LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council

Page created by Alvin Hernandez
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council


                                                           Picture credit: Jamie Meek

            2021                               www.north-herts.gov.uk
                                                                 OUTLOOK                1
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
    I want to begin by thanking Martin         ‘plastic free’. Carol Stanier, Deputy
    Stears-Handscomb for all he’s done         Executive Member for Recycling &
    for North Herts, not just as Leader        Waste, has led work on this for us
    of the Council for the last two            and you can find some tricks and
    years, but his voluntary work, and         tips to help you at home on page 12.
    work with the Black Squirrel Credit        And please remember if you enjoy a
    Union. He will be missed by us all.        picnic in one of our green spaces to
    It is an honour to be taking over          take your litter home so we can keep         Photo: Rebecca Stewart

    from him as your Leader of North           our district beautiful.
    Herts District Council and I will aim to                                               I am absolutely delighted that we
    continue the co-operative approach         As your leadership team we’re keen          have been able to come to such a
    Martin introduced to our Council.          to hear your views on all aspects           positive agreement for the future
                                               affecting the district, but especially      of North Hertfordshire and look
    Looking to the future, I’m excited to      on how we can work together to              forward to working with Elizabeth.
    be working with Paul on a number of        create a better normal following            As Liberal Democrats, we always
    projects that will deliver real benefits   Covid. Please get in touch with us          put the community first and this
    for us all. You’ll see some of the         to share your views, thoughts and           agreement will allow us to do
    great work we’ve already started,          suggestions on what’s happening in          that and deliver some really great
    playing our part to combat climate         North Herts, and what you’d like to         projects, to deliver a greener and
    change – and see how you can make          see done differently.                       fairer North Hertfordshire.
    small changes that have a big impact
    on pages 3, 12 and 13. This includes       CLLR ELIZABETH DENNIS-HARBURG,              CLLR PAUL CLARK,
    how we can transition to being             LEADER OF THE COUNCIL                       DEPUTY LEADER OF THE COUNCIL

    In this issue...                                                 PAGE. 12		 Plastic free
    PAGE. 5 Leisure centres                                          PAGE. 16 Finances
    PAGE. 7 		 Your Councillors                                      PAGE. 18 What’s on

    CONTACTING NHDC                                             NHDC is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to
                                                                make our services easy for all residents to use. If English is not
    Most NHDC services can be accessed online.                  your first language or you have difficulty reading this document
    Find out the date of your next waste collection,            please contact us to discuss how we may be able to assist you.
    apply for a licence, report an issue, register
                                                                Please call: 01462 474000, or email service@north-herts.gov.uk
    to vote or pay a bill, all through our website:
                                                                Textphone (for textphone users) on: 01462 474800
                                                                              OUTLOOK is published by the Communications Team,
                                                                              North Hertfordshire District Council, Council Offices,
                                                                              Gernon Road, Letchworth, SG6 3JF
                                                                              email outlook@north-herts.gov.uk

                                                                © Unless otherwise stated, articles and photography are
                                                                copyright of North Hertfordshire District Council.

                                                                Every care is taken to ensure accuracy, but the publisher or
    OTHER WAYS TO CONTACT US:                                   manager cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in
    Phone: 01462 474000                                         editorial content.


                                                                    “      MAKING NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE
                                                                             A VIBRANT PLACE TO LIVE,
           @NorthHertsDC                                                        WORK AND PROSPER

2   OUTLOOK                                        follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                                    SUMMER 2021
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council

We’re fighting climate change in North Herts
Since declaring a climate                 • Making changes to our Taxi and                   electricity to local customers
emergency in North Herts in May             Private Hire Licensing Policy to                 affordable.
2019, we have been developing a             limit emissions from vehicles
                                                                                        • Converting floodlights on Norton
Climate Change Strategy, which
                                          • Engaging with residents,                      Common in Letchworth from
aims to achieve net zero carbon
                                            businesses, and partners on                   halogen to LED lighting, which
emissions in the district by 2030.
                                            clean air, biodiversity and                   will cut energy use by 50%.
We have already achieved a number           sustainable transport initiatives
of actions in our fight against             in the district                             Look out in future editions for
climate change, helping us to reduce                                                    updates on progress on achieving
                                          • Approving a Council motion to
carbon emissions in the district,                                                       our climate change objectives.
                                            promote renewable energy and
                                            support the Government’s Local
• Eliminating the use of single use         Electricity Bill, which if made
  plastic overshoes for visitors at         law, would make the set up and
  our swimming centres                      running costs of selling local

How can you help fight
climate change: Focus on food
Sometimes it is difficult to know         2. Avoid plastic packaging when               4. Cut the waste. Did you know
where to start with what we                  you shop. Consider keeping                    that 30% of all food produced
can do in our daily lives to help            shopping bags in your car,                    is wasted? Plan ahead, make a
tackle the huge issue that is                coat pocket or handbag so                     shopping list and try buying loose
climate change. You can start by             you’ll always have them to hand.              produce so you can choose the
making some simple changes to                Buy loose vegetables and try                  exact amount you need. For
your personal habits. This issue             finding food that is not wrapped              more hints and tips on reducing
we’re focusing on food:                      in plastic where you can to                   your waste, follow www.north-
                                             minimise landfill waste.                      herts.gov.uk/reducingfoodwaste
1. Go local and eat what’s in
   season. Did you know that              3. Grow your own food.                        5. Eat more plants and reduce meals
   supporting local farmers and              Home grown food is                            with meat. Did you know that almost
   buying food sourced locally can           fresh and nutritious and                      15% of global greenhouse emissions
   be good for the environment too?          minimises the carbon                          are from meat and dairy production?
   This is because it reduces the            footprint from your food being                Consider introducing ‘Meat Free
   carbon footprint of transporting          transported… and it’s also really             Monday’ and replace meat with
   food from long distances. Why             fun to grow! If you don’t have                plant proteins like beans, nuts,
   not try to challenge yourself             your own garden, consider                     pulses or meaty mushrooms. If
   to create a meal                          a windowsill herb garden,                     that’s too easy, try slowly adding
   entirely out of locally                   or you could join a local                     more plant-based meals more
   sourced food!                             community garden.                             often, during the week.

SUMMER 2021                           like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                               OUTLOOK   3
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
         ON o.uk
                                                                                                     NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE

                                                                                                     DISTRICT COUNCIL

      O     .c
    BO w.sll

                 Get excited

                for summer
                       Make memories at Hitchin and                                      Hitchin Swimming Centre
                       Letchworth outdoor pools this
                       summer, in our covid secure 50                                                             season
                       metre and toddler pools, splash                                                           available

                           cafes and picnic areas!

                                                                                         Letchworth Outdoor Po

                                                                                                     Opening times and activities subject to availability
                                                                                                       based on Government’s Covid-19 restrictions.

                Fishponds Road, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1HA     LETCHWORTH          Icknield Way, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 4UF                           .co.uk
                01462 441646 enquiries.hitchin@sll.co.uk   OUTDOOR POOL 01462 684 673 enquiries.letchworth@sll.co.uk
4     OUTLOOK                                                                                                                     SUMMER 2021
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
      We hope you
      will come and                                                               are go!
      enjoy what we
      have on offer.

Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) who manage the
North Herts Leisure Centre, Archers Gym, Hitchin
Swimming Centre and the Royston Leisure Centre on
behalf of the Council, are delighted to be welcoming
back the local community after a difficult 12 months
and are looking forward to an active summer!

