March 2021 - Mount Wachusett Community College

Page created by Dean Barker
March 2021 - Mount Wachusett Community College
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER                                                                                             March 2021

 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE VISIONS AND RX PROGRAMS                                                 IN THIS ISSUE

 Marching On!                                       We have been working hard to line up                                 Career
                                                    sessions focused on different aspects of
 by Gaurav Khanna,
                                                    entering the job market and presenters who
  Director of the Visions and Rx Programs                                                                                Learn more about
                                                    are knowledgeable on their subject matter.
 When I write these welcome articles I usually      Look out for information and instructions on                         our second career
 take a quick peek at past years to make sure       how to register and choose sessions.                                 conference on pg. 8
 I’m not missing anything important. As I read
 my article for the March 2020 edition of the       Transfer                                                            Don’t Miss the
 newsletter it felt that I was writing from a       Four year colleges are still open for business                      Deadling
 different world. Little did we know that all our   and still accepting transfer students! If you                       Learn about this
 familiar routines were about to get turned on      have considered transfer and have questions                         important deadlines on
 their head by COVID. There are fewer               schedule a time to meet with Sarah Pingeton                         pg. 2
 students around, the buildings are a lot           or Alaina Lucchetti right away so that you can
 quieter but the world doesn’t stop, you keep       make sure your next step in higher education                        Student Spotlight
 moving forward, and inspired by you, so do         goes smoothly. Even if you are not certain and                      Jonathan Acevedo
 we!                                                just have general questions, it’s not too late to
                                                                                                                        shares his story of
                                                    get started.
 March is all about setting you up for success in                                                                       success on pg.6.
 the future:                                        Scholarships
                                                    MWCC transfer scholarships applications are
 Mid-Semester Review                                due March 31 and scholarships for returning
 Faculty are sending in their four-week             students are due May 30. Competition is often
 assessments will valuable feedback on your         low for these awards and you only need to
 work. These assessments provide feedback           complete one application to be matched to all
 on classroom preparation and participation in      available awards. Make sure you use a tutor to
 addition to grades and attendance. If you          review your application before you submit it!
 have not already done so please contact us
 ASAP to schedule a review and make sure you        In addition we will continue to host our usual
 have the tools and information to perform          events—Academic CPR, and TEAS prep, and
 well for the rest of the semester.                 mid-semester gatherings for both Rx and
                                                    Visions. Keep an eye on your email and we’ll
 Career Conference                                  keep you posted! Seeing all of you, even if it is
 During spring break on Tuesday, March 16, we       online, is one of our favorite things, so come
 will be hosting our second career conference.      join in and let’s make a success of this
March 2021 - Mount Wachusett Community College
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                          2

