Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION

Page created by Herbert Simmons
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
                                  February 2021

 Never underestimate the importance of community

                                        Delivered Free
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
Daisychain Preschool
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Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
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Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
                                                     to Ashtead &
                                                     Leatherhead Local
                                                     I am happy to say that the shortest day of winter has now passed!
                                                     The evenings will soon start to get lighter and longer and the
                                                     spring bulbs will soon start to peek up above the soil. Things are
      Next copy deadline                             on the up!
          5th February 2021 for the                  Until then, I am still trying to find new ways to fill my time at
                  March 2021 issue                   home. Having seen so many people online turning their hand to
                                                     bread making or cake baking over the past year, I finally gave in
                                   Phone:            and thought I would have a go at making some bread - how hard
          01372 200 000                              can it be anyway?
                                                     As it turns out, quite hard it seems! My first attempt (pictured
                                     Email:          below), looked amazing but the golden, crusty exterior hid what
                                                     lay within! A very stodgy centre! As they say: ‘pride comes before
                                Website:             a fall’! On the face of it, the ‘fail safe’ recipe looked so easy but
     www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk                     I’m not one to give up that easily, so I will try again this coming
                                                     weekend and I will report back next month. No bread making
     Technical & legal stuff                         machine was harmed in the making of this bread!
    Whilst every care has been taken to ensure       I’m sure many of you will have had far better results - do email me
     that the data in this magazine is accurate,
                                                     your successful bread recipes and maybe we will print one next
       the publisher cannot accept, and hereby
    disclaims, any liability to any party for loss   month? ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk. I look forward to trying
      or damage caused by errors or omissions        some of them out!
    resulting from negligence, accident or any       I know that lockdown days are becoming a bit of a bore, to say
                                     other cause.
               No part of this magazine may be
                                                     the least, but we are all working to the same end and the vaccines
    reproduced, stored in any retrieval system,      are at least now going out. There
        or transmitted in any form - electronic,     is light at the end of this tunnel!
       mechanical, recording, photocoping, or        When your turn arrives, form an
   otherwise - without prior permission of the
                                       publisher.    orderly & distanced queue and
              All in-house artwork and editorial     wear your mask. We will soon be
        presented in this magazine remains the       getting some normality back!
     copyright of Surrey Hills Publishing Ltd.
                                                     So stay safe people,
                                                     until next time,

                                                     Ros x
                                                                                                    COMMUNITY MAGAZINE
                                                     ROS REDFERN - EDITOR                             OF THE YEAR 2019

4 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
Shop from Home
                     BRINGING OUR SHOP

We are delighted to announce that we are now offering a ‘Shop from Home’ service to
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most new and current stock as well as our sale stock. Size and availability will be shown,
just find what you want and click to reserve your items. We will then contact you to
arrange payment and discuss delivery options.
We aim to give our customers the best of both worlds—ease of online selection and
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We have photographed most of our stunning clothes so that you can peruse from the
comfort of your own home. You can now shop during lockdown without having to worry
about Coronavirus, the cold, the wet or parking.
Please head to our website for full details.

                      Have a look for something new


                     41 The Street · Ashtead | 01372 274333
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION

     Why  makea a
         make     will?
     1. 1. DoDo you
              you   want
                  want to to protect
                          protect    your
                                  your     children?
     2. 2. DoDo you
              you   want
                  want to to protect
                          protect    your
                                  your     loved
                                        loved     one,
                                               one,    whether
                                                    whether     spouse
                                                              spouse   or or partner?
     3. 3. DoDo you
              you   want
                  want to to protect
                          protect    your
                                  your     family
                                        family    home,
                                                home,     especially
                                                       especially in in
                                                                     oldold  age?
     4. 4. DoDo you
              you   want
                  want to to express
                          express     your
                                   your     wishes
                                          wishes  onon  a formal
                                                     a formal    document,
                                                               document,    or or leave
                                                                               leave       it to
                                                                                       it to     chance?
     5. 5. DoDo you
              you   want
                  want to to telephone
                          telephone   thethe number
                                           number    below
                                                   below     and
                                                           and   receive
                                                               receive     peace
                                                                        peace    of of mind?

