Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts

Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on
                   Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
                   Jiwei Li1 , Alan Ritter2 , Claire Cardie3 and Eduard Hovy4
            1 Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
    2 Department  of Computer Science and Engineering, the Ohio State University, OH 43210, USA
              3 Computer Science Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
             4 Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, PA 15213, USA

                    Abstract                          users with the problem of information overload by
                                                      summarizing important events taking place in their
    Social media websites provide a platform          friends lives, but could also facilitate downstream
    for anyone to describe significant events         applications such as friend recommendation (e.g.,
    taking place in their lives in realtime.          friend recommendation in realtime to people who
    Currently, the majority of personal news          were just admitted into the same university, get
    and life events are published in a tex-           the same jobs or internships), targeted online ad-
    tual format, motivating information ex-           vertising (e.g., recommend baby care products to
    traction systems that can provide a struc-        newly expecting mothers, or wedding services to
    tured representations of major life events        new couples), information extraction, etc.
    (weddings, graduation, etc. . . ). This pa-          Before getting started, we first identify a num-
    per demonstrates the feasibility of accu-         ber of key challenges in extracting significant life
    rately extracting major life events. Our          events from user-generated text, which account the
    system extracts a fine-grained description        reason for the lack of previous work in this area:
    of users’ life events based on their pub-
    lished tweets. We are optimistic that our         Challenge 1: Ambiguous Definition for Ma-
    system can help Twitter users more easily         jor Life Events Major life event identification
    grasp information from users they take in-        is an open-domain problem. While many types of
    terest in following and also facilitate many      events (e.g., marriage, engagement, finding a new
    downstream applications, for example re-          job, giving birth) are universally agreed to be im-
    altime friend recommendation.                     portant, it is difficult to robustly predefine a list of
                                                      characteristics for important life events on which
1   Introduction                                      algorithms can rely for extraction or classification.

Social networking websites such as Facebook and       Challenge 2: Noisiness of Twitter Data: The
Twitter have recently challenged mainstream me-       user-generated text found in social media websites
dia as the freshest source of information on im-      such as Twitter is extremely noisy. The language
portant news events. In addition to an important      used to describe life events is highly varied and
source for breaking news, social media presents a     ambiguous and social media users frequently dis-
unique source of information on private events, for   cuss public news and mundane events from their
example a friend’s engagement or college gradua-      daily lives, for instance what they ate for lunch.
tion (examples are presented in Figure 1). While         Even for a predefined life event category, such
a significant amount of previous work has inves-      as marriage, it is still difficult to accurately iden-
tigated event extraction from Twitter (e.g., (Rit-    tify mentions. For instance, a search for the
ter et al., 2012; Diao et al., 2012)), existing ap-   keyphrase ”get married” using Twitter Search1 re-
proaches mostly focus on public bursty event ex-      sults in a large number of returned results that do
traction, and little progress has been made towards   not correspond to a personal event:
the problem of automatically extracting the major        • I want to get married once. No divorce & no
life events of ordinary users.                              cheating, just us two till the end.
   A system which can automatically extract ma-             (error: wishes)
jor life events and generate fine-grained descrip-      1
tions as in Figure 1 will not only help Twitter       get˜married
Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Figure 1: Examples of users mentioning personal life events on Twitter.

  • Can Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore just            These speech acts are easy to identify with high
    drop the pretense and get married already?          precision because the possible ways to express
    (error: somebody else)                              them are relatively constrained. Instead of directly
  • I got married and had kids on purpose               inspecting tweets to determine whether they corre-
    (error: past)                                       spond to major life events, we start by identifying
                                                        replies corresponding to C ONGRATULATIONS or
Challenge 3: the Lack of Training Data Col-             C ONDOLENCES, and then retrieve the message
lecting sufficient training data in this task for ma-   they are in response to, which we assume refer to
chine learning models is difficult for a number of      important life events.
