Page created by Ana Goodwin


   The American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, being the largest Amcham outside the United States
   is serving its members building bridges for Brazilian businesses worldwide. Our foreign investment
   attraction efforts are a key mission for Amcham. The “How To” guides published by Amcham Brasil
   are part of this initiative. With the support of some of our members and Brazilian States and cities, we
   are putting together strategic information on the most various aspects of doing business in Brazil and its
   opportunities. As part of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and representing the 9th
   largest economy of the world, and the 6th largest destination for foreign investment, Brazil has an intrinsic
   importance for the global market. More than ever it is a strategic time for businesses opportunities in
   Brazil. We welcome you and hope that the information you are about to read will contribute to your
   commercial and investment decisions linked to Brazil.

   Deborah Vieitas – CEO, Amcham Brasil

   With approximately 205 million inhabitants, mostly at economic active age, Brazil is the 9th largest
   economy in the world and the largest economy in Latin America in terms of GDP. The country has a
   diversified base of industries with a vibrant domestic consumer market and one of the world’s largest
   reserves of natural resources and arable land available. For these reasons, Brazil is one of the world’s
   most active locations for Mergers & Acquisitions and should continue to present great investment
   opportunities in the future. JK Capital is an investment banking firm specialized in cross border M&A
   and Corporate Finance advisory, focusing on mid-market transactions to Brazil and Latin America.
   As a member of the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil we appreciate the opportunity to
   share our knowledge about the country and local M&A expertise, contributing to improve the business
   environment in Brazil.

   Marcell Portugal – Partner, JK Capital                   Luis Mazzarella Martins – Partner, JK Capital

   Other JK Capital Partners: Daniel Damiani, Saulo Sturaro and José Kobori
01   INTRODUCTION                    06

02   BRAZIL AT A GLANCE              07

03   M&A ACTIVITY OVERVIEW           11


05   FINANCING THE DEAL              23


07   ABOUT OUR SPONSOR               26
                           The aim of this guide is to present an overview of how               • It can be a fast and efficient way to expand the
                           to execute merger, acquisition, selling or other sorts of              company’s operations overseas, accessing other
                           equity investments considering the opportunities and                   markets and diversifying regional risks;
                           challenges of a country as Brazil.
                                                                                                • It can be a sector/regional consolidation process
                           In order to talk about M&A in Brazil it should be outlined at          looking for economies of scale and corporate
                           first, some important general aspects of the country’s economic        synergies;
                           and business landscape, some important foundations for
                           the country’s long term growth and the reasons why the               • An optimization of a group’s capital structure;
                           country is still one of the world’s most important investment
                           destinations, leading to numerous M&A opportunities.                 • An addition of technologies and competitive
                                                                                                  advantages; among others.
                           Being one of world’s largest countries in terms of
                           territory, GDP, population and consumer market, in
                           addition to its unrivaled natural resources, Brazil cannot        In the following pages, this guide also outlines the M&A
                           be ignored when looking for business, investments and             process from an international group or investor point of
                           international expansion, especially for those players             view, highlighting the main particularities of the country
                           looking for medium to long term results.                          associated with an M&A process, from screening the
                                                                                             market for potential targets to the deal closing and post-
                           There are several motivations for an M&A process:                 closing integration.
                                                                                                  BRAZIL AT A GLANCE
                                                                                 of BRL 5.9 trillion (2015)2 it is the ninth economy in
                                                                                 the world.
                                                                                 In addition to the size of the economy, Brazil has a
Brazil is by far the most important economy in Latin                             diversified industrial base and an important services sector,
America with 205 million inhabitants1, representing                              which places the country, despite the language difference
the fifth largest population in the world and almost a                           (Portuguese versus Spanish), as the headquarter in Latin
third of the population of the region. Presenting a GDP                          America for various multinationals.


                                                                                                   GDP By Country Region
                      17.968                                                                                            % of GDP
                                                                                                   North                5%
                                                                                                   Northeast            14%
                                                                                                   Central-West         11%
                                 11.385                                                            Southeast            55%
                                                                                                   South                15%

                                                        3.371      2.865      2.423       2.183      1.819     1.800      1.573

                       USA       China       Japan     Germany      UK        France      India       Italy    Brazil    Canada    World

                                                                                                                                                 7 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
            GDP per
            (USD      55.9        8.3       32.5       41.3       44.1        37.7        1.7       29.8       8.8       43.9      11.7
            (2016-    2.9         6.4        1.1        1.5        2.6         1.6        6.8        1.7       3.3        2.0      3.1

Source: IMF- World Economic Outlook, Economist Intelligence Unit Database, Oxford Economics.

