PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District

Page created by Joseph Wise
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District

                 Learning in Action
                     School Board Recognition
Winter 2021        School Construction Update
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
A Message from the Superintendent
    by Dr. Art Jarvis
                                                      became more apparent that fall 2020         students from unseen germs and danger.
                                                      would require us to deliver school online
                                                      and we’d need to plan ways to begin to      Among all of those daily challenges, our
                                                      return students when circumstances          federal, state, and local agencies became
                                                      permitted. My appreciation goes out to      close partners. We gained assistance
                                                      four groups of people who have done         with internet connections, devices,
                                                      an amazing job to deliver on that need:     emergency coordination, protective
                                                      teachers, support staff, statewide agency   equipment, testing, special funding,
                                                      partners, and families.                     guidance, coordination, athletics, and
                                                                                                  much, much more. It is a fact that we
                                          Our teachers redefined their work from                  simply could not have functioned without
                                          top to bottom -- curriculum, attendance,                the contributions of these partners.
                                          grading, schedules, assignments,
                                          materials, and instructional delivery.                  Health attestation forms became a

A    long with the phrase, “We have never Issues such as devices, poor internet
     done this before” is a second phrase connectivity, and distance complicated
heard somewhat frequently, “Wow, have     the relationship between teachers
                                                                                                  symbol between families and schools
                                                                                                  that we could keep children and staff
                                                                                                  safe if we worked together to avoid
we learned a lot!” Both are so true as we and students. With exhaustive effort,                   spreading the virus. In many cases,
examine our online remote learning and    teachers created ways to connect                        families had to give up their work and
the hybrid models developed to support    with their students that were creative,                 normal lives to stay home and help
partial in-person learning.               innovative, and functional.                             their children navigate the new world of
                                                                                                  remote learning. The loss of the normal,
When the governor closed schools on                   The work of our wonderful support           secure world in which children were
March 13, teachers were largely put                   staff changed in ways that none had         safely entrusted to teachers and schools
in the position to try to salvage what                imagined: buses stopped running regular     required families to step in and become
they could of the remainder of the                    routes; breakfast and lunch delivery        “school”.
school year. They translated classes                  was reinvented; assistant principals
and teaching to a wholly different                    became COVID-19 coordinators; and           As we approach the anniversary of the
environment and figured out how to                    unimagined protocols were developed         pandemic shutdown, we will soon start
move on. It may have been one of the                  to keep students and staff safe. Office     to see the benefit of vaccines followed
more difficult tasks many teachers have               staff communicated with homes through       by a slow return to “normalcy”. We offer
taken on over their careers.                          hours of telephone calls and emails.        heartfelt thanks to all who have helped
                                                      Our custodians and maintenance              ensure the education of our children
As we moved through the summer, it                    staff worked hard to protect staff and      is secure.

                               Teaching and Learning During COVID-19
                                   by Melissa Wisner, Executive Director of Learning and Innovation

                                                      On this journey, we learned how             education isn’t really about a place;
                                                      truly critical schools are to students,     it is and has always been about the
                                                      educators, staff, families, and our         relationship between our teachers and
                                                      community. We deployed new tools            staff and their students. The magic that
                                                      and instructional strategies to continue    occurs in our district every day has the
                                                      meeting the varied needs of our             power to transform, uplift, and shape our

C   OVID’s seismic presence in March
    2020 swept across our entire world
and changed education unlike any other
                                                      students. We have emerged stronger,
                                                      more focused, and changed for the
                                                      better because of this transformative
                                                                                                  future generations.

                                                                                                  In this issue of the Compass, we are
event in the long history of schools. As              shared work on the part of the Peninsula    pleased to share just a few of the
we watched the unthinkable closure of                 School District community.                  amazing stories highlighting how our
our buildings, we took a collective breath                                                        staff and students have adapted and
and committed to recreating teaching                  Along the way, we discovered that           persevered this school year.
and learning in this new era.                         learning never stopped because

Pictured on cover: Vaughn Elementary music specialist Lisa Mills provides remote instruction.

