Contact - Fullarton Connexions

Page created by Jordan Aguilar
Contact - Fullarton Connexions
The Church of Scotland
                                                        The Magazine of Fullarton Parish Church

                                                                   May 2018

         Heart and Soul –Youth
          Saturday 19th May, 7pm – 9pm
  Ross Theatre, Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh

                  Heart and Soul
         Sunday May 20th 2018, 12.30- 6pm
          Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh
   Families – Picnic ‘Bring your Piece!’ 12.30 - 3pm

         0   18
  Y OY
                                                                JOHN 3:16
From The Manse...                                                           Himself.                             wrapped in your love. Above all,
   “Together, to share the love of Jesus and make disciples through prayer,
                                                                               The fellowship afterwards is very,   love one another, for the greatest
                        worship, learning and example,
                                                                               very warm. Even though I see the     of these (whatever it is in the
             reaching out to our community and beyond, with a
                                                                               folks so infrequently I feel         Church) is love.
                             vision for the future.”
                                                                               wrapped in their love. They are a
         Fullarton Parish Church Manse, 48 Waterside Irvine.
                                                                               Church that attracts, yes just       Your wrapped-around-with-love
Dear Friends,                             miles on a single-track road from    ones and twos, and each time I       temporary pastor,
The three things that seem most           Tarbert, Loch Fyne. I love going     go someone is missing, usually
important to a Church that is             there. There is no organist, no      due to age or infirmity, but there   Stewart
declining are offerings, numbers          sound system, not even a toilet!     is always someone new, a new
and buildings. Isn’t it funny that in     (That is a special challenge!) The   resident or residents to the
the years of greatest growth of the       members on a rota, all eight of      sparsely populated area. They
Church none of these are                  them, bring flasks of coffee and     find, no matter their background,       From Probationer Minister
mentioned? The early Church               tea and some home baking,            and some are very wealthy
grew at a phenomenal rate and             which they serve at the close of     English folk who have a yacht
what seemed most important was            worship. The service itself is led   and have escaped the rat race        What were you doing 10 years
that the members showed love to           by my bad singing and strained       and are never used to such a         ago? Well, it was almost 10 years
one another and to the outsider,          voice. There are no cushions on      style of service, that in Kilberry   ago (June 7th 2008 to be exact)
even to their enemy.                      the pews, but they all listen        Church the love of God is found      that I came away from a Christian
I have the privilege of ministering       intently to the preaching of the     and they want to be there.           music festival sure that God was
a few times per year to the               word. There is such a good           Fullarton is full of love. I have    calling me to serve him and his
believers at Kilberry Church, 10          atmosphere, created by the Spirit    never been kissed or hugged so       Church as a Minister. At the time,
                                                                               much in any Church, which as an      it seemed like some distant hope
                                                                               East Coaster I sometimes             that God had planted within me.
                                                                               struggle with! We came to            But, frequently I'm reminded how
                                                                               Fullarton after I retired simply     it's not necessarily a distant thing
                                                                               because we felt welcomed as          anymore.
                                                                               friends and we have never left! If
                                                                               we keep loving one another as        My probation placement lasts
                                                                               Jesus Himself encourages us          from Oct 2017 to Dec 2018, and I
                                                                               then we will be functioning as a     was reminded the other day that
                                                                               true Church and the Lord will add    Kirsty and I have now been at
                                                                               to our number those who are          Fullarton for seven months! Just
                                                                               being saved, to quote Acts.          writing that is pretty scary -
                                                                               Neil and Dorothy I am sure are       because the middle of May is the
                                                                               looking forward to being back        half way point for my probation!
                                                                               with you again and being
 page 1                                              Contact May 2018          Contact May 2018                                              page 2
As excited as we are by the           one else! God has given no other
prospect of the two of us serving     name under heaven by which we
a church somewhere ourselves          must be saved." (Acts 4:12) For
within a year, we're also very        the past 10 years (and more) I've
happy that we've got many more        loved being able to declare the
months with you all still. Kirsty     wonderful good news that Jesus
and I have felt so incredibly         is alive, and that he's come to save
blessed by your kindness to us        people from their sins - people like
and the work that the faithful        you and me! I'm so thankful for the
people of God are doing for his       opportunities I have to share that
Kingdom here. In the last few         good news, and I pray that even
months, we've especially enjoyed      as we move past this Easter
being part of the Alpha course,       season, we'll continue to be
getting to know and love many         people living with resurrection
more of you, and it was extra         hope stirring in our souls!
special to be able to celebrate the
resurrection of King Jesus with       If there's anything Kirsty and I can
you all at Easter.                    do for you, or pray for, let us know.
                                      We'd love to pray for you. I'm also
It's that resurrection of Jesus at    very happy to visit people or meet
Easter that gives us hope. Hope       up for a coffee and chat about
for today, tomorrow, and all the      things - I'm only a call or email
days ahead. It gives us hope in the   away if you need me.
darkest of days, when illness,
poverty, temptations, despair and     In Christ,
death come knocking at our            Andrew Morrison (and Kirsty)
doors. And, ultimately, that
resurrection gives us hope that
God so loves us that our sins are
forgiven, and that we are made
new in Christ!

