Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco

Page created by Clara Zimmerman
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 										                                                                                 Vol. 3, No. 1

                                             Light of Dha rma
                                    Buddhist Church of San Francisco
   1881 Pine St. San Francisco, CA 94109                  (415) 776-3158      

                                         Let's celebrate Ho-Onko together!
         Ho-Onko is the most important                                           報恩講は、浄土真宗の宗祖親鸞聖人
service of the year for Shin Buddhists as                                        の生涯を偲ぶ、真宗門徒にとって一年
it commemorates the life of Shinran, the                                         で最も重要な法要です。親鸞聖人ご往
founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. Ho-
Onko is a time to express our gratitude to
Shinran on (or near) the day of his death,                                       苦労に報恩謝徳する日です。
January 16, 1262.
          The Kamakura period in which                                           倉時代は、大規模な政治的変動と戦
Shinran and his family lived was an
incredibly turbulent time marked by great
political changes and violence, as well                                          数多くの厄災が起こった激動の時代で
as, catastrophic events like earthquakes,                                        した。その最中、親鸞聖人は恐れや不
fires, flood and famine. It was during these                                     安にあえぐ市井の人々に語りかけ、す
desperate times that Shinran spoke to the                                        くいの道を示したのです。すべての人
fears and anxieties of common people,
assuring them of a path to spiritual liberation
through the working of the Primal Vow of                                         と無量の智慧と慈悲のはたらき。 この
Infinite Wisdom and Compassion, which                                            聖人の教えは、今日の混迷した世界で
embraces all people without exception. His                                       も、私たちに活力と知恵を与え続けて
teachings continue to give us strength and                                       います。
wisdom in today’s turbulent world.

          The Japanese characters “Ho-On”                                       「報恩」とは
means “return of gratitude” and “Ko” means                                      「講」は
“to clarify the meaning of.” So on this very                                    という意味です。 ですので、親鸞聖人
special day, we recognize and acknowledge                                       が生涯にわたり念仏を弘めるご苦労
the deep debt of gratitude we owe to
Shinran for his lifelong efforts in sharing the
Nembutsu.                                                                       に私たちは 「おかげさま」
         Please join us virtually on Sunday,
January 17th with sincere appreciation for                                       私たちを念仏の道へ導いてくださった
having encountered his teachings which             This statue of Shinran
awakened us to the Nembutsu path.                  Shonin survived the 1945      聖人の教えに出逢ったことを心から感
                                                   atomic blast in Hiroshima.    謝し、1月17日(日)の法要へご参詣くだ
Namo Amida Butsu                                   It was later donated to       さい。
                                                   New York Buddhist Church,
                                                   where it stands today.        南無阿弥陀仏

                                                                                Translated by 宮木 リー 啓輔
                       by Rev. Elaine Donlin,                                   Rev. Keisuke Lee-Miyaki,
                       BCSF Minister's Assistant                                BCSF Minister’s Assistant
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 				Light of Dharma				            Vol. 3, No. 1