2        Peninsula School District | Compass
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
We Appreciate Our School Board
J   anuary was School Board Recognition Month in Washington State, and we’d like to thank our board of directors for serving
    Peninsula School District’s staff, students, and community. PSD’s Board of Directors are elected from five geographical areas
within the district’s boundaries and serve four-year terms. Together, they work to oversee the school district.

In honor of School Board Recognition Month, we asked our board members why they choose to volunteer to serve on PSD’s
Board of Directors.

  Why We Serve . . .
                                                                                            What Do School Board
                                                                                               Directors Do?

                                                                                            1. Hire, supervise, and evaluate
                                                                                               the superintendent.
                                                                                            2. Set the vision, mission, and
     David Olson                      Lori Glover             Deborah Krishnadasan             strategic goals for the district.
       PRESIDENT                    VICE PRESIDENT                    DIRECTOR
“Prior to becoming a
                                                                                            3. Review, revise, and adopt
                                “The school board provides    “Serving as an elected
school board director,          an opportunity for me to      school board member has
I was actively involved         give back to this great       allowed me to impact the
in community service            community, utilizing all of   educational experience of     4. Establish and oversee the
projects, focused on            the experience I gained as    not only the 9,000 students      district’s budget.
helping at-risk youth.          a volunteer in the schools    we serve today, but the
Serving on the school           over the past 30 years.”      thousands of students and     5. Monitor the district’s progress
board was a natural                                           community members our            toward its goals.
calling for me.”                                              schools will serve in
                                                              the future.”                  6. Serve as community

      Chuck West                 Natalie Wimberley
        DIRECTOR                       DIRECTOR
“I serve because I want all     “My service is deeply
students represented to         rooted in a commitment
include those that are not      to ensure that all children
going off to college. I serve   have access to a rewarding
to provide the foundation       pathway to graduation and
for everyone to succeed.”       a healthy preparation for
                                the life that comes after
                                high school.”

                                                                                 Peninsula School District | Compass           3
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
2020-2021 Learning

The Beat Goes On at Vaughn Elementary School
                                                                                         important means of connection, helping
                                                                                         in building relationships and clarifying
                                                                                         questions. I receive and respond to lots
                                                                                         of messages from students every day.”

                                                                                         During in-person instruction, students
                                                                                         have learned with instruments such
                                                                                         as ukuleles, glockenspiels, drums,
                                                                                         tambourines, and jingle bracelets.
                                                                                         Keeping a beat, performing rhythms,
                                                                                         learning the names of strings, and
                                                                                         learning melodies are among
                                                                                         the lessons.

                                                                                         For in-person cleanliness, students are
                                                                                         seated at desks, instruments used are
                                                                                         carefully cleaned, and each student has
                                                                                         a personal instrument bag. Mills is able

P   eninsula School District specialists
    have balanced teaching in-person
students and remote learning students
                                            Vaughn 3rd-5th graders have been
                                            learning to play the recorder this school
                                            year. Mills provides live instruction via
                                                                                         to deliver instruction from the front of
                                                                                         the class and work with students during
                                                                                         practice time.
throughout the school year. This            Zoom, and students also prepare and
challenge is admirably carried out by       send videos of their playing.                “Music is fundamental, especially during
many staff throughout the district,                                                      a pandemic, because it helps us find
including Vaughn Elementary School          “Preparing a performance for video is a      order, synchronize with the rhythms
music teacher Lisa Mills.                   great way to motivate them to practice,      around us and inside us, feel happiness,
                                            and for me to accurately assess how the      find beauty, and express our emotions in
Now in her eighth year at Vaughn, Mills,    instrument learning is going,” Mills said.   a healthy way,” Mills said.
who was a student at Vaughn herself
and has the self-described dream-come-      Success stories from remote instruction
true of teaching at her neighborhood        have included a student who requested
school, shares the possibilities of using   some extra instruction time after
the powerful language of music for          having trouble with the recorder. As
creative expression.                        a result, the student felt confident to
                                            continue practicing and soon after
A typical day includes Zoom instruction     performed mini recitals for parents
to remote learners before switching         and grandparents. Another student
gears to visit in-person classrooms         was excited to learn of family history
with a pushcart of musical instruments.     in the military following a Veterans Day
Flexibility is key, and providing remote    project that invited students to interview
instruction has necessitated a new          a veteran and sing U.S. Armed Forces
reality in how to best deliver music        service songs.
instruction remotely. Mills, like many
staff in the district, has taken classes,   “The messaging function in Schoology
studied technology platforms, and           [PSD’s learning management system]
networked with other teachers to            allows students to message their              Lisa Mills, Music Specialist
implement new ideas.                        teachers,” Mills said. “This has been an