The Bible declares over and over
again, that Jesus, his death on the
cross, and his resurrection from
the tomb are our only hope. Peter
declares, "There is salvation in no
    page 3                                      Contact May 2018              Contact May 2018   page 4
that this is a positive step in     The last Friday of every month
                                                                          reaching out to new families and
                                                                          supporting them.
                                                                                                               LAST ONE Friday 25th May
                                                                          If you would like any more infor-     2018 4pm – 5.45pm in the
                                                                          mation about Messy Church or          Cafe and Fullarton Hall at
                                                                          think you would like to be in-               ConneXions.
                                                                          volved please get in touch! con-      All welcome with children,
                                                                          nexionsmessychurch@outlook.c         includes a meal, no charge
                                                                          om or phone Wendy Johnstone
May is our last Messy Church        and tea/coffee. Then we have a        on 07926553641.                          (Donation welcome).
session before we break for         short story and introduction to
summer. It has been an exciting     our theme. We have a prayer
first few months and so we          and then at least 4 different ac-
wanted to share a bit about         tivities to help build up the theme
                                                                                    KEEPING THE CHURCH ROLL UPTODATE
Messy Church.                       we are covering each month.
                                    Following about 40 mins on the
                                                                            We would like to keep our church roll information up to date. If
The first messy church started in   activities we then reconvene for
                                                                             you have any changes to the information we keep on you,
Portsmouth in 2004 as a way to      a family meal. It is a chaotic,
                                                                            please let us know , by e-mailing Teresa at secretary@fullar-
try to build community and reach    crazy way to spend 2 hours of
                                                                    or phoning 273741 and asking for Teresa
out to unchurched families.         your month!! So far we have
The overarching aim of Messy        heard about Jesus story of the
church is simply to introduce       Prodigal Son, we have thought
families to Jesus, allowing an      about our families and how God
opportunity to encounter Jesus      wants us to be part of that kind                              Please note
and hopefully to grow closer to     of community. On Good Friday
him. It is based on 3 principles.   we thought about new life in
                                                                                The deadline for copy of the next issue of Contact
These are creativity, celebration   Jesus and April looks at Jesus
                                                                                        (June 2018) is Sunday 20th May
and hospitality. Through these      as our Healer.
we hope to provide families with
an experience of church, wor-       It has been lovely to see so            e-mail articles to by that date.
ship, prayer and also fellowship.   many families coming along.             Or in the Secretary’s Pigeon hole in the Church vestibule
In Fullarton we have been hav-      We hope and pray that this con-
ing on average 25 families at-      tinues. There is so much re-              PLEASE ADHERE TO DEADLINE DATES THANK YOU
tending on the last Friday of the   search showing that families are          “CONTACT” magazine is also available on the church
month. This equates to approx-      much less impacted by adversity                                   web-site
imately 60 people each month.       when they have support in their
We start with a welcome time        local communities. We hope
page 5                                       Contact May 2018              Contact May 2018                                           page 6
core. This means taking risks       described, in which everyone
                                                                      on people and ideas, being          receives mutual benefit.
                                                                      innovative and unafraid to
                                                                      make       changes,      face       We have been hearing about
                                                                      confrontation and make brave        failure in our Sunday services
                                                                      decisions.                          at Fullarton Parish Church
ConneXions Report – May 2018      However, it is really important                                         lately and failure is a natural
                                  for us Coordinators to keep in      One of the best ways of             consequence        of    making
Jeff Bridges said, ‘The way to    mind, and reiterate regularly       investing in people and             progress and trying new
change the world is through       to    our   volunteers      and     helping them grow as                things. We would not have
individual responsibility and     stakeholders, that what we are      individuals who make a              grown in the way we have,
taking local action in your       building here, whilst being a       difference to their community,      and had such an impact on
