”         youth and to their futures in a
“Such conscious imagination and          Prof Lombard concluded that a          region that gave birth to
ideation are quintessential traits       few decades ago, lines of research     our humanness.”

UJ researchers discover
family of silver-based
anti-cancer drugs
A new family of potential silver-
based anti-cancer drugs has been
                                         Esophageal cancer cells are
                                         known to become resistant to
                                                                                Fewer side effects
discovered by researchers at the         current forms of chemotherapy.         Apart from needing a much lower
University of Johannesburg (UJ).                                                dose than an industry standard,
                                         “The UJ3 complex is as effective
The most promising complex in the                                               UJ3 is also much less toxic.
UJ3 has been successfully tested in      as the industry-standard drug
                                         Cisplatin in killing cancer cells      “In rat studies, we see that up to
rats and in several human cancer
                                         in laboratory tests done on            3 grams of UJ3 can be tolerated
cell lines in laboratory studies. The
                                         human breast cancer and                per 1 kilogram of bodyweight.
complex is as effective against
                                         melanoma, a very dangerous             This makes UJ3 and other
human esophageal cancer cells, as
                                         form of skin cancer, as well”, says    silver phosphine complexes
a widely-used chemotherapy drug,
                                         Professor Marianne Cronjé, Head        we have tested about as toxic
but at a ten times lower dose, and
                                         of the Department of Biochemistry      as Vitamin C”, says Professor
much lower toxicity against non-
malignant cells.                         at the University of Johannesburg.     Reinout Meijboom, Head of the
                                                                                Department of Chemistry at the
In research published in BioMetals,      “However, UJ3 requires a 10 times      University of Johannesburg.
UJ3 is shown to be as effective          lower dose to kill cancer cells. It
against human esophageal                 also focuses more narrowly on          If UJ3 becomes a chemotherapy
cancer cells, as a widely-used           cancer cells, so that far fewer        drug in future, the lower dose
chemotherapy drug in use today.          healthy cells are killed”, she says.   required, lower toxicity and greater

focus on cancer cells will mean          create cancerous tumors. To do           standard laboratory equipment,
fewer side effects from                  this, they need far more energy          which shows good potential
cancer treatment.                        than healthy cells do.                   for large scale manufacture.
                                                                                  The family of silver thiocyanate
UJ3 appears to target the                UJ3 targets this need for
                                                                                  phosphine compounds is very
mitochondria, resulting in               energy, by shutting down the
                                                                                  large. We were very fortunate to
programmed cell death to                 “powerhouses” of a cancer cell,
                                                                                  test UJ3, with an unusually ‘flat’
kill cancer cells - a process            the mitochondria. The complex
                                                                                  chemical structure, early on in
called apoptosis. When a cancer          then causes the release of the
                                                                                  our exploration of this chemical
cell dies by apoptosis, the result is    “executioner” protein, an enzyme
                                                                                  family for cancer treatment”,
a neat and tidy process where the        called caspase-3, which goes
                                                                                  says Prof Meijboom.
dead cell’s remains are “recycled”,      to work to dismantle the cell’s
not contaminating healthy cells          command centre and structural            Research on UJ3 and other
around them, and not                     supports, cutting it up for recycling    silver thiocyanate phosphine
inducing inflammation.                   in the last stages of apoptosis.         complexes at the University
                                                                                  is ongoing.
Certain existing chemotherapy            Unusual compounds
drugs are designed to induce
                                         UJ3 complex and the others in the
                                                                                  Research funders
apoptosis, rather than “septic”
cell death which is called necrosis,     family are based on silver. This         The research was funded by the
for this reason.                         makes the starter materials for          Technology Transfer Office of
                                         synthesizing the complex far more        the University of Johannesburg,
Cancer cells grow much bigger            economical than a number of              the National Research
and faster, and make copies of           industry-standard chemotherapy           Foundation of South Africa,
themselves much faster, than             drugs based on platinum. “These          and the Technology Innovation
healthy cells do. In this way they       complexes can be synthesized with        Agency of South Africa.

From left: Professor Reinout Meijboom, Professor Marianne Cronjé, Dr Zelinda Engelbrecht
Itumeleng Sekhu
against all odds
                                      “I WAS ABLE TO PUSH PAST THE BARRIERS OF LOW
                                      SELF-ESTEEM AND DISCOVER MY STRENGTH, RESILIENCE
                                      AND UNIQUE ABILITY TO SEE THAT BEAUTY GOES
                                      DEEPER THAN SKIN.”

