Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

Page created by Connie Lambert
Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain
This HANDBOOK RELEASE (R2) will be delivered as a printed document
at the Ticket Centre, at the moment of Team Registration.
Any Changes will be communicated at the team briefings.
Hnbk - Formula Student Spain
00. Formula Student Spain				 4
02. Site plan							6
03. SCHEDULe							7
04. event information					9
      04.1. TICKET CENTRE							9
      04.2. TEAM ADVISORS						9
      04.3. event control						9
05. Participating teams					10
06. Participating teams					11
07. Registration & access to the circuit		 12
      07.1. TEAM REGISTRATION						12
      07.2. DRIVERS REGISTRATION					12
      07.3. Electrical System Officer				                   12
      07.4. PARKING & VEHICLE ENTRANCE PASS			              13
08. General GUIDELINES					14
      08.1. ANNOUNCEMENTS						14
      08.2. SURVEILLANCE							14
      08.3. FIRES AND SMOKING 						14
      08.4. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 						14
      08.5. ALCOHOLic drinks 						14
      08.6. ENERGY METERS						14
      08.7. Transponders						15
      08.9. FORMULA STUDENT SPAIN 2017 RULES			             15
      09.1. PRE INSPECTION & SCRUTINEERING				              17
      09.2. TILT TABLE TESTING						18
      09.3. RAIN TESTing ( ONLY FOR ELECTRIC vehicles )		   19
      09.4. NOISE TEST							20
      09.5. BRAKE TESTING						21
      09.6. SCRUTINEERING ORDER					23
10. STATIC EVENTS							25
      10.1. BUSINESS plan presentation				                  25
      10.3. cost analysis event					27
      10.4. STATIC EVENTS SCHEDULE					28
11. DYNAMIC EVENTS						29
      11.1. general information						29
      11.2. EVENTS								30
12.   TEAMDEVELOPMENT & Social Activities		 32
13.   AWARDS 2017							33
14.   HOW TO ARRIVE						34
15.   ACCOMmODATION						36
      15.1. CAMPsite 							36
      15.2. HOTELS								38
16. Additional Information					39
      16.1. General Services 						40
17. join us								41
Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

    00. Formula
    Student Spain
    Formula Student Spain is a competition, organized by STA (Spanish Society of Automotive
    Engineers), with the support of spanish institutions and relevant companies in the
    automotive industry. All of them work in a non profit way for the event.
                                                                                                     our values
    FSS organization is a pool of more than 250 volunteers, mostly from motor sport &
    automotive sectors that work in a non profit way for the event, as Judges, Scrutineers,
    Marshalls, Officials, Staff, etc. Also, more than 40 young students in their last years of       Passion for motorsports.
    engineering degree support the event.
                                                                                                     Interest in people’s care.
                                                                                                     Innovation and Creativity.
    Our Mission                                                                                      Respect, team work and effort.

    FSS has the mission to create a multicultural space for young engineers for the exchange
    and development of knowledge and values of respect, people care, team work and effort, to
    reach the highest levels of technical and personal excellence, in both participants and staff.

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain
 Here you will find information to help you if you have an emergency during the event.

 If it is a MINOR INJURY:
 For a minor injury emergency, you can contact any team advisor, as they can provide first aid materials. If you think you need a bigger
 intervention, you can contact Event Control at any time. In addition, here you have information about the closest Medical Centers to Circuit de

MEDICAL CENTER                                     MEDICAL CENTER                                       MEDICAL CENTER
           MONTMELÓ                                    MONTORNÈS DEL VALLÉS                                         GRANOLLERS
         Plaça Ernest Lluch, 1                                 C/ de Can Parera, 7                                     C/Museu, 19
           +34 93 544 44 40                                     +34 93 572 03 03                                     +34 93 860 05 10


Contact the event control, contact team advisors or any one for the organization that will contact emergency services.

You may call an ambulance by yourself, but please contact also the security of the Circuit, so that they may guide the emergency services
inside the Circuit. Also, here you have the details about the nearest hospital to Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.

                                                    The emergency
                                                      number is:

                                                        112  HOSPITAL GENERAL DE
                                                              Av. de Francesc Ribas
                                                                +34 93 842 50 00

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

                                                                                                                                                                 TICKET CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HANDBOOK 2017

                                                                                           FUEL STATION       PADDOCK PARKING

                                                                                                                                                                           SPONSORS AREA
                                                                                                                                   TECHNICAL INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                           02. Site plan

                                                                                                          main Tribune:
                                          SKID PAD                                                        BUSINESS PLAN   presentation ROOMS

                                                                            TEAM'S BOXES                                                                              PRACTICE AREA
                            CHARGING AND HIGH        CAMPSITE SOCIAL AREA                                         EVENT CONTROL
                            VOLTAGE WORKING AREA                                                                                                          CAMPSITE SLEEPING AREA

                                                                                                           PRESS ROOM: TEAM'S WELCOME & WIFI AREA
Hnbk - Formula Student Spain
Wednesday, august 23, 2017
09:00h - 19:00h                     Teams Registration                                                   Ticket Centre
10:00h - 19:30h                     Entrance to Box & Camping Site                                       Boxes & Camping Site
11:00h - 21:00h                     Event Control                                                        Box 2
20:00h - 21:00h                     Team´s Welcome                                                       Press Room

thursday, august 24, 2017
07:00h - 08:00h                     Team Briefing                                                        Press Room
07:30h - 20:00h                     Event Control                                                        Box 2
07:30h - 22:00h                     Pits Open / Close                                                    Pits
09:00h - 20:00h                     Charging & High Voltage Area                                         Paddock FSS
09:00h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 20:00h   Engine Test Area                                                     Parking IN Torre
10:00h - 13:00h & 15:00h - 19:00h   Fuel Station                                                         Fuel Station
15:00h - 20:00h                     Practice Area                                                        Parking IN Torre
09:00h - 19:00h                     Business Plan Presentation                                           Rooms in Main Tribune
13:00h - 19:00h                     Design Event                                                         Team´s Box
14:00h - 18:30h                     Cost Event                                                           Team´s Box
09:30h - 18:30h                     Scrutineering / Tech. Inspection / Tilt, Brake, Noise, Rain / Fuel   Paddock FSS
09:00h - 13:00h & 15:00h - 17:30h   Applus IDIADA #WhereInnovationStarts                                 IDIADA Stand
09:00h - 17:00h                     MATHWORKS - Find out MATLAB and Simulink                             Mathworks Stand
21:00h - 23:00h                     Cultural Sharing Dinner                                              Social Area

friday, august 25, 2017
07:30h - 08:00h                     Team Briefing                                                        Press Room
07:30h - 20:00h                     Event Control                                                        Box 2
07:30h - 22:00h                     Pits Open / Close                                                    Pits
09:00h - 20:00h                     Charging & High Voltage Area                                         Paddock FSS
09:00h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 20:00h   Engine Test Area                                                     Parking IN Torre
09:00h - 14:00h & 15:00h - 18:00h   Fuel Station                                                         Fuel Station
09:00h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 20:00h   Practice Area                                                        Parking IN Torre
09:00h - 13:00h                     Business Plan Presentation                                           Rooms in Main Tribune
09:00h - 16:00h                     Design Event                                                         Team´s Box
19:00h - 20:00h                     Design Finals                                                        Team´s Box
10:00h - 17:00h                     Cost Event                                                           Team´s Box
17:30h - 19:30h                     Skid Pad (First Part)                                                Official Track
09:30h - 18:30h                     Scrutineering / Tech. Inspection / Tilt, Brake, Noise, Rain / Fuel   Paddock FSS
09:00h - 13:00h & 15:00h - 17:30h   Applus IDIADA #WhereInnovationStarts                                 IDIADA Stand
09:00h - 17:00h                     MATHWORKS - Find out MATLAB and Simulink                             Mathworks Stand

