Page created by Jerry Williamson
LIFE IN BALANCE SPA M E N U                                                                      AB H YA N GA Restore balance with this
                                                                                                 ancient, healing, meditative massage, in
                        LIFE, ENHANCED.                                                          which warm, herb-infused oils soak into
                                                                                                 your skin with soothing friction strokes.
           Miraval’s signature spa sanctuary allows you to pursue
                                                                                                 These herbal oils benefit the nervous system,
      personal transitions in a soulful, natural setting with healing,                           reduce muscle tension, relieve joint pain, and
     soothing, and invigorating treatments from expert therapists.                               eliminate impurities from the body. $

                                                                                                 BODY RENEWAL
                                                                                                 ALMO N D OR A NG E BR IGH TE N IN G
                                                                                                 PO LI S H This 100% natural (minimum
                                                                                                 70% organic) service helps address the
                                                                                                 appearance of sun damage, dryness, and
                                                                                                 pigmentation. Begin with an invigorating
                                                                                                 body cleanse and exfoliation with our fresh-
                                                                                                 scented citrus kombucha wash and almond-
                                                                                                 orange scrub to stimulate lymphatic flow
                                                                                                 and circulation, remove dead skin cells,
                                                                                                 and brighten skin. Nourishing shea butter,
                                                                                                 vitamin E, grape stem cells, green and white
                                                                                                 tea help hydrate and nourish, leaving your
                                                                                                 skin smooth and even toned. $

                                                                                                 B EA U TIF U L MO TH ER-T O-B E RIT U AL
                                                                                                 Description in Mother-to-Be Pampering
                                                                                                 menu on page 28. $

                                                                                                 GIN G ER HEA LER This healing journey
                                                                                                 offers relief from pain and inflammation.
                                                                                                 Begin with a therapeutic, ginger-infused,
                                                                                                 deep tissue massage. Flow into a deeply
                                                                                                 relaxed state swaddled in warmth as you take
                                                                                                 in all the benefits of ginger, rosemary and
                                                                                                 geranium oils known for their healing and
                                                                                                 anti-inflammatory benefits. Shiatsu inspired
                                                                                                 acupressure will encourage further relaxation
                                                                                                 and restore energy. Complete your journey
                                                                                                 with an uplifting full body exfoliation. $

                                                                Resort credit can be applied to any fee-based activity, private session, or spa service.
                                                                                         Contact Guest Services at ext. 6500 for pricing information.
H A RA S O O TH ER Believed to be the nexus                 N ATU RE’S A PO THECA RY Bring fatigued,
of the soul, Hara is a Japanese word for the                over-stressed skin back to life in true
body’s physical and energetic center. This full-            apothecary style. This service includes an
body treatment radiates its healing energy to               exfoliation customized to your skin type and
tighten and balance skin, stimulate digestion,              designed to soften, smooth, and hydrate.
and support mental clarity. Begin with a                    After you are gently washed and swathed in
scalp massage and guided breathwork as you                  bright citrus scents, your skin is replenished
inhale orange and cardamom essences that                    with a mineral-rich seaweed treatment and
induce calm and promote digestive balance.                  nourishing sea fennel. A lemon verbena
Lymphatic dry brushing supports healthy                     Omega-3-rich cream seals in moisture and
skin and aids circulation. A vigorous citrus                restores a healthy balance to your skin. $
and cedar hair and scalp treatment is followed
by a full-body and abdominal massage                        VERB EN A A LO E WRA P Treat your entire
with grounding scents and detailed foot                     body, from temples to toes, and immerse
reflexology. A final breathwork exercise gently               yourself in absorbing scents and rich
guides you into a deeper state of relaxation                hydration. A sensory serenade of bright
and connection to your own center. $                        citrus notes of lemon verbena, chamomile,
                                                            and neroli blossoms herald an application of
JA S MIN E CITRU S S CR U B Lemongrass and                  healing aloe and gentle jojoba wax beads to
bamboo can work wonders to brighten and                     gently reveal radiant skin. Soothing willow
exfoliate your skin, leaving it silky smooth,               bark wraps around you to calm, repair, and
while mimosa and jasmine transport your                     restore mineral balance to your skin. Included
senses to a tranquil space. This service finishes            in this sensory-rich service is a lavender
with a hydrating lotion of aloe, shea butter,               honey face mist and wrap to cleanse, nurture
bergamot, and grapefruit paired with a nutrient-            and nourish you. $
dense, chia seed cream to nourish the skin. $

