MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish

Page created by Sylvia Osborne
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Parish

                                                                                    MARCH 1,

                      MASS: Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM in English & 12 Noon in Polish.
                      Weekdays: 9:00 AM - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 7:30 AM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
                      RECONCILIATION Saturdays, from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment.
                      PARISH OFFICES ~ Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9AM - 7PM, Saturday 9AM-1PM
                      Office is closed on Sunday. TELEPHONE: (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556
                      Sacred Heart Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465
                      Parish email: Parish website:
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Two                                                     March 1, 2020

        His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2020: “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20)
                     Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                     This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great
          mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We must
          continually return to this mystery in mind and heart, for it will continue to grow within us in the measure that we are open
          to its spiritual power and respond with freedom and generosity.
                     1. The paschal mystery as the basis of conversion
Christian joy flows from listening to, and accepting, the Good News of the death and resurrection of Jesus. This kerygma sums up
the mystery of a love “so real, so true, so concrete, that it invites us to a relationship of openness and fruitful dialogue” (Christus
Vivit, 117). Whoever believes this message rejects the lie that our life is ours to do with as we will. Rather, life is born of the love of
God our Father, from his desire to grant us life in abundance (cf. Jn 10:10). If we listen instead to the tempting voice of the “father
of lies” (Jn 8:44), we risk sinking into the abyss of absurdity, and experiencing hell here on earth, as all too many tragic events in
the personal and collective human experience sadly bear witness. In this Lent of 2020, I would like to share with every Christian
what I wrote to young people in the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit: “Keep your eyes fixed on the outstretched arms of Christ
crucified, let yourself be saved over and over again. And when you go to confess your sins, believe firmly in his mercy which frees
you of your guilt. Contemplate his blood poured out with such great love, and let yourself be cleansed by it. In this way, you can be
reborn ever anew” (No. 123). Jesus’ Pasch is not a past event; rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit it is ever present,
enabling us to see and touch with faith the flesh of Christ in those who suffer.
          2. The urgency of conversion
          It is good to contemplate more deeply the paschal mystery through which God’s mercy has been bestowed upon us. Indeed,
the experience of mercy is only possible in a “face to face” relationship with the crucified and risen Lord “who loved me and gave
himself for me” (Gal 2:20), in a heartfelt dialogue between friends. That is why prayer is so important in Lent. Even more than a
duty, prayer is an expression of our need to respond to God’s love which always precedes and sustains us. Christians pray in the
knowledge that, although unworthy, we are still loved. Prayer can take any number of different forms, but what truly matters in
God’s eyes is that it penetrates deep within us and chips away at our hardness of heart, in order to convert us ever more fully to God
and to his will. In this favourable season, then, may we allow ourselves to be led like Israel into the desert (cf. Hos 2:14), so that we
can at last hear our Spouse’s voice and allow it to resound ever more deeply within us. The more fully we are engaged with his
word, the more we will experience the mercy he freely gives us. May we not let this time of grace pass in vain, in the foolish
illusion that we can control the times and means of our conversion to him.
          3. God’s passionate will to dialogue with his children
The fact that the Lord once again offers us a favourable time for our conversion should never be taken for granted. This new
opportunity ought to awaken in us a sense of gratitude and stir us from our sloth. Despite the sometimes tragic presence of evil in
our lives, and in the life of the Church and the world, this opportunity to change our course expresses God’s unwavering will not to
interrupt his dialogue of salvation with us. In the crucified Jesus, who knew no sin, yet for our sake was made to be sin (cf. 2
Cor 5:21), this saving will led the Father to burden his Son with the weight of our sins, thus, in the expression of Pope Benedict
XVI, “turning of God against himself” (Deus Caritas Est, 12). For God also loves his enemies (cf. Mt 5:43-48). The dialogue that
God wishes to establish with each of us through the paschal mystery of his Son has nothing to do with empty chatter, like that
attributed to the ancient inhabitants of Athens, who “spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something
new” (Acts 17:21). Such chatter, determined by an empty and superficial curiosity, characterizes worldliness in every age; in our
own day, it can also result in improper use of the media.
          4. A richness to be shared, not kept for oneself
Putting the paschal mystery at the centre of our lives means feeling compassion towards the wounds of the crucified Christ present
in the many innocent victims of wars, in attacks on life, from that of the unborn to that of the elderly, and various forms of violence.
They are likewise present in environmental disasters, the unequal distribution of the earth’s goods, human trafficking in all its
forms, and the unbridled thirst for profit, which is a form of idolatry. Today too, there is a need to appeal to men and women of
good will to share, by almsgiving, their goods with those most in need, as a means of personally participating in the building of a
better world. Charitable giving makes us more human, whereas hoarding risks making us less human, imprisoned by our own
selfishness. We can and must go even further, and consider the structural aspects of our economic life. For this reason, in the midst
of Lent this year, from 26 to 28 March, I have convened a meeting in Assisi with young economists, entrepreneurs and change-
makers, with the aim of shaping a more just and inclusive economy. As the Church’s magisterium has often repeated, political life
represents an eminent form of charity (cf. Pius XI, Address to the Italian Federation of Catholic University Students, 18 December
1927). The same holds true for economic life, which can be approached in the same evangelical spirit, the spirit of the Beatitudes.
I ask Mary Most Holy to pray that our Lenten celebration will open our hearts to hear God’s call to be reconciled to himself, to fix
our gaze on the paschal mystery, and to be converted to an open and sincere dialogue with him. In this way, we will become what
Christ asks his disciples to be: the salt of the earth and the light of the world (cf. Mt 5:13-14).
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
First Sunday of Lent              Page Three