reasons: (1) A traditional, supervised learning ap-        The proposed system automatically identifies
proach, requires explicit annotation guidelines for     major life events and then extracts correspondent
labeling, though it is difficult to know which cat-     event properties. Through the proposed system,
egories are most representative in the data apriori.    we demonstrate that it is feasible to automatically
(2) Unlike public events which are easily identi-       reconstruct a detailed list of individual life events
fied based on message volume, significant private       based on users’ Twitter streams. We hope that
events are only mentioned by one or several users       work presented in this paper will facilitate down-
directly involved in the event. Many important cat-     stream applications and encourage follow-up work
egories are relatively infrequent, so even a large      on this task.
annotated dataset may contain just a few or no ex-
amples of these categories, making classification       2   System Overview
   In this paper, we present a pipelined system that    An overview of the components of the system is
addresses these challenges and extracts a struc-        presented in Figure 2. Pipeline1 first identifies
tured representation of individual life events based    the major life event category the input tweet talks
on users’ Twitter feeds. We exploit the insight to      about and filters out the irrelevant tweets and will
automatically gather large volumes of major life        be described in Section 4. Next, Pipeline2, as,
events which can be used as training examples for       demonstrated in Section 5, identifies whether the
machine learning models. Although personal life         speaker is directly involved in the life event. Fi-
events are difficult to identify using traditional      nally, Pipeline3 extracts the property of event and
approaches due to their highly diverse nature, we       will be illustrated in Section 6.
noticed that users’ followers often directly reply         Section 3 serves as the preparing step for the
to such messages with C ONGRATULATIONS or               pipelined system, describing how we collect train-
C ONDOLENCES speech acts, for example:                  ing data in large-scale. The experimental evalua-
                                                        tion regarding each pipeline of the system is pre-
User1: I got accepted into Harvard !                    sented in the corresponding section (i.e., Section
User2: Congratulations !                                4,5,6) and the end-to-end evaluation will be pre-
Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Figure 2: System Overview. Blue: original input tweets. Red: filtered out tweets. Magenta: life event
category. Green: life event property. Pipeline 1 identifies the life category the input tweet talks about
(e.g., marriage, graduation) and filter out irrelevant tweets (e.g., I had beef stick for lunch). Pipeline 2
identifies whether the speaker is directly involved in the event. It will preserve self-reported information
(i.e. “I got married”) and filtered out unrelated tweets (e.g., “my friend Chris got married”). Pipeline
3 extracts the property of event (e.g. to whom the speaker married or the speaker admitted by which

sented in Section 7.                                     tweets to automatically identify important cate-
                                                         gories of major life events in an unsupervised way.
3       Personal Life Event Clustering                   In our approach, we model the whole conversation
In this section, we describe how we identify com-        dialogue as a document3 with the response seeds
mon categories of major life events by leverag-          (e.g., congratulation) masked out. We furthermore
ing large quantities of unlabeled data and obtain        associate each sentence with a single topic, fol-
a collection of tweets corresponding to each type        lowing strategies adopted by (Ritter et al., 2010;
of identified event.                                     Gruber et al., 2007). We limit the words in our
                                                         document collection to verbs and nouns which
3.1       Response based Life Event Detection            we found to lead to clearer topic representations,
While not all major life events will elicit C ON -       and used collapsed Gibbs Sampling for inference
GRATULATIONS or C ONDOLENCES from a user’s               (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004).
followers, this technique allows us to collect large        Next one of the authors manually inspected the
volumes of high-precision personal life events           resulting major life event types inferred by the
which can be used to train models to recognize the       model, and manually assigned them labels such
diverse categories of major life events discussed        as ”getting a job”, ”graduation” or ”marriage”
by social media users.                                   and discarded incoherent topics4 . Our methodol-
                                                         ogy is inspired by (Ritter et al., 2012) that uses
3.2       Life Event Clustering                          a LDA - CLUSTERING + HUMAN - IDENTIFICATION
Based on the above intuition, we develop an ap-          strategy to identify public events from Twitter.
