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October 2021               Issue 166

      Justin Filiberto (NASA Johnson Space Center/Lunar and Planetary Institute),
      Matthew Weller (Brown University), Walter Kiefer (Lunar and Planetary Institute),
      and Allan H. Treiman (Lunar and Planetary Institute)

      Venus is often considered Earth’s hellish      2030s, respectively. Collectively, these
      twin due to its thick caustic atmosphere,      missions aim to constrain long-standing
      high surface pressure, and hot dry surface     questions about the geologic history
      environment. Venus has a thick omnipresent     of our divergent and hellish twin.
      cloud layer that is opaque to most orbital     To prepare for the coming decade
      sensing methods, which — along with the        of Venus exploration, the Lunar and
      hellish surface conditions — has prevented     Planetary Institute’s (LPI) new Venus
      it from receiving the attention that Mars or   Science Initiative is a four-workshop series
      the Moon have had.                             dedicated to discussing and summarizing
                                                     some of the critical unanswered questions
      Many fundamental questions about               before the procession of spacecraft begin
      the Venus surface environment remain           arriving. The topics at the workshops
      unanswered, which will be addressed            will be (1) Ancient Venus, (2) Venus
      in the coming decade as a fleet of             Surface and Atmosphere, (3) Venus as
                                                                                                    As it sped away from Venus, NASA’s Mariner 10
      spacecraft approach Venus. NASA                a System, and (4) Venus-Like Planets           spacecraft captured this seemingly peaceful view
      will send the Venus Emissivity, Radio          and Exoplanets; the first of these             of a planet the size of Earth, wrapped in a dense,
      Science, InSAR, Topography, and                workshops (Ancient Venus) will be held         global cloud layer. But, contrary to its serene
      Spectroscopy (VERITAS) orbiter mission         in May 2022. Here, we describe some            appearance, the clouded globe of Venus is a world
                                                                                                    of intense heat, crushing atmospheric pressure, and
      in 2028 and the Deep Atmosphere Venus          outstanding questions about Venus.             clouds of corrosive acid. This image was processed
      Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry,                                                      from archived Mariner 10 data by JPL engineer
      and Imaging (DAVINCI) atmospheric              The surface of Venus is covered with           Kevin M. Gill. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.
      probe in 2029, and the European Space          volcanoes, including some of the
      Agency (ESA) will send the EnVision            largest volcanoes in our solar system.
      orbiter mission in 2032. In addition, the      Based on orbital spectroscopic and             work has shown that basaltic rocks and
      Indian Space Research Organization’s           radar measurements, some of the                associated minerals should alter very
      Shukrayaan-I and Russian Space                 associated lava flows appear to be             quickly when exposed to the hot and
      Agency’s Venera-D orbiter and probe            fresh unweathered basalt rock and are          caustic venusian atmosphere. Models
      missions are also under consideration          thought to be geologically quite young.        based on these experiments suggest
      for flight in the late 2020s and early         Recent and ongoing experimental                that these unweathered lava flows
                                                                                                    may be very young — only years to
                                                                                                    decades old! Geophysical studies also
    “ The surface of Venus is covered with                                                          suggest active or very recently active
                                                                                                    volcanism for coronae structures (a
      volcanoes, including some of the                                                              diverse set of circular volcano-tectonic
                                                                                                    features), which are thought to be
      largest volcanoes in our solar system.”                                                       supported by active deep-seated mantle
                                                                                                    plumes. Furthermore, investigations of

2     Issue 166          October 2021                                                               © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

    the geology of Idunn Mons, a volcano
    in Imdr Regio, suggest that there have
    been alternating periods of both volcanic
    and tectonic activity in the very recent
    geologic past. Similarly, portions of the
    venusian crust may be in motion today,
    with many blocks (hundreds of kilometers
    to a side) jostling and sliding against
    each other, somewhat like chunks of
    pack ice on Earth. The questions remain
    of the exact timing of these volcanic
    and tectonic events, including which,
    if any, volcanoes are active today.

     The debate about the age of lava
     flows plays into two other debates
     about volcanism on Venus: so-called
    “catastrophic” vs. gradual resurfacing,
     and the water concentration of the Venus
     interior. The surface of Venus is thought
     to be geologically young, based on the
     number, distribution, and degradation
     state of impact craters on the surface.       Venus’ surface is younger than other planets like Mercury and Mars. It’s clear that the planet stayed warmer
     Constraining the age of lava flows            longer than the other two and was resurfaced with lava flows more recently than the other two. But for the
                                                   most part, scientists think that Venus is volcanically inactive in our present day. There’s some evidence of recent
     on Venus, as well as the rate at which
                                                   volcanic activity, mostly in the form of coronae, which are ring-like structures on the surface caused by plumes
     new lava flows are produced, will help        of hot material flowing from the depths of the planet through the mantle and the crust. Credit: Universe Today.
     determine if lava gradually poured
     out of volcanoes to cover (resurface)
     the planet in dribs and drabs, or if          of the venusian interior. Gradual ongoing                   targeting volcanic regions to constrain
     there were periods of more extreme            volcanism would support some amount                         the age and evolution of volcanoes
     eruptions with lava pouring out in large      of water (and other volatile species) still                 on Venus. DAVINCI will measure the
     volumes (akin to flood basalts on Earth),     being trapped in the Venus interior, while                  chemistry of the atmosphere including
     covering the planet in large swaths.          catastrophic resurfacing would support a                    trace gases that could be spewing
                                                   drier and more volatile-free Venus interior.                from ongoing or previous volcanic
    There is no liquid water on the surface of                                                                 activity, as well as noble gas isotopes
    Venus today because the surface is too         To address these uncertainties, the                         (such as argon-40) that can be used
    hot and the atmosphere is thought to have      VERITAS and EnVision missions                               to constrain the rate of volcanic
    largely lost its water; however, there is an   will analyze the surface using both                         outgassing through geologic time.
    ongoing debate about the water content         radar and spectroscopy, specifically
                                                                                                               The composition of Venus’ atmosphere

“ A current debate about                                                                                       also gives evidence for active volcanism.
                                                                                                               Over the last few decades, the sulfur
                                                                                                               content of the upper atmosphere has

  the venusian atmosphere                                                                                      spiked and gradually declined several
                                                                                                               times — the spikes could represent
                                                                                                               massive eruptions with sulfur-rich gas

  is whether the thick cloud                                                                                   plumes that penetrated Venus’ cloud
                                                                                                               deck. But the spikes in atmospheric sulfur
                                                                                                               could have also been produced by other

  deck could be a habitable                                                                                    mechanisms. Much of this uncertainty
                                                                                                               stems largely from our lack of data of
                                                                                                               Venus’ lower atmosphere, below the

  environment for life as we                                                                                   opaque cloud deck. The Venera and
                                                                                                               Vega probes analyzed the chemical
                                                                                                               composition of the lower atmosphere, but

  know it.”                                                                                                    those missions were decades ago. More
                                                                                                               recent orbital missions, such as ESA’s

3   Issue 166          October 2021                                                                            © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

    The clouds of Venus can actually reach the pleasant temperature of 30°C (86°F). Credit: Jurik Peter via Shutterstock/HDR tune by Universal-Sci.

