Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College

Page created by Terrance Alvarez
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
Term 1 2021

                                                                                                your pathway to success

  From the Principal
                                    Marden Matters
                                                  30%), with 109 A+ scores that included 27           learning goals in readiness for Term 2. I am
                                                  A+ with Merit achievements. The College also        privileged to lead Marden Senior College and
                                                  saw significant success in VET through our          look forward to working in partnership with all
                                                  Registered Training Organisation. These are         members of the community.
                                                  outstanding results and sincere congratulations
                                                  to all students and their families. These           Nikki Kotrotsos
                                                  results are testament to the broad range of         Principal
                                                  opportunities and diverse learning programs
                                                  available to our students and the dedication
                                                  and expertise of our teachers. It is a priority
                                                  of our college to continue to strive to further
                                                  improve student outcomes and provide high
                                                  quality learning differentiated to individual
                                                  needs to support SACE success.

                                                  It has been a very busy and productive term
Welcome to the 2021 school year. On behalf of     with a broad range of programs and events
Marden Senior College, I extend a very warm       designed to support students to develop the
welcome to our continuing and new students        capabilities to be successful learners and
and families. Marden is acknowledged as
a high performing innovative college that
                                                  responsible and caring citizens. Student led
                                                  activities promoting the importance of Harmony        Governing Council
champions equity and success for all students.    Day and National Day of Action Against
As the new Principal I have appreciated the       Bullying and Violence were well received and        Vacancies exist for parents to join the
friendly welcome from staff and students.         supported by all. The SGA members have also         Governing Council. Further information is
                                                  been very active and have developed an action       available from our website under the ‘Students
The 2021 Executive Team, Michelle Cordera,        plan, established a partnership with the City of    and Community’ tab.
Simon Critchley, Robyn Hearl and Corina           Norwood, Payneham & St Peters and attended
Fielding have assisted me to settle into the
role. I would also like to acknowledge Stephen
                                                  Governing Council meetings and much more.
                                                  The recently held MSC Photographic Fringe             Principal Tours
Inglis, Principal for the last 6 years for his    Exhibition showcased the unique talents of
leadership and commitment to the college.         our students to the wider community. There          We currently have two principal tours
                                                  are many opportunities on offer at Marden and       scheduled for 2021:
The school year has begun in a focussed           I encourage all students to become involved         • 12 May - 9.30am & 4.30pm
and purposeful manner. Overall, we are very       in the co-curricular programs, activities and       • 1 September - 9.30am & 4.30pm
pleased with the tone of the college and the      events throughout the school year.                  Visit for more info and
manner in which students have positively                                                              bookings.
settled into their routines and engaged with      Term 1 Student Reports are now available
their teachers, peers, and learning. As a
college we will continue to refer to our motto,
                                                  online via Daymap and the parent-teacher
                                                  evening will take place on Thursday 6 May from        Special Mention