proach to obtain a list of individual life event clus-   Similar strategies have been widely used in un-
ters. We first define a small set of seed responses      supervised information extraction (Bejan et al.,
which capture common C ONGRATULATIONS and                2009; Yao et al., 2011) and selectional preference
C ONDOLENCES, including the phrases: ”Congrat-               3
                                                               Each whole conversation usually contains multiple
ulations”, ”Congrats”, ”Sorry to hear that”, ”Awe-       tweets and users.
some”, and gather tweets that were observed with               While we applied manual labeling and coherence eval-
                                                         uation in this work, an interesting direction for future work
seed responses. Next, an LDA (Blei et al., 2003)2        is automatically labeling major life event categories follow-
based topic model is used to cluster the gathered        ing previous work on labeling topics in traditional document-
                                                         based topic models (Mimno et al., 2011; Newman et al.,
        Topic Number is set to 120.                      2010).
Figure 3: Illustration of bootstrapping process.              Figure 5: Illustration of data retrieved in each step
                                                                of bootstrapping.
Input: Reply seed list E = {e}, Tweet conversation col-
lection T = {t}, Retrieved Tweets Collection D = φ.             congratulations (cong, congrats); (that’s) fantastic; (so) cool;
Identified topic list L=φ                                       (I’m) (very) sorry to hear that; (that’s) great (good) new;
Begin                                                           awesome; what a pity; have fun; great; that sucks; too
While not stopping:                                             bad; (that’s) unfortunate; how sad; fabulous; (that’s)
   1. For unprocessed conversation t ∈ T                        terrific; (that’s) (so) wonderful; my deepest condolences;
      if t contains reply e ∈ E,
           • add t to D: D = D + t.
           • remove t from T : T = T − t
   2. Run streaming LDA (Yao et al., 2009) on newly added       Table 1: Responses retrieved from Bootstrapping.
      tweets in D.
   3. Manually Identify meaningful/trash topics, giving label
      to meaningful topics.                                     seeds). We collect responses to the newly added
   4. Add newly detected meaningful topic l to L.               tweets, then select the top 20 frequent replies5 .
   5. For conversation t belonging to trash topics
           • remove t from D: D = D − t                         Next we manually inspect and filter the top ranked
   6. Harvest more tweets based on topic distribution.          replies, and use them to harvest more tweets. This
   7. Manually identify top 20 responses to tweets harvested
      from Step 6.
                                                                process is then repeated with another round of
   8. Add meaningful responses to E.                            inference in LDA including manual labeling of
End                                                             newly inferred topics, etc... An illustration of our
Output: Identified topic list L. Tweet collection D.
                                                                approach is presented in Figure 3 and the details
                                                                are presented in Figure 4. The algorithm outputs
Figure 4: Bootstrapping Algorithm for Response-                 a collection of personal life topics L, and a collec-
based Life event identification.                                tion of retrieved tweets D. Each tweet d ∈ D is
                                                                associated with a life event topic l, l ∈ L.
                                                                   We repeat the bootstrapping process for 4 iter-
modeling (Kozareva and Hovy, 2010a; Roberts
                                                                ations and end up with 30 different C ONGRATU -
and Harabagiu, 2011).
                                                                LATIONS and C ONDOLENCES patterns (shown in
  Conversation data was extracted from the CMU                  Table 1) and 42 coherent event types which refer to
Twitter Warehouse of 2011 which contains a total                significant life events (statistics for harvested data
number of 10% of all published tweets in that year.             from each step is shown in Figure 5). We show
                                                                examples of the mined topics with correspondent
3.3   Expanding dataset using Bootstrapping                     human labels in Table 3, grouped according to a
While our seed patterns for identifying mes-                    specific kind of resemblance.
sages expressing C ONGRATULATIONS and C ON -
                                                                3.4    Summary and Discussion
DOLENCES are very high precision, they don’t
cover all the possible ways these speech acts                   The objective of this section is (1) identifying a
can be expressed. We therefore adopt a semi-                    category of life events (2) identifying tweets asso-
supervised bootstrapping approach to expand our                 ciated with each event type which can be used as
reply seeds and event-related tweets. Our boot-                 candidates for latter self reported personal infor-
strapping approach is related to previous work                  mation and life event category identification.
on semi-supervised information harvesting (e.g.,                   We understand that the event list retrieved from
(Kozareva and Hovy, 2010b; Davidov et al.,                      our approach based on replies in the conversation
2007)). To preserve the labeled topics from the                 is far from covering all types of personal events
first iteration, we apply a streaming approach to               (especially the less frequent life events). But our
inference (Yao et al., 2009) over unlabeled tweets                 5
                                                                     We only treat the first sentence that responds to the be-
(those which did not match one of the response                  ginning of the conversation as replies.