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

    03. SCHEDULe
    saturday, august 26, 2017
    07:30h - 08:00h                     Team Briefing                              Press Room
    07:30h - 20:00h                     Event Control                              Box 2
    07:30h - 22:00h                     Pits Open / Close                          Pits
    08:30h - 20:00h                     Charging & High Voltage Area               Paddock FSS
    08:30h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 20:00h   Engine Test Area                           Parking IN Torre
    09:00h - 14:00h & 15:00h - 18:00h   Fuel Station                               Fuel Station
    08:30h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 20:00h   Practice Area                              Parking IN Torre
    09:00h - 12:30h                     Acceleration                               Official Track
    09:00h - 12:00h                     Skid Pad (Second Part)                     Official Track
    13:30h - 13:45h                     Course Walk Autocross                      Official Track
    14:00h - 20:00h                     Autocross                                  Official Track
    09:00h - 13:00h & 15:00h - 17:30h   Applus IDIADA #WhereInnovationStarts       IDIADA Stand
    09:00h - 17:00h                     MATHWORKS - Find out MATLAB and Simulink   Mathworks Stand

    sunday, august 27, 2017
    07:00h - 07:30h                     Team Briefing                              Press Room
    07:30h - 20:00h                     Event Control                              Box 2
    07:30h - 23:00h                     Pits Open / Close                          Pits
    08:30h - 18:30h                     Charging & High Voltage Area               Paddock FSS
    08:30h - 15:00h                     Engine Test Area                           Parking IN Torre
    09:00h - 13:00h & 14:00h - 19:00h   Fuel Station                               Fuel Station
    08:30h - 15:00h                     Practice Area                              Parking IN Torre
    08:15h - 08:30h                     Course Walk Endurance                      Official Track
    09:00h - 18:30h                     Endurance                                  Official Track
    10:00h - 19:00h                     Parc Fermé                                 Official Track
    09:00h - 13:30h                     Applus IDIADA #WhereInnovationStarts       IDIADA Stand
    09:00h - 17:00h                     MATHWORKS - Find out MATLAB and Simulink   Mathworks Stand
    19:30h - 20:30h                     Official Team´s Photo                      Official Track
    21:00h - 22:00h                     Awards Ceremony                            Podium

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain
04. event information

     LOCATION             Main Entrance

     SCHEDULE             Wednesday, August 23th, 2017 / 09.00h - 19.00h

   Team Registration (Event & Campsite).
   All teams must go to the Ticket Centre before entering the venue.
   Faculty Advisor Registration.
   Team Media Registration.
   Vehicle Passes.
   Dynamic passes.

Team Advisors are part of the organization team. Every participating team is going to have their assigned Team Advisor.
Team Advisors will have the necessary information about the event in order to support and guide teams during their stay in the Circuit.
Do not hesitate to ask them anything your team should need, and give them your feedback to allow the event improvement.

04.3. event control

     LOCATION             Box 2

     SCHEDULE            Wednesday, August 23th, 2017 / 11:00h - 21:00h
     		                  Thursday, August 24h, 2017 / 07:30h - 20:00h
     		                  Friday, August 25th, 2017 / 07:30h - 20:00h
     		                  Saturday, August 26th, 2017 / 07:30h - 20:00h
     		                  Sunday, August 27st, 2017 / 07:30h - 20:00h

   Drivers Registration.
   ESO Registration.
   Central contact point for teams and all issues concerning the event.
   Information point for all participants.
   Material providers (After request).
   Suggestions and feedback for organization improvement.
   Results Publication Area

Hnbk - Formula Student Spain

     05. Participating teams
        TEAM                     UNIVERSITY                                         car
        Rennteam Uni Stuttgart   University of Stuttgart                            1
        HSNR Racing              Hochschule Niederrhein                             4
        Ka-RaceIng Combustion    KIT                                                7
        Infinity-Racing          UAS Kempten                                        9
        UJI Motorsport           Universistat Jaume I                               12
        UVigo Motorsport         Universidade de VIgo                               14
        UdG Racing Team          Universitat de Girona                              15
        Team Hare                University of Huddersfield                         17
        Dynamics UPC Manresa     UPC Manresa (EPSEM)                                25
        TUfast Racing Team       TU Munich                                          31
        CTU CarTech              CTu Prague                                         33
        MoRe Modena Racing       Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia   37
        Einstein Motorsport      UAS UlmG                                           44
        TUG Racing Team          Graz University of Technology                      53
        Metz Racing Team         ENIM                                               57
        Dynamics e.V.            OTH Regensburg                                     62
        Aixtreme Racing          FH Aachen                                          63
        HAWKS Racing             HAW Hamburg                                        69
        CAT - Racing             Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg    70
        Vilanova Formula Team    UPC Vilanova                                       80
        Formula UEM              Universidad Europea de Madrid                      83
        UniBo Motorsport         Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna       88
        Rennstall Esslingen      UAS Esslingen                                      94
        FSUPV Team               Universitat Politècnica de València                95
        Fórmula URJC             Rey Juan Carlos University                         96
        Highspeed Karlsruhe      UAS Karlsruhe                                      99
        BlueStreamline           Transilvania University                            111
        AGH Racing Team          AGH University                                     117
        Scuderia Mensa           UaS RheinMain                                      265
        MRacing                  University of Michigan – Ann Arbor                 313
        Tecnun Motorsport        Tecnun - Universidad de Navarra                    321
        Formula UC3M             Universidad Carlos III de Madrid                   373