Message from Rev. Henry Toryo Adams,
Supervising Minister for BCSF
    通常でしたら、年末年始のこの時期は家族や         の新年の迎え方です。私は
 友達と集まって、お雑煮やおせち料理など美味しい         自分の都合で、嘘をついた
ご馳走をいただきます。  このような伝統的で旬の料        り、真実を認めなかったりす
 理をいただきますと昔の人たちとの繋がりを感じる         る癖があります。私たちは自
ものがあります。現在感染が拡大している新型コロ          分のいつわりが明らかにさ
ナウイルス感染を防ぐために、今年の年末年始は残          れた時、 どのような態度をとるでしょうか?素直に認
 念ながら例年通りの集いは出来ませんが、各々お正         めることもあれば、頑固になって認めないこともあ
月料理を楽しみながら安全で安心なお正月が迎え           ります。和尚さんが自分の嘘がばれて笑ったのは、   「
られると思います。                        我」から解放され、 プライドに縛れていなかったから
    私の息子たちはこの間初めて水あめを食べ          だと私はこのとんち話の味わいを感じています。
ました。初めて味わったものでしたが、一休さんで知             一休禅師は1461年に本願寺で営まれた親
られている一休宗純禅師(1394〜1481) の幼い       鸞聖人の二百回忌法要にお参りされたとき    「襟巻き
 頃のとんち話に水あめが出てくるので、ずっとどん         のあたたかそうな黒坊主こやつが法は天下一なり」
な味かと気になっていました。一休さんは本願寺の          と詠まれたと伝えられています。親鸞聖人は教行信
 第八代のご門主蓮如上人(1415〜1499) と同じ時     証に善導大師の次の言葉を引用しています。
 代に京都周辺にて活躍されており、お二人は仲の良             心のうちにはいつわりをいだいて、貪り・怒
 い法友だったと伝えられています。                    り・よこしま・いつわり・欺きの心が絶えずお
    一休さんは後小松天皇(1377〜1433) の          こって、悪い本性は変わらないのであり、   そ
 血を引くといわれ、6歳の時に京都の安国寺という             れはあたかも蛇や蝎のようである。身・苦・意
 お寺に入門しました。 ある日、安国寺の和尚さんは水           の三業に行を修めても、   それは毒のまじった
あめをお土産にもらいましたが、小僧たちが食べな              善といい(略) この毒のまじった行を因とし
 いように和尚さんが次のように言いました: 「これは           て、阿弥陀仏の浄土に生まれようと求めても、
 大人用の薬じゃ。子供には毒じゃ。食べたら、死んで            決して生まれることはできない。  なぜかという
しまうぞ。決して食べてはいかん。」                    と、まさしく、阿弥陀仏が因位において、菩薩
    その後、和尚さんの外出中、一休さんは和尚             の行を修めれたときには、わずか一念一刹
さんの大好きな硯 (すずり)を割ってしまいました。仲           那の間であっても、  その身・苦・意の三業に修
 間の小僧たちは和尚さんが帰ってきたら大変だと心             められた行はみな、真実の心においてなされ
 配していましたが、そこで一休さんはとんちを働か             たことによる事に由るからである。
 せました。一休さんは和尚さんの水あめを持ってくる            『浄土真宗聖典
                                     (          顕浄土真実教行証文類
と、皆で全部食べてしまいました。  そして、食べ終わる          現代語訳』 170〜171頁)
と、畳の上にジッとして寝るように言いました。           親鸞聖人が説かれた念仏の法というのは、阿弥陀
    和尚さんが帰ってくると、硯は割られ、水あめ        如来の智慧の光が私たちの心を照らしてくれるこ
は無くなり、小僧たちが皆床に寝ていることを見て、         とにより、私たちの本当の心の有様に気づかせてく
「一体何のことじゃ」 と一休さんに聞きました。  そし      れ、私たちが仏様の真実の心に帰依することにより
て、一休さんは次のように答えました  「私たちの不注       お浄土に往生できるという教えであります。
べて、命でお詫びしようとしているのです。   まだ死ん      南無阿弥陀仏
でいませんが、 もう少ししたら毒が効いてくると思い
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page        3 			Light of Dharma					                                                                     Vol. 3, No. 1

