Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion March 28, 2021

Page created by Roland Tucker
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion March 28, 2021
Behold the Man - Ecce Homo Antonio Ciseri 1821-1891

              Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
                      March 28, 2021
Weekend Masses: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 PM *                                   Parish Office (253) 631-1940
Sunday 8:30,11:00 AM *                                                    Faith Formation (253) 631-6175
Reconciliation: Friday at 9:15 AM & Saturday: 3:00-4:00 PM
or by Appointment (Call Main Office)                        13055 SE 192nd Street Renton, WA 98058
Eucharistic Adoration See Calendar pg 2                                 
*Requires registration. See page 2                         See a listing of Parish Staff on the back inside
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion March 28, 2021
Words from Fr. Ed

                             will find a colt tethered on which no one has ever sat.
     Jesus knows what is happening and gives this prophetic word to His disciples. He is in control. Any perceived
domination by the forces of evil is in fact Jesus' willful surrender according to God's will. He trusts the Father as He
enters into the depths of human depravity for our redemption.
     The new title of our Feast, Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, captures the breadth of what we are focused
on. From the celebration of the palms praising the Messiah to the thorns impressed into Our Lord's tender brow, we
see what we are capable of. Our ability to love and our ability to hate are so close together. In fact, they are as close as our heart, that
symbol of human will, which can be oriented towards the good or towards evil.
     John Calvin, who with Luther broke from the Catholic Church, considered people as being "totally depraved." The Church rejected
this theology, or better anthropology, given that we are created in God's image and likeness. Through the fall we are definitely
wounded, but there is some remnant of goodness whereby we can choose to become good by God's grace.
     Jesus' Passion brings out the deepest truth within us. It should elicit compassion, which literally means, from the Latin, to suffer
with. We should want to suffer with Jesus in some way. Love begets love. Meditating on the Passion this coming Holy Week is the best
way to increase our willingness to love. Love begets love. When it is on full display in Jesus' suffering, our desire to love increases.
     One special addition to our Holy Week schedule takes place on Wednesday night, when one of our young Catholics, Cielo Tarabi,
will be leading a musical meditation on Jesus' 7 Last Words. I'm looking forward to this presentation during our Open Church with
     Please carve out time accordingly to truly enter into Jesus' Passion. As St. Paul says in his letter to the Romans, "...and if children,
heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him." Yes, we
must be drawn into His suffering as our Gospel last week concluded, "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to
     In preparation for the Holy Triduum we are beginning 72 hours of Rosary. Every 15 minutes starting on Sunday evening at 5pm we
will begin a new rosary for the sanctification of our parish and the conversion of our world. Let's pray that this is the holiest Holy Week
of our lives. I recommend taking Good Friday off for prayer. Make this week a retreat. Jesus leads the way. He is the Way. Let the eyes
of our hearts be upon Him.

                                                    From a Sermon by Saint Andrew of Crete, Bishop
Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his
holy and blessed passion, to consummate the mystery of our salvation. He who came down from heaven to raise us from the depths of
sin, to raise us with himself, we are told in Scripture, above every sovereignty, authority and power, and every other name that can be
named, now comes of his own free will to make his journey to Jerusalem. He comes without pomp or ostentation. As the psalmist
says: He will not dispute or raise his voice to make it heard in the streets. He will be meek and humble, and he will make his entry in
Let us run to accompany him as he hastens toward his passion, and imitate those who met him then, not by covering his path with
garments, olive branches or palms, but by doing all we can to prostrate ourselves before him by being humble and by trying to live as
he would wish. Then we shall be able to receive the Word at his coming, and God, whom no limits can contain, will be within us...
So let us spread before his feet, not garments or soulless olive branches, which delight the eye for a few hours and then wither, but
ourselves, clothed in his grace, or rather, clothed completely in him. We who have been baptized into Christ must ourselves be the
garments that we spread before him. Now that the crimson stains of our sins have been washed away in the saving waters of baptism
and we have become white as pure wool, let us present the conqueror of death, not with mere branches of palms but with the real
rewards of his victory. Let our souls take the place of the welcoming branches as we join today in the children's holy song: Blessed is
he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel.