    Venus Express and Japan Aerospace                        for life as we know it. The surface is too               of phosphine and suggest that it either is
    Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Akatsuki,                    hot and caustic for known Earth-life to                  not in the clouds at all or is at much lower
    measured the composition of the upper                    exist (let alone thrive), but the clouds                 concentrations than the original report.
    atmosphere, providing a wealth of data,                  could be more hospitable. Unlike clouds
    but could not see beneath the clouds, and                on Earth, which are a transient feature,                 There is, therefore, still substantial debate
    therefore the chemistry and oxidation                    clouds on Venus are more stable and                      as to whether the clouds of Venus could
    state (oxygen and sulfur fugacity) of the                long-lasting. The temperatures in venusian               be a habitable environment, and if
    lower atmosphere remains a mystery.                      clouds are reasonable for many terrestrial               they are habitable, are they inhabited?
                                                             life forms, sunlight could provide                       DAVINCI will directly address these
    A current debate about the venusian                      energy (both directly as photosynthesis                  questions by measuring the chemistry
    atmosphere is whether the thick cloud                    and indirectly through photochemical                     and isotopic composition of the Venus
    deck could be a habitable environment                    disequilibria), and the clouds contain                   atmosphere, including measuring for
                                                             essential nutrients. However, life                       phosphine, and will determine whether
                                                             in Venus’ clouds would have to be                        they in fact constitute a habitable
                                                             adapted to a highly acidic environment                   environment. DAVINCI will also
                                                             (the cloud particles are mostly sulfuric                 measure the composition and oxidation
                                                             acid) and limited available water,                       state of the lower atmosphere.
                                                             more akin to extremophiles on Earth.
                                                                                                                      Tessera terrain areas are thought to be the
                                                             The hypothesis that Venus’ clouds could                  oldest exposed crust on Venus and so are
                                                             be habitable gained significant traction                 among the best targets for understanding
                                                             last year with a reported Earth-based                    ancient Venus (a time period that is all but
                                                             detection of abundant phosphine                          wiped out in Earth’s rock record). They are,
                                                             gas (PH3). On Earth, phosphine can                       however, some of the least-understood
                                                             be produced both abiotically and                         regions in our solar system. They are
    A portion of Alpha Regio is displayed in this three-
    dimensional perspective view of the surface of Venus.    by biological activity, but at the high                  highly deformed (faulted and folded) so
    Alpha Regio, a topographic upland approximately          concentrations originally described in                   that original structures are not clear, and
    1300 kilometers across, is centered on 25°S latitude,    the clouds of Venus were suggestive of                   even what kind of rock they are (igneous
    4°E longitude. In 1963, Alpha Regio was the first
                                                             biological activity. Subsequent studies did              vs. sedimentary) remains uncertain.
    feature on Venus to be identified from Earth-based
    radar. Credit: NASA/JPL.                                 not fully reproduce the original detections              Tessera terrain are characterized by

4   Issue 166              October 2021                                                                               © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

    high elevations, extensive and multiple       models suggest and may point toward a           better than achieved by the Magellan
    deformations, and high radar backscatter.     more Mars-like early Venus dominated            mission and high-resolution topography,
                                                  by volcanic activity of basaltic lava.          which will enable new modeling to
    The current data available are consistent                                                     constrain faulting and folding processes
    with both highly altered basaltic lava        Another question about tessera are their        that formed the tessera. The DAVINCI
    flows and evolved granitic rocks like         mountain tops. The highest elevations of        probe will enter the atmosphere above
    continents on Earth.                          many tessera are bright in reflected radar,     Alpha Regio, imaging the surface from
                                                  which suggests that they may be coated          below the clouds, enabling scientists
    The difference in these interpretations has   in a semi-conductor material. Different         to (1) determine if they are granitic
    enormous implications for early Venus.        minerals, from very common minerals on          or basaltic in composition and (2)
    Granitic contents on Venus would imply        Earth like pyrite and apatite to incredibly     constrain what minerals are forming
    that early Venus was much more like           rare minerals like tellurobismuthite (Bi2Te3)   during weathering of the rocks.
    the early Earth with water in the interior    and coloradoite (HgTe), have been
    and crustal recycling remelting water-        suggested to cause these anomalies.
    bearing rocks. On the other hand, if
    tessera are altered basaltic lava flows,      VERITAS and EnVision will explore the
    this could imply that early Venus may         early history of the tessera with radar
    not have been as Earth-like as some           imagery that is an order of magnitude

5   Issue 166          October 2021                                                               © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute
    O F LO R I G L A Z E

                                                   LOOKING BACK,
                                                   MOVING FORWARD

                                                   Lori S. Glaze
                                                   Director, NASA’s Planetary Science Division, October 2021

    As I write, in early October, our Lucy        the Lucy mission is set to revolutionize our   commitment to IDEA and added inclusion
    mission is just days away from launch.        understanding of planetary origins and         to the Agency’s core values (safety,
    The next in our line of Discovery missions,   the formation of the solar system.             integrity, teamwork, excellence) last July.
    Lucy will journey to the Trojan asteroids
    that have been trapped in stable              But while I anticipate the Lucy launch         As such, I’d like to take this opportunity to
    Lagrange Points, along Jupiter’s orbit, for   and am thinking about our origins, I can’t     update you on some of the many IDEA-
    billions of years. Starting in 2027, Lucy     help but also contemplate the evolution        focused initiatives we are working on at
    will fly by seven of these Trojan asteroids   of our planetary science community over        NASA, the Science Mission Directorate
    and, in doing so, will allow us to survey     the past year, and what the planetary          (SMD), and the Planetary Science
    their diversity and gain new insights         science landscape will look like in the        Division (PSD).
    into this unique, never-before-explored,      coming decades. The events of 2020
    population of early solar system remnants.    and 2021 have been a wakeup call to
                                                  us as individuals, as scientists, and as       SMD IDEA
    Lucy is named for the fossilized skeleton     members of a worldwide community. But
    of an early hominid found in Ethiopia in      as hard as these times have been, I am         Working Group
    1974. The name of that find was inspired      grateful that important issues — namely
    by The Beatles’ song “Lucy in the Sky with    those relating to inclusion, diversity,        I am pleased to share that earlier this
    Diamonds,” and by naming our mission          equity, and accessibility (IDEA) — have        year we officially chartered an Inclusion,
    for the skeleton, we come full circle and     come to the fore, and that individuals         Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility
    are taking Lucy back to the sky! Just as      and organizations alike are trying to          Working Group within SMD. This Group
    the Lucy skeleton provided fundamental        foster positive and long-lasting change.       (comprised of SMD staff and advisors)
    insights into the evolution of our species,   Indeed, NASA has been increasing its           will seek to advocate for and promote

