Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022

Page created by Phillip James
Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
Living in the
Animal Kingdom

Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
“A nimals are such agreeable friends. They
      ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.”
    —George Eliot

Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
How would modern humans
get by without pets?
In earlier times, we admitted select animals into
our homes as part of a functional transaction:
Humans fed and sheltered these creatures, and
the animals paid for their room and board by
providing protection, keeping rodent populations
under control, herding livestock, or performing
other duties. Today, in contrast, pets are part of the
family—and as humans grow increasingly lonely and
isolated, a cat, dog, rabbit, or other creature may be
a person’s lifeline, perhaps even their sole source of
interaction and affection most days.

Evidence of our evolved relationship with pets can
be seen in the booming global pet care market,
which is projected to grow from just under $208
billion in 2021 to an estimated $325 billion in 2028.


                                                         Pet ownership is rising globally, with Brazil, China, the
                                                         European Union, and the United States accounting
2021        $208B                                        for more than half a billion dogs and cats, according
                                                         to NGO HealthforAnimals, which cites exceptionally

                                            +56%         high adoption rates among millennials, who tend to
                                                         have smaller families and delay childrearing.

2028E        $325B                                       What is it about animals toward which modern
                                                         humans gravitate? And how will this trend influence
                                                         how people interact with other beings—both four-
                                                         and two-legged?

For this Prosumer Report, Havas Group surveyed nearly 14,600 women and men aged 18
and older in 30 markets to better understand the evolving role of animals in modern life and how
this will influence consumer and brand behaviors. What we discovered is that the animals with
which we choose to share our lives—not just dogs and cats, but also birds, reptiles, and more—
are increasingly counterbalancing the deficits and pain points of 21st-century life.
Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
A source of comfort in chaotic,                          As we incorporate animals into our households and
                                                         lives, we increasingly anthropomorphize them—
conflict-filled times                                    assigning them human traits and emotions. Just
Across much of the globe, populations feel               under 7 in 10 Prosumers globally are convinced
increasingly divided, a circumstance aggravated by       that, compared with humans, animals are capable
the enforced isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic          of more genuine emotions. This increasingly held
and the rise in political extremism. In the face of      view of animals as empathetic beings has sparked
uncertainty and discord, people are gravitating          a raft of legislation to protect their rights. In
toward the less complicated and adversarial              the UK, the Animal Welfare Act 2022 formally
relationships most pets provide. In our darkest times,   recognizes animals as sentient beings. In Italy, the
animals offer not just companionship but comfort.        Parliament voted to grant animals full rights under
We saw that at the start of the war in Ukraine, with     its constitution. South Korea, too, has amended its
a constant flow of photos of newly minted refugees       civil code to grant animals legal status.
clutching onto their beloved pets as they fled over
the border to safety.                                    Virtually everyone today—including 98% of
                                                         Prosumers in Brazil, China, and India—believes
                                                         people can have meaningful interactions with their
I believe the COVID crisis has further                   pets. A 2021 survey by Harris Interactive found
divided us as a society                                  that 91% of pet owners speak to their animals as if
                                                         they can understand them.

                                                         People can have meaningful interactions
                                                         with their pets

65% MAINSTREAM                                           91% PROSUMERS
Source: Beyond COVID Part II Prosumer Report, 2020

                                                         83% MAINSTREAM
The more I witness the violence of humans,                    BRAZIL             98%                     91%
the more I love animals
                                                              CHINA              98%                     82%

72% PROSUMERS                                                 FRANCE             86%                     74%

                                                              INDIA              98%                     86%

58% MAINSTREAM                                                UK                 92%                     87%

                                                              US                 95%                     90%
(% agreeing strongly/somewhat)

Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
But is our love of animals sincere?
For all the care people extend toward their pets, we know, too, that in the
US alone, some 6.3 million animals are abandoned at shelters each year, with
nearly a million of those being euthanized. Moreover, animal abuse remains a
problem across countries, and 38% of all species are on the brink of extinction,
in large part due to human activities.