After the Government announced            Extended gym and swimming
their roadmap out of lockdown, SLL        sessions are now on offer and
implemented a phased reopening of         SLL will be reviewing and
the leisure centres and introduced        adding to their workout class                 Lee Medlock, Regional Contract
a number of robust Covid safety           timetable over the coming                     Manager for SLL said:
measures, including one way               months.                                       “Although some restrictions at
systems, social distancing, continuous                                                  the leisure facilities may remain in
cleaning regimes and queuing              At the end of May, SLL were
                                          thrilled to reopen the outdoor                place over the next few months,
systems for popular activities.                                                         the teams are continually reviewing
                                          pools at Hitchin and Letchworth
When the centres opened in April,         for the 2021 season.                          government guidance and working
members had access to the gym and                                                       with industry experts to bring back
indoor pools, as well as a range of       Summer activities will be subject to          as many activities as possible in
outdoor workout classes including HIIT    Government guidelines, but plans              a safe and secure way. The latest
and circuits. SLL were also delighted     are in place to offer children Aqua           information on what is available
to see children returning to their Aqua   Ed lesson crash courses during the            at each centre can be found via
Ed swimming lessons and weekly            summer holidays, along with the               www.sll.co.uk. We hope you
sports sessions, including activities     possibility of fun sessions returning         will come and enjoy what we
such as gymnastics and football.          to the pools.                                 have on offer.”

SUMMER 2021                           like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                           OUTLOOK   5
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
Children’s book
    exhibition is set
    to be a roaring
                                           This delightful                          Living
    North Herts Museum is
    celebrating the classic
                                           exhibition brings to
                                           life a real version of                   lawnmowers
    children’s book, the Tiger
    Who Came to Tea, with
                                           Sophie’s kitchen from
                                           the book, where                          managing
    a new free interactive
    exhibition. This delightful
                                           children can sit down
                                           to have tea with a                       NHDC’s
    exhibition brings to life a
    real version of Sophie’s
                                           life-size 5 foot tiger.
    kitchen from the book,                                                          As we move into summer, living
    where children can sit down                                                     lawnmowers will be helping us
    to have tea with a life-size       there is a close up look at the              manage some of our green spaces.
    five foot tiger. Tiger themed      life of the author, Judith Kerr;             Longhorn cattle graze both Weston
    activities and story sessions,     exploring Judith’s childhood                 Hills and Ivel Springs in Baldock over
    plus tiger afternoon teas,         and her experiences of having                the summer months, while sheep
    complete with stripy cakes and     to escape Germany as Hitler                  graze the chalk grassland on Gibbet
    Tiger Bread sandwiches, will be    came to power, before finally                Hill there too. Having grazing animals
    sure to keep younger members       settling in London in 1936.                  manage these sites provides a wide
    of the family busy during the                                                   range of benefits for wildlife. Unlike
    school holidays.                   The exhibition will run from                 mowing with machinery, grazing
    The Tiger Who Came to              7 July to 4 September and is                 is a gradual process which creates
    Tea was originally published       on loan from Seven Stories,                  a mosaic of habitats with different
    in 1968, and by the time it        The National Centre for Children’s           vegetation heights and structures.
    reached its 40th anniversary       Books. Tiger afternoon teas                  This forms different micro habitats
    in 2008 it had sold over           must be booked in advance at                 for wildlife, allowing insects, small
    five million copies and been       https://north-herts-museum.                  mammals and birds to thrive.
    translated into 11 languages.      arttickets.org.uk/ For more
                                       information visit https://                   Over at Oughtonhead Common in
    Copies of illustrations from the   northhertsmuseum.org/                        Hitchin, where longhorn cattle graze
    book will be on display and        or call 01462 474554.                        year-round, a new cow has recently
                                                                                    arrived and is integrating herself into
                                                                                    the herd. The main grassland area at
                                                                                    Oughtonhead is an ancient medieval
                                                                                    grazing common where cattle were
                                                                                    grazed by local commoners for
                                                                                    many centuries. However, when
                                                                                    grazing stopped in the early 20th
                                                                                    century, scrub and trees soon grew,
                                                                                    threatening the grassland and the
                                                                                    wildlife that depended on it. NHDC
                                                                                    re-introduced grazing in the 1990s,
                                                                                    restoring the historic, traditional
                                                                                    management of the Common.

6   OUTLOOK                                    follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                                SUMMER 2021
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
Your North Hertfordshire
    Councillors 2021/22


                                                                                          Royston & District       Baldock & District
                                                                                          6    Ermine              1    Weston & Sandon
                                                                                          R1   Royston Palace      9    Arbury
         At present the                                                                   R2   Royston Meridian    B1
                                                                                                                        Baldock Town
                                                                                                                        Baldock East
                                                                                          R3   Royston Heath
   District Council comprises
                                                            Letchworth                    Hitchin                  Southern Rural
        Conservative                     23                 L1
                                                                  Letchworth Wilbury
                                                                  Letchworth Grange
                                                                                               Hitchin Oughton
                                                                                               Hitchin Bearton
                                                                                                                        Hitchwood, Offa and Hoo
                                                            L3    Letchworth East         H3   Hitchin Walsworth   4    Chesfield
          Labour and                                        L4    Letchworth South East   H4   Hitchin Highbury    5    Knebworth

         Co-operative                    15                 L5    Letchworth South West   H5   Hitchin Priory      7

    Liberal Democrats                    11             Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg is Leader of the Council
                                                                                Councillor Val Bryant is Chair of the Council

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved
100018622 2007                           www.north-herts.gov.uk            @NorthHertsDC                www.facebook.com/northhertsDC
     SUMMER 2021                                                                                                                    OUTLOOK       7
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
Your North Hertfordshire Councillors
    ARBURY                                                   LETCHWORTH GRANGE                                   LETCHWORTH SOUTH WEST
                   Janine Paterson
                   Tom Tyson  (LD) (C)                                  Morgan Derbyshire (C)                                 Sean Prendergast (LD)
                   11 Ashwell Road,
                   61 Ashwell
                   Bygrave,    Road, Bygrave,
                            Baldock,                                    35 Northfields,                                       25a Mons Avenue,
                   Herts  SG75DT
                              5DZ                                       Letchworth Garden City,                               Baldock, Herts, SG7 6JX
                        01462 589377
                   Tel: 07546 491880                                    Herts, SG6 4RH
                                                                                                                              Tel: 07773 419129
                   Email: janine.paterson@                                                                                    Email:
                   north-herts.gov.uk                                   Email: morgan.derbyshire

    BALDOCK EAST                                             LETCHWORTH GRANGE                                   LETCHWORTH WILBURY
                   John Harris (C)
                   Juan Cowell  (C)                                     Simon Bloxham (C)                                     Gary Grindal (L&C)
                   14 Rivett Close, Baldock,
                   77 Hillcrest, Baldock                                170 Eastern Way,                                      122 Mullway, Letchworth Garden City,
                   Herts SG7 6TW
                   Herts, SG7 6NF                                       Letchworth Garden City,                               Herts, SG6 4BE
                   Tel: 07731 652737                                    Herts, SG6 4PF                                        Tel: 01462 636587
                   Tel: 07817
                   Email:     213347
                   Email: juan.cowell@north-herts.gov.uk                Tel: 07971 274202                                     Email: gary.grindal@north-herts.gov.uk
                                                                        Email:                                                EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR HOUSING AND
                                                                        simon.bloxham@north-herts.gov.uk                      ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH

     BALDOCK TOWN                                            LETCHWORTH GRANGE                                   LETCHWORTH WILBURY

                   Jim McNally (C)                                      Sandra Lunn (L&C)
                                                                        Daniel Allen (L&C)                                    Amy Allen (L&C)
                                                                        68 Western Way,                                       72 Glebe Road,
                   7 South Lodge Mews, Baldock,                         72 Glebe Road,
                                                                        Letchworth Garden City,                               Letchworth Garden City,
                   Herts, SG7 6FB                                       Letchworth Garden City,
                                                                        Herts SG6 4SL                                         Herts, SG6 1DR
                                                                        Herts, SG6 1DR
                   Tel: 07977 543189                                    Tel: 01462 481632                                     Tel: 07807 082626
                   Email:                                               Tel: 07939 036427
                                                                        Email: sandra.lunn@                                   Email: amy.allen@north-herts.gov.uk
                   jim.mcnally@north-herts.gov.uk                       Email: daniel.allen@north-herts.gov.uk
                                                                        north-herts.gov.uk                                    EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR RECYCLING AND
                                                                                                                              WASTE MANAGEMENT

     BALDOCK TOWN                                            LETCHWORTH SOUTH EAST                               HITCHIN PRIORY
                   Michael Muir (C)                                     Kate Aspinwall (L&C)                                  Simon Harwood (C)
                   The Nook Barn, North Road,                           41b High Street, Baldock,                             18 Dale Close, Hitchin,
                   Baldock, Herts, SG7 5DW                              Herts, SG7 6BG                                        Herts, SG4 9AS

                   Tel: 01462 892222                                    Tel: 01462 231447                                     Tel: 01462 452741
                   Email: michael.muir@north-herts.gov.uk               Email:                                                Email:
                                                                        kate.aspinwall@north-herts.gov.uk                     simon.harwood@north-herts.gov.uk

     BALDOCK TOWN                                            LETCHWORTH SOUTH EAST                               HITCHIN PRIORY
                   Michael Weeks (C)                                    Adem Ruggiero-Cakir (L&C)                             Richard Thake (C)
                   3 Hadrian Way,                                       123 Baldock Road,                                     Hindsmount, Maydencroft Lane,
                   Baldock, Herts, SG7 6AW                              Letchworth Garden City,                               Gosmore, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 7QB
                   Tel: 01462 490166                                    Herts, SG6 2EQ                                        Tel: 01462 434711
                   Email: michael.weeks@north-herts.gov.uk              Tel: 07341 443665                                     Email: richard.thake@north-herts.gov.uk

     WESTON AND SANDON                                       LETCHWORTH SOUTH EAST                               HITCHIN OUGHTON
                   Steve Jarvis (LD)                                    David Levett (C)                                      Clare Billing (L&C)
                   26 High Street,                                      172 Rushby Mead,                                      19 Bingen Road, Hitchin,
                   Graveley, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 7LA                    Letchworth Garden City,                               Herts, SG5 2PP
                   Tel: 01438 727122                                    Herts, SG6 1SQ
                                                                                                                              Tel: 01462 629432
                   Email: steve.jarvis@north-herts.gov.uk               Tel: 01462 678870, 07769 253607                       Email:
                   EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT                     Email: david.levett@north-herts.gov.uk                clare.billing@north-herts.gov.uk
                   AND LEISURE

     LETCHWORTH EAST                                         LETCHWORTH SOUTH WEST                               HITCHIN OUGHTON
                   Sue Ngwala (L&C)                                     Mike Rice (C)                                         Nigel Mason (L&C)
                   80 Glebe Road,                                       57 Blackmore,                                         15 Victoria Road, Hitchin
                   Letchworth Garden City,                              Letchworth Garden City,                               Herts, SG5 2LS
                   Herts, SG6 1DR                                       Herts, SG6 2SZ                                        Tel: 07802 436844
                   Tel: 01462 621643                                    Tel: 01462 678813                                     Email:
                   Email: sue.ngwala@north-herts.gov.uk                 Email: mike.rice@north-herts.gov.uk                   nigel.mason@north-herts.gov.uk

     LETCHWORTH EAST                                         LETCHWORTH SOUTH WEST                               HITCHIN HIGHBURY
                   Ian Mantle (L&C)                                     Terry Hone (C)                                        Paul Clark (LD)
                   7 Wilbury Road,                                      15 Lapwing Dell, Letchworth                           7 Kipling Close, Hitchin,
                   Letchworth Garden City,                              Garden City, Herts, SG6 2TE                           Herts, SG4 0DU
                   Herts, SG6 4JW                                                                                             Tel: 01462 457342
                                                                        Tel: 01462 679649
                   Tel: 01462 620127                                    Email: terry.hone@north-herts.gov.uk                  Email: paul.clark@north-herts.gov.uk
                   Email: ian.mantle@north-herts.gov.uk                                                                       DEPUTY LEADER OF THE COUNCIL
                                                                                                                              EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR PLANNING

8     OUTLOOK                                                                                                                                   SUMMER 2021
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
HITCHIN HIGHBURY                                          CODICOTE                                              HITCHWOOD, OFFA AND HOO
                Sam Collins (LD)                                      Ian Moody (C)                                         Faye S Frost (C)
                44 East View,                                         11 Hill Road,                                         Glebefield, Lilley Bottom,
                St Ippolyts,                                          Codicote,                                             Nr Luton, LU2 8NH
                Hitchin, Herts, SG4 7PB                               Hitchin, Herts, SG4 8YH
                Email: sam.collins@north-herts.gov.uk                                                                       Tel: 01462 768888
                                                                      Email: ian.moody@north-herts.gov.uk                   Email: faye.frost@north-herts.gov.uk
                THE ARTS AND TRANSPORT

HITCHIN HIGHBURY                                          CHESFIELD                                             HITCHWOOD, OFFA AND HOO

                Keith Hoskins (LD)                                    Terry Tyler (LD)                                      Claire Strong (C)
                17 Wratten Road East,                                 34 Merrick Close,                                     Ashroy, Pirton Road,
                Hitchin, Herts, SG5 2AS                               Great Ashby, Herts, SG1 6GH                           Holwell, Herts, SG5 3SS
                Tel: 07970 029968                                     Tel: 07868 016401                                     Tel: 01462 712438
                Email: keith.hoskins@north-herts.gov.uk               Email: terry.tyler@north-herts.gov.uk                 Email:
                                                                      VICE-CHAIR OF THE COUNCIL

HITCHIN BEARTON                                           CHESFIELD                                             KNEBWORTH
                Judi Billing (L&C)                                    George Davies (C)                                     Mandi Tandi (C)
                73 Whitehill Road,                                    39 Cleveland Way,                                     27 Peter’s Way,
                Hitchin, Herts, SG4 9HP                               Stevenage, Herts, SG1 6BH                             Knebworth, Herts, SG3 6HP
                Tel: 01462 624010                                     Tel: 07811 166604
                Email: judi.billing@north-herts.gov.uk                Email:                                                Email:
                EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR COMMUNITY                        george.davies@north-herts.gov.uk                      mandi.tandi@north-herts.gov.uk

HITCHIN BEARTON                                           KIMPTON                                               KNEBWORTH

                Ian Albert (L&C)                                      John Bishop (C)                                       Lisa Nash (LD)
                20 Holdbrook,                                         8 Cresswick,                                          1 Dancote,
                Hitchin, Herts, SG4 9QW                               Whitwell,                                             Knebworth, Herts, SG3 6PB
                Tel: 07946 594248                                     Herts, SG4 8HU                                        Tel: 01438 814802
                Email: ian.albert@north-herts.gov.uk                  Tel: 01438 871349                                     Email: lisa.nash@north-herts.gov.uk
                EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR FINANCE AND IT                   Email: john.bishop@north-herts.gov.uk

