Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Fife Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Fife - Police Scotland

Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Fife Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Fife - Police Scotland

Local Police Plan 2020 - 23

            Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the
            people and communities of Fife


Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Fife Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Fife - Police Scotland

Planning framework

    The Chief Constable has responsibility for the policing of Scotland.


Local Police Plan 2020 23 - Fife Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the people and communities of Fife - Police Scotland


Fife divisional profile…………………………………..….6

Divisional priorities and objectives……………….……8

Plan on a page……………………………………………10

How we will deliver……………………………………….11
   Violent crime
   Acquisitive crime
   Anti-social behaviour
   Substance misuse
   Road safety
   Protecting people at risk of harm
   Threats to public safety

Local scrutiny and performance………………………22

Equalities, ethics and values……………………………24

Local contact details……………………………………..25



                                             These will call upon all of our skills
As Divisional Commander for Fife, it         and resources to ensure that we
gives me great pleasure to                   provide the best possible service to
introduce our Local Policing Plan            our communities, whilst
for 2020 – 2023.                             representing all that is good about
                                             policing in Scotland on an
The Chief Constable sets national
                                             international stage.
priorities for policing across the
whole of Scotland. As with our local         In recent years, local and divisional
priorities, these are based on an            developments in Fife have driven
ongoing assessment of threat and             improvements in our approach and
risk, whilst also delivering on what         support for our communities, our
the public have raised as most
                                             officers and our staff.
significant to them. Within the
national priorities for Scotland there
is a clear focus on positive                 Our approach to collaborative
outcomes, with activity planned to           work with partners continues to pay
support and improve operational              dividends and has resulted in
delivery.                                    improvements that benefit the
                                             people of Fife. The number of
Policing has been my life and I              missing people reported from
have spent the majority of my                health establishments and care
policing career within Fife. This has        establishments is reducing and we
given me the advantage of
                                             have driven improvements in
knowing the policing challenges
                                             ensuring that vulnerable people in
that we have faced in the past
and enables me to better prepare             crisis receive the correct support
for the challenges that lie ahead,           from the correct organisation at an
for policing in Scotland and locally         earlier stage. This has been
within Fife.                                 recognised nationally as best
                                             practice; however, we know that
The transition period as the United          more can still be done.
Kingdom exits the European Union
is ongoing, and future significant           We have also implemented Local
events include four Euro 2020                Service Delivery Hubs, which has
football matches to be played at             removed a significant proportion of
Hampden Park, the United Nations             non-emergency calls from front line
Framework Convention on Climate              response teams. This has allowed a
Change 26th Conference of the                better response and service for our
Parties (COP26) in November 2020,            communities when requiring
and the hosting of the 150th Open            immediate Police attendance, and
Golf Championship in St Andrews in           has reduced demand on my
July 2021, to name a few.                    officers in an effort to improve their



wellbeing and working                      agencies pull together and commit
environment.                               to solving a problem. For example
                                           in Levenmouth, an innovative and
With the introduction of a new             collaborative approach to anti-
Contact Assessment Model (CAM)             social behaviour and dangerous
in the spring of 2020, I fully             use of off road bikes was subject of
anticipate further improvements in         much praise and markedly
this area.                                 improved the quality of life for
Fife Division has delivered                residents there.
exceptional performance across so
many aspects of local policing in          We will continue to look for and
recent years. The quality of service       find ways to improve our service
and personal commitment shown              and improve engagement within
by Fife officers is something that I       our communities, whilst reducing
am immensely proud of and                  the demand upon all officers and
despite facing many challenges             staff at the front end.
and competing demands, we
remain flexible, creative and              We will develop our approach to
compassionate in our response.             local policing in a manner that
                                           addresses the needs of our
We have maintained some of the             communities and in a way that is
highest detection rates in Scotland        equipped to deal with the policing
for violent crime, sexual crime, and       needs of the 21st century.
theft by housebreaking; however,
during 2019 we also saw a                  This plan will remain flexible and will
reduction in the number of                 adapt to the changing needs of
reported incidents related to              our communities over the next
violence, sexual crime and                 three years, delivering a service
dishonesties and this is down to the       that generates confidence in
hard work of all Police Officers and       policing and one that creates a
Staff within Fife Division.                safer Fife for us all.