4       Peninsula School District | Compass
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
Helping High Schoolers with Academics, Basic Needs

J   ennifer Buys, a success coach who
    splits her time between Gig Harbor
High School and Peninsula High School,
                                             we give everything we’ve got,” Buys said.
                                             “I can give them an air high five and
                                             virtual hug. On kids’ faces, you can see
recognizes some high school students         the difference this makes.”
are struggling to learn remotely from
home during the COVID-19 pandemic.           Buys acknowledges that the COVID-19
This is why she, along with a small          pandemic has increased basic needs for
group of other staff, give students the      many of her students. “The number one
opportunity to come to school for            thing that has helped us is connecting
extra help.                                  with community partners, especially
                                             since COVID,” Buys said.
High school students who have been
referred by teachers, counselors, or         Buys participates in weekly meetings
other students may come in to school         with a group of PSD staff and
to access the internet, ask questions        community partners, including
on assignments, and stay connected to        Food Backpacks 4 Kids, Crossroads
their school under staff supervision. This   Treatment Center, Communities In
flexible model allows students to attend     Schools of Peninsula, and Children's
week-to-week or day-to-day.                  Home Society to discuss general
                                                                                            Jennifer Buys, Success Coach
                                             strategies to help district families with
Buys said that beyond helping                food, shelter, and other basic needs.
students academically, she also builds       They also provide direct help to students
relationships with students to help them     and families on a case-by-case basis.         more quickly.
feel connected and know they have
someone to help.                             Buys said that working together with this     “To make one kid’s life better is my job,”
                                             group of community partners provides          Buys said.
“While we’re limited in what we can offer,   great opportunities for helping students

Cooking with Schrock Club Offers Up Recipe for Fun
Inspired by a common interest in
 learning how to cook, Key Peninsula
Middle School (KPMS) teacher Kate
                                             about the concept of keeping youth
                                             engaged in a productive activity during
                                             COVID-19, with the added benefit of
Schrock began the “Cooking with              learning an essential life skill,” said Tom
Schrock” after-school club with six          Borgen, Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Area
students in the spring of 2020. This         Governor.
fall, KPMS teacher Leah Smith joined
Schrock to co-lead the club.                 Schrock and Smith used money from the
                                             grant to purchase supplies for cooking
The club meets online after school once      lessons, which included teaching
a week for about an hour. They watch         students how to make cookies from
instructional cooking videos and learn       a cake mix, french fries, and baked
how to cook various foods together.          vegetables.

The Gig Harbor Morning Rotary Club           The club has grown to more than 50
Community Service Committee recently         members, including 6th, 7th and 8th
awarded a $500 grant to the Cooking          grade students and some of their
with Schrock Club to help fund the           siblings, grandparents, and other
purchase of basic kitchen equipment,         extended family members.
ingredients, and supplies.
                                             “We are so excited to keep our club
“The committee was really excited            growing,” Schrock said.

