Page created by Sidney Lawrence
‘Lighthouse’ manufacturers lead
 the way—can the rest of the world
 keep up?
Manufacturing leaders are sprinting ahead with digital and analytics, and changing the rules
of the game. A broad scale-up of innovation across the value chain is needed to ensure more
winners share the spoils.

Enno de Boer, Helena Leurent, and Adrian Widmer

The long-anticipated Fourth Industrial Revolution                By contrast, this select group of manufacturing sites
 is no longer some far-off horizon. Early-adopting                represent the leading edge of technology adoption
“lighthouse” factories are implementing advanced                  at scale. These sites serve as beacons for the world,
 manufacturing and AI-driven technology, at scale,                exemplifying the type of production approach
 and seeing significant gains. What insights can the              that can drive the next engine of global economic
 leaders share to accelerate digital scale-up broadly?            growth. They demonstrate how forward-thinking
 What is needed to ensure these benefits spread across            engagement of technology can create a better,
 regions and sectors?                                             cleaner world through new levels of efficiency
                                                                  in manufacturing. Likewise, they illustrate how
 Some answers to these questions are addressed in                 Fourth Industrial Technology at scale can transform
 the paper, Fourth Industrial Revolution: Beacons                 the nature of work itself by upskilling and engaging
 of Technology and Innovation in Manufacturing,                   human workers with minimal displacement.
 by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration
 with McKinsey & Company. The team identifies top-                Lighthouses serve as real-world evidence to dispel
 performing factories and explores insights from these            widespread myths and misunderstandings posing
“lighthouses”—16 of the world’s most advanced sites               obstacles to innovative technology adoption at
 implementing technologies of the Fourth Industrial               scale; in addition, these beacons shed light on the
 Revolution, selected from a survey of over 1,000                 characteristics, differentiators, and success factors
 manufacturing sites globally. The rest of this article,          that realize optimal scaling.
 extracted from the full report, summarizes the key
 findings.                                                        Seeing the light: a radical leap forward for Fourth
                                                                  Industrial Revolution front-runners
Emitting powerful light that pierces fog and                      Three technological megatrends—connectivity,
darkness, lighthouses are key to maritime                         intelligence, and flexible automation—are the
navigation. With this research, we seek out                       principal drivers of a Fourth Industrial Revolution
manufacturers across a broad range of industries                  paradigm shift in production:
who are leading the way in Fourth Industrial
Revolution innovation. Connected within the                        ƒƒ Connectivity—Creates links between discreet
framework of the World Economic Forum’s platform,                     network nodes, increasing visibility
these model factories, which have been recognized
                                                                   ƒƒ Flexible automation—Incorporates response
as Fourth Industrial Revolution “lighthouses,” are
                                                                      mechanisms, automation, and remote
starting a unique learning journey that will benefit
the production ecosystem.

                                                                   ƒƒ Intelligence—Automates event recognition and
 Manufacturing has experienced a decade
                                                                      translation for decision making
 of productivity stagnation and demand
 fragmentation; thus innovation is long overdue.
                                                                  Technology adoption at scale can have a radical
 Where Fourth Industrial Revolution innovation
                                                                  impact upon organizations. A close look at one of
 has been taken to scale beyond the pilot phase,
                                                                  these three megatrends can make clear just how
 unprecedented increases in efficiency have
                                                                  powerful this effect can be. For example, a McKinsey
 occurred, with minimal displacement of workers.
                                                                  Global Institute analysis projects a remarkable gap
 However, most companies appear to be stuck in
“pilot purgatory.”

“Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?                                                2
                    WEF Lighthouses
                    Exhibit 2 of 3

    Exhibit 1       Faster AI adoption and absorption by front-runners
                    can create larger economic gains

                    Source: McKinsey Global Institute analysis

                between companies that adopt and absorb artificial               transition costs, will realize the greatest benefit. Thus,
                intelligence (AI) within the first 5-7 years and those           the largest factor here is related to the competitive
                that follow or lag behind. The analysis suggests                 advantage of front-runners, which by far outweighs the
                that “front-runners” in AI adoption can anticipate a             higher transition costs and capital expenditure related
                cumulative 122% cash flow change, while “followers”              to the early adoption.1
                will see a significantly lower impact of only 10% cash
                flow change. This shows the importance of early                  Identifying lighthouses
                technology adoption, since companies waiting risk                The lighthouses are the factories that have taken
                missing a large share of the benefits.                           Fourth Industrial Revolution technology from pilots
                                                                                 to integration at scale, thus realizing significant
                Company leaders who move to implementation early,                financial and operational benefits. Qualification
                rather than waiting for decreased technology and                 as a lighthouse requires meeting high standards

3               “Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?
across four categories: significant impact achieved,              findings, which were then presented to a Fourth
            successful integration of several use cases, a scalable           Industrial Revolution expert panel from private
            technology platform, and strong performance                       organizations, universities, and technology
            on critical enablers such as change management,                   pioneers. This panel selected 16 lighthouses and
            capability building, and collaboration with a Fourth              recognized them as the most advanced production
            Industrial Revolution community.                                  sites.