Significant success can be
achieved when all the partner

                     Chief Superintendent Derek McEwan
                     Fife Divisional Commander



Fife divisional profile
                                               produce a policing plan for their
Fife Division serves the Fife Council          Local Authority area.
Local Authority area. The division
covers 1,325 sq.km between the                 The plan demonstrates Police
Forth and Tay estuaries and is                 Scotland’s commitment to
structured into three local                    delivering local, national and
commands of West, Central and                  corporate outcomes.
East Fife.
Seven territorial command areas                The LPP is developed through
make up the three local command                professional analysis of crime across
areas, each of which share their               the division, combined with
boundaries with the Fife Council               feedback from stakeholders and
Local Authority business areas.                members of our communities. Our
                                               priorities are also aligned to
                                               strategic police priorities set by the
The population of Fife is
                                               Scottish Government, the
approximately 371,910, with the
                                               objectives contained within the
majority of people resident in a               Scottish Police Authority (SPA) plan
number of the large towns,                     and the national policing priorities,
including Dunfermline,                         as defined in Police Scotland’s
Cowdenbeath, Kirkcaldy,                        Annual Police Plan.
Glenrothes and Methil.
                                               Fife’s policing priorities also link
There are a number of smaller                  directly with local Community
towns and rural villages located               Planning Partnership priorities. The
across the three local command                 Local Outcome Improvement Plan
areas, with 8 operational Police               in Fife, Plan for Fife, which is a key
                                               element in the delivery of service
Stations. This includes Fife Division
                                               reform at a local level sets a clear
headquarters in the town of
                                               focus for Fife between 2017 and

Fife’s Local Policing Plan (LPP) sets          Fife Division will continue to
out the local policing priorities and          collaborate with community
objectives for Fife Division for the           partners to develop new and
period of 2020-2023.                           innovative ways of working,
                                               applying strong accountability and
Section 47 of the Police and Fire              governance to our objectives in
Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 places              order to truly deliver improved
a statutory requirement on each                outcomes and a Safer Kingdom for
Local Police Commander to                      our communities.



Divisional command structure

Fife Division is led by a Chief               The Operational and Support
Superintendent who holds the title            Superintendents provide direction
of Local Police Commander, and                and guidance to four Chief
who is supported by three                     Inspectors. Three of the Chief
Superintendents and six Chief                 Inspectors perform the role of Local
Inspectors. This collection of officers       Area Commander within the
form the Fife Division Command                designated areas of West, Central
Team.                                         and East Fife, whilst the fourth Chief
                                              Inspector is responsible for Divisional
The responsibilities of the Divisional        Coordination and Partnerships.
Command Team, is to:
 Deliver local policing.                     The Detective Superintendent for
 Ensure a visible, accessible and            the Division has responsibility for
   professional police service is             providing support and direction to
   provided to local communities              two Detective Chief Inspectors,
   in Fife.                                   who have responsibility and
 Drive accountability.                       accountability for all crime and
                                              public protection matters.

Local area command

Local Area Commanders are                     Inspector. In addition to supporting
responsible for ensuring the                  the Local Area Commander, the
effective and efficient delivery of           Inspector has specific responsibility
local policing services.                      within their local area for
                                              community engagement and
Each Local Area Commander has                 partnership working.
particular responsibility and
accountability for:                           Fife Local Area Commander’s and
 Local operational                           their deputies are based within
  management.                                 each of the local territorial
 Response and community                      command areas.
 Performance management.                     The Detective Chief Inspectors
 Daily management of local                   have particular responsibility and
  personnel.                                  accountability for:
 Local accountability and                     Managing performance and
  scrutiny.                                      ensuring effective investigation
 Local partnership activity.                    of all crime across the division.
                                               Leading, directing and co-
The Local Area Commanders also                   ordinating the investigation of all
have a designated deputy in each                 serious crimes within the division.
area, an officer at the rank of



   Investigation of deaths which
    are assessed as suspicious or

Divisional priorities and
                                              safer communities throughout the
Fife Division’s priorities are                Kingdom.
established to address local
concerns and to link into the                 Information has been obtained
priorities for policing established in        through direct engagement and
Policing for a safe, resilient and
protected Scotland, the Joint                 community consultation, which has
Strategy for Policing (2020).                 included, but was not limited to;
                                                  Community and Area
Those priorities for policing, also set             Committee Engagement
out in Police Scotland’s Annual                     Meetings.
Police Plan are as follows;                       Direct consultation with
    Protecting vulnerable                          victims of crime in the local
       people.                                      community.
    Tackling crime in the digital                Consultation with Local
       age.                                         Elected Members.
    Working with communities.                    Engagement with our
    Support for operational                        partners and local
       policing.                                    businesses.

