Page created by Theodore Rogers
www    .SacredHeartRedBluff.org
Sacred Heart Catholic Church: 515 Main Street (Main Street and Elm) , Red Bluff
Sacred Heart School, the Parish Office and the Parish Hall: 2355 Monroe Ave., Red Bluff
Fifth                   TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION
                                                 Sunday of                    Each Sunday, we listen to three scripture readings. The first
                                                                         reading usually comes from the Old Testament. “The New
                                                 Lent                    Testament lies hidden in the Old; the Old Testament comes fully
                                                 March 21,               to light in the New,” we read in the Introduction to the
                                                                         Lectionary. “Christ himself is the center and fullness of the
                                                 2021                    whole of Scripture” (5). On Sundays, these readings usually
                                                                         have a close connection to the Gospel. In this season of Lent, for
                                                                         example, the Exodus account of the thirst of the Israelites in the
                                                                         desert is paired with the Samaritan woman’s encounter with
    Today’s first reading is an enormously important                     Jesus at the well. Ezekiel’s vision of the Lord raising people
passage, not only in the history of the Jewish people,                   from their graves is paired with the narrative of Christ raising
but also for us as disciples of Jesus, who see in it a                   Lazarus from the dead.
foreshadowing of the Christian dispensation. The                              The readings are taken from many sources—historical
prophet announces that God has chosen to forgive the                     books like Judges, Kings, and the Acts of the Apostles, prophets
people, and that as a sign of divine forgiveness a new                   like Isaiah and Ezekiel, wisdom literature like Proverbs or
covenant will be established. Contrasting the new                        Ecclesiastes. But no matter its genre, the first reading always
                                                                         ends with the same acclamation: “The word of the Lord.” The
covenant with the one made with Moses on Mount
                                                                         scriptures are written by human authors who wrote in widely
Sinai, Jeremiah says that the new covenant will be                       different cultural and historical contexts, but these human
written on the people’s hearts rather than on tablets of                 authors are also divine instruments through whom God speaks
stone. No longer will the community’s tradition be the                   to us. And so we say, “Thanks be to God.”
sole bearer of the covenant; henceforth, God will speak
directly and personally to each individual, forgiving sin                Holy Father’s Intentions for the Month of March:
and calling for a return to God in faithfulness. No                      Violence Against Women
                                                                         We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be
longer will mere outward compliance with the dictates                    protected by society and have their sufferings considered and
of the Law suffice; henceforth, God asks for an                          heeded.
obedience that springs from the depths of one’s heart.
    Precisely that kind of obedience is highlighted in                   Mass Schedule / Intentions
today’s second reading, where the author of the Letter                          Week of Mar 20 – Mar 28
to the Hebrews describes Jesus as the mediator of the                    Sat     5:15 PM      † Tom Wise and Emma Meyers
new covenant whose obedience has made him the                            Sun: 10:00 AM Intentions of Baby Winter Hamill
source of salvation for all who, in turn, obey him.                             12:00 PM † Basilia Lopez
                                                                         Mon 12:00 PM † Scotty Brown
         SACRED HEART PARISH MISSION STATEMENT                           Tues: 12:00 PM
     We are a diverse, multi-cultural Roman Catholic Parish.             Wed: 12:00 PM † Francisco Jimenez
            Relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit,                  Thurs: 12:00 PM Intentions of the Parish Council
        we endeavor to build the kingdom of God through                  Fri:                No Mass
    liturgy, prayer, education and outreach to those in need.            Sat:    5:15 PM Intentions of Daiman Sinai &Galarraga
We come together as a faith community to celebrate life’s joys and
                                                                         Sun: 10:00 AM † Kathy Lammay
           sorrows and minister to all who come to us.