1 Source: IBGE Population Projection. Available at http://www.ibge.gov.br/apps/populacao/projecao/index.html
2 Source: IBGE
ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE                                                            INFLATION

                           Considered one of the most promising emerging markets                         During the 80’s until 1994, when Brazil’s government
                           in the world, Brazil is now facing political and economic                     introduced the Plano Real – a set of measures taken to
                           challenges.                                                                   stabilize the Brazilian economy – the monthly average
                                                                                                         of the Brazilian Broad Consumer Price Index (Índice
                           Yet, Brazil has almost two decades of political stability,                    Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor - IPCA) was 16.44%4,
                           with a settled democracy and was able to control the                          which represents an astonishing rate of 521.2% per year.
                           inflation, which was one of the main issues of the country                    These figures made a significant impact in the Brazilian’s
                           before 1994. Currently, Brazil has solid macroeconomic                        mindset and their way of dealing with finance.
                           indicators, an important middle class that represents near
                           60%3 of the population and a consumption of BRL 1.35                          Nowadays, the price stability is a reality in Brazilian
                           trillion (USD 337.5 billion)3.                                                economy. According to the Brazilian Institute of
                                                                                                         Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de
                           Even further, this unbalance brings an opportunity to the                     Geografia e Estatística - IBGE), apart from an IPCA
                           country to perform important reforms in the tributary and                     of 10.7% in 2015, the market expects figures of 5% or
                           labor legislations, as well as in its welfare system.                         below in 2017 and in the following years.

                           In a long-term perspective, it is almost a consensus among
                           financial analysts that Brazil is facing a conjectural crisis.
                           However, the provision is that the country will go in the
                           next decades from 9th to 5th largest economy in the world.
                           This creates an excellent landscape for multinational
                           corporations that want to establish operations in Brazil. As
                           described in the next topics, with a significant reduction
                           of the Initial Public Offers (IPOs) and shortage of long-
                           term credit, the number of cross-border transactions
                           increased in recent years.

                           In order to understand the Brazilian Economic Landscape
                           it is important to be aware of four topics: inflation, interest
                           rate, labor force and infrastructure.                                         Source: IBGE, Central Bank.of Brazil

                           3 Source: DCI, Data Popular.
                           4 Source: IBGE. Available at: http://hcinvestimentos.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/IPCA-Mensal-Antes-Plano-Real-600x413.png
INTEREST RATES                                                                   LABOR MARKET

In Brazil the interest rate is one of the measures used                          Brazil has one of the lowest unemployment rates and
to control the country’s inflation, so it is considered                          the 6th largest labor force in the world, with more than
high when compared with developed countries. In this                             100 million employees5. Unemployment in Brazil has
scenario, the entrepreneurs have to find alternatives to                         kept rates lower than 10%, and according to market
finance their operations. The most used alternative is                           expectations, tends to fall in the long run.
the Brazilian Development Bank (Banco Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - BNDES), the
second largest development bank in the world, just after
the Chinese Development Bank, with annual payments of
about BRL 188 billion (USD 47 billion) to approximately
280,000 customers and a total of BRL 877.2 billion (USD
219.3 billion) of assets (2014 data). Currently, BNDES
charges interest rates between 6.5% and 17.5% per year.

However, in the coming years, the market expectation is
a reduction in interest rates measured by the Interbank
Deposit Rate (Certificados de Depósito Interbancário -
CDI), which is the Brazilian equivalent of the Libor, as                          Source: IBGE, Bradesco.
a base for most of the contracts in the money market. In
                                                                                 There are several explanations for why the unemployment
2016, these rates will face a slight increase followed by
                                                                                 rate in Brazil is still low, including demographic issues
a reduction in the next years, as seen in the graph ahead.
                                                                                 (gradual reduction of the younger population) and an
                                                                                 increase of the percentage of Brazilians enrolled in
                                                                                 education. In 2000, there were approximately 2.7 million
                                                                                 students in higher education; in 2014, this number rose to
                                                                                 7.3 million. It is a significant growth, mainly driven by
                                                                                 the increase in number of private universities, covering a

                                                                                                                                                9 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
                                                                                 labor shortage in several areas such as engineering.

                                                                                 So, it is possible to affirm that Brazil has a qualified and
                                                                                 available labor force for these new entrepreneurs who
                                                                                 intend to invest in the country, since the population is
                                                                                 investing even more in education and the number of
Source: Cetip and Itau BBA                                                       skilled persons ready to work is growing.
5 Source: CIA World Factbook. Available at: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2095rank.html
in its third edition and has forecasted investments of
                                                                                           BRL 1 trillion (USD 250 billion) from 2015 to 2018.
                           Unfortunately Infrastructure is still considered a structural
                                                                                           That being said, it is relevant for new companies in the
                           bottleneck for Brazil’s competitiveness; however, the
                                                                                           market to analyze the region and identify if it has what is
                           Federal Government in partnership with the private sector
                                                                                           needed to create the proper work environment, as much
                           is working to decrease the current gap. One great example
                                                                                           as check the investments and/or adjustments that might
                           is the Brazilian Growth Acceleration Program (Programa
                                                                                           be necessary.
                           de Aceleração do Crescimento - PAC) which is already
                                                                           M&A ACTIVITY OVERVIEW
After the implementation of economic reforms made in                   significant increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
the 90’s and the improvement of the business environment               inflows to the country, recently reaching the post of 6th
conditions in the last 20 years, Brazil has experienced a              most important destination of FDI.