                 SACRED HEART PARISH
Presents the Passion of Christ ~ Directed by Cecylia Jablinska
              THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2020
       1:30PM IN POLISH ~ 3:30PM IN ENGLISH
For further information, please visit:
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Four

                                            LENT ~ 2020
                     SUNDAY, March 1                              SATURDAY, March 14
                                                    Mass: 7:30 AM
                  The Passion of Christ Play
                                                    Reconciliation: 3:15—4:00 PM
                 1:30PM Polish and 3:30PM English
                                                    Mass: 4:30 PM

                         MONDAY, March 2                 *LENTEN MISSION: 6:00 PM (Polish)
                                                           Presented by Fr. Adam Szustak, O.P.
                    Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM
                          Mass: 9:00 AM                              SUNDAY, March 15
                                                    Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM (English)
                         TUESDAY, March 3
                                                            12:00 Noon (Polish)
 Mass: 7:30 AM                                        *LENTEN MISSION: 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM
                 WEDNESDAY, March 4                                        (Polish)
     Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM        Mass: 9:00 AM                   MONDAY, March 16
                                                      Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM        Mass: 9:00 AM
                  THURSDAY, March 5
                                                      *LENTEN MISSION: 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM
 Mass: 7:30 AM
                    FRIDAY, March 6
                                                                   TUESDAY, March 17
 Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM         Mass: 9:00 AM
                                                    Mass: 7:30 AM
         7:00PM First Friday Mass (Polish)
                                                      *LENTEN MISSION: 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM
 Stations of the Cross: 6:30 PM (English)
 Stations of the Cross: 7:30 PM (Polish)
                                                                 WEDNESDAY, March 18
                  SATURDAY, March 7
                                                       Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM       Mass: 9:00 AM
  Mass: 7:30 AM      Mass: 4:30 PMReconciliation:
          3:15—4:00 PM SUNDAY, March 8
 Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM (English)
        12:00 PM (Polish)                                         THURSDAY, March 19
                   MONDAY, March 9                  Mass: 7:30 AM
 Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM         Mass: 9:00 AM                      FRIDAY, March 20
                  TUESDAY, March 10                 Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM         Mass: 9:00 AM
                                                    Stations of the Cross: 6:30 PM (English)
                     Mass: 7:30 AM                  Stations of the Cross: 7:30 PM (Polish)
                WEDNESDAY, March 11                               SATURDAY, March 21
     Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM        Mass: 9:00 AM   Mass: 7:30 AM

     One Night Mission ~ Song & Story 7:00PM        Reconciliation: 3:15—4:00 PM
    Presented by Fr. Dominic Grassi & Mark Teresi   Mass: 4:30 PM
                                                                    SUNDAY, March 22
                 THURSDAY, March 12                 Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM (English)
 Mass: 7:30 AM                                              12:00 PM (Polish)
                   FRIDAY, March 13                                MONDAY, March 23

        Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM Mass:9:00 AM        Morning Prayer: 8:40 AM        Mass: 9:00 AM

 Stations of the Cross: 6:30 PM (English)                          TUESDAY, March 24
 Stations of the Cross: 7:30 PM (Polish)            Mass: 7:30 AM
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Five


Rev. Dominic Grassi, nationally known priest, pastor, teacher, author, retreat
master and storyteller will join with Mark Teresi, a dedicated pastoral minister
and musician to present:


                       WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020
                      SACRED HEART CHURCH

The evening will include scripture reflections, Fr. Dom’s stories of real people
and their real healing through Christ’s love and mercy and Mark’s sacred songs
capturing God’s presence and inspiration in our lives.

Fr. Dom and Mark are known throughout the Archdiocese for their
Inspirational messages of faith and hope in the Lord. Combined they represent
over 80 years of priest and lay ministry in service to God’s people.
If you need an evening this Lent to pray and to reflect with scripture, stories and
sacred songs please join us for “Christ Love and Mercy in Our Everyday Lives”
on March 11 at 7pm in the Church.
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Six

                               For those who are interested in becoming Eucharistic Ministers, there are training
                               workshops scheduled for Thursday, March 5 , and Thursday, March 12 , from
                                                                                  th                             th

                               7 to 9 pm at St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr Parish, 17500 84 Avenue, Tinley

                               Park, IL. Those who wish to participate must attend both sessions.
                               Please contact David Boyle at (708) 342-2400 to register for both sessions.
                               Once you have attended these sessions, then call Fr. Dave at the Parish Office
                               (708) 974-3336. From there, a local training session will be scheduled, which will
                               focus on specific procedures for EMs at Sacred Heart.
                               Those who are interested in becoming Eucharistic Ministers must be Catholics in
                               good standing, and possess a generous spirit of service.