JU N IPER LEG & FO O T This intensive deep
tissue leg and foot massage treats sore,
fatigued muscles and achy joints with juniper
berry oil in a sweet birch rub, known for
easing tension and muscle spasms. Birchbark                 ENERGY &
extract and magnesium alleviate aches and
curb cramping. Energizing, natural menthols
stimulate circulation, relieve inflammation,
and invigorate the legs and feet, while arnica              NEW
extract relieves pain. Perfect for anyone who               REFLEX This therapy focuses on pressure
is on their feet all day. $                                 points within the reflex zones of your feet and
                                                            hands to align the meridians of the body and
LEMO N GRA S S ES CA PE Quiet your mind                     bring a greater sense of balance and body
and stimulate your senses with a bamboo                     integrity. $
and lemongrass escape. A full-body deep
tissue massage soothes tight or sore muscles                REIK I Alleviate tension, reduce pain, and
and dispels tension while verbena, aloe,                    free emotional blocks with this Japanese
and chia seeds hydrate and moisturize your                  stress-reduction practice. By applying gentle
skin. Grounding orange oil, infused with the                pressure with the hands, your practitioner
scents of ginger and clove, delivers overdue                enhances the universal energy that flows
relief as you continue your journey into                    through you. Reiki can help you connect with
restorative bliss. $                                        your higher self, leaving you with a sense
                                                            of peace and wellbeing. Wear comfortable
MA N U K A H O N EY Q U EN CH Enjoy radiant                 clothing or yoga attire. $
skin and lifted spirits while enveloped in the
bright citrus aromas of lemon verbena and                   TH A I Relax as your practitioner rhythmically
gentle jojoba wax beads. Blended aloe and                   stretches and flexes your body, opening and
shea butter ease the discomfort of dryness                  relieving weary muscles. Thai bodywork
and help repair the skin. A lavender honey                  renews the body’s energy flow while reducing
mist prepares you for a skin-quenching                      tension and stress by using pressure point
Manuka honey neck, shoulder, and facial                     stimulation and targeted stretching. $
massage. Bergamot scents complete this
service with a foot and hand massage. $