                                         22    22.8
   21.1                          20.5

   2001      2002       2003     2004   2005   2006   2007      2008       2009     2010    2011     2012    2013     2014     2015

Source: Central Bank.of Brazil

                                                                                                                                        11 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
The main drivers of the FDI inflow growth trend are                    growth of cross border deals is the recent devaluation of the
investments on Infrastructure Programs and investments                 Brazilian Real against international currencies such as the US
related to the events hosted by the country such as the World          Dollar and the Euro. This depreciation makes the valuation
Cup and the Olympic Games. Another important driver of                 of assets in Brazil more attractive to foreign investors,
Foreign Investments to Brazil has been the increasing number           especially for those that believe in the improvement of the
of M&A transactions, especially involving international                country’s fundamentals in the long run. This movement can
groups entering the country. One of the explanations for the           be verified in the chart ahead.

                                                                                                                                                                                         817    816           818
                                                            Economic                       Russian                     Crisis in                                      Subprime
                                                           Stabilisation                    Crisis                    Argentina                                         Crisis    726
                                                           Plano Real                                                and Brazilian
                                                    700                                                                                                             663

                                                    600                                                                                                                                  407
                                                                                                                                                                                                474    431    487
                           Number of Transactions

                                                                                                                                                             348    284           393
                                                    500                                                                                               473

                                                    400                           372                                                          363
                                                                                         351           353    340
                                                                                                 309                                   299            290                  235
                                                                                  204                                227       230             213
                                                                    212    167           221           230    194
                                                    200   175                                    208                                   199                                               410
                                                                                                                     84                                             379                                365
                                                                                                                               114                           351                  333           342           331
                                                          94                                                                                                               219
                                                    100                    161    168                                                                 183
                                                                                         130           123    146    143                       150
                                                                                                 101                           116     100
                                                          81         82
                                                          1994      1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002      2003   2004     2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014

                                                                                                                           Domestic   Cross Border

                                Source: Merger & Acquisitions Research 2015 –1st Semester: Mirror of transactions undertaken in Brazil, KPMG.

                                As it can be observed in the chart ahead, the M&A activity in Brazil is very diversified in terms of sector, although in 2015
                                the IT/Telecom sector has led the number of deals.

                               M&A BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR – NUMBER OF DEALS IN 2015

                                Source: Anbima
                                         UNDERSTANDING THE M&A PROCESS
When deciding for an M&A approach in order to enter the Brazilian market or expand a Group’s already existing local operations,
it is interesting to understand some local peculiarities before entering the M&A process.

                                                                 Then, once having a deep knowledge about the market of
                                                                 interest and with the M&A strategy aligned, the next and
OF POTENTIAL TARGET COMPANIES                                    very important step would be to look for the right target
                                                                 company that would be the platform for the market entry.
The first step before actually starting the M&A process
would be to analyze the Brazilian market considering the         Screening the market for target companies may present
sector of interest in order to identify some key aspects,        some challenges in terms of logistics, considering the
such as: the size and growth trend of the market; regional       continental size of Brazil and the different cultural
aspects; growth drivers; business competitors; required          aspects related to it. Depending on the sector of interest
licenses; and local regulatory aspects.                          and the size of the target companies, another obstacle can
                                                                 be the availability of information about these companies.
Nonetheless, a common challenge for foreign groups               Especially in the middle market, since the Brazilian

                                                                                                                                  13 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
when performing market research is the availability of           companies are not required to publicly release its
information in English, since most of the content is only        financial results neither operational information, with the
available in Portuguese. It is recommended to have a support     exception of publicly listed companies or corporations
in the country for necessary researches, as independent          (Sociedade Anônima - S.A.). Sector and multisector
institutions, entities and Chambers of Commerce.                 associations could also be interesting sources.
Accordingly, the next action is the target company’s
                           TARGET ANALYSIS AND FINANCIAL
                                                                                             evaluation, which determines:
                                                                                                 • The strategic benefits of executing the transaction
                           The next step in the M&A process after having selected
                                                                                                   considering the expected return on the investment;
                           the target company would be to approach it and begin
                           the negotiation process by getting the local shareholders
                                                                                                 • The purchase price as a base to structure the
                           attention to pursue the deal. At this moment, it may be worth
                                                                                                   transaction; and
                           having an external M&A advisor with local experience, in
                           order to avoid exposure and help to set the expectations of
                           the seller right from the beginning of the negotiation process.       • The deal proposal to be presented to the target
                           In Brazil, as in most M&A processes throughout the
                           world, it is very common and also recommended for both            Regarding the company valuation exercise, there are
                           parties to execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)               various valuation methods available, but three of them
                           before exchanging any information, avoiding exposure              should be highlighted, since they are the most commonly
                           and as a protection for sensitive information that will be        used in the market considering different cases and
                           exchanged between the parties.                                    specific needs.

