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SCOPE - American Academy ...
The Newsletter of the Senior Ophthalmologist

                                                                               Winter 2021 | Volume 25 | Issue 1

David William Parke, MD                                                        Lions Club, but also volunteered to
                                                                               set up and run the clinic, which he
Nov. 19, 1922 – Nov. 13, 2020                                                  did faithfully for nearly 20 years.
By M. Bruce Shields, MD                                                          I have saved most of the back

                                                                               issues of Scope and, when I learned
    t is not the general policy of      league, friend and inspiration ever    of Dave’s passing, I got them out
    Scope to acknowledge the            since my wife and I came to Yale in    and looked through the ones when
    passing of our colleagues.          1996. He and his wife, Joyce (who      he was editor. It reminded me of
But there is one person without         preceded him in death by 12 years),    how much he contributed to the
whom this newsletter might not          were among the first to welcome us     newsletter and how he set a stan-
exist today. For 14 years, David        into their home upon our arrival.      dard of excellence that has been
W. Parke, MD devoted his time           Our department needed a low            a challenge for those of us who
and talents to shepherding and                                                 have followed him. He person-
growing the Scope newsletter, a                                                ally wrote many of the articles in
publication we senior ophthal-                                                     each issue and insured a level
mologists continue to enjoy.
                                                                                      of quality in all the articles
  Although his work                                                                      he approved and edited,
with Scope was a major                                                                     notably those from his
contribution to our                                                                          two excellent associ-
profession, it is only                                                                        ate editors, Drs. W.
one of countless                                                                               Banks Anderson Jr.
accomplishments                                                                                 and the late Wil-
in his remark-                                                                                   liam S. Tasman.
able life of nearly
                                                                                                      I especially
98 years (he
                                                                                                    enjoyed reading
missed it by one
                                                                                                    his thoughtful
week). His many
                                                                                                    editorials. One
                                                                                                   that has stayed
are outlined in
                                                                                                  with me over
the obituary pre-
                                                                                                 the years was the
pared by his son,
                                                                                                editorial he wrote
Academy CEO David
                                                                                              in the Summer 2013
W. Parke II, MD; his
                                                                                            issue titled “Roles.”
daughter Marna Borg-
                                                                                          In it, he recalls the ups
strom, CEO of Yale-New
                                                                                        and downs of raising three
Haven Health and Yale-New
                                                                                     children with their “emerg-
Haven Hospital; and Lucian
                                                                                ing desire for independence” and
Del Priore, MD, chair of the Yale
                                                                               the often-heard refrain. “I do it
University Department of Oph-           David William Parke, MD                myself,” as he put it. Of course,
thalmology and Visual Science.
                                                                               all three went on to be remark-
  As with so many of his friends                                               ably successful, and then there
                                        vision clinic, and Dave (as he pre-    were grandchildren and great-
and colleagues, it is a personal loss
                                        ferred to be called) not only helped   grandchildren with more success.
for me. He was a cherished col-
                                        us raise funds for it through the
SCOPE - American Academy ...
David William Parke, MD

  His editorial fast-forwards to a
day when we were honored to have
his son David come to Yale as a
visiting professor and speak at our
grand rounds. Of course, Dave was
in the audience with Marna by his
side. Over the years, the roles had
reversed, and the children now
cared for their father, somewhat to
his irritation. So, as David helped
his father to a waiting car, Dave

I consider how blessed
all who knew him
have been – to have
had our lives touched                   Pictured left to right – Academy 2021 President, Tamara R. Fountain, MD;
by a gentleman of                       David W. Parke, MD; and Susan H. Day, MD at the 2015 SO Committee
such good humor,
compassion, humility
and integrity.

was tempted to say, “I do it myself.”
But I’ll let him tell the rest from
the final words of his editorial.

  “My first impulse was to pull
away, but then a warm feeling
came over me as I remembered
the little boy whose hand I had
held when we crossed the street
many years ago. He opened the           2015 Senior Ophthalmologist (SO) Committee Retreat.
door for me, and as I sat down,
he reached in and gave me a
gentle kiss on the cheek as he said
goodbye. What a role reversal!
A tear ran down my cheek.”

  And I feel a tear welling in my
eye, as I consider how blessed I
have been – how blessed all who
knew him have been – to have had
our lives touched by a gentleman
of such good humor, compas-
sion, humility and integrity.

  To those who might be inter-
ested, you may also make a
donation to an Academy pro-             David W. Parke, II, MD, Academy CEO and David W. Parke, MD
gram in Dr. Parke’s memory.             pictured at a family fly fishing trip.                                     2
SCOPE - American Academy ...
History”. I wish
                                       to sincerely thank
   From the                            Dr. Albert and his
   Editor’s                            colleagues and am
                                       pleased to report
   Desk                                that he has agreed
                                       to continue his con-
                                       tributions to Scope.

                                         Another regular
                                       feature that has been
                                       well received is our
                                       book review series,
                                       which has been
                                       edited by Thomas S.
                                       Harbin, MD, MBA.
New Blood for                          Dr. Harbin and I are
the New Year                           grateful to our many
                                       colleagues who have
By M. Bruce Shields, MD                shared with us their

                                       favorite non-oph-
         s we enter a new year         thalmic books, and I
         (mercifully, some might       thank Dr. Harbin for
         say), I am pleased to         this contribution and
announce that Scope is also            am delighted that
entering an exciting new phase         this feature will also
with the appointment of Alfredo        continue to appear
A. Sadun, MD, PhD, as edi-             in our newsletter.
tor of Scope, our newsletter for
the senior ophthalmologist.               It has been a
                                       special pleasure         Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD - 2021 Editor of Scope.
  This will be a wonderful shot        for me to write
of new blood for our publication,      the “What We Are Doing Today”          were associate editors of Scope long
since Dr. Sadun is truly a Renais-     series, which has revealed how         before I became editor and who
sance man, with a breadth and          many talented colleagues we have,      continued for many years to grace
depth of knowledge that I have         not only as outstanding ophthal-       us with their wisdom and wit.
seen in few people. I am looking       mologists, but also their avoca-
forward to the new directions he                                                And a most sincere thanks
                                       tion. Scope has included artists,      to Neeshah Azam and her col-
may take our newsletter, and I wish    photographers, world travelers,
him the very best in his new role.                                            leagues at the Academy, including
                                       musicians, a writer of crossword       Gail Schmidt, Psyche Pascual,
                                       puzzles, cabinet maker, collector of   Lourdes Nadon and Jim Frew,
  It has been a privilege for me to
                                       ophthalmic artifacts, documenter       without whom I can guaran-
serve as editor of Scope, especially
                                       of bird life, dog breeder and stu-     tee you this newsletter would
because of all the generous and
                                       dent of Sanskrit. More recently,       never happen. It has been a joy
talented colleagues with whom I
                                       we have explored the nonscientific     to work with them, and I know
was fortunate to work. During my
                                       writing talents of our colleagues      that Dr. Sadun will continue
tenure, we introduced several new
                                       in the “What We Are Writing”           to profit from their talents.
features, none of which would have
                                       series, and I am grateful to all these
been possible without the help of
                                       individuals who shared aspects           Finally, I wish to thank you
these individuals. Our “Ophthal-
                                       of their special talents with us.      our readers for your generous
mic History” series, which is one of
the highlights of the newsletter for                                          acceptance of Scope. Many of
                                          I also want to sincerely thank all you have provided comments
many of us, has been ably edited by    those who have written articles for and other content, and I encour-
Daniel. M. Albert, MD, MS, who         Scope, most of whom have been
was initially assisted by Donald L.                                           age you to continue doing so,
                                       members of the Senior Ophthal-         since this is our newsletter, to be
Blanchard, MD, and more recently       mologist Committee of our Acad-
by Ms. Jane Shull. Dr. Albert also                                            shared and enjoyed by all senior
                                       emy. A very special thanks to W.       ophthalmologists. It has been my
introduced the intriguing feature,     Banks Anderson Jr., MD, and the
“Notable Dates in Ophthalmic                                                  privilege to be a part of it, and I
                                       late William S. Tasman, MD, who        wish each of you the very best.        3
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Susan H. Day, MD: A Life of                                                           San Francisco in the 1970s was
                                                                                   barely on the map for a young
Medicine, Music and Repotting                                                      lady from Louisiana, but during
By M. Bruce Shields, MD
                                                                                   a fortuitous trip there with the