The overarching theme being to                An online public survey, designed
provide the best service to a                 to allow our communities to
changing Scotland and to improve              highlight their concerns and help
the safety and wellbeing of our               shape the service that we will
communities across the country.               provide locally over the next three
In order to understand the needs              years, ran from 12 November 2019
and concerns at a more local level,           to 31 December 2019.
we have and will continue to
engage and consult with the                   During this period, responses were
people of Fife, ensuring that we              received from across the division,
deliver on expectations and with a            capturing feedback from all multi-
service that enables us to create             member wards.



In addition we also made                     environmental, legislative and
reference to the following internal          organisational issues were also
and external document sources to             taken into consideration.
assist us in identifying our local
                                             These considerations will be
policing priorities;
                                             reviewed throughout the
     Police Scotland Strategic
                                             upcoming three years, with
        Assessment 2020-23.
                                             consideration of our current estate
     Fife Local Outcome
                                             and where we can make
        Improvement Plan – Plan for
                                             improvements in respect of co-
                                             location with partners, improving
                                             engagement and reducing our
The Plan for Fife is founded on four
                                             carbon footprint. Any future
themed priorities:
                                             considerations will be appropriately
    Opportunities for all.
                                             balanced against policing needs.
    Thriving places.
    Inclusive growth.                       The cumulative information from all
    Community-led services.                 of the above consultation activity
                                             resulted in the following priorities,
The Community Safety Partnership
                                             which we will aim to deliver at a
is made up of partner agencies
                                             local and national level;
across statutory and voluntary
                                                  Violent crime.
sectors. With aims to deliver on the
                                                  Acquisitive crime.
community safety element of
                                                  Anti-social behaviour.
‘Thriving Places’, we will continue to
                                                  Substance misuse.
work alongside our partners with
                                                  Road safety.
the intention of tackling offending
                                                  Protecting people at risk of
and reducing anti-social
                                                  Threats to public safety.
Other relevant political, economic,
social, technological,





How we will deliver on
activities to support our local
Fife Division’s Local Policing Priorities aim to target the needs of all residents
and visitors, creating a safer community within Fife.

               Violent crime

The prevention, investigation and             Anti-social behaviour, disorder and
detection of all forms of violence            alcohol influence have been found
remains a primary focus for Police            to be strongly associated with
Scotland, at both a national level            crimes of violence. In response,
and locally within Fife.                      regular visits are conducted at
                                              licensed premises and increased
Serious violence and homicide has
                                              high visibility patrols are carried out
been identified as one of Police
                                              in areas that are considered
Scotland’s six very high operational
priorities in the Police Scotland             susceptible to violent and anti-
Strategic Assessment 2020-23 and              social incidents.
remains a priority focus for local
policing in Fife Division.                    Detection rates in Fife remain
                                              amongst the highest in Scotland in
Levels of overall violence in Fife has        respect of violence related
reduced over the last five years              criminality, however preventative
and a reduced number of                       tactics and innovative solutions will
common assaults, serious assaults             continue to be utilised to minimise
and attempted murders has                     the number of violent acts
occurred during 2019/20.                      occurring within the division.

Operation Path remains the                    Analytical work is also completed
overarching divisional strategy in            to proactively manage violence
respect of reducing violent crime             related curfew bail checks and
at a local level, with a focus on             warrants.
prevention and enforcement.