own community.’ One of the        professional enterprise, is         is by providing opportunities       the local community, were it
things ConneXions does            essentially a community, and        to volunteer. Everyone has a        not for the failures of people
really    well   is   building    as such the most important          specific gift, talent or passion,   along the way, which served
community.      This     is   a   element of what we do is the        that is sometimes latent and        to teach and encourage. As
community that seeks to           people we encounter on a            hidden and just needs some          the saying goes, ‘the only real
serve one another with love       daily     basis.       Building     coaxing out. Some people            failure is the failure to try.’ I
and compassion and exists to      community is a messy                have lived with this latency,       know what it is like to feel
extend     that    love     and   business and does not               hiding their light under a          disempowered; when you
compassion to the wider           happen overnight, but we are        bushel for fear of putting          have tried and strive for so
community of Fullarton and        always encouraged by steps          themselves out there and the        long, in so many ways and
Harbourside. Over the last few    forward and seeing people           possibility of failure, for so      feel utterly discouraged, as
months, as things have grown      grow.                               long that it feels normal to        though there is no hope of
steadily and rapidly, we have                                         them.                               ever achieving what you set
seen a greater number of          Jesus spent much of his time                                            out to achieve, but the
people from all across the        investing in people, teaching       Imagine a community in              difference between people
local community coming into       them the values of God’s            which everyone is working to        who change the world and
the ConneXions building, for      Kingdom and how to live a           their potential and using their     people who don’t is that they
a wide variety of reasons.        fulfilled and impactful life that   gifts and talents confidently       keep going when failure
Sometimes it is easy to get       inspires people, transforms         for the benefit of everyone         strikes. Failure is inevitable, it
bogged down in efficiency,        societies and brings healing        else, without fear of failure or    will come. But we must not
management,           strategy,   to a battered a broken world.       rejection. Fear is debilitating     fear it.
administration              and   At ConneXions we aspire to          and    prevents     us     from
organisation, and when there      be a living example of God’s        achieving all that God has          Maybe you would love to
is a lot happening in a busy      love and build the kind of          made possible for us;               volunteer some time at
place, this natural tendency      community that has Jesus’           building     the    kind      of    ConneXions to help serve the
only     becomes       greater.   Kingdom values at it’s very         community I have just               community, but perhaps you
 page 7                                      Contact May 2018         Contact May 2018                                             page 8
feel as though your talents are    room for improvement in the                           This month’s Spotlight is on:
not in the right area, or have     services we run and new
grown so disillusioned that        ideas and creative solutions                                 Marlene Clancy
you are not even sure that you     that we will be implementing       Marlene is one of our unsung heroes. She is involved in childrens’
are talented or where your         to help ConneXions continue        groups such as Owlets and has served behind the scenes in a va-
skills lie. We would love to       to be the force for good that it   riety of ways over many years at Fullarton, and has been an inte-
talk to you, encourage you         currently is. This will involve      gral and committed member of the weekly cleaning team since
and help you find a place          a fair amount of risk taking,        ConneXions opened. She is a joyful, positive presence, always
where you belong, where you        and will therefore be fuelled         smiling and friendly and going about her tasks with gladness.
bring something unique to the      by the encouragement and
table and where you can find       support of the people around
enjoyment and fulfilment of        us in our community who
your potential.                    volunteer their time and
                                   efforts freely.
It may be that you have not
considered volunteering, but
that you can think of ways
that you could be useful, help
others and become part of the
growth you see happening
around you. In that case, we’d
love to speak with you also.
There are dozens of areas,
both small and large, where
we could really do with some
extra help from individuals
and from those working as
part of a team. Please feel free
to come and chat with one of
us      about     volunteering                                        Marlene says, “I have been a member of Fullarton Church for 60
opportunities and how you                                             years and I’ve had numerous roles within that time. Everything I
can become part of this                                                  do – I do it for God, who has given me so many blessings
movement.                                                               throughout my life. I enjoy meeting people and chatting, but
                                                                       mostly you’ll find me doing dishes or cleaning toilets, and I’ll be
As we are now running at
                                                                                         singing away as I love to sing.”
capacity,   and    managing
growth, there will be lots of