                                                                                   LSU band, to play at the East-West
             veryone needs repotting    But a fascination with embryol-            Shriner’s game, she was captivated
             times.” Those words        ogy and comparative anatomy, as            by the beauty of the region that
             were once spoken           well as a part-time job as a surgi-        would eventually become her new
by Dr. Jerry Bateman to a young         cal technician, soon convinced her         home. She returned a few years
ophthalmologist, who would take         where her true destination lay: her        later for an internship at Letter-
them to heart and follow her life       first “repotting,” as it were. So, after   man Army Medical Center and
trajectory, from a love of music to     graduating magna cum laude, she            then her ophthalmology residency
ophthalmic practice and teach-          matriculated at the LSU School of          at Pacific Medical Center (now
ing, medical ethics, assurance of       Medicine, where she earned her             California Pacific Medical Center).
quality international health care       MD. Her experiences during those           She recalls the serendipity of enter-
and eventually back to her music.       years also convinced her that she          ing “the elite worlds of Drs. Bob
                                        wanted to be an ophthalmologist.           Shaffer, Bruce Spivey, Bill Spencer,
  Such is the unfolding world           But this led to a rude awakening,          Art Jampolsky, Alan Scott and Bob
of Susan H. Day, MD, who                when she learned how difficult it          Stamper.” These luminaries of our
continues to bring joy and wis-                                                    profession helped shape her career
dom to each life she touches.                                                      in such a way that her name would
   Dr. Day was born in Shreve-                                                       one day be added to that list.
port, La., and grew up in a                                                                   After her residency, Dr.
house filled with music.                                                                       Day completed two fel-
Her mother played the                                                                            lowships in pediatric
piano and was the                                                                                  ophthalmology
accompanist for a                                                                                    and strabismus at
glee club in which                                                                                     The Hospital for
her parents met.                                                                                        Sick Children
Her father also                                                                                          in London,
played the                                                                                                with David
piano, as well                                                                                             Taylor, and at
as the caril-                                                                                              the Univer-
lon in the                                                                                                 sity of Iowa,
Rockefeller                                                                                                with Dr. Bill
Chapel at the                                                                                              Scott. She
University of                                                                                              then returned
Chicago, and                                                                                              to her new
later became                                                                                             home in San
professor of                                                                                            Francisco,
music educa-                                                                                           where, with the
tion at Louisiana                                                                                     exception of a
State University.                                                                                   brief time at King
With such a fam-                                                                                  Khaled Eye Specialty
ily background, a life                                                                          Hospital in Riyadh,
in music seemed to be                                                                        Saudi Arabia, she would
her destination. At a young                                                              remain throughout her
age, Dr. Day began to study                                                          ophthalmic career. In 1981, she
piano, play the flute and sing in her                                              joined the faculty at CPMC as ser-
church choir. But it turned out that    Susan H. Day, MD                           vice chief for pediatric ophthalmol-
her early experience in music may                                                  ogy and strabismus. She became
have been what led her to consider                                                 program director for the residency
a career in medicine, when a female     was for women to be considered
                                        for positions in surgical fields in        in 1997 and was appointed chair of
pediatrician in the choir took                                                     the department three years later.
the young Day under her wing.           the southeast United States dur-
                                        ing the 1970s. It turned out to be
                                                                                     During her years in ophthalmol-
  Still uncertain about her future,     a blessing in disguise, however,
                                                                                   ogy, Dr. Day rose to international
Dr. Day entered LSU with a major        since it led to one of the most
                                                                                   prominence as a clinician and sur-
in zoology and a minor in music.        important repottings of her life.                                                   4
                                                                                   geon, an educator, administrator
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Susan H. Day, MD

and a leader of our profession. She
served as president of the Ameri-
can Academy of Ophthalmology,
the American Ophthalmological
Society, American University Pro-
fessors in Ophthalmology and the
American Association for Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus,
and was the chair or member of
numerous other organizations and
committees. It was my pleasure to
serve with her on the American
Board of Ophthalmology’s Board
of Directors and the Academy’s
Senior Ophthalmologist Commit-
tee, which she chaired for many
years. During these and other
encounters with her, I came to
love her bright spirit and warm
sense of humor, both of which
bring joy wherever she goes.

   Dr. Day has been in constant         Susan H. Day, MD playing the flute. Photo taken by Dr. Ralph Eagle,
demand nationally and interna-          archivist. Image courtesy of the American Ophthalmological Society.
tionally as a visiting professor and
guest lecturer, which includes 17       nam to Saudi Arabia, Guatemala       which will become effective at the
named lectures. She has published       to Finland, Singapore to Haiti and   end of July, 2021. She has been
extensively in her chosen field of      many, many more. Possibly the        accepted to the Schulich School of
pediatric ophthalmology and stra-       biggest sacrifice was leaving her    Music of McGill University, where
bismus and has been the recipient       beloved San Francisco to be near     she plans to immerse herself for
of numerous honors and awards,          the ACGME headquarters in Chi-       the next few years in studying the
including the AOS Lucien Howe           cago. But she maintained her home    science of music with the goal of
Medal, the Academy and AAPOS            in the Golden State, always with     combining medicine with music.
Lifetime Achievement Awards and         the thought of one day returning.
the Academy’s EnergEYES Award.                                                 “I would like to take on a project
                                           And now, as Dr. Day contem-       where both disciplines are essential
   In 2014, Dr. Day sensed that it      plates yet another repotting, her    to make a contribution,” she said.
was time for another repotting.         thoughts return to her love of       “Specifically, I’d like to explore
With a passion for medical ethics,      music, but this time to combine      how musical aptitude develops in
education, standard-setting and         it with her passion for medicine.    people with congenital blindness.”
quality assurance in health care        Throughout her career in ophthal-    She will continue to play the flute
both nationally and internationally,    mology and medical education,        and learn piano to a greater depth,
she could not resist when the presi-    music remained an important          but as for singing, she says, “That
dent and CEO of the Accreditation       part of her life. During medical     will most likely be limited to lead-
Council of Graduate Medical Edu-        school, she played in a woodwind     ing choruses of Happy Birthday.”
cation, Dr. Thomas Nasca, offered       quintet and later joined a group
her a leadership position to help       of ophthalmology musicians who         And so, the remarkable life
other countries create their accredi-   provided noontime concerts for       of Dr. Susan Day continues to
tation programs. She soon learned       many years during the Academy’s      unfold with multiple repottings.
that graduate medical education         annual meetings. Her most memo-      And, although it is hard to say
internationally is “the wild, wild      rable musical experience came in     precisely where this new chapter
west,” with widely disparate stan-      1982, when she performed Mozart’s    will lead, two things are clear.
dards, and that there was a great       D major concerto in Davies Hall      She will continue to bring joy to
need for her services. Over the next    with the San Francisco Symphony.     the lives of others through her
six years, she would travel 250,000                                          dedication to medicine and music.
to 300,000 miles annually to coun-        Dr. Day has decided to step down   And she will eventually return to
tries around the world: from Viet-      from her position at ACGME,          her beloved home by the Bay.           5
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never lose that tag or else “some-
Twenty-Five Years Behind Bars: Treating                                         thing” would happen. ”Some-
Patients Inside Massachusetts Prisons                                           thing” was later described to me
                                                                                as a shutdown of the entire prison
By Jean E. Ramsey, MD, MPH                                                      site as all visitor tags needed to be