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PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
Kopachuck Middle School STEM Class Gets Creative

A    dapting to remote learning
     has required flexibility and
resourcefulness of both staff and
                                                             Mar chose this remote learning project
                                                             as a way to help students creatively
                                                             engineer a project outside the
                                                                                                           While remote learning presents
                                                                                                           challenges with limitations that do not
                                                                                                           replicate the in-person environment,
students. In Tamar Mar’s STEM                                physical classroom.                           projects such as the engineering
exploration class at Kopachuck Middle                                                                      unit work to emphasize interaction,
School, these qualities were exemplified                     “I wanted students to feel like               connection, and togetherness. Students
through a recycled engineering design                        engineering was still accessible to them,     uploaded images of their projects to
project that saw students create                             even with materials they had at home,”        a shared media album on Schoology,
machines out of household objects —                          Mar said. “I strived to make sure it was      PSD’s learning management system, to
from dog houses, to game tables,                             equitable for all students, regardless        share and compliment one
to catapults.                                                if they had a garage full of tools and        another’s work.
                                                             supplies, or if they just had some glue
During a two-week unit on engineering,                       and an Amazon box to work with.”              “I like to make media albums with our
students learned the engineering                                                                           at-home projects to mimic, as close as
design process via a song. A written                         Prompted by a group brainstorming             possible, the feel of walking around a
assignment provided the opportunity                          session, students headed to closets,          classroom,” Mar said. “It’s inspiring and
to develop pre-construction drawings,                        Lego bins, kitchen cabinets, and tool         creates a sense of togetherness in what
ask questions about the engineering                          sheds to find items to use for building.      we are doing.”
process, and evaluate their creations.                       The results yielded creations of all kinds.

3rd Graders Complete The Great Poetry Race
                                                             T    he Great Poetry Race has been an
                                                                  annual project for Harbor Heights
                                                             Elementary 3rd graders, and the school’s
                                                                                                           education tool that aids video-based
                                                                                                           discussion, for classmates to hear. The
                                                                                                           3rd graders eagerly took on the task.
                                                             3rd grade teachers have worked hard to
                                                             ensure remote teaching didn’t prevent         While the mode of instruction is different
                                          Shauna Coxford     this learning experience.                     in remote learning, the Harbor Heights
                                                                                                           3rd grade team exemplifies the work of
                                                             For The Great Poetry Race, students           teaching teams throughout the district
    Harbor Heights 3rd Grade Team

                                                             were asked to read poems they wrote to        — focusing on essential grade standards
                                                             as many people as possible.                   while making learning meaningful and
                                           Nicole Senon                                                    memorable. Harbor Heights teachers are
                                                             To fit the realities of remote instruction,   purposeful in providing opportunities for
                                                             students found creative ways to read          students to gather via Zoom as a grade
                                                             poetry to people outside of their             level to do read-alouds and art
                                                             households in a safe manner. Students         projects together.
                                                             read to grandparents over the phone,
                                          Jacquie Boginski
                                                             FaceTimed with cousins, and held              Finding creative ways to build
                                                             physically-distanced porch readings           community and support relationships is
                                                             for neighbors.                                at the forefront of the team’s planning,
                                                                                                           ensuring every student in 3rd grade
                                                             After students had plenty of practice,        has a connection with a classmate and
                                                             they recorded a video reading their           teacher at Harbor Heights, even if the
                                         Courtney Evershed
                                                             poems on Flipgrid, a social learning          connection takes place via Zoom.