Clearly, the human-animal relationship is complex—and not often slanted
in favor of the furred and feathered. Our survey uncovered four emerging
trends, however, that suggest the tide is shifting in favor of a more
animal-friendly world.

Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
1. Pets Are Our New Gods
We have entered the era of the multispecies family.       between family members. At a time of widespread
Pets aren’t simply household occupants anymore;           family discord and dysfunction, the household
they are full-fledged members, with 81% of Prosumers      pet may well serve as common ground—a neutral
considering them every bit as much a part of the          party who offers affection without discrimination
family as their child, partner, or other relative. This   or judgment. The human-pet bond is so strong that
elevated status reflects the value animals are seen to    84% of Prosumers and three-quarters of mainstream
bring to the home. Nearly 9 in 10 Prosumers say pets      consumers consider the death of a pet as painful as
are a source of positive household vibes. And 83%         the passing of a human loved one.
go so far as to say that pets strengthen relationships

Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
My pet is as much a member of my family         Pets are a source of good vibes in my home
as my child, partner, or other relative                                                           89%
                                                The death of a pet is as painful
69% MAINSTREAM                                  as the passing of a loved one
         BRAZIL                       90%

                                                   My pet strengthens the relationships
         CHINA                        92%          between family members
         FRANCE                           81%                                          68%

         INDIA                        93%

         UK                               76%      My pet threatens our family harmony

         US                               91%        3%

                                                  PROSUMERS        MAINSTREAM

                                                Our respondents also are convinced that pets hold
                                                special benefits for the children in the family, with
                                                89% of Prosumers saying animals stimulate children’s
                                                development. Having a pet can teach responsibility
                                                and help young children learn to share and interact
                                                more gently.

                                                For millennials and Gen Zs, pets may even serve as child
                                                stand-ins—allowing owners to assess whether they
                                                could properly care for a human child and to measure
                                                their partners’ nurturing instincts and abilities.

                                                Pets stimulate children’s development

                                                89% PROSUMERS

                                                82% MAINSTREAM
7   (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
1.2: AN ANTIDOTE TO ANXIETY                               As more people are separated from family—whether
                                                          by geographic or emotional distance—pets are filling
AND LONELINESS                                            in as sources of unconditional love and loyalty. Hence,
Loneliness has reached pandemic levels in                 the enormous rise in so-called “emotional support
some parts of the world, inspiring at least two           animals” in recent years. This trend has reached such
governments—Japan and the UK—to appoint                   extremes that airlines have had to institute rules to
Ministers of Loneliness to attend to citizens in need     keep exotic animals out of aircraft cabins.
of companionship. Whereas past generations
regularly interacted face-to-face, the modern era         Our relationship with animals has evolved to the
is seeing more people isolated in their homes.            point that 58% of Prosumers sometimes feel more
Between 1960 and 2019, according to research              loved by their pets than by their human relations,
from University of Maryland professor Philip N.           and 52% sometimes enjoy the company of their pets
Cohen, the percentage of single-person households         more than that of family. Given their generation’s
increased in 53 of 75 countries surveyed. In Sweden       lack of regular socialization and in-person schooling
and Norway, single occupancies, rare a century ago,       during and even after the COVID-19 shutdowns, it’s
now account for nearly half of households.                not entirely surprising that more than half of Gen Zs
                                                          (versus less than a third of boomers) claim to be more
For people living alone—including those suffering from    at ease with pets than with their fellow humans.
depression—pets can be a lifeline, offering a reason to
get out of bed in the morning and to leave the house
to go on walks. Nearly two-thirds of Prosumers told us
they would have no issues with living alone provided      I sometimes feel
they had a pet to keep them company.                      more loved by
                                                          my pet than
                                                                                      58%           47%
I could easily picture living alone as long               by my relatives
as I had a pet
                                                                                     PROSUMERS MAINSTREAM