            Identification of lighthouses followed a                          Understanding lighthouses
            comprehensive scanning of more than 1,000                         Numerous myths and misunderstandings pose
            leading manufacturers across all industries and                   obstacles to Fourth Industrial Revolution adoption.
            WEF Lighthouses
            geographies. Contact with more than 150 of the most               Dispelling them is vital to understanding how
            Exhibit 2 of 3
            advanced companies yielded proposals from many                    accessible the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to
            companies’ most sophisticated sites to be considered              organizations of all kinds.
            lighthouses. Site visits were carried out to document

Exhibit 2   Locations of WEF Lighthouses around the world


                                                                  Phoenix Contact
                                                                  Industrial Automation, DE

                                                                            Sandvik Coromant
                                                                            Industrial Tools, SE

                                                                             Procter & Gamble
                                                                             Consumer Goods, CZ
                                          Tata Steel
                                          Steel Products, NL                                   Siemens
                                                                                               Industrial Automation
                                                                                               Products, CN
                                                                           BMW Group                                   Industrial
                                          Johnson & Johnson                Automotive, DE                              Equipment, CN
                                          DePuy Synthes
             Fast Radius with UPS         Medical Devices, IR
             Manufacturing, US                                                                                         Home
                                                                                                                       Appliances, CN

                                                                                                                       Automotive, CN
                                                     Schneider Electric                  Bayer
                                                     Electrical                          Division                      Foxconn
                                                     Components, FR                      Pharmaceuticals, IT           Industrial
                                                                                 Saudi Aramco                          Electronics, CN
                                                                                 Gas Treatment, SA
                                                                           Electrical Components, IT

            “Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?                                                   4
ƒƒ Lighthouses inject human capital—Contrary                             factories for decades. It is not incremental;
                    to widespread concerns about worker                                   rather, it involves a step change—it is resetting
                    displacement, the lighthouse factories are                            benchmarks. Lighthouses leverage different
                    not deploying Fourth Industrial Revolution                            Fourth Industrial Revolution use cases to
                    technology to replace operators. A McKinsey                           transform their operations. They have, on
                    report suggests that less than 5% of occupations                      average, 10-15 use cases at an advanced stage
                    consist of activities that are 100% automatable                       and are working on the development of an
                    with today’s technology, while 62% of                                 additional 10-15. Accordingly, lighthouses
                    occupations have at least 30% of automatable                          are resetting industry benchmarks for
                    tasks. Consequently, employees in production                          operational and financial key performance
                    enjoy a working routine which is becoming less                        indicators (KPIs). Some lighthouses even
                    repetitive, but more interesting, diversified, and                    outperformed their internal expectations by a
                    2018                                                                  factor of 2. With this transformative approach,
                    WEF Lighthouses                                                       lighthouses transform their operations
                 ƒƒ Resetting benchmarks—The Fourth Industrial                            and achieve a step change in performance
                    Exhibit 1 of 2
                    Revolution differs from the continuous                                increase—thereafter, they can engage in
                    improvement efforts that have characterized                           accelerated continuous improvement efforts,

    Exhibit 3       Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution use cases on select KPIs in
                    lighthouse factories

                                            KPI improvements              Impact range observed
                                            Factory output increase