6   Issue 166          October 2021                                                              © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

    inclusive values and efforts, and will       carefully and submit comments before the      and we are currently in the process of
    develop viable, actionable solutions         November 3, 2021, deadline.                   matching each of these students with
    that are impactful, sustainable, and                                                       mentors from the mission teams. The
    measurable for SMD to implement.             Dual-Anonymous                                students will participate in the mission
    Reporting to the SMD Associate                                                             science team meetings as well as other
    Administrator (Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen),        Peer Review                                   planetary science community meetings.
    the IDEA Working Group is responsible                                                      In addition, participants in the program
    for the development and implementation       As you are hopefully aware, we are now        will be offered supplemental activities
    of an IDEA Strategic Implementation          deep into the second ROSES cycle where        such as seminars, social events (including
    Plan, to focus current and future IDEA       we are implementing Dual-Anonymous            an upcoming Lucy launch party), career
    activities for a five-year period (and       Peer Review (DAPR) for several of our         panels, and more. I am keen to see the
    renewable five-year increments               research programs. Under this system,         outcomes of this pilot, and if it proves
    thereafter). The Working Group currently     neither are proposers told the identity of    successful, we will plan to scale the
    consists of several subgroups that are       their reviewers nor are reviewers told the    program up to include all PSD missions
    focused on various aspects of SMD            identity of the proposers until they have     and other institutions.
    activities, including recruitment and        completed the evaluation of the scientific
    hiring; missions, programs, and projects;    merit of the anonymized proposals. The        In SMD we are also pleased to be
    science engagement; leadership               results of SMD’s pilot implementation         partnering with several societies
    development; research and analysis; and      demonstrated improvements in both the         (e.g., AGU, GSA) to support the new
    inclusion and culture. I am so glad to see   overall quality of the review process as      Mentoring365 platform. With programs
    SMD developing IDEA initiatives in this      well as in the demographics of awardees.      such as this we are investing in early-
    strategic manner, and I am excited to see    After the successful pilot year, during       career researchers and students working
    what this group achieves.                    which PSD’s Habitable Worlds program          within Earth and space science, which
                                                 was run under DAPR, we are using this         in turn helps us foster a robust, diverse,
                                                 process in ROSES-2021 for all our data        equitable, and inclusive workforce that is
    Proposed Changes                             analysis programs (Cassini, Discovery,        equipped to address the challenges our
                                                 Lunar, New Frontiers, and Mars Data           environment and planet are facing and
    to Announcements                             Analysis Programs), as well as the cross-     the science and exploration goals we
                                                 divisional Exoplanets Research Program.       have. This program is highly customizable
    of Opportunity                               Please refer to our DAPR webpage to           and free to use. Please take a look at the
                                                 read more.                                    website and sign up to be a mentor and/
    As another example of NASA’s                                                               or mentee!
    commitment to IDEA values, SMD is
    undertaking a comprehensive effort to        Mentorship Programs                           These are just a few of the activities we
    ensure NASA programs are accessible                                                        are undertaking to create a more diverse,
    to all Americans, especially underserved     Lastly, I want to highlight two new           inclusive, and fruitful planetary science
    and underrepresented communities. To         mentorship programs we are supporting         community — one that is welcoming to
    that end, a Request for Information (RFI)    at the PSD and SMD level. Within PSD,         all. I am incredibly proud to see how my
    was released on September 22, 2021,          we have recently started a pilot program,     colleagues within PSD, SMD, and the
    for public comments on draft language        known as “Here to Observe” (H2O).             larger planetary science community have
    that SMD plans to add to future              The goal of this initiative is to spark and   taken IDEA issues to heart, and I know
    Announcements of Opportunity [and to         maintain an interest for underrepresented     that these efforts will allow us to achieve
    amend the open Stand-Alone Mission           students considering STEM careers, and        long-term changes. After all, our efforts
    of Opportunity Notice (SALMON)]. The         so far we have assembled three PSD            to study the origins and workings of our
    proposed amendments would require            mission/Minority-Serving Institution          solar system — and our place within
    proposers to describe how the processes      (MSI) pairs: Europa Clipper and the           it — will only truly be worthwhile if we
    used to assemble the proposed team and       University of Puerto Rico; Dragonfly and      continue to use the lessons we learn to
    to execute the proposed project would        Virginia State University; and Lucy and       strive for a better future.
    align with NASA’s core value of inclusion    Howard University. We already have
    and NASA’s IDEA values. If you have not      30 undergraduate students from these
    already, I urge you to read the RFI text     universities signed up to participate

7   Issue 166          October 2021                                                            © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                                                   loose groups, with one           into humanity’s evolution. Likewise,
                                                                                   group leading ahead of           the Lucy mission will revolutionize our
                                                                                   Jupiter in its path, the other   knowledge of planetary origins and
                                                                                   trailing behind. Clustered       the formation of the solar system.
                                                                                   around the two Lagrange
                                                                                   points equidistant from          Lucy launched in October 2021 and,
                                                                                   the Sun and Jupiter, the         with boosts from Earth’s gravity, will
                                                                                   Trojans are stabilized by        complete a 12-year journey to eight
                                                                                   the Sun and its largest          different asteroids — a main-belt asteroid
                                                                                   planet in a gravitational        and seven Trojans, four of which are
                                                                                   balancing act. These             members of “two-for-the-price-of-one”
                                                                                   primitive bodies hold vital      binary systems. Lucy’s complex path
    This diagram illustrates Lucy’s orbital path. The spacecraft’s path (green)    clues to deciphering the         will take it to both clusters of Trojans
    is shown in a frame of reference where Jupiter remains stationary, giving      solar system’s history, and      and give us our first close-up view of
    the trajectory its pretzel-like shape. Credit: Southwest Research Institute.   perhaps even the origins of      all three major types of bodies in the
                                                                                   organic material on Earth.       swarms (so-called C-, P- and D-types).
    Time capsules from the birth of our solar
    system more than 4 billion years ago, the                    NASA’s Lucy will be the first space mission
    swarms of Trojan asteroids associated with                   to study the Trojans. The mission takes its
    Jupiter are thought to be remnants of the                    name from the fossilized human ancestor
    primordial material that formed the outer                    (called “Lucy” by her discoverers)
    planets. The Trojans orbit the Sun in two                    whose skeleton provided unique insight