52% MAINSTREAM                                            I sometimes enjoy
                                                          the company of
                                                          my pet more than            52%           44%
                                                          that of my family

                                                                                     PROSUMERS MAINSTREAM

                                                          I am more at ease
                                                          with pets than
                                                          with human beings           54%           32%

                                                                                        GEN Z       BOOMERS

                                                          (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
Moreover, pets have become a sort of badge of
                                                     decency and desirability. In a trend known as
                                                     dogfishing, people are featuring photos of their
                                                     canine companions on dating apps to attract potential
                                                     mates. A common tip for getting more matches on
                                                     Tinder is to pose with a dog on a sunny day. One
                                                     survey found that 39% of Americans who use a
                                                     dating app had swiped right on a profile because
                                                     they wanted to meet the dog pictured rather than
                                                     its owner.

                                                     Pets may even act as a partner substitute. Around 7
                                                     in 10 Prosumers and half of mainstream consumers—
                                                     representing 61% of millennials versus 47% of
                                                     boomers—say that hugging their pet gives them as
                                                     much happiness as hugging their human partner.
                                                     Moreover, a 2022 study in the US found that nearly
                                                     one-third of millennials say their partner comes
                                                     second to their pet. This attitude has spawned a
                                                     trend on TikTok of people expressing jealousy of
                                                     their partners’ pets.

                                                     The idealized love one can feel for a pet explains
                                                     why 84% of Prosumers say the love they receive
                                                     from their pets makes the financial costs worth it.

                                                     Hugging my pet gives me as much happiness
1.3: OUR NEW TINDER                                  as hugging a partner
A 2022 study by WGSN found that around 1 in 3
Gen Zs say they don’t know how to make friends.      69%       PROSUMERS
For some, what may have been basic shyness or        55%       MAINSTREAM
social awkwardness prepandemic has become
a more significant introversion. Pets can help.
Two-thirds of Prosumers say their pets have helped   61%       MILLENNIALS

them make friends and expand their social circles.   47%       BOOMERS

My pets have helped me make new friends              Owning a pet is expensive, but the love
and expand my social circle                          one receives makes it worth it

67% PROSUMERS                                        84% PROSUMERS

42% MAINSTREAM                                       76% MAINSTREAM
(% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
Living in the Animal Kingdom 2022
Would you trust a person who doesn’t like pets?
For 44% of Prosumers—reaching a high of 64%
in Brazil—the answer is “no.” The decision to own
a pet is widely viewed as a mark of character and
trustworthiness, whereas choosing not to adopt
a pet may be deemed a failing. (In the US, former
president Donald Trump was called on to defend
his position as the first president in more than
a century not to have a dog at the White House.)
There is also a widely held sense—shared by around
two-thirds of Prosumers—that people who don’t
have pets are missing out on an important part of
life. Tellingly, that’s around the same percentage as
indicated in our 2019 Prosumer study that people
who don’t have a romantic partner are missing out
on an important part of life.

People who don’t have pets are missing
out on an important part of life


50% MAINSTREAM                                          JUST ASK JOHN WICK
                                                        Not surprisingly given our intensified relationship
                                                        with our pets, violence against animals is a quick route
I am less likely to trust a person who                  to cancellation, as French rapper Timal discovered
doesn’t like pets                                       after posting a video on Snapchat that showed him
                                                        kicking one of his dogs. A large majority of Prosumers
44% PROSUMERS                                           (85%) and mainstream consumers (79%) would like
                                                        to see violence against animals punished in the same
                                                        way as violence against humans.

                                                        Violence against animals should be
     BRAZIL             64%                      52%    punished the same way as violence
                                                        against human beings
     CHINA              52%                      55%

     FRANCE             53%                      46%    85% PROSUMERS
     INDIA              42%                      46%

     UK                 38%                      38%
                                                        79% MAINSTREAM
     US                 53%                      46%

10   (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
2. With Great Love Comes
Great Responsibility
One’s responsibility to a pet begins even before Fifi or Fido enters the home.
A significant majority of Prosumers (86%) believe prospective owners should be
subject to thorough background checks before being allowed to home an animal.
There is also social pressure to adopt rather than purchase, with more than 6 in
10 Prosumers considering it wrong to buy a pet from a store or breeder when
so many animals in shelters are in need of a home.

