LIVING - Mountain Shadows

Page created by Randy Hoffman
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
mountain shadows

      the magazine for the residents of mountain shadows   October 2014

Feature Articles
Meet Your Neighbor, The John Family
Business Beat with Randy Davis
Grant is in our Kids2Kids
Pepper the Bernese Mountain Dog
More Healthy Living News
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
2   Mountain Shadows Living   October
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                                                                                                          3

I M P O R TA N T P H O N E N U M B E R S                                                            
                                                                                                              © 2014 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc.

                      County Services                                                            AREA DIRECTOR Keith Bailey
        209-6900      Chattanooga-Hamilton County Emergency Services                                           423-619-6141
   877-477-0800       Emissions Testing                                                              
        855-6100      Public Works
        622-0022      Sheriff’s Dept. – Non emergency                        CONTRIBUTORS AT LARGE The residents of Mountain Shadows.
        624-5302      Humane Society                                                               We are always looking for residents to follow
        855-6125      Recycling Center - Standifer Gap                                             up on leads, find great stories and send us
        209-7720      Voter Registration                                                           ideas. Let’s celebrate the great things happen-
        894-5231      Tri-Community Volunteer Fire Department                                      ing in our community! No contribution is too
   800-288-9999       Poison Control                                                               small. Please email
                                                                                                   with your pictures, suggestions, or requests.
                      Public Schools
        855-6142      Westview Elementary                                                NEIGHBORHOOD Emily Kaderly
        893-3535      East Hamilton Middle                                           CONTRIBUTING TEAM Ryan Bowman
        893-3535      East Hamilton High

                      Utilities                                        DISCLAIMER: N2 Publishing is not affiliated with or contracted by the Mountain Shadows Residents Association, Inc. (the “Associa-
   800-427-5463       Chattanooga Gas Company                          tion”). This publication, including the content of articles and advertisements contained herein, is not authorized or endorsed by the
                                                                       Association. Any articles included in this publication and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of N2
        892-2706      Eastside utility District Water Company
                                                                       Publishing but remain solely those of the author(s). The paid advertisements contained within the Mountain Shadows Living maga-
        756-2706      Electric Power Board                             zine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing or the publisher. Therefore, neither N2 Publishing nor the publisher may be
                                                                       held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. NOTE: When community events take place, photographers may
                                                                       be present to take photos for that event and they may be used in this publication.

Mountain Shadows Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Board of Directors
President — David Kelman
Vice President — Catheryn Striebel
Treasurer — Todd Ray
Secretary — Laura Land

Residents Association Contacts
Welcome Committee – Emily Kaderly, Laura Land
Project Officer – Reggie Flemming, Keith Bailey
Pool – Leana Neal
Security – Stephen Garey
Grounds and Maintenance – Stephen Gary, Karla Chaucer
Social , Clubhouse and Web – Emily Kaderly, Leana Neal
Covenant Compliance – Marlin Larson
Contact the board by email at

Mailing Address: Mountain Shadows Residents Association
P.O. Box 21601
Chattanooga, TN 37424
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
4       NeighborhoodSponsors                                                                                      Mountain Shadows Living   October

                                                             This section has been created to give you easier access when searching for a
                                                             trusted neighborhood vendor to use. Take a minute to familiarize yourself
                                                             with the businesses sponsoring the Mountain Shadows magazine.

                                                             These local businesses are proud to partner with you and make this
                                                             magazine possible. Please support these businesses and thank them for
                                                             supporting the Mountain Shadows magazine!

AIR CONDITIONING                INTERIOR                    PAINTING,                                 WATERPROOFING
& HEATING                       DECORATING &                RESIDENTIAL &                             & FOUNDATION
Malone Heat & Air               DESIGN                      COMMERCIAL                                REPAIR
(423) 624-6647                  Decorating Den Interiors    Painter Ready                             AAA Basement Waterproofing        (423) 299-2957              (423) 648-4408                            Systems
                       / easttn                 (423) 490-4586
CABINETRY &                                                                                           www.aaabasementwaterproofing.
CUSTOMIZED                      LAWN MAINTENANCE            PEST CONTROL                              com
STORAGE                         Green Effects Landscaping   Mosquito Squad
Classic Cabinetry               (423) 402-1352              (423) 386-5943
(423) 266-0077                                             PRINTING
                                ORTHODONTIST                Business Graphics and Services
INSURANCE - AUTO-               Coleman Orthodontics        (423) 619-6141
HOME-BUSINESS                   (423) 892-1099    
Alder & Cox Insurance & Bonds
(423) 240-3858                                              REALTOR                                            Mark Hite
                                                            (423) 664-1900
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
October Mountain Shadows Living                                           NeighborhoodNews                    5

      Send in Your                          We want pictures of your little All-Star! It does not matter if

                                            your child is a champion: make him/her feeling like one by sub-
                                            mitting pictures of the proud moments on the playing field. All
                                            sports pictures are welcome for submission to the newsletter.