National campaigns have been                 their actions before choosing to
adapted in Scotland, with an aim             commit an act of violence.
of raising awareness to the
consequences that violence can               By taking a collaborative approach
have on the lives of both the victim         with our partners and together
and the attacker.                            providing consistent targeted
                                             messaging to members of the
During such campaigns, there is              public, we aim to reduce the
focus on the part that alcohol can           number of violent incidents that
play in altering a person’s                  occur and provide the correct
behaviour and we will continue to            support to those who are subjected
encourage people to think about              to violent crime.

                Acquisitive crime

Acquisitive crime encompasses                highest level since 2013/14 and also
crimes such as;                              amongst the highest in Scotland.
    Theft.
    Housebreaking.                          At a national level, fraud has been
    Shoplifting.                            identified as a high operational
    Fraud; and,                             priority in the Police Scotland
    Reset.                                  Strategic Assessment 2020-23, as it
                                             presents a significant challenge
Acquisitive crime remains a local            both locally and nationally in terms
priority within Fife and Operation           of prevention and detection.
Principle remains the division’s
response to tackling all crimes of           Fife communities continue to report
dishonesty, with a number of                 a high volume of fraud, including;
strategies in place.                         credit/debit card frauds, online
                                             shopping frauds, bogus workman
Due to this area of criminality being        type offences, as well as phishing
a broad ranging issue, it presents           (internet/email scams which
widespread challenges for Local              appear to come from a genuine
Policing.                                    source), vishing (via telephone),
                                             smishing (via text message) and
Despite this, the detection rate for         twishing (via social media).
acquisitive crime in Fife is at its



Regular collaboration with partners           central Scotland have been
assists in raising awareness of online        targeted by travelling criminals who
frauds/scams and providing                    have committed housebreakings
prevention and security advice to             and other linked offences.
the public.
                                              Despite this, the number of
Although shopliftings have reduced            reported housebreakings in Fife has
during 2019/20, this crime type               showed reduction on long term
continues to be problematic in                trends and detection rates have
terms of volume and demand.                   been high.

Our response has involved the                 By sharing intelligence and best
introduction of prevention teams              practice across divisional
and we will continue to develop               boundaries and with specialist
local area action plans and                   departments, it ensures
increase engagement with shop                 management oversight of key
premises in order to conduct                  issues and emerging crime trends,
surveys, enhance resilience and               allowing us to provide a
provide relevant security advice.             collaborative response to prevent
                                              and investigate this area of
Throughout 2019/20, Fife and                  criminality.
neighbouring divisions across

                Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour incidents in            peace, stalking), as well as
fife have shown strong reductions in          vandalism, crimes relating to
recent years, and during 2019/20              drunkenness and minor assaults.
there has been further sizable
reductions across all the local               Despite reductions in anti-social
command areas of Fife.                        behaviour related criminality, such
                                              incidents continue to have an
Linked crimes related to anti-social          impact on our local communities.
behaviour and disorder have also
reduced over the last five years.             This has resulted in it continuing to
                                              be a priority for Fife Division.
This decrease can be attributed to
a reduction in crimes associated              Anti-social behaviour continues to
with disorder (threatening and                occur in greatest volume in terms
abusive behaviour, breach of the              of public nuisance and disturbance



incidents, mainly associated with            off sales premises where the aim is
public spaces, whilst private space          to prevent underage alcohol
incidents are mostly linked to noise         purchases, proxy sales and alcohol
complaints and neighbour                     thefts.
                                             Sharing of information with
These often present significant              partnership agencies regarding
challenges as a result of them               locations and specific individuals of
relating to repeat offenders or              concern also allows us to deliver
complaints specific to problematic           the best possible service, based
locations.                                   upon the relevant circumstances
                                             and needs.
The local delivery of Operation
Prevail has served to target key risk        The development of intelligence
factors in anti-social behaviour             assists with deployment of
through a multi-agency approach.             resources for targeted prevention
Fife Division officers and staff             and enforcement activity and
continue to target resources to              provides community reassurance.
address key issues and community
                                             Engagement will continue with
                                             schools and colleges, raising
                                             awareness and providing
In recognising the part that alcohol         education and diversionary
can play in this area of criminality,        projects to divert youths from
there is on-going engagement with            becoming involved in crime.