       Family WillsWills
           Family  SurreySurrey
                           comes  to you,
                                comes  to at a time
                                          you,  at a that
                                                     time suits, including
                                                          that suits,
                                   including     and weekends
                                             evenings and weekends.
                                 Our servicesinclude:
                                 Our services include:
            Drafting of Wills
                         Wills t Lasting
                                                       Attorney t Trusts
                 Estate Planning
                Estate  Planning t Probate
                                      Probate && Estate
                                                 Estate Adminstration
                      Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:
                Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:
                           Contact: Ben Kopieczek                     Tel: 01372 374676
               Contact: Ben
                         Email:  Kopieczek               Tel: 01372 374676
                 Email:  benk@familywills-surrey.co.uk
                      Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd.,
            Family  Wills
             Head Office:    Surrey
                          Princess    is a member
                                   Caroline           of the
                                            House, 1 High     Master
                                                          Street,       Guild
                                                                  Southend     of Will
                                                                           on Sea,     Writers.
                                                                                   SS1 1JE   Co. Reg. No. 7891401


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6 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
Tel: 01372 374148
                                                                                         Connect with us:

Why make a Will?
                Many people are aware that           value of the property and money you leave
                a Will is important; but most        behind.
                people do not have one and
                                                     You want to protect what you have
                do not appreciate why it is as
                                                     accumulated for the long-term security of
                important as it is, both legally
                                                     those you want to benefit
                and emotionally for both you
and those you leave behind.                          Writing a Will means you decide who will
                                                     benefit from your assets, but you can also
You care about your loved ones
                                                     create a structure to provide for when and how
AWillmakesitmucheasierforyourfamilyor                this happens.You might not want your children
friends tosorteverythingoutwhenyoudie–               or grandchildren to inherit at the age of 18, you
withoutaWilltheprocesscanbemore                      may prefer them to be older.You might have
time-consumingandstressful.                          loved ones with particular needs that need
You want to decide who benefits from what            to be taken into account, and when and how
you leave behind                                     they inherit from you.You may want to leave a
                                                     lasting legacy that cannot be frittered away and
If you do not write a Will, everything you own       will benefit future generations of your family.
will be shared out in a standard way, defined
by the law – which is not always the way you         How we can help you
might want.                                          Making a Will is not necessarily an easy task
You have people who depend on you                    for all sorts of reasons, but we are here to help
                                                     you begin that process by offering an initial
Writing a Will is especially important if you have   consultation with one of our specialist Private
children or other family who depend on you           Client solicitors with no obligation to proceed,
financially, or if you want to leave something to    so that we can discuss with you the things you
people outside your immediate family.                should consider and help you think about your
If you are unmarried and have children, this is      choices and options.
particularly important, as without aWill, your       We continue to support families during these
partner may not receive anything on your death.      difficult times and will be happy to assist you.
You want to be as tax efficient as possible          We are well equipped to take instructions via
                                                     phone or video conferencing, as appropriate.
A Will can help reduce the amount of
InheritanceTax that might be payable on the          Please contact us for further information.

TWM Solicitors, Sweech House, Gravel Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7HF           twmsolicitors.com
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
hoisin duck, mango & wild rice bowls

                     ingredients       method
  120g white basmati and wild rice     1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C, gas mark 6. Cook the rice according to pack
           1 tsp toasted sesame oil    instructions, then drain and toss with the sesame oil; set aside. Meanwhile,
    340g pack Gressingham Duck         score the skin of the duck breasts in a criss-cross pattern and season. Heat
                            Breasts    a frying pan over a medium to high heat with no oil. Once hot, place the
                2 tbsp hoisin sauce    duck breasts skin-side down in the pan and cook for 5 minutes until the skin
                       1 lime, juice   becomes golden brown; turn over and seal the fl esh for 1 minute. Pour off the
        Handful roughly chopped        excess fat regularly.
                          coriander    2. Transfer to an ovenproof dish. Brush all over with the hoisin sauce, and put
    ½ mango, cut into matchsticks      in the oven for 15-18 minutes until the meat is thoroughly cooked and the
          2 salad onions, cut into     juices run clear. Remove and rest for 5-10 minutes, then slice the duck.
                        matchsticks    3. Toss the rice with the lime juice and coriander and divide between 2 shallow
            50g wild rocket leaves     bowls. Top with the sliced duck breast, mango, salad onions and rocket,
                         (Serves 2)    spooning over any roasting juices from the duck.

                                       cooking tip
                                       Once cool, keep the excess duck fat in the fridge in a sealed container for up
                                       to 5 days. Use it for roasting potatoes.