HITCHIN BEARTON                                           ROYSTON HEATH                                         ROYSTON PALACE

                Val Bryant (L&C)                                      Carol Stanier (LD)                                    Jean Green (C)
                16 Bunyan Close,                                      13 Suffolk Road, Royston,                             2 Burloes Cottages
                Pirton, Herts, SG5 3RE                                Herts, SG8 9EX                                        Newmarket Road, Royston,
                                                                                                                            Herts, SG8 7NJ
                Tel: 07900 200122                                     Tel: 01763 220744
                Email: val.bryant@north-herts.gov.uk                  Email:                                                Tel: 01763 249886
                                                                      carol.stanier@north-herts.gov.uk                      Email: jean.green@north-herts.gov.uk
                CHAIR OF THE COUNCIL

HITCHIN WALSWORTH                                         ROYSTON HEATH                                         ROYSTON PALACE

                Kay Tart (L&C)                                        Ruth Brown (LD)                                       Sarah Dingley (C)
                C/o NHDC, Council Offices,                            9 Stephenson Close,                                   51 Green Street
                Gernon Road,                                          Royston, Herts, SG8 5TT                               Royston, Herts, SG8 7BB
                Letchworth Garden City,                               Tel: 01763 230290                                     Tel: 01763 233267
                Herts, SG6 3JF                                        Email:                                                Email:
                                                                      ruth.brown@north-herts.gov.uk                         sarah.dingley@north-herts.gov.uk
                Tel: 07515 283245
                Email: kay.tart@north-herts.gov.uk
HITCHIN WALSWORTH                                         ROYSTON MERIDIAN                                      ERMINE

                Mike Hughson (L&C)                                    Tony Hunter (C)                                       Gerald Morris (C)
                26 Rivermead,                                         1 Cowslip Close,                                      Howletts Farm, Gas Lane
                Hitchin, Herts, SG5 2TE                               Royston, Herts, SG8 9TJ                               Barkway, Royston,
                                                                      Tel: 01763 245237                                     Herts, SG8 8ET
                Email:                                                Email:                                                Tel: 01763 848450
                mike.hughson@north-herts.gov.uk                       tony.hunter@north-herts.gov.uk                        Email: gerald.morris@north-herts.gov.uk

HITCHIN WALSWORTH                                         ROYSTON MERIDIAN
                Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg (L&C)                        Adam Compton (C)
                68 Highfield, Letchworth Garden City,                 12 Kingsway, Royston
                Herts, SG6 3PZ                                        Herts, SG8 5EG
                Tel: 07886 034103                                     Email:
                Email: elizabeth.dennis-harburg                       adam.compton@north-herts.gov.uk
                LEADER OF THE COUNCIL                                                                           Council Offices
CADWELL                                                   HITCHWOOD, OFFA AND HOO                               Gernon Road
                Sam North (LD)                                        David Barnard (C)                         Letchworth Garden City
                6 Garden Fields, Great Offley,                        Lodge Cottages, Lilley Bottom,            SG6 3JF
                Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3DF                               Nr Luton, LU2 8NH
                                                                      Tel: 01462 768888
                sam.north@north-herts.gov.uk                          david.barnard@north-herts.gov.uk          Call: 01462 474000

    @NorthHertsDC                                                                                             www.facebook.com/northhertsDC
  SUMMER 2021                                                                                                                                       OUTLOOK           9
LOOK - BLOSSOM IT'S TIME TO - North Hertfordshire District Council
Your Council
     Councillors are elected by the registered
     electors of the local community to
     represent you in geographical areas
     known as wards.

     At North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC), Councillors
     serve a term of four years before retiring or standing for
     re-election. NHDC elects in thirds, which means that every
     year about 1/3 of the 49 Councillors are up for election.
     On the fourth year there are no district elections, although
     this is when elections for the County Council take place.

     For the civic year 2021/22 the political composition of the
     Council is 23 Conservative, 15 Labour and Cooperative and
     11 Liberal Democrat Councillors.

     In England and Wales, elections take place on a ‘first past
     the post’ system. This means that the candidate with the
     highest number of votes is elected to represent the ward
     they are standing in.

     In 2021/22 the Labour and Cooperative and Liberal
     Democrat joint administration will continue, meaning that
     the Cabinet is made up of eight members of those parties,
     including the Leader. The Cabinet develops policy within
     the framework set out by the Council and has decision-
     making powers.

     NHDC has five area committees: Baldock & District, Hitchin,
     Letchworth, Royston & District, and Southern Rural.
     These area committees meet periodically throughout the
     year and are made up of all Councillors within the
     designated area. Each deals with community consultation
     and the allocation of community grants.

     The Council also has a Planning Control Committee, which
     makes decisions on planning applications.

     High standards of conduct by Councillors are promoted and
     maintained by the Standards Committee.

     All Council, Cabinet, and committee meetings are held in
     public and usually take place on weekday evenings at
     7.30pm. If you would like further information on any of
     these committees or dates of meetings for the year, please
     call the Committee and Member Services Team on
     01462 474000 or visit the ‘Council and Democracy’ section
     of the website at www.north-herts.gov.uk.

10   OUTLOOK                                                        SUMMER 2021
How telecare ca n help
people stay independent
in their own homes
During the pandemic, some                    The Council’s telecare service,
residents have felt a little more            Herts Careline, has reached a major
vulnerable, and their families               milestone this summer, as it has been
have seen true value in how                  appointed by Hertfordshire County
technology can help to manage                Council (HCC) as their sole provider
a wide range of risks to help                for delivery of assistive technology
them feel more confident in their            services across Hertfordshire.
own home.
                                             This shows a significant level of trust
Community pendant help alarms                in the service and means HCC’s health
and telecare services which include          and social care professionals now
smoke detectors, fall detectors and          make their referrals to the provider.
wellbeing monitors, can provide              Herts Careline has also begun
much needed reassurance. It means            the successful transfer of over
the users and their friends, families        3,000 of HCC’s existing other
and carers, know help is on hand if          provider’s service users across
they feel unwell or have a fall, at          to their control room.
the press of a button, 24 hours
                                             You can find out more at
a day, 7 days a week from our
                                             www.care-line.co.uk or by
Hertfordshire based control room.
                                             calling 0300 999 2 999.

Save our Streams
NHDC is supporting Affinity Water’s          Hiz, which are now at risk due to
Save Our Streams campaign.                   increasing demand for water.
The UK’s largest water supplier,             Hertfordshire is located in one of
which supplies water to more                 the driest regions of the country and
than 450,000 households across               residents use a shocking 9% more
Hertfordshire, is calling on residents       water than the national average. If
to reduce their water wastage in             we all play our part, making small
the home and garden, in a bid to             changes to our daily lives, from
help protect the UK’s precious chalk         turning the tap off when we brush
streams, which Hertfordshire is              our teeth, to part-filling the kettle,
heavily reliant on for water.                it will all add up and we can help            You can start your water saving
Coined ‘Britain’s Great Barrier Reef’,       protect our local environment.                journey at SaveOurStreams.co.uk,
these beautiful rivers, which boast          The Save Our Streams campaign                 where you can order free water
clear water from underground                 aims to save 21 million litres of water       saving gadgets and book a group or
springs, are more endangered than            per day to help save chalk streams            individual video call with an expert
both the Bengal tiger and black              from the brink. This is the equivalent        to get tailored water saving advice.
rhino! North Herts is home to several        of 140 million cups of tea, 37 million        Affinity Water will also be planting a
of these iconic natural landmarks,           pints of water, 262,500 baths of water        CO2 absorbing tree for every video
including the River Ivel and the River       and 8.4 Olympic swimming pools.               call booked.