                                            Are you in a book club, a Bible study group, or a Bridge group?
                                            And, if not, would you like to join one? Let us know about it!

                                            We want your announcements! Whether you just celebrated
Email with           a birthday or anniversary, welcomed a new baby in the house,
your pictures, stories, news, and events!   or had any other special occasion, let us know and we will
                                            include it in the next issue.
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
6      NeighborhoodNews                                                    Mountain Shadows Living   October


Hello Neighbors,
                                                                       At Business Graphics we help
I believe everyone is excited to welcome the enjoyable October         business grow by providing
temperatures. Fall is a beautiful time of the year in east Ten-        printing services with
nessee. Take time for a hike in the wonderful parks that are so        experienced guidance
close to our homes. Make October a month to remember by                in design and production.
sharing time with your family and friends. I would say, “Go            With proven years of experience
Big Orange,” but I may offend some. But as an alum, I can-             we can guide you through your
not be politically correct when it comes to the Vols. GO BIG           graphics needs with marketing
                                                                       items such as catalogs, direct
ORANGE! Have a great October.
                                                                       mail, product labeling, trade
                                                                       show materials and many more.
Tell your kids about the Mountain Shadows Living Young Art-
                                                                       If you have a need for materials
ist contest. Do you have a young artist that would enjoy sharing       that require graphics and print
their special talents with the neighborhood? See our special           we are your one stop resource.
contest announcement next to the Kids-2-Kids article.                  Give us a call to see how our
                                                                       print experience can guide you
Index of Trusted Services – Mountain Shadows Living magazine           to the results you expect.
is the place to find trusted, ethical services for your family, home
and business. These sponsors have been carefully selected. Please
support the advertising sponsors, and when you do, let them know
you found them in your Mountain Shadows Living magazine.

Thanks to all the neighbors who have helped with stories
and articles to make this a great neighborhood magazine.
Remember this magazine is for Mountain Shadows and about
Mountain Shadows, so email your pictures and stories to keith.

I look forward to hearing from you.

                                 Your Neighbor,

                                 Keith Bailey
                                 Area Director of Chattanooga
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                 NeighborhoodNews                   7

                                                                                             Meet Neighbors…Eat FREE…
                                                                                             Try a New Restaurant!

                                          About once a month, 8-12 residents from our neighborhood have the opportunity to eat

                                          out at a local restaurant and participate in what we call a Restaurant Review. The food is
                                          free; all you pay is for any “adult beverages” and gratuity for the evening.

                                          If you’d like to participate in future reviews, email to be
                                          added to our contact list and receive updates about our dinners.

Are you and your family/spouse/children
new to Mountain Shadows?
If so, welcome! Please send your contact information to to receive your FREE gift from                                               to the
Mountain Shadows Living and to be added to our email and
event invitation list!                                         Neighborhood?

We are continually on the lookout for                 ∙ Optometrist                              ∙ Attorney Services
trusted sponsors that do excellent work. If           ∙ Dentist                                  ∙ Wealth Management and
you use, or have used one of the businesses           ∙ Chiropractor                             ∙ Investment
listed below, we would like to have a recom-          ∙ Pediatric Doctor                         ∙ Elderly Home Care
mendation from you so that we may invite              ∙ Family Physician                         ∙ Any Business or Service
them to be a sponsor of our magazine and              ∙ Concierge Medical Practice                 Provider that will
allow your neighbors to benefit from their            ∙ Hearing Specialist                         benefit your neighbors.
skills and quality service.                           ∙ Plumping Services
                                                      ∙ Blinds & Shutters
Email your recommendations to                         ∙ Exterminator If your
recommendation joins the family of
sponsors, you receive a $50 gift certificate.
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
8       NeighborhoodNews                                                                              Mountain Shadows Living   October

mountain shadows
                                                                   From The Board
                                                                   MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT

Hello, Neighbors!