  by Catherine Maddox-Wiley
                                                                                                 TRIO Transfer Seminars:
  Rx Retention Specialist
                                                                                                 April 20, 2021      12:30pm
 There are multiple factors that make for           Selective Healthcare Programs
 a good application. Whether applying for           The selective programs are competitive,
 college, a job, a scholarship, a loan or a                                                      Sample Application Deadlines
                                                    and seats are limited. Submit the
 credit card, applicants are expected to            application and required documents (i.e.     (for varying degree programs):
 follow the application guidelines.                 official high school transcript, college     Fitchburg State University:
                                                    transcripts) in a timely manner. This link   March 1, 2021 (Priority Deadline)
 The number one guideline for submission            leads       to       the    applications:    Worcester State University:
 of applications is the deadline. Most are
 hard and fast. A missed deadline can                                                            January 15, February 1, May 1 (Priority
 mean the difference in getting the                                                              Deadlines)
                                                    Veterinarian Technician: April 1, 2021
 acceptance, the job, the award, etc. The                                                        Elms College:
                                                    Paramedic Technology: April 2, 2021
 purpose of the application process is to                                                        Rolling Admissions
 determine the eligibility and suitability of       Physical Therapy Assistant: May 15, 2021
 the applicant and to measure that
 applicant against others.                                                                       Financial Aid for the 2021 –
                                                    MWCC Scholarships
                                                                                                 2022 Academic Year
 The appearance and legibility of the               One application, many scholarships! To
                                                                                                 The FAFSA can lead to the awards of
 application is important as it is the first        access the application, log on to
                                                                                                 federal, state, and college grants as well
 impression an employer or a committee              iConnect, then Award Spring. TRIO’s
                                                                                                 as student loans. College and state
 has of the applicant. Clear and well-              Scholarship Seminar guides students
                                                                                                 grants are awarded on a first-come, first
 written applications are expected. Hand-           through the application and essay
                                                                                                 served basis.
 written applications should be neat so             process.
 that the reviewer doesn’t have to
                                                                                                 Pell Grant & Loans:
 decipher if a letter is an ‘m’ or an ‘n’ or if a   TRIO Scholarship Seminar: Watch the
 number is a ‘9’ or a ‘4.’                                                                       Ongoing (but allow time for processing
                                                    recording on the Rx and Visions
                                                                                                 before classes begin)
                                                    Blackboard page.
 All application questions should be fully                                                       College Grants:
 answered.       The questions serve a              Transfer Student Due Date: March 31,
                                                                                                 April 1, 2021
 purpose. Though an applicant may not               2021
 understand the need for certain                    Continuing Student Due Date: May 30,
 questions, that doesn’t mean the                                                                May 1, 2021
 question isn’t important. If an applicant
 is uncomfortable with a question, s/he
 should consult with the agency or                  College Transfer                             2020 Federal and State Taxes
 employer to ask about the question and             Four-year colleges have varying              Okay, this is not an application, but the
 the impact it has on the application.                                                           filing deadline is important to avoid
                                                    application dates, so it is recommended
                                                                                                 possible penalties. This tax return will be
 Now, let’s get those applications started!         that students begin researching potential    used to file the 2022 – 2023 FAFSA.
 Listed below are a few upcoming                    colleges a year in advance of applying.      While that seems like an eternity from
 application deadlines. Rx and Visions              Alaina Lucchetti (Rx) and Sarah              now, students will be able to file the 2022
 advisors are more than happy to assist             Pingeton     (Visions)      are  offering    – 2023 FAFSA in October, 2021.
 students with the process!                         upcoming transfer workshops and are
                                                                                                 Massachusetts filing date
                                                    available to meet with students one-on-
                                                                                                 April 17, 2021
                                                    one. Every spring semester, MWCC hosts
                                                    a Transfer Fair, enabling students to talk
                                                    with over 40 college admission
March 2021 - Mount Wachusett Community College
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                      3

 Thinking of Transferring? Look Beyond the Sticker Price
 By Sarah Pingeton
 Visions Transfer Counselor