Prep: 10mins + resting. Cooking: 25mins
Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION

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Local ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD - Never underestimate the importance of community - MAG WORLD ASSOCIATION
                                              VISIT: WWW.FETCHAMRESIDENTS.CO.UK
                                       EMAIL: CHAIRMAN@FETCHAMRESIDENTS.CO.UK

GREEN SHOOTS - The sight of snowdrops and                                                   green space. Much of this is based upon pre-Covid
daffodils has never looked more welcoming. Thank                                            assumptions and thinking. But as we know, the
goodness our plants, at least, have an immunity to                                          pandemic has accelerated some trends - such as the
Covid!                                                                                      decline in retail in our town centres - but created new
As you read this, the vaccination programme should                                          demands elsewhere.
be gaining momentum too, and reaching more of us                                            Green spaces for recreation and wildlife have become
in our local communities. As our confidence grows we                                        even more precious than they were before, and this
can hopefully look forward to a spring recovery with                                        increase in perceived ‘value’ should be reflected in our
our children back in school and more of our shops                                           planning blueprints.
able to reopen their doors.                                                                 Residential living space is being rethought too. The
For many of us though the vaccine is still some way                                         trend towards smaller dwellings (based upon the idea
off. But that does not mean that our non-Covid                                              that work happens elsewhere in an office) clearly
medical issues should be put to one side. Throughout                                        needs to be questioned.
the pandemic the message from our GPs has been                                              So this should be a time for re-examination and
clear: if you have symptoms of potentially non-Covid                                        reflection, not a time for rushing headlong into
conditions, get online or call the surgery and make an                                      changes based upon yesterday’s thinking.
appointment.                                                                                SUBSCRIPTIONS - We would like to thank those
RETHINK - As many of us have been forced to rethink                                         of you who have either renewed your subscriptions
our lives and routines, the FRA hopes that this fresh                                       in recent weeks or joined us for the first time. Our
thinking may extend to some of the issues immediately                                       subscription year runs from April 1. Our membership
at hand - such as planning and development.                                                 continues to grow, and with each subscription we
Radical changes are in the pipeline over the way                                            can give more money back to local causes in the
that land may be allocated for housing, offices and                                         community.

 The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and
 stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US!
 Visit www.fetchamresidents.co.uk OR use the form below.

 Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to
 receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties)
 Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World
 Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3
 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY

         with this voucher
  *cannot be used in conjuction with any other offer.

ceramica tiles ashtead
      - 61 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1AA -
   - 01372 277 727 - ashtead@ceramicatiles.com -
                 Opening Times:
           Monday - Friday 8am until 5pm
             Saturday 9am until 2pm


                                  Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021   11
The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH

    Following on from last month’s page, the LRA had two very successful
    days selling “pre-loved“ Christmas decorations from a barrow in the Swan
    Centre in early December. A total of £310 was raised, to which was added
    a matching amount from the Cheryl and Roy Allen Memorial Trust, which is
    administered by the LRA. This totalled £620, meaning that £310 could be
    given to each of the two charities.

    Therefore, on Christmas Eve, LRA publicity officer Susan Leveritt presented
    enlarged replica ‘cheques’ for £310 to each of the representatives of the
    chosen charities (see photos): Graham Peddie, founder of The Meeting
    Room, and Angela Carter, Manager of LeatherHEAD START. The actual
    payments were made online the same day. The Meeting Room was preparing
    dinners for delivery on Christmas Day to a number of homeless people
    locally, while LeatherHEAD START provides accommodation for to up to 11
    people, with a view to bringing stability back into their lives, before organising
    independent accommodation for them.

    Once again, the LRA would like to thank The Swan Centre Management for
    the use of the barrow and table, the LRA members who helped sort, wrap and
    sell the items, and especially all those who bought items or made donations.
    The LRA are also grateful to Kallkwik who produced a banner for the barrow
    and printed the replica cheques, as their contributions to the event.

    Susan Leveritt

    To become a member family of the LRA:
    •   Provide your names, address, phone & email – include all family members
    •   Enclose cheque for £2.50 (1 year) or £6 (3 years), payable to the LRA
    •   Send to LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH
    •   or pay online to sort code 40-27-07, account 2150 0651, to LRA, with your name as ref

    Privacy Notice The LRA collects, stores and processes member information for the purposes of meeting its statutory requirements and its contractual
    obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member
    information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via http://leatherheadresidents.org.uk/contact. A notice regarding the LRA’s
    compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the Document Archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.