    ’m not going to tell you stories    the paperwork completed. Once           accounted for. Maybe the officers
    about the terrible things that      cleared, I was herded through           just wanted to get the point across
    may happen inside the prisons       security with a large group of          to a newbie, but it worked. The
… although you do hear and see a        staff and correctional officers who     importance of securing that tag
lot over a 25-year period. I’m not      were about to start their shifts. I     left a lasting impression on me.
going to tell you how difficult the     learned that day that you don’t
inmates are … because most are          refer to the correctional officers as     As I entered the prison site I was
not. I am not going to tell you how     guards. Good to learn that early.       struck by the number of locked
scary it is inside a prison … because                                           doors and gates I had to walk
I don’t feel scared when I am there.      I was then subject to a visitor       through in order to reach my desti-
                                        search: the officer went through a      nation. I would count them. There
   The story I have to tell is about    detailed inspection of my exam bag      were between six and eleven locked
a grateful population of patients,      and personal belongings. I was pat-     doors/gates between the entry point
and a team of correctional offi-        ted down and instructed to walk         and my final destination. The exact
cers and medical staff that make        through the metal detector. I then      number varied depending on where
it possible to care for inmates in a    had to wait for someone to escort       I was going. Traveling to the disci-
prison ophthalmology clinic. I hope     me through the grounds to the           plinary unit, for instance, inevitably
what follows will answer some of                                                added at least six additional doors/
the questions I have been asked                                                 gates to that final number. I found
through the years about working                                                   myself thinking that a prison is
within the prison system.                                                             probably not a good place
                                                                                          for someone who suffers
   First of all, I am the                                                                    from claustrophobia.
on-site prison oph-
thalmologist in                                                                                      The grounds were
Massachusetts. I                                                                                     well-kept but bar-
don’t go to the                                                                                        ren. There was
jails, just pris-                                                                                       a large area
ons. Most peo-                                                                                           with multiple
ple in jail are                                                                                           identical block
awaiting trial                                                                                             buildings for
or have been                                                                                               inmate hous-
convicted                                                                                                  ing. I did not
of minor                                                                                                   walk past
crimes. I                                                                                                  that area.
go to pris-                                                                                                But I did
ons where                                                                                                  walk past the
people have                                                                                               culinary area
been tried                                                                                               for staff and
and convicted                                                                                           inmates with
of more serious                                                                                       the unmistakable
crimes. Con-                                                                                        smell of breakfast
sequently, many                                                                                   being cooked. The
of the inmates have                                                                             inmates were in single
lengthy prison sentences                                                                    file as they prepared to
and I have managed their                                                                enter the “chow hall.” The
eye care for many years.                                                            line of inmates obstructed the
                                                                                walkway, but as I approached the
   I remember well the first time I                                             inmates would clear a path for me
entered the prison. I had to wait to    Jean E. Ramsey, MD, MPH                 to walk through. Officers were posi-
be allowed entry into the institu-                                              tioned throughout the area, and
tion, as I was unknown to security                                              regularly patted down the inmates.
                                        health service unit. They gave me
staff. I was not able to proceed into
                                        a visitor ID tag, which I attached        Upon entering the health service
the facility until the clearance
                                        to my jacket. I was instructed to       unit, I was dismayed by the gray-
authorization was verified and                                                                                              6
SCOPE - American Academy ...
Jean E. Ramsey, MD, MPH

ness of it all: the gray floors, walls,
clothing, the disheveled men in
the inpatient ward, some in bed,
some in wheelchairs, some walk-
ing around, and the emaciated
patients — patients dying of AIDS. I
remember thinking, “Where are the
colorful get-well cards?” It seemed
like a terrible and lonely way to die.
But these AIDS patients were the
reason I was there. The Department
of Corrections’ health care team had
sought me out to examine the eyes
of these very sick HIV patients.

   That was 25 years ago. Things
have changed since then. My
responsibilities quickly expanded
from AIDS patients to comprehen-
sive ophthalmology services, and
from one prison site to nearly all        are 15 to 30 patients scheduled. The      accompanied by multiple officers.
prison sites throughout the state         inmates are held in the health unit       Inside the prison, the correctional
of Massachusetts. I no longer have        “cage” until I call for them. The cor-    officers are immediately available
to routinely wait for entry into the      rectional officer assigned to the clin-   should they be needed. Restraints
facility. I now possess a Department      ic does a “pat down” on each inmate       are primarily placed on inmates
of Corrections ID, and I go through       prior to entering the exam room.          from the disciplinary units, who
security like other staff and cor-        The hours for clinic are limited as       are also escorted by multiple cor-
rectional officers, with no special       the inmates need to return to their       rectional officers. I have felt safe
modifications. The exception is if I      units in time for “count,” which          with my patients in prison.
happen to be the “search of the day.”     occurs at a regular time each day.
                                                                                       I recall only one episode during
   In that case, I would be subject                                                 my 25 years of caring for prison
                                                                                    inmates when I experienced a fleet-
to a more detailed security clear-
ance process, similar to what I
                                          I recall only one                         ing concern for my safety. A patient
experienced in the early days. I          episode during my                         with a history of mental illness and
                                                                                    a phthisical (dying) eye insisted that
have learned the rules, and there
are a lot of them: rules specifying       25 years of caring                        I restore the vision in his phthisi-
                                                                                    cal eye. While I focused on trying
what types of bags can be carried
into the facility, what size coffee       for prison inmates                        to reassure him about the good
cup is allowed entry, what is con-                                                  vision in his seeing eye, he became
sidered “contraband” such as paper        when I experienced                        increasingly agitated and angry
                                                                                    and demanded that I immediately
clips, binder clips and pens. Cell
phones are typically not allowed in
                                          a fleeting concern                        fix the vision in the dying eye.
the institution. Rules vary some-
what by prison site, and they often
                                          for my safety.                               Unable to relieve his anxiety, I
                                                                                    backed out of the exam room. As
change, so you learn to be flexible
                                                                                    a routine precautionary measure, I
and patient. I no longer need to be       No movement is allowed throughout
                                                                                    stand between the patient and the
escorted through the facility. I know     the institution during count time
                                                                                    door during my visits with patients.
the facility, the staff, correctional     until “count clears,” indicating that
                                                                                    Some of the prisons have red emer-
officers, and they know me. They          all prisoners are accounted for.
                                                                                    gency buttons on the wall. On one
call me “doc.” I don’t need a visitor
                                            Some people are surprised to learn      occasion, I mistakenly pressed the
pass, so I don’t have to worry about
                                          that I spend most of my exam time         red button outside the bathroom,
losing the pass. (It is funny how
                                          alone with the inmates and that           thinking it was a light switch for
some things stick in your mind.)
                                          generally they are not in restraints.     the bathroom. Eight to ten cor-
  Nearly all of my scheduled              After all, when inmates are seen          rectional officers appeared almost
patients will typically show up for       in the outside hospital clinics, they     instantaneously from seemingly
                                                                                    nowhere. That was a big surprise         7
their appointments with me. There         are likely to be in restraints and
SCOPE - American Academy ...
Jean E. Ramsey, MD, MPH

and slightly embarrassing, as I had
obviously created a false alarm.
The officers had good spirits about
it, reassuring me that things like
this happened and they were there
to protect us. As I think about it, I
imagine they were probably relieved
that it was not a true emergency.

