Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...

Page created by Julio Thompson
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
Los Angeles County
Sheriff’s Department

   Alex Villanueva, Sheriff
        September 22, 2021
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
On the RIGHT Path…
    The RAND report offers 37

    LASD currently is doing 30 of
    them, and the remaining 7
    are under review (some of
    which require funding).
    NOTE: The cost of providing 8 hours of training to the
          Department is approximately $7.2M
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
Fostering Organizational Change…
   • Organizational Change does not
     occur overnight.

   • Correcting 50 years of failed
     leadership takes time.

   • Numerous reform policies have
     been initiated.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
Reform Policies Initiated…

Participation in these illicit groups, herein referred to as
“deputy cliques” or “subgroups” which often include an
associated symbol and/or tattoo, harms morale and
erodes public trust….

Any employee engaging in misconduct of any kind,
including but not limited to, the use of excessive force or
mistreating or harassing others, will be subject to
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
Reform Policies Initiated…

Any Department member who observes a serious violation of
Department policy or law that may result in discipline, shall
intervene and report the incident when safe to do so. Examples are,
but not limited to: bullying, hazing, or the use of derogatory
language against another, etc.

Department members shall notify their immediate supervisor, or a
different supervisor if their immediate supervisor was involved, in
the violation of policy or law they are reporting. Failure to intervene
and report such incidents will subject Department members to
discipline and could result in criminal prosecution.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Alex Villanueva, Sheriff September 22, 2021 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...
Reform Policies Initiated…
01/030.22 )

This policy will provide protections for employees who
report wrongdoing (violations of policy) or improper
governmental activity (not covered by POE or Retaliation
MPP), and will also add a procedure and form for
reporting such allegations.
Reform Policies Initiated…

This policy was created in order to provide an
environment where personnel can feel free to report any
perceived misconduct without fear of retaliation.
Reform Policies Initiated…
SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS (Detective Division Order

Within 30 days of a deputy involved shooting (DIS) the
names of those involved will be released to the public. A
threat assessment will be conducted and monitored. If a
credible threat is identified, the release may be delayed.
Transparency Created…
LASD.ORG Website – Transparency Promise

• The most sweeping change has been the posting of
  all information we can lawfully share onto our

Body Worn Cameras (BWC)

• Personnel at almost every patrol station have been
  trained & equipped with cameras (months ahead of
Accountability: Volume

Total LASD Contacts:               4,934,756
Total LASD UOF:                       10,335
WCSCR Commendations:                   2,920
WCSCR Personnel Complaints:            2,543

                              * Data occurred from 12/3/2018 – 9/13/2021
Accountability: Discipline

Number of Personnel Disciplined:                          874

Authorization of Letters of Intent to
Discharge:                                                120
 •   Alcohol Related
 •   False Statements
 •   Sexual Misconduct
 •   Domestic Violence         * Quarterly Discipline Reports at LASD.ORG

 •   Excessive Force           * Data based on “Letters of Intent”
                               * Data occurred from 12/3/2018 – 9/13/2021
On the WRONG Path…

                     RAND REPORT

“Community leaders and members were mostly critical of
current department leadership, expressing concerns about a
lack of transparency, a lack of trust, and a culture of
aggressive policing” (p.161, p.xii).
On the WRONG Path…

                      RAND REPORT

“…several of these groups were still actively adding
members at the time of our interviews” (p.xi).

“…but these groups do not seem to be actively adding
members” (p.97).
Chair Solis’ Statement on RAND Institute Study of LA County Sheriff’s Department Deputy

“The RAND Institute’s study supports the decades-long, troubling
history of deputy gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s

It is unfortunate that due to LASD leadership’s inability and frankly,
unwillingness to consistently hold deputies and their respective
supervisors accountable, there exists a diminishing relationship
between the Department and residents.
Chair Solis’ Statement on RAND Institute Study of LA County Sheriff’s Department Deputy

It is also disturbing the sheer amount of money that has come out of
hardworking taxpayers’ wallets to pay large settlements–almost $55 million
dollars since 1990… These precious dollars should have instead been used to
serve our communities.

I am neither surprised nor shocked by the study’s findings as I along, with the
support of my colleagues, have attempted to address through the creation of
oversight entities, freezing of Department funds, motions to protect those who
have been victimized by law enforcement misconduct, and supporting legislation
that call for the elimination of deputy gangs and holding law enforcement
accountable and transparent.
Contact the
 BOS and
  let them
 hear your
Los Angeles County
Sheriff’s Department

    Alex Villanueva, Sheriff
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