12 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

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    I am writing this on the first day of 2021 with             a computer. A Community Engagement Team will
    a feeling of hope and expectation that has long             be calling door to door to ensure that everyone is
    been absent in all our lives while we lived through         equipped to complete the Census in whichever way
    the dark days of 2020, not knowing when an end              they prefer. More information is available at www.
    would be in sight. By the time that you are reading         census.gov.uk.
    this article, we will, if all has gone to plan, be seeing
    the start of a successful roll out of the Covid-19          Mole Valley Local Plan
    vaccination programme and our thoughts can turn             Residents will no doubt remember that a
    to the coming year and a resumption of life as we           consultation on Mole Valley District Council’s
    once knew it.                                               (MVDC) Local Plan took place in February/
                                                                March 2020 and elicited 4,000 responses district-
    MVDC 2021/22 Budget                                         wide. 692 of those responses came from Ashtead’s
    Government funding during the pandemic has                  14,200 residents - ARA’s own detailed response to
    helped to fill the Council’s funding gap and reduce         the Plan and the sites proposed for development
    the call on its reserves so that it enters the new          in and adjacent to Ashtead can be found on our
    budget year with a healthy level of revenue reserves.       website. Last year’s consultation was the Regulation
    MVDC’s aim in their 2021/22 budget is to provide            18 consultation stage of the Local Plan and
    the same level of service to the same performance           MVDC has been reviewing and considering all
    level as in 2020/21. Finances will be closely               the responses over the past many months: we are
    monitored as the hoped-for return to normality              hoping to learn more about the results of MVDC’s
    begins to ensure that contingencies are in place            review in February/March but the next stage of the
    to address funding issues should they arise for the         Plan, the Regulation 19 stage, will not be published
    2022/23 budget year.                                        for public consultation until early summer 2021.
                                                                This will be MVDC’s preferred Local Plan and,
    2021 Census                                                 regardless of any responses received at this stage, no
    Vaccinations apart, the first main event on the             further changes will be made to the Plan before it
    agenda will be the 2021 Census that will take place         is submitted to the Planning Inspector in Autumn
    on 21st March and which it is compulsory for each           2021 for examination, along with all further
    household to complete. The Census is conducted,             consultation responses.
    in conjunction with local councils, by the Office of
    National Statistics to provide a complete picture of        ARA New Website
    the population so that local councils, community            At the time of writing, we are working on the
    organisations, service providers and businesses are         development of a new-look website, which I
    better able to plan for and fund the services and           hope will have been launched by the time you are
    facilities needed by their communities. The plan is         reading this. If it’s not already up and running,
    that the Census will be conducted digitally as far          it will be very shortly so please do visit the site at
    as possible but paper copies will be available as it is     ashteadresidents.org.uk to see the new design.
    recognised that there will be people who prefer not
    to complete an online form or else are unable to use        Glynis Peterkin - Chairman

14 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

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                                                               Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021               15

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16 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

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    Probably while you are reading this article we will be in the midst of a
    further covid lockdown, possibly restricting your ability to get assistance
    and to resolve IT related issues
    Although the rules we work within have change frequently over the past year we have worked every day
    providing technical support, solutions and everyday consumable items like printer inks.
    At the time of writing this in mid-January 2021, we have the shop open for doorstep collection of click and
    collect telephone and web orders, and for the drop off (and collection) of pre-arranged repairs.
    We are providing sales advice and solutions via the phone and video connections like WhatsApp, Zoom and
    Using the latest remote connection techniques we are providing full remote support for our customers old
    and new alike.
    Generally, the availability of most products has been challenging, however we have a wide range of PC’s,
    Laptops, All in one PC’s, Apple PC’s, laptops, phones, tablets and home & business printers.
    In short, most items are available for collection or delivery
    We have also been shipping items via our couriers and via our own weekly delivery service, direct to your
    doorstep- please ask for more information.
    We are ready and able to help and we have the products to provide you with a solution quickly.

    Career opportunity…
    We are still looking for a new member of our sales team, if you are
    interested in joining us, please send your CV with your experience to
    date, and why you want to join our vibrant helpful team to

    We have seen an increased occurrence where essential Windows
    applications will not run or may error when running. This has been
    caused by your version of Windows 10 not being fully updated. In many cases the version of Windows is so
    old that it will require updates on updates to be installed. This process is easy, but may be time consuming
    and may require a few machine restarts.
    Currently the version of Windows is Windows 10 Version 20H2. To check if your machine is up to date, press
    the Windows icon (usually bottom left of screen) then select the second item up (the gear wheel marked
    settings), then go to “update and security”, then select the “Check for updates”. This lists and required updates
    please follow the onscreen instructions.

    Should you require assistance please call us!

    This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who
    have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

18 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
~Surrey’s favourite Computer Store~
                                                                         14 North Street, Leatherhead
                                                                                     tel: 01372 - 370300
                                                                      Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5.30pm

       Please note: Product supplies have been severely disrupted during the
          CV-19 period, items listed are accurate at the time of publishing