 Every day I meet with students to discuss      price for a car, you won’t pay the sticker    Amherst College for an interesting
 their plans for transferring on from           price for college. But how do you know        comparison on the NPR tool.
 MWCC to earn their Bachelor’s Degrees,         what to expect to pay?
 and every day I talk to students who only                                                    Long story short: Almost nobody pays
 want to consider UMass and Fitchburg           The short answer is, you won’t know           the sticker price for their education, and
 State. Those schools are great and offer       exactly. You’ll have to apply and get a       your search for the perfect 4-year school
 wonderful opportunities and are very           financial aid package to know for sure        should go beyond the sticker price
 genuinely the perfect fit for a lot of         what each individual school will cost. But    because you just don’t know what your
 students. But just as often, I find that       there are tools available to help you get     price will be!
 students are considering only UMass and        an idea of what your need-based
 Fitchburg not because they’re excited          financial aid will look like (that’s the
 about the school, but because they think       financial aid you get based on your
 those are the only schools they can            demonstrated financial need, not merit-
                                                based aid based on your academic                     Schedule a one-on-one
 afford! This might be true, but it might
 not be.                                        performance). The U.S. Department of               appointment with Sarah or
                                                Education has a College Scorecard                           Alaina.
 If you’re looking for the perfect school for   available where you can search for             They can assist you with:
 you, you’re probably going to check the        schools and see what people pay on
 tuition and fees portion of their website.     average. This is a great start and you can          Researching colleges and
 If you look at Boston University, for          find                it               here:           universities
 example, you’ll see that their tuition and          .         Navigating your major here to
 fees for this academic year put them           However, this tool does not take into                maximize the transferability of
 costing $58,072, and another $16,640 if        account your income level and might give             your MWCC credits
 you want to live on campus and have a          an inaccurate picture. NPR has this tool            Contacting admissions
 meal plan. That’s $75,000 a year! And you      to help you determine the final cost                 representatives
 haven’t bought your books yet! So you          based on your family’s income at 1,550              Completing and submitting your
 might logically at that point decide that      schools (based on 2015 tuition and fees)!            application
 Boston University isn’t for you. However,      You might even find that some                       Making the decision that is right
 I want you to pause at that point. $75,000     expensive-seeming private schools are                for you!
 is the sticker price, but you shouldn’t        more affordable than a nearby public
 expect to pay that much. Just like you         school! I recommend checking out the           Call 978-630-9297 or see the links in
 wouldn’t expect to pay the full sticker        difference between UMass Amherst and           your email to schedule an appointment

  Seminar Spotlight: Academic CPR: Bring Your Semester Back to Life
  By Alaina Lucchetti
  Rx Transfer Counselor
  Rx                                            Is your semester not where you want it to     have two opportunities to triage your
                                                be? Do you feel like you have a mountain      coursework and save your semester!
                                                of course work to get caught up on? Are
                                                you feeling like you don’t know how to
                                                move forward after falling behind? If you               Academic CPR
                                                said yes to any of these questions this
                                                seminar is for you! In this judgement free
                                                zone, let’s work together to get you             Wednesday, March 3 at 3:00 p.m.
                                                caught up and back on track for success.        Wednesday, March 10 at 12:30 p.m.
                                                                                                  Monday, March 15 at 5:30 p.m.
                                                Take out the guess work of which         
                                                assignments to complete first and make
                                                a plan to move forward with Visions                This seminar is open to all MWCC
                                                Retention Specialist Lauren Clifford. You           students, so bring your friends!
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                  4