page 9                                         Contact May 2018        Contact May 2018                                         page 10
Fullarton Guild Update             AR
                                     TON G

Guild Meetings



6.45pm for 7pm. Fullarton


                                      nd whom


  Guild Rally will be held on Monday 14th
    May in John Knox Parish Church,
          Stewarton at 7.30 p.m.

      Next meeting is Monday 28th May
          (evening before the trip)
            7pm in conneXions

          The Guild Summer Outing

is going to Dumfries on Tuesday 29th May
    2018 . The cost is £25. per person
  including meal at Fenwick Hotel and all
gratuities . There are a few seats available
and anyone interesting in joining us please
  give your name to Catherine Rennie or
              Helen MacKenzie

page 11                       Contact May 2018     Contact May 2018   page 12
cated from supermarkets or      reusable cup at University
                                                               at least decreased.             and its great too. Hopefully
                                                               I am going to implement         in the coming month or two
                                                               some of these in my life as I   my partner and I will make
                                                               feel that us Christians         a shift to daily baking our
  Plastic free shopping          frozen as its packaged in     should be at the forefront of   own bread and goodies and
                                 plastic                       this mission. Sadly while       find a supplier who fits in
Although a little concerned                                    researching this article        with our ethos. Next month
and a little underwhelmed        Buy loose fruit and veg       when typing Plastic and         ladies, I will tackle ethical
with no positive response to                                   Christian into Google all       clothing and may source a
the article on Plastic Free      Clean with vinegar, water     that came up was articles       challenge for you all.
Beauty, my activism in this      and essential oils.           giving Christians advice on     Please contact me with any
area is not as yet curbed.                                     Plastic Surgery.                advice or if I can help in
Here are a number of ways        Baking soda will clean your                                   anyway. I know it may cost
in which you can shop rela-      dishes                        My conversion to the bam-       a little more to live this way
tively plastic free and it may                                 boo toothbrush is going well    but it is one step at a time.
give you a few pointers or       Order milk in glass bottles   as is the conversion to not     And they can be small
ideas you hadn’t thought of:     from the milkman              using shampoo. My hair is       steps. My email is
                                                               lovely and shiny. Thank you
Take your own bags (Duh, Use cloth nappies                     Lush. I just bought my first
goes without saying)
                           Plant your own lettuce. Its
Treat yourself to an ice easy to plant and grows
cream cone rather than great. Snip a bit when you
buying a huge plastic tub. need it.

Buy fresh bread or make Buy a reusable cup and
your own. Buy it unpack- take it everywhere
aged from the baker.
                           Hopefully by the year 2025
Try to buy food that isn’t a lot of plastic will be eradi-

page 13                                Contact May 2018        Contact May 2018                               page 14
0,66,216&211(&7                                            WOOL NEEDED

                                                          Many are aware that each year Blythswood Care send thousands
                                                            of Christmas Shoeboxes filled with presents to deprived men,
                                                           women and children in Eastern Europe and beyond. The basic
                                                                items in every box are woollen scarf, hat, mits/gloves.
                                                          Some of our supporters knit some of these items throughout the
                                                                        year BUT they desperately need wool.