Resort credit can be applied to any fee-based activity, private session, or spa service.
Contact Guest Services at ext. 6500 for pricing information.
MIRAVA L GRO U N DIN G Enter a state of
     MASSAGE                                        total relaxation with a massage for the hands,         MOTHERTOBE
                                                    feet, and scalp. This spa-trio technique is
                                                    infused with essential oils to soothe and
 B O DY IN B A LA N CE Begin with an in-depth
                                                    soften the skin; an added grounding emulsion
 assessment to customize your massage.
                                                    delivers a feeling of repose and calm. $               Mothers-to-be should avoid saunas, steam rooms,
 Balance your musculoskeletal system and
 address areas of chronic tension, tightness,                                                              and body wraps. The following treatments are
 and bound-up connective tissue that restricts      MIRAVA L RELA X ATIO N MA SS A G E This                designed specifically for women in the second or
 muscles from functioning in concert with           customized full-body Swedish massage                   third trimesters of pregnancy.
 each other. This specialized massage utilizes      surrounds you in calming lavender blossom
 each therapist’s talents and “toolbox” of          and sunflower oil. The healing power of                 B EA U TIF U L MO TH ER-T O-B E RIT U AL This
 modalities. Your therapist works skillfully to     mountain herbs and deeply relaxing massage             deeply restorative treatment is designed for
 relax restrictions and activate areas of need to   techniques combine to ease fatigue and                 moms-to-be to improve sleep, reduce stress, and
 improve your body’s natural balance. $             soothe the senses. $                                   soothe muscle fatigue. A Swedish massage is
                                                                                                           followed by the application of gotu kola healing
 DEEP MO U N TA IN M A S S A GE This                S WEET S LU MB ER Prepare for a peaceful               balm to help soothe and nourish the skin. $
 stimulating massage with high-desert arnica        night of restorative sleep with this unique
 and camphorous rosemary encourages                 combination of aromatherapy, tapping, and              MA N U K A H O N EY MAN ICU RE Soft,
 circulation and relieves muscle soreness           acupressure. Begin your escape with a gentle           smooth arms and hands are yours in this
 and stiff joints while energizing the senses.      chamomile inhalation, followed by a soothing           relaxing treatment. Begin with a healing
 Excellent for tight, tired, and sore muscles, it   face, neck, and shoulder massage with                  Manuka honey cleanse followed by a tea-soaked
                                                    grounding frankincense and rosehip facial              towel compress to soothe your muscles. A pure
 can relieve pain and improve flexibility. $
                                                    oil. Feel cradled by gentle, rhythmic rocking          lemon verbena polish exfoliation precedes a
                                                    techniques that prepare you for a restful              healing mask of gotu kola to hydrate your skin.
 FO CU S MA S S A GE Ease tense, aching areas
                                                    massage with lavender blossom oil. Warm                Conclude with an omega-3-rich massage to
 with this targeted treatment. Your therapist
                                                    towels steeped in magnesium-rich broth                 deeply nourish, protect, and fortify. $
 will skillfully select the most suitable
                                                    embrace your legs, while sleep-inducing
 massage techniques and oils to focus on your
                                                    acupressure points are activated to rapidly
 individual needs. $                                                                                       MA N U K A H ON EY PE DICU R E Treat your
                                                    quiet the mind and invite restful slumber. $           feet and legs to a healing Manuka honey cleanse
                                                                                                           followed by a meticulous grooming and shaping
                                                                                                           of your nails. A pure lemon verbena polish
                                                                                                           exfoliates and hydrates while a glycolic refining
                                                                                                           peel and intense repair balm soften and smooth
                                                                                                           your skin. Herbal tea-soaked towels ease your
                                                                                                           muscles and prepare them for a grounding leg
                                                                                                           and foot massage with antioxidant-rich oils and
                                                                                                           balms to hydrate and soothe. $

                                                                                                           MA N U K A H O N EY Q UEN CH Description in
                                                                                                           Body Renewal Rituals menu on page 27. $

                                                                                                           NATU RE’S APOTHECA RY Bring fatigued,
                                                                                                           over-stressed skin back to life in true
                                                                                                           apothecary style. This service includes an
                                                                                                           exfoliation customized to your skin type and
                                                                                                           designed to soften, smooth, and hydrate. After
                                                                                                           you are gently washed and swathed in bright
                                                                                                           citrus scents, your skin is replenished with a
                                                                                                           mineral-rich seaweed treatment and nourishing
                                                                                                           sea fennel. A lemon verbena Omega-3-rich
                                                                                                           cream seals in moisture and restores a healthy
                                                                                                           balance to your skin. $

                                                                                                           PR O B IOTIC FA CI AL Support your skin’s
                                                                                                           natural beauty with this pre and probiotic
                                                                                                           facial. Prepare for your curative journey with a
                                                                                                           gentle Manuka honey and aloe surface cleanse.
                                                                                                           A stimulating yet soothing hibiscus enzyme
                                                                                                           peel follows, awakening and reviving the skin
                                                                                                           for a healthy glow. Ideal for even for the most
                                                                                                           sensitive of skin types. $