Having Wifi speed and
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ONLY £160.00
       Great value Notebook for home, school & business uses                 Epson XP5105
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                          connections, new with full warranty             XP 5105. The best in four cartridge
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   HP Pavilion All in One PC’s
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and Samsung Tabs                                            £750
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 Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery
     01372-370300 | www.tecres.co.uk | sales@tecres.co.uk
               Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm
                                                           Jessica is a sweet cat aged
                                                           about 5 years. She came into
                                                           care having been a stray for
                                                           some time and was living in a
                                                           broken down garden shed; a
                                                           kind lady had been feeding her.
                                                           She was nervous and suspicious
                                                           when she first arrived, but now
                                                           she is very friendly. She likes to
                                                           be stroked and jumps onto your
                                                           lap as soon as you sit down; she
                                                           is very chatty and has started
                                                           playing with her toys, so is
                                                           feeling very relaxed.
                                                           Unfortunately she is terrified of
                                                           men, so she needs a female only
                                                           household, with access to a safe
Because of the current Lockdown, and in line with Cats' Protection guidelines, we
are only homing cats in the local areas of: KT5,6,9, KT19-23 and RH3-5.
Jessica will make a lovely pet. If you think you may be that person, please call Sue
on 0208 390 3165.
Epsom Ewell & District Branch
If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to
help us please go to

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any
one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend.
Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

                                                    fire and iron gallery
                                                   Physically closed for lockdown, but
                                                    virtually open online - and we can
                                                   giftwrap and deliver for Valentine’s
                                                    Day, weddings and anniversaries.

                                                          LOVE to you all

Hope you enjoy our Loved up
Lockdown Music Quiz.
1. Who claimed “I’m not in love” in 1975?
2. Who wrote about “Silly Love Songs” in 1984?
3. The movie “Love is a Many Splendored Thing”
came out in 1955. Who sang the song?
4. Who sang “Loving you is sweeter than ever” in
5. Who had a “Part time Lover” in 1985?
6. Three artists have had a big hit with a song
called “The Power of Love”. Can you name them?
7. It was 1964. The song was “(When You) Walk
In The Room”. Name the band.
8. Who sang about Romeo and Juliet in 1980?
9. In 1977, who asked “How Deep is Your Love”
and what film was it featured in?
10. Who suggested you should “Never Let Her
Slip Away” in 1978?
Take it Easy with David Smith
on Surrey Hills Communityy                            www.fireandiron.co.uk
Radio every Wednesday                              Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN
5pm - 7pm.                                              Find us on facebook

                                                   Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021   21

                                           Solutions Page 53

                                                                                                           Clue: 27 Across

                                                                                                            Clue: 8 Down
                                                                   Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

    Across                       Down
    1. The majority (4)
    3. Disadvantage (8)
    9. Foremost (7)
                                 1. Hat-maker (8)
                                 2. Shoulder-wrap (5)
                                 4. Sea between Greece
                                                         A & D CARS
    10. Brute (5)                and Turkey (6)
    11. Relative by              5. Exclude (5)
    marriage (2-3)               6. French castle (7)    Gatwick £40 Heathrow £45
    12. Concurred (6)            7. Compassion (4)             Any Time, Night or day
    14. Puzzle (6)               8. Indian tent (6)
    16. Existing in fact (6)     13. Splendid (8)                 Very reliable
    19. Conundrum (6)            15. Foolish (7)              Your local company
    21. Loafer (5)               17. Ascends (6)           Fully licensed and Insured
    24. Classical language (5)   18. Make known (6)
    25. Trading ban (7)
    26. Surround (8)
                                 20. Giver (5)
                                 22. Big (5)             01372 378670
    27. Optical glass (4))       23. Otherwise (4)

22 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

Leatherhead Podiatry

                        Love your feet!              COUNSELLOR / PSYCHOTHERAPIST

                                                             Margaret Spice
                     Lesley Pennington S.R.Ch.,      MBACP (Accredited) BA (Hons), MA
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                               25 years experience
                                                         Ashtead Leatherhead Practice
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10% OFF your first appointment on production                        Fertility issues
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           01372 374125
   63b High Street, Leatherhead                       surreycounsellor.co.uk       mspice@sky.com

                                                       Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021     25

    Maggie May                                          HOME SUPPORT
    Therapy (MSc)                                    Are you struggling in these
                                                           difficult times?
          Registered UKCP / BACP
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No obligation 30 mins free initial session         references on request
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     07949 085 425                               Call Donna or Tracy on
  www.maggiemaytherapy.com                       07811474056 / 07398679358
maggiemaytherapy@btinternet.com                  DandTcare@outlook.com

                                                With over 35 years’ experience, our highly trained
                                                teams are experts in delivering award winning care.
                                                We have enhanced infection control measures
                                                in place across all care homes protecting those
                                                already living with us, as well as providing a safe
                                                and reassuring welcome to new residents.
                                                If you’re considering care for yourself or a loved
                                                one, discover why Care UK leads the way.
                                                To arrange a virtual tour or one-to-one video chat,
                                                please call 01372 885654 or email

                                                Experts in award winning care.
              out of 10 on                      Trusted by over 6,500 families.