SUMMER 2021                              like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                              OUTLOOK   11

     WASTE &
                                                                                      Have you
     Go plastic free this July                                                        joined ou r new
     You will no doubt be aware of the impact plastics are
     having on our environment. If you are concerned,                                 Fa cebook group?
     but are not sure where to start, we are encouraging
                                                                                      Come take a look at our new
     as many people as possible to participate in Plastic                             Facebook group, created for people
     Free July - a global movement that helps millions of                             who live in North Herts and East Herts.
     people come together and be part of the solution to
                                                                                      This is a forum for people to share
     end plastic pollution.                                                           their waste reduction tips with other
                                                                                      members and help us move towards
     So now is the perfect time to take the challenge and swap unnecessary
                                                                                      a zero-waste lifestyle, supporting the
     single-use plastic items for more sustainable options to help reduce
                                                                                      Council’s efforts in addressing climate
     the long-term impact this material has on our environment.
                                                                                      change. We will be sharing money
     We know that                                                                     saving reuse hacks along with Love
     cutting plastic out                                                              Food Hate Waste messages and much
     of everyday life can         Tips to help your                                   more, hopefully sparking discussion
                                                                                      and sharing ideas. Why not show us
     be difficult, but if
     everyone made
                                  plastic free journey:                               something you have upcycled?
     some small changes           • Be aware of packaging – try to buy                To join the group, visit
     in buying habits and           unwrapped fruit, salad, vegetables                www.facebook.com and search
     lifestyle tweaks, then         and bread where possible                          for Reducing Waste Together
     together we can
                                  • Keep your reusable bags handy so
     make a huge impact!
                                    you’re not caught without one
                                  • If you buy something with a single
                                    use container, consider how it can
                                    be reused. Wash and save takeaway
                                                                                      Great British
                                    tubs - great for stackable fridge
                                    storage or freezing portions
                                  • Replace clingfilm with beeswax
                                    wraps or reusable pots
                                                                                      Clea n 2021
                                                                                      Who doesn’t love a good old spring
                                  • Swap plastic balloons for reusable
                                                                                      clean? Well, just like our homes,
                                    bunting at your next party
                                                                                      the countryside needs one now
                                  • Refuse coat hangers when you                      and again too. Did you see your
                                    go shopping                                       neighbours out and about this year
                                                                                      or want to get involved in littering
                                                                                      picking your local area?

                                                                                      Our fantastic litter picking legends
                                                                                      within our communities have
                                                                                      done a great job this year, picking
                                                                                      litter from Royston to Hitchin,
                                                                                      we thank you!

12   OUTLOOK                                     follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                               SUMMER 2021
Bank Holiday Bins
  Food Waste                                                                                              Don't forget bin collections in
                                                                                                      North Herts will be one day later than
                                                                                                       usual after the August Bank holiday.
You may be surprised to know that 23% of waste in
purple bins across the district is food waste. In North                                                    Check your bin collection
What can I recycle?
Herts all of your food waste can be placed in your
                                                                                                             day on our website:
You          caddy
    will be able
    will be able        forall
                 to recycle
                 to recycle
                            all collection
                                your food waste on    a weekly basis.
                                your food waste including:

    All leftovers
                                                                                           Recycling your food waste is great for the
    All lefto
   inclu dingvers
   including pet                                         Pasta and                         environment. Although food waste will eventually
         and plate
        and                              Breads and         riceand
                                                         Pasta            Meat, bones
                                                                          Meat, bo
     scra     plate                                         rice         an d carcane
               s          Dair y         Bread s and
                                           pastri es                     and carca ssess   break down in landfill, it will release greenhouse
                          Dair y           pastries                                sses
                       cheese, eggss
                       cheese, egg
                                                                                           gases as it decomposes, such as methane.
                                                                                           By recycling your food waste, the amount of
                                                        3Yes please
                                                         Yes please
                                                                                           greenhouse gas produced is significantly reduced.
                                                         Rememb    er to recycle
                                                                      to recy
     Tea bags
                                                        mou ldy  and   out of date         If you need a new kitchen caddy visit
    and bag   s
         coffee                          Fish bones     mouldy and out of date
          ndsee                         Fish bones
                                       and  carcasses          too, just
                                                         food too,       remove
                                                                    just remo  ve          www.north-herts.gov.uk/home/
     grounds              Fruit,       and carcasses     food
                       vegetables                            all pack  agin g.
                      and  peelings
                      and peelings
                                                            all packaging.                 waste-and-recycling/request-kitchen-caddy

                                                                                            Get recycling
   Plastic bags                                          Plastic pots,
                                                                                            you r textiles
    or tic bag
        plas tic s                         Tin foil      Plastic pots,
    or plas                                Tinfood
                                               foil     trays or films     Cardboard
    wra     tic
         ppin                              or           trays or films
    wrappingg             Liquids         or aine
                                         cont foodrs
                                                                           Cardbo ard
                          Liquids        containers                                         In Hertfordshire alone, over 7,000
                                                                                            tonnes of textiles are sent to landfill

                                                        7 No Thankss
                                                          No Thank                          each year.

                                                                se do
                                                           Please          put
                                                                       not put
                                                                   do not                   Did you know we can collect your
    Pet faeces,
                                                           any  of these item s
                                                           any of these items               unwanted textiles for recycling?
     litter or                            Garden
     bedding                              Gar
                                           wasden                           y
     bedding                                   te            in your  cadd
                          Glass           waste              in your caddy
                           china                                                            Items should be placed out on your
                        or china

                                                                                            recycling collection day, next to your
                                                                                            recycling bin (not inside it) in clear or
                                                                                            white bags (items in black sacks will
                                                                                            not be taken) and tied securely.

    Adopt an Area                                                                           Items accepted: all clothes, rags,
                                                                                            belts, handbags, curtains, towels,
                                                                                            bed linen and paired shoes.
  Fancy being a local litter hero? Why not join
  our new Adopt an Area scheme?                                                             Items NOT accepted: carpets, quilts
                                                                                            or duvets, rugs or any other material
  Whether you are a resident, community group, or a                                         that is not clothing/textiles. Some of
  business, you can choose a section of street or public                                    these items may be accepted at local
  land and help us keep it litter free. You can pledge to                                   Household Waste Recycling Centres.
  litter pick it on a frequency to suit and report issues
  like fly tipping to us. Go to www.north-herts.gov.uk/                                     Alternatively, charity shops always
  home/waste-and-recycling/adopt-area to find                                               welcome good quality clean
  out more.                                                                                 clothes so consider donating to
                                                                                            your local shop.

  SUMMER 2021                                            like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                             OUTLOOK   13
Registering to view your Council Tax bill is simple - you’ll just
                                                            need your 8-digit Council Tax account reference number to
                                                            hand. This is shown on your most recent bill.