                                                                          Resort credit can be applied to any fee-based activity, private session, or spa service.
                                                                                                   Contact Guest Services at ext. 6500 for pricing information.
REJU VEN ATIN G BA CK Clarify and                TR IP LE PO WER PEEL Experience the
SKIN CARE                                                   repair your skin with pre and probiotics with    remarkable results of the Organic Triple Acid
                                                            this one-of-a-kind back facial. Melt into the    peeling power in this express treatment.
                                                            table while a rich Manuka honey cleansing        Natural fruit acids, lactic acid and vitamin C
N IRA MAYA Named for the Sanskrit word
                                                            balm is deeply massaged into the skin. A         help to rapidly improve skin tone,
for health and tranquility, this curated,                   purifying scrub exfoliates, and a deeply         boost cellular turnover, and diminish the
carefully designed facial ritual clarifies and               moisturizing body lotion nourishes and           appearance of large pores and fine lines.
revives your visage. Reignite your skin’s                   soothes the skin. This treatment delivers        Reveal a radiant glow in mere minutes. $
luminosity with a complexion-smoothing                      clarity and hydration while protecting and
and brightening sweet cherry enzyme peel.
                                                            restoring a healthy glow. $                      TU LS I RO S E FA CIA L From seed to harvest,
An argan and peptide-rich cream blissfully
                                                                                                             this treatment incorporates 100% organic,
restores your skin’s natural balance. $
                                                            NEW                                              raw, unrefined, whole plant ingredients
                                                            RES TO RE & REN EW Experience a                  cultivated exclusively for Miraval Berkshires.
                                                            renowned facial created by Manhattan             Experience warm facial compresses and facial
O RGA N IC FA CIA L Refine your skin with
                                                            dermatologist, Dr. Dennis Gross that             tapping to stimulate lymph and circulation,
this active, 100-percent natural, paraben-free,
                                                            exfoliates and delivers potent anti-aging        leading to firmer, hydrated, glowing skin.
and customized results-oriented facial. The
                                                            ingredients and intense hydration without        This facial concludes with a nourishing
antioxidant-rich plant and marine extracts
                                                            any recovery time. A detoxifying and             Tulsi Rose Balm created with locally
of spirulina and kombucha bring balance to
                                                            hydrating facial, incorporating gentle           harvested flowers and herbs to connect you
your skin while goji berry, white and green
                                                            massage to improve circulation, restores         with your natural surroundings. This mindful,
teas, and aloe hydrate. Using products that
                                                            healthy skin tone with an intensely hydrating    slow-beauty ritual can take years off the skin
are found in nature and refined by science,
                                                            marine hyaluronic mask. $                        and soul. $
this facial will help to rapidly improve skin
tone, texture, and clarity, as well as actively
                                                            S PIR ITU A L WA RRIO R The Spiritual Warrior
fight free-radical damage. $
                                                            oil blend takes fragrance to an ethereal level
                                                            by combining plant and gemstone essences.
PRO B IO TIC FA CIA L Support your skin’s
                                                            This facial experience incorporates elegant
natural beauty with this pre and probiotic
                                                            herb and flower-based skincare specifically
facial. Prepare for your restorative journey
                                                            customized for your skin. A gentle gua-sha
by gently cleansing the surface with Manuka
                                                            tool helps reduce puffiness and stimulates
honey and aloe. A stimulating yet soothing
                                                            circulation. $
hibiscus enzyme peel follows, awakening and
reviving the skin for a healthy glow. Ideal for
even for the most sensitive of skin types. $