Life Event    Proportion   Life Event     Proportion        Human Label        Top words
    Birthday      9.78         Vacation       2.24              Wedding            wedding, love, ring, engagement,
    Job           8.39         Relationship   2.16              &engagement        engaged, bride, video, marrying
    Wedding       7.24         Exams          2.02              Relationship       boyfriend, girlfriend, date, check,
    Engagement                 Election       1.85              Begin              relationship, see, look
    Award         6.20         New Car        1.65              Anniversary        anniversary, years, year, married,
    Sports        6.08         Running        1.42                                 celebrating, wife, celebrate, love
    Anniversary   5.44         Surgery        1.20              Relation End/      relationship, ended, hurt, hate, de-
    Give Birth    4.28         Lawsuit        0.64              Devoice            voice, blessings, single
    Graduate      3.86         Acting         0.50              Graduation         graduation, school, college, gradu-
    Death         3.80                                                             ate, graduating, year, grad
    Admission     3.54         Research       0.48
                               Essay          0.35              Admission          admitted, university, admission, ac-
    Interview     3.44                                                             cepted, college, offer, school
    Internship                 Lost Weight    0.35
                               Publishing     0.28              Exam               passed, exam, test, school,
    Moving        3.26                                                             semester,        finished,      exams,
    Travel        3.24         Song           0.22
                               OTHER          15.31                                midterms
    Illness       2.45                                          Research           research, presentation, journalism,
                                                                                   paper, conference, go, writing
Table 2: List of automatically discovered life event            Essay & Thesis     essay, thesis, reading, statement,
types with percentage (%) of data covered.                                         dissertation, complete, project
                                                                Job                job, accepted, announce, join, join-
                                                                                   ing, offer, starting, announced,
list is still able to cover a large proportion of IM -                             work
                                                                Interview& In-     interview, position, accepted, in-
PORTANT and COMMON life events. Our latter                      ternship           ternship, offered, start, work
work is focused on given a random tweet, identi-                Moving             house, moving, move, city, home,
fying whether it corresponds to one of the 42 types                                car, place, apartment, town, leaving
of life events in our list.                                     Travel             leave, leaving, flight, home, miss,
                                                                                   house, airport, packing, morning
   Another thing worth noting here is that, while               Vacation           vocation, family, trip, country, go,
current section is not focused on self-reported in-                                flying, visited, holiday, Hawaii
formation identification, we have already obtained              Winning Award      won, award, support, awards, win-
                                                                                   ning, honor, scholarship, prize
a relatively clean set of data with a large pro-                Election/          president, elected, run, nominated,
portion of non self-reported information related                Promotion/         named, promotion, cel, selected,
tweets being screened: people do not usually re-                Nomination         business, vote
                                                                Publishing         book, sold, writing, finished, read,
spond to non self-reported information with com-                                   copy, review, release, books, cover
monly used replies, or in other words, with replies             Contract           signed, contract, deal, agreements,
that will pass our next step human test6 . These non                               agreed, produce, dollar, meeting
                                                                song/ video/ al-   video, song, album, check, show,
self-reported tweets would therefore be excluded                bum release        see, making, radio, love
from training data.                                             Acting             play, role, acting, drama, played,
                                                                                   series, movie, actor, theater
4     Life Event Identification                                 Death              dies, passed, cancer, family, hospi-
                                                                                   tal, dad, grandma, mom, grandpa
In this section, we focused on deciding whether a               Give Birth         baby, born, boy, pregnant, girl, lbs,
given tweet corresponds to one of the 42 prede-                                    name, son, world, daughter, birth
                                                                Illness            ill, hospital, feeling, sick, cold, flu,
fined life events.                                                                 getting, fever, doctors, cough