Message from Rev. Henry Toryo Adams,
Supervising Minister for BCSF

Poison Candy                                                         quick wit. The abbot burst into
                                                                     laughter, admitted defeat and
           At this time of year, it is our usual custom to gather    dismissed the young monks.
with friends and family to eat delicious food and celebrate the                It is our custom to take
winter holidays with our friends and family. While it will not       the arrival of the New Year as an
be possible to gather in our usual way this year, I hope you will    opportunity to reflect deeply on
still find opportunities to enjoy your favorite holiday foods.       our daily activities over the past
During New Year’s at our house, we look forward traditional          year and ask ourselves if we have
Japanese dishes like ozōni stew or the traditional osechi menu.      lived in a way that reflects the light of the Buddha’s wisdom
When we eat these traditional Japanese dishes, we feel a deep        that we receive in the Nembutsu. It is in my nature to tell lies
connection to the past and the lives of those who have come          and twist the truth at my own convenience. The real test of our
before. Lately my sons have been particularly enthusiastic           character is how we respond when someone shines the light
about mizuame, a thick, sugary syrup that has been enjoyed by        of wisdom on our actions and reveals our attempts to deceive
Japanese children for centuries.                                     ourselves and others. Do we freely admit our deception and
           I first heard of mizuame in an apocryphal story about     gracefully own up, or do we double down on the falsehood?
the Zen Buddhist monk Ikkyu Sōjun Zenji (1394–1481). Ikkyu           The abbot’s ability to gracefully own up to his deception shows
was a contemporary of Rennyo Shonin (1415-1499) the eighth           that he is free from pride and ego.
abbot of our mother temple, the Hongwanji. Ikkyu and Rennyo                    Legend has it that when he saw a portrait of Jodo
were renowned Buddhist priests active in the Kyoto area, and         Shinshu founder Shinran Shonin (1173-1262) wearing the
while there are no authoritative historical records of their         white scarf that indicated his mastery of the Tendai Buddhist
relationship, legend has it that they were good Dharma friends.      doctrine, Ikkyu remarked, “The Dharma taught by this monk in
           Ikkyu is said to have been an unrecognized son of         the warm scarf and the black robe is the finest in the world.” In
the Emperor Go-Komatsu (1377–1433). His mother left him in           the Chapter on Shinjin from Shinran’s True Teaching Practice
the care of a temple in Kyoto at the age of six to be raised as      and Realization, he quotes the follow passage from the writings
a monk. The tales of Ikkyu’s youthful exploits and sharp wit         of Shandao:
continue to delight and inspire children and adults in Japan to              We are filled with all manner of greed, anger,
this day.                                                                     perversity, deceit, wickedness, and cunning, and it is
           One day the abbot of Ikkyu’s temple received a gift of             difficult to put an end to our evil nature. In
mizuame. It seems the abbot had a sweet tooth. To discourage                  this we are like poisonous snakes or scorpions.
his young students from pillaging this special treat, he told                 Though we perform practices in the three
them that the jar did not contain candy, but rather a special                 modes of action*, they must be called poisoned
medicine that was safe for adults, but poisonous to children.                 good acts or false practices. . . . To seek
           Later, while the abbot was away from the temple                    birth in the Buddha’s Pure Land by directing
on official business, young Ikkyu accidentally broke the                      the merit of such poisoned practice
treasured inkstone that the abbot used for brush painting and                 is completely wrong. Why? Because when, in
calligraphy. His fellow monks immediately began speculating                   his causal stage, Amida Buddha was performing
about what severe punishment they would all face upon the                     practices as a bodhisattva, in every single moment –
abbot’s return. Ikkyu, however, remained calm and reflected                   every single action with a true and real mind.
on the situation until he arrived at an elegant solution to their
dilemma.                                                                     [True practice] depends on this.
           Ikkyu invited all the other young monks to join him in            (Collected Works of Shinran, p. 84-85)
eating up the mizuame. When they had finished off the whole                  *three modes of action: bodily action, words,
jar, he instructed them to lie on the tatami mat floor as if they            thoughts
were dead. They waited there on the floor until the abbot
came home. When the abbot walked into his quarters, he                        In the Nembutsu teaching of Shinran Shonin, we begin
was astonished to see all the young monks lying on the floor         by recognizing the light of Amida Buddha that continually
of his room, next to the broken inkstone, and the empty jar of       shines into our hearts and minds, showing us that our path to
mizuame. When the abbot demanded an explanation, Ikkyu               liberation is found in deep entrusting in the true and real mind
confessed, “We broke your precious inkstone, so we tried to          of the Buddha.
give our lives in apology. We ate all this poison, but for some
reason, we haven’t died yet. I’m sure it will take effect soon, so   Namo Amida Butsu
we’ll just keep lying here until it does.” When the abbot heard
this explanation, he knew that he had been bested by Ikkyu’s
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 				Light of Dharma				                                                                        Vol. 3, No. 1

       BCSF Joya-E New Year’s Eve / Metta Service
       Thursday Dec. 31, 2020 at 7 pm via YouTube

       Our Year End Service (Joya-E), facilitated by Rev. Elaine
Donlin, provides us with an opportunity to quietly reflect on the
events of the past year and to rejoice in gratitude for the many
blessing we were able to enjoy.

                                                BCSF Shusho-E New Year's Day Service
                                               Friday January 1, 2021 at 10 am via Zoom

                                 Please join the BCSF ministerial team and Bishop Harada in bringing in the New Year
                        with a renewed appreciation for the spiritual guidance of the Three Treasures (the Buddha, the
                        Dharma, the Sangha).
                                 We are very grateful to have Rev. Marvin Harada join us for our annual New Year's day
                        service to offer the morning's Dharma Message.
                                 BCSF will send out the Zoom link several days prior to this service. If you do not
                        receive the Zoom link, please phone the BCSF office at (415) 776-3158 and leave your full name
                        and email contact.

                                    Metta Gathering
                                Saturday Jan. 30, 2021 at 5 pm via Zoom
                                                         May 25, 2013 at 5 pm
                                 We practice deep hearing,
                             quiet sitting and voice meditation.
                                  Everyone is Welcome!
           All who were on the monthly 2020 Metta email reminder list will receive the zoom link.
       If you would like be added to the list, please email Rev. Elaine Donlin at:
                           (Please include your full name with your email. Thank you.)


            The Buddhist Church of San Francisco would like offer condolences to the family and friends of the late

                                             Ms. Jean Yamada December 2, 2020
                                              Mrs. Mitsue Ono December 6, 2020
                                             Mrs. Helen Matoi December 9, 2020
                                            Mrs. Miyuki Masada December 14, 2020

                                  Namo Amida Butsu Namo Amida Butsu Namo Amida Butsu
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page        5 			Light of Dharma					                                                                        Vol. 3, No. 1

                       Mindful Reflections
                       by Leo Joslin, BCSF Minister's Assistant and facilitator of BCSF's
                       weekly Wednesday Mindful Meditation.