 ‡ )RUWKRVHZKRFRPHHDFKZHHNWKDWWKH\ZLOO         If you have any unused wool (complete balls or not) or
    ZDQWWRNQRZRXU/RUG                                   can provide wool then please consider donating that
                                                                                wool to us.
 ‡ )RUWKH7&WHDPHVSHFLDOO\WKRVHQRWZHOODQGIRU            Wool may be handed in any Wednesday
    $QG\ *HULRQ6DEEDWLFDO                                             between 10am and 1pm
                                                          Any further information can be had from Anna or Fraser Hutchison
    VXSSRUWWKRVHZLWKDGGLFWLRQV                                                  (01292 313672).
page 15                               Contact May 2018    Contact May 2018                               page 16
Forthcoming Services                                      JUNE
                                                                                       Saturday2nd     11-2pm .        Fullarton ConneXions Cafe Open.
  May/June 2018                                                                        Sunday 3rd      10.30am .       MorningService:RevNeil-MessagefromNz/Oz/FBI
                                                                                                       6.30pm .        Evening Service: Rev. Neil..
  Sunday 13th 10.30am .       Morning Service: Rev. Stewart Birse. Acts 1;1-11 -       Tuesday5th      10.30-2pm .     Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
                              'Ascension.'                                             Wed 6th         7-8am .         Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions
                3pm           Comfy Communion                                          Thursday7th     7pm to 9pm      The Divine Conspiracy Study, held in the
                2.30pm.       Greenbank Nursing Home :Andrew Morrison                                                  Schoolroom
                6.30pm.       Evening service: Fiona McBride .1 Thessaloni             Saturday 9th 10.30-2pm .        Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
                              ans4:13-18 - 'Second Coming.' Communion                  Sunday10th   10.30am            Morning Service: Rev. Neil. All-Age
  Tuesday 15th 10.30-2pm.     Fullarton conneXions Cafe Open.                                       2.30pm .           Greenbank Nursing Home: Rev. Neil
  Wed          16th 7-8am.    Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions                                6.30pm .           Evening service: Rev Neil
  Thursday17th 7pm to 9pm     The Divine Conspiracy Study, held in the                 Tuesday12th 10.30-2pm .         Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
                              SchoolroomA6-session video teaching &                    Wed 13th 7-8am .                Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions
                              discussion study of Dallas Willard's classic text on     Thursday14th 7pm to 9pm         The Divine Conspiracy Study, held in the
                              becoming like Jesus in our daily lives .Please                                           Schoolroom
                              contact Ian Young 07739 380023 or                        Saturday16th 11-2pm .           Fullarton ConneXions Cafe Open.
                      if you wish to join in.           Sunday 17th 10.30am .           Morning Service: Rev Neil Communion. 'Fitba
  Saturday 19th11-2pm.        Fullarton ConneXions Cafe Open.                                                          Sunday'
  Sunday 20th 10.30am.        Morning service: Rev Stewart Birse. Acts 2 -                           6.30pm .          Evening Service: Joan Campbell.
                              'Pentecost.'                                             Tuesday19th   10.30-2pm .       Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
                6.30pm.        Evening service: Fraser Hutchison.1                     Wed 20th      7-8am             Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions
                              Thessalonians 5:1-15 - 'Be alert.'                       Saturday 23rd 10.30-2pm.        Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
  Tuesday 22nd 10.30-2pm .    Fullarton conneXions Cafe.                               Sunday24th    10.30am.          Morning Service: Rev Neil
  Wednesday 23rd 7-8am .      Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions.                                2.30pm .          Fullarton Nursing Fraser Hutchison
               6.30pm         Evening service: Fiona McBride .                                       6.30pm            Evening Service: Praise Night :Esther Vaughan
                               1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 'Encourage.'                     Tuesday 26th 10.30-2pm          Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
  Tuesday24th 10.30-2pm       Fullarton conneXions Cafe.                               Wed 27th 7-8am                  Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions
  Wednesday 25th 7-8am        Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions                   Saturday 30th 10.30-2pm         Fullarton conneXions Cafe.
  Thursday24th 7pm to 9pm     The Divine Conspiracy Study, held in the
  Saturday 26th 11-2pm.       Fullarton ConneXions Cafe Open.
  Sunday 27th 10.30am .       Morning Service: Rev Stewart Birse. Acts 4 -
                              Witnessing.'                                             You can also check the Website for any other events in Fullarton ConneXions, at
                2.30pm .      Fullarton Nursing Home: Fraser Hutchison.       /latest/events calendar
                6.30pm .      Evening Service: Rev Stewart Birse. 1
                              Thessalonians 5:16 - 'Conclusion.'                       Stewart and Andrew are both available for Pastoral Duties. If you need to contact
  Tuesday 29th 10.30-2pm .    Fullarton conneXions Cafe Open.                          Stewart for pastoral reasons please phone 01292 474566 or 07840209228.
  Wednesday 30th 7am- 8am.    Prayer Breakfast, Fullarton conneXions.
  Thursday 31st 7pm to 9pm    The Divine Conspiracy Study, held in the
page 17                                         Contact May 2018                     Contact May 2018                                          page 18
Monthly Finance Matters