                                                   Ministry of Care
Ministers of Care act on behalf of the faith community to maintain relationships with homebound
parishioners, hospital patients, and nursing home residents who are unable to regularly attend Mass.
The Upcoming Training Dates are : Saturday, March 14 and March 21, at 9am — 2:30pm, at St. Patricia
Parish (9050 S. 86th Ave., Hickory Hills). Training is FREE. You must complete all days of training and meet with our
parish’s Ministry of Care coordinator to receive your mandate. To register for training, contact Maria Perez-Eraci at pe- or (708) 370-3674 or visit For questions
about our parish’s Ministry of Care, contact Elizabeth at or (708) 974 3336 ext. 250

                                                                 BAPTISMAL PREPARATION
                                                                   TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2020 ~ 7:00 P.M.

                                                                All parents having a child in the near future are
                                                               asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory
                                                               that parents attend the baptismal preparation class
                                                               before making arrangements for the Baptism.
The following were baptized at
Sacred Heart Parish:                                           Class is held in the Ministry Center building
                                                               (Formation Room). Call the Ministry Center office
                                                               to make arrangements for the Baptism 708.974.3336,
Sunday, February 23, 2020:                                     press 0.

                  DOMINIC KIELT                                     Katecheza przed Chrztem Świętym
                                                                              31 MARZEC ~ 7:00PM
               EMMA ROSE DZIURA
                                                                Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest
              VIVIANA ROSE MASON                               swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym
                                                               biurem parafialnym 708-974-3336, wew. 0.
            MARIANNE LEWKOWICZ                                 Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz
                                                               chrzestnych na katechezę
                                                               przygotowującą do tego ważnego
                                                               wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone
We welcome these children into the Mystical Body               w języku angielskim.
of Christ and into our Sacred Heart Family.
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Seven

                          Sacred Heart Parish
                      Knights of Columbus #17253
On Saturday,
February 22, 2020,
seven Knights
received their Fourth
Our Congratulations
and prayers to all of

    Left to Right::
   Dennis Super
   John Barajas
    Paul Mikula
     Ed Fialek
   Sam Napoleon
   Greg Gniadek
     Jim Smith

    Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus #17253
           are proud to announce their
                           First Annual
                         Pancake Breakfast
                           Sunday, March 8th
                                Price of Tickets:
               Adults — $6.00 CHILDREN (12 AND UNDER) — $3.00
                          CHILDREN UNDER 3 ARE FREE.

  Tickets will be sold after all the Masses this weekend.
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Page Eight

                                                                      Mark you
        The March 4, 2020 meeting of the                                calendar…..
        Sacred Heart Fun Club for Seniors will be
                held at the Moscow Center at
                12 Noon. At this meeting tickets
                will be on sale for a Hot Box Lunch        PARISH MISSION
                to be held on April 1st. Tickets are
                $5.00 for members and $7.00 for               APRIL 4 & 5, 2020
guests. We will be playing Bingo as well. Come               SATURDAY & SUNDAY
join us! This is a great way to get together with
other seniors and have FUN.                                PREACHING AT ALL MASSES
For info call Jo Anne at 708.974.4834.
                                                                APRIL 6 & 7, 2020
                  Like us on Facebook at…..
                                                               MONDAY & TUESDAY
                  sacredheartpalos/                                   7:00PM
This is a great way to keep informed about our latest          Our Restless Journey
The Sacred Heart Ladies CCW invites you to follow                    Presented by:
them on Facebook at:
                                                               Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.