06. Participating teams
   TEAM                                 UNIVERSITY                                       car
   Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU   Technische Universität Dresden                   E018
   Bern Formula Student                 Bern University of Applied Sciences              E107
   Global Formula Racing                DHBW Ravensburg                                  E14
   munichmotorsport                     University of applied science munich             E13
   Squadra Corse                        Politecnico di Torino                            E146
   DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.      DHBW Stuttgart                                   E17
   Ka-RaceIng Electric                  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology                E27
   Sapienza Fast Charge                 Sapienza                                         E23
   GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V.         University of Stuttgart                          E26
   TUfast Racing Team e-Technology      Technische Universität München                   E31
   AMZ Racing Team                      ETH Zürich                                       E33
   University Racing Eindhoven          Eindhoven University of Technology               E40
   TUW-Racing                           Technische Universität Wie                       E41
   TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V.        TU Darmstadt                                     E42
   UPC ecoRacing                        ESEIAAT                                          E43
   Fast Forest                          Deggendorf IT                                    E44
   eMotorsportsCologne                  TH Koeln                                         E46
   Formula Student Bizkaia              University of the Basque Country                 E48
   Projecto FST Novabase                University of Lisbon                             E50
   Raceyard                             UAS Kiel                                         E53
   ETSEIB Motorsport                    ETSEIB UPC Barcelona                             E54
   Tecnun SEED Racing                   Tecnun                                           E59
   Revolve NTNU                         Norwegian University of Science and Technology   E63
   Kaiserslautern Racing Team           TU Kaiserslautern                                E64
   E-Team Duisburg-Essen e.V.           Universität Duisburg-Essen                       E666
   Ignition Racing Team electric        University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück         E67
   HorsePower Hannover e.V.             Universität Hannover                             E71
   Racetech Racing Team TU              Technische Universität Freiberg                  E76
   e-Tech Racing                        EEBE UPC                                         E79
   Formula Student Team Delft           Delft University of Technology                   E85
   WHZ Racing TeamUAS                   UAS Zwickau                                      E89


     07. Registration & access
     to the circuit
          LOCATION             Main Entrance

          SCHEDULE             Wednesday, August 23th, 2017 / 09.00h - 19.00h

     The Registration procedure for:
        Vehicle Access Passes
         Drivers (Event Control)
         Electrical System Officers (Event Control)
        Offical FSS Barcelona Gala Dinner
         Team Media member
     If the registration process has not been completed successfully, team members will not have access to the Circuit de
     Barcelona -Catalunya, to enter the assigned pit and/or campsite area.
     Team leaders must be present at the moment of registration (Ticket Center). Team leader will centralize all registration
     At the end of the registration procedure, team leaders will receive all necessary wristbands, vests and documents to
     go into the venue and compete at FSS2017

     Driver registration will be at the event control, Box number 2, on Wednesday, August 23rd 2017, from 16.00h to 19.00h
     Teams can register no more than 6 drivers.
     All drivers will receive wristbands that recognise them as drivers after the verification of the following documents:
        Valid Driver License
        Student ID
     07.3. Electrical System Officer
     Each electric team has to register, at least, one electrical system officer (ESO) at the event control, box number 2, on Wednesday, August
     23rd 2017, from 16.00h to 19.00h.
     We will accept a maximum of 4 ESOs.
     FSS only accepts ESOs with previous validation of the submitted document uploaded on the intranet or by e-mail.
     Acreditated ESOs will receive a specific wristband.

At the time of the team registration, each team will receive 2 vehicle passes:
   1 parking slot in front of the pits.
   1 parking access for the campsite

All teams must display the pass behind the windscreen, and fill it out with the following information:
   License plate number.
   Team Name.
   Driver’s Name.
   Mobile Phone Number of the Driver


     08. General GUIDELINES
     The event shall be governed by the general guidelines and the schedule provided in the handbook.
     General procedures will be announced at the team welcome ceremony.
     Specific rules and event updates for each day will be announced during the Driver Briefings. It is mandatory to attend daily briefing by all team
     captains and drivers for that day.
     Listen to the announcements and check at the Event Control for changes in the schedule.

     Each team is responsible for the security of its car and the equipment in its pits. Do not leave any visible valuables in your pit at any time,
     security cannot survey everything at all times.

     No open fires are allowed in the PIT AREA & ENGINE TEST AREA. This includes BBQ grilles, oxy-acetylene torches, heaters, cigarettes, etc.
     Smoking is strictly prohibited in the DYNAMIC AREA, all BUILDINGS, and the PIT AREA.

     Your fire extinguishers must be accessible at any time. All team members must be familiar with their use. At least one fire extinguisher must
     accompany the car wherever it goes.

     08.5. ALCOHOLic drinks
     Alcoholic drinks are completely forbidden inside the competition area.
     If a team does not respect this rule they can be PENALIZED.

     In the camping area alcoholic drinks are ALLOWED.
     Every participant will be accounted responsible of their acts.

     08.6. ENERGY METERS
     The energy meter will be provided at the event control from Thursday 24th, August 2017. The five first teams on the scrutineering order list will
     receive the energy meters at the event control on Wednesday 23rd, August 2017 at 21.30h.
     All electric teams must pay 50 € deposit for the energy meter during the registration in the ticket center. The receipt needs to be given to the
     Event Control or Charging Area Responsible; then the energy meter and needed connectors will be handed out. The proper functioning of the
     energy meter will be evaluated by the energy meter responsible after the team has passed the E-scrutineering.
     IMPORTANT: Energy meter should be dismounted from the car and returned to the energy meter responsible before the awards ceremony

08.7. Transponders
The transponder needs to be installed prior to the dynamic events. The transponder will be supplied at the event control on Friday 25th, August
2017 at 19.30h.
Teams should go to Ticket Centre in the Registration process in order to leave a 50.00 € deposit for the transponder.
The receipt needs to be given to the responsible scrutineer, which will hand out the transponder.
The transponder should be dismounted from the car and returned to the scrutineering responsible after the endurance parc
fermé opening and before the awards ceremony

Social area will be open until 1am from Thursday to Saturday. On Sunday it will be open until 2am. Anyone remaining in the social area after
these hours will be penalised.

1st warning: No points will be removed from the team.
2nd warning: Team will get minus 25 points.
3rd warning: Team will be excluded from the competition.ny

The Formula Student Spain Competition will comply with the FSAE 2017 general rules, located here:

Besides the FSAE 2017 general rules, Formula Student Spain will comply with the Formula Student Germany 2017 specific rules:

Whenever applicable, Formula Student Germany 2017 rules take precedence over the FSAE 2017 general rules.


           LOCATION                  Paddock FSS

           SCHEDULE                  See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

     Cars have to pass a technical and safety inspection before being allowed to practice or take part in the dynamic disciplines.

     ELectric cars
     Electric cars have to pass six different inspections / tests before being allowed to go to the Practice Area and compete on Dynamic Events.
         PWT Inspection
         Pre- inspection
         Tilt Table.
         Rain Test.
         Brakes Test.

     combustion cars
     Combustion Cars have to pass five different inspection / tests before being allowed to go to the Practice Area and compete on Dynamic Events.
         Pre- inspection
         Tilt Table.
         Noise Test.
         Brakes Test.