‘Your Pathway to Success” underpinned by our      4 to 8pm. Parent-Teacher interviews provide
values of Excellence, Respectful Relationships    an important and timely opportunity for parents/    Congratulations to ex MSC student Salomon
and Diversity to facilitate a high performing     caregivers, students and teachers to meet to        Mobutu who has been successful in winning a
specialist senior secondary college and           discuss strategies to improve student learning      Playford Trust Mining & Petroleum Engineering
learning community.                               outcomes and SACE success. We look forward          Scholarship worth $20k!
                                                  to meeting you on the night to discuss your
Marden prides itself on excellence and our        student’s academic progress. Please visit the
2020 results and university preference            school’s website for information and booking
outcomes support this. An impressive 50%          interviews. All students are encouraged to
of Stage 2 MSC students achieved a grade          speak with their teachers and their mentor
in the A band (compared to the state mean of      about their progress to date and to revisit their
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
Careers Information                                School Fees
Keep up-to-date with the latest in                 Friendly reminder: outstanding invoices for fees are now overdue.
careers                                            Please contact ASAP to discuss payment options such as:
Study Work Grow is still operating and bringing    • Apply for School Card online. The 2021 School Card scheme offers financial assistance with
you the latest career news weekly.                      school fees based on income limits each year.
Useful careers information can be sent directly    • Pay fees by instalments – Signed Agreement form required.
to you by becoming a member of “Work Study
Grow”. This site is packed full of useful career   MSC Bookroom
information and you’d typically have to pay
$60 for a subscription but membership is
completely free for a student at Marden Senior       LET’S TALK!
                                                   The School of Languages invites South Australian senior secondary students of Chinese, French,
1. Log on to:             German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese or Spanish to register for the Let’s Talk! holiday program in
2. Go to student tab and enter details             April 2021. Tickets available at:
3. Enter the School Code: marden19                 WHEN?              Thursday 15 April and Friday 16 April 2021 from 10.00am-3.30pm
                                                   WHERE?             School of Languages, 255 Torrens Road, West Croydon
The My Future website is another great place       HOW MUCH?          $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE
to explore career options and job prospects.       The program will offer highly interactive language/cultural experiences with the aim of improving                                students’ oral proficiency.
                                                   Groups will be capped at 12 students per class so get in early!
The Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo               Beeswax Wraps Workshop
has been South Australia’s leading careers,
education, training and employment event           On Friday of Week 5, our Stage 1 & 2 Environmental Action class, had an
since its inception in 2005. Comprising of an      in-class workshop, creating 'Beeswax Wraps', a reusable wrap that is an eco-friendly alternative
exhibition, seminars, interactive features and     to regular plastic cling wraps, and other single-use packaging.
career advice hubs, the event brings together
the State’s best education and training            We made the wraps by grating a block of beeswax and spreading it evenly on our chosen 100%
organisations, and employers with students,        cotton cloths that were provided to us. The cloths were covered with baking paper and a regular
graduates and career changers.                     clothing iron was used to melt the beeswax. Once this was completed, the baking paper was
                                                   peeled away from the cloth and allowed to cool. We were able to take these home to use, until
The dedicated day for Senior High School           they were not longer effective. At which point we were told they could be composted, instead of
leavers is Friday, while Saturday generally        thrown away in the rubbish bin as you would do with plastic cling wrap, reducing the waste that
attracts University graduates, the adult general   we produce as a result.
public, mature age students and people
looking to re-skill.                               Neneh Kenny, Stage 2 Environmental Action Student