                                            Productivity increase                                  5-160%

                                            OEE increase                       3-50%

                                            Quality cost reduction                    5-90%

                                            Product cost reduction            5-40%

                                            Energy efficiency                  2-50%

                                            Inventory reduction                           10-90%

                          Agility           Lead time reduction                       10-90%

                                            Time to market reduction                      30-90%

                                            Change-over shortening                     30-70%

                         Customization Lot size reduction

                    Source: World Economic Forum and McKinsey & Company lighthouse site analysis

5               “Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?
leveraging the new Fourth Industrial Revolution              Charting a course for scale: two routes
     technologies and capabilities.                               The lighthouses prove that there is more
                                                                  than one way to embrace Fourth Industrial
 ƒƒ Open innovation and collaboration—The                         Revolution. Rather, there are two principal
    lighthouses demonstrate that the Fourth                      “routes to scale” and these routes are not
    Industrial Revolution journey need not be                     mutually exclusive; rather, they can complement
    solitary—beacons can guide the way. Indeed,                   each other:
    lighthouses are part of an innovation ecosystem
    that involves universities, startups, and other                ƒƒ Innovation of the production system.
    technology providers.                                             Companies expand their competitive
                                                                      advantage through operational excellence.
 ƒƒ Large and small companies—Notably,                                They aim to optimize their production
    innovation is accessible not only to large                        system, increasing the productivity and
    organizations, but also to small and medium-                      quality performance of their operations.
    sized enterprises (SMEs), which can achieve a                     Typically, they start to innovate in one or a
    transformative impact by focusing on pragmatic                    few manufacturing sites and then roll out
    solutions that don’t require large investments.                   from there.

 ƒƒ From emerging and developed economies—                         ƒƒ Innovation of the end-to-end value chain.
    Access to technologies is not the exclusive                       Companies create new businesses by
    domain of developed economies. In fact, China                     changing the economics of operations. They
    is one of the leaders with a high number of                       innovate across the value chain, offering new
    lighthouses, and other lighthouses are located in                 or improved value propositions to customers
    Eastern Europe. This shows that other financial                   by way of new products, new services,
    and operational benefits are more relevant than                   more customization, smaller lot sizes, or
    labor cost reduction.                                             significantly shorter lead times. Companies
                                                                      stay focused on innovation and transforming
 ƒƒ High impact with minimal replacement of
                                                                      one value chain first, then scale learnings
    equipment—Despite the misconception that
                                                                      and capabilities to other parts of the
    legacy equipment and older facilities create a
    barrier to innovation, most of these lighthouses
    were in fact created by transforming existing                 Value drivers for impact at scale
    brownfield operations.                                        The lighthouses exhibit five unique ways in
                                                                  which they create value—differentiators that
Achieving impact at scale
                                                                  transform how technology is implemented, how
The lighthouses have overcome typical challenges
                                                                  people interact with technology, and how it
faced by companies, such as engaging in too many
                                                                  affects business decisions as well as results:
proofs-of-concept exercises, scaling too slowly,
lacking an integrated business case for technologies,              ƒƒ Big-data decision making—Decisions are
implementing too many isolated solutions, and                         not hypothesis-driven, but rather, based on
creating countless data silos. How did they overcome                  big data deciphered by pattern recognition—
these myriad typical challenges to achieve                            and not by humans.
transformational impact and agile continuous

“Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?                                            6
ƒƒ Democratized technology—Technology on the                         employees to learn the basics of new digital
        shop floor is transforming ways of working, as                    use cases and a smooth, efficient way of
        operators develop their own apps and solutions                    implementing them.
        to facilitate and automate their tasks.
                                                                       ƒƒ Workforce engagement—In the lighthouses,
     ƒƒ Agile working mode—The lighthouses                                the leaders act as role model for the change,
        implement new use cases in an agile working                       they communicate a clear change story
        mode, which allows them to do proofs of concept                   through various channels and ensure all
        in a short time, improve the solution based on                    employees feel part of the journey. Workers
        learning, and go quickly from pilot to scale-up.                  are actively involved in the development and
        This is a matter of weeks versus years.                           deployment of use cases.