     Inspection Responsible Person
     To accelerate the technical inspection process (for E and M scrutineering) and accumulator check, the team has to appoint one team member (for the E-teams this has to
     be one of the registered ESOs), who will be responsible for the technical inspection. This team member should be familiar with the car and all the inspection points of the
     technical inspection sheet. He has to be able to show the scrutineers the compliance of the car respecting all the inspection points. This team member will also make sure
     the car is ready for inspection. This includes that all documents, test samples and tools needed for scrutineering are available at the inspection.
     During inspection, this team member may have to perform the technical inspection autonomously, observed by the scrutineers. This person should be able to answer all
     their questions regarding the scrutineering. If this team member is not able to perform any of these requirements or the car is not ready, the technical inspection will be
     stopped and the team will have to go back to the box. A re-try for scrutineering can be done via re- scrutineering. Only when a car has successfully passed all the different
     inspections and the corresponding stickers are on the bodywork, is it allowed to compete in the dynamic events and to practice at the test track.
     The attachment of any on board camera has to be checked during the technical inspection and marked. There will be two waiting queues for scrutineering (electrics &
     combustion) these will start at the street behind the scrutineering area, so any team member can guide the car up to the queue. If you do not finish the scrutineering for any
     reason you have to leave the scrutineering area and fix all problems. FSS has the right to reorder the scrutineering queue, in case the scrutineering slot of a team coincides
     with a time slot of the team for a static event. Let us remember that if the scrutineers feel that the car is NOT in “finished condition” (per Rule S2.6) the inspection process
     will be stopped and the team has to leave. The scrutineers have the right to re-inspect any vehicle at any time during the competition and require correction of non-
     compliance (per Rule S2.8.2).

Only four team members maximum in the inspection box. For electric cars one of these four team members must be the Electrical System
To get all the teams through scrutineering as fast as possible, there will be up to 4 teams of scrutineers for electric cars and 4 teams of
scrutineers for the combustion cars.
For pre-inspection:
   All helmets you plan to use at the event.
   All drivers’ suits and other safety
   Two sets of four tires mounted on rims for dry and wet driving conditions
   Two unused and not overdue fire extinguishers
   Insulated cable shears
   Insulated screw drivers
   Multimeter with protected probe tips
   Insulated tools, if screwed connections are used in the tractive system
   Face shield
   HV insulating gloves (not expired)
   Two HV insulating blankets of at least 1:0m2 each
   Safety glasses with side shields for all team members that might work on the tractive system or accumulator

For Scrutineering
   Copies of ESF and FMEA.
   Copies of any Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet and any Impact Attenuator Data Form.
   A test piece from the impact attenuator.
   For monocoque frames, laminated test samples as documented on the SES.
   Accumulator Container Hand Cart
   Tools and protection equipment as defined in the FSE rules.
   Print-out of rule questions (if needed).
   The tallest driver of the team must be in attendance for roll bar height and egress checks.
   Two Fire Extinguishers.
   Quick Jack + Push bar.
   Energy Meter.

For pre-inspection:
   All helmets you plan to use at the event.
   All drivers’ suits and other safety
   Two sets of four tires mounted on rims for dry and wet driving conditions
   Two unused and not overdue fire extinguishers
For Scrutineering
   Copies of any Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet and any Impact Attenuator data form.
   A test piece from the crashed impact attenuator.
   For monocoque frames, laminated test samples as documented on the SES.
   The tallest driver of the team must be in attendance for roll bar height and egress checks.
   Quick Jack + Push bar.


     Combustion cars must fill their tanks to the full mark prior to tilt table testing.
     The vehicle should be oriented on the tilt table in the direction that is most likely to create spillage. The table will then be tilted to an angle of
     45 degrees. There must be no fluid leakage at this angle.
     If the vehicle passes this spillage test, the angle is increased to 60 degrees. If the upper wheels remain on the table, the vehicle passes.
     The station manager(s) should be consulted if this occurs. The person in charge at the tilt table must sign an inspection form, which travels with
     the car. A sticker is applied on the car, to indicate it passed the tilt table test.

        Four team members maximum in the Tilt Table Area. Tallest driver in the car.
        Switch off all engines and master switches off, push car on and off table.
        Attach a strap to rollover hoop and side of table which is to be elevated.
        Inside wheels to be placed against the guard of the tilt table.
        Use absorbent material to soak up leaks.
        Keep a fire extinguisher at hand.

09.3. RAIN TESTing ( ONLY FOR ELECTRIC vehicles )

 Powered wheels off the ground.
 No driver on board.

 Tilting Table Test.



 Teams must bring a laptop to monitor for reaching a constant engine speed more precisely and to show the engine rpm monitored from the ecu
 on the laptop. Sound level must not exceed 110dB(C) during running the calculated engine rpm and not exceed 103 dB(C) at idle.
 If the vehicle is unable to pass in three attempts, the car must be repaired and then brought back for retest. The vehicle will not be allowed to
 compete without passing this test.

     Tilting Table Test.

For FSC, each driver will be instructed as to the proper procedure for the brake test. With the car at the start line of the station a green
flag (or similar signal) will be used to indicate the start of each run. The driver must accelerate (typically getting into 2nd gear) until
reaching the braking area; once inside this area, the driver must apply the brakes with enough force to demonstrate full lock-up of all four
wheels. If the vehicle is unable to pass the test in three attempts, the car must be repaired and then brought back for re-testing.

For FSE, each driver will be instructed as to the proper procedure for the brake test. With the car at the start line of the station a green
flag (or similar signal) will be used to indicate the start of each run. The driver must accelerate on a short straight until reaching the
braking area. Before entering in this braking area, the tractive system has to be switched off by the driver and the brake pedal must be
actuated as far as possible. The brake test is successful if all four wheels lock.

Note: It may take up to 5 seconds until the Tractive System Active Light goes off after shutting down the tractive system. If the vehicle is
unable to pass the test in three attempts, the car must be repaired and then brought back for re-testing.

Please note that re-certification may be required if work is performed on the vehicles’ brake system or if the vehicle is involved in an
incident which results in vehicle damage.
   Tilt Table Test.
   Rain test ( Electric only ).
   Noise Test (combustion car only).