6                                   Peninsula School District | Compass
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
School Nurses, Health Technicians
Provide Healthy Dose of Service

E   ach school has a health team
    comprised of a health technician and
a school nurse. While each building has
                                                consistent across every building in
                                                the school district. The district team
                                                includes two LPNs (Licensed Practical
its own dedicated health tech, there are        Nurse) that work under the direction
only eight school nurses districtwide, so       of the school nurse to help support
most nurses in the district help manage         students with complex medical needs.
multiple schools.
                                                Although there are fewer students in
Health techs are the kind, friendly faces       buildings, health teams are far from
most often seen by students who report          idle. School nurses actively follow
to the health room. Under the direction         guidelines from federal, state, and local
of their school nurse, health techs             health agencies to remain up-to-date
provide first aid to injured students and       on keeping students and staff healthy
administer daily medications to students        during the COVID-19 pandemic. They
who have prescriptions that must be             help manage health screenings, health
taken during the school day.                    room protocols, isolation rooms, and
                                                school safety plans.
While school nurses have less of an
active role in health rooms, they stay          In addition to COVID-19 related duties,
                                                                                              Miriam Atchison, Lead Nurse
busy serving students in other ways,            nurses must also continue to adapt to
including processing registrations              changes in other facets of school-based
for incoming students, creating                 health, such as changes to immunization      jobs — COVID or otherwise — in our
individualized plans to ensure the safety       laws. They continue to serve families        buildings.
of each student based on unique health          by helping to connect them with local
conditions, and reviewing student               health care providers or by organizing flu   The next time you see a school nurse
immunization records.                           vaccine clinics with community partners.     or health tech, please thank them for
                                                                                             keeping our staff and students safe
Health teams are dedicated to working           The health techs work closely with their     and healthy.
collaboratively in order to keep practices      nurses to help implement all of these

            We                Our School Nurses and Health Technicians!

A New Superintendent is Coming to PSD
S    uperintendent Dr. Art Jarvis was
     selected by the Peninsula School
District Board of Directors in July 2018
                                                students be successful. Board directors
                                                are also committed to providing an open,
                                                transparent, and collaborative process in
as the district’s interim superintendent        hiring the new superintendent.
and continued as superintendent for the
2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.           The board hired Northwest Leadership
Dr. Jarvis will be retiring from the district   Associates, a search consultant firm, to
at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.        conduct the superintendent search.              for more information on the
                                                                                               superintendent search process.
Selecting a new superintendent is one           The board tentatively plans to announce
of the most important decisions the             and introduce the new superintendent
board makes for the district. Finding and       by the end of March 2021 in order for
hiring the right chief executive for the        the new superintendent to begin in the
leadership team is critical to the success      district on July 1, 2021. These dates are
of students and staff. The board is             subject to change as the search process
committed to finding a superintendent           continues.
who will connect and partner with the
community and help its schools and                            Please visit

                                                                          Peninsula School District | Compass                        7
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District

B   eyond the classroom instruction taking place remotely or
    in-person on school campuses, PSD staff continue working hard
to provide essential services for the district to run efficiently.
                                                                                           How has our staff adapted
                                                                                            to the 2020-2021 school
                                                                                              year in the midst of

                                            Although most students have been                  “The fall of 2020 has brought
                                            learning remotely this year, PSD bus              with it many challenges for the
                                            drivers are still transporting small groups      Transportation Department. As
                                            of students to and from school who have        we worked with the administration
                                            been learning in-person. Bus drivers            team to come up with routes and
                                            have also partnered with PSD’s Nutrition      stops for our small groups, we were
                                            Services Department to deliver school            pushed to do things in a way we
                                            meals over the summer and school               haven’t before. This has definitely
                                            year. Bus drivers follow strict COVID-19      been a lesson in stepping out of the
                                            safety protocols, including cleaning and       box, which has been a real test in
                                            disinfecting their buses between each          our abilities. But as always, we get
                                            bus run, to help keep students safe.                       the job done.”