               Substance misuse

                                             particularly acquisitive crime,
Drugs supply/drugs harm has been             violence and anti-social behaviour.
identified as one of Police
Scotland’s six very high operational         Consequently, preventative and
priorities in the Police Scotland            disruption activity that results in
Strategic Assessment 2020-23 and             positive outcomes under Operation
remains a priority focus for local           Prospect, will also reduce victims of
policing in Fife, under Operation            associated crimes.
                                             The supply and use of drugs
It is recognised that drug supply            continues to have significant
and drug use is closely linked to            impact in Fife with multiple harms
other forms of criminality,                  associated; most significantly, drug
                                             related deaths.


                                                   Sharing information on current
Another significant aspect is the                   drug crime trends and
associated link between drug use                    identifying vulnerable members
and distribution with Serious and                   of the public, enabling us to
Organised Crime (SOC).                              provide support at an earlier
                                                    stage or use appropriate
In addition, there is consideration of              intervention tactics.
travelling criminals or SOC groups
from other parts of Scotland and                   Providing support and input at
the UK who travel to Fife to target                 multi-agency drug death
some of the more vulnerable in our                  awareness events.
                                                   Engaging with schools, colleges
Our divisional intelligence officers                and The University of St Andrews,
monitor all drug related intelligence               allowing us to provide
in order to co-ordinate activity that               education on the dangers of
will assist in tackling substance                   controlled drugs.
misuse across the division, and daily
enforcement and scheduled days                     Implementing diversionary
of action targets known suppliers                   projects to assist in diverting
and key associates.                                 young people from becoming
                                                    involved in substance misuse or
To assist with prevention, we will                  associated criminality.
continue to work with our partners
in an attempt to address and                       Encouraging communities to
target drug related crime.                          report drug related activity
                                                    directly to the Police or through
This includes, but is not limited to;               Crimestoppers.

                Road safety

Road Casualties are recognised                  focus for proactive work around
nationally as a high operational                prevention, education and
priority within the Police Scotland             enforcement.
Strategic Assessment 2020-23.
                                                Our divisional response under
Overall, the strategic picture for              Operation Paramount is to
road safety and road crime has not              continue to work alongside key
altered significantly in recent years.          partners to make Fife’s roads safer
As such, the long-standing themes               and to reduce road casualties, by
and key risk areas remain as a core             influencing driver and road user



behaviour and targeting identified          and publicity of interactive
contributory factors to road traffic        initiatives, such as;

Currently, the top risk
groups/factors identified both
locally and nationally include;                   Safe Drive Stay Alive
    Speed.                                        Roadshows.
    Motorcyclists.                               New Driver Improvement
    Pre-drivers.                                  Scheme.
    Young drivers.                               Drivewise.
    Older drivers.                               Bikeability.
    Cyclists.
                                            To assist us in targeting road crime,
    Pedestrians.
                                            we will continue to gather
Tackling road casualties and road           intelligence by encouraging
crime remains a force wide priority         members of the public to report
and within Fife, we will maintain           persons driving whilst impaired or
oversight of road casualty and              without documentation.
road crime in consultation with
partners through the Road                   We will also ensure internal
Casualty Reduction Group (RCRG)             circulation of all current/relevant
and internally through the Road             intelligence, to assist with targeted
Casualty and Road Crime                     action against prolific road traffic
Reduction Group (RCRCRG).                   offenders and to maintain focus at
                                            areas deemed vulnerable to
We will continue to develop                 reckless or inappropriate driving.
targeted local preventative
campaigns and promote national              By way of a future consideration,
safety campaigns, such as;                  demographic projections from the
    Vulnerable Road Users                  National Records of Scotland
      Campaign.                             suggests that in Fife, the population
    National Motorcycle Safety             aged 65 or above is due to
      Campaign.                             increase by 21% over the next
    Summer Safety Campaign.
    BRAKE National Road Safety
                                            Per mile driven, older drivers have
                                            one of the highest collision rates
    Get Ready for Winter                   and are more likely to sustain
      Campaign.                             serious injury due to increased
    Festive Safety Campaign.               frailty. As the population over 65
    Summer and Winter                      continues to rise, it is anticipated
      Drink/Drug Drive Campaigns.           that the collisions involving older
                                            road users will rise also. Work is on-
We will also have continued                 going in consultation with partner
engagement with schools,                    agencies to identify the best
providing consistent messaging


means to reach this demographic
and provide suitable safety advice.