                                                                     Weekly Readings
March 28 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-              April 2 Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Is 52:13-53:12; Ps 31:2,
16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47              6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1-19:42
March 29 Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11            April 3 Holy Saturday At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of
March 30 Tuesday of Holy Week                                                   Easter Gn 1:1—2:2; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24, 35 or Ps 33:4-7, 12-
                                                                                13, 20, 22; Gn 22:1-18; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Ex 14:15-15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; Is
Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
                                                                                54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4; Ps
March 31 Wednesday of Holy Week                                                 19:8-11; Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4; Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118:1-2,
Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25                           16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7
April 1 Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper Ex 12:1-8, 11-14;             April 4 Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a,
Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15                        37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or I Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9
Monday                                                     Continued from previous page Words with Fr Ed
10:00 – 11:45a     Food Bank (Drive by only)                                  (Bishop Mueggenborg’s article)
6:30p - 7:15p      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed
                   Tuesday                                                    Contact Resources and Links:
6:30p - 7:15p      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed                  Pfizer:
7:30p - 9:00p      40 Days for Life Kick-Off                                  any+Information
                                                                              Angela Hwang, President
                                                                              Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals
6:30p - 7:15p      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed
                                                                              235 East 42nd Street
4:00p – 5:45p      Food Bank (Drive by only)
                                                                              New York, NY 10017
                   Thursday                                                   Moderna via email:
8:30a - 9:15a      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed        
9:30a - 9:45a      Distribution of Holy Eucharist                   
8:30a - 9:15a      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed                  Stephen Hoge, MD, President
9:30a - 9:45a      Distribution of Holy Eucharist                             Moderna Global Headquarters
10:00 –11:45a      Food Bank (Drive by only)                                  200 Technology Square
                   Saturday                                                   Cambridge, MA 02139
8:30a - 9:15a      Mass (Reservation Required) Live-streamed
9:30a - 9:45a      Distribution of Holy Eucharist                             More problematic:
5:00p - 6:00p      Vigil Mass (Reservation Required)
                   Sunday                                                     information.html
8:30a – 9:30a      Mass (Reservation Required) (Live-streamed)
11:00 – 12:00p     Mass (Reservation Required)                                Johnson and Johnson: https://www.ccc-
When Visiting Our Church
Please be aware that masks are always required and the chapel is              This brief article does not pretend to exhaust the moral, medical, and
limited to 10 people at one time. Also, some areas may be closed or           personal dimensions of the vaccine question. Given the
noisy on occasion for maintenance work. Reminder: the parish phone            experimental nature of the vaccine, there are questions about its
is answered from 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday through Friday.                          safety. I personally fall into a more highly allergic category that has
                                                                              been cautioned in places not to risk the vaccine. Through all of this I
Open Church Hours                                                             encourage people of good will to turn to God, the source of creation
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 8 PM
                                                                              and good health. He will guide us through this crisis if we are willing.
Saturday 8 AM - 10 AM and 2 PM - 8 PM
Sunday 8 AM- 3 PM

Please Register to Attend Weekend Mass
Our weekend Masses require registration via a simple, online
                                                                          Please Continue Your Financial Support
form. The form shows the number of spaces available for each
                                                                          The suspension of public Masses will seriously impact our weekly
liturgy and allow you to select your preferred Mass time.
                                                                          collection. Like most parishes, 90% of our revenue comes from the
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Links to the
                                                                          generous support of our faith community. This generosity supports
registration forms are published in advance of their activation via
                                                                          the many ministries of the church as well as maintenance of the
Flocknote and the parish website at
                                                                          building and grounds, utilities, insurance, and payroll. Please
Those without internet access can register by calling Betty
                                                                          remember our parish in your prayers and by making your regular
Mencke at 253-631-1940.
                                                                          donation. You may donate through the mail or Consider signing up
                                                                          for electronic giving through the “Donate Online” link on our parish
Help Wanted Experienced Full Charge Bookkeeper, 20 – 25                   website
Hours per Week. Saint Stephen the Martyr is looking for a faith-          .