      Milner House care home
      Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8TX

                                                     Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021         27

    With the majority of the country having to go into a     As all of the normal club organised runs cannot
    tier 4 lockdown over Christmas, the committee and        take place at the moment, the club will continue to
    members at Mole Valley Runners looked at ways that       provide fun activities to keep people active during
    they could continue to maintain fitness, have fun,       the lockdown and to provide a vital place of support,
    support one another and continue to stay safe. One       camaraderie and fun through these difficult times.
    of the members came up with the fantastic idea of        Throughout the last lockdown, members of the club
    the January MVR Bingo challenge, which has been          undertook runs around their garden, on their garden
    incredibly well taken up.                                decking and even round their dinning room table.
    People go out on their own, with a family member, a      There was also a fun daily wheel of doom challenge.
    buddy, or with members of their support bubble and       During these events, the club manged to raise over
    tick off some of the items on the bingo card.            £4,100 for the NHS Epsom and St Helier Hospitals
    Over the first 4 days of January, already over 85        charity.
    runs had taken place with everyone sharing their         Debbie, run/trail coach, founder of MVR & owner
    photos of their runs and their achievements on the       of Mole Valley Fitness www.molevalleyfitness.
    club Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/              co.uk also offers coaching and online classes to help
    MoleValleyRunners                                        maintain fitness, improve running and prevent injury.
    At Mole Valley Runners there is no pressure to be a      Please do join us on our Facebook group:
    fast runner, the emphasis is on getting outside, doing   www.facebook.com/groups/MoleValleyRunners
    something that is good for you and having some fun       if you are looking for some inspiration for some
    along the way!                                           exercise.

28 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
For care homes.

                                                                                            “She always looks
                                                                                            cheerful and well
                                                                                            presented; reflecting
        o                                                                                   the dedication and
    sa                                                                                      genuine warmth
to r

                                                                                            of the staff. She’s
                                                                                            in a happy place
                                                                                            with people who
                                                                                            genuinely care.”
                                                                                            Daughter of resident,
                                                                                            December 2020
                                                                                            Source: carehome.co.uk

 Dene Place Care Home
 Welcoming new residents
 There’s been lots of smiles, tears and laughter over the last year,
 through it all we’ve been there for our residents and their families,
 relentlessly. We make sure our team always have personal protective
 equipment available and regular testing takes place. We also
 participate in available vaccine programmes and follow strict UK
 infection control standards. Our team help residents settle in with
 family video calls, lots of activities and booked visits.
 Nursing | Residential | Short stay care

                                 Call us for advice today
                                 01483 331 641                                                            9.7
                                 Lines are open 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm
                                 Saturday. Closed Sundays and bank holidays. Calls are charged at
                                 no more than local rate and count towards any inclusive minutes       Review Score
                                 from mobiles. We may record or monitor our calls.                     28 reviews†

            All types of funding welcome                               No health insurance needed
 †The Review Score is based on the quality and number of independent reviews this home has
 received on carehome.co.uk in the last two years, at the time of going to print.                          FEB21 CS 02069

        O URING N
          D DOW

             Denture Repairs
        Emergency Dental Treatment
            Dental Check Ups                              FULL
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       We Have Two Treatment Rooms, With Air            YOUR ORN.
        Sanitation And Purification Systems.              REM FETY
                                                       OUR H AINS
       www.astekdental.com | 01372 377 678              PRIOR HEST
       19 Cannon Grove Fetcham, Leatherhead KT22 9LG

30 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
Comfort and
This Winter
Live Well at Hartfield House
Book a visit at porthaven.co.uk
Or call 01372 239432

Hartfield House, 4 Hartfield Road, Leatherhead
Surrey KT22 7GQ (Sat Navs KT22 7TH)

            DEAR LADIES, whether you are new to the area or have always
           been a ‘local’ girl, we wonder if you might be interested in visiting

                            fetcham village W.I.
            We know that times have been really tough for everyone, but enthusiastically look forward
                                     to reopening when allowed to do so.
          The opportunity of changing from an evening meeting to an afternoon has just been taken up,
       and we will be using the Village Hall on the second Thursday of the month (except August).
      You will find a warm welcome from 1.30 - 3.30pm. Most of us dislike arriving at a new venue but you
                                can be assured that our members are very friendly.
              It could be some time before we can resume so let’s try and bridge the gap. If you have
               any questions or would like to have a chat then I would be pleased to hear from you.
                                    Sincerely, MAUREEN 01372 842498

    The Probus Club of Ashtead

    Monday 15th February
    The Probus Club of Ashtead will hold its monthly
    meeting via Zoom at 10.30am. Andrew Baker’s
    talk is titled ‘Russia is a riddle wrapped in a
    mystery inside an enigma’ (Winston Churchill).
    Cost £5.
    For further information about Ashtead Probus visit www.ashteadprobus.com or,
    for more about our online talks, contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges either on
    07806 791774 or stephen@bridgesuk.com.

