Marine Spatial Planning Connects Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment with Articial Intelligence, Internet of Things for Underwater Heritage ...

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Marine Spatial Planning Connects Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment with Articial Intelligence, Internet of Things for Underwater Heritage ...
Marine Spatial Planning Connects Digital
Technology, Excavation Equipment with Arti cial
Intelligence, Internet of Things for Underwater
Heritage Investigation
Victor Te Cheng Liao (  )

Research article

Keywords: Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH), Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), In Situ Preservation,
Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment


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Marine Spatial Planning Connects Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment with Articial Intelligence, Internet of Things for Underwater Heritage ...

Underwater cultural heritage (UCH) as a time capsule had accumulated marine ecological biological
resources for centuries since sinking until discovery, forming an ecosystem wildly involves multifaceted


The convention on the United Nations Educational, Scienti c, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
coastal states claim UCH jurisdiction in situ protection. However, foreign countries demand UCH
sovereignty to evolve an international political event. Consequently, underwater archaeology preservation
and exploitation become a diplomatic intrigue although no human lives beneath the sea.


The purpose of paper attempts to identify signi cant issues about UCH providing standard operating
procedures (SOP), One-Stop service for a comprehensive investigation, and nds a way for international
UCH disputes.


The research collected relevant UCH issues from six participants' brainstorming, statistical analysis, and
the Chi-Squared test.


Results showed 13 issues about UCH with no signi cant difference but conversion into seven groups with
a signi cant difference.

Finding & Contribution

The top three groups, marine spatial planning (MSP), Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment were
identi ed and contributed to better UCH investigation. The nding transnational, regional level regimes,
community collaborative governance offers UCH better preservation.


Finally, suggestion MSP activating idle assets construct UCH research center through digital technology
with excavation equipment and link arti cial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT) to improve UCH
investigation, and international collaboration.

1. Introduction
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Marine Spatial Planning Connects Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment with Articial Intelligence, Internet of Things for Underwater Heritage ...
When misfortune led to the wrecking vessels, the result was a type of accidental time capsule, many
thousands of objects came to rest in one location, undisturbed for centuries (Pearson, 2019). Underwater
Cultural Heritage (UCH) management and maritime archaeology yield interdisciplinary framework,
information communication technologies to build intelligent systems and applications. Underwater
archaeological sites submerged settlements and shipwrecks are not accessible due to marine
environment and depth (Malliri, Siountri, Skondras, Vergados, & Anagnostopoulos, 2019). UCH sites
widely spread from ruins in coastlines to deep, documentation, and preservation is obligation and
dictated by international treaties such as the Convention on the Protection of the UCH to encourage the
non-destructive techniques and survey methods of objects recovery (Skarlatos & Agra otis, 2020). Virtual
reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies have advanced in unreachable environments. An
integrated interactive framework for exploring the underwater shipwrecks in situ via AR, or remotely via
VR (Nomikou et al., 2020). The survey can be carried out by scuba divers, underwater remotely operated
vehicle (ROV) or autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The UCH analysis from views of history,
archaeology, environment, geology, biology along with data recording is useful for three-dimension (3D)
reconstruction and mapping. A robotic solution for the UCH inspection, documentation, and monitoring
systems of the underwater environment through the Arti cial Intelligence (AI) realization platform (Ricca
et al., 2020). The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential capacity to be integrated into any complex
system. Due to sensing technologies development, wireless sensors network is considered as key
technologies, and IoT is emerging as an important technology for monitoring systems (Tokognon, Gao,
Tian, & Yan, 2017).

Anyone discovers suspected UCH shall terminate any activities immediately, maintain the completeness
of the site, and promptly report competent authority the discovery (Ministry of Culture, 2015). Under legal
regulation of the Coastal Zone Management Act and UCH, competent authority should identify
stakeholders and arrange a public hearing to prohibit any harmful action and proposes plans of heritage
site protection. The underwater investigation leads to tensions and con icts between scienti c
archaeological research and regulations resources available to protect and manage UCH (Nilsson,
Hansson, & Sjöström, 2020). Marine spatial planning (MSP) is an integral part of comprehensive
integration with innovative transition and often focuses on achieving speci c objectives, related to
important strategic priorities (J.S. Jones, Lieberknecht, & Qiu, 2016). Despite legal provisions in developed
countries exerted monumental efforts to preserve shipwrecks and UCH, unfortunately, underwater
archaeological sites are constantly endangered daily due to human activities and natural environmental
stress (Kupusović, Dominković-Alavanja, & Marohnić, 2019). The advances communication eld, up-
coming 5G, and cloud technologies will make the idea fully applicable, contributing to the enhancement
of the coastal and the underwater archaeological remains (Malliri et al., 2019).