filled, enthusiastic, collaborative, detailed orientated, and experien-
ced Full Charge part-time Bookkeeper that will contribute to our
parish vision of “Sharing the Transforming Light of Christ and leads          Parish Stewardship Giving                 March 13 & 14, 2021
a life consistent with Catholic social and moral teaching. Duties
include a/r, a/p, bi-weekly payroll, preparing financial                       To Our Parish:        Budget             Actual       Difference
statements for pastor and finance council, and light human                     Last Weekend          $24,140            $15,982        -$8,158
resource paperwork. Accounting software, Excel, and Word                       Fiscal Year to Date $1,138,688          $980,169      -$158,519
experience required and PDS knowledge a plus. The successful
candidate will have strong relational, collaborative, verbal, and              Our Other Giving:
written communication skills. Training on processes and                        Maintenance Reserve        $968
systems available from the current pastoral assistant for                      Catholic Relief Services $1,380
administration. Competitive pay, DOE. Submit inquiries to Eric                 Christian Social Action $1,038
Miller, PAA, at
Faith Formation Programs
                            Registration for the 2021-2022 school                                                  Our baptism classes are
                            year is underway! The Mon/ Wed/Fri 3's                                                 currently on hold. Please
                            & 4's class is already full but there are still                                        contact Teresa Wright at
                            openings in the Tuesday/Thursday 3's class                                    for an
                            and the Monday-Thursday Pre-K class.                                                   alternative format. She will send
                            Pick up a form in the kiosk by the windows                                             information on how to complete
                            near the parish office and send to:                                                    the classwork as well as forms to
Abbie Nelson, Little Saints Preschool, St. Stephen the Martyr, 13055                                               complete and documents you
SE 192nd St. Renton, WA 98058 or We                 must provide. Once you have completed preparation your family will
anticipate being back to our full schedule beginning in September! If            be put on our waiting list. We regret that we cannot guarantee
you have any questions, email Abbie at              when we will be able to schedule your child's baptism. Thank you
                                                                                 for your kind patience.
2020-21 (K – 12) Programs are Underway!
If you haven’t yet registered, everything you need is on our website at:                                              Parents: Please remember to
                                                                                                                   sign-up for Flocknote so you can
K-5th Grade Programs have started; you can still join if you register
                                                                                                                   get program and parish news, as
soon. 6th-12th Grade Programs started early January. 1st
                                                                                                                   well as emergency updates! To
Graders need class this year if they want to receive First Eucharist in
                                                                                                                   sign up for Flocknote, go to the
2nd Grade. Parents, please contact us if you have questions or need
                                                                                                                   first page of our website:
assistance. We want to help! Contact us at (253) 631-6175, ext. 115,
                                                                                                          Look at the
or email
                                                                                                                   dark green section on the left side
                                                                                                                   of the page.

                                       Gabriel Angels & PREPARES Companions Training
                                       Gabriel Angel-PREPARES Companion Training will be directed by Lisa Cassino from the South Sound
                                       Catholic Community Services office of PREPARES on Saturday, March 27th from 9:30am to 12:30pm in
                                       classrooms #128-129. With Covid restrictions, space is limited. A zoom option will be available.
                                       Reservations to attend are required to guarantee supplies and space. Please contact co-chair Kathleen
                                       Tansey at 253-653-6074.

                                       This weekend we will collect all Rice Bowl donations at Mass. You may also donate on the parish
                                       website. Click "Donate Online" and look under the "second collections" menu or go directly to
                                       Last weekend we collected donations for Easter Flowers. If you missed this opportunity and would like
                                       to donate toward Easter Flowers, you may do so at the parish website through Easter Sunday.