    NASA’s Perseverance rover recently                           Earth for closer study. These samples              and dust) while searching for signs of
    completed the collection of the first                        would be the first set of scientifically           ancient microscopic life, Perseverance’s
    sample of martian rock, a core from                          identified and selected materials                  mission includes studying the Jezero
    Jezero Crater slightly thicker than a                        returned to our planet from another.               region to understand the geology and
    pencil. Mission controllers at NASA                                                                             ancient habitability of the area, as well
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in                          “NASA has a history of setting ambitious            as to characterize the past climate.
    Southern California received data that                       goals and then accomplishing them,
    confirmed the historic milestone.                            reflecting our nation’s commitment to              “For all of NASA science, this is truly a
                                                                 discovery and innovation,” said NASA                historic moment,” said Thomas Zurbuchen,
    The core is now enclosed in an airtight                      Administrator Bill Nelson. “This is a               Associate Administrator for Science at
    titanium sample tube, making it available                    momentous achievement and I can’t                   NASA Headquarters in Washington,
    for retrieval in the future. Through the                     wait to see the incredible discoveries              DC. “Just as the Apollo Moon missions
    Mars Sample Return campaign, NASA                            produced by Perseverance and our team.”             demonstrated the enduring scientific value
    and the European Space Agency (ESA)                                                                              of returning samples from other worlds
    are planning a series of future missions                     Along with identifying and collecting               for analysis here on our planet, we will
    to return the rover’s sample tubes to                        samples of rock and regolith (broken rock           be doing the same with the samples

8   Issue 166                October 2021                                                                            © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                          and transmit the results back to Earth.        “Getting the first sample under our belt
                                                          After mission controllers confirmed             is a huge milestone,” said Perseverance
                                                          the cored rock’s presence in the tube,          Project Scientist Ken Farley of Caltech.
                                                          they sent a command to complete                “When we get these samples back on
                                                          the processing of the sample.                   Earth, they are going to tell us a great
                                                                                                          deal about some of the earliest chapters
                                                          On September 6, Perseverance transferred        in the evolution of Mars. But however
                                                          sample tube serial number 266 and its           geologically intriguing the contents of
                                                          martian cargo into the rover’s interior to      sample tube 266 will be, they won’t tell
                                                          measure and image the rock core. It then        the complete story of this place. There
                                                          hermetically sealed the container, took         is a lot of Jezero Crater left to explore,
    This sealed titanium sample tube contains Persever-
    ance’s first cored sample of Mars rock. The rover’s
                                                          another image, and stored the tube.             and we will continue our journey in
    Sampling and Caching System Camera (known as                                                          the months and years ahead.”
    CacheCam) captured this image. Credit: NASA.          “With over 3000 parts, the Sampling
                                                           and Caching System is the most complex        The rover’s initial science foray, which
    Perseverance collects as part of our Mars              mechanism ever sent into space,” said         spans hundreds of sols (martian days),
    Sample Return program. Using the most                  Larry D. James, Interim Director of           will be complete when Perseverance
    sophisticated science instruments on Earth,            JPL. “Our Perseverance team is excited        returns to its landing site. At that
    we expect jaw-dropping discoveries                     and proud to see the system perform           point, Perseverance will have traveled
    across a broad set of science areas,                   so well on Mars and take the first step       between 2.5 and 5 kilometers (1.6
    including exploration into the question                for returning samples to Earth. We also       and 3.1 miles) and may have filled as
    of whether life once existed on Mars.”                 recognize that a worldwide team of            many as 8 of its 43 sample tubes.
                                                           NASA, industry partners, academia, and
                                                           international space agencies contributed      After that, Perseverance will travel
    First Sample                                           to and share in this historic success.”       north, then west, toward the location of
                                                                                                         its second science campaign: Jezero
                                                                                                         Crater’s delta region. The delta is the
    The sample-taking process began                       First Science                                  fan-shaped remains of the spot where
    on Wednesday, September 1, when                                                                      an ancient river met a lake within the
    the rotary percussive drill at the                    Campaign                                       crater. The region may be especially
    end of Perseverance’s robotic arm                                                                    rich in clay minerals. On Earth, such
    cored into a flat, briefcase-size                                                                    minerals can preserve fossilized signs of
    Mars rock nicknamed “Rochette.”                       Perseverance is currently exploring            ancient microscopic life and are often
                                                          the rocky outcrops and boulders                associated with biological processes.
    After completing the coring process, the              of “Artuby,” a ridgeline of more than
    arm maneuvered the corer, bit, and                    900 meters (0.5 miles) bordering two           For more about Perseverance, visit
    sample tube so the rover’s Mastcam-Z                  geologic units believed to contain   
    camera instrument could image the                     Jezero Crater’s deepest and most
    contents of the still-unsealed tube                   ancient layers of exposed bedrock.

    Anomalies in the distribution of hydrogen             concentration of hydrogen in the vicinity      Letters. PSI scientists Yuki Yamashita,
    at Occator Crater on the dwarf planet                 of Occator was derived from observations       Norbert Schorghofer, Carle Pieters, and
    Ceres reveal an icy crust, says a new study           from elliptical orbits that brought the        Hanna Sizemore are co-authors.
    led by Tom Prettyman, a senior scientist              spacecraft very close to the surface during
    at the Planetary Science Institute (PSI).             the final mission phase, said Prettyman. The   GRaND’s neutron spectrometer found
                                                          paper, entitled “Replenishment of near-        elevated hydrogen concentrations in
    The evidence comes from data acquired                 surface water ice by impacts into Ceres’       the outermost 1 meter (3.2 feet) of the
    by the Gamma Ray and Neutron                          volatile-rich crust: Observations by Dawn’s    surface of Occator, a large, young crater
    Detector (GRaND) onboard NASA’s                       Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector,”               92 kilometers (57 miles) in diameter, the
    Dawn spacecraft. A detailed map of the                appears in Geophysical Research                paper says. The paper argues that the

9   Issue 166              October 2021                                                                   © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                                                                                         miles). So, observed enhancements in
                                                                                                                         the concentration of hydrogen within
                                                                                                                         the crater and ejecta blanket support
                                                                                                                         our interpretation that the crust is ice
                                                                                                                         rich. The findings reinforce the emerging
                                                                                                                         consensus that Ceres is a differentiated
                                                                                                                         body in which ice separated from
                                                                                                                         rock to form an icy outer shell and
                                                                                                                         subcrustal ocean,” Prettyman said.

                                                                                                                         “Smaller, water-rich bodies, including
                                                                                                                          the parent bodies of the carbonaceous
                                                                                                                          chondrite meteorites, may not have
                                                                                                                          experienced differentiation. So, the
                                                                                                                          findings could have implications for
                                                                                                                          the evolution of icy bodies, small
      The study focused on Occator Crater (left), which contains Ceres’ most prominent bright spots. The newly            and large,” Prettyman said. “More
      reported map (right) reveals higher concentrations of hydrogen than expected if the near sub-surface within         broadly, as an ocean world, Ceres
      Occator Crater and its ejecta blanket was ice-free. Results indicate that the crustal materials excavated by the    could be habitable and is therefore an
      crater-forming impact were rich in water ice. Credit: NASA/JPL-CalTech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA; Prettyman
      et al. (2021).
                                                                                                                          attractive target for future missions.”