The Expo is packed with free advice, you can…
• talk with over 80 training organisations &
• gain free career advice from employment
• learn how to write a winning resume at
    free workshops
• experience the daily career seminars
• enjoy the interactive displays.

Put simply, The Adelaide Careers &
Employment Expo is the leading event to
inform and educate visitors about real career
pathways and opportunities.

Adelaide Showground, Goodwood Road
Friday 7 May, 9am – 3pm
Saturday 8 May, 10am – 4pm
More information is available at:
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
Library News                                                                   SACE Merit Ceremony
                                                                               This year as the SACE Merit ceremony was held as a physical COVID
                                                                               safe event over three days from Monday 1 February to Wednesday
                                                                               3 February. To facilitate a safe event only merit winners and parent/
                                                                               caregivers received invitations.

                                                                               However Marden Senior College proudly extends our congratulations to
                                                                               our Merit Winners:

                                                                               Student                      Subject                            Grade
                                                                               BAILY, Lucinda               Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
                                                                               BIJU, Christine              Health                            A+ Merit
                                                                               BIJU, Christine              Women's Studies                   A+ Merit
                                                                               CHAGGAR, Viraj               Chemistry                         A+ Merit
                                                                               DIMITRIOUS, Panayiota        Integrated Learning A             A+ Merit
                                                                               DONGAS, Georgia              General Mathematics               A+ Merit
                                                                               FEWSTER, Annie               Women's Studies                   A+ Merit
                                                                               GOLDING, Cameron             Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
It is near the end of the term and the mood in the library changes, as         GRIFFITHS, Cloe              Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
students get serious about the task in front of them. Remember it is not       HARTELL, Charlotte           Psychology                        A+ Merit
the situation that is the real issue, it is how we respond to the situation    JOSE, Anna Maria             General Mathematics               A+ Merit
that is important. Often we feel like giving up, but I encourage you to        KATSABIS, Joanna             Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
have one more try. There are so many teachers at Marden who are                KHAN, Doha                   Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
willing to help students succeed. The library team are also keen to equip      LOMBARD, Cara                Chemistry                         A+ Merit
you for success. In the library, we are constantly updating our digital        LUSCOMBE, Harvey             Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
resources and always thinking of new ways to showcase our collection,          NAVARATNE, Devnie            Integrated Learning A             A+ Merit
so that all students have access to resources.                                 NGO, Bao Nhi                 Communication                     A+ Merit
                                                                                                            and the Community
Our speciality is helping students with research. We have oodles of            NICHOLLS, Samuel             General Mathematics               A+ Merit
information at our fingertips and we are more than happy to help you           RICHES, Kaylee               Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
find the information you need. Many times the task seems so huge               RUSSELL, Harry               Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
that you don’t know how to break it down to be able to even start. Rest        SEPPELT, Grace               Workplace Practices               A+ Merit
assured that there is always a teacher librarian on duty, so never feel like   SINGH, Yuvraj                Accounting                        A+ Merit
you have to sit in that stuck place. Come and visit us in the library and      SINGH, Yuvraj                General Mathematics               A+ Merit
we can (hopefully) inspire you and get you motivated to complete the           TALLENT, Olivia              Ancient Studies                   A+ Merit
task you have to do. So don’t give up, give it one more try…                   TUTEJA, Ravneet              General Mathematics               A+ Merit
                                                                               VILLANI, Isabella            Integrated Learning A             A+ Merit
Zoe Elliott, Library Manager                                                   WONG, Jonathan               Workplace Practices               A+ Merit

  Student Government Association                                                 Youth Leadership Conference
It’s only been 8 weeks but Marden’s Student Government Association
has already accomplished good things for our school’s community and
our future community leaders. Term 1 has created a fantastic starting
base for the SGA to help us develop a better college for all. So far,
we have established a presence at the Governing Council advocating
for student voice, and have organised senior jumpers and community
events such as the Harmony Day barbecue.

We look forward to working with bodies such as the Norwood, Payneham
and St Peters Council to develop programmes such as a “Dungeons and            On March 1st, two members of the SGA attended the Secondary Youth
Dragons” after school group, and other youth programs. We’re looking           Leadership Conference run by Youth Leadership Academy Australia at
forward to a great year with all of you!                                       the Adelaide Convention Centre.

                                                                               The conference featured three different speakers, with focus on three
                                                                               broad concepts: That becoming a good leader begins with being a good
                                                                               person, that opportunities can lead anywhere, and that it's important to
                                                                               keep your own mental and emotional health in mind even as you work
                                                                               to help others.

                                                                               The day was both entertaining and very informative, with a turnout of
                                                                               hundreds of students from many schools across South Australia.
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence & Harmony Day
On Thursday March 18 Marden Senior College         The students then received feedback on their
celebrated Harmony Day and the National Day        activities to assist them writing a reflection
of Action Against Bullying & Violence. The SGA     for their collaborative initiative task which
organised a free BBQ for all staff and students.   will go towards their SACE results in Health &
This year the Stage 2 Health & Wellbeing
students worked in groups to plan, create          As a college community it was great to see
and implement a range of interactive health        staff and students actively getting involved in
promotion activities. Students surveyed            all the activities
adolescents on a range of health issues
prior to the day. The students then designed
activities to improve health outcomes for these
issues. Activities included cultural awareness,
improving self-esteem, mindful colouring,
decorating rocks, spreading kindness and
many more.
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
KESAB Excursion
During Term 1, the Stage 1 Environmental Action class went on an excursion to the KESAB (Keep
South Australia Beautiful) Education Centre. On the excursion, students were initially taken on
a tour of Integrated Waste Services and the Electronic Recycling Australia centre, followed by
a range of hands-on activities about recycling at the KESAB Education Centre itself. Students
explored what happens to waste materials that are thrown away and how they are processed to
achieve the best outcomes. They also learned about the value of recycling and the impact of not
doing so on the environment.