                Protecting people at risk of harm

As well as being a national priority,        abuse investigation unit and an
the protection of vulnerable                 offender management unit.
people is a primary focus for the
day to day policing within Fife.             All of these departments have
                                             dedicated specialist resources that
Fife’s Public Protection Unit is made        have an improved capability to
up of a number of departments,               investigate an extremely difficult
and includes child abuse                     area of criminality, which presents
investigation teams (recent and              significant risk of harm to our
non-recent), a divisional rape               communities.
investigation unit, a domestic

Children and young persons

Child concerns are reviewed daily            people, parents, carers and
at Inter-agency Referral Discussions         teachers regarding internet safety,
(IRD’s), where relevant information          child sexual exploitation, neglect
is shared, ensuring appropriate risk         and all other forms of abuse.
management and decision making
                                             This education is just as relevant for
occurs between Police, Health,
                                             our officers, who will continue to
Social Work and Education.
                                             receive current/relevant training
Education is an essential focus. We          that will assist them in recognising
continue to work with our partners           the signs of child sexual exploitation
in order to maximise learning                and neglect at the earliest possible
opportunities with children, young           stage.

Domestic incidents

All domestic related incidents are           allowing appropriate assessment of
reviewed by our Divisional Risk and          any threat, risk and/or harm.
Concern Hub, with entries to the
                                             Cases deemed high risk are
Vulnerable Persons Database (VPD)
                                             escalated and managed through
                                             a monthly Multi-Agency Risk


Assessment Conference (MARAC),                perpetrator focussed action across
and Multi-Agency Tasking and Co-              different services.
ordination (MATAC) enables
Sexual offences

Any form of sexual offence can be             criminality and our local
considered a violation of personal            departments are supported by
and/or intimate boundaries and                national teams who can
can in some cases create                      supplement further staff and
significant psychological barriers            resources to assist in reviewing and
and present unique challenges.                investigating any cases, as
We recognise that it is vital that
consideration is given to the needs           Regular consultation with local
and concerns of the person                    support organisations allows
reporting, to enable confidence in            appropriate signposting for those
reporting and to assist in ensuring           effected by sexual crime and
that they are fully understanding of          enables our community to receive
police processes.                             relevant support, beyond their
                                              contact with the police.
Specialist training is provided to
officers investigating this area of

Our response to cybercrime

With technology evolving at an                facilitate the illegal sale and
exceptional rate, one of Police               distribution of controlled drugs
Scotland’s national priorities is a           through social media and other
focus on tackling crime in the                online platforms.
digital age.
                                              In response, we continue to
Technological advances allows for             introduce new technology and
the commission of a variety of                provide training to staff in order to
crimes, without the need for the              enable early review and
perpetrator to reside in the same             progression of cyber related
town or country.                              criminality.

Examples include online fraud,                In collaboration with partners, we
threats, abuse, extortion, hate               remain focused on raising
crimes and some sexual offences.              awareness of online crimes and
The internet has also presented               provide relevant, up-to-date
perpetrators with the ability to              prevention and security advice.



Mental Health
There continues to be growing                 assessment or need support or
demands impacting on Fife                     assistance from relevant agencies.
Division, primarily on frontline
policing from incidents not related           Fife Division are represented on a
to crime.                                     number of partnership working
                                              groups within Fife.
In particular there is recognition
that an increasing number of calls
                                              To ensure that the appropriate
relate to people in crisis or distress
                                              support is available, work will
which are attributed to one of the
                                              continue with key partners within
many categories under Mental
                                              NHS Fife from mental health, public
                                              health and clinical health to gain
This is a particularly complex area           mutual understanding and seek
and can include those who require             ways to improve the service to the
medical treatment/mental health               public and reduce demands on
                                              Fife police and partners.

Our aim to reduce re-offending

In order to reduce re-offending, a            becoming involved in crime and to
strong focus remains on prevention.           prevent future offending.