32 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

                                                Ashtead WIng meet on the
                                               second Monday of the month
                                                    from 8pm to 10pm
                                                Currently meeting virtually

   Our talk in February is ‘Chocolate’ and is given by local
  artisan chocolatier Natasha Sutton of AuBel Chocolates.
 Why not come and join us in 2021? We have a full programme of speakers
and a variety of additional interest groups. New members and guests always
 welcome, see our website for more info or email ashteadwing@gmail.com

      Next meeting                    Email: ashteadwing@gmail.com
    8th February 2021              Website: https://www.ashteadwing.co.uk

                      ASHTEAD WI
  Ashtead WI are a friendly and welcoming group who meet on the first Wednesday
  evening of the month. Join us for fun and laughter and to make new friends doing
      something you enjoy like walking, garden visits, crafts or join a book club.

  We usually meet at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall however, for now, we are holding
                                our meetings via Zoom.
 Our next Zoom is on Wednesday 3rd February at 7.30pm. Our speaker, Mike Goode,
                        will talk about ‘Royalty and Government’
                        A Tour of London from St James’s to Whitehall.

                               To find out more about joining us you can visit
                                    the Ashtead WI website or email us at

                                                Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021     33

      u3a lemon juice
    Lemon juice seems to be a universal recipe             the options at https://u3asites.org.uk/ashtead/
    enhancer. Squeezed on pancakes with sugar and it       groups.
    delights the taste buds; on salmon it cuts through     I think ‘University of the Third Age’ may be a bit
    the oiliness and lifts the flavour to another level.   of a misleading title. It’s the only ‘University’ that
    But whatever your taste, like lemon, Ashtead           has no entry requirements, other than the desire to
    U3A has a life-enhancing activity to bring a zing      take up a new interest or expand an existing one.
    to your life. There are over 70 groups to choose       And ‘Third Age’ sounds like it’s only for old people.
    from (some currently using Zoom) - you can play        Obviously, all members are young at heart but to
    bridge, croquet or canasta, go for walks, learn a      join, you only need to be retired or semi-retired,
    language, appreciate wine, ethnic dining or poetry,    there is no lower age limit. Many members say the
    join regular coach trips, study philosophy, history    best thing about belonging is the way the U3A has
    or discuss current affairs. Or simply make things      widened their social networks. And learning new
    up in the creative writing group! Check out all        things along the way is good too…

       If you think a little U3A lemon juice added to your life would add that certain something,
      contact membership secretary Anthea via the Ashtead U3A webpage https://u3asites.org.
        uk/ashtead/home or 01372 273690. Remember, there is absolutely no entrance exam!

                         LEATHERHEAD AND DISTRICT
                                                           are hoping to repeat the coffee and
                                                           tea meetings in between the regular
                                                           meetings to keep everybody in touch.
                                                           On the 18th of February we have our
                                                           regular monthly meeting, on Zoom, at
                                                           which the speaker is Ian Bevin on a talk
                                                           entitled Victorian Leisure.
                                                           If you would like to join us, but are not
      Leatherhead u3a were very busy over                  a member, please contact the secretary
      the Christmas period with an afternoon               whose is on the website (Leatherhead
      tea, one of the regular monthly                      u3a) who will give you the link for the
      meetings and a morning coffee on                     meeting.
      Boxing day, all of these on Zoom
      because of the current restrictions. We              David Wall vice chairman

34 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021
Creating Fabulous Gardens
      Hello! I’m Cindy Kirkland your local & qualified Garden Designer

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            e: ben@howellrs.com       w: www.howellrs.com
                 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL

                                           Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021     37
To everyone at the
            Mole Valley Probus Club
                                                                Thank you very much for
                                                               your incredible generosity,
                                                                support and friendship to
                                                                 us at B@titude this year.
                                                               Your gift of £500 is making
                                                                   a difference already.

                                                                 We are always deeply
                                                               grateful for every donation
                                                               and recognise we can only
                                                                 support those in need
                                                                 within our community
                                                               because of the people who
                                                                 generously give to us.

                                                               Over this Christmas period,
      we have been able to deliver hampers to individuals who are on their own and for
    families who are struggling. We have been able to give supermarket vouchers to over
     50 people and provide presents for children and families in need. We have also been
     able to deliver meals, support people with gas & electric and fund last minute needs.

     Whether helping a young mum as she moves out of temporary accommodation to
    a new home, funding transport to hospital for a mum who has a very poorly child or
    responding with gifts to a mum who has escaped domestic violence, it is fantastic to
                               be here and ready to respond.