ORDER   TEAM                            UNIVERSITY                                         CAR
1       Rennteam Uni Stuttgart          University of Stuttgart                            1
2       TUG Racing Team                 Graz University of Technology                      53
3       CAT - Racing                    Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg    70
4       Rennstall Esslingen             UAS Esslingen                                      94
5       Ka-RaceIng Combustion           KIT                                                7
6       HAWKS Racing                    HAW Hamburg                                        69
7       High Octanes Motorsports e.V.   University of Erlangen- Nürnberg                   49
8       CTU CarTech                     CTu Prague                                         33
9       MRacing                         University of Michigan – Ann Arbor                 313
10      Dynamics e.V.                   OTH Regensburg                                     62
11      TUfast Racing Team              TU Munich                                          31
12      UniBo Motorsport                Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna       88
13      Infinity-Racing                 UAS Kempten                                        9
14      Highspeed Karlsruhe             UAS Karlsruhe                                      99
15      MoRe Modena Racing              Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia   37
16      Scuderia Mensa                  UaS RheinMain                                      265
17      AGH Racing Team                                                                    117
18      FSUPV Team                      Universitat Politècnica de València                95
19      HSNR Racing                                                                        4
20      Einstein Motorsport             UAS Ulm                                            44
21      Aixtreme Racing                 FH Aachen                                          63
22      Formula UEM                     Universidad Europea de Madrid                      83
23      Tecnun Motorsport               Tecnun - Universidad de Navarra                    321
24      Sapienza Corse                  Università di Roma “La Sapienza”                   19
25      ARUS Andalucía Racing           University of Seville                              211
26      Team Hare                       University of Huddersfield                         17
27      Metz Racing Team                ENIM                                               57
28      BlueStreamline                  Transilvania University Brasov                     111
29      UVigo Motorsport                Universidade de VIgo                               14
30      Formula UC3M                    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid                   373
31      Vilanova Formula Team           UPC Vilanova                                       80
32      Fórmula URJC                    Rey Juan Carlos University                         96
33      UJI Motorsport                  Universistat Jaume I                               12
34      UdG Racing Team                 Universitat de Girona                              15
35      Dynamics UPC Manresa            UPC Manresa (EPSEM)                                25




 ORDER                   TEAM                                        UNIVERSITY                                          CAR
     1                   Ka-RaceIng Electric                            Karlsruhe Institute of Technology                E217
     2                   AMZ Racing Team                                ETH Zürich                                       E33
     3                   Formula Student Team Delft                     Delft University of Technology                   E85
     4                   TUfast Racing Team e-Technology                Technische Universität München                   E31
     5                   GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V.                   University of Stuttgart                          E26
     6                   UPC ecoRacing                                  ESEIAAT                                          E43
     7                   munichmotorsport                               University of applied science munich             E13
     8                   Global Formula Racing                          DHBW Ravensburg                                  E123
     9                   ETSEIB Motorsport                              ETSEIB UPC Barcelona                             E54
     10                  DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V.                DHBW Stuttgart                                   E17
     11                  Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU             Dresden e.V. Technische Universität Dresden      E018
     12                  Ignition Racing Team electric                  University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück         E67
     13                  TU Darmstadt Racing Team e.V.                  TU Darmstadt                                     E42
     14                  Revolve NTNU                                   Norwegian University of Science and Technology   E63
     15                  WHZ Racing Team                                UAS Zwickau                                      E96
     16                  TUW-Racing                                     Technische Universität Wie                       E41
     17                  Projecto FST Novabase                          University of Lisbon                             E50
     18                  University Racing Eindhoven                    Eindhoven University of Technology               E40
     19                  Raceyard                                       UAS Kiel                                         E53
     20                  Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie           Technische Universität Freiberg                  E76
     21                  Squadra Corse                                  Politecnico di Torino                            E146
     22                  Fast Forest                                    Deggendorf IT                                    E44
     23                  Formula Student Bizkaia                        University of the Basque Country                 E48
     24                  E-Team Duisburg-Essen e.V.                     Universität Duisburg-Essen                       E666
     25                  HorsePower Hannover e.V.                       Leibniz Universität Hannover                     E71
     26                  LA eRacing e.V.                                UAS Landshut                                     E97
     27                  Kaiserslautern Racing Team                     TU Kaiserslautern                                E64
     28                  eMotorsportsCologne                            TH Koeln                                         E46
     29                  Tecnun SEED Racing                             Tecnun                                           E59
     30                  UPCT Racing Team                               Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena             E7
     31                  Sapienza Fast Charge                           Sapienza                                         E23
     32                  e-Tech Racing                                  EEBE UPC                                         E79
     33                  Bern Formula Student                           Bern University of Applied Sciences              E107
     34                  Rhein-Waal Racing                              Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences        E6

 The first six cars must run in FSG for at least one dynamic event and must bring the energy meter already mounted.
 One special slot will be selected by FSS to start at mechanical inspection without accumulator container.

10.1. BUSINESS plan presentation

     LOCATION              Suites Gold and Platinum in the main tribune.

     SCHEDULE              See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

During the business plan presentation event, competitors may present their project to an imaginary group of investors or high-executives
from a big company. The presentation should include all the aspects for the feasibility of the project: such as marketing, manufacturing,
logistics, design. The technical aspects of the vehicle should be also included in the presentation but just to reinforce the whole project,
not as the main issue. Competitors should promote the idea of the marketplace and the targeted customer. Furthermore, they should show
how their design fits into its expected market and how it is completed to a business model. Competitors must convince the judges that
their prototype and
the related concept represent a profitable enterprise for the manufacturer/investor.
The business plan presentation event is divided in three parts: Executive Summary, Deep Dive Topic and Presentation.
It should be an executive summary of the project and may content the relevant information to be presented during the presentation event.
This summary must not exceed one page. The executive summary should contain a brief description of the team’s business plan, the two
most outstanding technical features of the car, and the production costs of prototype and series.

Judges after receiving the Executive Summary, will ask competitors to provide the specific deep dive topic.
The task will be sent via email. Every team has to present this special Deep Dive Topic as a part of the team’s business plan presentation
to the judges.

During the presentation, each team will get the opportunity to present their project to the judges. Judges are divided into groups of 3.
Judge groups will change during the day. At the end of each presentation, judges will ask some questions to each team.



       LOCATION             Team’s garage.

       SCHEDULE             See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

 In your time slot:
     Brief introduction by the judges and team (1-5 minutes)
     Questioning (35-45 minutes)
     Deliberation (10 minutes)

 The first round of design judging will start promptly at 15h00 on Thursday and end approximately at 16h00 on Friday.
 By the time of your slot, the car must be presented in ready-to-run conditions.
 If considered to be at an unfinished state it will not be evaluated.
 Each time slot will be exactly one hour long with approximately 45 minutes for the judges to review the vehicle with the team members and the
 remaining time used by the judges to write notes and score the car.
 From the first round, up to 6 cars may be selected to advance to Design Finals.
 Design Finals will take place on Friday evening at 19h00 in a designated garage.
 Finalists should assemble and get ready to judge before that time.
 At this point all vehicles must have been weighted.
 Only 4 members are allowed to be with the vehicle at any time to talk with the judges.
 Any remaining team members must be outside the immediate judging area.
 Team members may switch places to have the proper technical areas represented.
 The feedback will be given on Saturday.
 Judges will seek you out to return your score sheet.
 They will have a window of roughly 30 minutes to explain you why you received the score you did, as well as provide you feedback on how to
 improve your design.
 Note that since the form is used as a tool for the judges, the values written may not add up to the team’s official score.

10.3. cost analysis event

     LOCATION              Team’s Box

     SCHEDULE              See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

The cost event will be carried out at the Box’s Teams.

