Market in Minutes Logistics: Madrid and Barcelona - Savills

Page created by Dana Newton
Market in Minutes Logistics: Madrid and Barcelona - Savills
Savills Research Global
                                                                                                           Logistics Spain

Market in Minutes
Logistics: Madrid and
Barcelona                                                                                                      Q2 2018

The first half of the year exceeded outstanding take-up levels that were reached in the
same period of 2017 in both Madrid and Barcelona.
■ The demand in the Madrid             50% y-o-y increase. These figures      in land banking. During the second
market during the first half of 2018   reflect the excellent performance of   quarter, more than 280,000 sq m
exceeded 450,000 sq m, with a          demand. Particularly noteworthy is     were transacted in six deals.
total of 36 deals, representing        the increase in surface area taken
a 17% y-o-y increase. Take-            per deal, with five transactions,      ■ Although the interest on the
up during the second quarter           exceeding 20,000 sq m.                 part of the investors in the
surpassed 227,000 sq m, a figure                                              logistics market continues, H1
which is slightly below the Q2         ■ Rental prices in both Madrid         2018 registered just over €400m
2017 level (40km from the city), distributed     prime rent in Madrid stands at         This decrease does not result from
over five deals.                       between €5.0 - €5.50 per sq m/         minor investor appetite but rather
                                       month, and in Barcelona, between       from lack of opportunities. The
■ The semestral take-up in the         €6.0 - €6.75 per sq m/month.           secondary markets are still the
Barcelona market grew by more                                                 focus of attraction from investors
than 74% y-o-y and registered          ■ Interest in land market can be       due to the lack of quality built
more than 390,000 sq m in 36           attributed not only to the lack of     warehouses in both Madrid and
deals. In Q2 2018, both the take-      quality built warehouses in the        Barcelona.
up and number of deals posted a        market, but also to strategic trends

Market in Minutes Logistics: Madrid and Barcelona - Savills
Market in Minutes | Logistics Spain

                                                                         The labour market continues to             20,000 sq m, accounted for 48%
                           Main indicators                               show signs of regrowth. The number         of the total quarterly take-up. Two
                           The favourable economic backdrop,             of people registered with Social           of them took place in Corredor del
                           the upbeat performance of the                 Security at the end of June exceeded       Henares and the remaining two in
                           job market and the increased                  18.9m workers, almost 4.2% more            Zona Sur.
                           consumption have continued in                 than in the same month of 2017.
                           2018, boosting the logistics market.          Additionally, it has reached record        The highest rent of >€6.0 per sq m/
                                                                         levels of the decade.                      month was recorded in Coslada,
                           The Spanish economy remains                                                              in a deal signed for a warehouse
                           upbeat as in previous quarters. The           E-commerce showed once again               dedicated to developing cross
                           GDP growth stood at 3%, according             very positive data in the last quarter     docking. However, the achievable
                           to the latest data of INE for Q1 2018.        of 2017. According to the latest           rent in the prime area currently
                           However, a gradual slowdown in the            data from National Markets and             stands at between €5.00 - 5.50 per
                           economy is expected in the next               Competition Commission (CNMC),             sq m/month.
                           quarters, with the prospect of ending         the business volume in Q4 2017
                           the year at 2.7% (according to Focus          increased by 28% compared to               With regards to the geographical
                           Economics).                                   Q4 2016. The turnover volume in            distribution, the zone which showed
                                                                         Spain exceeded €30,000m in 2017,           the highest level of activity this
                           The consumer confidence index                 reflecting a 26% y-o-y increase.           quarter was Corredor del Henares,
                           showed a positive performance in                                                         with 11 deals, representing more
                           June, gaining 1.2 points since June           Madrid logistics market                    than 118,000 sq m, which account
                           2017.                                         In H1 2018, the outstanding                for 52% take-up.
GRAPH 1                                                                  performance of demand exceeded
Take-up Evolution and No. of Deals by                                    17% of the take-up of logistics            On the other hand, the South Zone,
                                                                         spaces of H1 2017, with a total of 36      recorded a take-up of more than
Quarter in Madrid
                                                                         completed deals (387,000 sq m in H1        91,000 sq m. This figure represents
                 Take-up                  No. Deals (right axis)         2017 vs 451,000 in H1 2018).               40% of take-up, with seven deals.
       350.000                                                      30
                                                                                                                    The rest of the demand was
                                                                         In Q2 2018, a take-up surpassing           directed to the Norht Zone and the
       300.000                                                           227,000 sq m was recorded,                 West Zone, with two and one deal
                                                                         an optimal figure, although this           respectively.
       250.000                                                           represents a 12% y-o-y decrease.
sq m

                                                                                                                    In terms of the number of
                                                                         Moreover, 21 transactions were             transactions by municipality, of
       150.000                                                           recorded, two more than in the same        particular interest are Cabanillas del
                                                                         period of 2017.                            Campo, on the one hand, with four
       100.000                                                                                                      transactions, and on the other hand,
                                                                         With regards to volume transaction,        the municipalities of San Fernando
        50.000                                                      5
                                                                         it is important to note that four deals,   de Henares and Getafe, with three
                                                                         located in the third tier (>40 km. from    deals each.
             0                                                      -
                   Q2 17    Q3 17     Q4 17       Q1 18    Q2 18         the city) with a size of more than

Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman

GRAPH 2                                                                  GRAPH 3
Logistics Take-up by Areas in Madrid                                     Take-up and Demand by Zones in Madrid
Q2 2018                                                                  Q2 2018
                                                                                                 Take-up               No. Deals (right axis)
                     North Zone;          West Zone; 1%
                         7%                                                  40%                                                                          5
                                                          Corredor del       30%
                                                           Henares;          25%                                                                          3
                                                              52%            20%
                                                                             15%                                                                          2
                                                                              0%                                                                          0

       South Zone;

Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman                                  Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman

Market in Minutes Logistics: Madrid and Barcelona - Savills
Q2 2018

                                                                                    from minor investor appetite, but
Madrid land                                The highest rent was recorded at         rather from lack of opportunities.
In regards to land market, six deals       levels above the achievable rent
were recorded, involving a surface         in the prime area. However, the          Among the most relevant deals in the
area of more than 280,000 sq m. This       achievable rent currently stands         second quarter was the purchase of
data reflects the high level of interest   at between €6.0 - €6.75 per sq m/        75,000 sq m by the investment fund
in the sector.                             month.                                   Green Oak in Alcalá de Henares.

The most relevant transaction is the       With regards to the number of            The initial yield for most prime assets
purchase of more than 95,000 sq m          deals by region, El Vallès Oriental      currently stands at around 6.0%, and
in Alcalá de Henares.                      accounted for the lion´s share of        even lower in certain transactions, at
                                           the demand, with six transactions,       levels close to 5.5%.
Barcelona logistics                        accounting for 35% of the total
market                                     take-up. Other regions with high level   The secondary markets such as
Take-up for logistics spaces recorded      of activity are Barcelonès and Baix      Valencia, Zaragoza, Sevilla, etc.
during the first six months of the year    Llobregat Nord, with three deals in      continue to be the focus of interest
reached more than 390,000 sq m,            each region, and El Vallès Occidental,   from investors due to the limited
which represents an increase of more       with two transactions.                   quality products in both Madrid and
than 74% y-o-y.                                                                     Barcelona. ■
                                           It is important to note that the deal
The quarterly demand showed                size increased in H1 2018, registering
excellent performance levels               eight deals with a volume above          GRAPH 4
exceeding 204,000 sq m, doubling           20,000 sq m compared to the two          Take -up Evolution and No. of Deals by
the figures registered in the same         deals completed in H1 2017.              Quarter in Barcelona
period of the previous year.
                                           Barcelona land                                              Take-up            No. Deals (right axis)
Letting activity was significant in        The lack of land plots ready for
                                                                                             250.000                                                  20
the first half of the year, with 36        construction and built warehouses
completed deals compared to the 22         is encouraging new players such as                                                                         18
posted in H1 2017.                         investment funds and developers                   200.000                                                  16
                                           to take positions in the sector by                                                                         14
                                                                                    sq m

Among the most relevant                    incorporating quality products.
                                                                                             150.000                                                  12
transactions in terms of size, two
stood out. On the one hand the deal        Investment market                                                                                          10
carried out in La Bisbal del Penedès       The high level of interest from                   100.000                                                  8
(Alt Penedès), with just over 48,000       investors in the logistics market                                                                          6
sq m, by Vente Privé, a logistics          continues, although the volume
                                                                                              50.000                                                  4
platform and, on the other hand, in        registered during H1 2018 (>€400m
Barberà del Vallès (Vallés Oriental),      in 16 transactions) is 17% below                                                                           2
involving a surface area of more than      H1 2017 figures (c.€490m). This                         0                                                  -
28,000 sq m.                               decrease in volume does not result                            Q2 17   Q3 17   Q4 17    Q1 18    Q2 18

                                                                                    Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman

GRAPH 5                                                                             GRAPH 6
Take-up and Demand by Zones in Barcelona                                            Investment volume in the market
Q2 2018                                                                             2010-Q2 2018
                        Take-up               No. Deals (right axis)
    40%                                                                      7
    35%                                                                      6
    30%                                                                                      700
    25%                                                                                      600
                                                                             3               500

    10%                                                                      2               400
     5%                                                                      1
     0%                                                                      0



Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman                                             Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman

Market in Minutes | Logistics Spain

  MAP 1                                                                                              MAP 2
  Logistics Map of Madrid by isochrones                                                              Logistics Map of Barcelona by isochrones

  Source: Research Savills Aguirre Newman

  Savills Aguirre Newman Team
  For further information please contact:

  Antonio Montero                                         Aitor Álvarez                                                Gloria Valverde
  Director Spain Logistics Agency                         Director Madrid Logistics Agency                             Director Barcelona Logistics Agency
  +34 91 319 13 14                                        +34 91 319 13 14                                             +34 93 439 54 54                   

  Pelayo Barroso                                          Gema de la Fuente
  Research                                                Research
  +34 91 319 13 14                                        +34 91 319 13 14       

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  Savills is a leading global real estate service provider listed on the London Stock Exchange. The company, established in 1855, has a rich heritage with unrivalled growth. It is a company
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