                                               St. Joseph’s Table
                                               March 14, 2020
                                            After the 4:30 Mass
                                              All Are Welcome
                                           In the Moscow Center
                                           The Sacred Heart Family Ministry invites everyone to join them on
                                           Saturday, as they host a traditional St. Joseph Table. Please come
                                           and enjoy the many delicious homemade meatless dishes, pasta,
                                           salad, a variety of different cheeses, breads, and desserts.
                                           For more information please call Brigid at 630.204.4454.
                                           Free will donations are gratefully appreciated.
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
Ojciec Święty Franciszek na Wielki Post 2020: „W imię Chrystusa prosimy: pojednajcie się z Bogiem!” (2 Kor 5, 20)
           Drodzy bracia i siostry! Również w tym roku Pan daje nam czas sprzyjający przygotowaniu się do świętowania z
odnowionym sercem wielkiej tajemnicy śmierci i zmartwychwstania Jezusa. Jest ona niezwykle ważna w życiu chrześcijańskim
osobistym i wspólnotowym. Myślą i sercem musimy stale powracać do tej Tajemnicy. Bowiem wzrasta w nas ona nieustannie, na
tyle, na ile dajemy się wciągnąć jej dynamizmem duchowym i przystajemy na nią, dając odpowiedź wolną i szczodrą.
           1. Tajemnica paschalna, podstawa nawrócenia
           Radość chrześcijanina wypływa ze słuchania i przyjęcia Dobrej Nowiny o śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa: kerygmy.
Streszcza ona Tajemnicę tej miłości, która „jest tak realna, tak prawdziwa, tak konkretna, że oferuje nam relację pełną szczerego i
owocnego dialogu”. Kto wierzy w tę wieść, odrzuca kłamstwo, według którego nasze życie miałoby swe pochodzenie w nas
samych, podczas gdy w rzeczywistości pochodzi ono z miłości Boga Ojca, z Jego woli, by dać życie w obfitości. Jeśli natomiast
słuchamy bałamutnego głosu „ojca kłamstwa”, to narażamy się na pogrążenie w otchłani nonsensu, doświadczając piekła już na
ziemi, jak o tym niestety świadczy wiele dramatycznych wydarzeń z doświadczenia ludzkiego. Dlatego w Wielkim Poście 2020
chciałbym przekazać każdemu chrześcijaninowi to, co już napisałem młodym w adhortacji apostolskiej Christus vivit: „Spójrz na
rozpostarte ramiona ukrzyżowanego Jezusa, pozwól się zbawiać zawsze na nowo. A kiedy idziesz wyznać swoje grzechy, mocno
wierz w Jego miłosierdzie, które cię uwalnia na zawsze od wszelkiej winy. Kontempluj Jego krew przelaną z powodu tak wielkiej
miłości i daj się przez nią oczyścić. W ten sposób możesz się nieustannie odradzać na nowo”. Pascha Jezusa nie jest wydarzeniem z
przeszłości: ze względu na moc Ducha Świętego jest zawsze aktualna i pozwala nam postrzegać i dotykać z wiarą ciała Chrystusa w
wielu osobach cierpiących.
           2. Pilna potrzeba nawrócenia
           Warto rozważyć dogłębniej Tajemnicę Paschalną, dzięki której została nam udzielona łaska Boża. Doświadczenie
miłosierdzia jest bowiem możliwe tylko w kontakcie „twarzą w twarz” z ukrzyżowanym i zmartwychwstałym Panem, który
„umiłował mnie i samego siebie wydał za mnie” (Ga 2, 20). Chodzi o dialog serca z sercem, przyjaciela z przyjacielem. Właśnie
dlatego w okresie Wielkiego Postu tak ważna jest modlitwa. Jest ona nie tyle obowiązkiem, ile wyraża potrzebę odpowiadania na
miłość Boga, która nas zawsze uprzedza i wspiera. Chrześcijanin modli się bowiem mając świadomość, że jest miłowany pomimo
swej niegodności. Modlitwa może przybierać różne formy, ale w oczach Boga tak naprawdę liczy się to, że drąży nasze wnętrze
doprowadzając do rozkruszenia zatwardziałości naszego serca, aby je coraz bardziej nawracać ku Niemu i ku Jego woli. Zatem w
tym szczególnie sprzyjającym okresie pozwólmy się wyprowadzić na pustynię, jak Izrael, abyśmy mogli w końcu posłuchać głosu
naszego Oblubieńca, pozwalając mu rozbrzmiewać w nas z większą głębią i otwartością. Im bardziej damy się zaangażować Jego
Słowu, tym bardziej uda się nam doświadczyć Jego bezinteresownego miłosierdzia względem nas. Nie pozwólmy zatem, aby ten
czas łaski przeminął daremnie, w zarozumiałym złudzeniu, że to my jesteśmy panami czasów i sposobów naszego nawrócenia ku
           3. Przejmująca wola Boga prowadzenia dialogu ze swoimi dziećmi
           Nigdy nie można uznawać za pewnik tego, że Pan da nam po raz kolejny czas sprzyjający naszemu nawróceniu. Ta nowa