       Thank you for your deep kindness and for choosing B@ttude, it is making a big
                           difference to a struggling community.

                                    With great appreciation,

                                   The               team

38 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

      James Cornes
          ELECTRICIAN                                    Why replace when you can repair
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                                                         Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021             39
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                  or find us at TRUST A TRADER
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M D Edwards & Son
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                                                 Call us today for a FREE quotation on:
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                                                Let’s hope that 2021 will see a return to something approaching
                                                normality. We are a thriving society with a membership of 300,
                                                providing stimulating arts-related talks, visits to places of interest and
                                                cultural tours (this year hopefully to Berlin and Krakow). Normally
                                                our talks have taken place on the 3rd Tuesday morning of each month
                                                at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, but that has not been possible in
                                                the present circumstances.
                                                Throughout this period we have been keeping in touch with our
                                ASHTEAD         members through regular newsletters, by email or hand-delivery for
                                                those without that facility.
                                                Since July, using the Zoom app, we have been screening monthly
                                                online talks, as well as providing access to some “virtual tours“ of
                                                places of interest. These were enjoyed by many of our members on-
                                                screen in the comfort of their own homes.
                                                Our online talk on Tuesday 16th February 2021 (at 10.30) will be:

                       Visit our website
                                                The Great British Paint-off: Turner-v-Constable
             www.tas-ashtead.org.uk             We welcome visitors and new members, who can join in an online
              for details of our lectures,      lecture by sending a request by email to tas.ashtead@gmail.com.
                        visits, and tours.      There will be no charge but a donation of up to £5 would be welcome.

42 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021

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                                                  Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - February 2021           43

                    OF MOLE VALLEY

    Wine has been made for centuries from grapes grown      vine varieties experimentally at Wisley.
    in the Mole Valley. The Leatherhead & District          At least four local commercial vineyards exist as
    Local History Society’s pre-Christmas Miscellany        well as Painshill. They are dominated of course
    online gathering heard BILL WHITMAN talk                by Denbies at Dorking, said to be the largest in
    about local vineyards including one heroic failure.     southern England. High Clandon has a smaller
    The Romans produced wines at Cobham and                 vineyard, planted with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
    Painshill Park where there is still a vineyard on the   and Pinot Meunier vines in the classic Champagne
    north side of the lake. Traces of the original were     proportions. The grapes produce a pleasant sparkling
    found on sloping ground leading down from the           English wine. The landscaped site is just south of
    gatehouse off the Portsmouth Road. The other site       the A246, near Cherry Trees Children’s Home. Just
    is Cock’s Farm at Abinger where excavations have        south of there on the other side of the Down is the
    uncovered ordered post-holes, spaced to support         Silent Pool beauty spot where another vineyard also
    vines.                                                  produces a sparkling wine and fancy gin.
    In medieval times vines were grown to provide wine      The fourth vineyard is at Thorncroft Farm,
    mainly for church use. However the market reduced       Leatherhead. The vines are not immediately obvious
    after King Henry II inherited Anjou and imports         as they are tucked away in a coomb above the
    became easier, while later the monasteries were         railway line, just below the path from Bocketts Farm
    closed by Henry VIII.                                   to the water treatment works. There are plantations
    In Bookham, on Bagden Lane near Polesden Lacey,         of elder trees whose flowers are used for elderflower
    we have Phoenice Farm. The name means ‘vineyard’.       champagne. The producers at Thorncroft Farm tried
    The fields slope sharply down and face south. In        unsuccessfully to brand their product ‘Elder-Flower
    1964 R. Barrington-Brock published Starting a           Champagne’ but the name is jealously guarded by
    Vineyard, summarising his experiments growing           producers of the real thing.
    vines at Oxted to the east along the A25. Some years    For more information on the L&DLHS go to
    later the Royal Horticultural Society planted rows of   www.leatherheadhistory.org

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         WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2021 AT 7.30PM
         The Arts Society Leatherhead is delighted to be presenting a talk by Nicola Moorby;
         entitled Turner v Constable: The Great British Paint-Off via Zoom.
         This is the story of the epic rivalry between the two giants of British Landscape Art; J.M.W Turner
         and John Constable. This lecture sets them head-to-head and examines their differences, their
         similarities and their shared triumphs. But who will ultimately be crowned star painter?
         Nicola Moorby is an independent art historian specialising in British art of the nineteenth and early
         twentieth centuries. Formerly a curator at Tate Britain she has organised a number of exhibitions
         and has published widely on J.M.W. Turner.
         Guests are welcome - if you would like to attend this talk, please contact Huw by email on

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