                                                                                               Stephanie O’Brien-Fors
                   Kurt Olson, Bus Driver                                                     Transportation Supervisor

Maintenance, Grounds, and Warehouse
                                            PSD’s maintenance staff maintains                “Our staff continues to maintain
                                            and services mechanical, electrical,          our facilities and grounds, providing
                                            plumbing, and low-voltage electronic          essential services for the continuing
                                            systems throughout all PSD schools                operations of the district. With
                                            and facilities. Groundskeepers care for        COVID-19 safety protocols in place,
                                            203 acres of land at schools, facilities,     we have been able to complete many
                                            and athletic fields, and warehouse staff       maintenance and grounds projects
                                            perform essential deliveries throughout       already this year, and our warehouse
                                            the district and manage the storage of            staff have remained safe while
                                            furniture, supplies, curriculum, and food            delivering much needed
                                            in district warehouses. These groups                     items to schools.”
                                            work together to ensure facilities are
                                            running safely and efficiently for all                     Jeff Otis
                                            students and staff.                                 Maintenance Supervisor

             Tim Sicotte, Grounds Worker

8    Peninsula School District | Compass
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
 “Our work this year has taken new       The technology team within PSD’s
    shape and emphasis as we’ve          Department of Learning & Innovation
navigated and supported the shift to     plays an integral part in supporting
remote learning. While we recognize      remote learning. Work has included
remote learning does not replace all     ongoing support for PSD’s one-to-
 that in-person learning offers, I am    one device program by ensuring
 proud of the way our district’s staff   Chromebooks have been provided to all
  and students have embraced and         students, plus distributing WiFi hotspots
   grown in utilizing digital learning   to families for internet access. Other
tools for classroom instruction, and     work includes providing support for
 the role in which our department’s      tools such as Zoom, Google Education
  technology staff has been able to      tools and Schoology, the virtual learning
    serve in supporting that work.”      management system utilized by PSD, for
                                         remote learning consistency between
            Kris Hagel                   grade levels and classes.
Executive Director, Digital Learning

                                                                                       Brad White, Desktop Support Technician

                                         Nutrition Services
“Part of our job is to make sure kids    PSD’s Nutrition Services Department
get fed, and we’ve continued to learn    prepares nutritious meals in schools for
 how to make it work and adapt. At       those students learning in-person, and
the end of the day, it’s about feeding   by curbside pickup and meal delivery
     kids. That’s why we’re here.”       routes driven by PSD bus drivers for
                                         remote learners. Staff also provide meal
           Katie Walters                 kits for students during school breaks,
    Nutrition Services Director          so that students who need meals can
                                         have enough to eat when out of school.
                                         Thanks to a funding waiver extension
                                         from the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
                                         all in-person and remote students
                                         under 18 years old can receive school
                                         breakfasts and lunches free of charge for
                                         the entire school year.
                                                                                       Tina Burbridge, Kitchen Lead at Harbor Heights ES

    “This year, custodians have          Peninsula School District custodians are
  continued working hard to clean        responsible for cleaning and maintaining
  and disinfect our schools, paying      district schools and facilities. Custodians
  particular attention to high-touch     clean and disinfect classrooms and
areas. I cannot be more proud of our     bathrooms, vacuum, mop, and ensure
team’s efforts to ensure each school     schools and other facilities are clean
and district building provides a clean   and safe places for students and staff
  environment for the safety of all      to learn and work. They also ensure
         students and staff.”            garbage and recycling is handled
                                         properly at each site.
         Candy Lawson
 Coordinator of Facilities Services

                                                                                       Jill Clark, Head Custodian at Henderson Bay HS

                                                                   Peninsula School District | Compass                                  9
PENINSULA Compass SCHOOL DISTRICT - Peninsula School District
School Construction: Elementary School #9 Update

Elementary School #9 is one of four elementary construction projects, and six projects overall, funded by the 2019 capital projects bond.
Rendering Credit: Integrus Architecture

                    Meet Elementary School #9’s Core Team

      David Brooks                                  Kelli Willson                      Carlyn HansonSmith                                   Nichola Wright
          PRINCIPAL                                   TEACHER                                    TEACHER                                       TEACHER

                                      Brenda Abel                   Jeremy Wilson                                      Stacy Bigger
                                    OFFICE MANAGER                  MUSIC SPECIALIST                                       TEACHER