I don’t know about you, but at my house we are already gear-         MOUNTAIN SHADOWS MEMOS
ing up for the steady stream of upcoming holidays. If you aren’t
already hooked in to the neighborhood email list or website,         Annual Meeting
make sure to subscribe if you want to hear more about upcom-         Tuesday, November 18th at 7pm. We’ll let you know via electronic
ing neighborhood activities related to trick-or-treating, light      announcement and signs if some unexpected rescheduling must
displays, and more.                                                  occur. In addition to talking about the budget, neighborhood prior-
                                                                     ities, and recent accomplishments, we will hold our board elections.
Also, make sure to find time to attend our annual association        If you are ready to serve your neighborhood, we encourage you to
meeting. It’s scheduled for Tuesday, November 18th at 7pm.           contact us about being nominated for the board.
We’ll let you know via electronic announcement and signs
if some unexpected rescheduling must occur. In addition to           You can take on as big or as small of a role as you want; we wel-
talking about the budget, neighborhood priorities, and recent        come you in any capacity.
accomplishments, we will hold our board elections. If you are
ready to serve your neighborhood, we encourage you to contact        Some areas that can use your talents include:
us about being nominated for the board. We don’t bite.
                                                                     -  Web page content management (multiple spots)
Before you know it, we’ll hit 2015 and arrive at the annual dues     -  Facebook page manager
billing cycle. I mention this now so that anyone who has spe-        -  Special projects managers - for example, playground
cial needs can get on top of the game. If you want your invoice      			renovations- (multiple spots)
mailed to a location other than your residence, make sure to let     -  Kids social events (multiple spots)
us know before December. We try our best to sniff out alternate      -  Adult social events (multiple spots)
addresses via tax records and noting your feedback, but you’re       -  Clubhouse management
always safest by sending us a message to let us know or to con-      -  Neighborhood communications
firm that we have your mailing preference. Of course, everyone       -  Welcoming committee (multiple spots)
has a responsibility to pay their Tier One dues. If you have         - Outside member liaison
hardship circumstances, please be proactive in coming to the         -  ….and more!
board to consider your request.
                                                                     Again, with enough hands on deck, we will all see that many
Have a Happy Halloween!                                              hands make light work. Please consider making the choice to get
                                                                     involved in the future of your neighborhood. Many of these roles
Best regards,                                                        can be shared by more than one person. If you think you might be
                                                                     interested in helping to fill any of these roles, please contact moun-
David                                                       to learn more about these positions.
                                                                     This is an exciting time for us as we make plans to improve our
                                                                     already wonderful neighborhood. We would love for you to take
                                                                     on this adventure with us and help to make Mountain Shadows the
                                                                     premiere place to live in Chattanooga!
LIVING - Mountain Shadows
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                       NeighborhoodNews                     9

Get Connected to Mountain Shadows: Website, Facebook, and             view a current Calendar which allows them to learn about upcom-
Twitter keeps neighbors connected.                                    ing events and meetings that might be of interest.

Website:                                       This site is not only a beneficial tool for residents, but will also be
Facebook page:                                      helpful for people considering purchasing homes in Mountain
mountainshadowsneighborhood                                           Shadows. There is a link for Homes for Sale as well as ample infor-
Twitter account: www.twitter/MntShadows                               mation to inform potential homebuyers of the dynamic nature of
                                                                      our great neighborhood. Any information a current or potential
Mountain Shadows is proud to announce the launch of our new           resident could wish to know will be available at their fingertips.
website. This new and improved site will allow residents to stay
connected and informed like never before. Along with basic neigh-     Along with the launch of this new and improved site comes the
borhood information and facts, residents can also register to gain    launch of the Mountain Shadows Facebook page and Twitter
access to several password-protected areas. There is a Classifieds    accounts. These up-to-date social media tools will help residents
section where neighbors can post available or needed items or ser-    stay informed of helpful and important information in real time.
vices. The Vendor List allows neighbors to post reviews for profes-   Make sure to go online and like Mountain Shadows on Face-
sionals they would recommend in areas such as plumbing, roofing,      book and follow Mountain Shadows on Twitter. Get connected
and even babysitting. In addition to these features, residents can    Mountain Shadows!

Please email your contact information to

If you have just moved into the neighborhood, we would enjoy the opportunity to personally greet you and extend a
warm welcome. Email your contact information and our welcome committee will give you a call.

Young Artist                                                            young writers and
CONTEST                                                                 photographers wanted:
                                           Attention young              If you are in high school or college and enjoy writing, we
                                           artist: Email your           have a great place for you to share your talents and sharpen
                                           works of art and             your skills. Mountain Shadows Living is searching for a
                                           enter the Mountain           young writer to find stories in our neighborhood to share
                                           Shadows young artist         with your neighbors.
                                           competition. Take a
                                           picture of your works        We also welcome a young enthusiastic
                                           of art, whether it be        photographer who would enjoy shar-
a painting, sculpture, photographs, or drawings and email them          ing their photography skills with
along with your name, parents’ names and contact information to         pictures of our Mountain Shad-                                                 ows community. All interested
                                                                        writers and photographers
After we receive your email, we will contact you to have your           must have their parents email
artwork photographed by our neighborhood photographer so that  for
we can show your special talents in the Mountain Shadows Living         further information.
magazine. All entrants will receive a special entry gift card.
10   NeighborhoodNews   Mountain Shadows Living   October

October Mountain Shadows Living          NeighborhoodNews                    11

                                  The John Family
                                  Meet the John family: Aaron, Brooke,
                                  Sophia (10), Nicholas (7), and Olivia
                                  (2.5).The Johns call Magical View in
                                  Mountain Shadows home. They have a
                                  very sweet Lhasa Apso dog named Daisy.
                                  She is almost 13 years old, but is still
                                  very active and full of life. Aaron is the
                                  director of the Shaw Flooring Network at
                                  Shaw Industries while Brooke is a stay-
                                  at-home mom, although drive-the-car
                                  mom would be a more appropriate title.