szansa powinna wzbudzić w nas poczucie wdzięczności i otrząsnąć nas z odrętwienia. Pomimo niekiedy nawet dramatycznej
obecności zła w naszym życiu, podobnie jak w życiu Kościoła i świata, ta przestrzeń, dana nam dla zmiany kursu, wyraża
nieustępliwą wolę Boga, by nie zrywać z nami dialogu zbawienia. W ukrzyżowanym Jezusie, którego „Bóg dla nas grzechem
uczynił” (2 Kor 5, 21), wola ta posunęła się tak daleko, że na Jego Syna spadły wszystkie nasze grzechy, aż po „zwrócenie się Boga
przeciwko samemu sobie”, jak powiedział papież Benedykt XVI. Istotnie Bóg miłuje także swoich nieprzyjaciół. Dialog, który Bóg
chce nawiązać z każdym człowiekiem poprzez Tajemnicę Paschalną swego Syna, nie jest jak ten przypisywany mieszkańcom Aten,
którzy „poświęcali czas jedynie albo mówieniu o czymś, albo wysłuchiwaniu czegoś nowego”. Tego rodzaju gadulstwo,
podyktowane pustą i powierzchowną ciekawością jest cechą światowości wszystkich czasów, a w naszych czasach może również
wniknąć w zwodnicze używanie środków społecznego przekazu.
           4. Bogactwo, którym trzeba się dzielić, a nie gromadzić tylko dla siebie
           Postawienie w centrum życia Tajemnicy Paschalnej oznacza odczuwanie współczucia dla ran Chrystusa ukrzyżowanego,
obecnych w wielu niewinnych ofiarach wojen, przemocy wobec życia, począwszy od tego, które ma się nie narodzić po osoby
starsze, różnorodnych form przemocy, katastrof ekologicznych, nierównego podziału dóbr ziemi, handlu ludźmi we wszelkich jego
formach i niepohamowanego pragnienia zysku, będącego formą bałwochwalstwa. Także dzisiaj ważne jest wezwanie ludzi dobrej
woli do dzielenia się swoimi dobrami z najbardziej potrzebującymi poprzez jałmużnę jako formę osobistego uczestnictwa w
budowaniu świata bardziej sprawiedliwego. Dzielenie się w miłości czyni człowieka bardziej ludzkim; gromadzenie grozi
upodleniem go, zamknięciem w egoizmie. Możemy i musimy pójść jeszcze dalej, biorąc pod uwagę strukturalne wymiary
gospodarki. (...).W nadchodzącym Wielkim Poście przyzywam wstawiennictwa Najświętszej Maryi Panny abyśmy przyjęli
wezwanie do pojednania się z Bogiem, utkwili nasze spojrzenie serca na Tajemnicy Paschalnej i nawrócili się na otwarty i szczery
dialog z Bogiem. W ten sposób będziemy mogli stać się tym, o czym Chrystus mówi w odniesieniu do swoich uczniów: solą ziemi i
światłem świata.                                                                                          Franciszek
MARCH 1, 2020 - Sacred Heart Parish
MARCH 2020
     SUNDAY                        MONDAY                      TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY THURSDAY                                            FRIDAY                            SATURDAY
1  Second Collection for      2                           3                             4                             5                      6                                       7
Central & Eastern Europe                                                                12 Noon Fun Club Meeting      7:00P BINGO            6:00P BEDS-Volunteer Arrival          9:00A Shopping Fair
                              6:00P Family Ministry Mtg
                                                          6:00P QP Prayer Group                                                              7:00P BEDS Shelter Guests Arrival     4:00P Sharing Parish
1:30P The Passion of Christ                                                             4:30P R.E. GR 1, 2, 3, 4
                              7:00P Mercy Prayer Circle                                                                                      7:00P Door To Hope (AA Meeting)              Food Collection
        (Polish)                                                                        6:30P R.E. GR 5, 6, 7, 8
3:30P The Passion of Christ                                                                                                                                                        4:00P K of C Setup for
                                                                                        7:15P Adult Choir Rehearsal                          6:30P Stations of the Cross - English
        (English)                                                                                                                                                                        Pancake Breakfast
                                                                                        7:30P Knights of Columbus                            7:00P First Friday Mass - Polish
                                                                                              Board Meeting                                  7:30P Stations of the Cross - Polish