The New Year is approaching and, once again, I wonder about            Something that helps me bring the teachings to life is
making New Year Resolutions. I think they can be helpful, even         cultivating awareness of the Third Mark of Existence, our
during these chaotic times. According to, this             interconnections. This has been an important starting point for
practice goes back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations           me.
such as the Babylonians and Romans, and communities such
as the early Christians, are examples of practitioners of long         I really like how Dr. Hideo Yonezawa approaches a discussion
ago who ritualized and celebrated New Year resolutions. Here           of interconnections in his book "Awaken to your True Self".
in the United States, 45 percent of the population reportedly          He does so within the framework of the Japanese word
make such resolutions. However, only 8 percent succeed in              okagesama, a word he describes as one of the most beautiful in
attaining their goals!                                                 the Japanese language. We know this as a common greeting in
                                                                       Japanese, how we might respond when asked how we’ve been.
Of course, I generally fall outside of this 8 percent. I think it’s    We say we are doing well when we use this word, but inherent
because my New Year resolutions have generally been about              in the meaning is that we do well only because of the efforts
behaviors related to eating, such as avoiding fatty foods or           of others. Dr. Yonezawa defines okagesama as an expression
sweets. I eventually succumb to my taste buds. Furthermore,            of deep gratitude for all the unseen causes and conditions
my resolutions have generally not had strong ethical or                that bring us to the present moment. He also describes it as
spiritual components, so maybe they’ve been lightweight in the         something that is alive. Furthermore, he states, “if you can truly
over-all scheme of things. In my mind, they’re not like vows. It       feel okagesama, then Namo Amida Butsu will come alive for
seems that simple New Year resolutions around food are made            you” (p27).
to be broken, while vows feel a little more serious. Like the
Kieshiki affirmation to live a Buddhist life. I wouldn’t call that a   When we realize that we are truly sustained by all things, it
New Year’s resolution, but a major life commitment.                    brings great comfort and strength. This is of special importance
                                                                       during these days of pandemic and societal upheaval. When
Given what’s happening in the world today, serious affirmation         we conclude our Wednesday evening meditation, we do
is called for. This year, rather than making resolutions that are      so by recognizing that we have been supported by many
doomed to fail, I’ll re-affirm my intention to live a Buddhist life.   unseen energies that bring us to the present moment. Our
This includes maintaining active awareness of basic Buddhist           final meditation is to breathe in blessings and breathe out
teachings, including the Three Poisons, the Four Marks of              thanksgiving for all that we have received, especially the
Existence, and the Four Noble Truths. The emphasis must be             Life and Light of Amida Buddha. Continuing this practice
on living the Nembutsu with reverence for our Shin Buddhist            throughout the New Year is a resolution, or better yet a Vow,
traditions, remembering to say Namo Amida Butsu in gratitude           that can support us as we open our hearts to the healing that is
for the Light of Amida and the workings of the Primal Vow.             ours through the workings of the Primal Vow.
                                                                       Namo Amida Butsu!

                 Mindful Meditation will be offering a VIRTUAL weekly session on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
                                  To join, please send an email to
                                        or phone the BCSF office at (415) 776-3158

  Corrections:                                                                   Photos and Credits:
  In the December 2020 Light of Dharma, 			                                      page 6 Lotus Pond by Hitomi Silver
  we apologize for the following:                                                page 8 Jr. YBA by Lori Wakil
  page 7: Gary Tom's name was misspelled.                                        page 10 Yukie Kato for Kokoro and courtesy of the
  page 10: Fumie Keikoan Satake's name was 		                                    		              Sequoias residents
  		 misspelled                                                                  page 11 Bento Volunteers by Arlene Kimata; Bento
                                                                                 		              participants by Sheryl Serafino
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 				Light of Dharma				                                                                Vol. 3, No. 1

Acknowledgments received as of December 15, 2020
Thank you very much for supporting BCSF with your generous donations!