The monitoring and management                 Work is also on-going with partners
of Registered Sex Offenders is                to improve the reporting of
completed by our Offender                     offenders, with an aim to address
Management Unit (OMU), via Multi-             possible causation factors at the
Agency Public Protection                      earliest opportunity and allow
Arrangements (MAPPA), where                   sentencing to incorporate support
assessments are completed in                  and diversion processes to prevent
order to mitigate risk and reduce             re-occurrence.
                                              A partnership approach to
Issues with youth offending is                managing those being released
monitored through the Youth                   from prison also enables early
Offender Management Group                     identification of issues relating to
(YOMG). This ensures that the most            money, medication and criminal
appropriate interventions are                 association with the aim to reduce
applied to discourage youths from             offending and re-offending.



                Threats to public safety

Serious and organised crime
Serious and organised crime (SOC)            This particular approach is referred
continues to be a significant threat         to as ‘county lines’. Another
across Scotland and locally within           recognised approach is for
Fife. It can take many forms,                members to take over a vulnerable
including but not limited to;                person’s home in order to utilise it
     Drug production and                    for a criminal purpose, known as
        distribution.                        ‘cuckooing’.
     Human trafficking.
     High value thefts - including          Human Trafficking is the illegal
        housebreaking and theft of           trade and exploitation of people
        motor vehicles.                      who can be recruited, transported
     Fraud.                                 or harboured for illegal means. This
     Child sexual exploitation.             exploitation can take many forms,
                                             including forced labour, domestic
Serious and Organised Crime
                                             servitude or slavery and sexual
Groups exploit people within our
                                             exploitation, or in circumstances
communities, often targeting those
that are considered vulnerable.              where a person is held for the
                                             purposes of committing criminal
Not only do we consider the threat           acts, such as maintaining cannabis
of SOC groups originating within             cultivations.
Fife, but we continue to review,
monitor and build intelligence in            Education is essential to help
respect of incoming influence from           identify and prevent those being
external SOC groups (from across             exploited within our communities.
Scotland and other areas of the              Training and awareness events
UK), as well as travelling criminals         between police and partners assists
found to be engaging in criminality          in understanding how to identify
within Fife.                                 the indicators of child sexual
                                             exploitation and human trafficking,
This includes group members                  and how to report concerns.
coming into Fife and using local
children or vulnerable adults to sell
and deliver drugs through means of
violence, intimidation or grooming.



By sharing intelligence and                  Ensuring a proactive and targeted
engaging effectively with partner            response to SOC groups, we aim to
agencies we will continue to make            reduce the number of people
efforts to build upon our recognised         actively involved within these
strategy to divert, deter, detect and        criminal organisations in Fife.
disrupt those involved or
associated with serious and
organised crime.

Counter terrorism
The threat from terrorism remains a          To ensure that we protect our
key consideration when assessing             communities and keep our officers
our priorities at both a national and        and staff updated on a threat that
local level.                                 continues to develop, we will;
                                                 Participate as an active
The UK Governments Counter                         member of the Fife Division
Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) follows               Multi-Agency CONTEST
the four strands of; Pursue, Prevent,              Group.
Protect and Prepare.                             Ensure delivery of nationally
                                                   agreed training and
                                                   information sharing between
                                                   Police and key partners.
                                                 Work with our partners to
                                                   gather and assess
                                                   intelligence on those
                                                   involved in terrorist related
                                                   activity, taking appropriate
                                                   action where necessary.
                                                 Safeguard those considered
                                                   susceptible to radicalisation.



Local scrutiny and
The Police and Fire Reform                     In addition, the partnership Plan for
(Scotland) Act 2012 enforces a                 Fife sets out the key outcomes that
legislative requirement upon police            Fife Council and partners (including
Scotland for each local                        Fife Division) are seeking to achieve
commander to prepare and submit                for Fife. Fife Division are represented
                                               on the Fife Partnership Board which
a local police plan to the relevant
                                               comprises Key Community Safety
Local Authority for approval. This
                                               Partners and oversees the delivery
plan fulfils this obligation.                  of the Plan for Fife.