                                  The John family moved to Chattanooga,
                                  TN in August 2013. They moved from
                                  The Woodlands, TX where they called
                                  home for 8 years but have lived in Den-
                                  ver, CO, and Los Angeles, CA as well.
                                  Aaron and Brooke are both originally
                                  from Indiana and are graduates of Indi-
                                  ana University. Go Hoosiers! They just
                                  celebrated 13 years of marriage and feel
                                  blessed to have such a special family.

                                  They love to go to the beach, particularly
                                  the Destin, FL area, and also enjoy camp-
                                  ing, watching movies, playing games and
                                  attending Mass together. Their favorite
                                  place to visit is Walt Disney World. Fri-
                                  day night is pizza and movie night at the
                                  John house, but on Sunday afternoons,
                                  you will find them cheering on the India-
                                  napolis Colts!

                                  Sophia is a 5th grader at Our Lady of
                                  Perpetual Help Catholic School where
                                  her favorite subject is Writing. She has
                                  a passion for writing fictional stories and
                                  sharing them with her family. Sophia has
                                  been taking piano lessons for 4 years and
                                  plays very well. She loves playing ten-
                                  nis and attending lessons at the Manker
                                  Patten Tennis Club. She is looking
                                  forward to hopefully making the tennis
                                  team this spring at OLPH. Sophia also

12        NeighborhoodNews                                                                                             Mountain Shadows Living   October


                                                                                       really enjoys swimming and had a great time swimming for the
                PEACE {of mind}                                                        Mountain Shadows Swim Team this summer. Go Dolphins!

                                                                                       Nicholas is a 2nd grader at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catho-
                                                                                       lic School. His favorite subjects are Reading and Recess! He
                                                                                       has been playing the piano for nearly a year and enjoys it. Nich-
                                                                                       olas loves playing baseball either on the ball field with his team-
                                                                                       mates or playing catch in the yard with his dad. He also really
                                                                                       enjoys swimming and scored several points for the Mountain
                                                                                       Shadows Swim Team this summer. If Nicholas isn’t swimming
                                                                                       or playing ball, you can find him dressed in full camouflage
                                                                                       exploring the great outdoors.

                                                                                       Olivia is a very joyful and busy 2-year-old whom loves to be
 We’ve Got You Covered.                                                                with her family. She insists on wearing a dress nearly every day
                                                                                       and loves dancing! Playing at the park, painting and building
   At Alder & Cox, our experienced staff has the knowledge and expertise to help our
   clients navigate the insurance marketplace. As Independent Agents we search the     with blocks are among her favorite pastimes. She absolutely
        market for the insurance company that provides the best solution for you.      loves playing with her brother and sister, who are almost always
                                                                                       willing participants. They play hide and seek, dress-up and any
           Home • Auto • Business • Life • Health
                                                                                       other game they can dream up. At the end of every evening, she
                                         James Monroe, CPIA                            enjoys reading books with mommy or daddy and then snuggling
                                         423-615-0158                                  up with her lovey, “Meep,” to go to sleep.
                                         423-240-3858                                  The Johns are happy to be a part of the Mountain Shadows
                                         2110 Northpoint Blvd                          neighborhood and look forward to spending many years here.
                                         Hixson, TN 37343
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                               NeighborhoodNews                          13

    Article provided by Dr. Deborah Gentry
                                                    Dr. Deborah
                                                    Gentry, Mountain
                                                    Shadows neighbor.

Family Health SOS …_ _ _…
You Are what you put on your skin.