                                                                                12:00 PM † Basilia Lopez
                  Prayers for Strength and Healing If you wish to
                                                                         Rosary for March:
                  add someone to the prayer concerns for the sick,
                  please gain permission from the patient before                     ~ For the homeless, the lonely, and the forgotten ~
                  calling the Parish Office. Thank you.                                  Feast Days and Readings for the Week
                                                                         Monday:              Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
Please remember in your prayers, the sick and their caregivers:                               Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11
Jack Bullen, Bea Lambdin, Barbara Bullen, Kolton Kafader, Cindy          Tuesday:             Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
McDonald, Justine McDonald, Dave Klingforth, Peggy Kinner Dawson,        Wednesday:           Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56;
Maria Martinez, Cadence Bonham, Sam Ranberg, Cee Dempsey,                                     Jn 8:31-42
Steven Barker, Scott Gadbois, Cully & Ruth Dodds, Kathleen Figuerido,    Thursday:            Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Ernie King, Candy Harman, Judy Morris, Manuel Casados, Carolyn                                Lk 1:26-38
Gilbert, Tom Steffen, Paulette Goble, Laura Angelo, Louisa Barber,       Friday:              Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Anne Owens, Richard Reinero, Steve Thomas, Ron Crivelli, Jill Angliss,   Saturday:            Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56
Mark Spanfelner, Aniya Thompson, David Miley, the Hernandez              Sunday:              Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession);
Family, John Parsons, Christa Parsons, Marley Hogden, John                                    Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24;
McDonald, Duke Durham, Mary Wise, Ruthanne Caton, Patricia                                    Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]
Casados and Fidel Martinez.
LifeNet Baby Bottle                            Online Giving Platform
Week at a Glance Mar 21 – March 28
                                                              Thank you to everyone who took a               If you are already an Online Donor
Tues:    7:00 PM Spanish Holy Hour- Church                                                                   with the Old ParishSOFT program,
                                                              LifeNet baby bottle to fill with
Wed:     6:30 PM CFF Spanish Class- Hall                                                                     please       use        this      URL:
                                                              change, cash or a check. Respect Life
Thurs:   5:30 PM RCIA- David’s Rm                                                                            https://www.myowngiving.com/Default
                                                              Ministry members will be available to          .aspx?cid=389     to access the Old
BAPTISM CLASS: Parents and Godparents of children to          collect the baby bottles at next week's        ParishSOFT Online Giving (Legacy)
be baptized are required to take an Adults-only Baptism       Masses. Please put the bottle in your          program and cancel your donations in
Preparation Class. You are encouraged to take the class       car so you'll be sure to have it! Thank        that program. If you have been
before the child is born. The Spanish class is usually held   you for your generosity.                       donating online through the Diocese of
on the last Monday of the month at 7 PM in David’s Rm.                                                       Sacramento      Catholic     Foundation,
The class in English is usually held the first Tuesday of     Weekend Mass instructions                      please call the Diocese Catholic
every month at 7 PM in David’s Room. Please call the          A restricted number of people are allowed      Foundation at (916) 733-0266 to cancel
office to register, and to confirm the class date, 527 -      at each weekend Mass, and you need to          your donations.
1351.                                                         sign up. To sign up, go to our website         Then go to the Sacred Heart Church
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS & Concerns: Emeli                      (sacredheartredbluff.org). Signing up this     Red            Bluff            website:
Hernandez; emeli.hernandez@sacredheartredbluff.org            way reserves your space. If you have no        www.sacredheartredbluff.org.      Click
LAY MINISTRY: Breanna Farmer;                                 internet, you may have a friend who can        on the “Donate Now” button and sign
breanna.farmer@sacredheartredbluff.org                        sign you up. If neither of those work for      up for a new donor account and set up
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: John Reineman, Grand Knight,             you, call 530-722-6694. This does not          your donations.