Resort credit can be applied to any fee-based activity, private session, or spa service.
Contact Guest Services at ext. 6500 for pricing information.
S CALP S CO PE CO N S U LTATIO N                         MA N U K A H O N EY PEDICU RE Treat your
     SALON                                        Half of our population encounters hair and               feet and legs to a healing Manuka honey
                                                  scalp issues, including over-production                  cleanse, followed by a meticulous grooming
                                                  of oils, irritated scalp, dandruff, hair loss,           and shaping of your nails. A pure lemon
     HAIR                                         and density issues. Get to the root of the               verbena polish exfoliates and hydrates
 CLIPPER CU T This cut is meant for super         challenge with our Certified Trichologist,                while a glycolic refining peel and intense
 short hair that requires a clipper. Does not     trained to examine your scalp under intense              repair balm soften and smooth your skin.
 include shampoo or blow dry. 20 MIN | $ 7 5      magnification, and determine a customized,                Herbal- tea-soaked towels soaked in herbal
                                                  take-home action plan to support a healthy               tea ease your muscles and prepare them
                                                  hair and scalp routine. $                                for a grounding leg and foot massage with
 CO LO R Color, refresh, and deeply condition
                                                                                                           antioxidant-rich oils and balms to hydrate
 your hair. 80 M IN | $ 19 5
                                                  S E R E N E S C A L P T R E AT M E N T This              and soothe. $
                                                  anti-oxidant treatment for your hair and
 CO LO R & DIMEN S IO N Whether you want
                                                  scalp blends alpha hydroxy acids with                    S WEET B IR CH MA N ICU R E Rooted in
 to maintain your current color, cover gray,
                                                  ancient properties of malachite extract                  traditional herbal remedies, this highly
 or explore a total new look we are here to
                                                  known to detoxify the hair and scalp and                 reparative manicure begins with a softening
 support you in your journey. Come in and
                                                  support a healthy pH balance. Take-home                  aromatic compress, followed by an uplifting
 explore the possibilities with our certified
                                                  products support continued care and a                    scrub and an awakening birch liniment
 colorists. 1 0 0 MIN | $ 2 5 0
                                                  balanced routine. $                                      applied to the hands and arms. Nail and
                                                                                                           cuticle care follow. $
 signature herbal treatment exfoliates your
                                                                                                           S WEET B IR CH PEDICU RE Known for its
 scalp, removing build up, environmental
                                                                                                           anti-inflammatory qualities, birch is used
 deposits, excess oils and product residue
                                                                                                           throughout this foot treatment to energize,
 that inhibit the production of healthy hair
 and scalp. Recline under the comfort of a        SALON                                                    renew, and refresh skin. Soak your feet in a
                                                                                                           birch and magnesium bath to soothe pain and
 weighted blanket and enter a state of total
                                                                                                           fatigue, followed by a coffee silt scrub, which
 relaxation as your stylist combines the
 correct formulation of essential oils and
                                                  MANICURE & PEDICURE                                      deeply exfoliates and softens the skin. An
                                                                                                           awakening birch liniment prepares feet for a
 regional herbs to support your specific needs.    DEB O RAH LIPPMA N N S IGN ATU RE
                                                                                                           luxurious leg and foot massage. $
 8 0 MIN | $ 2 6 5                                MA N ICU RE Our signature manicure sets a
                                                  new standard for healthy nail care. Following
 H IGH LIGH TS We can customize a color           a nail analysis, let your senses escape to
 formulation just for you! Add dimension and      the tropics with a hand and arm-smoothing
 fun with highlights, lowlights, or something     marshmallow root scrub and massage with a
 you have been thinking about but have not        warm blend of vitamin E, pure white jojoba,
 tried. 8 0 MIN | $ 2 1 5 • 1 0 0 MIN | $ 30 5    and coconut oil. A shea butter and avocado
                                                  oil hand cream with broad-spectrum SPF
 TRIM Update your look with a quick bang,         locks in moisture and protects you from
 beard, or mustache trim. $                       harmful UV rays. $
 CLIPPER CU T This cut is meant for super
 short hair that requires a clipper. Does not
                                                  DEB O RAH LIPPMA N N S IGN ATU RE
                                                  PEDICU RE Our signature pedicure treats even
                                                                                                                          SPA MENU
 include shampoo or blow dry. $                   the most overworked feet. After a nail analysis,
                                                  enjoy a relaxing foot soak in a rosemary and                       Enjoy these spa services at a
                                                  aloe soaking elixir. A heated leg treatment                         discounted price when you
 S IMPLE S H A MPO O Our Miraval shampoo
                                                  infused with a blend of vitamin E, pure white                         book them any time in
 induces deep relaxation as our stylists apply
                                                  jojoba, and coconut oil follows.Our self-heating
 thoughtful, soothing massage techniques, as                                                                            the morning until 1pm.
                                                  grapefruit and sea-salt scrub exfoliates and
 you recline in our state-of-the-art shampoo
                                                  softens, while a kokum butter and aloe vera foot
 chairs designed to cradle you in comfort. $
                                                  cream smooths and soothes. $                                          VERBENA ALOE WRAP
 S H A MPO O & S TYLE This simple service                                                                                 ALMOND ORANGE
                                                  MA N U K A HO N EY M A N ICU RE Soft,
 will leave you feeling pampered, polished,                                                                              BRIGHTENING POLISH
                                                  smooth arms and hands are yours in this
 and ready to go. Work with your stylist on
                                                  relaxing treatment. Begin with a healing                                        NIRMAYA
 finishing techniques and tips for beautiful
                                                  Manuka honey cleanse, followed by a
 healthy hair. $                                                                                                            ORGANIC FACIAL
                                                  tea-soaked towel compress to soothe your
                                                  muscles. A pure lemon verbena polish
 S H A MPO O /CU T & S TYLE Do you need to                                                                               DEBORAH LIPPMANN
                                                  exfoliation precedes a healing mask of gotu
 refresh your style or transform it completely?                                                                              MANICURE
                                                  kola to hydrate your skin. Conclude with an
 Work with our talented stylists to explore the   omega-3-rich massage to deeply nourish,                                DEBORAH LIPPMANN
 possibilities. $                                 protect, and fortify. $                                                    PEDICURE