Before the event:

• the eBOM (electronic cost report with detailed parts ) should be submitted no later than June, 13th at 12:00 CEST
• a hard copy of the Cost Report must be submitted to the Event Control during Team’s Registration

The hard copy has to be the full report, like the electronic copy. The cost report will be judged on the basis of the cost of the car and quality of
the document. The cost of the car is determined by the cost of the parts and the cost of the manufacturing processes, calculated with the help
of the Cost Tables.
The report will follow the guidelines set forth in the published rules. During the event, judges will determine if all parts and processes are
included. Judges will add penalties if costs are unreasonably low (based on their expertise), if errors are detected, or if items are omitted.
Teams can present addenda to the report to cover any necessary changes made to the car. All addenda will only be accepted during the
registration time at the Event Control, and must be in the format prescribed by the rules.

   5 min        presentation of the car and the team.
   20 min       Questions and Answers about the coherence between the Cost report and the car, manufacturing processes...
   10 min       exposition of the Real Case.
   10 min       judges’ deliberation.
    5 min      instant feedback to the teams.

This time schedule needs to be followed strictly in order not to disrupt the overall time schedule for the whole day.
Presentation, only judges and the presenting team participate. Guests may be allowed to attend, only if any steering Committee member or the
team agrees with it.


 Detailed schedule of static events (combustion and
 electric), will be distributed on Tuesday 22nd


 Detailed schedule of static events (combustion and
 electric), will be distributed on Tuesday 22nd

11.1. general information

  LOCATION              Briefing Room

  SCHEDULE              Thursday, August 24th, 2017 / 07:00h - 08:00h

                        Friday, August 25th, 2017 / 07:00h - 08:00h

   		                  Saturday, August 26th, 2017 / 07:00h - 07:30h

   		                  Sunday, August 27th, 2017 / 07:00h - 07:30h

  ASSISTANTS           ALL TEAM LEADERS must attend all the briefings.

   		                  ANY DRIVER that wants to drive on a specific day must attend that day’s briefing.

   		                  TEAMS not attending the briefings will be PENALIZED.

   GOAL 		             Present an overview of the event and the details of the specific tests of each day

 Every team receives 4 Dynamic pass vests (The driver pass is included in this 4 passes).
 Dynamic passes are necessary to enter in the dynamic area.

 Under normal conditions the track is declared dry.
 If it is necessary to declare damp or wet conditions, there will be signs and announcements at the dynamic area.


 11.2. EVENTS


      LOCATION                Official Track Start line

      SCHEDULE                See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

 The Acceleration event runs partially at the same time of Skid Pad event.
 There will be two queues: one for the first run of the first driver of the team and the other one for his second run and both runs of the second driver.
 It’s up to each driver to choose whether to drive both runs in a row.
 If the driver wants to do the second run, it may be done immediately after the first run.
 Credential control will close at 13h00m, only the cars that are inside the ready to run area will be allowed to start the event (just one run will be allowed).
 Only team members with a Dynamic Pass can wait with the car at the queue.


      LOCATION                Official Track

      SCHEDULE                See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

 The Skid Pad event runs partially at the same time of Acceleration event.
 There will be two queues: one for the first run of the first driver of the team and the other one for his second run and both runs of the second
 It’s up to each driver to choose whether to drive both runs in a row.
 If the driver wants to do the second run, it may be done immediately after the first run.
 Credential control will close at the indicated time of each part of the event, only the cars that are inside the ready to run area will be allowed to
 start this event (just one run will be allowed).
 Only team members with a Dynamic Pass can wait with the car at the queue.


     LOCATION                Official Track

     SCHEDULE                See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

There will be two queues: one for the first run of the first driver of the team and the other one for his second run and both runs of the second driver.
It’s up to each driver to choose whether to drive both runs in a row.
If the driver wants to do the second run, it may be done immediately after the first run.
After the first run the driver must leave the course and drive slowly through the driver change area and back to the start for the second run.
Only the cars that are inside the inside the ready to run area for the Autocross at 20:00h will be allowed to start this event (just one run will be allowed).
Only team members with a Dynamic Pass can wait with the car at the queue.
There will be cones to delimit the race track.
Due to the fact that two cars are on the track simultaneously, a stalled car can influence the lap time of the other car. In this case the run for the stalled
car is lost. For the other car this lap does not count and an immediate rerun of this lap is possible.


     LOCATION                Official Track

     SCHEDULE                See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

The results of the Autocross event will serve to decide the order for the Endurance event.
Only team members with a valid a Dynamic Pass may follow their car up to the staging area.
During the driver change, two scrutineers will check the car.
Cars who get a blue flag please drive into the next overtaking lane. Please start braking / slowing down when you are in the overtaking lane NOT
All cars that finish the Endurance event will be conducted directly to the refueling station.

parc fermé

     LOCATION                Official Track

     SCHEDULE                See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

All Cars that complete the Endurance will go to the Parc Fermé. The energy meter responsible will collect the energy data from the cars. Any car
(Combustion or Electric) can be inspected for rules compliance after the Endurance.


     Social Activities
 12.1. Cultural sharing dinner

      LOCATION                 Campsite Arena.

      SCHEDULE                 Thursday, August 24th, 2017 / 21:00h - 23:00h

      PARTICIPATION            All Teams.

      FEE    		                No fee.

 From the Organization of FSS 2017, it is our pleasure to invite all team members to the FSS Cultural Dinner. For this event, we would like to
 kindly ask you to, as a team, bring a traditional meal to represent your country (beverages are also welcome). In this way, we hope you too; get
 the chance to taste the specialties prepared by the rest of our colleagues.

 For this event, you will be assigned a table where you can expose your treats; all we need from you is your presence. The Organization of the
 Formula Student Spain will also bring their own treats…. Or tricks! Which means that more surprises are yet to come.

 Once upon a time, in Montmeló, engineers demonstrated their cooking skills, are you ready to be the winner of the Formula Student Chef Award?

 May the best win.

13. AWARDS 2017
Combustion VEHICLES

Combustion Champion Formula Student Spain 		             Powered by APPLUS+ IDIADA
Combustion 2nd Formula Student 			                       Spain Powered by SEAT
Combustion 3rd Formula Student Spain 			                 Powered by MATHWORKS


Electric Champion Formula Student Spain 		               Powered by APPLUS+ IDIADA
Electric 2nd Formula Student Spain 			                   Powered by NISSAN
Electric 3rd Formula Student Spain 			                   Powered by DOGA

Combustion & Electric vehicles

Best Team Work Award Formula Student Spain 		            Powered by SCHAEFFLER
Best Technology Innovation Award Formula Student Spain   Powered by APPLUS+ IDIADA

Best Overall Engineering Design 			                      Powered by ROBERT BOSCH

Best Overall Cost Event 				                             Powered by MATHWORKS

Best Overall Business Plan Presentation 			              Powered by NISSAN

Best Overall Acceleration Event 			                      Powered by NISSAN

Best Overall Skidpad Event 				                          Powered by DOGA

Best Autocross Event 				                                Powered by SEAT

Best Endurance Event 				                                Powered by AVL

Best Spain FS Team 					                                 Powered by GESTAMP



                              Carretera Granollers
                                      Parets, km 2
                                 08160 Montmeló,
                                Barcelona (Spain)
                                GPS Coordenates:
            Longitude 2.255995 Latitude 41.572196




                                           From SPAIN

                                             The highway AP-7 is near the circuit. You have exits number 13, 14 or 15 to
                                              reach the Circuit. If you take the road C-17 you should take the exit to Montmeló.
                                           From the Rest of EUROPE

                                            Follow the A9 / E15 / E80 / Barcelone/Toulouse/Narbonne/Béziers-Ouest to A9 / E15 / E80,
                                            continue to A9 / E15 to AP-7 highway (exits number 13, 14 or 15) or C-17 road.