SHOTSUKI HOYO -NOVEMBER                                      SHOTSUKI HOYO –DECEMBER

Joanne Hayashi (IMO Misao Mary Imai)                         Eiko Ando (IMO Frank Ando)
Sadako Kashiwagi (IMO Hisa Horiguchi)                        Hideo and Michiko Hashimoto (IMO Chiyoko Hashimoto)
Gary and Lisa Mizono (IMO Mae Itsuko Mizono)                 Sumie Hayashi
Yukio and Florence Murata (IMO Taka Nishimoto)               Richard F Ishisaki (IMO Emiko Furuya)
Ruth S and TT Nakagawa (IMO David Yoshinori Eguchi).         Akiko Kagami (IMO Kita, Fumiko & Kiyoko Matsuhara)
Jimmy and Nobuko Naganuma (IMO Kazumi Naganuma)              Kazuko Kobara (IMO Rev. Seiji Kobara)
Osamu and Tsuruko Sekino (IMO Kikuyo Sekino)                 Grace T Masuda
Chiyeko Tsuchitani (IMO Ryuji Tsuchitani)                    Helen M Matoi (IMO Gerald Matoi)
                                                             Steven Mihara (IMO Yoshitaro Mihara)
MEMORIALS / FUNERALS                                         Jean H Morino (IMO Kiku Morino)
                                                             Scott & Sandy Nakamura (IMO Yukino Kozaki & Mary
Rev Hiroshi and Misaye Abiko (IMO Hiroko Okawachi)           Shimamoto)
Randall & Yoko Arimoto (IMO Ann Ritsuko Arimoto – Funeral)   Sumiko Nishimura (IMO Frank Nishimura)
Brenda and Bert Ho (IMO Hiroko T. Okawachi)                  Joan Oen (IMO Takeo Yamamoto)
Michael and Karen Kagehiro (IMO Michael Kagehiro – 49 Day    Junko Ono (IMO Stanley Kazumi Ono)
Memorial)                                                    Yaeko Ozaki (IMO Ken Corby Shinomiya)
Henry & Michiko Matsuura (IMO Jean Yamada)                   Takaye N Sako (IMO Haruye Nakamura)
Alice Nagahiro (IMO Fumi Satake)                             Helen and Ken Sato (IMO Masako Suzuki)
Edward and Ayako Nishimoto (IMO Jean Yamada)                 Daisy Satoda (IMO Yone Satoda)
Setsuko J Tanaka (IMO Isao Tanaka – 1st year Memorial)       Nancy Satoda (IMO Yone Satoda)
George & Lillian Tomimoto (IMO Yoshino Tomimoto – 13th       Hiko and Susan Shimamoto (IMO Mary Hatsue Shimamoto)
Year)                                                        Margie and Eddie Shiozaki (IMO Seisuke Shiozaki & Frank
CHARITABLE DONATIONS                                         Marumi Suyeyasu (IMO Toshiko Suyeyasu)
                                                             Michiko Tashiro (IMO Yukino Tashiro)
BCSF Yoga Group                                              Joanne Kiyoko Tohei (IMO Mary Hatsue Shimamoto)
Blackbaud Giving Fund                                        Joann Ono Wong (IMO Yukiko Masuoka)
Yasuko Fukuda (Obon)
Sadako Kashiwagi (Year End)
Charles L McClendon (IHO Taneko McClendon)
May Yamamoto
Takiko Yamamoto

Acknowledgments for Daruma Fund Gifts received as of December 15, 2020
Daruma Fund Donations help the temple address the 2020 budget shortfall and sustain temple operations. To date,
the Daruma fund has raised 50% of its $50,000 goal. The deadline has been extended.

Tom and Akiko Arikawa (IHO BCSF Ginza Daruma designer        Julie Nishihara
Masami Miyamoto)                                             Grace Nishikawa
Norma Esherick (IMO Jonathan Taylor)                         Kumi Okamoto (IMO Diane Nakano)
Marjorie Fletcher (IHO Charlie, Tibo & Fletcher)             Joan Y. Oen (IMO Mory M. Yamamoto)
Hanako Fujimoto                                              Katsuto & Yoshimi Oune
Jean Fukunaga                                                Dennis and Susie Sato
Yasuko Fukuda                                                David and Cindi Sasaki
Sakaye Higashi (IMO Jitsuo Higashi)                          Elaine H Takeuchi
Gail Keikoan (IMO Fumie Keikoan Satake)                      Jack and Sumiko Tanabe
Keith and Priscilla Kojimoto                                 Sandy Yamakishi
Yukiko Kuno                                                  Calvin and Cindy Yee
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page        7 			Light of Dharma					                                                                  Vol. 3, No. 1