The saying you are probably more familiar with is: “You Are what        Once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend
you eat.” What we need to realize is that every single thing you        to accumulate over time because you typically lack the necessary
put onto your or your children’s bodies goes into your blood            enzymes to break them down. There are literally thousands of
stream in 27 seconds. That means that if you are not willing to         chemicals used in personal care products, and the U. S. govern-
eat it, you probably should not put it on your skin, hair, or nails.    ment does not require any mandatory testing for these products
To prove it, take a clove of garlic peeled, crush it under your foot    before they are sold.
and you can taste it in a few minutes. Look at all of your personal
care product labels because what is in them can be more                 Sodium lauryl sulfate is a surfactant, detergent, and emulsifier
dangerous than what you eat.                                            used in thousands of cosmetic products, as well as in industrial
                                                                        cleaners. It is present in nearly all shampoos, scalp treatments,
Is your hair color making you fat?                                      hair color and bleaching agents, toothpastes, body washes and
                                                                        cleansers, make-up foundations, liquid hand soaps, laundry
Many doctors, including Dr. Hyman (The Blood Sugar Solu-                detergents, and bath oils/bath salts. Although SLS originates
tion), are trying to get the word out that scientists recently          from coconuts, the chemical is anything but natural. The real
uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental               problem with SLES/SLS is that the manufacturing process
toxins make you fat and cause diabetes. Inside the body, these          (ethoxylation) results in SLES/SLS being contaminated with
chemicals monkey with our ability to balance blood sugar and            1,4 dioxane, a carcinogenic by-product. If you visit the SLS page
metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insu-        on the Environmental Working Group’s (, you will
lin resistance. This discovery should be headline news, but no          see a very long list of health concerns and associated research
one is talking about it. Why? Because there are no drugs to treat       studies. They mention of 16,000 studies in the PubMed science
it. In the quest to conquer the two biggest epidemics of our            library (as well as their link to that list) about the toxicity of this
time—diabetes and obesity—we’ve got to turn our attention to            chemical. Certainly worth paying attention to!
the heavy burden environmental toxins put on our bodies.
                                                                        I don’t buy anything without reading the label. I am happy to
Putting chemicals on your skin or scalp, such as hair color, may        answer any questions about what to look for in personal care
actually be worse than eating them. When you eat something,             and home cleaning products.
the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help to break it down
and flush it out of your body. But when you put these chemicals         Dr. Deborah Gentry has researched, written about and spoken on the topics of natu-
                                                                        ral medicine and stress for 20 years. Speaker, consultant and author, she began her
on your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream          career as a professor, worked for several Fortune 50 companies, and has appeared
without filtering of any kind, going directly to your organs.           on television and radio. Email her with health/product questions you would like
                                                                        answered in this newsletter:
14    NeighborhoodNews                                                                                  Mountain Shadows Living   October

                                                                  Great helpful staff.

Designer Drugs: Not your corner store pharmacy.

This month I had the opportunity to visit Randy Davis at his            •     We only use certain chemicals from FDA registered facili-
business Designer Drugs, also known as The Wellness Center                    ties (highly reliable sources).
Pharmacy. Randy is a pharmacist and owner of the business for           •     Our pharmacists and technicians receive regular and spe-
over 14 years. Designer Drugs located at 7304 Jarnigan Road,                  cialized training.
just off Gunbarrel road and turn by Chili’s restaurant. What            •     Our facilities meet design standards that guarantee we are
drove this entrepreneur to start the business? Randy explained,               clear and free of contamination.
“I needed to prove to myself that I could do this on my own.”           •     We meet or surpass the federal USP  standards for
                                                                              sterile and non-sterile compounding.
When you visit, you will be impressed by the operation of com-          •     We agree to adhere to the PCAB ‘Principles of Com-
pounding of medications and diet supplements on sight and the                 pounding.’ Currently there are only 5 pharmacies in Ten-
friendly service that is provided by sixteen employees. This is not           nessee that are PCAB accredited. Across the nation, we
your corner pharmacy that I have been accustomed to.                          rank in the top 3% of compounders in this distinction.”

Since compounding pharmacies are relatively new to my phar-             Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do,
macy experiences, I asked Randy to describe what his company            what advice (whether general or specific) can you offer to the
does. He responded, “Designer Drugs is a compounding phar-              residents of your neighborhood? “Do you know your T-score
macy. That means we have the expertise and training to MAKE             (testosterone level)? Why not? Sex hormones, like estrogen,
drugs in our lab that are specifically tailored to your individual      progesterone, and testosterone are an important part of your
and specific needs. We specialize in balancing your hormones.           endocrine system. Thyroid and Cortisol work in concert help-
Bio-identical hormones can be measured in your blood so that            ing to regulate the release and storage of these hormones. Get
we can calculate exactly what needs to be replenished. We take          your doctor to measure these levels by blood testing. Sometimes
into consideration the route of administration (the best way            they will say, “These levels are normal for your age.” Don’t accept
to get these hormones back into your body) because people do            that! You want them optimal…not normal. Let Designer Drugs
have preferences.”                                                      help you optimize your health, well-being, and longevity by
                                                                        guiding you down this hormone path.”
What makes Designer Drugs unique? “Designer Drugs is
accredited by the Pharmaceutical Compounding Accreditation              It is always interesting to learn how our business owners made
Board. This distinction ensures that our quality and safety stan-       their way into the business they enjoy. “Nashville is my original
dards include:                                                          home. I still miss the big city. Who knows, I may retire, move
                                                                        back and teach in Pharmacy school and Lipscomb University.
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                            NeighborhoodNews                         15

