March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James

Page created by Herman Lowe
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
1071 Academy Drive
March 13, 2022    Conway, SC 29526

                 Phone: (843) 347-5168
                  Fax: (843) 347-1212

                   4:30pm & 6:00pm

                   7:30am & 9:00am
                  12:00 Noon- Español

                    at 3:15pm-4:15pm
                   Following the Mass
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
MARCH 13, 2022
PARISH NURSE MINISTRY. Calling all nurses! If you are an                     THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES
RN or LPN, please consider sharing your talents with our                          SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT
Parish community. The Parish Nurse Program is being               Perpetual Adoration                                  daily
resumed and we need your help. The initial plan is to offer       Breakfast                9:00AM-3:00PM, Founders Center
monthly blood pressure screening with the intention to possibly   Coffee Bar after Masses                   Founders Center
offer other programs in the future. If interested, or for more    Children’s Faith Formation for grades 5-7
information, please call Tina Fabrizzi @ 724-302-7252.                                                     10:00AM-11:30AM
                                                                  RCIA                                     10:00AM-11:45AM

                                                                  Perpetual Adoration                             daily
       2022 SPRING FUND RAISER                                    Grief Support Group         4:00PM-5:30PM, Parish Hall
 This weekend you will find a packet of 10 tickets in your        Mission St. James Meeting    6:00PM, Conference Room
 bulletin for this important fundraiser to help raise funds for
 St. James operating fund. We ask that you please try to sell                                TUESDAY
 10 tickets to family, friends, and neighbors. Each ticket has    Perpetual Adoration                                    daily
 5 chances to win $500 and a chance at the grand prize of         Youth Group Meeting                              5:30PM, #11
 $1,000.00. Tickets are $10 each.
 Please make checks payable to: KofC Assembly 3166 and                                  WEDNESDAY
 return by mail, drop in the collection basket, or bring them     Perpetual Adoration                                  daily
 by the office. For questions or for more tickets, please call    The Search, Lenten Study 9:45AM or 6:00PM
 the church office. SC Raffle ID: R74132227                                              March 16, 23, 30 and April 6 and 13

                                                                                   THURSDAY-Happy St. Patrick’s Day
                                                                             Perpetual Adoration                   daily
                                Fridays during Lent                          Choir               7:00PM, Church & #15
                                  6:00PM, Church
                                    March 18, 25,
                                   and April 1, 8.                                             FRIDAY
                                                                  Perpetual Adoration                                      daily
                                                                  Faith-Sharing Group 10:00AM-11:30AM, Conference Room
                           Lenten Soup Suppers                    Friday Stations of the Cross                  6:00PM, Church
          following the Stations of the Cross                                                       March 18, 25, and April 1, 8.
                in the Founders Center                            Lenten Soup Suppers
                                                                           following the Stations of the Cross, Founders Center

                 ECUMENICAL                                               NEXT SUNDAY—THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT
                                                                  Perpetual Adoration                                 daily
              LENTEN LUNCHEONS                                    Breakfast                9:00AM-3:00PM, Founders Center
            THURSDAYS AT 12:00 NOON                               Coffee Bar after Masses                   Founders Center
                                                                  RCIA                                    10:00AM-11:30AM
Join us each Thursday as we journey together for                  Children’s Faith Formation for grades K-4
fellowship and devotion through the 40 days of Lent.                                                      10:00AM-11:30AM