BCSF Members' Notices
2021 Memberships are due! We missed hearing from many               Membership Approval Needed for Two Proposed Changes to
members in 2020 and hope you can “catch up” with a 2021             Bylaws at Feb. 28 Meeting
membership. Forms are in the December Light of Dharma and
on the website at Please          Shorten board terms from three to two years.
contact the BCSF office if you have any questions.                  Article VIII – Term of Office.
                                                                    Sec. 1. The term of each board member shall be three two
Doug Dorn Appointed to New Board Term                               years.
                                                                    Sec. 2. The 11-member Board shall be composed of two groups
Thank you to Nomination Committee members Suzanne                   of 4, and one group of 3, each group ending its term three two
Yamada, Kevin Yoza and Elaine Donlin for their work to fill four    years from the commencement of its term.
open seats on the BCSF Board beginning January 2021. Two            Sec. 3: The term of a Board member commences at the first
seats are for full three-year terms. Two seats are for two years,   meeting in the year in January and ends the December of the
to complete the terms of two board members who resigned.            Board member's third second year.
Despite the Committee’s efforts, no candidates came forward         Sec. 7. Term Limits. A Board member may serve three (3)
so no election was held.                                            four (4) consecutive terms. After a Board member has served
                                                                    three (3) four (4) consecutive terms, that person must take
At the December 13 meeting, Doug Dorn was appointed by the          a one (1) year hiatus from the board before they may run for
Board to fill one of the two-year term seats which begins in        office again.
January. Doug’s current term on the Board ends December 31
and we thank Doug for continuing his work on the board.             Delete section that allows Board to make an amendment
                                                                    to the Bylaws and operate under that amendment prior to
As per the Bylaws Article VIII, Sec. 6, the board can appoint       approval by the general membership.
three additional board members and encourages members               Article XVIII- Amendments to Bylaws.
to step forward to assist with determining the future of the        The Bylaws may be repealed, modified or amended at any
temple.                                                             meeting of the general membership by a majority vote thereof,
                                                                    of the general members attending the meeting. and/or may be
General Membership Meeting Set for February 28                      modified or amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors
This meeting of the General Membership will review 2020 and         by a majority of the Directors, but such an amendment by the
the budget for 2021. All temple and affiliate groups should         Board of Directors shall only remain in effect until the next
submit their 2020 Annual Reports with financials by 		              meeting of the general membership held thereafter unless
January 29.                                                         ratified thereat.
                                                                    Notification of proposed changes to the Bylaws shall be made
                                                                    at least 30 days prior to the date of the general membership

                        Feb. 28, 2021 BCSF General Membership Meeting
                          via Zoom following the BCA Eitaikyo Service

                        Following the BCA Eitaikyo Service (which will be
                        live-streamed from the BCSF hondo), we will hold
                        our General Membership Meeting to review 2020
                        and share budget plans for 2021. All temple
                        members are welcome and will be sent Zoom links
                        just prior to the meeting.
                        Reminder to all temple and affiliate groups to please
                        submit your 2020 Annual Reports with financials to
                        the BCSF office before January 29, 2021. Thank you!
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 				Light of Dharma				                                                                          Vol. 3, No. 1

Jr. YBA Service Projects
By Kyan I., Jr. YBA Publicity Chair
                                                                 In October, we volunteered at the SF Food Bank. We
Happy New Year from Jr. YBA! We hope everyone is off             split into groups while being socially distanced, and for
to a great start in 2021.                                        about two hours, sorted pears and packed food bags
                                                                 for people to pick up. It was a great experience and we
In December, the Activity Committee sent out holiday             plan to return in January.
cards to members of the church. This activity was led
by Keira, Mika, and James, who designed and sent out             Jr.YBA wishes you the best of luck in the new year.
all of the cards.

 Max L., Taye A., and Dagan W. packing     Keira S.T,, Mika S.T, Sarah M. and Kelli M.   Tyler L., Kian I. and James M. packing
 food bags                                 sorting kiwis                                 boxes of kiwis

Troop 29 Fall Update                                                up face to face for the first time in 7+ months. We did some
by by Kai M., T29 Second Class Scout and Patrol Leader -            patrol activities like setting up tents and knot-tying. We
Raccoon Patrol, 8th Grade Presidio Middle School                    also went on a hike and picked up trash around the park. It
                                                                    was great finally getting outside with the Troop.
        Hello my name is Kai M. and I am the patrol leader                 Finally our Troop had our annual Iron Chef
of the Raccoon Patrol. Troop 29 accomplished a lot in the           Competition. This event requires patrols to come up with
last month and a half. Some of the events included our              a theme-based meal in a very short period of time. This
first outdoor meeting, the annual Iron Chef competition,            year our theme was Thanksgiving, and each meal had
and our holiday Scouting for Food. Our Scouting for Food            to include a turkey element in the dish. Due to Covid-19
event started up on November 7th and ending the week                restrictions, each patrol was sent to WebEx breakout rooms
after, November 14th. Unfortunately, this year, we will not         to coordinate their meals from home. It was challenging
be able to go from house-to-house and ask for the non-              but it worked and our adult leader judges saw some
perishable food items ourselves because of COVID-19.                creative presentations. All patrols worked hard under
		                   Instead, Kai H. led Troop 29’s efforts         pressure and this year's winner was the Raccoon Patrol
via a GoFundme page for donations, raising money for the            with the winning dish of turkey-curry which they called
SF-Marin Food Bank. Through the SF-Marin Food Bank’s                “Turey.”
partnerships, they were able to purchase $4 worth of food                  We hope everyone has a great holiday season!
for every $1 we raised; all proceeds were given to the less         Thank you for the continued support for Troop 29.
fortunate. We ended up raising a total of $1,977! Great
work all.                                                           Namu Amida Butsu.
        Next, we had our first outdoor meeting since
COVID-19 restrictions were put in place back in March. This
socially distanced outdoor meeting took place at Stern
Grove Park. This meeting was great for our patrols to catch
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page       9 			Light of Dharma					                                                                    Vol. 3, No. 1