  Accommodations 101:
  Informal Accommodations in the Virtual Environment
  By Dawn Babineau
  Visions Learning Specialist
 In    our     latest    installment     of   online environment has opened many          Take screen shots of materials on the
 Accommodations 101, we will be visiting      new pathways to classroom format and        screen. Consider highlighting these notes
 the topic of making the most of informal     resources available to students and         for later study sessions
 accommodations       in     the    virtual   educators. Below are just a few ways that
 environment.                                 anyone can benefit from the virtual         If you are struggling with a concept, send
                                              classroom environment.                      a private message in a Zoom chat to the
 Accommodations, in education, are vast                                                   instructor and ask to schedule a follow up
 and individualized. They are secured in      Environment: You are now in control         discussion of the material
 one of two different ways, either formally   of the environment in which you
 or informally. Formal supports are                                                       Use Share Screen to show others your
                                              complete your studies.
 coordinated with our Office of Disability                                                work
 Support Services. The most utilized           Sit comfortably. Wear comfortable
                                                                                          Utilize a fun and relaxing background
 formal supports incorporate things such        clothing
                                                                                          screen for your Zoom meetings. Type
 as the use of adaptive equipment and          Readjust your posture as needed
                                                                                          your preferred name on the screen
 technology, adjustments in material           Wear headphones that block out
 formats, modification of physical              background noise                          Habits and Structure: Set up your
 environments and use of strategies such       Increase or dim the lights in your work   own personal study habits and patterns.
 as short breaks and assigned seating.          station to your own preference
 Informal      supports     require      no    Pets sitting near you, as long as not     For a class without required screen time,
 documentation or prior authorization.          disruptive, can be relaxing               that might mean doing your assignments
 These are the ones that often naturally                                                  early in the morning or late at night,
 occur or can be easily secured in the        Equipment: You are likely using your        whichever works best for you
 learning environment. Sometimes called       own personal computer.
 Universal Design, these options are                                                      Take short breaks as you need them.
 readily available for anyone and             Adjust components such as font, back        Maybe plan for time for some light
 everyone who feel that they would be         screen lighting, text enlargement and       exercise or a food break between study
 helpful. Informal supports will be the       volume controls                             sessions. You decide, but just remember
 focus of the remainder of this article.                                                  to return to your work after the break
                                              Utilize software such as Read Write, text
 Please note: informal accommodations         to speech or features such as dictionary    Set up timers on your computer with a
 are in addition to and should not be         or spelling and grammar checks              stop watch for pre-determined study
 considered a replacement of supports                                                     times for each topic
                                              Check in with your professor about time
 and services coordinated with the
                                              limits and repeat attempts of               Do you use any of these methods? Do
 Disability Support Service Office.
                                              assignments. Often (but not always) the     you have any other ideas to share? We
 Our new norm of conducting most of our       online environment affords greater          would love to hear from you!! The
 learning engagements via online              flexibility to support these requests       possibilities are endless.
 platforms definitely has its share of pros
                                              If in a Zoom meeting and anxious about      Also, for more information on Disability
 and cons. In addition to awakening us to
                                              public speaking, don’t forget the option    Services at MWCC, please check out this
 new and exciting ways to stay connected,
                                              of using the chat feature or the raised     short                            video:
 an unexpected positive regarding
                                              hand feature                      
 accommodations has emerged. The
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                       5