8                             9                           10                            11                            12                     13                                      14
7:30A Sharing Parish                                      9:30A Shawl Ministry          4:30P R.E. GR 1, 2, 3, 4      7:00P BINGO            5:30P Open Gym                          9:00A Setup for
      Food Collection                                     2:00P SVDP Meeting            6:30P R.E. GR 5, 6, 7, 8                             6:00P BEDS-Volunteer Arrival                  St. Joseph’s Table
8:00A Knights of Columbus                                 6:00P QP Prayer Group         7:30P One Night Mission                              7:00P BEDS Shelter Guests Arrival
                                                                                                                                                                                     5:30P St. Joseph’s Table
      Pancake Breakfast                                   6:30P Family Ministry Mtg           Song & Story                                   7:00P Door To Hope (AA Meeting)
                                                          6:00P CCW Board Meeting       7:30P Knights of Columbus
1:30P Baptisms (English)                                                                      Meeting                                        6:30P Stations of the Cross - English
                                                                                                                                             7:30P Stations of the Cross - Polish

15       MISSION              16     MISSION              17     MISSION                18                            19 St. Joseph Day 20                                           21
                                                               St. Patrick Day          12 Noon Fun Club Meeting      6:00P Bible Study      6:00P BEDS-Volunteer Arrival
10:30A Children’s Liturgy     10:30A Parish Mission                                                                                          7:00P BEDS Shelter Guests Arrival
        of the Word                  (Polish)             10:30A Mission (Polish)       4:30P R.E. GR 1, 2, 3, 4      7:00P BINGO
                                                          6:00P QP Prayer Group         6:30P R.E. GR 5, 6, 7, 8                             7:00P Door To Hope (AA Meeting)
1:30P Baptisms (Polish)       6:00P Domestic Violence
6:00P Parish Mission                 Meeting              6:00P CCW Meeting
                                                          7:00P Parish                                                                       6:30P Stations of the Cross - English
      (Polish)                7:00P Holy Name Mtg.                                      7:15P Adult Choir Rehearsal
                                                          Mission (Polish)                                                                   7:30P Stations of the Cross - Polish
                              7:00P Mission (Polish)

22                            23                          24                            25                            26                     27                                      28
1:30P Baptisms (English)                                  9:30A Shawl Ministry                                        7:00P BINGO            6:00P BEDS-Volunteer Arrival            10:30A Confirmation
                                                          2:00P SVDP Meeting            7:15P Adult Choir Rehearsal                          7:00P BEDS Shelter Guests Arrival
                                                          6:00P CCW Meeting                                           7:00P Confirmation     7:00P Door To Hope (AA Meeting)
                                                          6:00P QP Prayer Group                                                  Rehearsal
                                                          7:00P Lovin Links Meeting                                                          6:30P Stations of the Cross - English
                                                                                                                                             7:30P Stations of the Cross - Polish

29                            30                          31
9:00A Knights of Columbus                                 6:00P QP Prayer Group
      Mass                                                7:00P Baptismal Preparation
Page Eleven

Split The Pot Drawing for the February 23, 2020, weekend took place and
the pulled card was I.D. #4119. This person was not eligible to win.
         THE TOTAL FOR SPLIT THE POT IS $7,483.00.
PLEASE NOTE: The winner will be entitled to ½ of whatever the *total
is. The *total amount changes if it rolls over. Again, this will depend on
whether or not the pulled card is eligible to win. Only parishioners making
Sunday contributions and participating in the raffle can win.
REMINDER: Those who wish to participate in the Split The Pot Fundraiser you must make a
special Split the Pot envelope available in the back of church please remember these envelopes are
late, some of these envelopes are being submitted without a NAME OR I.D.NUMBER. These extra
envelopes are provided for your convenience but they are not printed with your information. All
envelopes must be turned in by the end of the day on the Monday, following the Sunday of the drawing.
Questions?? Please call Ginny 974.3336. Ex 211. Thank you and Good Luck!

Dear Parishioners,
Thank you for your generous support for our Split the Pot fundraising efforts. We are seeing more support of this effort
as the weeks roll on. However, it is becoming more difficult every week to keep track of donations. Many of you are
sending one check in and asking us to spread the Split the Pot donations over several future weeks’ drawings. Other
times the instructions are not specific enough and we have to track down your intentions. Since the winner must give to
Split the Pot and make a regular donation to qualify to win, it is imperative that we are able to determine this at the time
of the drawing. We are also receiving entries through the post office, sometimes these are late entries that do not
qualify because we have drawn the number before receiving the envelopes. . We are doing our best and are committed
to being as transparent. These exceptions are causing problems, so, if at all possible please send in one envelope and
one check (cash) specifically for Split the Pot in the week it is drawn.

Thank you for your continued generosity and understanding. Emmett Williamson, Business Manager

                                                                               Teen Dating Violence Presentation
                                                                               Learn about Healthy/Unhealthy Relation-
    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                                        ships
                Mark your calendar!                                            Guest Speaker: Bobby Dunlap, Coordina-
    The dates for this year’s SIRE have been set.               tor of the Safe Start Teen Dating Violence Prevention
    This 2 week Religious Education program for                 Program from Crisis Center of South Suburbia
                 grades 3 -7 begins                                                          March 1, 2020
                                                                                            2 PM until 4 PM
  Monday, June 8 thru Friday, June 19 , 2020.
                      th                        th

          Registration begins soon.                                                    Incarnation Parish Gym
                                                                                 (5727 W. 127th St., Palos Heights)
                                                                No RSVP required All are welcome/FREE event
  For more information please call the Religious                Sponsored byDomestic Violence Ministries of Incar-
         Education office 708.974-3900.                         nation, Sacred Heart, and St. Alexander Parishes

                                                                                “Love is Respect”
Page Twelve

        Sacred Heart Parish provides a safe and easy way to donate automatically to our parish. It is called
E-Giving, also referred to as electronic giving. It is easy to sign up and provides our parish with a steady stream of
income, even if you are unable to attend mass because of vacation or other obligations. You have the option to give
weekly, biweekly, monthly, or even make a one-time donation.
        You can have the donation withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account or by credit card. You have
the option of donating to Sundays, Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, second collections and even special campaigns like
our 150th Anniversary Celebration.
Just follow the prompts on our website under donations. Website address:
                  Thank you for your continued generous support of our Parish and all it’s organizations.

      STEWARDSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES                                                             Catholic Relief Services
           February 22 & 23, 2020                                                              Rice Bowl Program
                                                                                    As we prepare ourselves for Lent with a
Budgeted Collection                             $15,250.00          renewed focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we again
                                                                    will support CRS by participating in the Rice Bowl Pro-
Sunday/Holy Day Collection                       $13,109.00         gram. Card board “bowls” and envelopes will be available
                                                                    in the Narthex and chapel hallway.
                                                                       Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Parish, and return
YTD Weekly Collection Deficit: …….(-15,097.00)                      your donation no later than Palm Sunday (April 5). 100%
                                                                    of your donations assist Catholic Relief Services in its hu-
God Bless You!                                                      manitarian efforts both in developing countries and here in
Beth Mikula & Emmett Williamson                                     the United States.
                                                                    For more information, call Elizabeth at (708) 974 3336 ext.

                                                    PASTORAL STAFF
                           Rev. Jacek Wrona, Pastor          Rev. David Straub, Associate Pastor
                            Deacons: Dominic Andriacchi, Thomas Rzendzian, Richard Werner
                                  Religious Education: Elizabeth Mikula, Michael Lundberg
                          Pastoral Associate, Elizabeth Droel Youth Minister, Michael Lundberg
                                         Directors of Music: John and Sue O’Keefe
                           Business Manager, Emmett Williamson Business Staff, Beth Mikula

                                                  PARISH CLERGY
                                   Weekend Ministry: Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M.
                          Pastores Emeriti: Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Rev. Patrick M. Tucker
                     Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz     Receptionist: Steve Schanz
           R.E. Staff: Sharon Arnett       R.E. Office In Moscow Center 708 974-3900/FAX: 708 974-3922.
Anointing of the Sick: Every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass or by specific arrangement of priest.
Baptism (in Polish) First and third Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Mass (Maximum four allowed), and 1:30pm. (Maximum six
allowed). Baptism (in English) 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm (Maximum of six). Baptismal Preparation Class is
monthly. Baptism is set-up following completion of the class. Call 708.974.3336 Press 0, to make arrangements for Baptismal.
Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15 -4:00 PM or appointment. Instruction In Catholic Faith call Ministry Office.
Marriages: Friday 4:00PM, Saturday 12:30PM and 2:30 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions required. Arrangements should be made,
according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. Dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must
be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon.

       AROUND COMMUNITY                                                 THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART
            Our Lady of the Ridge                                                    MONDAY, MARCH 2
                                                                       ~ 6:00P Family Ministry Mtg.
The Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship                         ~ 7:00P Mercy Prayer Circle
Team of Our Lady of the Ridge invites you to join
them for their Lenten Mission on Monday, March 2                  nd
                                                                                     TUESDAY, MARCH 3
and Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                       ~ 6:00P Queen of Peace Prayer Group
They will be welcoming Fr. Peter Wojcik as he
unfolds “A Simple Truth” for us all. Fr. Peter is                                 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4
from the office of Parish Vitality and Mission for the                 12 Noon Senior Fun Club
Archdiocese of Chicago. There will be                                  ~ 4:30P RE GR 1,2,3,4
contemporary Praise and Worship Music led by                           ~ 6:30P RE GR 5,6,7,8
“S.A.L.T.”, who lead the music for the Life Teen                       ~ 7:15P Adult Choir Rehearsal
Mass at St. Alexander’s Parish.
Join us for refreshments afterwards.                                               THURSDAY, MARCH 5
                                                                       ~ 7:00P BINGO

                                                                                       FRIDAY, MARCH 6
                  Multicooker Magic                                    ~ 6:00P BEDS Volunteer Arrival
Want to learn how to create healthy one pot meals? The new             ~ 7:00P BEDS Guests Arrival
generation of pressure cookers, slow cookers and air fryers has        ~ 7:00P Door to Hope (AA Meeting)
made it even easier to make delicious meals for your family.           Stations of the Cross: 6:30 PM (English)
Learn tips and techniques for getting the most from these tools.       7:00PM First Friday Mass (Polish)
Dietitian/nutritionist Tracy Blake will present Multicooker            Stations of the Cross: 7:30 PM (Polish)
Magic on Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at
the Palos Hospital Auditorium, 12251 S. 80 th Avenue. To reg-
ister for this free class, call (708) 226-2300 or visit                            SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Valet parking is available.            ~ 9:00A Shopping Fair
                                                                       ~ 4:00P Sharing Parish Food Collection
                       ST. JOSEPH TABLE
St. Bruno Parish is hosting a St. Joseph Table on Sunday,                            SUNDAY, MARCH 8
March 15, 2020 in the parish hall at 4839 S. Harding. Doors            ~ 7:30A Sharing Parish Food Collection
open at 3:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 4:00 p.m. An            ~ 8:00A Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
array of Polish, Italian and Mexican cuisine will be served for        ~ 1:30P Baptisms (English)
only $15 for adults and $6.00 for children ages 7-12. Children
under the age of 6 are free. There will be a cash bar and
entertainment. There will also be a raffle with more than                           ACCW FUNDRAISER
$2,500 in cash prizes! For more information or to get tickets,
call the rectory at (773) 523-3467.                                    This is your VIP pass to join the ACCW on the red carpet
                                                                       for “Women of the Silver Screen”. Join other ladies from
                                                                       the Sacred Heart CCW at Drury Lane, 100 Drury Lane in
                 STAGG HIGH SCHOOL                                     Oakbrook Terrace as we enjoy lunch and a fashion show
           111th Street & Roberts Road, Palos Hills                    starring such greats as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn,
                   Art for the Season                                  Elizabeth Taylor and more!
                 Arts and Crafts Festival
    March 21, 9am til 4pm ~ March 22, 10am til 3pm                     This is the ACCW’s only fundraiser so come out and
          Arts & Crafts Booths, Vendor Booths                          show your support. Tickets are $50 per person and this
           Lunch & Food Sampling ~ Raffles                             exciting event will be on Saturday, March 28, 2020 from
Pictures with the Easter Bunny($10 for digital photos)                 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Entertainment. $2 Adult Admission for the show.                        If you have any questions or want to make a reservation,
              Sponsored by Music Boosters                              call Sue Donofrio at (708) 974-3969.
Page Fourteen