At the end of April the Offerings for 2018 were £1,246 or 4.34%
more than those received to the end of April 2017 :
Offerings to 30th April, 2018       £ 29,956
Offerings to 30th April , 2017      £ 28,710

After the first four months of the year, we are £1,550 or 5.46%      Our most recent function on the 17th March went well
above our initial draft Budget for the year.
                                                                     with a lovely meal being enjoyed by those present and
Details of the various miscellaneous donations gratefully received   our entertainer, Richard, keeping everyone amused with
during April (excluding those for the Major Buildings Fund or Con-   his story telling and singing. Our thanks to everyone
neXions Café ) are shown below:                                      involved in the preparation for the evening.

      Purpose              Amount                                    By the time Contact is printed and distributed we will
                                                                     have had our final get-together of the session. This will
      Christian Aid                      £       182.00
      Fountain Magazine                  £       1.50                have taken place on Saturday 28th April with the Rev Jill
      Heat & Light                       £       180.00              Clancy's choir coming along to entertain. They are a
      Leprosy                            £       16.49               wonderful group and we look forward to hearing then
      Life & Work                        £       4.60                once again.
      Light Factory                      £       105.00
      Special Projects                   £       332.73
                                                                     As the session draws to a close we are now thinking
      Printing                           £       92.50
      St Luke’s Hospital, Hiranpur       £       979.00              ahead to the Annual General Meeting of the Action
      YaC                                £       32.00               Group. This is due to be held late May or June.

                                                                     Intimation of the AGM will be included in the Order of
                                                                     Service - please look out for this and come along and
NB. These figures have NOT yet been reconciled with the April
                                                                     support this important outreach into our community and
Bank Statement as the deadline for “CONTACT” magazine means
that this data has to be submitted before the end of the month.      church family .

The Finance Team

      19 31                                              Contact
                                             Contact May 2018        Contact May 2018                               page 20
CONTACTS                            Pastoral Care:
Minister :                          Kate Gibson
Rev Neil Urquhart.                  01294 276148
01294 279909
                                    Church Secretary
Locum Minister :                    Teresa Goodwin
Rev Stewart Birse.                  01294 273741
01292 474566                        office hours: (see                                      PASTORAL CARE TEAM             announcement sheet)
                                 We as a team entirely depend on you, the members, telling us
Roll Keeper :                                                             when members of your family and friends are ill, or in hospital,
Ross Davidson                       Director of Music                                    or even when they would like a visit.      Graham Ferguson                        This is a list of the team members and we ask you to please
                                    01294 221480                                    contact any one of us if you need our help:
Church Officer/Beadle :                                                                  Kate Gibson (Team Leader): 276148
Ivan McQueenie.                     Church Hall Bookings                                   Jean Wyllie (Secretary): 274345
01294 273497                        Ashley & Esther Vaughan                                Sandra Deeprose: 01292 315169
                                    01294 273741                                                Margaret Elliott: 214433
Treasurer :                         coordinator@fullartoncon                                       May Elliot: 471660
Mike Rennie.                                                             Pam Hutchison: 311933
01294 275680                                                                                    Janet Kennedy: 275574                                                                    Ann Wood: 279546
                                    Fullarton Sports Dev-Worker                                 Christine O’May: 215960
                                    Stuart Forsyth
“Contact Magazine” Editor:                             Recording of Sunday Services
Geordie Moore                       07463860814                            Many of our congregation are unable to attend our Sunday
07748803885                                                               morning worship. At the moment services can be downloaded               Youth and Community Worker                               from the church website.
                                    Lindsay Forsyth                         However, the Sunday morning services will also now be
Probationer Minister:               lindsey-fullarton-                           recorded onto a CD.
Mr. Andrew Morrison                 07843436412                             If you are interested in receiving a CD with the recorded
07720275028                                                                                  services please contact:
Andrew.Morrison@churchofscotland.   Session Clerk:                              Kate Gibson - 01294 276148(Pastoral Care Team)                              Dr. Sheena Kinmond
                                    01294 312022
page 21                                    Contact May 2018             Contact May 2018                                       page 22
becoming like Jesus in our daily lives will
                                         A 6-session video teaching & discussion