     Have you                                               Once you have registered and linked your Council Tax
                                                            account, you will be able to:
                                                            • view a summary of your Council Tax account

     registered to                                          • see payments due and payments made
                                                            • make a secure payment or set-up a direct debit

     use our new                                            • check any benefits or discounts
                                                            • sign up for E-Billing - go paperless and receive your

     online portal?                                            Council Tax bills by email
                                                            You can sign up on our website: www.north-herts.gov.uk.
                                                            Search for Council Tax.

     Next time you visit our website check out the new
     improved ‘MyAccount’ facility which allows you to view
     account information personalised to you, including
     Council Tax, at a time that is convenient for you.

     Council Meetings
     All meetings are held at 7.30pm unless specified below.
     Please check our website for venue details www.north-herts.gov.uk
     DATE             COMMITTEE                                    DATE                  COMMITTEE
     5 July 2021      Licensing and Appeals Committee              6 September 2021      Cabinet Panel on Community
     6 July 2021      Cabinet Panel on the Environment                                   Engagement and Co-operative
     8 July 2021      Council
                                                                   7 September 2021      Cabinet Panel on the Environment
     12 July 2021     Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
                                                                   14 September 2021     Overview and Scrutiny Committee
     13 July 2021     Overview and Scrutiny Committee
                                                                   15 September 2021     Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
     14 July 2021     Cabinet Panel on Housing, Strategic
                      Planning and Transport                       16 September 2021     Planning Control Committee

     15 July 2021     Planning Control Committee                   21 September 2021     Cabinet

     19 July 2021     Cabinet Panel on Community                   22 September 2021     Joint Staff Consultative Committee
                      Engagement and Co-operative                                        (10am)
                      Development                                  23 September 2021     Council
     20 July 2021     Cabinet                                      4 October 2021        Baldock and District Committee
     21 July 2021     Highways Liaison Meeting                     12 October 2021       Hitchin Committee
     22 July 2021     Planning Control Committee                   13 October 2021       Letchworth Committee
     19 August 2021   Planning Control Committee                   14 October 2021       Planning Control Committee
     1 September      Cabinet Panel on Housing, Strategic          19 October 2021       Standards Committee
     2021             Planning and Transport                       20 October 2021       Royston and District Committee
     2 September      Planning Control Committee                   21 October 2021       Southern Rural Committee

14   OUTLOOK                                       follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                                     SUMMER 2021
Calling Hertfordshire residents - a re you
pregnant or do you have a child under four ?
Did you know you could be missing out
on free fruit a nd vegeta bles or milk ?
If you are at least 10 weeks                 has now teamed up with TV chef
pregnant or have a child under four          Tom Kerridge to help provide
years old you could be entitled to           families with recipes to make the
Healthy Start Vouchers worth £4.25           most of the vouchers. Visit https://
per child per week (£8.50 if under           tomkerridge.com/full-time-meals/
1) to spend on milk, plain fresh or          If you are entitled to Healthy Start
frozen fruit and vegetables, and             Vouchers you will also get free
instant formula milk. You can also           vitamins designed to help
use them to buy pulses and canned            pregnant and breastfeeding
fruit and vegetables as long as they         women and growing children.
have no fat, salt, sugar or other
flavouring added. The vouchers can           To be eligible you should be in               Application leaflets are available
be redeemed at local retailers.              receipt of certain means-tested               from GP’s surgeries or baby clinics.
                                             benefits. Check your eligibility on           Alternatively you can call 0345 607
The vouchers were increased from             www.gov.uk/healthy-start.                     6823 or download a form at www.
£3.10 per child to £4.25 from April          Pregnant under 18 years olds                  healthystart.nhs.uk/healthy-start-
following lobbying from England              qualify, whether or not they are              vouchers/how-to-apply/
footballer Marcus Rashford, who              entitled to a qualifying benefit.

Apprentices enjoy success at NHDC
NHDC has a long tradition of nurturing       Apprenticeships are a fantastic               within the Democratic
talent through its apprenticeship scheme.    opportunity for people living in North        Services department,
The combination of workplace                 Herts who might be taking their first         working with both Electoral
training and college study provides          steps on the career ladder, as well as        and Committee Services. I
apprentices with the opportunity to          for those looking for a different career      only started in December,
gain valuable skills and knowledge           and want to develop and broaden               but I am really enjoying my
and gain a nationally recognised             their skill set.                              apprenticeship so far; I love being
qualification on completion. The                                                           able to learn a new job role and
                                             Jack Phelps and Emily Gray are
qualifications apprentices can study                                                       study at the same time. Everyone
                                             among NHDC’s success stories:
for range from Customer Service                                                            has been so welcoming, and my
Specialist and Business Administration       Jack said: “I’m the Business                  team are a really lovely bunch!”
courses, to Events Assistant.                Administration Apprentice in the IT
                                                                                           In April this year, some of our
                                             department working as a Technical
We have taken on over 50                                                                   apprentices participated in the
                                             Support Officer. When
apprentices since launching our                                                            Local Government Apprentice of
                                             I’m not working, I like
programme in 2013 and we currently                                                         the Year Awards, which was a great
                                             to hike, play games
have eight apprentices in post. All                                                        opportunity to learn, network and
                                             and paint. I was really
apprentices are eligible to apply for                                                      showcase their skills, expertise, and
                                             into weightlifting before
permanent roles and approximately                                                          initiative. They worked in virtual teams
                                             Covid forced the gyms
half of our apprentices are successful                                                     to experience the opportunities, risks,
                                             to shut! I’m enjoying
in achieving a permanent role.                                                             and challenges involved in delivering
                                             my time at NHDC and I’m looking
We also go out and actively promote                                                        successful local government services.
                                             forward to finally meeting
our apprenticeship scheme to a               everyone when the office reopens!”            Sign up to receive details of all
number of schools in the area,                                                             of our vacancies here:
although this has been on hold since         20 year old Emily said: “I am                 www.north-herts.gov.uk/home/
the start of the pandemic.                   currently doing my apprenticeship             jobs-and-careers/job-vacancies

SUMMER 2021                              like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                              OUTLOOK    15
Value for Money
          The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on our finances over the last year.
          We have tried wherever possible to keep existing services running as normal, but have faced
          loss of income from facilities like our leisure centres having to close. We have also delivered
          additional activities in response to the pandemic, to try and support residents and businesses.

     What we have spent
     Extra money we have spent         • Additional costs associated
     this year and reductions in         with the collection of waste,
     income that we expected to          extension of garden waste
     receive = £5.7million.              subscriptions and disposal
     This includes:                      of recyclable materials:
     • Funding so that our leisure
                                       • Grants to community groups:
       centres could open each
       time when Covid-19                £90,000                                      Achievements
       restrictions allowed: £2.1m     We are expecting to receive                    We have still been able
     • Providing hotel accommodation   £3.7m from Government to                       to achieve the majority of
       for people at risk of, or       help us with the additional                    activities that we planned to
       experiencing, rough sleeping:   money we have spent and as                     complete over the last year.
       £200,000                        compensation for lost income.
                                                                                      These include:
     • Reduction in parking            That means that we have had
       income: £1.6m                   to fund about £2m from our                     • Implementing a
                                       reserves which will leave us                     Customer Portal for
     • Extension to garden waste
                                       less able to cushion the                         Council Tax
       subscription period due to
                                       impact from any future
       having to stop collections                                                     • Refurbishment of the
                                       changes in funding.
       at the start of the                                                              fitness changing rooms
       pandemic: £200,000              We have continued to deliver                     at the North Herts
                                       the vast majority of our services,               Leisure Centre
     • Lost income from Hitchin
                                       which have also had variations
       Town Hall: £140,000
                                       in spend that have not been                    • Improving the acoustics
     • Reduced planning fee            due to Covid-19. This has                        at Hitchin Town Hall
       income: £130,000                reduced the impact described
                                                                                      • Progressing the
     • Reduced demand for trade        above by £0.8m, while £0.7m
                                                                                        Local Plan through
       waste and trade recycling       of planned spend in this year
                                                                                        examination with
       collections meaning less        has been deferred to the
                                                                                        resumed hearings held
       income of: £150,000             next financial year.
                                                                                        between November
                                                                                        2020 and February 2021