                                       Holy Week 72 Hour Rosary The angels rejoice, The Blessed Mother find joy, and the Blessed Trinity
  Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash
                                       delights in us praying the rosary. Please join St. Stephen The Martyr Parish in praying the Holy Week 72 Hour
                                       Rosary. We will pray one continuous rosary beginning at 5pm on Palm Sunday, and pray through 5pm
                                       Wednesday of Holy Week. Look for the sign-up board in the Narthex. Parishioners are encouraged to sign
                                       up every 15 minutes on the quarter hour. We are praying that our Lord’s abundant graces will flow where
                                       needed. Not coming in but want to sign-up? Email Tina Nold at or Deacon Carl
                                       Chilo at

                                       St. Stephen Housing - Many thanks to all those who supported St. Stephen Housing Association this past
                                       year with financial donations, household donations, volunteering, attending the February fundraiser, donating
                                       during GiveBig, Christmas Adopt-a-Family and Giving Tree support, voting for the BECU award, See's Candy
                                       purchases and prayers! We are grateful for the amazing generosity of SSTM parish and thankful to be part of
                                       your family!
Registration Required (RR) for many of the liturgies and events listed. Registration links can be found at

Live Stream (LS) will be available as listed below with some possible additions. All live-streamed activities can be found at (also via our Facebook and Youtube Channels. Note: Some DivineMercy prayers will only
be found on Facebook Live).

Underground Church (UC) overflow seating in our downstairs social hall with live video and sound.

Incesnse (IN) Incense will be used at these liturgies

  Wednesday, March 31 - 7:30 PM - The 7 Last Words of Christ (LS) Special Event: (follows 6:30 PM Mass) features Eucharistic
                                 Adoration with scripture readings, live music, and reflection.

         Thursday, April 1 - Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper 5:00 PM (RR) and 7:00 PM (RR, LS, UC, IN)

                                               Thursday, April 1 - 10:00 PM - Tenebrae

 Friday, April 2 - 3:00 PM (RR, LS, UC) - Good Friday: The Passion of the Lord with Holy Communion and Veneration of the Cross

                                    Friday, April 2 - 4:30 PM (LS) - Divine Mercy Novena begins

                                 Friday, April 2 - 8:30 PM (RR, LS) - Living Stations of the Cross
                            (Presented by our parish youth, this “covid-safe” version continues a parish tradition.

                                         Saturday, April 3 - 3:00 PM - Divine Mercy Novena

                          Saturday, April 3 - 8:30 PM (RR, LS, IN) - Easter Vigil: Mass in the Holy Night

Sunday, April 4 - Easter Sunday: Mass of the Resurrection - 8:00 AM (RR); 10:00 AM (RR, LS, UC) 12:00 noon (RR,LS,UC,IN)

                                       Sunday, April 4 - 1:30 PM (LS) - Divine Mercy Novena
Praying for Priests
Seven Sisters Apostolate: We are seven sisters led by one Anchoress who commit to
praying one hour a week exclusively for the intention of a specific Priest/Bishop/ Deacon. To
join a Seven Sister group here at St. Stephens, contact Diem Hallaq at or (206) 751-6643.
Fasting Brothers: Are you willing to put yourself on the line physically and spiritually for your
priest by committing to fasting one day a week and offering the fast solely for the intentions of
your priest? To join a Fasting Brother group here at St. Stephens, contact Brian Hallaq at or (206) 751-6643.