   Although many of the inmates
appear disheveled, it is not infre-
quent for an inmate to present to
the on-site ophthalmology clinic
freshly showered with clean clothes
in anticipation of their visit with
me. They are very respectful and
express appreciation for my care.
I have followed many of these
patients for 10 to 20 plus years.       and processes that can be chal-       the inmate’s molestation of a young
The most common disease I see in        lenging and frustrating at times.     child. It was then that I made the
prison is glaucoma. These patients                                            decision to avoid any knowledge of
                                          People often ask me if I know       a patient’s criminal background. I
are ready for my questions because
                                        what crimes an inmate has com-        was concerned that my knowledge
I ask them every visit, “Are you
                                        mitted. I do not know because I       of an inmate’s crime could unwit-
having any trouble getting your
                                        choose not to know. Early in my       tingly affect my care of the patient.
drops?” and “Are you ever without
drops?” Then I move to the more                                               It is my firm ethical and profes-
standard questions: “What drops                                               sional belief that my job is to give
are you using? How many times a         I mistakenly                          these inmates, and all patients,
                                                                              the best possible care that I can.
day do you put them in? How often
do you forget to put them in?” We       pressed the red
                                                                                 I do believe that the inmates are
have regular discussions about the
importance of using eye drops.
                                        button outside the                    grateful for the care they receive.
                                                                              Although many start with a distrust
  In any institutional setting,
                                        bathroom, thinking                    of the system, I do my best to reas-
there is a lot that can go awry in
the process of ordering, receiving
                                        it was a light switch                 sure them and hopefully a trust-
                                                                              ing relationship evolves. Recently,
and dispensing medications that is      for the bathroom.                     the inmates heard a false rumor
                                                                              that I might be leaving the posi-
beyond the control of the patient.
But prison adds an additional list      Eight to ten                          tion that allows me to visit prisons.
                                                                              Word of this apparently spread and
of unpredictable obstacles: unit and
cell searches, lockdowns, trans-        correctional officers                 one after another of the inmates
fers, disciplinary unit admissions                                            expressed their gratitude, their
and more. Eye drops may get lost        appeared almost                       concern and their fear. “What are
                                                                              we going to do without you?” was
or be temporarily unavailable to
the patient after a move, or dur-
                                        instantaneously from                  a common concern expressed,
ing disciplinary segregation.           seemingly nowhere.                    some with tears in their eyes.

  All this can make it difficult                                                 Over 25 years, I have learned a lot
for patients to strictly adhere to      prison work an event occurred while   about the prison system, the inmates
the medication plan. I typically        working in the prison dedicated       and the people that keep it running.
schedule many patients to see me        to inmates who have been deter-       The on-site ophthalmology clinic
sooner than might otherwise be          mined to be sexually dangerous.       has allowed more inmates to get
necessary for the sole purpose of                                             the eye care that they need. I hope
checking on the status of their           Once while waiting for a patient    my work may inspire others in oph-
medications and their adherence         to arrive, I scanned a page of his    thalmology to care for this special
to the medication plan. Taking          paper chart that was opened to        population of patients, a popula-
care of prison patients necessitates    information about his criminal        tion that needs to be seen, even if
                                        background. It outlined details of    they are often kept out of sight.        8
interacting with numerous systems
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J. Donald M. Gass, MD: Physician,                                              Gass was in medical school.

Scholar, Teacher & Mentor                                                        Dr. Gass completed an intern-
                                                                               ship at the University of Iowa
By Anita Agarwal, MD                                                           and moved to Johns Hopkins for

                                                                               his ophthalmology residency.
         Donald “Don” M. Gass,           graduated with high honors in 1950    Media, their daughter, was born
         MD, is one of the most          and soon after was enlisted in the    during his time in Baltimore.
         influential ophthalmolo-        Navy and served in the Korean war.
gists of the 20th century.                                                       At Johns Hopkins, he idolized
                                           On his return from the war,         Frank Walsh, MD, the most dis-
   Dr. Gass was born on Aug. 2,          Dr. Gass and his wife lived for a     tinguished neuro-ophthalmologist
1928 on Prince Edward Island,            short while in San Diego, Calif.,     of the time. As a resident, Dr. Gass
Canada to a physician father and         where their first child John was      wrote many papers, ranging from
an attorney mother. His father was       born. Finishing his tenure in         corneal iron lines to Waarden-
the head of tuberculosis hospitals       the Navy, he entered medical          burg’s syndrome. He was chosen
in Tennessee at that time. He rode       school at Vanderbilt and gradu-       chief resident at Johns Hopkins and
a train with his mother at age of        ated with the highest honor, the      completed an ocular pathology fel-
2 weeks to Nashville, where he           founder’s medal. Dr. Anderson         lowship at Armed Forces Institute
grew up and attended the two-            Spickard, his medical school          of Pathology (AFIP), between his
room Grassland primary school. It        classmate and professor of inter-     residency and chief residency.
housed three grades in each room.        nal medicine at Vanderbilt recalls,
                                         Dr. Gass had the best notes in         This ocular pathology fellowship
   He credits his love for reading and                                         was the perfect blend to young Dr.
learning to a primary school teacher                                           Gass’ abilities as a clinician, scientist
who used to fill her station wagon                                             and doctor. It gave him the uncan-
with books from the library each                                                   ny ability to visualize retinal
week so that the students                                                              diseases in layers and he
could read them. Since                                                                    became a ‘master’ at that.
three grades of lessons                                                                      He went on to describe
were taught in the                                                                             numerous new dis-
same classroom,                                                                                  eases throughout
Dr. Gass was eas-                                                                                  his career with
ily proficient in                                                                                   his knowledge of
the higher-grade                                                                                     ocular pathol-
lessons that left                                                                                      ogy. An early
him a lot of                                                                                           example is cho-
time to read                                                                                           roidal osteoma.
and learn out-                                                                                         Fundus cameras
side his school-                                                                                       were not com-
work. This was                                                                                         mon in the early
the founda-                                                                                           ’60s and people
tion for his                                                                                         handmade draw-
super abilities.                                                                                    ings of clinical
  Dr. Gass met                                                                                    findings with elab-
Margy Ann Loser,                                                                                orate notes. Many
his high school sweet-                                                                        eyes were enucleated
heart, on the school                                                                        those days for fear of
bus. She was his first                                                                   tumor growth when
date and only love, and they                                                          elevated lesions were seen.
were married in 1950. Dr. Gass                                                   One such eye was sent to the
attended Vanderbilt University for                                             AFIP during Dr. Gass’ fellowship.
his undergraduate education. His                                               He learned that the lesion had thin
plan was to enroll in engineering        J. Donald M. Gass, MD, pictured
                                         with his slides on the view box.      cancellous bone in the choroid, the
school at Vanderbilt, and when he                                              Haversian system of canals with
arrived for admission, there was a                                             blood vessels were also present and
                                         their medical school class, and
shorter line for arts and science. If                                          these vessels emerged on the surface
                                         everyone wanted to borrow
the engineering line was shorter, we                                           resembling spiders. In the mid-
                                         them. Their second son Carlton
may have only known him from a                                                 1960s, as a young faculty member
                                         was born in Nashville while Dr.                                                   9
distance as a brilliant engineer. He
SCOPE - American Academy ...