Oanh Luong
Stage 1 & 2 Environment Action Teacher

  Table Tennis Tournament                                                                            Programming & Mentoring
The 2021 Knockout Table Tennis tournament        A reminder to keep an eye out for more            Student Programming at MSC
started on Wednesday 3 March in front of         Lunchtime activities including the Chess          Stage 1 students began the year with a
the cafeteria. Over 15 players entered in the    tournament. Also there are activities available   presentation by the Metropolitan Fire Service
Mixed Knockout format. The contestants were      to borrow including Finska and Giant Jenga.       (RAP) on Wednesday February 10. It was
bundled out over the next 3 weeks until there                                                      powerful and confronting, aimed at targeting
were two players left. Cydney Crumbie and        If you have any suggestions for a lunchtime       licence aged drivers and road users in safety/
Ayush Chauhan                                    activity please contact Graeme in the balcony     road awareness.
                                                 office.                                           They witnessed the consequences of bad
In a hard fought game Cydney came out on top                                                       decision making through video clips based on
2 sets to 0. Despite the score line the game     Graeme Hudson                                     real incidents and a guest speaker who has
was very close with some excellent rallies.      (on behalf of the Lunchtime Activities Group)     personally experienced trauma through road
Both sets could have gone either way with                                                          use.
some quality stroke play on display from both                                                      Other programs have been earmarked
players.                                                                                           for different student groups as the year
Both players won themselves a $10 cafeteria                                                        progresses. However, student input will be a
voucher .                                                                                          valuable aspect to inform this process and will
                                                                                                   initially be actioned through the SGA.

                                                                                                   Mentoring at MSC
                                                                                                   The mentoring program is a significant aspect
                                                                                                   of the College. Every student under the age
                                                                                                   of 21 has been allocated a mentor who will
                                                                                                   meet with them to establish and implement
                                                                                                   the following:
                                                                                                   • learning goals
                                                                                                   • catch ups to discuss any other issues
                                                                                                   • a contact for families
                                                                                                   • a review of progress
                                                                                                   • a supportive connection between staff
                                                                                                        and students.
                                                                                                   The mentoring model is individualised and
                                                                                                   dynamic to meet the needs of students at any
                                                                                                   one time.

                                                                                                   Rachel Moore, Student Wellbeing Leader
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
Cert II in Construction Pathways                                            From the Pastoral Care Worker
This year is the second year that MSC has hosted the Certificate II         A friend of mine has a really nice boat. He invited me out on it a few years
in Construction Pathways VET course offered by RTO Carey Training.          ago and by necessity I was seated looking back toward stern. Similarly,
Students from a range of secondary schools in the East, including MSC       when I rowed for my school a long time ago now; at our rowing camps
students come here to undertake this innovative, engaging course.           in Murray Bridge in January, to develop our skill and stamina, we would
Students work on live works programs around the school to develop           row from Murray Bridge to Tailem Bend. This was a very long row. By its
valuable skills including concreting, paving, earth moving, carpentry,      nature, rowing requires you to sit with your back to the direction you are
using power tools, and undergo additional programs such as White Card       going. Over several hours our coach, comfortable in the powered boat,
and an Excavation course.                                                   would shout’ “You are very close, just around the next bend.” Seeing
This year the students are investigating the possibility of constructing    where we had been, there never seemed to be a bend! This bend in the
benches, a pergola, and doing some tiling and concreting of paths.          river is so big it has a name – Tailem Bend. The bend is huge. Likewise,
Last year several students gained apprenticeships after completing the      in my friend’s boat, watching the wake left behind and the diminishing
VET course including one who gained a civil construction apprenticeship     view of the shoreline seemed inconsequential.
with the City of Adelaide, and others with a prominent builder and a
commercial furnishings manufacturer.                                         After a time, our coach allowed us a break and of course the first thing
                                                                            to do is turn around to see where you are. The view was in retrospect
Heather Thomas                                                              fantastic, but it did demonstrate how miniscule our boat was in this
RTO, VET and Innovative Programs Senior Leader                              huge bend. But we could see the township in the distance – another
                                                                            two hours rowing.