Food Bank News We, the volunteers, from the Food Bank, would like to request the
following items: Bread, Peanut Butter, Pancake Mix and Syrup, Spam, Coffee and hot
chocolate. (Dollar Tree carries Pancake Mix and syrup for a $1 each, best value we have
found.) Thank you! Your generous donations are serving many people. We are frequently.
serving an average of 80 families a week which is getting tobe quite a challenge! We hardly
get the food put away that you donate, then prepare the food bags for the clients, and then
our shelves are bare again. It is getting to be quite a cycle. Once again thank you, we
couldn't do it without you. It is a great team effort

Adoration at St Stephen’s - All Saints Adoration Ministry is back in business. We have
grown to 97 hours per week, with 90 adorers committed to be with Jesus for an hour or more.
Thank you everyone. Are YOU hearing Jesus calling to visit Him and adore Him exposed in
the chapel? See the table outside the chapel doors and sign up for an hour of your choice or
just come for a visit. Jesus is waiting for you, to listen to you and to love you infinitely.
Questions? contact Bernie 206-427-6085 or Tina 206-715-8462.

Knights of Columbus College Scholarships for 2021
St. Stephen the Martyr Knights of Columbus council 13374 is accepting applications for its
scholarships from qualified candidates. Candidates must be from St. Stephen the Martyr
Parish. Two scholarships worth $1,000 each are available. Only one scholarship will be
awarded to an individual candidate. The Applications can be found on the Council Web site
( Applications must be mailed or emailed no later than May 2, 2021

March 28 - Palm Sunday: Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of
Christian weeks. Let us pray for the grace to take up our own cross and to follow Jesus
through death to new life. During Lent, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
was able to bring the mercy of Jesus into the hearts of the poor but many of our neighbors
are still struggling to make ends meet. Please consider making a donation today.

Parish Communication With Flocknote! Parish members are invited to sign up to
receive news, reminders, special announcements, etc. by subscribing to one or more lists,
specific to your interests. Each member gets to choose their own preferred mode of
receiving messages such as email, text message, social networking sites etc. To get started
use the easy direct link on the front page of our parish website
Choose any or all of our ministries you’d like to hear from!

Iron Sharpens Iron 2021 Seattle Catholic Men’s Conference
Friday, April 23rd and Saturday April 24th
Theme: Strength for the Battle
Featuring Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. (who will be giving three talks) Bishop Mueggenborg (who
will open with a prayer), Fr. Nicholas Wichert (who will give one talk) and Fr. Ed White (who
will also give a presentation). There will also be a variety of vendors present including,
Sacred Heart Radio, Northwest Catholic Brothers in Christ, and Knights of Columbus.
$40 In-person registration at
Or virtually for free (recommended donation) Visit website for additional information
Hosted by St. Brendan’s Catholic Church, 10100 NE 192nd St, Bothell, WA 98011-2931
Parish Information
  New to St. Stephen’s? Welcome! Learn more about our vibrant community by visiting our web site at or emailing us at Registration forms are online or may be obtained from the ushers and put in the collection basket or mailed in.
  Parish Office Hours: Most weeks, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - Noon and 1-5 PM. Bulletin Notices: The article deadline is 12:00 PM on the Friday
  a week before the weekend you wish it to appear (8 days in advance). Notices about parish events or items of interest to the parish are welcome,
  however posting cannot be guaranteed. Email notices to:
                                            Main Office Phone: TEL 253-631-1940 / FAX 425-255-2943
           Pastor                                   Fr. Edward G. White     To contact Fr. Ed please contact his assistant, Betty Mencke
           Parochial Vicar                          Fr. Dominic Chikankheni
           Deacon                                   Dec. Carl Chilo                     
           Deacon                                   Dec. Sonny Ungco                    
           Dir of Parish Operations                 Tom Jones                           
           Pastoral Associate                       Anne Merklin               ext 126   Pastoral
           Assistant for Outreach                   Darlene Simpson            ext 127  
           Office Manager/Pastor’s Assistant        Betty Mencke               ext 100  
           Liturgy Coordinator                      Janet Denby-Stewart        ext 102  
           Pastoral Care                            Marijean Heutmaker         ext 106  
           PA Administration/Bookkeeper             Eric Miller                ext 101  
           Facilities & Parish Life Coordinator     Kim Anderson               ext.129  
           Director of Faith Formation              Shannon Battles             ext 114 
           Youth Ministry                           Debbie Blomquist            ext 113 
           Evangelization & Communications          Bill Swedberg               etc 121 
           Baptism & Marriage                       Teresa Wright              ext 120   Preschool
           Director                                 Abbie Nelson               ext 123  
           Faith Formation Support Coordinator      Maria Trejo           253-631-6175 (ext 115)
           Child Care Nursery                       Liese Diachenko                     
           St Stephen Housing Association                                    253-638-9798 SVDP
           Help-Line                                                          206-767-6449
           Custodial Support                        Brian Guenther, Soo Kim             