  What College Students Need to Know About Taxes                                               This credit allows students of
                                                                                               undergraduate degree programs to claim
  By Angela Snyder                                                                             a refundable tax credit for education
  Visions Academic Advisor                                                                     related expenses. The maximum credit is
                                                                                               $2,000. There are income limit that apply
 Let’s face it, when we hear “taxes” we         expenses incurred from that side job (i.e.:
                                                                                               ($59,000). You are not allowed to claim
 don’t exactly leap for joy. Let’s try to       gas and mileage if delivery service, etc.).
                                                                                               both the LLC and the AOTC in the same
 eliminate some of the stress of this
                                                If you are under 24, you’ll need to find out   filing. This credit is not available to
 season by explaining some important
                                                if your parents are claiming you as a          married taxpayers who file separately.
 information regarding taxes and college
                                                dependent on their taxes. If so, then you
 students. Whether or not you have to file
                                                should not file.          Dependency is
                                                                                               Student-loan Interest
 taxes will depend on your previous year’s                                                     Deduction (SLID)
 employment, your status as a dependent         determined based on certain age,
                                                relationship and financial support             If you have taken out federal or private
 and a few other things, so let’s dive in.
                                                requirements. As you’ll see in some of the     student loans, you are eligible to receive
 First things first, if you worked last year,   tax credits available for college students     up to $2,500 worth of interest paid on the
 be on the lookout for important tax            listed below, there are earned income          loan as a reduction of your gross income
 forms. Have you moved in the last year?        caps, so if the student (or parent in the      (as long as you’re not a dependent on
 You’ll want to make sure you’ve provided       case of a dependent) earned more than          someone else’s tax return and the loan
 an updated address to any previous             $80,000 the tax incentive is not available     covered qualified educational expenses).
 employers so that you can ensure you’ll        to them. Therefore, if a dependent             Adjusted gross income limits apply
 receive this important documentation.          student wants to receive that money, but       ($70,000 or less).
 Keep all of your tax forms together in one     their parents made more than $80,000,
 designated spot so that when it comes          they should file separately to take
                                                                                               Tuition and Fees Deduction
 time to file you have them easily              advantage of that benefit.                     Students who paid for tuition, books and
 available and don’t have to go hunting                                                        supplies towards a program in which
 around.                                        Tax Credits available to                       they, their spouse or dependent were
                                                College Students                               enrolled in 2020 might be eligible to
 Here are some examples of important                                                           reduce taxable income by up to $4,000.
                                                College students are eligible for certain
 documentation you might be receiving                                                          This is a deduction from gross income, so
                                                tax credits that are intended to help
 (keep in mind some of these may be                                                            there is no itemization required but you
                                                offset the cost of their education. Tax
 available online through an employment                                                        are not able to claim this deduction along
                                                credits and deductions help to lower your
 portal):                                                                                      with any education related federal tax
                                                tax bill by lowering what is “taxable
                                                                                               credits. There is an adjusted gross
                                                income.” You might be eligible for tax
  If you worked a traditional part time                                                       income cap for this benefit of $80,000.
                                                credits if you’ve paid for education costs
   job, you’ll likely get a W-2 tax
                                                for yourself if you’re currently a student,    When it comes time for you to file your
   document                                     for your spouse or for a dependent child       taxes, you should absolutely do it FOR
  A 1098-T tallies expenses paid to the        if they are in school. College students        FREE! Unless you have a complex tax
   college or university, and                   can only claim one tax credit a year.          situation, you should not have to pay
  A 1098-E summarizes student loan                                                            anyone to prepare your taxes. If you
   interest payments                            The American Opportunity Tax                   made less than $69,000 in adjusted gross
  A 1099 might document money earned           Credit (AOTC) is one tax credit                income, you are eligible for the Internal
   through an app like Uber                     college students might be eligible for.        Revenue Service’s Free File program
                                                You are eligible for $2,500 for the first      which basically makes a free version of
 You might not be required to file taxes if     four years of post-secondary education         popular tax software available to you. For
 you made less than $12,200 but you may         for tuition and fees, and college related      assistance in-person, see one of the IRS
 want to file taxes even if you made below      expenses. You’ll get 100% of the first         VITA sites in Massachusetts.
 that threshold if you had taxes taken out      $2,000 of qualified education expenses
 of those checks. If you have any               and 25% of the next $2,000. Certain            Phew! That was a lot of information, but
 withholdings on your W-2, you should           income limits apply ($80,000 or less). You     hopefully helpful. Happy filing!
 probably file as you don’t want to             can actually get back up to $1,000 of the
 inadvertently forfeit any money owed to        credit as a refund if the credit reduces       *I must mention I am not a tax
 you.                                           your bill to 0, even if you had no income.     professional, therefore this guidance
                                                So this could be really helpful!               should be used to aid in your own
 Did you have a side hustle or do any gig                                                      research but should not be taken as
 work? Those jobs have specific tax             The Lifetime Learning Credit                   financial advice of any kind.
 consequences. You’ll want to be sure           (LLC)
 you’re tracking any related costs or
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                          6