                                                                                      • Agreement with Herts
                                                                                        County Council to
                                                                                        transfer their service
                                                                                        users over to our
                                                                                        Careline Community
                                                                                        Alarm service

16   OUTLOOK                                     follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                              SUMMER 2021
New activities and performance
Wherever possible we have tried to keep all         The pandemic has had an impact our
our services running as normally as we can.         performance over the last year. Some
We have also carried out new activities in          examples have been:
response to Covid-19.
                                                    • Placing 136 households in temporary
Examples of new activities include:                   accommodation, reflecting the rough
                                                      sleepers that have been provided with
• Paid out business grants totalling over £45m
                                                      hotel rooms
  (as of mid-May 2021)
                                                    • Just under 93% of invoices owed to the
• Paid out 308 payments to qualifying
                                                      Council have been paid on time (usually
  individuals for self-isolating (as of mid-May)
                                                      over 97%). Less than 95% of Business Rates
• Determined that an additional 10% of                collected, usually over 97%
  residents now qualify for our Council Tax
  reduction scheme, compared to prior to            • A small proportion of the usual
  the pandemic                                        Environmental Health food safety
                                                      inspections have been completed,
• Delivered communications and support to
                                                      due to focusing on impacts of Covid-19
  residents and businesses on staying safe
• Worked with others to help deliver food           • 181,270 visits to leisure centres by residents
  and essential supplies, Covid-19 testing sites      - far less than the 1.45m visits in 2019/20
  and identify vaccination sites                    • Significant increase in household waste
• Enabled virtual committee meetings and              (from purple bins) collected due to more
  broadcasting over Youtube, which has                people spending time at home, 387kg
  resulted in almost over 8,000 views                 compared with 342kg in 2019/20

  Ongoing Covid-19 financial impacts
  Leisure: We are budgeting for            Income: It is also expected that            Budget assumptions for 2021/22:
  £2m of additional support for our        the income the Council receives             We have assumed that there
  leisure services in 2021/22. Despite     will be affected (e.g. from                 could be a risk of an additional
  now being open, social distancing        parking). Up until the end of June,         £1m impact when setting the
  restrictions have led to increased       Government will continue to                 budget for 2021/22.
  costs and reduced income.                provide compensation for 75% of
                                                                                       We are also expecting that the
                                           most income losses.
                                                                                       funding we get from Council Tax
                                                                                       and Business Rates will continue
                                                                                       to be affected.

  Moving Forward
  During 2021/22 we aim to get all         • Develop and implement a new               • Launch a Community lottery
  our services back to normal. In            Parking Strategy, including                 to generate funding for
  some areas that normal will look           electric vehicles                           Community Groups
  different to pre-pandemic.
                                           • Continue to deliver actions               • Start work on a new
  We will also support the recovery          relating to our Climate Strategy            storage facility for
  of our local economy, including                                                        our museum
                                           • Development of new
  Town Centres and villages.                                                             collections
                                             Council website
  We plan to achieve the following:

SUMMER 2021                           like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC                           OUTLOOK   17
                                                    EVENTS & EXHIBITIONS
     this Su mmer
                                                    4 July,
                                                                             Town &
                                                                                                    4 September
                                                                                                    Craft Fair
                                                                                                    British Schools Museum,
                                                                                                                                      All events
                                                                                                                                     are subject
                                                                                                                                    to change or
                                                                                                                                  cancellation due
                                                                                                                                   to Government
                                                                                                                                    guidelines at
                                                                                                                                       the time
                                                    Baldock                  Events                 41/42 Queen Street
                                                    Town Centre                                     Set in the historic schoolroom at the
                                                    The Big Lunch                                   museum, meet lots of local craftspeople
                                 &                  This foodie feast                               with their wares - perfect for that special
                             GALLERIES              will bring a taste sensation to the heart       gift or treat for yourself. Free entry:
     North                                          of Baldock. Tables and chairs can be            https://britishschoolsmuseum.org.uk/
     Hertfordshire                                  booked for a meal in the open air.              discover/whats-on/
     Museum                                         Enjoy the best food that Baldock,
     Brand Street, Hitchin, SG5 1HX                 and beyond, has to offer. For more              4 – 5 September
     01462 474554                                   information and to book seats go to:            Hitchin Food Fest
     www.north-herts.gov.uk/museum                  www.baldockeventsforum.org.uk/big-lunch         The Hitchin Food Fest weekend is one of
     Event details can be found at                                                                  the most popular on the foodie calendar.
     www.facebook.com/northhertsmuseum              12 September                                    As well as local eateries promoting their
     Opening times: Tues – Sat 10.30am              Baldock 5k Rat Run                              gastronomic delights, there will be the
     to 4.30pm, Sundays 11am to 3pm                 Join others raising money for the               best in street food and drink and the ever-
     Admission free.                                Garden House Hospice by running                 popular Taster Tent. Find out more about
                                                    trails in and around Baldock. To register       Hitchin events at www.hitchinherts.com
     7 July - 4 September                           go to: www.baldock5k.com
     The Tiger Who Came to Tea                                                                      Holwell
     This interactive exhibition is based on the    Codicote
                                                                                                    3 – 11 July
     classic children’s story book by Judith        18 September                                    Holwell Scarecrow Festival
     Kerr and brings the story to life. Featuring   Codicote Village Day                            There will be scarecrows aplenty in
     a real life version of Sophie’s kitchen,       This year’s theme is ‘Kids TV through the       Holwell village. Vote for your
     a reading corner and of course, a              decades.’ Stalls, refreshments and fun will     favourite, with the most popular
     friendly five-foot tiger!                      make this a great day out for all the family.   winning a prize! Find out more at:
     Opens on 18 September                          www.codicotevillageday.co.uk                    www.holwellscarecrows.org
     Nature in Focus; Brian                         Hitchin
     Sawford’s photographs of the
     landscape and wildlife of North                23 – 24 July, Hitchin Town Hall,                8 August
     Hertfordshire                                  Brand Street                                    Garden Theatre – Macbeth
     Brian Sawford (1940 – 2020) was a              Mostly Comedy                                   Knebworth House
     gifted local naturalist who contributed        ‘Mostly Comedy’ is set to hit the stage         Enjoy Shakespeare in the open air, as
     much to the natural history of                 for an evening full of much needed belly        The Lord Chamberlain’s Men perform
     Hertfordshire through his talks, guided        laughs and chuckling. Book tickets at:          their rendition of this gripping play.
     walks and publications. The exhibition         www.mostlycomedy.co.uk
     showcases many of the rare, beautiful                                                          25 – 26 August
     wildflowers and endangered birds he            24 July                                         Garden Theatre – The Jungle Book
     photographed locally.                          Bucklersbury & Sun Street Day                   Knebworth House
                                                    Shops and businesses throw open                 A live, open air, musical adaptation of
                                                    their doors for an afternoon of fun,            the classic children’s book. Join Mowgli
                                                    music, bargains and entertainment.              and his friends, Baloo the bear and
                                                    From 12 noon – 6pm.                             Bagheera the panther, on a madcap
                                                                                                    jungle adventure!
                                                    3 – 26 August
                                                    Hitchin Beach
                                                    Come visit the seaside with a real
                                                    sandy beach, music, buckets and
                                                    spades and deckchairs on the
                                                    Market Place.