March 17, 2022 12:00 Noon                                                            COMINIG EVENTS
                                                                  Lenten Penance Service                Wednesday, April 6
Hosted by: Trinity United Methodist Church                           4:30PM-6:00PM (English) and 7:00PM-9:00PM (Español)
Speaker: Father Oscar Borda                                       Easter Masses               Saturday, April 16, at 8:30PM
                 of St. James Catholic Church                                         Sunday, April 17, at 7:30AM, 9:00AM,
                                                                                                 and 12:00 Noon (Spanish)
March 24, 2022 12:00 Noon
Hosted by: St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
           (to be held at First United Methodist Church)
Speaker: The Rev. Tresco Shannon                                                CANDY FOR EASTER EGG HUNT: The youth
                of Trinity United Methodist Church                              group is looking for candy donations for their
                                                                                annual Easter Egg Hunt. Please drop off
March 31, 2022 12:00 Noon                                                       donations to Taylor Lilly’s office. Thank you!
Hosted by: First United Methodist Church
Speaker: The Rev. Josh Tietje
                 of First United Methodist Church                 SOCIAL ACTION BOX: Each month, the Social Justice
                                                                  Ministry will be collecting monetary donations for a different
April 7, 2022 12:00 Noon                                          need. During the month of March, please consider a monetary
Hosted by: St. James Catholic Church                              donation to Coastline Women’s Center whose mission it is to
Speaker: The Rev. J. Robert Bannan, Jr.                           help women facing unplanned pregnancies with compassionate
                of Kingston Presbyterian Church                   and professional medical care. A box for monetary donations
                                                                  will be available in the gathering space.
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
         WORSHIP THIS WEEK March 12-20
        3:15pm-4:15pm Confession
            4:00pm Rosary
            4:30pm Mass                   For the Parish                          We asked that you please be silent as you
            6:00pm Mass            + Graciano Rapapan                             enter the church at the beginning of all the
                                                                                  Masses. This is a time to prepare for the
 Sun.       7:30am Mass        + Charles Wojciechowski                            Eucharist celebration. People are in prayer,
            9:00am Mass                  + Sal Loprinzi                           so we ask that there be no talking amongst
   11:00am-11:45am Confession                                                     each other at this time. Thank you.
           12:00pm Spanish Mass +Ana Manriguez Razo
                             y Guillermo Preito Rendon
                                                                 A NEW MEN’S MINISTRY will be starting up in the near future
 *Rosary and Confession available following daily Masses         and we have a core team of men that will begin a journey of
 Mon.                  NO Mass                                   prayer and reflection starting on Ash Wednesday and
 Tue.    12:00 noon Mass                      + John Mackey      throughout Lent. Please keep them in your prayers as they
             7:00pm Spanish Mass                 No Intention    seek God’s wisdom, discernment, and guidance for this
 Wed.        9:00am Mass                    + Donald Samsel      important ministry.
 Thu.        9:00am Mass                     + Robert Amato
 Fri.        9:00am Mass                   + Robert Williams
 Sat.        4:00pm Rosary                                       OUR CONDOLENCES to Kathleen Petrosino and family on the
             4:30pm Mass            In honor of Justin Oliveri   death of her husband and our parishioner, Joseph Petrosino,
             6:00pm Mass                       For the Parish    who died recently and whose funeral will be held in
 Sun.        7:30am Mass                     + Philip Heisler    Sue Ferrari and family on the death of her husband, Francis
             9:00am Mass                    + Tommy Flench       Ferrari, whose funeral was held here last week. Please keep
   11:00am-11:45am Confession                                    them in your prayers.
           12:00pm Spanish Mass                  No Intention
                                       + symbol for deceased
                                                                                      EASTER FLOWER ENVELOPES
                                                                               We will soon be ordering the flowers to
WELCOME OUR NEWEST LITTLE MEMBERS, Makayla Lynn                                decorate the sanctuary in celebration of Christ’s
Coffin, Hannah Elizabeth Becker, Camden Joseph Becker, who                     resurrection. Your March mailing of envelopes
were baptized this weekend at St. James.                                       contains one to make donations and/or
                                                                               dedications in memory and honor of loved ones.
                                                                 (Please print names clearly.) Turn in your envelope by
OFFERTORY: We thank everyone who gives so generously to
our weekly collection.

2022                Offertory        Budget         Variance                                  LIVING WITH GRIEF
 1094               $14,661.50      $15,000.00       -$338.50
Month:              Actuals          Budget         Variance                      Our Grief Group here at St. James meets
(1 Sunday)        $14,661.50       $15,000.00      -$338.50                       monthly on the second Monday at 4:00PM-
                                                                                  5:30PM in the Parish Hall. If you have lost a
Year to Date:     $455,109.31     $451,400.00      +$3,709.31                     loved one, please join us.
Amount needed to meet Budget for March Offertory: $50,000.00.

OUR TITHE this week totals $879.69. We are giving $300 to
Mission St. James, $300 Street Reach Ministries, and the
balance of $279.69 to Coastline Women’s Center.                                MEALS FOR YOUTH MINISTRY
                                                                 The youth group meets every Tuesday and is in need of meals.
                                                                 It would mean the world if you could help our youth ministry
SPECIAL SECOND COLLECTION TODAY, MARCH 12 AND                    program! There are usually around 30 people and all food is
13, WILL BE FOR THE CHURCH IN UKRAINE AND THE                    welcome! If you are willing or able to donate a meal or money
SURROUNDING COUNTRIES. This collection will provide              towards a meal, please sign-up on our meal train site: https://
assistance to the victims of war in Ukraine, among many other
projects the collection supports in the region. Let us ask Our
Lady, Queen of Peace, to bring a swift end to the violence.
Please be generous.
                                                                                              YOUTH MINISTRY
SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 19                                   Sunday, March 13: Please join us this Tuesday
AND 20, WILL BE FOR THE BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL.                               at 5:30PM for youth group! Dinner is included. All
Please be generous. This will be a second collection next                     6-12 graders are invited! We are learning how to
weekend.                                                                      make prayer a daily habit in our lives.
**If you have your Capital Campaign envelope you can place                    During Lent, we are hosting a youth Lenten study
it in this second collection.                                    at 11:00AM each Sunday. All youth in grades 8-12 are
                                                                 welcome to participate. It will be in the youth room.
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
Fax (843)347-1212                       Website:                E-Mail:

             We are also looking for people to sign up so we
             can have two people at all hours.
                           SIGN UP TODAY!!!
                           You can go to our website
Open hours:
Sunday 4:00AM, 5:00PM, 6:00PM
Monday 4:00AM, 5:00AM
Tuesday 1:00AM, 2:00AM, 3:00AM
Thursday 1:00AM, 4:00PM                                                              ST. JAMES COLUMBARIUM
Friday 1:00AM, 2:00AM, 10:00AM, 4:00PM                                With the final three niche units (Units B, D & F) install for our
Saturday 1:00AM, 10:00AM, 1:00PM                                      columbarium, we have seven such units now in place. We
                                                                      have a total of 336 niches in the columbarium. We still have
                                                                      niches available. Remember each niche, which measures 12" x
                   WALL-OF-MONEY FUNDRAISER                           12" x 12", can hold two cremated remains. The cost for a niche
The Mission St. James team is beginning to prepare for another        is $2,900 with $2,000 of that amount being tax deductible. If you
mission trip to help our brothers and sisters in need. During this    have not already thought about our columbarium as a final
season of Lent, the team is asking you to consider helping them       resting place, now may be the time to begin. Take a minute and
accomplish their missionary call from Christ, by offering a           visit our beautiful Columbarium located on sacred grounds. Call
sacrificial gift. If you are able, please take an envelope from the   the church office for additional information at 843-347-5168.
bulletin board across from the women’s restroom and place the
amount of money written on it inside of the envelope. Place the
envelope with the money inside in the collection basket at Mass
or turn it in to the front office. Thank you for your support!
                                                                                        KNOW YOUR FAITH
                                                                      What does the liturgical color purple represent?
                                                                      Humility, sorrow, and penitence

                                                                                                      DIVINE MERCY TRIVIA: Do
                                                                                                      you know what “signature” is
                                LENTEN PENANCE                                                        printed on the Divine Mercy
                                    SERVICE                                                                “Jesus, I trust in You”

                             WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6                                                       Join us for the Divine Mercy
                                                                                                      Holy Hour on Sunday, April 24,
                                                                                                      at 3:00PM in the Church.
                              4:30PM Prayer Service
                              followed by confession
                               from 5:00PM-6:00PM

Please fill out the card each Sunday and place it in the
collection basket during the offertory. While the grown-ups
give of their treasure at this time of the Mass, children can offer
the gift of their presence at Mass by placing their card in the
collection basket.

St. James Catholic Church, Conway, SC
Mass Card for Faith Formation                                         DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE IN THE UNITED STATES
                                                                      MILITARY? Have you seen our military board with the pictures
Church Attending_____________________                                 of our parish families military members. If you have someone
                                                                      in the service and would like to post their picture and have the
Child’s Name________________________                                  parish pray for them, please bring a 4x6 photo with the name of
                                                                      the service member, branch of the military, and their rank.
Date of Attendance____________________                                Help us fill up the board and let us support our troops.
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
$58,000.00           HELP US REACH OUR
                           for our new organ

                 We have raised $24,350.00
                 toward our $58,000.00 new organ
                 fundraiser. Thank you to all who
$24,350.00       have given.
                 Forms are available on the piano
                 and can be dropped in the
                 collection basket or turned into
                 the parish office.