                                                                          Resort credit can be applied to any fee-based activity, private session, or spa service.
                                                                                                   Contact Guest Services at ext. 6500 for pricing information.
ITINERARY PLANNING                                     TIMING MATTERS
                                            All experiences must be reserved in advance.           T O T HE S PA: Please arrive at least 30 minutes
                                            Contact Experience Planning (ext. 4740)                prior to your scheduled service. This allows
                                            to reserve your space while you’re here, or            time to check in at the desk and relax before
                                            schedule them before your arrival by calling           your specialist greets you. Late arrivals will still
                                            855.234.1672. Schedule Spa services at the Spa         end at the scheduled time.
                                            or by calling ext. 6530 & ext. 6531.
                                                                                                   T O A CL AS S OR ACT I VI TY : Please be
  MINDFUL                                   Spa hours are 10:00am - 9:00pm.
                                                                                                   prompt. Opening instruction and information is
                                                                                                   critical to the class experience. If you are unable
                                            USING YOUR RESORT CREDIT
REMINDERS                                   If your package includes a nightly resort credit,
                                                                                                   to arrive on time, we ask that you consider
                                                                                                   another offering.
                                            you may apply it toward your choice of spa
               Our reminders and            services, fee-based activities, or private sessions.
                                            Government taxes apply to all fee-based
   property map (back cover) will                                                                  Scan the codes below to view our mindful
                                            activities and private sessions.
help orient and guide you on your                                                                  dining menus.
                 Miraval journey.           CANCELLATION, CHANGE &
                                            NO-SHOW POLICY
                                            For fee-based activities and spa services, the
                                            entire fee will be charged to your bill if you
                                            change or cancel within four hours of the start
                                            time unless otherwise noted. If you are a no-show
                                            for a reserved spa service, fee-based activity, or
                                            private session, the entire fee will be charged to
                                            your bill. If you are a no-show for a complimentary
                                            activity, a $20 no-show fee applies.


            HARVEST MOON                                                                                    D I SC OVE RY P OOL CAFE
             RESTAURANT                                                                                              11:00am - Dusk
                 Breakfast                                                                                        (seasonal and subject to close
              6:30 - 10:00am                                                                                        due to inclement weather)

                   Lunch                                                                                         LIFE IN BALANCE
             11:30am - 2:00pm                                                                                       SPA HOURS
                  Dinner                                                                                          10:00am - 9:00pm
               5:30 - 9:00pm
                                                                                                                MOONLIGHT PASS
                T HE ROOST                                                                                        BOUTIQUE
             6:00am - 2:00pm                                                                                      10:00am - 6:00pm
            (smoothies/grab n' go snacks)
                                                                                                              BODY MINDFULNESS
      THE ROOST BAR & LOUNGE                                                                                       CENTER
               2:00- 10:00pm                                                                                            Open 24/7
            (drink service until 10:00pm)

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