J. Donald M. Gass, MD

at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, he
saw a patient with a yellow- orange
elevated lesion, on the surface of
which he noted spider vessels. He
sent the patient to the radiology
department for a plain X-ray of
the skull looking for bone in the
orbit. When the radiology report
returned as normal, he walked over
to review the X-ray himself and
saw the fine, eggshell-like cancel-
lous bone within the eye socket.
Such were his clinical skills and
ability to recall features in different
patients and connect them up later.

  Dr. Gass was recruited to the
faculty of the University of Miami
in 1963 by Dr. Ed Norton as a com-        Pictured left to right: Drs. Alan Bird, Don Gass and Pierre Amalric review-
prehensive ophthalmologist. He            ing a fluorescein film, 1968.
performed all types of intraocular
surgery ranging from cataracts              Dr. Norton suggested to Dr.          to fully understand the clinical
to glaucoma, lid and orbital pro-         Gass to see if the fluorescein         appearance and the pathogenesis
cedures. Fundus and fluorescein           camera could be used to study          of many retinal diseases. He went
angiography (FA) cameras were new         retinal diseases. Thus, was born       on to describe for the first time at
additions to the eye department,          his incredible journey into deep       least three dozen diseases and fur-
along with Johnny Justice, a pho-         and masterful understanding of         ther understanding of many other
tographer who had spent a couple          retinal diseases. He used his supe-    previously recognized conditions.
of years at the North Carolina            rior clinical examination skills;
Veterans Affairs hospital, (which         knowledge of ocular pathology and        When he described new retinal
also had housed a FA camera).             interpretation of the FA features      diseases, he named them with long
                                                                                 descriptive names such as acute
                                                                                 posterior multifocal placoid pig-
                                                                                 ment epitheliopathy (APMPPE)
                                                                                 or acute zonal occult outer reti-
                                                                                 nopathy (AZOOR) that made it
                                                                                 easy for the novice reader to know
                                                                                 part of the disease process just by
                                                                                 learning the title alone. He drew
                                                                                 many illustrations and cartoons,
                                                                                 as he called them, with details of
                                                                                 his understanding of pathology
                                                                                 within the retina and choroid. His
                                                                                 drawings from more than three
                                                                                 decades ago are now being sub-
                                                                                 stantiated by modern-day OCTs.

                                                                                    In 1984, he wrote a paper on
                                                                                 his understanding and interpre-
                                                                                 tation of Type 2 juxta foveolar
                                                                                 telangiectasia with blood vessels
                                                                                 dipping from the retina and grow-
                                                                                 ing through the photoreceptor lay-
                                                                                 ers towards the sub retinal space,
                                                                                 thinning of the inner retina with
                                                                                 loss of inner retinal cells, partial
Dr. Gass instructing a patient the method of using an Amsler grid.               outer retinal holes or spaces; all of   10

J. Donald M. Gass, MD

which can be confirmed on pres-
ent day OCT and OCTA images.

   Dr. Gass’ ability to completely
focus on the problem at hand
and delve into it wholly, made
him successful in solving many
clinical issues and conditions. His
uncanny ability to find the minut-
est changes in the patient’s fun-
dus and the ability to remember
similar features in other patients
and to tie them together mean-
ingfully has benefitted innumer-
able patients and physicians.

  In addition to his brilliance in
diagnosing and managing medical        Dr. Gass building a Model ship.
retinal diseases, he was a skillful
surgeon and an innovator. He was
                                         He spent three decades at the Bas-    sation is animated; all are engaged.
practical and looked for simple
                                       com Palmer Eye Institute in Miami,      As I walk by, I recognize our sin-
ways to make surgical instru-
                                       from 1963 until 1995. His youngest      gular good fortune in having such
ments more useful. He flattened
                                       son Dean was born in Miami. Dr.         a true academician in our midst.”
the tip and made a hole in the “lens
                                       Gass along with Drs. Edward Nor-
hook” that was used to hook extra-                                                Dr. Gass credits his parents Mary
                                       ton, J. Lawton Smith, Victor Curtin
ocular muscles and pass the bridle                                             and Dr. Royden Simpson Gass
                                       and John Flynn were considered
sutures all in one sweep. When                                                 and his parents-in-law, Pearl Dean
                                       the five pillars of Bascom Palmer.
he was trying to decompress the                                                and J. Carlton Loser, for inspira-
                                       Together they contributed to a sig-
vortex veins in an eye with idio-                                              tion, support and help during their
                                       nificant fund of our knowledge of
pathic uveal effusion and ended up                                             early days. Dr. Gass was not only a
                                       ocular diseases. Dr. Gass credited
sacrificing the vein in very thick                                             fabulous husband and father, oph-
                                       Dr. Norton for his unusual vision
sclera, he came up with the idea                                               thalmologist and teacher; he was
                                       for the institute and its future. Dr.
to remove a significant layer of the                                           creative and enjoyed his pastimes
                                       Norton’s ability to raise funds and
sclera and make scleral windows                                                immensely. He loved fly fishing and
                                       the foresight to acquire property
that resolved the uveal effusion.                                              river fishing, built many wooden
                                       around the institute, along with
                                       trusting his faculty and “giving        toys for his grandchildren and other
                                       them the ball to run with” made         kids in his workshop attached to the
                                       Bascom Palmer the most successful       garage. His attention to details while
                                       ophthalmic institute in the country.    building model ships exemplifies his
                                                                               core nature. A kind and easygoing
                                          Dr. Gass and Mrs. Gass moved         personality came naturally to him.
                                       back to Nashville, his home town        He never delayed acknowledging
                                       and his alma mater Vanderbilt in        any present or gift with a handwrit-
                                       fall 1995. He continued clinical        ten note to the giver: I witnessed
                                       practice and described and added        this on innumerable occasions.
                                       to our understanding of retinal
                                       diseases while at Vanderbilt. Fel-         He was funny and could pull
                                       lows and residents were attracted to    a trick or two on his fellows or
                                       the department with his arrival. To     compatriots. He once told me this:
                                       quote Dr. Denis O’Day, the chair-       “In the days when we didn’t know
                                       man of ophthalmology at that time,      much about many retinal diseases,
                                       “The image that will forever endure     photos and [fluorescein angiog-
                                       for me is the one I saw every week.     raphy] were done often at every
                                       It is of a man sitting, surrounded by   visit trying to figure out what the
Gass family: John & Carlton (Top       colleagues, residents, students and     patient’s diagnosis could be.”
row) Media, Margy Ann, Donald          fellows. All are peering at photo-
                                                                                During a fluorescein conference
Gass & Dean (bottom row).              graphs of the retina and the conver-                                             11
                                                                               when such a patient was presented,