     ƒƒ Minimal incremental cost to add use cases—                   A call to action: what’s next for the world’s
        Use cases can be deployed at minimal additional              manufacturers?
        cost, allowing factories to work on multiple                 To ensure the manufacturing ecosystem
        areas at once.                                               transitions as smoothly as possible through the
                                                                     Fourth Industrial Revolution while avoiding
     ƒƒ New business models—Fourth Industrial                        increased inequality and a “winner-takes-all”
        Revolution technologies enable the lighthouses               outcome, public and private leaders need to act
        to develop new business models which                         responsibly. They have the power to influence
        complement and/or disrupt the traditional                    the outcome of Fourth Industrial Revolution and
        business and value chain.                                    mitigate these risks with a proactive approach. The
                                                                     following actions could support these goals:
    Scale-up enablers
    The lighthouses exhibit four distinct capabilities—                ƒƒ Augment, instead of replace, the operator—
    important success factors in the implementation                       Factories should deploy technologies that
    journey:                                                              allow the human operators to focus on the
                                                                          most value-adding activities, where the
     ƒƒ Strategy and business case—The lighthouses
                                                                          unique human skills of decision-making and
        have a Fourth Industrial Revolution strategy
                                                                          adaptability to new situations brings most
        linked to the creation of fundamental
                                                                          value—and, at the same time, create a more
        business value. It is clearly articulated and
                                                                          attractive workplace.
        communicated, and has enterprise-wide validity.
                                                                       ƒƒ Invest in capability building and lifelong
     ƒƒ IoT architecture built for scale-up—The
                                                                          learning—The private and public must prepare
        lighthouses have an IoT architecture built for
                                                                          the workforce for the Fourth Industrial
        scale-up and interoperability. All information
                                                                          Revolution transition, including re-tooling
        flows into one central data lake and interfaces
                                                                          the education system and investing in
        between applications are standardized.
                                                                          training as well as lifelong learning to create a
                                                                          mobile workforce which can benefit from the
     ƒƒ Capability building—The lighthouses have
                                                                          opportunities related to the Fourth Industrial
        a very strong focus on capability building.
        Digital academies and smart factories allow all

7   “Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?
ƒƒ Diffuse technologies across geographies and                        firm’s manufacturing and supply chain practice, is
    include SMEs—The full benefit of the Fourth                        the lead partner for the World Economic Forum
    Industrial Revolution in manufacturing can                         Technology and Innovation for the Future of
    only be realized if complete value chains                          Production project.
    and production ecosystems are transformed,
    including all geographies and SMEs, which                          The white paper originally appeared on the World
    are contributing 50-60% of value add in OECD                       Economic Forum website and is excerpted here by
    countries. Therefore, companies should diffuse                     permission.
    Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies
    across their entire production network and
    include developing economies as well as                       1
                                                                      Bughin, Jacques; Chui, Michael; Joshi, Raoul; Manyika, James;
    suppliers of all sizes. This will not only lead                   Seong, Jeongmin. McKinsey Global Institute. Notes From the
                                                                      AI Frontier: Modeling the Impact of AI on the World Economy.
    to improved overall results, but also ensure
                                                                      Discussion Paper, September 2018. Accessed 7 Nov 2018,
    knowledge is spread more equally.                       
 ƒƒ Address climate change challenge with Fourth
    Industrial Revolution technologies—The world
                                                                      Bughin, Jacques; Manyika, James; Woetzel, Jonathan.
                                                                      McKinsey Global Institute. Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce
    faces a significant challenge with regard to                      Transitions in a Time of Automation. December 2017. Accessed
    climate change, with a recent report from the                     7 Nov 2018,
    IPCC stating that emissions must be cut by 45%                4
                                                                      Ellingrud, Kweilin. “The Upside of Automation: New Jobs,
    by 2030 to keep below 1.5°C warming. Thus                         Increased Productivity And Changing Roles For Workers.”
                                                                      Forbes. 23 Oct 2018. Accessed 12 Nov 2018,
    factories should leverage Fourth Industrial
    Revolution technologies to improve their                      5
                                                                      “Enhancing the Contributions of SMEs in a Global and Digitalised
                                                                      Economy.” OECD. Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial
    energy efficiency, increase yield, and reduce
                                                                      Level. Paris, 7-8 June 2017. Accessed 13 Nov 2018.]
    waste and emissions while enhancing overall
                                                                      “Global Warming of 1.5ºC”. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
                                                                      Change. 8 Oct 2018. Accessed 12 Nov 2018, http://www.ipcc.

If the manufacturing sector is to benefit individual
organizations and all of society, technologies
and digital capabilities must be adopted at scale                      Enno de Boer is a partner in McKinsey‘s New
and across the entire value chain. Though this                         Jersey office. Helena Leurent is the Head of
                                                                       Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing
is easier said than done, the full report provides
                                                                       and Production, and Member of the Executive
key opportunities and lessons learned from
                                                                       Committee, World Economic Forum. Adrian
each identified Lighthouse, as well as additional
                                                                       Widmer is a consultant in McKinsey‘s Zurich office.
opportunities for public-private collaboration.

The original white paper is part of the World Economic                 Copyright © 2019 McKinsey & Company.
Forum’s “Technology and Innovation for the Future                      All rights reserved.
of Production,” and was created in collaboration with
McKinsey & Company. Enno de Boer, a partner in the

“Lighthouse” manufacturers lead the way—can the rest of the world keep up?                                                         8
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