Despite digital technology VR, AR, 3D, IoT, AI associates with equipment ROV, UAV assistance to
investigate archaeological sites. The UCH wildly involves multifaceted expertise and has accumulated
marine ecological biological resources for decades naturally forming an ecosystem. The shipwreck
habitats in the conservation area and accumulated biological resources as arti cial reefs. Where
commercial shing detects a signi cant signal location (Scotland, 2015). In situ preservation con icts
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UCH excavation, coastal country establishing diplomatic project performs sovereignty and jurisdiction to
treat foreign states UCH claim as an international political event. The paper attempts to identify
signi cant issues of the UCH investigation providing SOP, One-Stop service for a comprehensive
investigation, and nds a way for international UCH disputes. The research collected relevant UCH issues
from six participants brainstorming, statistical analysis, and the Chi-Squared test. Results showed 13
issues with no signi cant difference and conversion into seven groups with a signi cant difference. The
top three groups, MSP, Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment were identi ed and contributed to better
UCH investigation. The nding transnational, regional level regimes, and community collaborative
governance offer UCH better preservation are similar to J. Martin (2019) view. Finally, suggestion MSP
activating idle assets construct UCH research center through digital technology with excavation
equipment and link AI, IoT to improve UCH investigation and international collaboration.

2. Methods
The UCH total six members were majoring in the Master Degree course “Underwater Cultural Heritage
(UCH) Investigation” weekly three hours from Feb till Jun 2017 at the Institute of Marine Affairs and
Resource Management, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU). In the last class, research requested
each member brainstorming to write down three important topics about the UCH investigation for data
collection. Each member cast 10 votes preference resulting in a total of 60 votes. Grouping a total of 18
topics into 13 issues further gathered 13 issues into seven groups for conducting statistical summary
and the Chi-Squared test whether the seven group results showed a signi cant difference from the UCH
investigation. As a result, showing UCH investigation involves multifaceted issues, competent agents are
consistent with Kyvelou & Ierapetritis (2020) view, relevant authorities ensure harmonization and
integration of interests into multifaceted and competitive MSP procedure to manage con icting sea uses
and creates synergies (Kyvelou & Ierapetritis, 2020). Therefore, the research produces the general
standard operating procedures (SOP) and collaboration forming a One-Stop service for UCH

3. Result
3.1 Data Collection
The 18 topics of UCH were collected from each member writing down three topics multiplied by a total of
six members brainstorming. These topics widely covered historical record data, restoration, preservation,
material technology analysis components of heritage through an advanced facility. Database of human
resources about expert authentication, nancial budget, corporate social responsibility (CSR) fundraising
is an alternative approach. A global trend trans-boundary needs an integrated ecosystem with digital
technology, AI, IoT. The research categorized 18 topics into 13 issues indicating no signi cant difference
and identi ed the top three issues rst MSP, second MPA, third Digital Technology as Fig. 2.

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Research conducting 13 issues the Chi-Square test was based on the degree of freedom (DF) 12, Chi-
Square value 3.70 less than critical value 21.026, and the CHIDIST(3.70,12) P-Value 0.99 greater than
signi cant interval 0.05 indicated no signi cant difference from UCH. The result was consistent with the
top three issues, rst MSP, second MPA, and third Digital Technology 3D, VR, AR from 13 issues as
Table 2. This illustration MSP, MPA, Digital Technology are important issues for UCH investigation and
are supported by previous studies. Such as MSP under a place-based approach creates better chances
for UCH since MSP is assumed the key procedure to tackle competition among sea users and mitigating
pressure on the marine environment (Papageorgiou, 2019). A different regional or national tool complying
with the principle of in situ preservation is related to MPA establishment (Noon, 2020). Technological
developments, social awareness, many coastal regions promoting coral reef assets in different planned
with hundreds of wildlife marine reserves and MPA (Bideci & Cater, 2019). Digital technologies are
intensively used for tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Interactive digital applications become parts
of museum exhibitions, VR, and AR. The 3D reconstructions of cultural sites, virtual presentations, and
traditions offer the users travel to the past (Rizvic, Okanovic, & Boskovic, 2020).