                                                                            When I turned around to see where I was in my friend’s boat, I was
                                                                            amazed to discover we were closer to the other side of the Gulf than
                                                                            we were to Adelaide. Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula was quite close
                                                                            – maybe 20 minutes away. My head was still ‘in Adelaide’ but I was
                                                                            delightfully surprised to see we were amongst Stansbury boats – not
                                                                            Adelaide ones!

                                                                            Too often when get into a routine, our focus - rightly, is on what we
                                                                            are doing, how we are doing it and sometimes how hard it is. We look
                                                                            backwards and perhaps feel we are not getting anywhere, despite our
                                                                            efforts. Our head remains in the moment (‘in Adelaide waters…’). We
                                                                            feel anxious, worried and for some of us our motivation wanes – we
                                                                            become less enthused. Our progress seems inconsequential. With the
                                                                            end of Daylight Saving too, we are forced to acknowledge, “Winter is
  Paper Plane Contest                                                       coming,” with all the sense of foreboding that might provoke.

                                                                            Adjust your view. Instead of looking backwards and reflecting on that,
The 2021 Paper Plane contest took place Week 3 Tuesday lunchtime            look forward and realise that huge progress has been made. Some
with over 20 participants. Congratulations to Ayush Chauhan along with      assignments and grades are done! Time has flown, Easter has come
Abby Phayer and Ruby Allard for winning the title. Abby and Ruby put in     and gone and Term 1 Break is upon us already. Wow some of us might
a team effort. For their efforts the students won a $10 voucher for use     think. Others might have that same foreboding of Winter coming.
at DJ’s Cafeteria. Keep an eye out for more lunchtime activities over the
coming weeks. If you have an idea for an activity let Graeme Hudson         “Winter is coming” in Game of Thrones is as much a message to prepare
know.                                                                       as it is a warning. In saying it, it is affording us the opportunity to think
                                                                            how far we have come and, to look forward to see we still have a journey
                                                                            – maybe ‘two hours rowing’ – but we have the opportunity to reflect on
                                                                            where we have been, where we are and to prepare for what we must do.

                                                                            Do not therefore be anxious or worried, rather celebrate the opportunity
                                                                            to be prepared and move onward and upward. Say to yourself; “Based
                                                                            upon the journey thus far, I need to…. I can get support from…”

                                                                            Yes, we might have ‘two hours to row;’ yes, we might be in stranger
                                                                            waters; yes, there are challenges ahead but, we have opportunity to
                                                                            prepare, adjust, seek support and move onward with confidence, not
                                                                            fear, with enthusiasm, not worry. Look how far we have come in a blink.
                                                                            But first, as our coach said all those years ago…. “Ok folks have a

                                                                            Tim Wells
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
SACE Matters
SACE Student Registration Slips                                                 Enrolled in VET outside of Marden?
The SACE student registration slip process, where students provide              If you are enrolled in a VET course outside of Marden, provide the
up to date information to the SACE Board, has changed from paper to             following information by email to or in-person
online. Paper registration slips will no longer be sent to schools.             to student services:
                                                                                • full name of course attending
This process must now be done through Students Online.                          • level of course
                                                                                • national accreditation number of course
It's very intuitive and easy-to-use, allowing for the collection of students'   • name of Registered Training Organisation providing the training
sharing preferences and background information and for checking                 • location of the training.
                                                                                Additionally, as you complete ‘Units of Competency’ or completed
For students new to the SACE:                                                   certificates, the transcript or certificate of completion must be presented
                                                                                to Student Services so that these units or certificates can be entered into
1. Students       watch       this       video     (            the SACE Board’s Schools Online by the college before 22 November,
   watch?v=7P0Fs7S8e24) explaining what they need to do, including              2021.
   becoming familiar with the rules of the SACE, setting their sharing          If units of competency or completed certificates are not entered in
   preferences (eg. SATAC permissions), and providing background                schools online by the cut-off date, your SACE completion or ATAR
   information.                                                                 achievement may be at risk.
2. Log into Students Online (
   online/                                                            Questions about SACE?
3. Log in by entering your SACE Registration number. This should be             If you require further information or have any questions visit Student
   on your timetable and is 6 numbers and 1 letter. If you are unsure           services or call Marden Senior College on (08) 8366 2800 between
   of your SACE number, contact Marden Senior College’s Student                 8.30am and 4.30pm or email me at .
4. If you are logging in for the first time, your PIN is your day and           Brennan Dimmell
   month of birth: Eg, 7 of November is 0711.                                   SACE Coordinator
5. You will be prompted to change your password.
6. Update your details as requested.
                                                                                 SACE Information
For existing SACE students:
                                                                                   Year 11                                                                     Year 12
1. Students should watch the video (                               Year 11 is when most students begin a full year of SACE study.              Like Year 11, students choose subjects and courses from a range of