                                                                                                                         Funding for the study was provided by
     excess hydrogen is in the form of water ice.                of Occator. Similarities between the                    a grant from NASA’s Discovery Data
     Results confirm Ceres’ outer crust is ice-                  global distribution of hydrogen and the                 Analysis Program, the NASA Dawn
     rich and that water ice can survive within                  pattern of large craters suggest impact                 Mission, and the SSERVI TREX project.
     impact ejecta on airless, icy bodies. The                   processes have delivered ice to the
     data imply partial control of the distribution              surface elsewhere on Ceres. This process
     of near-surface ice by large impacts                        is accompanied by the loss of ice by
     and provide constraints on surface age                      sublimation caused by heating of the
     and regolith thermophysical properties.                     surface by sunlight,” Prettyman said.

     “We think that ice has survived in the                    “The impact that formed Occator would
      shallow subsurface during the roughly                     have excavated crustal materials
      20 million years following the formation                  as deep as 10 kilometers (about 6

     New data analysis techniques allow                         Science Institute (PSI) researchers                      than its cousins Mars and Mercury. The
     evidence of recent volcanism to be                         Megan Russell and Catherine Johnson.                     craters that it does have are randomly
     found in old Magellan spacecraft                                                                                    scattered across the planet. Craters build
     data. It is unclear if this activity is                     In the 31 years since NASA’s Magellan                   up over time, and Venus’ low number
     occurring today or occurred within tens                     spacecraft entered orbit around Venus,                  of craters means it has a surface that
     of millions of years, but geologically                      researchers have been using the mission’s               was somehow wiped clean roughly
     speaking, either case is recent. This adds                  radar images, topography, and gravity                   300 million to 1 billion years ago. It is
     to the growing body of evidence that                        mapping to understand the surface history               unclear whether this was a catastrophic
     volcanoes on Venus didn’t go extinct                        of this cloud-covered world. Early results              event that resurfaced the entire planet
     as long ago as many had thought. This                       made it clear that Venus has significantly              at once, randomly distributed ongoing
     work was conducted by Planetary                             fewer impact craters on its surface                     events that systematically resurfaced

10   Issue 166                October 2021                                                                                © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                                                                                 the ground around it bends, like flexing
                                                                                                                 a plastic ruler,” said Megan Russell, a
                                                                                                                 research associate at PSI and lead
                                                                                                                 author of the article “Evidence for a
                                                                                                                 locally thinned lithosphere associated
                                                                                                                 with recent volcanism at Aramaiti
                                                                                                                 Corona, Venus,” which appears in
                                                                                                                 Journal of Geophysical Research —
                                                                                                                 Planets. “The same kind of deformation
                                                                                                                 is seen in the bending of the seafloor
                                                                                                                 around the Hawaiian Islands. From this
                                                                                                                 deformation, we can infer properties
                                                                                                                 like heat flow local to the volcano.”

                                                                                                                 Using complex computer models
                                                                                                                 to model the surface deformation
                                                                                                                 is necessary to go beyond simply
                                                                                                                 indicating older vs. younger. It is from
                                                                                                                 this modeled deformation that properties
                                                                                                                 like heat flow can be inferred.

                                                                                                                 Over time, these kinds of structures can
                                                                                                                 evolve, and the observed degree of
                                                                                                                 deformation hints at how old or young
                                                                                                                 a feature might be and how much heat
                                                                                                                 might be flowing under the surface.

                                                                                                                 Russell goes on to explain, “Modeling
                                                                                                                 studies suggest that the shape and
                                                                                                                 topography of this corona indicate
                                                                                                                 that it is also geologically young, and
                                                                                                                 would have similarly geologically
                                                                                                                 young volcanism associated with it.”

     Magellan SAR image of Aramaiti Corona. Narina Tholus (center left) appears as two adjacent domes that are   This particular structure seems to be
     superposed on the west outer fracture ring. Credit: Russell et al. (2021).
                                                                                                                 unique in Magellan’s limited dataset.
                                                                                                                 Only seven other coronae in the 20%
     Venus over time, or a combination                      the edge of the 350-kilometer-diameter               of Venus that Magellan studied with
     of both options. To understand what                    (217.5-mile-diameter) Aramaiti Corona.               SAR have steep-sided volcanoes on
     happened, it is necessary to understand                                                                     or near their fractured ring like that
     when volcanoes have been active.                       Coronae are roughly circular features,               studied by Russell and Johnson. In
                                                            surrounded by a ring of cracks that                  addition, the stereo topography data
     “The question of whether Venus has                     appear roughly like a crown and are                  on the feature in this study was of
      had geologically recent or ongoing                    thought to be large faults. At some                  particularly high quality. With three
      volcanism has been an enduring enigma                 coronae, like Aramaiti, volcanoes and                upcoming missions planned for Venus,
      from the Magellan mission: we still                   lava flows are observed close to or on               this team looks forward to exploring this
      have no smoking gun regarding this,                   these fractures. The volcano studied by              question in greater detail in the future.
      but more and more lines of evidence                   the PSI researchers was part of the lucky
      suggest a recently, and potentially                   20% of Venus’ surface to be imaged in                For Johnson, Venus has already played
      currently, active planet,” said PSI                   stereo with synthetic aperture radar (SAR),          a multi-decade role; she worked on
      Senior Scientist Catherine Johnson.                   which revealed the elevations across the             her Ph.D. from 1984–1989 as a guest
                                                            three-dimensional structure, providing               investigator on Magellan. For Russell, this
     As computers have improved, it has                     a better view than a simple image.                   work is a great start to her career. This
     become possible to do more and more                                                                         research was performed while Russell was
     with Magellan’s finite dataset. Russell               “Instead of looking at the surface of the             a graduate student at the Department of
     and Johnson used a high-resolution                     volcano or flows, we look at how the                 Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
     stereo topography dataset generated by                 volcano deforms the ground around it.                at the University of British Columbia.
     other researchers to look at a volcano at              In response to the weight of the volcano,

11   Issue 166             October 2021                                                                          © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                                                                                     G, K, and M — which gave information
                                                                                                                     about their sizes and temperatures.

                                                                                                                     They compared the properties of the
                                                                                                                     Sun, a G-type star, with what they knew
                                                                                                                     of other cool stars through its Rossby
                                                                                                                     number, a measure of stellar activity
                                                                                                                     that combines its speed of rotation with
                                                                                                                     its subsurface fluid flows that influence
                                                                                                                     the distribution of magnetic flux on a
                                                                                                                     star’s surface. Their models suggest
                                                                                                                     that each star’s “space weather” works
                                                                                                                     in much the same way, influencing
                                                                                                                     conditions on their respective planets.