                                                  Page 5/24
Table 1
 The primary
  data of six
  majored in
  the course
 from Feb to
June 2017 at
 the Institute
   of Marine
  Affairs and
  member to
  write down
 three topics
  about UCH
collection 18
  topics and
  topics into
   13 issues

  Page 6/24
Table 2
topic, issue,
   vote, and
  results at
  13 issues
    of UCH.
 member to
 write down
    3 topics
about UCH,
   a total of
by each one
    3 topics
   made 18
 topics and
     into 13
 casting 10
 among 13
        by 6
    made a
 total of 60
 votes. The
  degree of
    (DF) 12,
 value 3.70
   was less
   than the
   value of
21.026. The
   0.99 was
greater than
 signi cant
 alpha 0.05
to show no
  Page 7/24
signi cant
                                                among 13

                                                   Table 3
                                                     of 13
                                               issues. The
                                               measure of
                                                 “Mode” 4,
                                                 3, “Range”
                                                    4 what
                                               illustrate 13
                                               issues were
                                                 no central
                                               measure of
                                                signi cant
                                                   with the
                                               test results.
3.2 Top Three Groups. MSP, Digital Technology, Excavation
Research assembled 13 issues into seven groups with a signi cant difference as Table 4. The top three
groups' rst MSP, second Digital Technology, third Excavation equipment at the same equal observation
total 13 votes, are consistent with the top three issues MSP, MPA, Digital Technology, and supported by
previous studies. For instance, MSP-related challenges safeguarding UCH sites, sustainable tourism
management, and joint scienti c research programs require transboundary cooperation (Kupusović et al.,
2019). Digital technologies allow users to receive archaeological, historical, biological information, and
                                                 Page 8/24
the augmented diving through an underwater tablet provides geological localization multimedia for the
divers to visit the underwater archaeological site (F. Bruno et al., 2019). Conducting underwater survey
clearance operations, the scuba diving, training, technical survey, excavation, demolition, emergency
medical, geographic information system (GIS), ROV and AOV equipment are needed (Demining, 2016).

                                                   Table 4
                                                  The Chi-
                                                    test of
                                               groups were
                                               signi cantly
                                                The critical
                                               criteria 0.05,
                                                 DF 6, Chi-
                                               value 12.80
                                               was greater
                                                  than the
                                               12.592. The
                                                (X2, DF) P-
                                               Value 0.046
                                                 was less
                                                signi cant
                                                alpha 0.05
                                               and showed
                                                 groups a
                                                signi cant
                                                   the top
                                               MSP, Digital
                                               at the equal
                                                     at 13
3.3 SOP and One-Stop
As a result, UCH wildly involves interdisciplinary diverse issues of material, technique, assessment,
expertise, elds, trans-cross sectors in con icts with one another. Creating a general SOP formulates
various elds at convenient operation and assessment. The daily products fully tested the revised
work ow to make sure SOP worked right. The updated daily product SOP is working great, quicker, and

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easier to complete work ow (Sowers, Wagner, Wilkins, & Baechler, 2020). The mapping team is working
on developing SOP but relevant points require the operator to extend themselves, check function, detailed
and user friendly (White, Wilkins, & Meyers, 2020). However, various documents, quali cations, criteria,
and procedures for UCH investigation are complex. Therefore, research further establishes a One-Stop
service to coordinate all relevant agencies' collaboration for enhancing e ciency and comprehensive
investigation. A one-stop service creates the opportunity to promote cultural heritage by integrating
communities into the development process (Nur Mobi & Majumder, 2019).