530-945-1348.                                                 reserve your space. We will return your
MEN OF SACRED HEART: sacredheartone@gmail.com,                call to do that.                               Thank you for your continued support
phone: 722-6694                                                                                              of Sacred Heart Church via the new
PARISH OFFICE: 10 AM to 4 PM, Mon-Thru, 2355                  Weekend Mass schedule                          online method. The Legacy program
Monroe Ave., 527 – 1351; Fax 529 - 2586.                      Our weekend Mass schedule follows:             and the Diocese of Sacramento
RCIA: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For persons   Saturday:                                      programs will eventually be phased out.
wanting to know more about the Catholic faith please          3:30-5:00pm Confessions at the Church          If you would like to mail a donation,
call 527 - 1351.                                              Sunday:                                        the address to send it to is 2355 Monroe
RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY: Margie Duey, 527-1351                           10:00 am English                      Ave Red Bluff, CA 96080
GABRIEL PROJECT: Linda Rose, 527-3608                                  12:00 pm Spanish                      If you have questions, please call the
SACRED HEART PARISH E-MAIL:                                         *At the Parish Hall*                     parish office at 530-527-1351.
SACRED HEART PARISH WEBSITE:                                  *Saturday Mass will be recorded to be          Mother Daughter 2021 Program
www.sacredheartredbluff.org.                                  viewed on Sunday. To watch the Mass            Saturday, April 10
WOMEN’S GUILD: Sandi Kramer, President, 527-8900.             please see the Sacred Heart Parish             The       Mother-Daughter     Programs
NEW PARISHIONERS, OR IF YOU ARE NOT RECEIVING                 Website. *                                     explore God’s special gift of human
CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES: Please call the Parish                                                               fertility and the beauty and wonder of
Office at 527 – 1351                                          Catholic Relief- Help Jesus in Disguise        God’s plan for growing up and
                                                              Thank you for your generous support of         becoming a woman. The Teen and
SH School and preschool Annual Auction and                    The Catholic Relief Services Collection        Tween Programs cover similar subject
Dinner                                                        and for helping Jesus in disguise. Your        matter while differing in depth and
Sacred Heart School thanks EVERYONE who helped                contributions make a difference for the        scope. All presentations are pure, light-
make Saturday’s Dinner and Auction event a                    poor and marginalized around the world. If     hearted and affirming!
tremendous success!     Thank you sponsors, SH                you missed the collection, it’s not too late   Tweens (Ages 10*-12): 9am - Noon
families, friends (near and far) and our local                to         give!         Just          visit   * Girls younger than 10 who are
community. We couldn’t have done it without all your          www.usccb.org/nationalcollections        for   already developing and showing signs
support!                                                      more information on how to give.               of puberty are welcome to attend.
                                                                                                             Teens (Ages 13-16): 2pm - 6pm
LIFENET POSITION                                              SHS Pre-registration 2021 -2022                For       more     information,      visit
LifeNet Family Resource and Pregnancy Center is               SHS 2021-2022 Registration has begun for       www.scd.org/motherdaughter,            or
seeking an Executive Director to manage and direct a          incoming TK, Kindergarten through 8th          contact Jackelin Aguilar at 916-733-
pro-life pregnancy center. This is currently a 30 hour        grade students.       SHS welcomes all         0156 or Jaguilar@scd.org
per week position. Go to LifenetTehama.org/job for            students regardless of background or faith.
the job description and application.                          The curriculum does include religion           FREE Naturalization workshop
                                                              classes teaching the Catholic faith and        Interested in becoming a U.S. Citizen?
*On Easter Sunday, you may bring water to                     values, and students attend a weekly mass.     Sacramento Food Bank & Family
have it blessed. *                                            Children may be accepted in the TK class       Services Immigration Legal Services
                                                              if she/he turns 4 by August 16, 2021.          invites you to attend this free event to
                                                              The Kindergarten program may accept            learn more about the process of
*On April 5 -8, there will be no Daily Mass and                                                              becoming        a      U.S.      citizen.
                                                              students if she/he turns 5 by August 16,
the office will be closed. Although the office                2021.                                          “Understanding      the    Process     of
will be closed, we will be monitoring telephone               Scholarships are available. Please contact     Becoming a U.S. Citizen” is a virtual
messages. Daily mass will be starting again                   the school office at 527.6727 or email         presentation on March 24, 2021 from
Monday April 12 at 7 am instead of 12 pm*                     bgaribaldi@shsredbluff.org      for   more     9:00am to 10:00am PST. This free
                                                              information and to schedule a visit.           event will be in Spanish. All are
*On March 23, there will be Mass at 7 AM not                                                                 welcome to attend.