   watch?v=7P0Fs7S8e24).                                                           Students can choose from a range of Stage 1 subjects offered,
                                                                                   as well as VET courses and other options.
                                                                                                                                                               Stage 2 subjects offered.
                                                                                                                                                               At Stage 2, 70 percent of assessment tasks (reports, tests,
2. Log into Students Online (                 In Stage 1, all your assessment tasks (reports, presentations, etc.) will
                                                                                   be marked by the student’s teachers.
                                                                                                                                                               presentations, etc.) will be marked by the student’s teachers and
                                                                                                                                                               checked by moderators outside the school. This ensures that
   online/ to update their user accounts, including setting a             There are two compulsory requirements for the SACE that students            marking is consistent across schools.

   stronger password for their account than the previous four-digit
                                                                                   usually do at Stage 1; a full-year of an English subject, and at least a    The remaining 30 percent will be assessed outside school. These
                                                                                   semester of Mathematics. They will need to get a C grade or better          assessments could take the form of examinations, performances or
                                                                                   in both. Assessments in these two areas are marked by teachers and
   code (PIN).
                                                                                   checked by moderators outside the school to ensure that grades are          There is one compulsory subject in Year 12, the Research Project. It is
                                                                                   consistent across schools.
3. Update your details as requested.                                               These Maths and English requirements highlight the importance of
                                                                                                                                                               a one-semester (10-credit) subject that gives students the chance to
                                                                                                                                                               research something they are interested in.
                                                                                   graduating from school with literacy and numeracy skills.

Please note, students will be prompted to update their password the next           Credits                                                                     Putting it another way

time they log into Students Online if they have not done so previously.            Credits are like the building blocks of the SACE. Students need to
                                                                                   achieve 200 credits to get the certificate.
                                                                                                                                                               This table shows you how many credits you need at each stage to
                                                                                                                                                               meet the 200-credit requirement.
                                                                                   The compulsory parts of the SACE make up 50 credits; 10 credits for         There is also a useful online tool to help you plan your SACE in

If you have any issues accessing Students Online, contact the SACE
                                                                                   the Personal Learning Plan, 20 credits of English, 10 credits of Maths,     Students Online (
                                                                                   and 10 credits for the Research Project.                                    If you need more help understanding how it all works, talk to your

Board on the details below:                                                        Students also need at least 60 credits of Stage 2 subjects. Students
                                                                                   can choose the subjects, but they have to be worth at least 60 credits
                                                                                                                                                               teachers or the SACE coordinator.
                                                                                                                                                               You can also find useful information on the SACE website, click on
Email:                                                           in total.
                                                                                   Students must achieve a C– grade or better in the 60 credits of their
                                                                                                                                                               the link for ‘Students and Families’ on the homepage.