                                                                                         Please contact Ian Young 07739380023
                                                                                         or if you wish
                                          study of Dallas Willard's classic text on

                                              starting on Thursday 10th May.
                                              be held in the Schoolroom on
                                                 NEW STUDY EVENING
                                                  The Divine Conspiracy

                                                    Thursday evenings,
                                                        7pm to 9pm,

                                                                                                        to join in.
Quick Bible Crossword XVIII
Across                    Down                                                                               
 1 Spoke (7)               1 Dirty (8)
 5 Ridicule (4)            2 Lydia’s home
 7 Path (3)                  town (8)                                     
 8 Religious work (8)      3 An epistle of Paul (6)
 9 Adversary (5)           4 Book featuring
10 God’s dislike (4)         Nebuchadnezzar (6)
13 Adullam, for one (4)    5 Concerning the Old                                                   
                             Testament laws (6)
14 Book written by a                                                                 
    priest (4)             6 Worry (4)
18 Book of Paul’s         11 One who says how                                            
    journeys (4)             to behave (8)
19 May be guiding (5)     12 Granted (8)
21 Bearing (8)            15 Charge (6)
22 Pledge (3)
                          16 Book read by the
23 Can’t stand (4)           eunuch (6)
24 Number of sheep        17 Wine vessel (6)
    in the lost sheep
    parable (7)           20 Devout widow (4)         by Philologus                              ©

                                      FRIENDSHIP GROUP
                                                 Tea/Coffee & Chat

                                                  Monday 14th May.
                                                       4 June,
                                                      18 June ,
                                                     2 July 2018
                                                (thereafter fortnightly)
                                                   1.30 – 3.15 p.m.

                                                Fullarton ConneXions

page 25   Contact May 2018   Contact May 2018                              page 26
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                           May 2018
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50 Years of Women in Ministry                                       drew Press books, resources and stationery with the code
The Rev Dr Margaret Forrester reflects on the journey which led     LWOFF17
to the ordination of women to the ministry in the Church of Scot-
land; and four female ministers reflect on their journey.               Visit our website for up-to-date news and
General Assembly 2018                                                     exclusive featues, follow Life and Work on Facebook and Twitter.

Lynne McNeil meets the Moderator-Designate, the Rev Susan           Life and Work is now available as a digital edition for computer,
Brown.                                                              tablet and smartphone. Subscribe from £11.99 for six months or
                                                                    buy a single issue for £1.99 by visiting
Reports, Assembly and Fringe timetables, Heart and Soul pre-
view.                                                               There is also a free Gaelic supplement available. You can read it
                                                                       in the Gaelic supplement section of the Life in Work website.
Dark Saturday
Ron Ferguson explains why there is much to learn in the jour-       Contact us
ney from Easter to Pentecost.                                       One of the magazine's most important elements is reader feed-
                                                                    back. Our letters pages are among the liveliest in the magazine
Mission Mavericks                                                   business, and are very revealing about general attitudes both
The Very Rev Albert Bogle appeals to readers to inspire others      within and beyond the Church. We actively encourage letters,
to walk through ‘open doors’.                                       but do ask that they are kept succinct (and not without humour),
                                                                    so we can publish as many as possible.
Generosity is Still Remembered
John R Hume considers the history of a well-known church in         •        Email Life and Work at
central Glasgow.                                                    •        Write to us at Life and Work, 121 George Street, Edin
                                                                             burgh EH2 4YN,
Two Halves                                                          •        Telephone 0131 225 5722
The Rev Scott McKenna considers the creation narrative of
Genesis.                                                            Advertise in Life and Work
                                                                    To place an advertisement in Life and Work, please contact our
Minute Vacations                                                    advertisers:Contact Publicity, 15 Newton Terrace , Glasgow G3 7PJ
The Very Rev Dr John Chalmers appeals to readers to arrange
‘holy moments’.                                                                     Telephone: 0141 204 2042
                                                                                        Fax: 0141 204 2043
page 27                                       Contact May 2018      Contact May 2018                                             page 28
Many thanks for the lovely plant and good wishes I received after
                                                                      my recent hip operation and the visit in Crosshouse Hospital from
                                                                      The Rev. Stewart Birse ,it was most appreciated .
                                                                      John Rorison

