FINAL London Waste and Recycling Board Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation May 2019 2018/19

Page created by Matthew Espinoza
FINAL London Waste and Recycling Board Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation May 2019 2018/19
London Waste and Recycling Board

Compliance Review of Scheme of
May 2019


Executive Summary
OVERALL ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT                                                          OVERALL CONCLUSION

                                                                                      Reasonable assurance has been provided in respect of effectiveness of
                                                                                      the controls and implementation of the Organisations Scheme of
                                                                                      Delegation as there are still some areas that require improvement.
                                                                                         Confirmation of budget holder approval for purchases is not being
                                                                                         Not all tender specification approval is being retained and this
                                                                                          requirement is not explicitly stated in the procedures;
                                                                                         The Organisations electronic approval system for purchases and their
                                                                                          Scheme of Delegation are not in line;
                                                                                         ReceiptBank is not being regularly reviewed and contained some
                                                                                          expense receipts that were 12 months old;
                                                                                         The Organisations Personal Expense procedure does not stipulate a
                                                                                          time frame when expense claims must be submitted.

SCOPE                                                                                 ACTION POINTS

The review considered the operation of the LWARB’s financial regulations and
delegated authorities and the extent to which the arrangements support effective
authorisation and decision making, including the point at which any commitment is
                                                                                                Urgent        Important              Routine           Operational
The will not consider the appropriateness of any delegated financial thresholds and
will not seek to identify any significant differences in levels of operation.
                                                                                                  0                0                     7                   0

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                                                                                                                       Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
Management Action Plan - Priority 1, 2 and 3 Recommendations

Rec.    Risk Area                    Finding                              Recommendation                 Priority               Management                  Implementation        Responsible
                                                                                                                                 Comments                      Timetable             Officer
                                                                                                                                                              (dd/mm/yy)           (Job Title)

 1     Compliance   Prior to any purchases being made            Budget       holder    expenditure         3       Expenditure above £500 currently           01/06/19           Head       of
                    budget holders are required to confirm       verification prior to purchase be                  requires a purchase order to be                               Finance and
                    that there is adequate budget to cover the   recorded for all purchases over                    raised, which is approved by the                              Operations
                    purchase being made. However this            £500 on the relevant purchase                      appropriate manager – which
                    check is only carried out as a verbal        order.                                             includes         an       implicit
                    confirmation and is not documented.                                                             acknowledgement that sufficient
                                                                                                                    funds are available.
                                                                                                                    Managers will be reminded of this.

 2     Compliance   The tender specification details used for    Evidence of tender specification           3       Agreed.                                    01/06/19           Head       of
                    the IT contract were verbally approved       approval be kept in the relevant                                                                                 Finance and
                    and evidence that this conversation took     supplier contract folder to support                                                                              Operations
                    place could not be located.                  the process.

 3     Compliance   The     Organisations      procurement       The Procurement Procedures be              3       Agreed.                                    01/06/19           Head       of
                    procedure does not explicitly state that     updated to explicitly state that                                                                                 Finance and
                    tender specifications require formally       tender      specifications require                                                                               Operations
                    documented approval.                         formally documented approval in
                                                                 line with best practice.

 4     Compliance   The scheme of delegated responsibilities     The scheme of delegation be                3       Agreed. The Scheme of Delegated            06/06/19           Head       of
                    were compared to the level of approvals      updated with an appendix that                      Authority requires a major revision                           Finance and
                    set in ApprovalMax the Organisations         explicitly states approval limits for              to reflect a recent organisational                            Operations
                    online purchase order and approval           officers within the Organisation that              restructure. As part of this, we will
                    system. The delegated limits did not         reflect actual working practices for               ensure that AprovalMax is in line
                    always reflect the scheme of delegation      invoice     and    purchase     order              with the Scheme of Delegated
                    limits.                                      approvals.                                         Authority.

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                                                                                                                                      Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
Rec.    Risk Area                     Finding                                Recommendation                   Priority              Management                  Implementation        Responsible
                                                                                                                                     Comments                      Timetable             Officer
                                                                                                                                                                  (dd/mm/yy)           (Job Title)

 5     Compliance   A review of the ReceiptBank system             A regular review of the ReceiptBank           3       Agreed. A review of outstanding           01/06/19           Head       of
                    showed that it contained a number of           system be carried out to identify any                 items within receipt bank will be                            Finance and
                    documents, mainly expense receipts and         old/outstanding     receipts/invoices                 included as a part of the bi-weekly                          Operations
                    invoices that appear to not have been          that have not being correctly                         payment run.
                    processed for payment. The documents           processed.
                    are dated April 2018 to March 2019.