Phone: +61 8 8115 4712 from 8.30am to 5pm (Australian Central                      Stage 2 subjects, and the 10 credits for the Research Project, to
                                                                                   achieve their SACE.
                                                                                                                                                               Year 10

Daylight Time) Monday to Friday                                                    Students will need to achieve at least a C grade for the Stage 1            Personal Learning Plan                                                10

Freecall for SA country students: 1800 652 230
                                                                                   compulsory subjects of PLP, English and Maths.                              Year 11 (Stage 1) or Year 12 (Stage 2)
                                                                                                                                                               Literacy (from a range of English subjects and courses)               20
                                                                                                                                                               Numeracy (from a range of mathematics subjects and courses)           10
                                                                                                                                                               Year 12 (Stage 2)
                                                                                   In the SACE, you get a grade for every subject. At Stage 1, the top         Research Project                                                       10
                                                                                   grade is A and the lowest is E. At Stage 2, the top grade is A+ and         Other Stage 2 subjects and courses*                                60 or more
                                                                                   the lowest is E–.
                                                                                                                                                               Year 11 or 12 (Stages 1 or 2)
                                                                                                                                                               Other subjects and courses of the student’s choice                  up to 90
                                                                                                                                                               Total                                                                 200
                                                                                   Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses will also contribute        *Many students will complete subjects or courses worth more than
                                                                                   to SACE completion. Check each course for possible SACE credits.            70 credits at Stage 2 (usually 80 or 90)

                                                                                  SACE Planner

                                                                                              Stage 1                                          Stage 1 or 2                                                         Stage 2

                                                                                     English             Maths

                                                                                     English              PLP

                                                                                 Information from the SACE Board of South Australia                                                                              
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
AEU Jean Pavy Award                                RAA Car Care Workshop
On 4 March, 2021, the Marden Senior College        Stage 1 Life Skills participated in an RAA
principal Nikki Kotrotsos and I were invited to    sponsored Car Care workshop this term where
the AEU Jean Pavy presentation. Two of our         they learnt about general car maintenance
2020 students, Annie Fewster and Christine         such as checking the oil, coolant and water
Biju, were the recipients of the 2021 Jean         levels in the car. They also learnt how to
Pavy Award, presented by the AEU (SA Branch).      change a car tyre safely and even got to have
These two students achieved Merits in Stage 2      a go at changing one, learning first hand that
Women's Studies in 2020.                           those tyres are much heavier than they first
This is the second year in a row (in recent        Oanh Luong
history) when a Marden student has achieved        Stage 1 Life Skills Teacher
the award. Unfortunately, last year due to
Covid we were unable to celebrate Charlotte
Farmer’s achievement.

Annie was at the ceremony although Christine
couldn’t attend due to her interstate University
commitments. Both girls worked hard and were
worthy recipients. We celebrated and toasted
their achievement and wish them all the best
with their University studies in Medicine and

Pene Robertson

                                                     Politics, Power and People Class Visit
                                                   On Wednesday 17 February former Marden student Sam Diprose came to talk to the class about
                                                   his political career and career pathways for Stage 2 Politics students. Sam studied Stage 2
                                                   Australian and International Politics at Marden Senior College in 2017 and last year completed a
                                                   joint Economics and Commerce Degree at Adelaide University and is currently studying a Graduate
                                                   Certificate in Public Policy at Flinders University. Currently Sam is the Campaign Coordinator of
                                                   the Liberal Party of Australia (South Australian Division) and has worked as a Parliamentary,
                                                   Cabinet and Business Officer for the Office of
                                                   the Minister for Child Protection in the South
                                                   Australian Parliament. Sam has also worked
                                                   as a Research Assistant and Campaign
                                                   Analyst for the Premier of South Australia
                                                   Steven Marshall. Sam gave practical advice to
                                                   students on the most effective and practical
                                                   ways to be involved in influencing political
                                                   decisions and becoming involved in political
                                                   parties of all persuasions. Students were able
                                                   to ask him questions on political issues as well
                                                   as advice on how to become actively involved
                                                   in politics and seek a career in both politics
                                                   and government. Sam has also made himself
                                                   available for students to contact him for further
                                                   help in their studies and is helping the school
                                                   with organising potential class visits from
                                                   both the Federal and State local MP’s, James
                                                   Stevens, Member for Sturt and Premier Steven
                                                   Marshall, Member for Dunstan.
                                                   Noel Beard
Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College Marden Matters Term 1 2021 - Marden Senior College
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