                                                                                   RELATIVE VALUATION /
                                               DISCONTED CASH FLOW                                                 ASSET-BASED VALUATION
                                                                                  MULTIPLES COMPARISON

                                                                                   Implicit value of the target
                                               Projection of the financial
                                                                                   company in comparison to
                                               statements considering                                                Assessing the company’s
                                                                                   other transactions involving
                                               potential cash flow                                                   value based on its assests.
                                                                                   peer companies in the
                                               generation and its growth


                                                                                  • Enterprise Value/EBITDA;
                                                • Discounted Cash Flow;

                                                                                                                   • Book value (balance sheet);
                                                                                  • Enterprise Value/Sales’;
                                                • Discount Rate.                                                   • Replacement cost.
                                                                                  • Price/Earnings.
In Brazil, privately held companies in general are not
                                                               legally required to have their financials audited unless
                                                               they operate in regulated activities, or if they have annual
The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is the methodology
                                                               revenues above BRL 300 million or equity above BRL 240
most widely used by institutional investors when valuing
                                                               million. Therefore, except on the aforementioned cases, it
companies in Brazil.
                                                               is not common for small and medium sized companies to
                                                               have their financials audited by an external firm.
It is based on the Net Present Value of the expected cash
flows to be generated by the Company in the future,
                                                               However, it is a practice that has been increasing recently
discounted at a rate that reflects the Company’s risk and
                                                               due to ascending concerns with corporate governance and
the investor’s cost of capital.
                                                               the additional value associated to those practices for the
                                                               shareholders. Having said that, especially in the middle
The DCF is a methodology that requires a deep analysis of
                                                               market, the careful analysis of the Company’s financials
the Company’s financials and growth drivers as well as the
                                                               with a local knowledge of the accepted accounting
several factors that may have influence on the risk of the
                                                               practices is vital for a good M&A deal, avoiding issues in
Company to perform the expected cash flow generation.
                                                               the future and possibly jeopardizing the expected returns.
One of the challenges when running a DCF analysis in
                                                               Another important component of the Discounted Cash
Brazil, especially when looking at small and medium
                                                               Flow is the Cost of Capital which is used as the Discount
size Companies, privately held, is to understand the
                                                               Rate in the DCF exercise.
company’s financials considering some local practices
frequently observed vis-à-vis the sustainability of the
                                                               The Cost of Capital is calculated as a weighted average
posted cash flows. For instance, it is very common for
                                                               of the Cost of Equity of the investor, considering the
Brazilian entrepreneurs, as managing shareholders at their
                                                               risk of the target company or asset, and the Cost of Debt
companies, to receive their entire compensation through
                                                               of the referred company, measured by its cost to raise
dividends, since dividends are exempt from taxes in the
                                                               money with third parties such as banks in Brazil, which
country so far. This practice can artificially inflate the
                                                               also reflects the company’s risk.
company’s operating income and may mislead the analysis
of unaware investors, resulting in a quite significant value

                                                                                                                              15 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
                                                               In order to calculate the Cost of Equity from the
impact especially on small and medium sized companies.
                                                               perspective of a foreign investor valuing a Company
                                                               or an Asset in Brazil, the Capital Asset Pricing Model
In this case, the Operating Income of the target company
                                                               (CAPM) is most commonly used. It starts by taking
should be adjusted by an estimated compensation for the
                                                               into account a risk free rate, normally measured by the
managing shareholder based on the market practice for
                                                               US 10 year Treasury bond. Then, it should be added
the sector and size of the target company. The accuracy
                                                               up a market risk premium, required by this investor
of the DCF analysis is based on the quality of data and
                                                               when investing in a variable income asset, adjusted
information available on the target Company.
by a coefficient that reflects the risk of the company’s
                                                                                           RELATIVE VALUATION/MULTIPLES
                           sector, called Beta.
                           In addition, investors also would require a risk premium
                           for investing in an emerging market such as Brazil.             One of the most intuitive valuation approaches is the
                           Normally, this risk is measured by the Credit Default           Relative Valuation or the so called Multiples Comparison,
                           Swap (CDS) spread required by investors to invest               which basically uses the value of transactions of Peer
                           in Brazilian treasury bonds in comparison to the US             Companies, publicly traded or private, or assets with
                           Treasury bond. At the first quarter of 2016, this spread        similar features in order to assess the value of a certain
                           was ranging around 500 bps or, in other words, 5% p.a.          Company or asset.
                           This is a result of the recent increase in the investors risk
                           perception for the country. Until two years ago this figure     In order to compare the value of the company to its
                           was ranging around 200 bps (2% spread).                         peers, it is normally used some parameters such as the
                                                                                           company’s EBITDA, Net Income, Revenues or other
                           Depending on the size of the target companies analyzed,         important indicators for the business area, such as square
                           especially small and mid-sized companies, the investors         meters or square feet in the real estate market, number
                           may also require an additional return to compensate             of students in the education sector, crushing volume
                           for the additional risk exposure to those companies             capacity for sugar mills, among others.
                           considering corporate governance, transparency, higher
                           volatility of cash flows, among others.                         The most common ratios in the market concerning
                                                                                           companies valuation are Enterprise Value/EBITDA (EV/
                           To sum up, the Cost of Equity (Ke) could be translated          EBITDA) and Price/Earnings (P/E).
                           into the following formula:
                                                                                           The main restriction of such valuation approach is that it
                                                                                           assumes the company analyzed has the same features of
                                                                                           the other companies with which it is being compared, that
                                Ke = Rf + β(Rm - Rf) + Rc + Rs
                                                                                           is not always the case since each company is different
                                                                                           from the other in a certain way, even if they operate in
                            In which:

                                                                                           the same sector and market. Another weak point is that
                                                                                           this approach normally uses a performance indicator
                            Ke = Cost of Equity
                                                                                           from the past as a base for comparison, therefore not
                            Rf = Expected return of investing in a risk free asset         fully contemplating future performances of projects
                            β = Beta coefficient                                           under way or not fully matured. This approach could also
                            (Rm - Rf) = Market risk premium                                be misleading in the case of companies under financial
                            Rc = Country risk premium                                      distress which, for instance, may present negative
                            Rs = Size risk premium                                         financial performance in terms of EBITDA or Net Income
                                                                                           leading to the conclusion of a negative value whilst they
actually might have a significant asset or liquidation               investments made to compose that total asset value
value. This last point will be better explained in the next          of the historical purchase amount, depreciated
topic, regarding Asset-Based valuation.                              over time;

Nonetheless, the relative valuation approach is still             • Market value: another way of assessing the
widely used in the market, since it is very straightforward.        value of an asset would be to take into account
It helps the discussions and negotiations, even when the            the amount of similar assets in the market or its
parties do not have experience in finance or M&A.                   potential replacement cost.

ASSET-BASED VALUATION                                          SETTING TRANSACTION TERMS AND
                                                               CONDITIONS NEGOTIATIONS
There are some situations when valuing a company
where the Asset-based approach is more recommended,            When the evaluation phase ends, the terms and conditions
instead of the approaches previously described, such as:       of the transaction must be set.

    • Financial distress cases or liquidation processes:       In most of the cases, it is very common for the parties
      in these cases, the companies may not be generating      to have first an indicative agreement setting the key
      positive income. However, at the same time, the          terms of the transaction before entering into a deeper
      company may have important assets that might             analysis in the Due Diligence phase and into the final
      have more value than the operations related to           contracts, which are both money and time consuming.
      those assets within the company;                         This indicative agreement is normally in the form of:

    • Non-operating or pre-operational assets: in                 • Letter of Intent (LOI);
      some cases, a company may have assets that are
      not being used in its operations or under a ramp-up         • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); or
      phase not yet matured. In both cases, the potential
      value of those assets would not be reflected in             • Term Sheet.
      the Company’s cash flow and should in a way be

                                                                                                                          17 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
      added up to the total Enterprise Value.
                                                               VALUE VS. PRICE
When resorting to this approach, there are two most
                                                               One of the key points in an indicative agreement such as
commonly used ways of assessing an asset value:
                                                               a LOI or MOU is setting the purchase price. However,
                                                               there is an important conceptual difference between
    • Book value: in this case, the asset value is assessed
                                                               Value and Price.
      by the amount registered at the Company’s
      Balance Sheet, which may be the importance of the
                                                               The process of valuing a Company or any other Asset
will always conceptually involve a certain degree of                • The key parameters that are the base to establish the
                           subjectivity. This occurs since it depends on each party’s            proposed Purchase Price. These parameters should
                           assessment of the potential return of that asset and the risks        be verified in the Due Diligence phase and may be
                           associated with it, as well as this party’s potential return          subject to adjustments in case of divergence from
                           considering other opportunities with the same level of risk.          the initial information received;

                           On the other hand, the Price of a transaction is the                • Payment structure;
                           economic figure that matches the equilibrium of value
                           expectations between the buyer and the seller. It takes a           • Shareholding stake to be acquired for the purchase
                           lot of negotiation between the parties in order to reach              price offered;
                           this equilibrium and finally close the price, since each
                           party is always looking to maximize its value above its             • Scope of the Due Diligence to be conducted next
                           opportunity cost.                                                     (Accounting/Financial, Tax, Legal, Environmental,
                                                                                                 Operational, among others);
                           EARN OUT AND ALTERNATIVE PRICING/
                           PAYMENT STRUCTURES                                                  • Confidentiality of the transaction terms and
                                                                                                 information exchanged;
                           In order to bridge the gap of value expectations between
                           buyer and seller, it has become increasingly common                 • Exclusivity period in which the parties must not
                           in transactions in Brazil to have pricing structures with             negotiate with a third party for a pre-determined
                           payment in variable installments depending on the                     period;
                           company’s future performance, the so called Earn Out
                           payment. In this way, if a seller expects a higher valuation        • Binding or Non-Binding nature of certain or all
                           because he/she believes that his/her company has a                    terms of the Agreement;
                           strong growth potential, a buyer may accept the valuation
                           proposed by the seller as long as the company actually              • Key shareholding rights for a future partnership
                           achieves some pre-determined performance targets.                     (in case of partial shareholding acquisition), such
                                                                                                 as key controlling/veto rights, Tag Along/Drag