18   OUTLOOK                                             follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                                         SUMMER 2021
11 – 12 September                               12 August
Dog Fest                                        Classic & Vintage Car Rally
Knebworth House                                 3pm – 6pm, Recreation Ground
Everything and anything to do with dogs         If you’re interested in vintage cars, this is
can be found here. Buy dog products             right up your street! A variety of classic
and bring your dog along to have a go           cars will be on display so do motor
at fun dog activities. For more information     along to this fun afternoon.
on Knebworth House events go to:
www.knebworthhouse.com/events-grid              5 September
                                                Open Gardens Day
Letchworth Garden                               2pm – 6pm
City                                            The Friends of Pirton Parish Church invite
                                                you to enjoy the gardens of Pirton, as
16 July                                         homeowners open up their gardens for
Diva Dismantled                                 visitors to experience the beauty of late
The Settlement, Nevells Road,                   summer flowers.
Letchworth Opera singer Christine
Bunning presents an evening of musical          Royston
theatre, opera and anecdotes. In person
or Zoom online tickets available.               1 August
Find out more at:                               Royston Kite Festival
www.letchworthsettlement.org.uk/                10.30am – 4.30pm
making-music-concert-series/                    Fun for all the family at Therfield Heath.
                                                Marvel at the professional kite flying
23 July                                         displays and bring along your own
L.G.C Live!                                     kite to fly in the main arena.
Letchworth Town Centre                          www.roystonkitefestival.com
Letchworth’s first live music and dance
festival! With hip hop and street style         24 – 26 September
dancing and music from British reggae           Royston Arts Festival
group Aswad, The Soul Man and many              Indulge your love of arts, crafts,
local bands and artists. Find out more at       literature, performances and more
the www.loveletchworth.com                      as the Royston Arts Festival showcases
                                                local talent. For more information visit:
Pirton                                          www.creativeroyston.org

10 July
Pirton Summer Fair
From 1pm at Recreation Ground
A variety of stalls, fun events and live
music all add up to a fun afternoon out
in Pirton. Entry: Adults £4, Children Free.
Parking available, £1 per car

SUMMER 2021                                 like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/northhertsDC   OUTLOOK   19
                                                                     LEARN TO CYCLE CLASSES:
CYCLING CLASSES for all ages and abililities in North Herts
                                                                One hour Classes           for
                                                                         1-to-1 lessons aimed    atall   ages
                                                                                                   helping children,
                                                                teenagers and adults gain confidence and learn
                                                                the abilities
                                                                    necessary skills in    North
                                                                                     to ride            Herts
                                                                                             a pedal bike.
                                                                     Participants must have a road worthy bike with
                                                                     two working brakes, and a correctly
                                                                     fitting helmet.
                                                                   If underTO
                                                                            the CYCLE
                                                                                age of 16 CLASSES:
                                                                                          years old, one                                                                         £20 per
                                                                     parent/carer is required to stay on site for                                                                session
                                                                 One hour one-to-one lessons aimed at helping children, teenagers and                                 £20 per session
                                                                     the duration of the lesson.
                                                                 adults gain confidence and learn the necessary skills to ride a pedal bike.

                                                                 Participants must have a road worthy bike with two working brakes,
                                                                 and a correctly fitting helmet.                    CYCLE CONFIDENCE COURSES:
                                                                                                                    Run over a week, this course is aimed at helping
                                                                 If under the age of 16 years old, one parent/carer is
                                                                 required to stay on site for the duration of the lesson.    aged 4 and older gain confidence on
                                                                                                                    their pedal bike and build on their skills.
                                                                                                                    These   fun 2 hour
                                                                                                                        CYCLE              sessions per day
                                                                                                                                    CONFIDENCE                  include games
                                                                £50 per
                                                                                                                    and activities which help improve each child’s
                                                                 course                                             steering,  braking,
                                                                                                                        Run over           caution
                                                                                                                                 a week, this course control,
                                                                                                                                                     is aimed atnavigation
                                                                                                                                                                 helping children
                                                                                                                        aged four and older gain confidence on their pedal bike and
                                                              Two hours                                             and build
                                                                                                                                       gears (if applicable).
                                                              per day for
                                                               five days                                            YourThese
                                                                                                                          childfunmust    have
                                                                                                                                   two hour       a road
                                                                                                                                             sessions      worthy
                                                                                                                                                      per day           bike with
                                                                                                                                                              include games     and
                                                                     £50 per course                                 twoactivities
                                                                                                                         working      brakes,
                                                                                                                                  which          a correctly
                                                                                                                                        help improve  each child’sfitted   helmet
                                                                                                                                                                    steering, braking,
                                                                     2 hours per day                                    caution control, navigation and how to use gears (if applicable).
                                                                                                                    and be able to ride for 1 minute unaided
                                                                     for 5 days                                     (no Your
                                                                                                                              child mustbut
                                                                                                                                          havea abit wobbly
                                                                                                                                                  road          is ok).
                                                                                                                                                       worthy bike     with two working
                                                                                                                          brakes, a correctly fitted helmet and be able to
                                                                                                                          ride for one minute unaided (no stabilisers
                                                                     BALANCE ABILITY COURSES:                             but a bit wobbly is ok).
                                                                   Run over 6 weeks the course is aimed at helping
                                                                   children (3+) to gain confidence and to learn the
                                                                   basic cycling
                                                                 BALANCE         skills to enable
                                                                               ABILITY            a smoother
                                                                   transition to pedal bikes.
                                                                 Run over six weeks the course is aimed at helping children
                                                                 (3+)These    fun sessions
                                                                      to gain confidence and toinclude   games
                                                                                                learn basic cycling which
                                                                                                                    skills, to help to                                       Coming
                                                                 enabling a smoother                                                                                     soon, please
                                                                     improve     eachtransition
                                                                                        child’s togross
                                                                                                         bikes. skills, balance,
                                                                                                                                                                          get in touch
                                                                 These           andinclude
                                                                        fun sessions  cautiongames control.
                                                                                                      which help to improve                                           Comingforsoon,
                                                                 each child’s gross motor skills, balance, steering and                                                   information
                                                                 caution control.bikes and helmets are not provided
                                                                                                                                                                      please get in
                                                                     (pedals   canhelmets
                                                                                   be removed       from pedal                                                        touch for more
                                                                 Balance bikes and         are not provided (pedalsbikes
                                                                                                                    can beat
                                                                     the session).                                                                                    information
                                                                 removed  from pedal bikes at the session).

                                                                     Sessions to be run in Baldock, Letchworth, Hitchin and
                                                              Sessions to be run in Baldock, Letchworth, Hitchin and Royston. Dates will
                                                                     Royston. Dates will be scheduled as soon as possible,
                                                              be scheduled as soon as possible. To register your interest and get more
                                                                     to register
                                                              information          yourhealthyhub@north-herts.gov.uk
                                                                          please email   interest and get more information           please
                                                                                                                         or call 01462 474111.
                                                                     email healthyhub@north-herts.gov.uk or call 01462 474111.

                  20                                          OUTLOOK                                         follow us on twitter @NorthHertsDC                                 SUMMER 2021
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