We invite you to join us celebrate FertilityCare Week virtually
and in person. The theme this year is “Unveiling the
Goodness, Beauty, and Truth of Our Fertility with Creighton
Model FertilityCare System”. On March 22 (Tues) 7PM, join
us online to witness "A Journey Through Women's Health
Purgatory and NaPro Empowerment " by Lexie Sawonik
followed by a Live Q and A with Dr Christine Hemphill-Jones.
Register in advance or join
@NFPSC Facebook Live. On March 23 (Wed) 7PM, a
celebration of the Holy Mass by Fr. David Nerbun will be held
at Lackey Chapel, Coastal Carolina University. This will be
followed by viewing of NAPRO: Quiet Revolution followed by
Q & A with Dr Susanna Bleyer. It will be concluded with the
Eucharistic Adoration. Join us in person or FB Live @NFPSC.
Please contact for more

              SPRING BUS TRIPS

                                                                                      PAPAL BLESSING
                                                                  If you are celebrating your 50th or 75th Wedding Anniversary in
                                                                  February and would like to receive a Papal Blessing, please turn
                                                                  in the following information to the church office at 843-347-5168.
                                                                                Groom Name and Bride Maiden Name
                                                                                           Date of Marriage,
                                                                               Church name and city & state of marriage

                                                                  Once we receive the certificate from Rome you can pick it up
                                                                  from the church office. If you would like a special blessing from
                                                                  Father Oscar at Mass, please call Paula at the office to
           FOR MORE INFORMATION                                   schedule. NOTE: We will run this each month so anyone with
                                                                  50th or 75th anniversary can get a Papal Blessing in the month
  CALL SANDY SEES (843)340-9745                                   of their anniversary.
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
* * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * *

                                                                      RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS DE PRIMAVERA 2022
                                                                    Este fin de semana encontrará un paquete de 10 boletos
                                                                    en su boletín para esta importante recaudación de fondos
                                                                    para ayudar a recaudar fondos para el fondo operativo de
                                                                    St. James. Le pedimos que intente vender 10 boletos a
                                                                    familiares, amigos y vecinos. Cada boleto tiene 5 oportuni-
                                                                    dades de ganar $500 y una oportunidad del gran premio
                                                                    de $1,000.00.

                                                                    Los boletos cuestan $10 cada uno. Haga los cheques a
                                                                    nombre de KofC Assembly 3166 y devuélvalos por correo,
                                                                    déjelos en la canasta de recolección o llévelos a la oficina.
                                                                    Para preguntas o para más boletos, llame a la oficina de la
                                                                    iglesia. ID de la rifa SC: R74132227

                                                                  ¿TIENES A ALGUIEN EN EL EJÉRCITO DE LOS ESTADOS
                                                                  UNIDOS? ¿Ha visto nuestro tablero militar con las fotos de los
                                                                  miembros militares de nuestras familias parroquiales? Si tiene
                                                                  a alguien en el servicio y le gustaría publicar su foto y hacer
                                                                  que la parroquia ore por ellos, traiga una foto de 4x6 con el
                                                                  nombre del miembro del servicio, rama de las fuerzas armadas
                                                                  y su rango. Ayúdanos a llenar el tablero y déjanos apoyar a
                                                                  nuestras tropas.

Caridades Católicas ofrece servicios legales de inmigración de    El grupo de jóvenes se reúne todos los martes y necesita
alta calidad y bajo costo en el área de Rock Hill para aquellos   comidas. ¡Significaría el mundo si pudieras ayudar a nuestro
que no pueden pagar un abogado privado. Manejan todo tipo         programa de ministerio juvenil! Por lo general, hay alrededor
de casos de inmigración, incluida la representación legal para    de 30 personas y toda la comida es bienvenida. Si está
aquellos que enfrentan procesos de deportación.                   dispuesto o puede donar una comida o dinero para una
                                                                  comida, regístrese en nuestro sitio de tren de comidas: https://
Llame      al   (803)    327-7144      o     escríbales      a de habla hispana

Por favor, complete la tarjeta cada domingo y colóquela en la
canasta de recolección durante el ofertorio. Mientras los                              SERVICIO DE PENITENCIA
adultos dan su tesoro en este momento de la Misa, los niños
pueden ofrecer el regalo de su presencia en la Misa, y lo                                  DE CUARESMA
calzan colocando su tarjeta en la canasta de colecta.

St. James Catholic Church, Conway, SC                                                    MIÉRCOLES 6 DE ABRIL
Tarjeta de la Misa para la Formación en la Fe
                                                                                 Comenzará con un Servicio de
Asistir a la iglesia_______________________
                                                                  Oración a las 7:00PM seguido por confesiónes
El nombre del niño_____________________                                  de 7:30PM a 9:00PM (español)
Fecha de asistencia_____________________
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
* * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * *
              ADORACIÓN ¿PUEDES PASAR UNA HORA                                ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES
                    CON NUESTRO SEÑOR?                                                ESTE DOMING
                                                                 9:00AM-3:00PM Desayuno en el Centro Fundadores
              ¡REGÍSTRESE HOY POR SÓLO UNA HORA!                 10:00AM RICA
                                                                 10:00AM Formación de la fe de los niños grado 5-7
           También estamos buscando gente para apuntarse         11:30AM Rosario en la Iglesia
           para poder tener dos personas a todas horas.          12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa

                         ¡¡¡REGÍSTRATE HOY!!!                                           ESTE LUNES
                                                                 7:15PM Rosario en la Iglesia
Puedes ir a nuestro sitio web:                                   6:30PM Caballeros, #7                 7:30PM Formación, Cafetería
Horarios de apertura:
Domingo 4:00AM, 5:00PM, 6:00PM                                                         ESTE MARTES
Lunes 4:00AM, 5:00AM                                             5:30PM Youth Group
Martes 1:00AM, 2:00AM, 3:00AM                                    6:30PM Rosario en la Iglesia
Jueves 1:00AM, 4:00PM                                            7:00PM Misa en la Iglesia
Viernes 1:00AM, 2:00AM, 10:00AM, 4:00PM                          8:00PM Hora Santa en la Iglesia
Sábado 1:00AM, 10:00AM, 1:00PM                                   8:30PM Formación, Cafetería

                                                                                     ESTE MIERCOLES
                                                                 9:00PM Coro en la Iglesia

                                                                                       ESTE VIERNES
CAJA DE ACCIÓN SOCIAL: Cada mes, el Ministerio de                6:30PM Viernes Cenas de Sopa de Cuaresma antes de las
Justicia Social estará recolectando donaciones monetarias para   Estaciones de la Cruz, Centro de Fundadores
una necesidad diferente. Durante el mes de marzo, considere      7:00PM Viernes Estaciones de la Cruz 11, 18, 25 y 3 de
una donación monetaria a Coastline Women's Center, cuya          marzo 1 y 8 de abril.
misión es ayudar a las mujeres que enfrentan embarazos no
planificados con atención médica compasiva y profesional. Una                      PRÓXIMO DOMINGO
caja para donaciones monetarias estará disponible en el          9:00AM-3:00PM Desayuno en el Centro Fundadores
espacio de reunión.                                              10:00AM RICA
                                                                 10:00AM Formación de la fe de los niños grado K-5
                                                                 11:30AM Rosario en la Iglesia
                                                                 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa
               DE PASCUA: El grupo de jóvenes está
               buscando donaciones de dulces para su
               búsqueda anual de huevos de Pascua. Deje las
               donaciones en la oficina de Taylor Lilly.         COLECTA: Damos gracias a todos los                   que      aportan
               ¡Gracias!                                         generosamente en nuestra colecta semanal.
                                                                 2022                Offertory        Budget         Variance
                                                                 1094                $14,661.50      $15,000.00       -$338.50
                                    6:30PM                       Month:              Actuals          Budget         Variance
                          Viernes Cenas de Sopa de               (1 Sunday)        $14,661.50      $15,000.00       -$338.50
                          Cuaresma antes de las                  Year to Date:     $455,109.31     $451,400.00      +$3,709.31
                          Estaciones de la Cruz,
                                                                 Amount needed to meet Budget for March Offertory: $50,000.
                          Centro de Fundadores
                                                                 LA SEGUNDA COLECTA ESPECIAL DE HOY 12 Y 13 DE
                                    7:00PM                       MARZO SERÁ PARA LA IGLESIA EN UCRANIA Y LOS
                          Viernes Estaciones de la               PAÍSES ALREDEDORES. Esta colecta brindará asistencia a
                          Cruz 18, 25 de marzo, 1 y 8            las víctimas de la guerra en Ucrania, entre muchos otros
                                                                 proyectos que la colecta apoya en la región. Pidamos a
                          de abril.                              Nuestra Señora, Reina de la Paz, que ponga fin rápidamente a
                                                                 la violencia. Por favor, sea generoso.

a todas las enfermeras! Si es un RN o LPN, considere             FEBRERO SERÁ PARA LA APELACIÓN ANUAL DEL
compartir sus talentos con nuestra comunidad parroquial. El      OBISPO. Por favor sea generoso. Esta será una segunda
Programa de Enfermería Parroquial se está reanudando y           colección proximo domingo.
necesitamos su ayuda. El plan inicial es ofrecer exámenes
mensuales de presión arterial con la intención de ofrecer        **Si tienes tu sobre de Capital Campaign puedes colocarlo
posiblemente otros programas en el futuro. Si está interesado    en esta segunda colección.
o para obtener más información, llame a Paula Loehr al 843-
March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James March 13, 2022 - Catholic Church of St. James
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