                                                          FROM BARCELONA AIRPORT

                                     TO CIRCUIT DE BARCELONA - CATALUNYA

                                                                                  BY TRAIN (Renfe)
                                                                                  BY BUS (Sagales)
                                 FROM BARCELONA AIRPORT TRAIN STATION

                                                     TO MONTMELÓ TRAIN STATION

                                                                OFFICIAL WEBSITE:
  The RENFE train services runs approximately every 30 minutes from Barcelona Airport to the City
Centre (Travel time approximately 25 minutes). From the Airport you can get off at Barcelona Sants,
  Passeig de Gràcia or Clot Stations. From all of them you can take the train to Montmeló Station.
                                                 FROM MONTMELÓ TRAIN STATION

                                       TO CIRCUIT DE BARCELONA-CATALUNYA

                                                             OFFICIAL WEBSITE:
Sagalés is the bus service that connects the Montmeló Train Station with the Circuit de Barcelona-
                                         Catalunya. For more details, you can visit Sagales website


  15.1. CAMPsite

       The Campsite it’s an area inside the Circuit of Barcelona-Catalunya prepared specifically for this event.

      LOCATION                  Inside the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.

      SCHEDULE                  See schedule on pages 7 and 8.

      FEE                       A sole fee of 80€ / Person (VAT Included).

                                Will be charged for camping facilities from Wednesday to Monday.

     Power Supply.
     Showers & Bathrooms.
     Drinking Water.

  more information
  With the aim to offer the best place for all of you, this year you will enjoy a new campsite area with three separated zones. There will be
  two sleeping zones only for camp tents (soft ground) and one social zone where you can set up big tents, kitchens, workrooms, etc.

  All teams will have between 50 m2 and 100 m2 on each zone depending on the number of team members. During the day, you will be in the
  same space, allowing you the opportunity to share free time with everybody.

  There is a maximum of 35 team members and 5 visitors per team. More team members could be allowed under trequest to the organization

  It is not allowed to fill pools with potable water from the water tanks.

Campsite access
Campsite access is only allowed to the accredited participants. All team members entering at the campsite must be properly identified at the
registration procedure by the organization with a wristband.
The cars are forbidden at the campsite. Only one car per team will access to the campsite in order to supply food or other needs. For your
convenience, there will be one parking zone closer to the campsite.
The organization will allow all necessary vehicles to access to the campsite in order to carry the luggage to the assigned
place during the assembly and dismantling days.
The organization will give instructions during the registration procedure.
Circuit access
All team cars are allowed to access the circuit. These cars must be identified with a FSS2017 Car Pass during the entire event. The loss or
subtraction of a pass will automatically result in an expulsion of the circuit for the car. Driving any car in unauthorized areas of the circuit will
result in an expulsion of the car and a penalty for the team. All authorized cars should be parked in the designated parking.
One car truck or van will have a FSS2017 Paddock Access Pass, in order to allow the participants to have their tools as close as possible to the


  15.2. HOTELS
  You can find here the nearest hotels to de Circuit:

     IBIS BARCELONA**                                   HOLIDAY INN***                HOTEL CIUTAT DE
           Camí de Can Gordi, 1                           Cami de Can Gordi, 15        GRANOLLERS****
         Pol Industrial Can Català                            (Granollers)               C/ Turó d’en Bruguet, 2,
                (Granollers)                                08403 Barcelona                    (Granollers)
              08400 Barcelona                                93 701 70 00                   08042, Barcelona
            +34 935 689 060                                      +34 938 796 220
                                                        DISTANCE From Circuit de
               GPS COORD.                                BARCELONA-Catalunya                   GPS COORD.
       Longitude - N 41° 34’ 15.74’’                     5,5 Km / 6 min (By Car)       Longitude - 41° 36’ 2.1126”
        Latitude - E 2° 15’ 54.91’’                                                     latitude - 2° 17’ 48.3138”
                                                               GPS COORD.
                                                        Longitude - 41º 33’ 59,2’’N
                                                         Latitude - 2º 16’ 56,9’’E

16. Additional Information
16.1. General Services
 Mil·lenarI                         Plaça Mil·lenari, 7, 08160 Montmeló                +34 935 722 817
 Mil·lenari (2)                     Passatge Monturiol, 7, 08160 Montmeló
 MARIA ANTONIA FAJAS FANES          Av. Pompeu Fabra, 10, 08160 Montmeló               +34 935 680 288
 CASULLERAS                         Carrer de la Diputació,17, 08160 Montmeló          +34 935 681 718
 Isern Cartro SCP                   Avinguda de Vilardebó, 6, 08160 Montmeló           +34 935 684 895
 Balcells, C.B.                     Carrer Federico Garcia Lorca, 4,                   +34 935 680 899
                                    08170 Montornès del Vallès
Condis 				                         Carrer Major, 13, 08160 Montmeló		                 +34 935 681 863
DIA 				                            Carrer de la Diputació, 6, 08160 Montmeló
SORLI DISCAU 			                    C/ Federico Garcia Lorca, 14, 08160 Montmeló       +34 935 610 606
LIDL				                            Av. Del Riu Mogent, 6-8, 			                       +34 902 243 222
  				                              08170 Montornès del Vallès
 Mercadona 			                      C/ del Comte Montemolin, 08150 Parets del Vallès    +34 936 343 436
 CAPRABO 			                        C/ Gran Vial, 1, 08170 Montornès del Vallès        +34 935 684 404
 Mercadona 			                      C/ Can Flequer, 08100 Mollet del Vallès            +34 938 823 358
 DIA 				                           Av Dels Rabassaires s/n, 08100 Mollet del Vallès   +34 902 453 453

Telepizza 				                  Carrer de Can Parera, 20, 08170 Montornes              +34 935 722 728
 Viena 				                     Carrer de la Verneda del Congost, s/n, 		              +34 935 689 940
 					08160 Montmeló
 Mc Donalds 			                 PARETS Carrer Comte Montemolin, 16,                    +34 935 730 582
 					                                   08150 Parets del Vallès
 Restaurante Familia Feliz      Avinguda del Mil·lenari, 08160 Montmeló                +34 935 681 052
 Restaurant & Lounge 113        Carrer Vic,113, 08160 Montmeló 		                      +34 935 687 812
 Bar Restaurante El Pedregal 		 Carrer de la Indústria, 08160 Montmeló                 +34 935 683 825
 Bar Restaurante Can Raiguer    Poligono industrial El Raiguer Nave 19,                +34 935 723 649
 				                                08170 Montornès del Vallès
 Restaurante Via Augusta 		     C/ Major, 51, 08160 Montmeló 		                        +34 935 682 866