    Marriage: Couples seeking Marriage must contact the church 9 months before their wedding date. Some preparation and Parish Registration
    are required before a date can be set. Contact Teresa Wright for details concerning marriage at (253) 631-6175, Ext. 120.
    Annulments: (for those who are divorced): For compassionate and confidential answers to your questions and for help through the annulment
    process, please contact our parish Tribunal Advocate, Veronica Smith-Casem, at or 425-301-0356 .
    Baptism: Preparation and Parish Registration are required for both Parents and Godparents/Sponsors. Baptisms are held monthly. Contact the
    Faith Formation Office for details (253-631-6175).
    RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults to become Catholic & be baptized. Contact Anne Merklin 253-631-1940 ext 126.
                                                                   Praying For Sick
    Marie Peacock Albers, Nela Pacleb, Irene Bauman, JoAnna Bailey, Jim Dougherty, Brian W. French, Lydia Franada, Chad Horky, Mary Byersdorf, Leila
           Abada, Kelley Chazes, April Sedall, Nicole Paulsen, Shelby Talley, Christina Rafferty, Antonio San, Nicolas Nenita, San Nicolas, Rolf Ju,
       Emelita Joyosa, Leonora Bernabe, Roselyn Corpuz, James Vaccaro, Marlene Hill, Teresa Wright, Precilla Del Rosario, Yvonne (Dawn) Kunkle,
    Jesse Boyovich, Jan Sykes, Phyllis Beaver, Joel Rivera, Julie Fernandez, Saksithan Hak, Lan Buck, Joshua Hecox, Rose Herlya, Manny Gutierrez, JJ
     Conavad, Adam Bynum, Xavier Mascaren, Ester Hansen, Jesusa Cadalina, Henry de Guzman, Nicomedes Rodriguez, Molly Dinsmore, Baby Nyhla
     Wallace, Angelina Rivera, Alexander, Charito Rubis Galindo, Diachenko, Art Condes, Leticia Dela Cruz Reyes, Douk Ko, Nick Montecalvo, Joe Buss,
                Bernadette DeMarc, Jim Steckler, Christina Nguyen and Thanh-Huyen Pham, Angelito de Leon, Felix Tarnate Jr, Alex Llaneza
                                                                   Serving in the Military
                         Major Patrick Warfel, Captain Philip Clay LT Luke Carpenter (deployed) Stephen Snelling, Jack Cullers US,
                                                     Zenaida Roth, Sydney Munn, Daniel Dobbs Japan
     Molly Douglas, Jerry Mayer, Amparo Lopez, Rodney MaxieJohn McEnroe, Ely Castro, Marie Anderson, Mother of Carol Williams, Bill Pie’ Sr.,
                                   Wayne Delahanty, Ben Castillo, Rolando Valdez, Adrian Abada, Thelma Varona
                         To add names to the box. please e-mail, or contact Betty Mencke, 253-631-1940.
                          To contact the Prayer Chain please see Teresa Wright, at 425-255 0301 or

           Rachel’s Corner: Hope and Healing After Abortion Project Rachel is offering a new virtual healing program via ZOOM in
           response to the cancellation of regular healing retreats during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are hurting from the results of an
           abortion, come and find healing and God’s loving grace “My burden is lifted and my heart feels life in it again. My promise to God is
to never walk this road of brokenness again.” - Testimonial Call Julie 206-920-6413,
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                                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                        St. Stephen the Martyr, Renton, WA                        A 4C 05-1727
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