                                                                                                 Along rights, among others; and
                           OTHER ASPECTS AT AN INDICATIVE
                           AGREEMENT (LOI, MOU AND/OR TERM                                     • Dispute resolution.
                                                                                            LEGAL, FINANCIAL, TAX AND
                           In addition to defining the Purchase Price, there are also
                                                                                            OPERATIONAL DUE DILIGENCE
                           some other important elements to address at an Indicative
                           Agreement, such as:
                                                                                            The Due Diligence phase consists in the process of
confirming the main assumptions for the Indicative Term         Accounting/Financial
Sheet, based on the preliminary information received on
the Target Company, as well as assessing the potential             • Examination of the Company’s financial
risks related to the Company’s activities and past                   statements, crosschecking them with the generally
practices that may result in potential claims and liabilities        accepted accounting practices and with the initial
in the future.                                                       information assumptions for the company’s
                                                                     valuation; and
For a successful due diligence process, it is paramount to
have access to detailed information on the Company. It is          • Examination of financial liabilities and potential
also vital to the Company’s key management.                          risks associated with it.

This process should comprise several different areas of         Tax/Labor
Diligence, such as:
                                                                   • Review if all the tax obligations of the Company
Operational/Business                                                 have been duly fulfilled, including labor related
                                                                     obligations and social charges;
    • Confirmation of operational and business
      assumptions as well as potential risks associated to         • Analysis of current tax and labor liabilities that the
      the company’s business and operations;                         Company may have; and

    • Validation of the investment thesis;                         • Analysis of potential risks related to an eventual
                                                                     misconduct of the Company in relation to its tax
    • Meeting and evaluating the key management,                     and labor obligations, which could result in a
      analyzing strengths and potential weaknesses that              potential liability in the future, affecting the new
      would need to be reinforced;                                   shareholders and potentially compromising the
                                                                     initially expected return on investment.
    • Analysis and confirmation of potential synergies;

                                                                                                                              19 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
    • Analysis and confirmation of controlling systems in
      place and potential weaknesses associated to it; and         • Evaluation of the company’s registrations, licenses,
                                                                     permits and authorizations;
    • Identification of potential unnecessary costs and
      expenses that could be optimized.                            • Verification of Certificates issued in the name of
the company attesting that it is in compliance to all
                                                                                       PROTECTION AND GUARANTEES
                             the obligations required by the public authorities;
                                                                                       The main goals of the Due Diligence process are to
                           • Evaluation of contracts with clients, suppliers,
                                                                                       identify potential risks associated to the company’s
                             creditors and others related to commitments
                                                                                       operations and practices as well as to quantify the
                             assumed by the company;
                                                                                       potential impact in terms of value of contingencies and,
                                                                                       equally important, to assess the probability of those risks
                           • Evaluation of intellectual property items;
                                                                                       to materialize in the future.

                           • Evaluation of the real estate used by the company,
                                                                                       With the Due Diligence phase concluded and the potential
                             verifying existing licenses or any sort of encumbrances
                                                                                       risks and contingencies assessed, it is possible to discuss
                             imposed on the company’s properties;
                                                                                       and negotiate ways to protect the buyer from the risks
                                                                                       associated to the company’s past practices.
                           • Analysis of the corporate documents evaluating
                             potential limitations or encumbrances associated
                                                                                       Thus, it is normal for the buyer to seek for guarantees in
                             to the company’s shares;
                                                                                       case of contingencies materializing in the future. Those
                                                                                       guarantees could be in the form of:
                           • Evaluation of lawsuits and claims against and in
                             favor of the Company;
                                                                                           • An escrow account, setting aside a portion of the
                                                                                             purchase price as a form of guarantee;
                           • Analysis of Environmental issues related to the
                             company’s activities and required environmental
                                                                                           • Real Estate; and
                             procedures; and
                                                                                           • Shares. In this case, the buyer should consider
                           • Analysis of regulatory aspects associated to the
                                                                                             the fact that, despite having an intrinsic value for
                             company’s operations. For instance, in Brazil, as
                                                                                             the shares given as a guarantee there is also the
                             in several countries, some activities are overseen
                                                                                             risk that in case the buyer needs to assume those
                             by government regulatory agencies which
                                                                                             shares he/she would also be assuming the issues