Itumeleng Sekhu is the founder        Tshwane, Sekhu got severely burnt        Sekhu’s mother was her guiding
and MD of the Itumeleng Sekhu         when a candle fell on her at home.       light throughout her childhood
Foundation, a philanthropic NPO,      She was only 11 months old. Her          – “through her strength and
and author of the book What           right hand, as well as four fingers      tenacity, she continued in life, no
do you see?, which is her story of    on her left hand, were amputated         matter what storms hit her” – but
courage and fortitude in the face     as a result. “I was practically raised   ultimately it was Sekhu’s faith that
of the permanent disfigurement        in Muelmed Hospital in Pretoria          enabled her to find her path in life.
she suffered after being burnt in a   until I was about 15 years old.
                                                                               “I was determined to live my
fire as a toddler.                    I had 104 surgical procedures,
                                      and in-between I attended Hope
                                                                               life as God intended. It was my
Sekhu, 30, graduated from UJ                                                   acceptance of Him as my Father
                                      School in Johannesburg and
in 2014 with a BA in Audiovisual      Pretoria School, which are both          that was instrumental in helping
Communications, majoring in           schools for physically challenged        me to navigate my way through
communications, psychology and        learners”, she says.                     the obstacles that constantly
media studies, sponsored by the                                                threatened to overwhelm me”.
Dischem Foundation. By then, she      Although she was a bright learner,
                                      school was difficult at times, she       “I was able to push past the
was already a media personality,
                                      says, because “the other children        barriers of low self-esteem and
working with a number of Christian
                                      were mean and continually called         discover my strength, resilience
programmes including ONE Gospel
                                      me names, even though we were            and unique ability to see that
channel (DStv) and Friends Like
                                      all disabled”. “I grew up with low       beauty goes deeper than skin. My
These on SABC 1, as well as The
                                      self-esteem, as 90% of my face is        challenge to readers of my book
Sound Revival and The Sacred
                                      scarred. The word beauty was rare.       is to look beyond the scars on the
Space on Metro FM, and Making
                                      I even tried to commit suicide on        outside, and see who I am, a strong
Moves on
                                      numerous occasions”, she recalls.        woman with a beautiful soul and
“My psychology major equipped                                                  indomitable spirit”, she says.
                                      What do you see? takes the reader
me to have good relations in the
                                      on her emotional and spiritual           While at UJ, Sekhu became a
media and in my life. I have been
                                      journey, firstly through the physical    project manager for the Sbusiso
able to relate to almost everyone
                                      pain, and then through the pain          Leope Education Foundation,
in both the workspace and in my
                                      of being rejected and ridiculed as       which assists hundreds of students
personal life”, says Sekhu.
                                      a young girl because she                 with bursaries to continue with
Born in Makapanstad near              was different.                           tertiary education. She was in

charge of organising seminars        for the past seven years. Through   As a motivational speaker,
in South Africa, which brought       these candles, I want to assist     Sekhu has delivered talks to
together entrepreneurs. She was      other people to discover their      numerous corporates, institutions,
also communications manager          inner light, to ensure that they    organisations and events, focusing
for Map Christ, and a brand          reach their full potential”,        on the power of self-esteem, and
Ambassador for Dove Unilever.        says Sekhu.                         of a persistent and confident
                                                                         mind. “Tell yourself that I’m going
She is also a social media           Sekhu has also conquered the        to do it, it will happen”, she says.
manager for I Do magazine, and       keyboard of her computer, as        To students, her advice is, “study,
recently launched her new venture,   well as the steering wheel. “Even   and study very hard, you can get
manufacturing candles. “I have       though I have only one finger,      a bursary. My dreams push me to
found my inner light, and been       my thumb, I can type 35 words       success. Reach your dreams and
fulfilling my purpose in the media   per minute and can drive myself     dream more dreams of where
industry, in both TV and radio,      anywhere in the world”, she says.   you want to see yourself”.