     MOTOCARD                               C/València 511, 08005 Barcelona 		                   +34 932 650 224

  Tips for websearch & useful webs
     ajuntament de montmeló       
      General Information, hospitals,
     medicals centre... 		       
      Circuit de Catalunya-Barcelona
      Ajuntament de Barcelona    

     BBVA 			                               Av. Pompeu Fabra, 16, 08160 Montmeló                 +34 935 720 029
     Banco Santander 		                     Av. Pompeu Fabra, 1, 08160 Montmeló                  +34 935 680 092
     Banco Popular 		                       C/Major, 2, 08160 Montmeló                           +34 935 799 291
     Banco Sabadell                         C/Major, 3, 08160 Montmeló                           +34 902 323 000
     Caixa Penedès 		                       C/Major, 16, 08160 Montmeló 		                       +34 935 720 866

     Pneus Expert 		                        Carrer Telègraf, 20, 08160, Montmeló                 +34 938 601 792
                                        Open weekdays from 9h to 19h; Saturday from 9h to 13h.

     PINCHAZOS Y NEUMATICOS 24H             Carrer Tarragona, 101-103, 08014, Barcelona          +34 934 261 356
                                                              Open 24hs

17. join us

17.1. Join us! - #WhereInnovationStarts

IDIADA’s HR Team invites you to visit our stand during Formula Student Spain 2017! Learn why IDIADA is one of Spain’s most attractive
engineering companies and discover more about our innovative services through the NEXtTECH prototype.
Get to know us at our stand from
Thursday - Friday
09.00 am - 13.00 pm
15.30 pm - 17.30 pm
15.30 pm - 17.30 pm
					… and enjoy our free WiFi!

We are looking for dynamic and proactive people to join our expanding international company. Visit our page
and visit us to find out how you can be part of the team.



  Applus IDIADA is a global partner to the automotive industry, supporting its clients in their product development activities
  by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services. As a result of the company’s continuous expansion,
  Applus IDIADA is now placed in the 16th position in the ranking of the top 25 engineering companies around the world
  published by the German Automobilwoche magazine. The company has been climbing since it was first listed in 2008 and
  aims to be in the top 10 within the next 5 years.

  We have a large team of more than 2200 professionals drawn from over 47 nationalities, as well as an international
  network of subsidiaries and branch offices in 25 countries which ensures that our clients get customized, added-value

  IDIADA offers you the opportunity to develop a career in one of the worldwide leading automotive engineering companies.
  If you want an opportunity to challenge yourself and enhance your technical skills, to work in a thriving environment and
  to work alongside world-leading experts, then apply for one of our vacancies.
  Engineering services: comprehensive design, engineering and validation capabilities for vehicle development projects:
  CAD, CAE and testing of all major vehicle functionalities.
  Proving grounds: the most comprehensive proving grounds in Europe and Asia, located in Spain and China. Both grounds
  offer excellent customer support and facilities that provide the highest standards of safety and confidentiality.
  Homologation services in accordance with all European EC and ECE Regulations. We are also accredited for Australia,
  Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and give consultancy to other countries and regions such as South America (including
  Brazil), China, Russia, Middle East, Gulf Countries, ASEAN, USA, Canada, among others.


  Nissan has three manufacturing plants: in Barcelona, Avila and Cantabria, where it produces the Nissan Pulsar passenger
  car, the NV200 van, its 100% electric version e-NV200, the all-new pick-up truck Navara and the LCV NT400/Cabstar.
  In addition, Nissan Spain has an R&D center for engine and development of light commercial vehicles and spare parts
  technical centers and distribution. The sales headquarters in Spain and Portugal is located in Barcelona. In total, near
  5,000 people work at Nissan in Spain and in 2016 were produced 121,200 vehicles.


  SEAT is the only company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets cars in Spain. A member of the Volkswagen
  Group, the multinational has its headquarters in Martorell (Barcelona), exporting 81% of its vehicles, and is present in
  over 80 countries through a network of 1,700 dealerships. In 2016, SEAT obtained an operating profit of 143 million euros,
  the highest in the history of the brand, and achieved worldwide sales of nearly 410,000 vehicles.

  SEAT Group employs more than 14,500 professionals at its three production centres – Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat and
  Martorell, where it manufactures the highly successful Ibiza and Leon. Additionally, the company produces the Ateca and
  the Toledo in the Czech Republic, the Alhambra in Portugal and the Mii in Slovakia.

The multinational has a Technical Centre, which operates as a knowledge hub that brings together 1,000 engineers who
are focussed on developing innovation for Spain’s largest industrial investor in R&D. SEAT already features the latest
connectivity technology in its vehicle range and is currently engaged in the company’s global digitalisation process to
promote the mobility of the future.

Employing a Model-Based Design approach to automotive design process for the Formula Student Spain Competition
enables teams to design, test, validate and share their models within one environment. Competitions like Formula
Student Spain present a unique engineering challenge that requires months of intense focus and hard work. Using
industry-standard tools such as MATLAB and Simulink helps students tackle real engineering problems and acquire the
collaboration, time management, and leadership skills they will need for careers in industry.

DOGA is a family company founded in 1958 in Barcelona (Spain) by Antonio Garcia Domingo. The company boasts more
than 55 years of experience in the development and production of automotive components.

With affiliated companies in France, Italy, Poland, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, China and India, we export our products to more
than 70 countries and operate in multiple markets, including family cars, industrial vehicles, buses, trains, agriculture and
construction machinery, boats and motorcycles.


AVL is the world’s largest privately owned and independent company for the development of powertrain systems with
internal combustion engines and electrical motors as well as instrumentation and test systems. AVL is acting in the
following scopes of business:
Development of Powertrain Systems: AVL develops and improves all kinds of powertrain systems and is a competent
partner to the engine and automotive industry.
Simulation: In addition AVL develops and markets simulation methods which are necessary for development work.
Engine Instrumentation and Test Systems: The products of this business area comprise all the instruments and systems
required for engine and vehicle testing.

Gestamp is a Spanish multinational specialized in the design, development and manufacture of highly engineered metal
components for the automotive industry. It develops products with an innovative design with the aim to produce lighter
and safer vehicles, which offer improved energy consumption and a reduced environmental impact. Its products cover the
areas of Body in White (bodywork), Chassis and Mechanisms.

The company is present in 21 countries with 101 manufacturing plants and 8 under construction, 12 R&D centers and 1
under construction, and a workforce of over 36,000 employees worldwide. In 2016, its turnover was €7,549m. Gestamp is
listed on the Spanish stock exchange under the “GEST” ticker.

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