   Our training dataset consists of approximately               Surgery            surgery, got, test, emergency, blood,
72,000 tweets from 42 different categories of life                                 tumor, stomachs, hospital, pain,
events inferred by our topic model as described                 Sports             win, game, team, season, fans,
in Section 3. We used the top 25% of tweets for                                    played, winning, football, luck
which our model assigned highest probability to                 Running            run, race, finished, race, marathon,
                                                                                   ran, miles, running, finish, goal
each topic. For sparsely populated topics we used
                                                                New Car            car, buy, bought, cars, get, drive,
the top 50% of tweets to ensure sufficient cover-                                  pick, seat, color, dollar, meet
age.                                                            Lost Weight        weight, lost, week, pounds, loss,
   We further collected a random sample of about                                   weeks, gym, exercise, running
                                                                Birthday           birthday, come, celebrate, party,
10 million tweets from Twitter API7 as non-life                                    friends, dinner, tonight, friend
    6                                                           Lawsuit            sue, sued, file, lawsuit, lawyer, dol-
      For example, people don’t normally respond to ”I want
to get married once” (example in Challenge 2, Section 1)                           lars, illegal, court, jury.
with ”Congratulations”.
    7                                Table 3: Example event types with top words dis-
                                                              covered by our model.
event examples and trained a 43-class maximum           pipeline, which takes output from Section 4 and
entropy classifier based on the following features:     further identifies whether each tweet refers to an
    • Word: The sequence of words in the tweet.         event directly involving the user who publishes it.
    • NER: Named entity Tag.                               Direct labeling of randomly sampled Twitter
    • Dictionary: Word matching a dictionaries of       messages is infeasible for the following reasons:
      the top 40 words for each life event category     (1) Class imbalance: self-reported events are rela-
      (automatically inferred by the topic model).      tively rare in randomly sampled Twitter messages.
      The feature value is the term’s probability       (2) A large proportion of self-reported information
      generated by correspondent event.                 refers to mundane, everyday topics (e.g., “I just
    • Window: If a dictionary term exists, left and     finished dinner!”). Fortunately, many of the tweets
      right context words within a window of 3          retrieved from Section 3 consist of self-reported
      words and their part-of-speech tags.              information and describe major life events. The
Name entity tag is assigned from Ritter et al’s         candidates for annotation are therefore largely nar-
Twitter NER system (Ritter et al., 2011). Part-of-      rowed down.
Speech tags are assigned based on Twitter POS              We manually annotated 800 positive examples
package (Owoputi et al., 2013) developed by             of self-reported events distributed across the event
CMU ARK Lab. Dictionary and Window are                  categories identified in Section 3. We ensured
constructed based on the topic-term distribution        good coverage by first randomly sampling 10 ex-
obtained from the previous section.                     amples from each category, the remainder were
    The average precision and recall are shown in       sampled from the class distribution in the data.
Table 4. And as we can observe, the dictionary          Negative examples of self-reported information
(with probability) contributes a lot to the perfor-     consisted of a combination of examples from the
mance and by taking into account a more compre-         original dataset8 and randomly sampled messages
hensive set of information around the key word,         gathered by searching for the top terms in each of
classifier on All feature setting generate signifi-     the pre-identified topics using the Twitter Search
cantly better performance, with 0.382 prevision         interface 9 . Due to great varieties of negative sce-
and 0.48 recall, which is acceptable considering        narios, the negative dataset constitutes about 2500
(1) This is is a 43-way classification with much        tweets.
more negative data than positive (2) Some types of
events are very close to each other (e.g., Leaving      5.1    Features
and Vocation). Note that recall is valued more than     Identifying self-reported tweet requires sophisti-
precision here as false-positive examples will be       cated feature engineering. Let u denote the term
further screened in self-reported information iden-     within the tweet that gets the highest possibility
tification process in the following section.            generated by the correspondent topic. We experi-
                                                        mented with combinations of the following types
         Feature Setting      Precision   Recall
          Word+NER              0.204     0.326         of features (results are presented in Table ??):
      Word+NER+Dictionary       0.362     0.433            • Bigram: Bigrams within each tweet (punctu-
               All              0.382     0.487              ation included).