                                                                                        ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   23
Motheo Khoaripe
                 eNCA business journalist
                 and markets anchor
Motheo Khoaripe, 32, is a business      and by midday, I’d be at work, then     they’ve developed into fully fledged
journalist and markets anchor for       return for a 7.30 pm psychology         businesses is gratifying. “I want to
eNCA, best known as anchor of the       class”, he says.                        help black people to be part of the
channel’s Moneyline show.                                                       economy, to give them the right
                                        It didn’t get easier afterwards.
                                                                                tools to equip them adequately
He cut his teeth in broadcasting        Despite Khoaripe’s degree, he
                                                                                to get ahead in business, and
on YFM radio station, which he          sold pots for two years in order to
                                        make ends meet. “I managed to           to learn and talk about money
joined in 2012 as a news and sports
reporter before moving to Power         get by. We all have fight in us, and    comfortably”, he says.
FM as a business reporter in 2014       I rely on my unassailable faith that    His TV job aside, Khoaripe has also
for a year. He joined eNCA in 2015.     my life is part of a bigger plan. I     partnered with a financial advisor
                                        am here to add something to the         to improve financial literacy and
“As a business reporter, I’ve
                                        world, so even when things don’t        educate high school learners as
discovered there is a section of
                                        go according to plan, I take that       well as young professionals. “I want
society that will never get to know
                                        as only a life lesson more than         to teach as many people as I can,
how money works. It’s not that
                                        something that would break me.          as soon as I can, to become money
people don’t have money, it’s that
                                        So always rise above the challenge,     wise, to learn how to keep money,
they just don’t know how to use it”,
                                        knowing it will be a reference point    not only spend it”.
he says, adding: “I’d like to teach
                                        for my next challenge”, he says.
young people about money before                                                 To this end, he is also working to
they get money. And to tell the         Khoaripe was 24 when he started         introduce a workable financial
stories untold”.                        working at YFM, under the               literacy programme into the South
                                        guidance of Zukile Majova, the          African curriculum system. “The
Khoaripe matriculated at
                                        editor of the station at the time.      practical aspects of finance need
Wordsworth High School in Benoni,
                                        At Power FM, he was mentored
with merit, in 2006. “My mind                                                   to be understood by all”, he says.
                                        by Siki Mgabedeli, and produced
wandered and I found it difficult                                               He is inspired by the underdog.
                                        Power Business and Power
to concentrate. I loved sport more                                              “Everyone has a war story. Those
                                        Perspective shows.
than my books, to be honest. I                                                  who make it to where they want
did really well in the Quiz and JSE     At eNCA, dissecting his first budget    to be, despite the odds stacked
challenge team”, he recalls.            speech remains the highlight of         against them. Those people
                                        his career. “It was a chance to         inspire me”.
As a boy, he had his mind set on
                                        delve into its depths, fully unpack
being a soldier or Navy officer.                                                Last year, Khoaripe was named
                                        it and help people understand its
“I also did well in cricket so I also                                           among the Mail & Guardian’s Top
                                        significance. A chance to serve
had a dream of representing the                                                 200 young people.
                                        others”, he says.
Proteas”, he says.
                                        Khoaripe says he has noticed how        Plans for the future? “I want to get
Instead, he enrolled at UJ,                                                     into the agriculture technology
                                        many people encounter “glass
completing his BA in Corporate                                                  business. It’s something I have
                                        ceilings” when it comes to money.
Communications in 2010. Money                                                   been passionate about for a long
                                        “The financial jargon doesn’t help
issues made it a tough journey.                                                 time. So going back to school to
                                        the masses to understand their
“It was also very important to                                                  get a new set of skills is part
                                        financial issues. That’s why I love
me to prove to my parents that I                                                of the plan.
                                        the world of finance, and business
was deserving of all the sacrifices
                                        journalism. It’s a platform for me to   I would also love to lecture a
they’d made for me to go to
                                        bridge that gap”, he says.              course on financial journalism
varsity. I did promotions and odd
gigs to help them pay the fees. I       For the same reason, telling stories    and journalism in the modern
would go to class in the morning        about start-up businesses and how       era. So lots to do!”