 Student Spotlight: Jonathan Acevedo
 By Sarah Pingeton
 Visions Transfer Counselor
 Jonathan Acevedo is a Visions student          You are a student-parent
 who is about to graduate from MWCC             balancing family life and your
 with his degree in Business. Jonathan is a     partner’s goals with your own,
 successful student juggling a hectic life      what has that been like?
 with just about the greatest attitude I can    For the past five years I have supported a
 imagine. I recently had a chance to catch      family of four (wife and two boys),
 up with him and chat a little about his        worked full-time, and attended school
 perspective on his time at MWCC and            mixing between part-time and full-time.         with everything and more than I’ve
 what comes next for him.                       This was always the plan, as my wife is         needed to succeed. I was terrified when I
                                                graduating this year and will be a fully        started college, especially as a non-
 Here’s Jonathan in his own words:
                                                licensed teacher. I have supported her          traditional student. But the warming
 Switching to an online platform                throughout college, making ends meet            welcome of the school and the heart-felt
 was a big change for a lot of                  financially while she focused on school.        friendliness of the TRIO staff allowed me
 students, what was the most                    Come this September, the roles will             to break through that barrier.
                                                reverse and I will be able to focus solely
 difficult part for you?
 For the most part, I have always been for
                                                on school while she supports the financial      What advice do you have for
 the majority an online student, with a mix
                                                end of matters. I will say it has been a very   students who are just starting
 of a class or two in person each semester.
                                                difficult journey for all of us, especially     out?
                                                the children. Sacrifices have been made         Essentially, it is never too late or too
 It wasn’t too much of a change for me. I
                                                by everyone with the promise of a better        early. For the younger students, you have
 found the most difficult part for me was
                                                future. My children have been very              time. I feel like people tend to forget that
 not being able to use the facilities such as
                                                understanding and accommodating of              and think they need to have their lives all
 the library or computer lab without an
                                                the time consumption involved with              in order when they enter college. Explore
 appointment. I didn’t realize how much I
                                                school in all our lives. Most importantly       new things and find what makes you
 depended on those resources for a quiet
                                                though, I believe by watching their             happy. Once you do, set goals and you
 and productive place to work.
                                                parents achieve greatness through               will be on your way to success in no time.
 How did you overcome these                     education, we have instilled great values       This is true of non-traditional students
 obstacles?                                     of school and work ethic. With hard work        like myself with the exception we have
 Between my children being remote and           and determination, anything is possible,        already explored many paths in life. In
 my wife also in school, it was essential to    and I believe I have taught them to see         that sense, just remember it is never too
 set up “work spaces” at home. Everyone         that.                                           late. Seriously! I’ve heard this so many
 in my household has a desk and an area                                                         times and still have trouble believing it.
                                                You earn consistently strong                    Even in the later part of your life you can
 set up for school and nothing else. I          grades. Do you have anyone or
 believe this helps facilitate a successful                                                     still set change for growth and happiness.
                                                anything you attribute your                     Never settle. If you think you could be
 approach to school and promotes the
                                                success to?                                     doing more or could have done better,
 productivity needed to succeed.
                                                To put it simply, I won’t accept anything       that’s your minds way of telling you it’s
 You’re about to graduate from                  less than my best. I just won’t. I              possible. Use that as fuel to achieve even
 MWCC, what comes next for you?                 understand there are many paths to              greater heights. Looking back five years
 My next step is to transfer to Fitchburg       success and opportunities are boundless,        ago I never would have believed I would
 State University and work on achieving         but for me, this is my chance at a better       be on the path I am on now let alone it
 my Bachelor’s Degree. I will continue my       future. One that I determine the success        was possible. Yet here I am. I am still
 business degree with a concentration in        of. And with that mentality in place, how       quite uncertain for the future but I do
 accounting. Eventually I will look into a      can I do anything less than reach for the       know a couple things for certain, I will
 CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to           sky and succeed? That’s not to say it has       never give up on trying to achieve my
 further bolster my credentials. My             been easy. My wife and even my children         goals and will never settle for anything
 ultimate goal is to work for the IRS or        at times have been my rock. They have           less than my best. On that note I feel like
 something similar.                             always supported me and truly made me           it’s important to mention one last thing
                                                feel like what I am doing is worthwhile.        that most people push to the side... Have
                                                Also, both MWCC and the TRIO program            fun. Life is too short. Enjoy the little
                                                have been the staple of my success. The         moments and live in the present, not the
                                                resources available through the school          past or future. If you aren’t having fun,
                                                and program have always provided me             are you really living?!
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                    7