T    he core planning team of educators
     at Elementary School #9 was
chosen last December. The core
                                                      Driven by a belief in all learners, the team
                                                      will help plan for and design a learning
                                                      environment in which everyone develops
                                                                                                              navigate this work during a pandemic,”
                                                                                                              Principal David Brooks said. “It is exciting
                                                                                                              to bring a team together and focusing on
team sets the stage for dreaming,                     a passion for learning, takes ownership                 designing a school that uses inclusive
designing, and developing the new                     for their learning, and contributes to a                practices to empower all learners to
school’s vision, culture, learning and                positive learning community.                            discover and develop their passion for
support systems, program logistics, and                                                                       learning and making a difference in our
operating procedures. They serve as key               “Knowing that we have a community                       community and world.”
communicators and will act as catalysts               of learners ready to start in September
for growing the school and making                     of 2021, growing a brand new school                     Elementary School #9 is located on
connections that bring staff, students,               culture and systems to support all                      Harbor Hill Drive in Gig Harbor and will be
and families together.                                learners is a tall order, especially as we              officially named in early 2021.

                      Find more information about PSD’s school construction at

10          Peninsula School District | Compass
Pioneer Elementary School Opens Its Doors

Pioneer Elementary School opened its doors to students and staff on Tuesday, January 19. Pioneer is the first elementary school to open out of four elementary
construction projects, and six projects overall, funded by the 2019 capital projects bond.

                                                     P    ioneer Elementary is the first new
                                                          elementary school to be added to the
                                                      district in 34 years.

                                                      It is the first school completed out of
                                                      four elementary construction projects,
                                                      and six projects overall, funded by
                                                      the 2019 capital projects bond. The
                                                      bond was passed by voters, approving
                                                      school construction to address extreme
                                                      elementary overcrowding and other
                                                      emergent infrastructure needs.

                                                      Pioneer Elementary School students and
     “I am honored and proud                          staff have been housed at the Henderson
    to watch our dreams as a                          Bay High School building near the new
   community come to fruition.                        building site located on Skansie Avenue
  Every step of the project has                       in Gig Harbor since the beginning of the
been a remarkable experience, as                      2020-2021 school year. They were able
we have been given the freedom                        to move to the new Pioneer Elementary
 to rethink education and create                      on January 19.
   the space in which students
  get to experience wonder and                        Check our website at
       imagine the possible.”                         PIEbuild for more information and
       Stephanie Strader                                                                                     Pictured: Anna Martin, Office Manager (top);
  Pioneer Elementary Principal                                                                               Pioneer students find their classrooms (bottom)

                                                                                      Peninsula School District | Compass                                   11
                                     Peninsula School District
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                                                                                                                                                                   SCHOOL DISTRICT
                                                                                                                                                                         Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                                      David Olson | Lori Glover
                                                                                                                                                                 Deborah Krishnadasan | Chuck West
                                                                                                                                                                         Natalie Wimberley

                                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Art Jarvis

                                                                                                                                                                     The Compass is produced by
                                                                                                                                                                     the Peninsula School District
                                                                                                                                                                     Communications Department.

                                                                                                                                                                        253-530-1000 |

TOP ROW: Voyager 2nd grade student Ali K. on her first day back to school for in-person learning; Peninsula High School student Connor B.; Elementary students
at Purdy and Pioneer watch an experiment while on a virtual field trip to the Pacific Science Center; Minter Creek 3rd grade student Reece C. shows his artwork.
MIDDLE ROW: Gig Harbor High School football workout; Harbor Ridge Middle School student Hunter B.; Evergreen 2nd grade student Aniya W. reads in class.
BOTTOM ROW: Peninsula High School’s band plays school fight song together virtually.

The Peninsula School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression
or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the
Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District’s Title IX and Compliance Officer, Section 504 and ADA Coordinator, John
Yellowlees, at (253) 530-1081, email Mailing address: 14015 62nd Ave. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332.
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