                                                                                                                     “The study suggests that stars — at least
     Rice University scientists have shown that “cool” stars like the Sun share dynamic surface behaviors that        cool stars — are not too dissimilar from
     influence their energetic and magnetic environments. Stellar magnetic activity is key to whether a given star    each other,” Alexander said. “From
     can host planets that support life. Credit: NASA.
                                                                                                                      our perspective, Alison’s model can be
                                                                                                                      applied without fear or favor when we
     Stars scattered throughout the cosmos                     “All stars spin down over their lifetimes              look at exoplanets around M or F or K
     look different, but they may be more                       as they shed angular momentum, and                    stars, as well, of course, as other G stars.”
     alike than once thought, according                         they get less active as a result,” Farrish
     to Rice University researchers.                            said. “We think the Sun in the past                  “It also suggests something much
                                                                was more active, and that might                       more interesting for established stellar
     New modeling work by Rice scientists                       have affected the early atmospheric                   physics, that the process by which a
     shows that “cool” stars like the Sun share                 chemistry of Earth. So thinking about                 magnetic field is generated may be
     the dynamic surface behaviors that                         how the higher-energy emissions from                  quite similar in all cool stars. That’s a
     influence their energetic and magnetic                     stars change over long timescales is                  bit of a surprise,” he said. This could
     environments. This stellar magnetic                        pretty important to exoplanet studies.”               include stars that, unlike the Sun, are
     activity is key to whether a given star                                                                          convective down to their cores.
     hosts planets that could support life.                    “More broadly, we’re taking models
                                                                that were developed for the Sun                      “All stars like the Sun fuse hydrogen and
     The work by Rice postdoctoral researcher                   and seeing how well they adapt                        helium in their cores, and that energy is
     Alison Farrish and astrophysicists David                   to stars,” said Johns-Krull.                          first carried in the radiation of photons
     Alexander and Christopher Johns-Krull                                                                            toward the surface,” Johns-Krull said.
     appears in a published study in The                        The researchers set out to model what                “But it hits a zone about 60% to 70%
     Astrophysical Journal. The research                        far-flung stars are like based on the                 of the way that’s just too opaque, so
     links the rotation of cool stars with the                  limited data available. The spin and flux             it starts to undergo convection. Hot
     behavior of their surface magnetic flux,                   of some stars have been determined,                   matter moves from below, the energy
     which in turn drives the star’s coronal                    along with their classification — types F,            radiates away, and the cooler matter
     X-ray luminosity in a way that could
     help predict how magnetic activity
     affects any exoplanets in their systems.                    “ More broadly, we’re taking models
      The study follows another led by Farrish                     that were developed for the Sun and
      and Alexander that showed a star’s
     “space weather” may make planets in                           seeing how well they adapt to stars.”
      their “Goldilocks zone” uninhabitable.

12   Issue 166               October 2021                                                                             © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

                                                                                                        times more active than the Sun may not

“ It also reinforces the idea                                                                           be a G-class star, it’s still captured by
                                                                                                        the analysis that Alison has done.”

  that even though a star                                                                              “We do have to be clear that we’re
                                                                                                        not simulating any specific star or
                                                                                                        system,” he said. “We are saying that
  that is 30 times more active                                                                          statistically, the magnetic behavior of
                                                                                                        a typical M star with a typical Rossby
                                                                                                        number behaves in a similar fashion to
  than the Sun may not                                                                                  that of the Sun, which allows us to assess
                                                                                                        its potential impact on its planets.”

  be a G-class star, it’s still                                                                        A critical wild card is a star’s activity
                                                                                                       cycle, which can’t be incorporated into
                                                                                                       the models without years of observation.
  captured by the analysis                                                                             (The Sun’s cycle is 11 years, evidenced
                                                                                                       by sunspot activity when its magnetic
                                                                                                       field lines are most distorted.)
  that Alison has done.”                                                                               Johns-Krull said the model will still be
                                                                                                       useful in many ways. “One of my areas
     falls back down. But stars with less than         a certain point, an increase in magnetic        of interest is studying very young stars,
     a third of the mass of the Sun don’t have         activity stops showing the associated           many of which are, like low-mass stars,
     a radiative zone; they’re convective              increase in high energy X-ray emission.         fully convective,” he said. “Many of these
     everywhere,” he said. “A lot of ideas             The reason that dumping more magnetism          have disk material around them and are
     about how stars generate a magnetic               onto the star’s surface doesn’t give you        still forming planets. How they interact
     field rely on there being a boundary              more emission is still a mystery. Conversely,   is mediated, we think, by the stellar
     between the radiative and the convection          the Sun is in the unsaturated regime,           magnetic field. So, Alison’s modeling
     zones, so you would expect stars that             where we do see a correlation between           work can be used to learn about the
     don’t have that boundary to behave                magnetic activity and energetic emission,”      large-scale structure of very magnetically
     differently. This paper shows that in many        she said. “That happens at a more               active stars, and that can then allow
     ways, they behave just like the Sun, once         moderate activity level, and those stars        us to test some ideas about how these
     you adjust for their own peculiarities.”          are of interest because they might provide      young stars and their disks interact.”
                                                       more hospitable environments for planets.”
     Farrish, who recently earned her doctorate                                                        Minjing Li, a visiting undergraduate
     at Rice and will begin a postdoctoral             “The bottom line is the observations,           from the University of Science and
     research assignment at NASA Goddard                which span four spectral types including       Technology of China, is a co-author of
     Space Flight Center soon, noted the                both fully and partially convective stars,     the paper. Alexander is a professor of
     model applies only to unsaturated stars.           can be reasonably well represented             physics and astronomy and the director
                                                        by a model generated from the Sun,”            of the Rice Space Institute. Johns-Krull is
     “The most magnetically active stars are the        Alexander said. “It also reinforces the        a professor of physics and astronomy.
      ones we call ‘saturated,’” Farrish said. “At      idea that even though a star that is 30

     New research published in Nature has re-          Goddard Space Flight Center, and the            have created the most detailed yet global
     vealed the solution to Jupiter’s energy crisis,   National Institute of Information and           map of the gas giant’s upper atmosphere,
     which has puzzled astronomers for decades.        Communications Technology (NICT) to             confirming for the first time that Jupiter’s
                                                       reveal the mechanism behind Jupiter’s           powerful aurorae are responsible
     Space scientists at the University of             atmospheric heating.                            for delivering planet-wide heating.
     Leicester worked with colleagues from
     the Japan Aerospace Exploration                   Now, using data from the Keck                   Dr. James O’Donoghue is a
     Agency (JAXA), Boston University, NASA            Observatory in Hawaii, astronomers              researcher at JAXA and completed