It is important to conduct thorough   It is wrong to buy a pet from a store
background checks before people       or breeder when so many animals are
are allowed to adopt a pet            waiting to be adopted

86% PROSUMERS                         62% PROSUMERS

77% MAINSTREAM                        57% MAINSTREAM
                                      (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
So mindful are pet owners of their animals’ well-
2.1: PROJECTING OUR                                     being that 71% of Americans surveyed by APPA in
HUMAN FRAILTIES                                         2020 indicated they would not change their pets’
                                                        diets regardless of household financial pressures.
Pet ownership is not without challenges, and this has
                                                        Beyond nutritious foods and wellness supplements,
been exacerbated as more people regard their pets
                                                        deep-pocketed (or simply besotted) pet owners are
as quasi-human, sometimes transferring onto them
                                                        indulging in luxury “pet hotels.” The Olde Towne
their own insecurities. More than 6 in 10 Prosumers—
                                                        Pet Resort outside Washington, D.C., for instance,
rising to 94% in Brazil—often worry about their pets’
                                                        offers massage, aromatherapy facials, hot oil coat
stress and mental health. Accordingly, fully half of
                                                        treatments, and swim sessions in a heated pool.
US pet owners surveyed have purchased a CBD
                                                        Protective parents can monitor their dogs and cats via
(cannabidiol) product for their dog or cat to treat
                                                        webcam. Luxury brands are also in the space, offering
a variety of ailments, including anxiety.
                                                        those little indulgences no self-respecting pet could
                                                        live without. Perhaps your pet is in the market for a
                                                        Gucci food bowl ($1,750) or bed ($7,500).
I often worry about my pet’s stress /
mental health
                                                        As with humans, all this indulgence may come at a

62% PROSUMERS                                           price. Banfield Pet Hospital, which operates more
                                                        than 1,000 veterinary clinics across the US, Mexico,
                                                        and the UK, has seen a 169% increase in the number
                                                        of overweight cats and a 158% spike in the number

                                                        of overweight dogs in the past decade.

      BRAZIL                                    94%

      CHINA                                     71%

      FRANCE                                    45%

      INDIA                                     65%

      UK                                        53%

      US                                        54%


(% agreeing strongly/somewhat)

As people become more attached—and attuned—             It should be forbidden to have wildlife
to their pets, we are seeing an impact on attitudes     (e.g., monkeys, tigers, snakes) as pets
toward other creatures within the animal kingdom.
We can see this shift, for instance, in the move                                                80%
away from the use of animals in circus acts. Five                                              77%
years after closing its business, the famous Ringling
Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus will resume
touring in 2023—but only with human performers.         All animal species should be treated equally

Among Prosumers, 80% believe it should be illegal                                             82%
to keep wildlife as pets, and 82% think all animals                                        72%
should be treated equally—presumably putting
rodents on par with Rottweilers. There is also
an expectation—expressed by three-quarters              I expect pet care brands to advocate
of Prosumers—that pet care brands should advocate       for the protection of animals
for the protection of animals. Elected officials,
too, are expected to include animal welfare                                                    76%
protections in their policy platforms. Animal welfare                                    65%
became an issue in the 2022 presidential election in
                                                          PROSUMERS        MAINSTREAM
France thanks to a shock film promoted by an animal
welfare foundation.                                     (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
I support killing animals as long as it
3.1: THE NEW RULES OF HUNTING                          is to feed people
And what about hunting? Has that activity been
canceled? Yes and no. While only 14% of Prosumers      49% PROSUMERS
support hunting to maintain traditions and cultures,
nearly half think hunting is acceptable as a means
of feeding people or preserving balance in the
ecosystem.                                             54% MAINSTREAM
I support killing animals as long as it is
                                                             BRAZIL                              58%
to maintain hunting traditions/cultures