I attended David Lipscomb elementary school, high school and                         When Randy is not busy at work, he has “a new fondness of
college in Nashville, TN. Randy explained, “My concentration                         running/fitness. Right now I’m training for a half-marathon and
was in the medical/chemistry field. When I decided on Phar-                          go to a cross-fit class at the YMCA. My other hobbies are golf
macy, I enrolled at Samford University in Birmingham, AL.                            and wakeboarding as time allows.”
My love for compounding led me to Chattanooga where my
family calls HOME.”                                                                  If you have not taken the opportunity to visit Designer Drugs,
                                                                                     you are in for a pleasant surprise.
Randy and his family have lived off Stoney Mtn Drive for over
twelve years and have enjoyed the neighborhood and the pool.                         Take time to stop in and say hello. Randy would enjoy the
The Davis family consist of Leann Davis, my wife and former                          opportunity to show you around and introduce you the friendly
NICU nurse, daughters Haleigh (19), a sophomore at Lipscomb                          staff and explain the great services they have to offer.
University, Hannah Claire (15), a 10th grader attending GPS,
and Gracyn (13), who is in 8th grade and also attends GPS. But                       The Wellness Center Pharmacy, Inc. DBA: Designer Drugs
the family does not stop there. The Davis family are pet lovers.                     Website:
They have a Yorkie and 4 cats!!!!                                                    Phone number: 423-954-2585
                                                                                     Business address: 7304 Jarnigan Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421

   If you are a business owner and would like to have your business featured for one month, please contact us at This is a free, one-page
   article that will run for one month and is only available to residents.
16     HomeMatters                                                                                                   Mountain Shadows Living         October

Storms anytime of the year can cause a loss of power that can last for hours or days. The use of a
portable generator is one way to help provide basic electric service and maintain a reasonable
level of safety and security in a home, as well as possibly minimize the loss of food stored in a
refrigerator or freezer. Most homeowners using generators will opt for the less expensive portable
type to help maintain a limited power supply.

When using a generator, it is critical to ensure it has been                feedback or a surge of electricity from the generator that travels
installed properly and is operated in a safe manner. There                  through the house wiring and back into the power lines. Anyone
have been many incidents where individuals have survived a                  working on or in contact with those lines could be electrocuted.
storm only to suffer deadly consequences due to an improperly
installed or maintained generator as the exhaust from the unit              To prevent this hazard, before using a generator, the wiring in the
contains deadly carbon monoxide.                                            house must be disconnected from the incoming power lines using
                                                                            a transfer switch. This disconnection from the incoming power is
The danger of generator use also extends to utility crews helping           also needed to protect the generator from damage when the power
to restore power. An improperly connected generator can lead to             returns. Using the main disconnect in the electric panel in place
                                                                            of a transfer switch does not provide adequate protection from all
                                                                            potential feedback situations.

                                                                            For the efficient and safe use of a portable generator heed
                                                                            these recommendations:
                                                                            • Store the unit where it is readily available in an emergency.
                                                                            • Store fuel only in approved containers in a safe manner.
                                                                            • Read and follow all manufacturer instructions and
                                                                                safety warnings.
                                                                            • Have an electrician install a transfer switch to disconnect
                                                                                house wiring from the power company supply.
                                                                            • Never connect a generator directly to a wall outlet; it should
                                                                                only be directly connected to appliances or other electric
                                                                            • Only operate gasoline-fired units outdoors. Never run them in
                                                                                an enclosed-in area - not even for a short time or if the area is
                                                                                seemingly well vented. The unit should also be placed at least
                                                                                10 feet away from any windows, doors or vent openings.

                                                                            Remember, these tips are only general guidelines. Since each situation is different,
                                                                            contact a professional if you have questions about a specific issue. More home safety
                                                                            and maintenance information is available online at

                                                                            This information is provided for general guidance purposes only. Neither DBR Fran-
                                                                            chising, LLC nor the local HouseMaster® franchise warrants its accuracy and assumes
                                                                            no liability related to its use. Contact the local franchise office and/or qualified
                                                                            specialists for advice pertinent to your specific house or circumstances. © Copyright
                                                                            2008 DBR. Each HouseMaster franchise is an independently owned and operated
                                                                            business. HouseMaster is a registered trademark of DBR Franchising, LLC.
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                                           17

kids           2
               k i d s
                                                                Hey kids, do you want to be the superstar of the neighborhood? All you have
                                                                to do is ask your parents to email and answer some
                                                                questions in order to be featured in the next available issue!

Meet Grant Cooley, a twelve-year-old who is in sixth grade.
Grant enjoys attending McCallie School and his favorite sub-
ject Math. When it comes to sports, you will find him playing
lacrosse or swimming. One hobby Grant considers his favorite
is Drama. He is a unique young man because his desire to be a
CIA agent when he’s older.