 6     Compliance   42 documents captured in ReceiptBank           All of last year expense receipts be          3       Agreed.                                   01/05/19           Head       of
                    were identified as expense receipts            promptly processed to ensure that                                                                                  Finance and
                    totalling £1,053.96 in pounds plus             all previous financial years liabilities                                                                           Operations
                    £867.67 in foreign currency, that still need   are accounted for.
                    to be processed.

 7     Compliance   A review of LWARB personal expenditure         Personal expenditure procedures               3       Agreed. A three month limit on            01/07/19           Head       of
                    procedures shows that there is no time         be updated to include instructions                    expense claims will be imposed.                              Finance and
                    limit stated by which personal expenses        that all claims be submitted for                                                                                   Operations
                    must be submitted for payment.                 processing within a defined time

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                                                                                                                                          Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
Operational Effectiveness Matters

   Ref          Risk Area                                   Item             Management

No operational effectiveness matters have been identified

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                                                                   Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
Detailed Findings

1.    This review was carried out in April 2019 as part of the planned internal audit work for 2018/19. Based on the work carried out an overall assessment of the overall
      adequacy of the arrangements to mitigate the key control risk areas is provided in the Executive Summary.

2.    The London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) works in conjunction with the Mayor of London and London Councils to improve waste and resource management
      in the capital. The LWARB focus their advice and support for London Councils and communities to help them transition to a low-carbon circular economy. A circular
      economy is one in which resources are kept in in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate
      products and materials at the end their life. It is a more efficient and environmentally sound alternative to the traditional linear economy in which we make, use and
      dispose of resources.

3.    The London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) is funded by a combination of unspent funds, released commitments, recovered funds form previously invested
      projects, repayments to the efficiency review fund, repayments of interest and principal from loans. Funding is also received form EU grants, the Waste and
      Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and the private sector. This will provide LWARB an available budget for the period April 1st 2018 to 31st March 2020 of

Key Findings & Action Points
4.    The key control and operational practice findings that need to be addressed in order to strengthen the control environment are set out in the Management and
      Operational Effectiveness Action Plans. Recommendations for improvements should be assessed for their full impact before they are implemented.

Scope and Limitations of the Review
5.    The review considered the operation of the LWARB’s financial regulations and delegated authorities and the extent to which the arrangements support effective
      authorisation and decision making, including the point at which any commitment is made. The review will not consider the appropriateness of any delegated financial
      thresholds and will not seek to identify any significant differences in levels of operation.
6.    The definition of the type of review, the limitations and the responsibilities of management in regard to this review are set out in the Annual Plan.

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                                                                                                                           Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
7.    The matters raised in this report are only those that came to the attention of the auditor during the course of the internal audit review and are not necessarily a
      comprehensive statement of all the weaknesses that exist or all the improvements that might be made. This report has been prepared solely for management's use
      and must not be recited or referred to in whole or in part to third parties without our prior written consent. No responsibility to any third party is accepted as the report
      has not been prepared, and is not intended, for any other purpose. TIAA neither owes nor accepts any duty of care to any other party who may receive this report
      and specifically disclaims any liability for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature, which is caused by their reliance on our report.

Risk Area Assurance Assessments
8.    The definitions of the assurance assessments are:

        Substantial Assurance              There is a robust system of internal controls operating effectively to ensure that risks are managed and process objectives achieved.

                                           The system of internal controls is generally adequate and operating effectively but some improvements are required to ensure that risks are managed
        Reasonable Assurance
                                           and process objectives achieved.

                                           The system of internal controls is generally inadequate or not operating effectively and significant improvements are required to ensure that risks are
        Limited Assurance
                                           managed and process objectives achieved.

        No Assurance                       There is a fundamental breakdown or absence of core internal controls requiring immediate action.

9.    We would like to thank staff for their co-operation and assistance during the course of our work.

Release of Report
10.   The table below sets out the history of this report.

        Date draft report issued:                 1st May 2019

        Date management responses received: 24th May 2019

        Date final report issued:                 31st May 2019

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                                                                                                                                       Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
11.   The following matters were identified in reviewing the Key Risk Control Objective:

       Compliance Risk: Failure to comply with approved policy and procedure leads to potential losses.

      11.1    To confirm that adequate and appropriate approval of purchases had been carried out a random sample of 10 paid invoices were selected from a report of
              the last six months paid invoices. The organisation uses a manual system to place orders with suppliers, if the purchase is over £500, then a formal purchase
              order is required to be produced prior to the purchase being made. To facilitate this process the organisation uses web based software called ApprovalMax
              which works in conjunction with the finance system (Xero) which can produce electronic purchase orders and also retains a workflow of the organisations
              approval limits.
      11.2    The organisation has a procurement procedure that supports all types of purchasing, from single items through to raising tenders for bigger purchases via
              contracts. This document was last reviewed by the Audit Committee on the 22nd May 2018.
      11.3    Prior to any purchases being made budget holders are required to confirm that there is adequate budget to cover the purchase being made. However this
              check is only carried out as a verbal confirmation and is not documented.