14% PROSUMERS                                                CHINA                               38%

                                                             FRANCE                              50%
                                                             INDIA                               21%

I support killing animals as long as it
                                                             UK                                  56%
is to preserve an ecosystem balance

48% PROSUMERS                                                US                                  65%



I’m willing to pay more for meat if I know
3.2: RETHINKING MEAT                                     the livestock have been treated humanely
As is evidenced by the growing demand for plant-
based proteins, many people are reconsidering their
                                                         76% PROSUMERS
relationship with meat. The emerging consensus
is that all animals deserve respect and kindness;

                                                         59% MAINSTREAM
accordingly, just over three-quarters of Prosumers
indicate they are willing to pay more for meat if they
know the livestock have been treated humanely. A
                                                         (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)
compromise between consciousness and carnivorism
may come in the form of so-called “no kill” meat,
which is grown in a lab.

SUFFERING VS. SUSTAINABILITY                             To save the world, I think a shift to a vegetarian
                                                         diet for all by the end of the decade is essential
Recent research shows that phasing out animal
agriculture over the next 15 years would provide         43% PROSUMERS
52% of the net carbon dioxide emissions reductions
needed to limit global warming to the point that it
would avert a climate catastrophe. Nevertheless,
only 42% of Prosumers globally say that a desire to      28% MAINSTREAM
fight climate change would motivate them to stop
eating meat, below the 46% who would be motivated             BRAZIL              51%                  33%
by ending animal suffering.
                                                              CHINA               64%                  61%
In a potential sign of a further move toward plant-
based diets, only 17% of Prosumers—versus nearly              FRANCE              28%                  15%
one-third of the mainstream—said neither factor
would motivate them to cut meat from their diet.              INDIA               81%                  77%
Already, 43% of Prosumers—rising to 64% in China
and 81% in vegetarian-heavy India—say a shift to              UK                  42%                  32%
a vegetarian diet is essential to save the world from
                                                              US                  40%                  25%
environmental destruction.

                                                         (% agreeing strongly/somewhat)

Which of these factors would
     motivate / have motivated you
     to stop eating meat?

     Eating more healthfully

     Ending animal suffering

     Fighting climate change and
     environmental destruction

     None of these


4. Making Nature
Great Again
When it comes to the state of our natural world, it can    Which worries you more?
be difficult to know what to worry about first. Given
the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme
weather events—in 2022, hundreds of millions of
people have been displaced by flooding in Pakistan
alone—it is telling that more than one-third of
                                                                 64%                   36%
respondents globally worry more about our planet’s
loss of biodiversity than the rise in natural disasters.
What we are seeing is a growing recognition that                PROSUMERS            PROSUMERS
all things are connected—humans, animals, and the
                                                            The rise in natural      The loss of
natural environment—and are in peril.                           disasters            biodiversity

4.1: CRAVING RECONNECTION                                4.2: …AND FEELING INCREASINGLY
TO THE NATURAL WORLD…                                    RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS HEALTH
As the modern world grows ever more artificial and       A decade ago, most people could manage to ignore
screen-based and as people in developed countries        or even deny the impacts of climate change. The
spend the vast majority of their days indoors, nearly    rise in extreme weather events has made either
9 in 10 Prosumers feel an intense need to reconnect      of those responses increasingly less viable. Now
with nature in their daily lives. At a visceral level,   that the urgency of the issue can no longer be
many of us feel we are missing out on something vital,   downplayed, 96% of Prosumers think everyone
giving rise to trends such as backyard gardening and     shares responsibility for educating others about
chicken-keeping, forest bathing, and tiny homes in       how to protect our natural world. As United Nations
remote locations. Scientists are now studying the        Secretary-General António Guterres put it: “It is
negative impacts of “nature deprivation” on people’s     time to reconcile humanity with nature.”
physical and mental health.