Here are a few of some favorites Grant shared with us…
Activities/Hobbies: Swimming
Animal: Dog
Color: Blue
Food: Pizza
Movie: Lone Survivor
Music: Rap
Place to Play: Superfly
Sports Teams: Texas Longhorns
Subject in School: Math
TV Show: Chuck
Vacation Spot: Colorado
18     NeighborhoodNews                         Mountain Shadows Living   October


               Meet Pepper

Our precious pet of the month is Pep-
per, a Bernese Mountain dog who is
temporarily sharing her home with her
foster friends--seven adorable Beagle
mix puppies.

Pepper is 8.5 years old and was adopted
by her family in Temecula, California as
a puppy. Pepper is extremely loving and
gentle. She loves hugs and gives them by
standing in between your legs. Although
she weighs over 75 pounds, she thinks
she’s a small dog and will try to lay down
right on you. She loves eating pancakes
and, of course, dog treats. Pepper got her
name because she had salt and pepper
specks on her head.

Because her owner Sierra has given Pep-
per such excellent care and love over the
years, Sierra & her family now foster
other dogs until they can find a forever
home. The latest dog she fostered was
about to have puppies when Sierra got
her, so it was an exciting job to help birth
the puppies and take care of them until
they were old enough to be adopted. Now
it’s time to find the puppies their new
families. Pepper seems fine with having to
say goodbye to her foster friends though.
Sometimes all that playful puppy energy
just wears her out!

Pepper is one happy, spoiled dog for sure.
Her family says, “It’s really all about her,”
and instead of them training Pepper, Pep-
per has trained them.
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                                                  NeighborhoodNews               19

                                                               Wanting to Place Something in
 Services                                                       in Mountain Shadows Living?
Do you have a baby sitting, pet sitting or
service you would like to announce to the
neighborhood? Send an email to keith.                                                                        mountain

                                                                                                                            shadows with your special                                    the mag
                                                                              azine fo
                                                                                       r the re
                                                                                                        of moun
                                                                                                                tain sha
                                                                                                                                              To submit an idea, photo,
service and we will tell your neighbors
                                                                 T his
                                                                    Month’s Ma                                                  March 2

                                                                                                                                              article...or to obtain an extra
                                                                 March Features rvelous
                                                                Meet the Ray Family
                                                                Energetic Ethan
                                                                                 in Kids to Kids

with your listing in the Mountain Shadows
                                                                Handsome Hank
                                                                                  takes the pet spotlig

                                                                                                                                              copy of Mountain Shadows
                                                                Caponata to top                         ht
                                                                                off your Spring

Living magazine.
                                                                                                                                              Living, please e-mail
My name is Lauren Craig and I’m 16 years old. I love baby-
sitting kids of all ages. I’ve worked with children through
babysitting and being a camp counselor for the past 2 years.
I can provide my own transportation. I am available to work
after school on weekdays and anytime during the weekend.
If interested, please contact me at 423-883-6351.
20     LocalEvents                                                                                        Mountain Shadows Living   October