13   Issue 166            October 2021                                                                  © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

     Jupiter is shown in visible light for context underneath an artistic impression of the jovian upper atmosphere’s infrared glow. The brightness of this upper atmosphere layer
     corresponds to temperatures, from hot to cold, in this order: white, yellow, bright red, and lastly, dark red. The aurorae are the hottest regions, and the image shows how
     heat may be carried by winds away from the aurora and cause planet-wide heating. Credit: J. O’Donoghue (JAXA)/Hubble/NASA/ESA/A. Simon/J. Schmidt.

     his Ph.D. at Leicester. He is the lead                     Dr. Tom Stallard and Dr. Henrik Melin                       spewing from its volcanic moon, Io,
     author for the research paper.                             are part of the School of Physics and                       leads to the most powerful aurora
                                                                Astronomy at the University of Leicester.                   in the solar system and enormous
     O’Donoghue said, “We first began trying                                                                                heating in the planet’s polar regions.
     to create a global heat map of Jupiter’s                    Dr. Stallard added, “There has been a
     uppermost atmosphere at the University                      very long-standing puzzle in the thin                      Although the jovian aurorae have long
     of Leicester. The signal was not bright                     atmosphere at the top of every giant planet                been a prime candidate for heating
     enough to reveal anything outside of                        within our solar system. With every Jupiter                the planet’s atmosphere, observations
     Jupiter’s polar regions at the time, but with               space mission, along with groundbased                      have previously been unable to
     the lessons learned from that work, we                      observations, over the past 50 years, we                   confirm or deny this until now.
     managed to secure time on one of the                        have consistently measured the equatorial
     largest, most competitive telescopes on                     temperatures as being much too hot. This                   Previous maps of the upper atmospheric
     Earth some years later.”                                   ‘energy crisis’ has been a long-standing                    temperature were formed using images
                                                                 issue — do the models fail to properly                     consisting of only several pixels. This
     He continued, “Using the Keck telescope,                    model how heat flows from the aurora, or                   is not enough resolution to see how
     we produced temperature maps of                             is there some other unknown heat source                    the temperature might be changed
     extraordinary detail. We found that                         near the equator? This paper describes                     across the planet, providing few clues
     temperatures start very high within the                     how we have mapped this region in                          as to the origin of the extra heat.
     aurora, as expected from previous work,                     unprecedented detail and have shown
     but now we could observe that Jupiter’s                     that, at Jupiter, the equatorial heating is                Researchers created five maps of the
     aurora, despite taking up less than 10%                     directly associated with auroral heating.”                 atmospheric temperature at different
     of the area of the planet, appear to be                                                                                spatial resolutions. The highest-
     heating the whole thing. This research                     Aurorae occur when charged particles                        resolution map shows an average
     started in Leicester and carried on at                     are caught in a planet’s magnetic                           temperature measurement for squares
     Boston University and NASA before                          field. These spiral along the field lines                   2° longitude high by 2° latitude wide.
     ending at JAXA in Japan. Collaborators                     toward the planet’s magnetic poles,
     from each continent working together                       striking atoms and molecules in the                         The team scoured more than 10,000
     made this study successful, combined                       atmosphere to release light and energy.                     individual data points, only mapping
     with data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft                                                                                  points with an uncertainty of less than 5%.
     in orbit around Jupiter and JAXA’s Hisaki                  On Earth, this leads to the characteristic
     spacecraft, an observatory in space.”                      light show that forms the Aurora Borealis                   Models of the atmospheres of gas
                                                                and Australis. At Jupiter, the material                     giants suggest that they work like a

14   Issue 166               October 2021                                                                                   © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

     giant refrigerator, with heat energy              which could be interpreted as evidence            Telescope. Leicester also plays a leading
     drawn from the equator toward the                 of the process driving heat transfer.             role in science and instrumentation
     pole and deposited in the lower                                                                     on the European Space Agency
     atmosphere in these pole regions.                 Planetary research at the University              (ESA)’s JUpiter ICy moons Explorer
                                                       of Leicester spans the breadth of                 (JUICE), due for launch in 2022.
     These new findings suggest that fast-             the jovian system, from the planet’s
     changing aurorae may drive waves                  magnetosphere and atmosphere to                   “Global upper-atmospheric heating on
     of energy against this poleward flow,             its diverse collection of satellites.              Jupiter by the polar aurorae” is available
     allowing heat to reach the equator.                                                                  in the August 2021 issue of Nature.
                                                       Leicester researchers are members
     Observations also showed a region of              of the Juno mission, a global team of
     localized heating in the sub-auroral region       astronomers observing the giant planet
     that could be interpreted as a limited            and leading Jupiter observations from
     wave of heat propagating equatorward,             the forthcoming James Webb Space


     What lies beneath the frozen surface               papers has made the presence of
     of Mars’ south polar region has been               underground lakes in the martian south
     a recent hot topic among researchers,              polar region less likely, including a recent
     and a new paper by Planetary Science               paper on which PSI Senior Scientist
     Institute (PSI) Research Scientist Isaac           Nathanial Putzig was a co-author.
     Smith refines the answer, pouring cold
     water on the subglacial lake theory.              “To date, all previous papers were only
                                                        able to suggest holes in the lakes argument.
     The bright radar reflectors detected at the        We’re the first paper to demonstrate that
     martian south pole are not liquid water,           another material is the most likely cause
     but clays, specifically frozen-solid smectite      of the observations,” said Smith, who is
     minerals, said Smith, the lead author of “A        also affiliated with York University, Toronto,
     solid interpretation of bright radar reflectors    Canada. “Now, our paper offers the
     under the Mars south polar ice,” which             first plausible, and considerably more
     appears in Geophysical Research Letters.           likely, alternative hypothesis to explain the
                                                        MARSIS observations. Specifically, solid
     Using the Mars Advanced Radar for                  clays frozen to cryogenic temperatures
     Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding                 can make the reflections. Considering the
     (MARSIS) radar instrument onboard                  recent work on this topic finding faults          Mars south polar layered deposits on top of martian
                                                                                                          smectites. Top: The multi-kilometer-thick south
     the European Space Agency’s Mars                   with the lake theory, this is like a 1-2-3        polar ice cap has a base that is composed, at least
     Express orbiter, previous work detected            punch combination that puts big holes in          partially, of a common type of clays. These clays
     areas of high radar reflectivity deep              the lake interpretation and then solves the       are found over nearly half of the planet’s surface
     beneath martian south polar ice deposits.          riddle. In my opinion, it’s a knockout.”          and now at the edges of the ice cap. Credit: ESA/
                                                                                                          DRL/FU Berlin. Bottom: Radar measurements of the
     That team said the bright reflections                                                                clays from a lab led by Smith show that they can
     indicated that several bodies of water,           Subglacial lakes were first reported in            explain the bright reflections observed by MARSIS,
     commonly reported as lakes, were                  2018 and caused a big stir because of              a simpler explanation than bodies of liquid water.
     found. But a recent flurry of journal             the potential for habitability on Mars.            Credit: NASA.