 A New Way to Think About Goal Setting
 By Lauren Clifford                                                                        Shifting Our Thoughts
 Visions Retention Specialist                                                              By Sarah Kipp
 The following advice is based on the book     EXAMPLE: Let’s say you want to save         Visions Learning Specialist
 Atomic Habits by James Clear                  $100, which would be more effective:
                                                                                           Last week, while I was working on two
 You’ve been taught that goal setting is        Start every morning by reminding          big projects, I found out there was a
 one of the keys to success, even I have         yourself of your goal to save $100        third project with the same deadline as
 promoted this concept. After reading          OR                                          the others that I needed to finish as
 James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, I’ve         Putting $20 in a jar every paycheck for   well. The thought that started to form
 been thinking about things a little             5 weeks                                   in my head was “I can't do one more
 differently and I wanted to share with                                                    thing! It's just too much! I can't!” Yet, I
 you! In this book he emphasizes that          Clear makes the point that it’s more        “caught” the thought while it was
 focusing on small, continual changes is       important to focus on the steps than        emerging. I noticed what I was starting
 the key to success rather than the goal       the goal itself.                            to tell myself, and I realized how that
 itself.                                                                                   thought was making me feel. I started
                                               We expect success to feel like one big      to feel overwhelmed, stuck, and tired.
                                               defining moment, when it’s rather the
                                               built up of tiny, continual changes.        I decided to change the thought to “I
                                               SMALL steps every day (or more              have everything I need for this all to
                                               frequently) are more important than one     work out.” Here is the interesting thing
                                               big sudden change in your behavior.         about shifting our thoughts. When I
 Clear’s example is that if a coach focused
                                                                                           changed my thought, nothing about the
 on making each player and his team the
                                                                                           details of my situation changed. I had the
 best possible he is just as likely, or more
                                                                                           same number of things to manage. I
 likely, to win the game as someone who
                                                                                           had the same options available as to
 simply has the goal of winning.
                                                                                           whether I was going to ask someone for
                                               This same concept can be applied to any     help, or try to change the deadline, or
                                               of your goals: academic, wellness, or       take different action steps. The options
                                               even hobbies!                               I had for what I was going to do did not
 Let’s talk finances- We often have a lot of                                               change, but my energy level did.
 great goals about what we want to do          If you’re interested in learning more you
 with the money we earn, but if we don’t       can read chapter one of his book for free   When my thought was “I can't! This is
 put the steps in place it’s hard to make      here:   too much!” my energy level dropped.
 progress.                                     habits/chapter-1                            Yet, the thought “I have everything I
                                                                                           need to accomplish what I need to do
                                                                                           here” felt sustaining and inspiring.
         Meet Our New Staff                                                                Instead of wanting to give up, I wanted
            Rachel Davis                                                                   to keep going. I still was not sure how I
           Staff Assistant                                                                 was going to finish everything, but I
 Rachel graduated from Framingham                                                          wanted to figure out a plan and take
 State University in 2019 with a bachelor’s                                                some action instead of pulling the
 degree in Communications. She loves                                                       covers over my head!
 spending time being creative with                                                         When we are able to “catch” our
 photography, writing, cooking, and                                                        thought in a given moment and take a
 gardening. She also enjoys kickboxing                                                     look at the thought, we become able to
 and hiking. While pursuing her degree,                                                    decide whether that thought is working
 she worked as a student leader serving on                                                 well for us or whether the thought is
                                                                                           hurting us in some way. Our thoughts,
 the executive board for various student
                                                                                           emotions, and energy levels are all
 groups and developed an interest in                                                       interconnected. If one thought drains
 working in higher education. Rachel is                   Rachel’s hours are               our energy, we have an opportunity to
 excited to join the team and build                    Mon-Thurs. 1:30-6 p.m.              shift the thought to something that
 connections within the community at                                                       feels more helpful and that gives us
                                                     Visit her in the virtual office
 MWCC!                                                                                     more energy to keep moving forward
                                                    with what we need or want to do
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER                                                                                             March 2021