                LOCAL EVENTS

Wednesday, Oct. 15-25                                                    Wednesday, Oct. 15-26
WinnepeSPOOKah                                                           Rocktoberfest
Where: Lake Winnepesaukah Amusement Park                                 Where: Rock City Gardens
When: 6pm-11pm                                                           When: Noon-5pm
It’s hair-raising Halloween fun for boys and ghouls of all ages at       Get in touch with Rock City’s German heritage! Rock City Square
Lake WinnepeSPOOKah! Enjoy an atmosfear of haunted rides,                will be transformed with live German music, dancing on the polka
eerie edibles, and screaming thrills throughout this SPOOKtacular        stage, German food and specialty beer on tap in the Beer Garden.
Halloween Event! All ages will enjoy free magic shows, interactive       For more information:
parades and entertainment with mimes, jugglers and more! Only
the bravest will want to cross the threshold into the SCAREHOUSE,        Wednesday, Oct. 15-Nov. 2
where ghastly creatures will scare the yell out of you!                  Blowing Springs Farm’s Enchanted MAiZE
For more information: 706-866-5681                                       Where: Blowing Springs Farm
                                                                         When: 9am-8pm
Wednesday, Oct. 15-25                                                    Enjoy 10-acres of fall fun in the valley below Rock City’s Lover’s
Halloween Eerie Express                                                  Leap. Weave through an amazing cornfield maze and enjoy a his-
Where: Tennessee Valley Railroad                                         toric birdhouse barn, tractor-pulled hayrides, face painting, great
When: 7:30pm                                                             food, kettle corn and the children’s courtyard playground.
Take a ride aboard the spooky vintage train on a family-friendly,        For more information: 706-820-2531
round trip ride through the Tennessee Valley to the Funhouse Sta-
tion. The Halloween Eerie Express trains depart from Tennessee           Friday, Oct. 17
Valley Railroad’s Grand Junction Station for a fun filled round-trip     The Glo Run
journey. Passengers begin by boarding a vintage train for a trip         Where: Coolidge Park
over four bridges and through Missionary Ridge Tunnel. Families          When: 7:30pm-9:30pm
will enjoy storytelling, a tour through the “gentle thrills” Eerie Fun   Run this 5K through a dream world of glowing wonders dancing to
House, hot cider, black-light mini golf, games, temporary tattoos,       music. There will be a DJ at the finish line. Cost is $35 per person.
coloring pages, ride back to Grand Junction, and a bag of treats for     The race starts at 7:30 pm
the children.                                                            For more information:
For more information:
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                     LocalEvents         21
Friday, Oct. 17-19                                                       Mason. With Steve Winwood, Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood, Mason
2014 Tennessee Dance Festival                                            formed the legendary ‘70s band Traffic, penning the hit “Feelin’
Where: Center for Creative Arts                                          Alright,” which has been recorded by dozens of artists, including
When: Fri. 5pm-9pm; Sat. 8am-5:30pm; Sun. 8am-3pm                        Joe Cocker who had a huge hit with the song. Mason later pursued
The Tennessee Dance Festival is a weekend of master classes and          a solo career, striking gold with his debut album “Alone Together”
performances for dancers ages 12 and up with classes geared              considered a seminal rock classic.
towards intermediate-professional level dancers. Highlights of the       For more information:
weekend are the Tennessee Dance Festival Gala, Cathie Ault Kasch
Student Choreography Project, Celebrations Members Showcase,             Thursday, Nov. 6
and scholarship audition class.                                          Chattanooga Symphony & Opera: Schubert’s 4th
For more information:                             Where: Tivoli Theatre
                                                                         When: 7:30pm
Sunday, Oct. 19                                                          The CSO visits another of Beethoven’s popular works, this time one
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men                                         of his greatest overtures in the dramatically expressive Leonore
Where: Chattanooga Theatre Center                                        Overture No. 3. Following is Schubert’s most serious of his sym-
When: 2:30pm                                                             phonies, the 4th, better known as the “Tragic” Symphony. Violinist
John Steinbeck’s landmark American play, adapted from his own            Andrew Sords performs Sibelius’ virtuosic and darkly melodic con-
classic novel, is an incredibly powerful story. It’s set in California   certo for violin.
during the Great Depression, where two migrant workers become            For more information: (423) 267-8583
unlikely friends - George Milton, a sharp but uneducated, short-
tempered man, and Lennie Small, a large but simple-minded man.           Saturday, Nov. 15
Together they hold fast to their dream of acquiring their own piece      Chattanooga Symphony & Opera: Pirates of Penzance
of land. But when Lennie stirs up trouble on the job, George must        Where: Tivoli Theatre
make a gut-wrenching decision.                                           When: 7:30pm
For more information:                             Join the band of swashbuckling buccaneers, bumbling British
                                                                         bobbies, frolicsome Victorian maidens, and the delightfully dotty
Wednesday, Nov. 5                                                        “model of a modern Major-General” for a rollicking romp over
Dave Mason                                                               the rocky coast of Cornwall. The rich sounds of the CSO and Cho-
Where: UTC Fine Arts Center                                              rus, plus vocal soloists resonate with classic elegance and power
When: 7:30pm                                                             while the company’s vibrancy, energy, and contemporary sense of
It’s another great evening of music at the Patten Performances           humor keep the show alive and exciting to a modern audience.
with living legend and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame member Dave              For more information: (423) 267-8583


                                  Complete Lawn & Landscape Services
22   YoungLife   Mountain Shadows Living   October
October Mountain Shadows Living                                                                                           ResidentBusinesses                    23

mountain shadows

LIVING                                                   resident
                                                         business guide
Attention Mountain Shadow Residents: Do you own or run a business? To have your business featured free in the resident business guide in an upcoming issue of
Mountain Shadows Living, please send an e-mail to This is open to residents of Mountain Shadows only.

Covenant Allergy & Asthma             Designer Drugs                        COACH                                 Coleman Orthodontics
Dr. Susan Rascal                      Randy Davis, D.Ph.                    The Ornamentor                        Dr. Chris Coleman
(423) 468-3267                        (423) 954-2585                        Jonathan Nessle                       (423) 892-1099                       (423) 596-4168              
AUTO DEALER                           ELEGANT GIFT SHOP                                                           PEDIATRICIAN
Marshal Mize Ford                     Colony 13                             LANDSCAPING                           Allied Pediatrics
Lewis Dyer                            Susan and Rodney Bass                 Images Landscaping                    Della Wessels
(423) 875-2023                        (423) 875-8840                        Ruben Viva                            (423) 602-9545                                                     (423) 899-1212              
                                      ICE CREAM                   
AUTO REPAIR                           Brusters
Fixx A Dent                           Dave Forsthoffer                      Moon Landscapes
Mike Reeves                           (423) 510-9993                        Joshua Gunter
(423) 855-5808                                    (423) 667-1908                                                 
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