LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 MARCH 2020 TOTAL: 50 - TIME: 50 minutes - MOTHEO DISTRICT - Grey College

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LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 MARCH 2020 TOTAL: 50 - TIME: 50 minutes - MOTHEO DISTRICT - Grey College

                                GRADE 11

                         LIFE SCIENCES

                              MARCH 2020

                                TOTAL: 50

                          TIME: 50 minutes

                     This question paper consists of 7 pages.

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LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 MARCH 2020 TOTAL: 50 - TIME: 50 minutes - MOTHEO DISTRICT - Grey College
Life Sciences Test 2.1                    2                       March/Motheo District 2020


 Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.

 1.        Answer ALL the questions.

 2.        Write ALL the answers in the ANSWER BOOK.

 3.        Start the answers to EACH question at the top of a NEW page.

 4.        Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
           question paper.

 5.        Present your answers according to the instructions of each question.

 6.        Make ALL drawings in pencil and label them in blue or black ink.

 7.        Draw diagrams, tables or flow charts only when asked to do so.

 8.        The diagrams in this question paper are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.

 9.        Do NOT use graph paper.

 10.       You must use a non-programmable calculator, protractor and a compass,
           where necessary.

 11.       Write neatly and legibly.

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LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 MARCH 2020 TOTAL: 50 - TIME: 50 minutes - MOTHEO DISTRICT - Grey College
Life Sciences Test 2.1                        3                       March/Motheo District 2020

 1.1       Various options are given as possible answers to the following questions. Choose
           the answer and write only the letter (A to D) next to the question number (1.1.1 to
           1.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.6 D.

           1.1.1         What is the type of immunity that develops as a result of a vaccine?

                         A   Acquired and passive
                         B   Acquired and active
                         C   Natural and passive
                         D   Natural and active

           1.1.2         E.Coli in the human intestines is an example of …

                         A   parasitism
                         B   symbiosis
                         C   commensalism
                         D   competition

           1.1.3         Plant division which includes mosses, liverworts and hornworts.
                         A   Angiosperms
                         B   Pteridophytes
                         C   Bryophytes
                         D   Gymnosperms

           1.1.4         An interaction where both organisms in the relationship benefit.

                         A   Commensalism
                         B   Symbiosis
                         C   Mutualism
                         D   Parasitism

           1.1.5         The name given to a plant body where true roots, stem and leaves
                         cannot be distinguished.

                         A   Thallus
                         B   Non-thallus
                         C   Prothallus
                         D   Rhizome
                                                                                       (5 x 2)       (10)

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Life Sciences Test 2.1                          4                         March/Motheo District 2020

 1.2       Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. Write
           only the term next to the question number (1.2.1 to 1.2.4) in the ANSWER

           1.2.1         Administration of a vaccine by means of an injection or orally to bring
                         about immunity to a disease

           1.2.2         Seed bearing plants with flowers

           1.2.3         The way in which a plant/animal protects itself from pathogenic
                         viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi.

           1.2.4         The type of reproduction that result in genetically identical offspring.

                                                                                             (4x1)       (4)

 1.3       Indicate whether each of the descriptions in COLUMN I applies to A ONLY, B
           ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B
           only, both A and B or none next to the question number (1.3.1 to 1.3.3) in
           the ANSWER BOOK.

                               COLUMN I                                     COLUMN II
            1.3.1    Nitrogen fixing organism                     A:    Virus
                                                                  B:    Bacteria
            1.3.2    The body’s response to the presence          A:    Immunity
                     of disease-causing organism before it        B:    Vaccination
                     has a chance to cause an illness
            1.3.3    An interaction in which two organisms A:           Competition
                     of different species live together in B:           Symbiosis                         (6)
                     direct contact
                                                                                            (3 x 2)

                                                                           TOTAL SECTION A:              20

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Life Sciences Test 2.1                         5                March/Motheo District 2020



 2.1       The diagrams below show the structures of two flowers.

                     FLOWER A

                                                           FLOWER B

           2.1.1         Define pollination.                                                   (1)

           2.1.2         Name the pollination agents of:

                         (a)   Flower A                                                        (1)

                         (b)   Flower B                                                        (1)

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Life Sciences Test 2.1                           6                      March/Motheo District 2020

 2.2       The diagram below shows different plant groups.

                                               Plant groups

           2.2.1         Identify plant group 2 and 3 respectively.

           2.2.2         Give labels to A and B respectively.                                          (2)

           2.2.3         Plants are classified into different groups according to certain
                         characteristics. Describe the characteristics for plant group 2 with
                         relation to ...

                         (a)   vascular tissue                                                         (1)

                         (b)   fertilisation                                                           (1)

                         (c)   fruit                                                                   (1)

           2.2.4         The ovules in flower 1 develop into seeds after fertilisation. List TWO       (2)
                         significances of seeds.

           2.2.5         Tabulate ONE difference between reproductive structures of                    (3)
                         Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.                                                  (12)

                                                                       TOTAL QUESTION 2:               [15]

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Life Sciences Test 2.1                      7                        March/Motheo District 2020


 3.1       A learner investigated the number of bacteria on the skin of people’s hands
           after they washed and dried them. The same washing method was employed,
           but hands were dried either by using hot air from a hot air blower or by using
           paper towels. Swabs were used to take samples from the dried skin and
           bacteria that was cultured. Study the table and answer the questions that follow.

           Amount of bacteria (×108) / cm2 on the skin of the hands after drying them with
           a paper towel and hot air.

                                      Amount of bacteria (×108) / cm2
                           Skin dried with hot air Skin dried with paper towels
               1                    8,91                         1,11
               2                    9,75                         0,98
               3                    6,14                         0,42
               4                    8,72                         1,02

           3.1.1     What was the aim of this investigation?                                        (1)

           3.1.2     State the:

                     (a)   Dependant variable.                                                      (1)

                     (b)   Independent variable.                                                    (1)

           3.1.3     Using the information, draw a bar graph to show the amount of bacteria         (5)
                     on four different skin samples after it was dried with a paper towel.

           3.1.4     What is meant by antibiotic resistance?                                        (2)
 3.2       Explain the main disadvantage of each of the following:

           3.2.1     sexual reproduction                                                            (3)

           3.2.2     Asexual reproduction                                                           (2)

                                                                     TOTAL QUESTION 3:              [15]

                                                                      TOTAL SECTION B:              30

                                                                          GRAND TOTAL:              50

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