Table 4: Average Performance of Multi-Class                • Window: A window of k ∈ {0, 1, 2} words
Classifier on Different Feature Settings. Negative           adjacent to u and their part-of-speech tags.
examples (non important event type) are not con-           • Tense: A binary feature indicating past tense
sidered.                                                     identified in by the presence of past tense
                                                             verb (VBD).
                                                           • Factuality: Factuality denotes whether one
5   Self-Reported Information                                expression is presented as corresponding to
    Identification                                           real situations in the world (Saurı́ and Puste-
                                                             jovsky, 2007). We use Stanford PragBank10 ,
Although a message might refer to a topic cor-
responding to a life event such as marriage, the             Most tweets in the bootstrapping output are positive.
event still might be one in which the speaker is             The majority of results returned by Twitter Search are
                                                        negative examples.
not directly involved. In this section we describe        10
the self reported event identification portion of our   factbank.html
an extension of FactBank (Saurı́ and Puste-                               precision   recall    F1
      jovsky, 2009) which contains a list of modal                                0.82       0.86    0.84
      words such as “might”, “will”, “want to”
      etc11 .                                                    Table 7: Performance for identifying properties.
    • I: Whether the subject of the tweet is first per-
      son singular.                                             6        Event Property Extraction
    • Dependency: If the subject is first person
      singular and the u is a verb, the dependency              Thus far we have described how to automatically
      path between the subject and u (or non-                   identify tweets referring to major life events. In
      dependency).                                              addition, it is desirable to extract important prop-
Tweet dependency paths were obtained from                       erties of the event, for example the name of the
(Kong et al., 2014). As the tweet parser we use                 university the speaker was admitted to (See Figure
only supports one-to-one dependency path iden-                  1). In this section we take a supervised approach to
tification but no dependency properties, Depen-                 event property extraction, based on manually an-
dency is a binary feature. The subject of each                  notated data for a handfull of the major life event
tweet is determined by the dependency link to the               categories automatically identified by our system.
root of the tweet from the parser.                              While this approach is unlikely to scale to the di-
                                                                versity of important personal events Twitter users
    Among the features we explore, Word encodes
                                                                are discussing, our experiments demonstrate that
the general information within the tweet. Win-
                                                                event property extraction is indeed feasible.
dow addresses the information around topic key
                                                                   We cast the problem of event property extrac-
word. The rest of the features specifically address
                                                                tion as a sequence labeling task, using Conditional
each of the negative situations described in Chal-
                                                                Random Fields (Lafferty et al., 2001) for learning
lenge 2, Section 1: Tense captures past event de-
                                                                and inference. To make best use of the labeled
scription, Factuality filters out wishes or imagi-
                                                                data, we trained a unified CRF model for closely
nation, I and Dependency correspond to whether
                                                                related event categories which often share proper-
the described event involves the speaker. We built
                                                                ties; the full list is presented in Table 6 and we
a linear SVM classifier using SVMlight package
                                                                labeled 300 tweets in total. Features we used in-
(Joachims, 1999).
                                                                   • word token, capitalization, POS
5.2   Evaluation
                                                                   • left and right context words within a window
                                                                      of 3 and the correspondent part-of-speech
      Feature Setting           Acc     Pre      Rec                  tags
      Bigram+Window             0.76    0.47     0.44              • word shape, NER
      Bigram+Window                                                • a gazetteer of universities and employers bor-
                                0.77    0.47     0.46
      +Tense+Factuality                                               rowed from NELL12 .
      all                       0.82    0.51     0.48           We use 5-fold cross-validation and report results
Table 5: Performance for self-report information                in Table 7.
identification regarding different feature settings.
                                                                7        End-to-End Experiment

   We report performance on the task of identi-                 The evaluation for each part of our system has
fying self-reported information in this subsection.             been demonstrated in the corresponding section.