J. Donald M. Gass, MD

and the presenter went on showing
several fundus photographs and
fluorescein images done at multiple
times, up jumped Dr. Gass with a
fluorescent green Halloween mask
over his face and announced, “And
then the patient began to look
like this.” Such was his humor. In
another episode, while walking
through the gift shop, he found
a stick with a voodoo toy/skull
attached to one end. He bought this
and stuck it under his lab coat and
went to grand rounds. When the
patients with unknown diagnoses
were presented, two older ophthal-     Margy Ann Gass and Donald M. Gass at their home in Nashville.
mologists at Bascom Palmer often
said that they had a similar patient   park while playing softball at Bas-     and accolade that is known in
and that the patient went on a         com Palmer. The Baltimore Orioles       ophthalmology and retina.
cruise or an exotic trip or had some   were his favorite team. Many Mon-
obscure treatment and were cured.      day lunches were spent discussing          Dr. Gass was diagnosed with
The next time they said something      weekend sports events ranging           pancreatic cancer in June 2003, and
similar, Dr. Gass stood up with his    from basketball to football and golf.   his clinical practice had to be halted
                                       He loved Michael Jordan and Tiger       prematurely. In spite of the ravages
                                       Woods for their capabilities and        of the illness and the effects of che-
Whatever he was                        achievements. As a fellow, I was        motherapy, he continued writing,
                                       invited to his home in Nashville for    rendering his thoughts and opinions
doing he immersed                      every major sporting event – Super      of cases that colleagues from across
                                                                               the country and the world sent him
himself completely                     Bowl Sunday, college football finals
                                       and many others where we watched        and attending teaching fluorescein
                                                                               conferences. His enthusiasm for a
and enjoyed every                      the game eating dinner and play-
                                       ing Super Bowl pool for minimal         new case, a novel finding or writ-
minute of it. To                       stakes, along with his daughter’s       ing a letter to the editor about an
                                                                               article was unchanged; all of which
                                       family and grandkids. He was a
quote his son John                     great cook and enjoyed barbecuing       he did during this period. He made
                                       and using slow smoking cooker. I        it to the Academy’s annual meet-
Gass, “One could see                   spent many weekend evenings at          ing in New Orleans in November
                                       their home enjoying the hospital-       2004, where he was bestowed the
the twinkle in his                     ity of Margy Ann and Dr. Gass.          Laureate award. Sadly, soon after,
                                                                               his health took a downturn, and
eye and a satisfied                       Dr. Gass was a special gentle-       he passed away on Feb. 26, 2005.
                                       man with multifaceted skills and
smile in his face for                  abilities. He contributed much to         It is an honor to write about a
                                                                               man who was unusually brilliant
a job well done.”                      science and medicine at the same
                                       time devoting time to his fam-          and truly generous in many ways;
                                       ily and pursuing his favorite past      he had great knowledge and skills
voodoo stick and said that when        times. Whatever he was doing            and freely shared his thoughts and
he had a similar case, his voodoo      he immersed himself completely          opinions. Most of all, he was a
doctor friend sent him this special    and enjoyed every minute of it.         healer and a teacher who made each
stick and asked him to perform a       To quote his son John Gass, “One        one of us a better doctor, a better
dance that cured the patient. His      could see the twinkle in his eye        teacher and a better human being.
eyes filled with laughter and enjoy-   and a satisfied smile in his face
                                                                                 Editor’s Note: We are grateful
ment recalling those moments.          for a job well done.” More than
                                                                               to our History of Ophthalmol-
                                       anything else, Dr. Gass contrib-
  Dr. Gass enjoyed sports, both                                                ogy editor, Daniel M. Albert, MD,
                                       uted most to our knowledge and
playing and watching. He was                                                   MS, and his editorial assistant,
                                       understanding of medical retinal
known to hit the ball outside the                                              Ms. Jane Shull, who contributed
                                       diseases. He won every award                                                     12
                                                                               to the editing of this article.

Algernon B. Reese, MD: A 5-foot-9                                              where he received a degree from
                                                                               the University of Vienna. In the
Giant in Ophthalmic Oncology                                                   fall of 1926 he returned to New
in the 20th Century                                                            York as planned, where he joined
                                                                               the private practice of his uncle,
By David H. Abramson, MD, FACS                                                 but the plans soon fell apart.

          lgernon B. Reese, MD,           After graduating from David-            In October 1926, just months after
          dominated the world           son College in North Carolina in       starting, his Uncle Robert, then 61,
          of ophthalmology in           1917 and Harvard Medical School        died unexpectedly. Dr. Reese took
the 20th century, but his legacy        in 1921, he did a surgical intern-     over the busy Manhattan practice.
lasts in the 21st century.              ship at the Roosevelt Hospital in      He was adept at running the prac-
                                        New York (1922-23) followed by         tice and from then on, according
  Dr. Reese believed in staying busy,   a residency at the New York Eye        to one of his later associates, he
working hard, always perfecting         and Ear Infirmary in 1924-25.          never stopped. For the rest of his
whatever he did, sharing thoughts                                              professional life he merged a private
and experience and being open             In those days, the science of        midtown practice with hospital
always to new ideas and approaches.     ophthalmology was pathology. Dr.       appointments/obligations/titles and
When he died at age 85 in 1981,         Reese had developed an interest        a very active surgical practice, all
everyone in ophthalmology knew          in pathology (his uncle’s plan had     while doing his own pathology. He
him (or of him). His obituary in        included studying pathology with       joined the New York Eye and Ear
The New York Times emphasized           the “greats”) so he spent six months   Infirmary, serving as chief of clinic
his contributions, career and some      in Boston with Verhoeff, followed by   and pathologist until 1932. He then
of his most famous patients (no         a year with Ernst Fuchs in Vienna,     joined the staff at Columbia for a
HIPAA then), including actors John                                             year, then resigned to become chief
Wayne, Bob Hope and Paul Muni;                                                 of the eye clinic at Cornell, where he
Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek;                                                  became associated with Memorial
Edward VIII and Wallis Simp-                                                         Hospital, now Memorial Sloan
son, the Duke and Duchess                                                               Kettering Cancer Center.
of Windsor; baseball
legend Babe Ruth;                                                                             At Memorial he met
composer George                                                                              the head and neck
Gershwin and                                                                                   surgeon, Hayes
novelist Ernest                                                                                  Martin, MD, and
Hemingway.                                                                                        together they
                                                                                                   began explor-
   In some ways,                                                                                    ing the use of
Dr. Reese’s life                                                                                     radiation for
was planned                                                                                          retinoblas-
for him, but                                                                                         toma. Radia-
despite the                                                                                          tion had been
planning,                                                                                            first reported
it didn’t go                                                                                        to work in
exactly as envi-                                                                                   retinoblas-
sioned. He was                                                                                    toma treatment
born and raised                                                                                  about 30 years
in North Carolina                                                                               earlier, but tech-
where his father                                                                              niques were crude
was a pharmacist. His                                                                       and there were no
uncle, Robert G. Reese,                                                                   physics to help gauge
MD, was an ophthalmolo-                                                                the dose to deliver. Often,
gist in New York. Algernon                                                          dosage was determined
always wanted to be a physician                                                 only by “skin tolerance.”
but lacked the money for medical
school so his family made a “deal”                                                At the time, radiation sources
                                        Portrait of Dr. Algernon B. Reese,
with his uncle: His uncle would loan                                           and energy gave a higher dose to
                                        circa mid-1930’s. Reproduced
them money for the cost of medi-                                               the skin than to the eye and had
                                        with permission granted by the
cal school in return for Dr. Reese                                             a large penumbra, causing signifi-
                                        Historical Society of Western
joining him in practice in New                                                 cant local toxicity. Although some
                                        Virginia.                                                                       13
York when he completed training.                                               patients were cured, few eyes sur-

Algernon B. Reese, MD

vived and even fewer survived with
vision. With Dr. Hayes Martin, Dr.
Reese learned how to modify the
beam and aim it to lessen toxicity
to structures, and to measure dose,
improving success rates for saving
eyes, eyesight and for a few — resto-
ration to normal vision. Drs. Reese
and Martin not only performed the
radiation treatments themselves,
often they also served as anesthesi-
ologists for their pediatric patients.