                             require the companies in those sectors to follow
                                                                                             associated to those shares.
                             a set of rules and mandatory requirements, such
                             as healthcare (Agência Nacional de Vigilância
                                                                                       In spite of the aforementioned points, there are also
                             Sanitária - Anvisa), telecom (Agência Nacional
                                                                                       cases in which buyer and seller negotiate a purchase
                             de Telecomunicações - Anatel), aviation (Agência
                                                                                       price assuming that the buyer would bear any potential
                             Nacional de Aviação Civil - Anac), education
                                                                                       liabilities of the company at its own risk.
                             (Ministério da Educação - MEC), among others.
                                                                                       Other important aspect in Brazilian legislation, which
should be considered, is regarding taxes. There is an           • Representations and warranties from the buyer
expiry period that the government can claim taxes not             attesting its capabilities of executing the deal;
paid by the company. For most of the taxes is five years,
except for Income Taxes that could go up to six years           • Indemnifications and penalties for breach of the
from the moment of the tax event. This is a general rule          contract;
and should be analyzed case by case by local tax experts
during the due diligence process. For instance, when            • Pre-closing and Post-closing required actions;
discussing labor taxes and social charges the debate
could be more complex than that.                                • Shareholders Agreement to regulate the relationship
                                                                  among the shareholders with the transaction going
DEFINITIVE         CONTRACTS.              CLOSING                forward (if applicable), considering several aspects
THE DEAL                                                          such as:

Once the Due Diligence phase is completed and the                      •   Corporate governance;
identified issues have been discussed, the next step is                •   Ruling and veto rights;
to address the final agreement in the form of the Shares               •   Preemptive rights;
Purchase and Sale Agreement (SPA).                                     •   Tag and drag along rights;
                                                                       •   Dissolution and succession;
Generally, the main clauses and conditions of the SPA                  •   Profits and dividends distribution;
could be described as follows:                                         •   Non-competition of shareholders;
                                                                       •   Non-solicitation of key management and
   • Price and payment structure and schedule, also
     describing the shareholding to be transferred
     between the parties;                                       • Binding effects on successors and assigns;

   • Additional investment through capital increase             • Confidentiality; and
     and issuance of new shares, when applicable;
                                                                • Conflict resolution method and venue.

                                                                                                                         21 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
   • Guarantees from the buyer concerning the purchase
     price payment;                                          LEGAL AND REGULATORY APPROVALS

   • Representations and warranties from the seller          In several cases it is very common to have third parties
     attesting the company’s current situation               approvals required for the transaction to be completed
     considering all aspects related to its operations and   such as:
     ability to continue with it;
• Creditors (banks, bondholders, among others)
                                                                                    CLOSING THE DEAL
                             with approval clauses in case of change of control;
                                                                                    After all the mandatory approvals and conditions
                           • Regulatory agencies, if applicable; and
                                                                                    precedent have been completed, the signing of the
                                                                                    Definitive Agreement takes place. It formalizes the closing
                           • Antitrust authorities:
                                                                                    transaction with money and share transfer between the
                                                                                    parties, with all the onuses and bonuses associated with it.
                                 • In Brazil the anti-trust authority is called
                                   Administrative Council for Economic
                                   Defense (Conselho Administrativo de              POST-CLOSING – INTEGRATION
                                   Defesa Econômica - CADE). Its pre-               PROCESS
                                   approval is required for transactions in which
                                   both of the parties involved presented Gross     Besides the completion of the deal and its closing
                                   Revenues in the calendar year precedent          formalization through the final agreements, there are
                                   to the transaction above BRL 75 million,         other important stages: the execution of the post-closing
                                   in the case of the seller, and above BRL         actions associated with the deal and, most important, the
                                   750 million, in the case of the buyer. The       integration of the entities and execution of all the plans
                                   aforementioned revenue threshold should          envisioned for the company to perform the expected
                                   consider the entire group of companies           returns. In order to avoid future problems, it is important
                                   associated to each party involved.               to be aware and finalize all of these processes.
                                                                                                  FINANCING THE DEAL
An important decision in every M&A process is how                                  the loan maturity. However, the significant lower interest
the buyer is going to finance the deal. This can occur                             rates abroad could compensate a potential risk of local
either through its own funds or through third-parties. By                          currency devaluation.
leveraging the transaction using third party funding, the
buyer can increase its expected return on investment.                              The most preferred way of financing a transaction with
Therefore the preferred structure will always try to                               third parties in Brazil is with the target company’s
involve at least some sort of leverage.                                            sellers. In many times, the purchase price payment can
                                                                                   be structured in installments upon a compensation for
With regards to leveraging, it is relevant to point out some                       the sellers which can be much lower than the interest
differences between Brazil and more mature markets.                                rate spread charged by local banks. Obviously, this
While in the United States is very common to come                                  sort of structure depends on each case, considering the
across Leveraged Buyouts6, in Brazil these structures face                         financial situation of the seller and also on a certain
some challenges due to the smaller size of the monetary                            degree of negotiation.
market and to the higher costs of raising money locally,
as previously described in this guide.                                             Other sources of third party financing may be:

Accordingly, it is relevant to say that a transaction to be                             • Debentures and other sorts of bonds: Brazil
leveraged locally would require the target company to                                     has a quite developed and organized bond
have high margins and a significant growth rate in order                                  market. For instance, according to Brazilian
to bear the high interest rates charged by the banks and                                  Capital Market Entities Association (Associação
also would probably require good guarantees.                                              Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados

                                                                                                                                                23 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
                                                                                          Financeiro e de Capitais - ANBIMA), in 2014,
Another way of a foreign investor to finance the deal                                     the volume of new bond issuances considering
is to raise money abroad using its own credit facilities                                  debentures, promissory notes and other private
available. However, it is important to keep in mind the                                   bonds amounted to approximately BRL 115
risk of the exchange rate volatility throughout the time of                               billion (roughly USD 49 billion);

6 Leveraged Buyout - a buyout using borrowed money, the target company's assets are usually security for the loan.
• Private equity funds and family offices as co-                                       may also require the acquisition of real estate
                                  investors: in 2014 there were approximately USD                                      which calls for a great portion of the total
                                  50 billion in private equity funds available with a                                  transaction amount. In many of those cases,
                                  focus in Brazil;                                                                     there are in Brazil several funds willing to
                                                                                                                       invest in the real estate as a joint effort to the
                                • Multilateral development banks (e.g.: IFC,                                           deal financing.
                                  KFW, BNDES7);
                                                                                                               The analysis of all these aspects and details is crucial for
                                • Real estate funds: in some cases the transaction                             a successful deal.

                            7 Brazilian Development Bank. It is relevant to report that BNDES provides a range of programs for financing this type of acquisition, it is important to be well
                           informed before any decision.
                                                      CROSS-BORDER CHALLENGES
When doing business abroad, there are always some             Hence, when seeking opportunities in the country it is
challenges that executives and investors encounter, due       advisable to have a broader look to other regions than
to being in a different country and business environment.     São Paulo, depending on the sector of interest. However,
Performing an M&A deal in Brazil is not different.            one should bear in mind the time and logistics constraints
Therefore, an investor may face some challenges related       of travelling around the country.
to specific matters of the country.
                                                              CULTURAL ASPECTS
                                                              Having such a large territory as Brazil and due to the
Due to its continental size, Brazil may present some          several external influences over the colonization process
challenges related to logistics when doing deals              of the country, there are important cultural differences
depending on the region of the country.                       compared to other nations, and even among the regions
                                                              of Brazil, each one with its own peculiarities.
Currently, São Paulo is the main financial and business
hub of the country and count with essential business          Those cultural aspects are also extended to the way
infrastructure as any other global financial center in        of doing business and sometimes it may be crucial to
the world. Therefore, most of the banks, law firms,           understand it in order to accomplish a successful deal.
advisors and corporate headquarters are based in São
Paulo city.                                                   LANGUAGE DIFFERENCES
Nonetheless, the country also presents great opportunities    Being a Portuguese speaking country is also another factor that

                                                                                                                                25 HOW TO PERFORM M&A IN BRAZIL
when looking at its different regions. The country has a      makes Brazil quite different from all other countries in Latin
number of relevant cities spread all over its territory and   America. In addition to that, different accents of the language
several of them have vibrant economies on each different      spoken in each region of the country may be a challenge even
sector. As an example, there are 14 cities with more than     for a Portuguese speaking foreigner. Particularly in larger
1 million inhabitants just outside the state of São Paulo.    cities, it is not difficult to find English speakers.
                           ABOUT OUR SPONSOR
                           JK Capital is an investment banking firm specialized          Partners:
                           in cross border M&A and Corporate Finance advisory,           Marcell Portugal de Oliveira
                           focusing on mid-market transactions to Brazil and Latin       Phone: +55(11) 2348-4336
                           America.                                                      Email: marcell.portugal@jkcapital.com.br

                           Our goal is to support companies in their acquisitions,       Luís Mazzarella Martins
                           selling or fundraising processes, adding the local cultural   Phone: +55(11) 2348-4339
                           component to the financial expertise and using advanced       Email: luis@jkcapital.com.br
                           negotiation structures.
                                                                                         Daniel Damiani
                           JK Capital counts with a seasoned team of M&A experts         Phone: +55(11) 2348-4337
                           with multi-cultural experience, fluent in English, Spanish,   Email: daniel.damiani@jkcapital.com.br
                           French and Portuguese. JK Capital presents an extensive
                           track record in cross-border transactions, having advised     Saulo Sturaro
                           several multinational groups in acquisitions in Brazil and    Phone: +55(11) 2348-4335
                           Latin America, as well as local groups in M&A processes       Email: saulo@jkcapital.com.br
                           involving global corporations and private equity funds.
                                                                                         José Kobori
                           For more information, please contact:                         Phone: +55(11) 2348-4334
                                                                                         Email: kobori@jkcapital.com.br

                                                                                         JK Capital
                                                                                         Avenida Paulista, 1636, 4º andar, conj. 410 - 01311-200
                                                                                         São Paulo, SP - Brasil
                                                                                         Phone: +55(11) 2348-4332
                                                                                         Email: jkcapital@jkcapital.com.br
                                                                                         Website: www.jkcapital.com.br
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