3.4 International Politics
Maritime archaeological research the potential for interpreted public access to submerged cultural
resources as a way of preserving wrecks in situ and also availing the public. The potential for UCH to be
used as a political tool in disputes over national sovereignty (Campbell 2015) (Pearson, 2019). When
foreign countries claim UCH ownership resulting in international laws competes with coastal states
jurisdiction of UCH in inland water with sovereignty. International disputes impact on international
organization, national legislation, adoption of solutions, principles, and policies. The most common
issues of judicial procedure and alternative dispute resolution, the best appropriate solutions, and
protective measures should adopt to minimize the arising disputes and safeguard not only interests but
culture as well (Kesisoglou, 2019). The principle of in situ preservation, the convention on UNESCO,
competent agencies organize experts of international law, political relations, foreign policy, and legal
framework. Encouraging an international legal instrument regulates the protection of underwater
archaeological sites to coordinate cooperation among states (Cheng, 2017). A system elaborates for the
protection of World Heritage sites in areas beyond national jurisdiction and requires collaboration
between UNESCO and the relevant competent international organizations and States Parties (Laffoley,
Freestone, & Ecosystems, 2017).

4. Discussion
Cultural property disputes always caused international discussion, countries, and international
organizations to deal with the protection of the relevant right. The continuous change and evolution
raised several con icts and led to cases resolution in various ways as well as cases still pending
(Kesisoglou, 2019). The strategic alliance of synergy integrates transboundary resources to UCH
preservation in the ecological area. Any kinds of heritage activities for marine inspection should be based
on the principle of UNESCO in situ (Scotland, 2015). Article 12 of the Coastal Zone Management Act,
Taiwan, important shoreland, or UCH zone shall be designated as rst-grade coastal conservation zone
(AGENCY, 2015).

4.1 Top Three Groups
The management tools MSP coordinate users con icts with a speci c time, zone, area delimitation for
coexistence. AI detect anomalies and generate alarms in the VR environment. IoT for remote monitoring
by a wireless sensor network (WSN) and UAV allows inspecting the critical structural damage (Bacco et
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al., 2020). The research categorized 13 UCH issues converting into seven groups with a signi cant
difference and identi ed the top three groups MSP, Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment at equal
importance for analysis.

4.1.1 MSP
Activating idle asset establishes a research center of underwater heritage and incubation of training for
marine archaeological education. MSP an emerging multidisciplinary process seeks to prevent con icts
among maritime activities, promoting environmental conservation and economic development (Noon,
2020). The rst group “Training in Education & Promotion” combines issues “Census and Condition
Evaluation”, “Propaganda, Education & Training” of Table 2. Substantial research is present in the cultural
heritage of training and education, the evidence of long-term learning could bene t from studies as
opposed to the short-term entertaining aspect (Ćosović & Brkić, 2020). The accidental destruction of
wrecks caused by deep-sea trawlers, cable-laying, drill for oil, and another resource exploitation is other
signi cant contributors to the destruction of underwater heritage (Pearson, 2019). Preventing any
intrusive action collects comprehensive data for analysis and governmental agents strengthens patrol in
the scene to connect local association of shery, in association with NGO (Non-Governmental
Organization) volunteer, and implements precautionary measures to alleviate the adverse effect. The
second group “MSP” combines issues “Marine Protected Area (MPA)”, “Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)”,
“Restoration and Preservation”. Any heritage activity for marine inspection should be based on the
principle of in situ preservation on UNESCO (Scotland, 2015). MSP adapts to gradual change at the
underwater archaeological shipwreck. More connection with more values deeply researches underwater
heritage and builds incubation center in marine heritage. The inspiration for investigations,
collaborations, directions of research improves UCH management through scienti c, governmental,
industrial cooperation, and new participants of underwater archaeology (Nilsson et al., 2020). The fourth
group “International Politics, Political, and Law” is the same issue “International Politics, Political and
Law”. International adopted policies may challenge or contradict preexisting domestic policies,
institutions, and interests. Domestic governments increasingly face the pressure to follow policy
developments of international or supranational levels (Maags & Trifu, 2019). The fth group “Human
Resources Database” is the same eighth issue “Human Resource Deployment”. The supervision and
management of cultural heritage areas require human resources as experts in preservation (Djukardi,
Rachmi, & Sumiarni, 2020). Each project needs a collaborative network through digital technology and
strategic participation from partners in complementary with comprehensive integration. The sixth group
Financial Budget & CSR Funding combines issues “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”, “Financial
Budget & Funding”. Fundraising or patronage from CSR is an alternative approach.