December 20, 2020                                                    of 2020. We thank Chelsea Arita, Yumi Hatta, Keith Kojimoto
Dear Sangha,                                                         and Sandy Yamakishi for their service and wish them well. We
          As 2020 comes to a close, we hope you are all safe and     are pleased that Doug Dorn accepted the nomination to remain
healthy.                                                             on the board for an additional two years.
          There have been many changes in the past months,                    Your financial support this year has given us
but what hasn’t changed is that the BCSF building remains            confidence to know we can weather the dramatic changes
closed due to the City and County of San Francisco’s health          in temple finances. In 2021, we plan to continue new
directive. Fortunately, a growing number of Zoom gatherings          fundraising events such as the Daruma Fund and monthly
have partially replaced in-person events. To accommodate             Bento Fundraisers, to supplement traditional membership,
increased attendance, we’ve expanded capacity from 100 to            memorials and special services donations.
300 people for each event!                                                    Arlene Kimata’s and my term as Co-Vice Presidents
          Rev. Henry Adams of San Mateo Buddhist Temple              ends in January after a new President has been elected. Thank
has made a seamless transition to Supervising Minister. BCSF         you for your generous support and encouragement and we
Minister’s Assistants continue to work with him to provide the       look forward to new opportunities for the temple in 2021!
spiritual direction for the BCSF, with able assistance from Kevin
Yoza for YouTube videos and Zoom livestreams.                        In Gassho,
          Four members of the Board will be leaving at the end       Susan Sakuma for the BCSF Board of Directors

BCSF Poet's Corner
  The following was                                                                             Thanksgiving Morning 3:40 am
  inspired by BJ Soriano
                                                                                                Last night I met with my sangha
  When I light a candle                                                                         and heard the dharma.
  in this world
                                                                                                We recited the Nembutsu.
  When I light a candle in       When I light a candle in      When I light a candle in         It was these weather conditions
  this world                     this world                    this world                       that caused the loud thunderclap
  It reminds me of               It shares the gifts of joy    Its warmth reminds me I
                                 and trust and vision          am not alone                     that woke me from my sleep.
  impermanence and
                                 When I light a candle in      When I light a candle in         Rich Cacciotti
  When I light a candle in       this world                    this world
  this world                     It helps to guide people in   It will connect us to make
  It reminds me of Amida's       the darkness                  the world whole
  great Compassion
                                 When I light a candle in                                       —Fog horns…
  When I light a candle in       this world
  this world                     It lights my path toward                                       deep over the bay, all along the
  I feel that I am embraced      world peace                        Contributors:
                                                                                                ridge too,
  by the Light                                                      David Tsurumoto
                                 When I light a candle in           Noorillah                   everything lost
  When I light a candle in       this world                         Raymond Woo                 but the calling.
  this world                     Grace begins to flow               Priscilla Kojimoto
  It is because I want a         between us all                     Misaye Abiko                Jerry Bolick
  world of hope                                                     Nancy Jong
                                 When I light a candle in           Nancy Roth
  When I light a candle in       this world                         Glynis Nakahara
  this world                     A calm celebration links
                                                                    Arlene Kimata
  Faces of loved ones            you and me
                                                                    Nanayo Silver               Shinjin—the trusting heart swells
  appear in the glow                                                BJ Soriano
                                 When I light a candle in                                       with beats
  When I light a candle in       this world                                                     so steady it’s normal to overlook
  this world                     It connects me to the love
                                 in my heart                                                    their presence,
  It warms my heart like the
  Nembutsu                                                                                      like the star-holding skies we
                                 When I light a candle in                                       breathe
  When I light a candle in       this world                                                     without noticing
  this world                     May this bright
  It gathers all on land and     awakening unite us
                                                                                                but when we do…
  space and ocean
                                                                                                Jerry Bolick
Light of Dharma 仏法の光 Buddhist Church of San Francisco
January 2021 page 				Light of Dharma				                                                                      Vol. 3, No. 1

Holiday Cheer with BCSF Members & Friends

Mrs. Sumi Suda, BCSF                                              Clockwise from L: Alice Nakahata; Yoko Sumida (crafter
member and Kokoro resident,                                       of cloth facemasks donated to BCSF); Glen Goddard,
with one of a dozen poinsettia                                    Executive Director at Sequoias; Jack Dairiki, Takaye Sako
plants donated to Kokoro by                                       and Sachi Kuwatani. A big thank you to Mr. Goddard for his
BCSF donors.                                                      very generous purchase of BCSF fundraiser poinsettias.