                                                         I think it’s everyone’s responsibility
I feel an intense need to reconnect with                 to educate people on how to protect
nature in my daily life                                  the environment

86% PROSUMERS                                            96% PROSUMERS

80% MAINSTREAM                                           92% MAINSTREAM
(% agreeing strongly/somewhat)


In our 2021 Generation COVID Prosumer Report,
more than 8 in 10 Prosumers credited their
generations with leading the fight to make the world
more sustainable and respectful toward animals.
In communicating with Prosumer audiences about
the changes they seek to drive in the world, it’s critical
to recognize the interconnectedness of causes—
and the fact that respect for animals is regarded
as every bit as vital (if not more so) as campaigns
in support of human progress.

I think my generation is leading the
fight for a world that is more...

     88%                               87%                                            89%
                     85%                                 84%
                                                                                            78%        77%
           75%                               75%
                           71%                                       69%
                                                               67%                                           66%

      Equal         Inclusive        Sustainable       Collective    Patriotic      Respectful       Respectful
                                                                                     toward         of all religious
                                                                                     animals            beliefs

     PROSUMERS      MAINSTREAM                                        Source: Generation COVID Prosumer Report, 2021

For children to become the driving force in climate
action, they must be educated about the issues as
early as possible, say 8 in 10 Prosumers. Working
off the insight that nearly 90% of parents credit
their children for encouraging them to live more
sustainably, Procter & Gamble focused on children
as “agents of change” in its It’s Our Home campaign,
intended to inspire “small changes that make a big     For children to become the driving force
difference.” Other companies—including Alcoa and       of environmental protection, we should
Mars Wrigley (through their foundations), General      encourage them to spend more time
Motors, and Amgen—are funding Eco-Schools,             outdoors
a sustainability education program offered
by 59,000 schools in 74 countries. Another Eco-        80% PROSUMERS
School partner is Gro Play, a Swedish game developer
that uses video games such as Gro Garden,
Eco-Warriors, and Grow Recycling as a fun way
to teach children about the importance of taking       73% MAINSTREAM
action to protect the environment.

                                                       LIVE AND LEARN OUTDOORS
                                                       Childhood eco-education should incorporate more
                                                       time spent in the great outdoors, according to two-
                                                       thirds of Prosumers and mainstream consumers.
                                                       Hence, the push for so-called forest schools in
                                                       which young children leave the traditional classroom
                                                       to spend time in forests or other outdoor settings.

                                                       Unilever’s OMO detergent brand encourages
                                                       outdoor play as part of its Dirt Is Good campaign.
                                                       In collaboration with Nature Play, the brand created
For children to become the driving force of            a National Day of Real Play to encourage families
environmental protection, we should raise              globally to spend time together outdoors. Among
their consciousness of the environment                 other activations, OMO has funded playgrounds for
beginning in nursery school                            children in Vietnam. In the US, several high-profile
                                                       brands—including L.L.Bean, Patagonia, Thule, REI,
67% PROSUMERS                                          and Winnebago—support the Outdoor Foundation,
                                                       an organization dedicated to getting people outside,
                                                       including by addressing equity barriers to make the
                                                       outdoors accessible to all. Through its Thrive Outside
67% MAINSTREAM                                         initiative, the group invests in experiential outdoor
                                                       education for youth and adults.
It is not just practical things at risk if we don’t
reverse the potentially cataclysmic course of climate
change. We also jeopardize the majesty of nature—
a source of inspiration and wonder, according to
a majority of Prosumers, and a wellspring of poetry     Which of these words do you associate
and art. Telecom company Verizon sponsors Arcadia       most with nature? (showing Prosumers)
Earth, a traveling exhibition that uses immersive       Inspiration
technology, including augmented and virtual reality,
to bring to life underwater worlds and fantasy lands
to engage audiences in the pressing need to combat      Wonder
climate change.                                                                                         55%

                                                        HELP DEFEND NATURE
                                                        For 1 in 4 Prosumers, the word they most associate
                                                        with nature is fragility. The growing sense that the
                                                        natural world is on the brink of irreversible collapse
                                                        and needs immediate and forceful defending has led
                                                        to a push for legal protections. In New Zealand, for
                                                        instance, political leaders granted the Whanganui
                                                        River—of spiritual significance to the indigenous
                                                        Māori people—legal personhood to protect it from
                                                        further destruction.