   In 1931, Dr. Reese resigned from
the New York Eye and Ear Infir-
mary and Cornell positions to begin
a lifelong association with Colum-
bia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons and the Eye Institute,      Algernon B. Reese knew from a young age that he wanted to be a
where he rose to professor of oph-       physician. Image and permission to reproduce provided by Algernon B.
thalmology and director of eye           Reese III.
pathology. At Columbia he estab-
lished the first clinic dedicated to
retinoblastoma and each week in          thalmoscope. Bethke documented             Columbia’s mandatory retire-
a basement room, he would exam-          many of Dr. Reese’s cases and his        ment age of 65 for surgery
ine children under anesthesia.           illustrations fill his famous text-      required Dr. Reese to cease per-
                                         book on tumors. Later, I had the         forming surgery in 1962. I entered
  Dr. Reese’s fame grew. Patients        opportunity to appreciate how            the Eye Institute in 1970. In
and visiting physicians came, he         accurate these drawings were.            those days the entering residents
soon realized how difficult it was                                                began the residency in a rotat-
for families to come and stay in            While writing a treatise on retino-   ing fashion: each on four months
New York for exams and treat-            blastoma, I came across the record       after the other. I was assigned
ment. At his own expense, he             of a patient whose retinoblastoma        the extra year. Fortunately, D.
purchased a townhouse near the           had been successfully treated with       Jackson Coleman, MD, kindly
hospital, where families could stay      diathermy by Charles Perera, MD,         invited me to join his pioneering
while in New York. The families          and illustrated by Bethke. I exam-       work on ultrasound for a year.
were never charged for lodg-             ined that patient 50 years after his
ing, and his friends would clean         previous treatment and — using             Dr. Coleman encouraged me
and maintain the townhouse.              modern ophthalmic imaging — I            to explore what was afoot in the
                                         was able to photograph the eye and       Eye Institute, and I met, Rob-
  He would split his time between        ora seratta. When I compared my          ert M. Ellsworth, MD, who was
his private office and Colum-            photos with Bethke’s illustrations       pursuing Dr. Reese’s retinoblas-
bia Presbyterian where he did            50 years later, I realized that he       toma work. One day, I walked
his retinoblastoma work. While           had depicted the ora precisely as it     past an open, unmarked door.
he was a true pioneer, he was            was … not as the usual “sawtooth”        There — stooped over a micro-
always open to new ideas.                filled in by most other illustrators.    scope — was an older man. He
                                                                                  said he was working on a book.
   It must be remembered that               Even though Dr. Reese had great
Dr. Reese did almost all of his          confidence in his skills, knowl-           “It’s about tumors of the eye,”
melanoma and retinoblastoma              edge and abilities, he was always        he said. He was searching slides
work with the direct ophthalmo-          open to new things. For example,         for material to use for the third
scope in a time when there was           he immediately realized the ben-         and final edition of his legend-
no ophthalmic photography. At            efits of the newly designed indi-        ary book, to which I still refer,
Columbia, he worked with a medi-         rect ophthalmoscope. Dr. Reese           “Tumors of the Eye.” I told him
cal illustrator, Emil “Gus” Bethke,      was in his 60’s when it became           about our work with ultrasound
whom he taught how to use the            popular in the U.S., he quickly          in the diagnosis of ocular tumors.
slit lamp, gonioscope and oph-           learned and perfected its use.                                                14

Algernon B. Reese, MD

  “Would you like to write a chap-
ter for my book?” he asked. I was
stunned! He did not know me nor
anything about ultrasound, but
immediately recognized ultra-
sound’s potential value to the work.

  “I don’t know anything
about tumors,” I said.

  To which he replied:
“You’ll learn!”

  He taught me about tumors and I
taught him about ultrasound. When       Pictured from left to right: Dr. Ellsworth, Dr. Reese and Dr. Abramson.
his book was finally published, I       Image source and permission to reproduce by author, David H.
was shocked that he acknowledged        Abramson, MD, FACS.
me for my contribution to his book.
                                          Prior to the use of radiation           edged sword and that more children
   Dr. Reese received many honors       for retinoblastoma, the standard          were dying from the second cancers
and awards in our field and lectured    practice was to remove almost all         than from the retinoblastoma itself.
extensively. He always worked to        eyes with retinoblastoma including        Reese immediately appreciated the
make organizations better and to        bilateral enucleations. For most of       dire consequences of radiation.
help his fellow physicians. He was      the 20th century, the only way to
a charter member of the Verhoeff        save an eye with advanced disease           There was a nonophthalmic
Society, president of the American      (and vitreous seeds) was radiation.       side to Dr. Reese, too. In college
Academy of Ophthalmology and            Children’s lives were saved, eyes         he played basketball and was the
Otolaryngology in 1955, chairman of     were saved and vision was often           team captain. Throughout his life
the AMA Section of Ophthalmology        saved. In fact, retinoblastoma is the     he enjoyed tennis, hiking and water
in 1966-67, president of the American   only solid tumor of childhood that        sports. In his later years he took
Ophthalmological Society (AOS) in       can be cured with radiation alone!        up golf with enthusiasm and used
1960 and chairman of the American                                                 home movies to help his swing.
Board of Ophthalmology in 1960.           Dr. Reese had perfected the
                                        techniques, established the dose,           Perhaps because of his time spent
   He sponsored countless Ameri-        fractionation and portals and             in Europe he appreciated good
can and international fellows,          delivered some of it himself, but in      food, wine, dancing — and then
published more than 200 peer            1955 he reported that — years after       there was bridge! He loved bridge,
reviewed papers and published his       treatment — two of his patients           read books on it, studied it and
first book, “Tumors of the Eye”         had developed fatal cancers in the        played regularly. He hosted parties
in 1951. Dr. Reese never sat on         radiation field. In 1972, he and Bob      for the staff at the Eye Institute and
his laurels. He revised and repub-      Ellsworth, MD, encouraged me to           included a yearly golf tournament.
lished the book again in 1963           spend time at the Armed Forces            He was a southern gentleman who
and the last edition — the one to       Institute of Pathology (AFIP), with       never cursed, never boasted, was
which I contributed — in 1977.          Lorenz Zimmerman, MD, explor-             polite and respectful of all people.
                                        ing these curious second cancers.
  Although Dr. Reese is best                                                        And yes, he completely repaid
remembered for his work on                 As a result, we realized that chil-    his uncle’s widow for the loan he
uveal melanoma and retinoblas-          dren with retinoblastoma had a            received for medical school.
toma, he was a prolific surgeon         genetic defect (this was more than 10
who had extensive experience                                                        I stand on the shoulders of this
                                        years before the gene was sequenced),
with surface ocular malignan-                                                     giant who made me look taller.
                                        which made them prone to develop-
cies, periocular malignancies,          ing subsequent cancers (we called           Editor’s Note: We are grateful
orbital tumors and a fascination        “second cancers”). We also identi-        to our History of Ophthalmol-
with PHPV (PFV). Interestingly          fied the exquisite sensitivity these      ogy editor, Daniel M. Albert, MD,
his AOS thesis was “Peripapil-          children experienced to the harm-         MS, and his editorial assistant,
lary Detachment of the Retina           ful effects of radiation. In effect, we   Ms. Jane Shull, who contributed
Accompanying Papilledema.” His          showed that radiation was a double-       to the editing of this article.          15
Jackson Lecture was on PHPV.