Tazuko Naito (L), Kiki Hamada and Sato Hashizume are among
Sequoias residents who support BCSF Bento Fundraisers.

                                                                        Gordon Watada (L) with Jun and Jack Dairiki. Thank
                                                                        you to the Dairikis for coordinating Bento and
                                                                        Kimochi deliveries to Sequoians.

                                   Tadashi & Yoko Takagi in the
                                   Sequoias Atrium.
January 2021 page   11 			Light of Dharma					                                                      Vol. 3, No. 1

Holiday Cheer with BCSF Members & Friends
Faces of some of our Bento Delivery Volunteers

                                     Chiyo Matsui (on left) and
                                     Sheryl Serafino load their trunk
                                     with bento for Richmond and
                                     Sunset deliveries. The mother-
                                     and-daughter pair also deliver
                                     Kimochi lunches to seniors
                                     enrolled on BCSF's roster.
                                     Contact the BCSF office to learn
                                     about Kimochi's tasty Japanese-
                                     style lunches for San Francisco
                                     residents aged 60+.

                                                                            Nancy Roth is on her way to deliver
                                                                            bento to The Sequoias for the BCSF
                                                                            Bento FUNDRAISER on November 24.

                          Nanayo Silver (on left) and Nobumi Silver
                          dress up poinsettias with festive red
                          bows and colorful origami tsuru. for the
                          November fundraiser.

Faces of some of our Bento Delivery Participants

                                        Mrs. Tamiko Yasuhara      Mrs. Noriko Takikawa

                                     Mrs. Chiyo Matsui (on left),
                                     Mrs. Shirley Murakami and
                                     Sheryl Serafino
Light of Dharma                                                                                Non-Profit Organization
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January 2021 Holiday Issue
Regular columns and contributors will return
in the February 2021 Light of Dharma issue.
Stay healthy and safe until we can meet again

                     January 2021

                   Looking to January...                                         Looking Ahead to February...
  Live Zoom Sunday services at 10 a.m. every 1st and 2nd Sunday.   Live Zoom Sunday services at 10 a.m. every 1st and 2nd Sunday.
  All other Sunday services available on YouTube.                  All other Sunday services available on YouTube.

  January 1 Friday- New Year's Day service via Zoom 10 am          February 7 Pet memorial and Dharma teachers memorial service
  		              Dharma talk by Bishop Marvin Harada              		               via Zoom 10 am
  January 3- No Service                                            		               Dharma talk by Camille Pating Sensei
  January 10 - Shotsuki Hoyo via Zoom 10 am				                    February 14 - Shotsuki Hoyo and Nirvana Day via Zoom 10 am
  		              Dharma talk by Rev. Elaine Donlin                		               Dharma talk by Rev. Henry Adams
  January 17 - Ho-Onko Service via YouTube 10 am                   February 21 - Sangha service via YouTube 10 am
  		              Dharma talk by Rev. Henry Adams                  		               Dharma talk by Rev. David Pating
  January 24 - Shoshinge service via YouTube 10 am                 February 27- Metta service via Zoom 5 pm
  		              Dharma talk by Leo Balambao Sensei               		               Dharma talk by Rev. Elaine Donlin
  January 30- Metta service via Zoom 5 pm                          February 28 - Special BCA Eitaikyo service via Zoom 10 am
  		              Dharma talk by Rev. Elaine Donlin                		               Dharma talk by former bishop Rev. Kodo Umezu
  January 31- Sangha service via YouTube 10 am                     February 28- General Membership meeting 2021 via Zoom 1 pm
  		              Dharma talk by Leo Joslin Sensei
                                                                   Dharma School, 10:30 / 11 a.m. (Zoom)
  Dharma School, 10:30 / 11 a.m. (Zoom)                            February 7 - Please attend the service at 10 am.
  January 3 - No Dharma School                                     February 21- To Be Determined
  January 17- Ms. Nanayo Silver
                                                                   BCSF Board of Directors (Zoom)
  BCSF Board of Directors (Zoom)                                   Sunday, February 14, 1-3 p.m.
  Sunday, January 10, 1-3 p.m.
                                                                   Mindful Meditation meets every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. (Zoom)
  Mindful Meditation meets every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. (Zoom)             February 3, 10, 17, 24
        January 6, 13, 20, 27
                                                                   BCSF Book Club meets every other Tuesday, 2 pm (Zoom)
  BCSF Book Club meets every other Tuesday, 2 pm (Zoom)                  February 2, 16
        January 5, 19
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