                                                   Laura Barajas, Joe Potocki, Larry Herm, Jr.,
           ROGER DOMMER (17TH ANNIV.)              Kathy & Ed Brzezinski, Robbie Lasica,
           SR. JUANITA REGINE UJCIK, OSF.          William Budig, Clifton Young, Nina Olsen,
  9:00AM — JEFF JOHNSON, ROBERT MC HUGH            Gavino Fegalquin, Loretta Lia, John Keane,
10:30AM — WALTER MYSEK, ROSA ORTIZ                 Kateri Garbauski, Sandra M. Garbauski, Jacek Wojas,
           BONNIE KEANE, GERALD DOMOVICH           Marlene Thometz, Eugene & Martha Marcin,
           ROBERT T. MICETIC, HELEN TROJNIAR       David Garcia, Martha Piet, Evelyn Foran,
  DEC. MEMBERS OF LASICA & OBODZINSKI FAMILIES     Elizabeth Piwowar, Gus & Rose Anagnost, Ann Grgich,
        HEALING INTENTION FOR MICHAEL DRABICKI     Leslie Staniszewski, William Budig, Tom Rekruciak,
                                                   Jessica Contreras, Mary Anna Gercius, Carol Sandilla,
                                                   Shirley Bonasera, Carl Bonasera, Valeria Pawlowski,
           WANDA & KAZIMIERZ MALCZYK               Theresa McCasland, Nancy Montgomery,
           HEALING INTENTION SILVIA GALICOVA       Bill Droel, Christine Connelly, Charles Humphrey,
           RYSZARD KOREK, KAZIMIERZ RZEGOST        Thomas & Patricia Filipiak, Denise & Rich Jandura,
          TADEUSZ KACZMARCZYK, JAN RZADKOSZ        Don C. White, Heidi Meekma, Lillian Wrobel,
        JAN STASIK (2ND ANNIV.), STANISLAW CHYC    Gregory Johnson, Joseph Grollo, Trish Hannon,
MONDAY, MARCH 2 (9:00AM)                           Peg Quinn, Ruth Howard, Ruth Howard,
  JOHN QUINN, KEVIN BOUQUET                        Leticia Ulanski, and Dixie Bettinni.
TUESDAY, MARCH 3 (7:30AM)                          PLEASE NOTE: Names of the sick are usually
  SPECIAL INTENTON FOR DELPHINE LYTELL             kept on the list for one month. To add the person
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 (9:00AM)                        back on the list please call the office at
                                                   708.974.3336, Press 0, and let us know.
  ELEANORE FREY                                                    Thank You & God Bless!
 4:30PM — GERTRUDE WALSH, CHUCK CAMPIN              If you or someone you know, are unable to attend Mass
            FRANK & VICTORIA MARCIN                     and would like to receive communion at home,
            EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS                 please call Elizabeth Droel at 708.974.3336, Ex. 250.
           HEALING INTENTION FOR BILL DROEL                 If you are not able to speak to Liz please be sure
           HEALING INTENTION FOR M/M VALENTE       to leave a message with your name and telephone number
     LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS OF HOLY NAME        on her voicemail and she will call you back.
         JEFF JOHNSON, VALERIE DELK (3RD ANNIV.)   Your prayers are requested for:
12:00PM — CZESLAW WOJAS, FRANCISZKA KOJS                                    JOE HERNANDEZ
          MARIA & WLADYSLAW STOLARCZYK                                     JENNIE D. CERNICK
           SPECIAL THANKS THE LESNY FAMILY                         Please pray for their souls and all the
      BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS FOR KAROLINY PITAK                        souls of the faithful departed.
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