12 PM. The Masses after March 23 will be held                 CFF                                            Please register to attend this event,
                                                              On March 24, 2021 there will be a              click         here        or         visit
at 12 PM*
                                                              Spanish class. Classes will resume
                                                              alternating English and Spanish on
                                                              Wednesdays throughout the year.

El miercoles 24 de Marzo de 2021 habrá una clase en Espanol. Las clases se reanudarán
alternando inglés y español los miércoles durante todo el año.

Nueva plataforma de donaciones en línea
Si ya es un donante en línea con el programa Old ParishSOFT, utilice esta URL:
https://www.myowngiving.com/Default.aspx?cid=389 para acceder al programa Old
ParishSOFT Online Giving (Legacy) y cancelar sus donaciones en ese programa. Si ha estado
donando en línea a través de la Fundación Católica de la Diócesis de Sacramento, llame a la
Fundación Católica de la Diócesis al (916) 733-0266 para cancelar sus donaciones.
Luego, vaya al sitio web de Red Bluff de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón:
www.sacredheartredblulff.org. Haga clic en el botón "Donar ahora", regístrese para obtener una
nueva cuenta de donante y configure sus donaciones.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo a la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón a través del nuevo método en
línea. El programa Legacy y los programas de la Diócesis de Sacramento eventualmente serán
Si desea enviar una donación por correo, la dirección para enviarla es 2355 Monroe Ave Red
Bluff, CA 96080
Si tiene preguntas, llame a la oficina parroquial al 530-527-1351.

Esperanza: No Estamos Solos
23 de Marzo a las 7:30pm , Inscribete por https://forms.gle/KdPG9xLmv341Mwte8 ¡Esperanza!
No Estamos Solos. Conoce otros jovenes a travex del ZOOM Contaremos con la presencia del
Padre Rodolfo Llamas. Invitamos a todos los Jóvenes Adultos a una noche de alabanza No se
piedra esta noche virtual los veremos alli! ¡Animate, no faltes! Para más información, contacte a
Alejandro Barraza al 916-733-0134 o abarraza@scd.org

Preinscripción SHS 2021-2022
SHS 2021-2022 Ha comenzado la preinscripción para los estudiantes que ingresan a TK,
Kindergarten y estudiantes transferidos. SHS da la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes sin
importar su origen o fe. El plan de estudios incluye clases de religión que enseñan la fe y los
valores católicos, y los estudiantes asisten a una misa semanal. Los niños pueden ser aceptados
en la clase de TK si cumplen 4 años antes del 16 de agosto de 2021. El programa de jardín de
infantes puede aceptar estudiantes si cumplen 5 años antes del 16 de agosto de 2021. La
preinscripción asegura que se le notificará cuando se abran las inscripciones en línea. . Hay becas
disponibles. Comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela al 527.6727 o envíe un correo electrónico
a lclark@shsredbluff.org para obtener más información y programar una visita.
Cena y subasta anual de la escuela SH y preescolar
El 20 de marzo habrá una subasta anual y una cena "para llevar". Consulte el folleto para obtener
más información.

Taller de naturalización GRATIS
¿Está usted interesado en solicitar la ciudadanía Estadounidense?
Los Servicios Legales de Inmigración de Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services lo invitan a
asistir a este evento gratuito para entender el proceso de convertirse en un ciudadano de los
Estados Unidos. “Cómo Entender el Proceso de Convertirse en Ciudadano de EE.UU.” es una
presentación virtual el 24 de marzo de 2021 de 9:00am a 10:00am hora del pacífico. Este evento
gratuito será en español. Todos son bienvenidos para asistir.Por favor regístrese para asistir a este
evento. Para registrarse, visite https://www.scd.org/inmigracion para obtener más información
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