This legislation also includes a               The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) is
framework for oversight and                    the body with overall formal
requires Local Authorities to have             responsibility for scrutiny and
suitable scrutiny arrangements in              holding Police Scotland to account
place for the Police.                          for delivery of the priorities set out in
                                               the National Policing Plan.
Fife Council has therefore
determined that the most                       Fife Division’s performance against
                                               the national priorities is monitored
appropriate arena for reporting on
                                               centrally by the National Analysis
the Fife Division Policing Plan is the
                                               and Performance Unit, who
Environment and Protective
                                               compile a wide variety of
Services (E&PS) Committee.                     analytical products to support
                                               operational policing activity at
Performance reports will be                    tactical and strategic levels.
compiled and submitted to the
E&PS Committee for their                       Informed by this national
information and scrutiny. Fife’s               monitoring, internal monthly Tasking
Divisional Commander will provide              and Delivery meetings, chaired by
a verbal update to committee                   the Divisional Commander and
members at scheduled meetings.                 attended by the Command Team,
                                               Local Area Commanders and
This local scrutiny is the formal route        Crime Managers, enable
for Elected Members to influence               examination of local performance,
Police services in Fife and to retain          trends and emerging issues, which
and enhance partnership working                in turn coordinate policing priorities
between the Local Authority, other             and delivery across the division.
partners and Fife Division.



The local Tasking and Delivery               engagement. This feedback will
process is informed by analysis of           assist in developing policing
crime, incident and intelligence             arrangements at divisional and
data and also serves to identify any         local levels.
cross border issues or those of
heightened risk in order that                In support of all the above, on a
policing can be co-ordinated with            daily basis, local and divisional
neighbouring divisions and so that           oversight, review and tasking
national resources can be moved              meetings are held to coordinate
to Fife Division should this be              our response to incidents that have
required.                                    occurred over the previous 24
                                             hours, thus ensuring the most
In addition to formal scrutiny and
                                             appropriate delivery of a local
performance monitoring, we will
also continue to measure our                 policing service that is intended to
success through local community              keep Fife safe.



Equalities, ethics and values
Our work is underpinned by our                inclusion and accessibility is taken
commitment to equality and                    into account at all levels of
diversity in our interactions with the        decision making and service
public we serve as well as our own            provision.
                                              Fife Division is committed to a
Across Police Scotland we are                 policing style which meets the
committed to developing and                   differing needs of the communities
promoting best practice in the                we serve and is dedicated to
advancement of our Equality                   promoting equality within our own
Outcomes.                                     workforce.

Fife Division is part of a Senior             We realise that every police officer,
Equalities Group comprising of key            special constable and member of
stakeholders and partners, shaping            police staff is responsible for
equality and diversity work across            delivering a fair and professional
Fife to ensure that diversity,                service, promoting equality for all.

Ethics and values
A code of ethics was introduced in            outcomes and improve the safety
2013 with the creation of Police              and wellbeing of people, places
Scotland and provides guiding                 and communities in Scotland.
principles that define how we
perform our duties.                           Police Scotland’s values are;
                                                  Integrity.
The code of ethics sets out the                   Fairness.
standards we expect of all our                    Respect.
employees and the standards that                  Human Rights.
the public can expect to ensure
we provide a professional service             Fife Division is continually working to
to all.                                       ensure that these values and the
                                              code are understood by all our
Encompassing the values of the                officers and staff and are
service and our commitment to                 preserved in all of our decisions
human rights, the code is designed            and actions.
to help us provide positive



Local contact details
Local Police Commander
Police Scotland – Fife Divisional Headquarters
Detroit Road

For more detailed information on            For non-emergency contact, call
how to contact your Local Policing          101, the single non-emergency
Team please refer to our website at         number.
www.scotland.police.uk or through
our social media platforms below.           If you have information about
                                            crime in your area and wish to
We will continue to keep in touch           provide it anonymously, call
with you to keep you updated on             CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.
the ongoing work being done to
tackle the issues that are affecting        Service users who are deaf or have
life for you and your community:            a hearing impairment can contact
                                            Police Scotland via TextRelay on
Dial 999 for an emergency that              18001 101 for non-emergency, or
requires urgent police attention.           18000 in an emergency.

      Follow us on Facebook: https:/www.facebook.com/FifePoliceDivision/

      Follow us on Twitter:     @FifePolice

For further information about Fife Division or your local Community Policing
Team please visit the Fife section of the force website at


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