What We’re Reading This Winter 2021
Book Review Editor, Thomas S. Harbin, MD, MBA

       enior ophthalmologists           Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala.,
       share the best of what they’re   where he was beaten and taken
       reading this Winter. Share       to the hospital with a concussion.
what you’re reading and send            But he and the others returned
your review to           two weeks later and completed
                                        the march from Selma to Mont-
                                        gomery (54 miles) in three days.

                                          It is hard to imagine what it
                                        must be like to allow another per-
                                        son to beat you without retaliat-
                                        ing and to even convince yourself
                                        that you love that person. But
                                        that is what Lewis and many oth-          Being Mortal
                                        ers like him did repeatedly. He           By Atul Gawande
                                        was jailed 40 times, five during          Reviewed by Alfredo
                                        his time in Congress, where he            A. Sadun, MD, PhD

                                                                                    I am afraid of dying. And why
                                                                                  not? I’m 70 and need to come to
                                        It is hard to imagine                     terms with that eventuality.

                                        what it must be like                         When I was younger, the
                                                                                  issues of life and death had deep
                                        to allow another                          philosophical and psychological
                                                                                  implications that I felt were over-
His Truth is Marching On:
John Lewis and the Power of Hope        person to beat you                        whelming. Now, as I’ve learned
                                                                                  more about life, it’s less about
By Jon Meacham
Reviewed by M. Bruce                    without retaliating                       these theoretical concerns and
                                                                                  more about the ugly process.
Shields, MD

  The tumultuous year of 2020
                                        and to even                                  This New York Times bestseller
                                                                                  by practicing general surgeon Atul
will go down in history for many
reasons. One of those will be the
                                        convince yourself                         Gawande, MD, MPH, argues the
                                                                                  point we’ve often heard: Qual-
passing of the civil rights icon and
longtime U.S. congressman Rep.
                                        that you love that                        ity of life should take priority
                                                                                  over quantity of life. He offers
John Lewis, on July 17, 2020.           person. But that                          models for assisting the infirm
                                                                                  and the elderly, but more impor-
   The significance of his contribu-
tions to racial justice in the twen-    is what Lewis and                         tantly, demonstrates that a per-
                                                                                  son’s last months can be elevated
tieth and twenty-first centuries
makes this account of his life by       many others like                          to maintain value and dignity.
Pulitzer Prize-winning author
Jon Meacham one of the most             him did repeatedly.                          The first half of “Being Mortal”
important books of the year.                                                      was good, but it was largely sociol-
                                                                                  ogy. It asked what’s wrong with
   Lewis was an advocate of non-                                                  our society and health care systems
violence, a philosophy he learned       served with distinction for 34            and what remedies could be con-
from Martin Luther King Jr. and         years. In 2011, he received the           sidered to better handle the chal-
others. He also aspired to be a         Presidential Medal of Freedom.            lenges of people too old and too
minister. As a child on his fam-                                                  sick to take care of themselves. But
                                          If and when our country achieves
ily’s Alabama tenant farm, he                                                     it was the second half of the book
                                        true racial equality, it will be to the
preached to the chickens. In fact,                                                that was profound as it ranged
                                        credit of men like Lewis. For those
his first act of nonviolence was                                                  from philosophical to practical.
                                        who hope for that day, I highly
refusing to eat them. At age 25,                                                  The anecdotal stories were deeply
                                        recommend Meacham’s book.
he participated in the march over                                                 moving but also grounded in evi-       16

What We’re Reading                                                                   With his opening three-page let-
                                                                                   ter the longest poem, the remaining
dence. I was surprised to find the                                                 short poems are divided into four
answers to some problems that I                                                    sections corresponding to Midwest-
had pondered much of my life.                                                      ern seasons, beginning with those
                                                                                   appropriate for Winter and ending
   For example, Gawande described                                                  with Autumn. Those familiar with
the difference between trans-                                                      Kooser’s work will recognize his
actional loyalty (which is bad,                                                    skill at connecting the ordinary
at least in excess) and loyalty to                                                 events of daily life to the sublime.
something grander than ourselves
(church, community, country,                                                          His observations of a dead vole or
idea). “Loyalty to causes that have                                                a field mouse struggling in the tal-
nothing to do with self-interest                                                   ons of a red hawk will lead to medi-
…” is its own reward. And this                                                     tations on the transitory nature
gives life meaning, even when                                                      of existence. A neighbor watering
confronting the pain and loneli-                                                   her petunias can remind read-
ness of the final months of termi-                                                 ers of the beauty available in any
                                           Red Stilts                              of the mundane moments which,
nal illness. Gawande argues that           By Ted Kooser
the key to facing our mortality                                                    when connected, form our lives.
                                           Reviewed by J. Kemper
is to have a voice in facing it.           Campbell, MD
  Orson Welles famously said,
“You are born alone, and you die
                                              At 81, Pulitzer Prize-win-           As the sights, sounds
                                           ning poet Ted Kooser seems as
alone.” This need not be true in the
physical sense. The dying can and
                                           firmly rooted in the Nebraska           and ambiance of
                                           landscape as the Bohemian
should feel their family connected         Alps in which he resides.               a summer night in
and condensing around them. Yet
maybe it is true in the deeper spiri-        Despite his recent second retire-     a small town are
tual sense. You can hold hands,            ment from his teaching position
but at the end of the day, only            at the University of Nebraska           carefully assembled,
one of you is gone, so it can’t be
a completely shared experience.
                                           and as editor of his syndicated
                                           newspaper column, “American             the reader discovers
   There is inherent loneliness in dying
                                           Life in Poetry,” he continues to
                                           write daily. His 15th book of
                                                                                   that the scene has
but that can be partly mitigated. As
Woody Allen said, “It’s not death I
                                           poetry, “Red Stilts,” demonstrates      been conjured
                                           that poets, like fine wines, con-
fear. It’s the dying.” Gawande did
a masterful job explaining how we
                                           tinue to improve with age.              entirely from the
dread the loss of dignity, of control,        Poetry, perhaps more than            poet’s nostalgia for
of no longer being the author of our       any type of written communica-
own narrative — that’s all worth fear-     tion, relies upon that invisible        an imaginary time.
ing. But much can be done to address       bond formed between author and
this. And having read the book, I          audience. The emotions evoked
think I’ll do a better job talking to      by the poet in each reader are            An old man’s mind, as this
my seriously ill patients. I’ll stop to    unique and result in a shared           reviewer can verify, is able to
ask them what they hope for, what          intimacy between the two.               recreate vanished scenes with
they fear, and what their priorities                                               a miraculous clarity. The foot-
are. These are the three key ques-            Fittingly, this book begins with a   prints left in the morning snow
tions for us to ask of them. And for       letter from the poet to his readers.    by a father seventy years ago will
us to ask our family members and,          As the sights, sounds and ambi-         remain untouched by the sunlight
most importantly, to ask ourselves.        ance of a summer night in a small       and a long gone, familiar Sherwin-
                                           town are carefully assembled, the       Williams signboard retains its
   This is a good read for all, but        reader discovers that the scene has     brilliant red hue. Rummaging
especially for those who have fam-         been conjured entirely from the         through Kooser’s memories is like
ily approaching their last decade          poet’s nostalgia for an imaginary       visiting an antique store in which
and especially for physicians who          time. Fortunately, as his childhood     every corner yields a fresh delight.
may be called upon to help with            footsteps fade into the night, he
difficult decisions. But it is also a      leaves the hint of his future return.     As one of the truly accessible
guide and comfort for ourselves.                                                   poets, Ted Kooser is the ideal com-     17
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