We employ 5-fold cross validation and report Ac-                We now present a real-world evaluation: to what
curacy (Accu), Prevision (Prec) and Recall (Rec)                degree can our trained system automatically iden-
regarding different feature settings. The Tense,                tify life events in real world.
Factuality, I and Dependency features positively
                                                                7.1       Dataset
contribute to performance respectively and the
best performance is obtained when all types of fea-             We constructed a gold-standard life event dataset
tures are included.                                             using annotators from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
                                                                (Snow et al., 2008) using 2 approaches:
     Due to the colloquial property of tweets, we also intro-
duced terms such as “gonna”, “wanna”, “bona”.                  
Life Event                                     Property
                    (a) Acceptance, Graduation                      Name of University/College
              (b) Wedding, Engagement, Falling love                Name of Spouse/ partner/ bf/ gf
               (c) Getting a job, interview, internship                 Name of Enterprise
         (d) Moving to New Places, Trip, Vocation, Leaving           Place, Origin, Destination
                         (e) Winning Award                             Name of Award, Prize

                                    Table 6: Labeling Event Property.

  • Ask Twitter users to label their own tweets                       Approach          Precision      Recall
                                                                    Our approach          0.62          0.48
    (Participants include friends, colleagues of                     Supervised           0.13          0.20
    the authors and Turkers from Amazon Me-                        Supervised+Self        0.25          0.18
    chanical Turk13 ).
  • Ask Turkers to label other people’s tweets.        Table 8: Performance for different approaches for
                                                       identifying life events in real world.
For option 1, we asked participants to directly la-
bel their own published tweets. For option 2, for                     Approach       Precision      Recall
each tweet, we employed 2 Turkers. Due to the                          Step 1          0.65          0.36
                                                                       Step 2          0.64          0.43
ambiguity in defining life events, the value co-                       Step 3          0.62          0.48
hen’s kappa14 as a measure of inter-rater agree-
ment is 0.54; this does not show significant inter-    Table 9: Performance for different steps of boot-
annotator agreement. The authors examined dis-         strapping for identifying life events in real world.
agreements and also verified all positively labeled
tweets. The resulting dataset contains around 900
                                                          Another interesting question is to what degree
positive tweets and about 60,000 negative tweets.
                                                       the bootstrapping contributes to the final results.
   To demonstrate the advantage of leveraging          We keep the self-reported information classifier
large quantities of unlabeled data, the first base-    fixed (though it’s based the ultimate identified
line we investigate is a Supervised model which is     data source), and train the personal event classifier
trained on the manually annotated labeled dataset,     based on topic distributions identified from each
and evaluated using 5 fold cross validation. Our       of the three steps of bootstrapping15 . Precision
Supervised baseline consists of a linear SVM           and recall at various stages of bootstrapping are
classifier using bag of words, NER and POS fea-        presented in Table 9. As bootstrapping continues,
tures. We also tested a second baseline that           the precision remains roughly constant, but recall
combines Supervised algorithm with an our self-        increases as more life events and C ONGRATULA -
reported information classifier, denoted as Super-     TIONS and C ONDOLENCES are discovered.
   Results are reported in Table 8; as we can ob-      8        Related Work
serve, the fully supervised approach is not suitable   Our work is related to three lines of NLP re-
for this task with only one digit F1 score. The        searches. (1) user-level information extraction on
explanations are as follows: (1) the labeled data      social media (2) public event extraction on social
can only cover a small proportion of life events       media. (3) Data harvesting in Information Extrac-
(2) supervised learning does not separate impor-       tion, each of which contains large amount of re-
tant event categories and will therefore classify      lated work, to which we can not do fully justice.
any tweet with highly weighted features (e.g., the
mention of “I” or “marriage”) as positive. By us-      User Information Extraction from Twitter
ing an additional self-reported information classi-    Some early approaches towards understanding
fier in Supervised+Self, we get a significant boost    user level information on social media is focused
in precision with a minor recall loss.                 on user profile/attribute prediction (e.g.,(Ciot et
                                                       al., 2013)) user-specific content extraction (Diao
  13                                                       15                      which are 24, 38, 42-class classifiers, where 24, 38, 42
  14’s_               denoted the number of topics discovered in each step of boot-
kappa                                                  strapping (see Figure 5).