15   Issue 166            October 2021                                                                    © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

     Astrobiologists and non-scientists were        demonstrate that the materials are present     measured them, nor had they identified
     equally attracted to the exciting news.        at the site of the observation,” Smith said.   these minerals at the south pole.”
     Now, the solution to this question, with
     great import to the planetary science           Smith puts the clays in perspective, saying   The paper could put to rest the question
     community, may be much more mundane            “Smectites are a type of clay that is          of what lies beneath Mars’ south polar
     than bodies of water on Mars.                   extremely abundant on Mars, covering          region. “Lakes under the ice leave more
                                                     nearly 50% of the surface, especially         questions unanswered than answered. A
     The strength of this new study is the           focused in the southern hemisphere. I         simpler answer is that a material we now
     diversity of techniques employed. “Our          call them solid-state to reinforce the        know exists at the south pole of Mars
     study combined theoretical modeling with        idea that these materials are solid.          explains the anomalous observations
     laboratory measurements and remote              There is no unbound water. Further, our       better than an extraordinary claim of
     sensing observations from the Compact           experiments show that when the clays are      bodies of liquid water,” Smith said. “In
     Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for         frozen to cryogenic temperatures, they        my opinion, the liquid water interpretation
     Mars (CRISM) instrument on NASA’s Mars          become brittle, rather than a soft clay       is hard to support at this point.”
     Reconnaissance Orbiter. All three agreed        like you might use for pottery. Recent
     that smectites can make the reflections         theoretical work had suggested that
     and that smectites are present at the south     clays could make bright reflections, but
     pole of Mars. It’s the trifecta: Measure the    no one had frozen them to temperatures
     material properties, show that the material     we would see on Mars — namely
     properties can explain the observation, and     40° to 50° below freezing — and

     In a recent study, NASA researchers            reducing uncertainties related to its future   OSIRIS-REx data,” was published in the
     used precision-tracking data from the          orbit, and improving scientists’ ability to    November issue of the journal Icarus.
     agency’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation,     determine the total impact probability
     Resource Identification, Security-Regolith     and predict orbits of other asteroids.         “NASA’s Planetary Defense mission is to
     Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft to                                                            find and monitor asteroids and comets
     better understand movements of the             The study, entitled “Ephemeris and              that can come near Earth and may pose
     potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu           hazard assessment for near-Earth                a hazard to our planet,” said Kelly Fast,
     through the year 2300, significantly           asteroid (101955) Bennu based on                Program Manager for the Near-Earth
                                                                                                    Object Observations Program at NASA
                                                                                                    Headquarters in Washington, DC. “We

 “ NASA’s Planetary Defense                                                                         carry out this endeavor through continuing
                                                                                                    astronomical surveys that collect
                                                                                                    data to discover previously unknown

   mission is to find and                                                                           objects and refine our orbital models
                                                                                                    for them. The OSIRIS-REx mission has
                                                                                                    provided an extraordinary opportunity

   monitor asteroids and                                                                            to refine and test these models, helping
                                                                                                    us better predict where Bennu will be
                                                                                                    when it makes its close approach to

   comets that can come                                                                             Earth more than a century from now.”

                                                                                                   In 2135, asteroid Bennu will make a

   near Earth and may pose
                                                                                                   close approach with Earth. Although
                                                                                                   the near-Earth object will not pose
                                                                                                   a danger to our planet at that time,

   a hazard to our planet.”
                                                                                                   scientists must understand Bennu’s exact
                                                                                                   trajectory during that encounter in order

16   Issue 166          October 2021                                                               © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute

     This mosaic of Bennu was created using observations made by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, which was in close proximity to the asteroid for over two years.
     Credit: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona.

     to predict how Earth’s gravity will alter               mass, and composition while monitoring its              during its 2135 close approach. These
     the asteroid’s path around the Sun — and                spin and orbital trajectory. The spacecraft             keyholes are areas in space that would
     affect the hazard of Earth impact.                      also scooped up a sample of rock and                    set Bennu on a path toward a future
                                                             dust from the asteroid’s surface, which                 impact with Earth if the asteroid were to
     Using NASA’s Deep Space Network                         it will deliver to Earth on September 24,               pass through them at certain times due
     and state-of-the-art computer models,                   2023, for further scientific investigation.             to the effect of Earth’s gravitational pull.
     scientists were able to significantly
     shrink uncertainties in Bennu’s                        “The OSIRIS-REx data give us so                          To calculate exactly where the asteroid will
     orbit, determining its total impact                     much more precise information, we                       be during its 2135 close approach — and
     probability through the year 2300                       can test the limits of our models and                   whether it might pass through a gravita-
     is about 1 in 1750 (or 0.057%). The                     calculate the future trajectory of Bennu                tional keyhole — Farnocchia and his team
     researchers also identified September                   to a very high degree of certainty                      evaluated various types of small forces
     24, 2182, as the most significant                       through 2135,” said study lead Davide                   that may affect the asteroid as it orbits the
     single date in terms of a potential                     Farnocchia of the Center for Near                       Sun. Even the smallest force can signifi-
     impact, with an impact probability                      Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), which                     cantly deflect its orbital path over time,
     of 1 in 2700 (or about 0.037%).                         is managed by NASA Jet Propulsion                       causing it to pass through or completely
                                                             Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California.                miss a keyhole.
     Although the chances of it hitting Earth               “We’ve never modeled an asteroid’s
     are very low, Bennu remains one                         trajectory to this precision before.”                   Among those forces, the Sun’s heat plays
     of the two most hazardous known                                                                                 a crucial role. As an asteroid travels
     asteroids in our solar system, along with               Gravitational                                           around the Sun, sunlight heats its dayside.
     another asteroid called 1950 DA.                                                                                Because the asteroid spins, the heated
                                                             Keyholes                                                surface will rotate away and cool down
     Before leaving Bennu on May 10, 2021,                                                                           when it enters the nightside. As it cools, the
     OSIRIS-REx spent more than two years in                 The precision measurements on Bennu                     surface releases infrared energy, which
     close proximity to the asteroid, gathering              help to determine better how the asteroid’s             generates a small amount of thrust on
     information about its size (it is about 500             orbit will evolve over time and whether it              the asteroid — a phenomenon called the
     meters or one-third of a mile wide), shape,             will pass through a “gravitational keyhole”             Yarkovsky effect. Over short timeframes,

17   Issue 166              October 2021                                                                             © Copyright 2021 Lunar and Planetary Institute
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