                                                        In recent years, Swedish retailer IKEA has purchased
                                                        more than 616,000 acres of protected forests in
                                                        Europe and North America to stop development
                                                        on and deforestation of these lands and to enhance
                                                        biodiversity. Other major companies—including
                                                        Anheuser-Busch InBev, Coca-Cola, General Mills,
                                                        and T-Mobile—support the Nature Conservancy in
                                                        its ongoing efforts to conserve 650 million hectares
                                                        of land, 30 million hectares of freshwater, and
                                                        4 billion hectares of oceans. Meanwhile, brands
Which of these words do you associate
                                                        in the food industry are moving into the animal
most with nature? (showing Prosumers)
                                                        protection space, including by promoting humane
Fragility                                               husbandry practices. They include familiar names
                                               26%      such as Walmart and Panera Bread, as well as smaller
                                                        brands such as Chopt and Farmer’s Fridge.

          Our love of pets has imbued them with superpowers—
     1.   to strengthen our families, cure our loneliness, and serve
          (however temporarily) as life partners.

          Beyond “feeding and watering” our pets, we seek to be
     2.   responsible “parents,” looking after their physical and mental
          health and well-being.

     3.   Our love of pets has extended to envelop all animals—
          making us keener to minimize animal suffering.

          Now, we are recognizing the need to extend that love and

     4.   protection to the entire natural world to protect our planet
          and all its inhabitants.

          To save Mother Nature, we need to

     5.   educate children early, live more of our
          lives outdoors, and, where needed, confer
          legal protections on our natural world.

About                                                   The survey sample was made up
                                                                                                      Who Are
the Study                                               of 20% leading-edge Prosumers                 Prosumers?
In the first quarter of 2022, Havas                                                                   Prosumers are today’s leading
partnered with Market Probe International                                                             influencers and market drivers.
to survey 14,594 people ages 18+ in                                                                   They have been a focus of Havas studies
30 markets: Africa Bundle (Ivory Coast,                                                               for nearly two decades. Beyond their
Kenya, Nigeria), Argentina, Austria, Brazil,                                                          own economic impact, Prosumers are
Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic,                                                              important because they influence the
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,                                                            brand choices and consumption behaviors
India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru, the                                                       of others. What Prosumers are doing
Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi           and 80% mainstream consumers.                  today, mainstream consumers will likely
Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, the                                                           be doing 6 to 18 months from now.
United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom,
and the United States.

Find out more about Prosumer Reports


                                                                                              Or contact Sebastien Houdusse,
              Follow us on Twitter @prosumer_report                                           Global Strategy Director,

Prosumer Repor ts is a series of thought          Photos courtesy of Unsplash
leadership publications by Havas—part of
a global initiative to share information and      In order of appearance: Chewy, Paul Hanaoka, William Daigneault, devn, Artem Sapegin, Chewy,
insights, including our own proprietar y          Tran Mau & Tri Tam, Caleb Woods, Macey Bundt, Avi Richards, Florian Rieder, Zach Zook,
research, across the Havas network of agencies    Jonatas Domingos, Josiah Ness, Scott Warman, Yang Shuo, Trent Haaland, Sandie Clarke,
and client companies. Havas Group is one of       Markus Spiske, Paige Cody, Jonathan Kemper, Kalen Emsley, Casey Horner, and Alvan Nee.
the world’s largest global communications
groups, bringing together nearly 20,000
people in more than 100 countries. For
more information, visit or follow
Havas on Twitter (@havas) and Facebook

                                                                                                                     VOLUME 44 | 2022
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