et al., 2012; Diao and Jiang, 2013; Li et al., 2014)           9   Conclusion and Discussion
or user personalization (Low et al., 2011) identifi-
                                                               In this paper, we propose a pipelined system for
                                                               major life event extraction from Twitter. Experi-
   The problem of user life event extraction was               mental results show that our model is able to ex-
first studied by Li and Cardie’s (2014). They at-              tract a wide variety of major life events.
tempted to construct a chronological timeline for                 The key strategy adopted in this work is to ob-
Twitter users from their published tweets based on             tain a relatively clean training dataset from large
two criterion: a personal event should be personal             quantity of Twitter data by relying on minimum
and time-specific. Their system does not explic-               efforts of human supervision, and sometimes is at
itly identify a global category of life events (and            the sacrifice of recall. To achieve this goal, we rely
tweets discussing correspondent event) but identi-             on a couple of restrictions and manual screenings,
fies the topics/events that are personal and time-             such as relying on replies, LDA topic identifica-
specific to a given user using an unsupervised ap-             tion and seed screening. Each part of system de-
proach, which helps them avoids the nuisance of                pends on the early steps. For example, topic clus-
explicit definition for life event characteristics and         tering in Section 3 not only offers training data for
acquisition of labeled data. However, their sys-               event identification in Section 4, but prepares the
tem has the short-coming that each personal topic              training data for self-information identification in
needs to be adequately discussed by the user and               Section 5. .
their followers in order to be detected16 .                       We acknowledge that our approach is not per-
                                                               fect due to the following ways: (1) The system
Public Event Extraction from Twitter Twitter                   is only capable of discovering a few categories
serves as a good source for event detection owing              of life events with many others left unidentified.
to its real time nature and large number of users.             (2) Each step of the system will induce errors
These approaches include identifying bursty pub-               and negatively affected the following parts. (3)
lic topics (e.g.,(Diao et al., 2012)), topic evolution         Some parts of evaluations are not comprehensive
(Becker et al., 2011) or disaster outbreak (Sakaki             due to the lack of gold-standard data. (4) Among
et al., 2010; Li and Cardie, 2013) by spotting the             all pipelines, event property identification in Sec-
increase/decrease of word frequency. Some other                tion 6 still requires full supervision in CRF model,
approaches are focused on generating a structured              making it hard to scale to every event type17 . How
representation of events (Ritter et al., 2012; Ben-            to address these aspects and generate a more ac-
son et al., 2011).                                             curate, comprehensive and fine-grained life event
                                                               list for Twitter users constitute our further work.
                                                               Acknowledgement A special thanks is owned
Data Acquisition in Information Extraction
                                                               to Myle Ott for suggestions on bootstrapping pro-
Our work is also related with semi-supervised data
                                                               cedure in data harvesting. The authors want to
harvesting approaches, the key idea of which is
                                                               thank Noah Smith, Chris Dyer and Alok Kothari
that some patterns are learned based on seeds.
                                                               for useful comments, discussions and suggestions
They are then used to find additional terms, which
                                                               regarding different steps of the system and eval-
are subsequently used as new seeds in the patterns
                                                               uations. We thank Lingpeng Kong and members
to search for additional new patterns (Kozareva
                                                               of Noah’s ARK group at CMU for providing the
and Hovy, 2010b; Davidov et al., 2007; Riloff
                                                               tweet dependency parser. All data used in this
et al., 1999; Igo and Riloff, 2009; Kozareva et
                                                               work is extracted from CMU Twitter Warehouse
al., 2008). Also related approaches are distant or
                                                               maintained by Brendan O’Connor, to whom we
weakly supervision (Mintz et al., 2009; Craven et
                                                               want to express our gratitude.
al., 1999; Hoffmann et al., 2011) that rely on avail-
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