                                                                      "I'd like to thank the church for my lovely card, plant and birthday
                                                                      wishes. They were very much appreciated".
THANK YOU                                                             Helen McDowell
My thanks to the Fullarton FAMILY for the lovely plant and card I
received for my birthday. They are much appreciated.                  Many thanks to the Fullarton family for the birthday flowers. they
Mary Belsey                                                           are lovely!
                                                                      George Weir
Thanks you very much for the lovely card and plant I received for
my birthday. They were really appreciated.                            Many thanks to the Fullarton Family for the lovely plant and card
Betty Martin                                                          on the occasion of my birthday. It was greatly appreciated.
                                                                      Andrew Martin
Thank everyone at Fullarton church for the lovely card I received,
for my 92nd birthday. It was greatly appreciated. Hope to see you
all at church soon.
Emma Cairns

I’d like to thank the Ladies of The Guild for their good wishes and
cards during my recent unexpected stay in hospital.
I’d also like to express my thanks and appreciation of the lovely
plant delivered by Pam, from the Pastoral Care team, with the
prayers and good wishes from everyone at Fullarton.
Margaret Rae
                                                                                  BIRTHDAY WISHES
                                                                            Congratulations and best wishes to-
Many thanks for the beautiful plant and good wishes I received
form Kate Gibson on my return from Crosshouse Hospital. It was
much appreciated.
Best Wishes to all Doris Happell                                                      Congratulations and best wishes to-

Dr. Robin Burnett wishes to thank the Congregation for the Birth-                       Mrs Jean Spence who was 90
day Card and the beautiful pot-plant which marked his enrolment
as a junior member of the Octogenarians Society.                                       Dr Elspeth Campbell who was 92

page 29                                       Contact May 2018        Contact May 2018                                          page 30
  If you cannot attend PLEASE arrange for someone to undertake your duty
      9:30am for Morning Service and 6:00pm for Evening Service
                    TEAM A         TEAM B          TEAM C           TEAM D
                     20-May        27-May            03-Jun          10-Jun
                     17-Jun         24-Jun           01-Jul           08-Jul
                      15-Jul        22-Jul
Team Leader J Davidson             M.Small           I.Laird      F Hutchison
 Welcome : M. Wilson                C.Blair        B.Dawson          C.Black
                 H.MacKenzie       J.Burns          J.Wyllie      T.Goodwin

Door Duty : S.McQuaker P.Hutcheson L.Darroch    R.Burnett
               S.Burns   E.McGregor A.McLelland M.Clancy
               C.Blair    R.Graham C.McQueenie M.McInnally
              L.Dunlop      J.Ross   M.McIntee  M.Elliot
             Mgt.Elliott Kate Gibson S.Deeprose
            I McQuaker

 Counting : S.McQuaker P.Hutcheson L.Darroch                    R.Burnett
              L.Dunlop E.McGregor A.McLelland                   M.Clancy
            I.McQuaker R.Graham    C.Rennie                    F.Hutchison
                        S.Kinmond M.McIntee                    A.Hutchison

  Flowers/       J.Kennedy        J.Ross          A.Wood         K.Gibson
  Delivery         C.Blair       E.Stevely        J.Wyllie       M. Elliot
                M.McInnally      P.Gibson
                                 M.Small                                                      wednesdays 7am till 8am in

  Tea Rota        J.Burns       J.Benson       M.Bannerman A.Graham
                L.Haswell        E.Small         C.Black     J.Haig
                M.Sneddon       S.Burnett       C.Beckwith
                 J Russell       A, Roy
                                                             S W att

 page 31                                           Contact May 2018             Contact May 2018                           page 32
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    Dementia Support Services
    01294 602720

    Castleview Day Service
    01294 468560
    97 Glasgow St, Ardrossan

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                                             February 2016
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