                 Recommendation: 1         Budget holder expenditure verification prior to purchase be recorded for all purchases over £500 on the relevant
                                           purchase order.
                      Priority: 3

      11.4    The sample of 10 invoices were reviewed to determine that they had been approved prior to payment in line with the scheme of delegation. No areas of
              concern were identified.
      11.5    A further sample of two supplier changes, specifically changes to bank account details made in the current financial year were selected to ensure that the
              changes had been approved in line with the scheme of delegation. No areas of concern were identified.
      11.6    A sample of two recently awarded tendered contracts were selected to confirm that they had been secured and approved in line with the organisation’s
              procurement procedures and their scheme of delegation.
      Contract Process
      11.7    Two contracts were selected, one was for Information Technology (IT) services and the other was for Internal Audit Services, to confirm that the contracts
              were awarded in line with the organisation’s procurement procedures and their scheme of delegation. A few anomalies were noted, firstly the specification
              details used for the tender process for the IT contract were verbally approved and evidence that this conversation took place could not be located.

                 Recommendation: 2         Evidence of tender specification approval be kept in the relevant supplier contract folder to support the process.

                      Priority: 3

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                                                                                                                        Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
11.8    It was also noted that the procurement procedure does not explicitly state that tender specifications require formally documented approval.

            Recommendation: 3        The Procurement Procedures be updated to explicitly state that tender specifications require formally documented
                                     approval in line with best practice.
                Priority: 3

11.9    No areas of concern were noted in respect of the other contract in respect process or how it was approved.
Scheme of Delegation
11.10   A review of ApprovalMax approval limits was completed to confirm that the approval levels set up in the system accurately reflect the organisations scheme
        of delegation approval limits.
11.11   The Organisations scheme of delegation covers a number of delegated approval circumstances which indicates from an operational point of view what
        employees are able to sanction in terms of expenditure in different scenarios. Such as expenditure against their budgets, corporate expenditure in respect
        of engaging with suppliers via tendered contracts.
11.12   When these delegated responsibilities were compared to the level of approval set in ApprovalMax the organisations online purchase order and approval
        system the delegated limits did not always reflect the scheme of delegation limits. This disparity was discussed with the Head of Finance and Governance
        and Secretariat Officer who explained that from a practical point of view a level of expedience was required to process payments and approve invoices.
        Therefore key staff approval limits in ApprovalMax have been set as “any amount”, with the expectation that additional approval would be sought for higher
        value amounts that exceed their limits.

            Recommendation: 4        The scheme of delegation be updated with an appendix that explicitly states approval limits for officers within the
                                     Organisation that reflect actual working practices for invoice and purchase order approvals.
                Priority: 3

11.13   To facilitate the processing of invoices and expense returns the Organisation makes use of a web based software called ReceiptBank. The system uses
        optical character recognition (OCR) functionality which assigns a cost centre code to both invoices and receipts that are scanned into the system. It is
        possible to publish invoices and receipts into Xero the Organisations finance system to enable payments to be made.
11.14   A review of the ReceiptBank system showed that it contained a number of documents, mainly expense receipts and invoices that appear to not have been
        processed for payment. The documents are dated April 2018 to March 2019, and made up of the following;
        •   42 were identified as expense receipts totalling £1,053.96 in pounds plus £867.67 in foreign currency, that still need to be processed;

            Recommendation: 5        A regular review of the ReceiptBank system be carried out to identify any old/outstanding receipts/invoices that have
                                     not being correctly processed.
                Priority: 3

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                                                                                                                  Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
•   Two documents totalling £85,824.65, one dated September 2018 and one dated March 2019 were checked and confirmed as being remittance advices
            which should have gone straight into the Xero system;
        •   An invoice totalling £1,275.00 dated June 2018 was confirmed as having been paid, likely on a copy invoice with the original remaining in ReceiptBank
        •   Four invoices totalling £8,414.32 that need to be investigated by the Organisation to confirm that they have been paid and if not to be processed for
            payment promptly.

            Recommendation: 6       All of last year expense receipts be promptly processed to ensure that all previous financial years liabilities are
                                    accounted for.
                Priority: 3

11.15   A review of LWARB personal expenditure procedures shows that there is no time limit stated by which personal expenses must be submitted for payment.

            Recommendation: 7       Personal expenditure procedures be updated to include instructions that all claims be submitted for processing
                                    within a defined time limit.
                Priority: 3


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                                                                                                               Compliance Review of Scheme of Delegation
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