                                                                                              ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   25
Mike Sharman is the co-founder         at West Hollywood’s well-known          In 2015, Bidvest Media, a
of Retroviral, an award-winning        Ha Ha Café. “Stand-up comedy            division of Bidvest Group Limited,
digital communications agency          and marketing are linked, so that       purchased a majority stake in
that creates online word-of-mouth      training stood me in good stead.        Retroviral, though Sharman
spread for cutting edge brands,        I am passionate about brand             still retains an interest in the
using bespoke strategy, social         presentation, and I love speaking       company and continues to lead
media and web tactics.                 and performance. It’s like my           its nine-strong team in his typical,
                                       church”, he says. He’s also travelled   disruptive, entrepreneurial way, in
A high energy, loquacious 35-year
                                       extensively – “travel is my guilty      offices in Sandton.
old, Sharman is also co-founder
                                       passion”, he smiles.
of Webfluential, a platform that                                               “My day starts at 7.45 am and I
establishes relationships between      Sharman returned to South Africa        work until 5 pm. I was full-on in
consumers and brands through           in 2006, then wrote a one-man           the early days, working late at
influencers. He was named one          show and took it to the National        night, but it’s important to have
of the Mail & Guardian’s top 200       Arts Festival in Grahamstown, but       balance. In my spare time I’m with
young (under 35) South Africans        ultimately decided to immerse           my family, and I love listening to
in 2013.                               himself into the career path he         podcasts and reading everything
                                       set out on at RAU. He worked for        to do with tech start-ups”, he says.
With more than 12 years of             start-up PR agencies, and did a
marketing agency experience,                                                   In his book, Sharman entwines
                                       stint with an agency in London
Sharman has worked on brands                                                   business insights and universal
                                       between 2008 and 2010, which he
such as Nando’s, RocoMamas,                                                    premises of first hires, cash
                                       says was vital to developing his
Kreepy Krauly Wrangler, Castle                                                 flow challenges, brand building,
                                       business acumen and honing his
Lager BraaiPhone, Russell Hobbs                                                networking and pitches, with his
                                       skills as a marketer in the digital
and Beeno, to name a few. “I                                                   storytelling approach, delivering
                                       space. “Through working for other
love making stuff go viral”, says                                              a compelling read complete with
                                       agencies, I got to experiment in
Sharman, who had his debut                                                     armed robberies and fancy-dress
                                       a team, on big accounts, and
business book, The Best Dick                                                   competitions, while partnering
                                       tapped into a network of the right
published last year (2017).                                                    with some of the world’s best
                                       people”, he says.
                                                                               known brands.
Brilliant at self branding, and        Retroviral was launched in 2010
famed for dressing up in eye-                                                  Sharman writes in the preface
                                       and quickly carved a niche for
popping costumes for the brands                                                “From scribbling logos and
                                       itself as an agency that gets
he’s working on, Sharman has                                                   formulating some semblance
                                       people talking about brands,
appeared on TV, radio and print                                                of a new agency model – that
                                       through tactics like design, blogger
media numerous times, and is                                                   combined PR, digital and
                                       relations, community management
described by his friend, radio                                                 activation – on napkins at multiple
                                       and viral video production and
personality Gareth Cliff – in the                                              London Starbucks, to starting
                                       distribution. Among his first briefs
foreword to his book – as one                                                  Retroviral with no business plan
                                       were Absa’s digital channels, and
of those “pioneering, fearless                                                 and not a solitary client, this is my
                                       SAB’s campaign for Miller beer.
entrepreneurs, with a frontier                                                 personal entrepreneurial odyssey”.
quality to them that often             A huge highlight was producing
                                                                               Sharman is married, and has
propels them into the                  digital content for Nando’s.
                                                                               two children with a third
stratosphere internationally”.         “Retroviral seeded various Nando’s
                                                                               on the way.
                                       campaigns, including its ‘Last
Sharman matriculated at King           Dictator Standing’ campaign,
Edward School in Houghton in           depicting Zimbabwe president
2001, then enrolled for a marketing    Robert Mugabe in a video playing
communications degree at UJ            with dictators such as Colonel
(then RAU) in 2002, completing it      Gaddafi. It was the first marketing
in 2004. It was the “right degree”,    campaign in South Africa to
he says, even though he initially      attract one million YouTube views
had his heart set on acting and        in less than one week”,
more creative pursuits. “I liked the   says Sharman.
mixture of communications and
                                       More recently, Retroviral executed
business. I got to dabble in the
                                       the online communications for
audio-visual, in politics, business
                                       all the #5GumExperience parties
management and marketing, and
                                       and was the seeding agency
picked up solid business principles
                                       behind the Douwe Egberts yawn-
along the way”.
                                       activated coffee vending machine.
After graduating, Sharman              “We work with bloggers and online
decided to go to acting school         influencers, and of course I’m big
in Los Angeles, enrolling in an        on Twitter (he has over 16 200
eight-week stand-up comedy             followers). I’m very tech driven”,
course that culminated in a show       says Sharman.

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