     Spring Break                                                                          Conference
  Career Conference                                                                         Schedule
                       Tuesday, March 16, 2021
                           9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                                                                         9 a.m. Virtual Networking Mixer
                              On Zoom
    Your degree or certificate is only one part of your professional success. Get        10 a.m. Keynote Presentation by
    the tools you need to not only land your first job after college, but a career       Dean Cycon of Dean's Beans
    that will grow. Dedicating this time during Spring Break is an investment in
    your personal and professional future.                                               11 a.m. Panel Discussion:
                                                                                         Adaptability, Innovation &
    This year, we have a full day of 2021 worthy topics! We’ll begin with a virtual
    mixer so you can practice navigating Zoom gatherings. Then, Dean Cycon of
    Dean’s Beans will provide a keynote presentation. Following that session, a
    panel of community and MWCC resources will discuss adaptability,                     12 p.m. Break & Individual Sessions
    innovation and resiliency in the job market.
                                                                                         1 p.m. Gaining Experience while a
    At 12 p.m., students will be able to participate in mock interviews, résumé’         Student
    coaching or one-on-one meetings with a Massachusetts Rehabilitation
    representative. At 1 p.m., we’ll reconvene for Gaining Experience while a
    Student. Finally, at 2 p.m., students will participate in their pre-registered
                                                                                         2 p.m. Breakout Sessions
    breakout session.

     For a copy of the conference materials:
                   Register today with the following link:

    Students can register for the entire day or for the sessions they
                            plan to attend
     See a Visions or Rx counselor for more information or call 978-

          Visions                              Rx                                             Coming Soon!
       Mid-Semester                       Mid-Semester
        Gathering                          Gathering                                       MWCC Career Fair
                                                                            Meet with regional organizations and connect with potential
        Tuesday, March 23                Wednesday, March 24                                       employers!
         12:30-1:30 p.m.                   12:30-1:30 p.m.
             Zoom                              Zoom                                   Watch your email for more information!
TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES NEWSLETTER | March 2021                                                                                               9

            March Checklist
        Continue to go to class,
         communicate with your
         instructor and complete your
         school work.
        Review Four-Week Assessments
        Attend at least one TRIO event.
        Complete your 2021-2022 FAFSA.
        Apply for MWCC Foundation
        Schedule your registration
         appointment. Priority
         Registration Begins April 5
        Check your email daily!

   March 2021                                                                               Check your email daily for the most up-to-date
   Calendar of Events                                                                     information on program events and campus news

       Sunday            Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                 Thursday             Friday      Saturday

                 1                          2                           3                          4                   5                 6
                                                                             Academic CPR
                                                                               3:00 p.m.
   7             8                          9                           10                         11                  12                13
                                                                           Academic CPR
                                                                             12:30 p.m.
                                                                         Last day of Cycle 1
   14            15                         16                          17                    18                       19                20
                      Academic CPR            Spring Break Career
                        5:30 p.m.                  Conference
                                             Registration is Required
                                               Spring Break: No classes All Campuses, day and evening
   21            22                         23                          24                         25                  26                27
                   First day of Cycle 2      Visions Mid-Semester         Rx Mid-Semester
                          classes                  Gathering                 Gathering
                                                   12:30 p.m.                12:30 p.m.
                                               Financial Literacy
                                                   12:30 p.m.
   28            29                         30                          31
                    TEAS Workshop
                        12:30 p.m.
                  Last day to withdraw
                   from full semester

                         If you have a disability and require accommodations in order to participate fully in Program activities,
                                           please contact the Program Director to discuss your specific needs.
                                                     Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution

        The Visions & Rx Programs at Mount Wachusett Community College are funded by TRIO Student Support Services grants through the U.S.
                                     Department of Education. For more information, please visit
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