UCH Ecotourism. Crete island, Greece

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UCH stands an interesting opportunity for touristy development. Underwater archaeological shipwreck or
sunken city are considerably fascinating for the public, a sense of mystery surrounds them (Bruno et al.,
2017). Searching for mythical sites becomes a tourist attraction and the process of acculturalization on
consumption has created and is creating a new heritage such as the Atlantis Hotel on Paradise Island, in
Bahamas (Melotti, 2017). Novel interdisciplinary research combining ecological, environmental, and
archaeological perspectives is devoted to changing the way submerged landscapes are treated and
protected (Nilsson et al., 2020). MSP is a process of managing human activities in the marine and
coastal environment to achieve sustainable development goals (Pyć, 2019) and is a managed tool for
UCH in preservation (Harvey, Kelble, & Schwing, 2017). Crete island, Greece the coastal and marine
landscape in zoning is a discrete unit in MSP. The Crete island exploitation is signi cant and continues to
increase related to identify marine landscape typologies and emerged based on marine spatial visibility.
(Tsilimigkas, Rempis, & Derdemezi, 2020). UCH shipwrecks, sunken cities, relics, and other remains have
been popular tourist destinations. Arti cial reef areas a wide range of wrecks (ships, aircraft, tanks, cars)
and thematic parks (monuments, archeologic parks) have become diving locations and provided tourists
with new knowledge about the underwater environment (Bideci & Cater, 2019).
4.1.2 Digital Technology VR, AR, AI, IoT
The third group “Digital Technology” integrates issues “Digital Technology 3D, VR, AR” and “AI, Internet of
Thing (IoT)”. Excavation in con icts with in situ preservation coexists sustainability through digital
technology integration. IoT has brought interworking capabilities, a great impact on sensor networks for
the remote monitoring of structures (Barsocchi, Cassara, Mavilia, & Pellegrini, 2018). Sensors data
processing, acceleration data environmental parameters opening to the techniques provide complex
aggregate information, alarms, or actuation without direct human intervention (Bacco et al., 2020). VR
e ciently applied to underwater archaeological sites the most accessible to the general public without
any constraint by distance, depth, or time (Barbieri et al., 2019). VR protects “living fossils” intangible
cultural heritage, a special cultural carrier to achieve the sustainable development of making innovative
and characteristic heritage (Li, 2020). The VR technologies allow the general public to explore the
archaeological remains outside of the submerged environment such as sunken "Villa con ingresso a
protiro" dated around the II century AD, located in the MPA - Underwater Park of Baiae (Naples) (Barbieri et
al., 2019). AR and VR developing applications in the public enjoy the reconstructions of the underwater
sites by experiencing a virtual dive (Ricca et al., 2020). The VISAS project ( aims to
ameliorate the sustainable exploitation of UCH through the technology approaches including an
innovative virtual tour of submerged archaeological sites (Bruno et al., 2017).


Archaeological Site of Cala Minnola (Levanzo Island, Italy)

The underwater archaeological site of Cala Minnola focused on virtual scene development for
visualization exploitation and allowed users to live a recreational, educational experience by receiving
archaeological and biological information about the submerged exhibits (Bruno et al., 2017). Developing
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effective models capable of quantifying degradation phenomena in UCH by AI methods applied to
environmental parameters and multi-sensors images acquired periodically on underwater (Ricca et al.,
2020). Local native characteristic integrates digital innovation, AI, machine learning with powerful
function of the sensor. Innovative virtual exploration applied the underwater archaeological site of Cala
Minnola (Levanzo Island, Italy) to preserve the shipwreck remains and educational exploitation of the
submerged archaeological sites (F. Bruno et al., 2019). Cala Minneola publicly presented on 6th
November 2016 at exhibition "Mirabilia Maris. Treasures from the seas of Sicily" (Bruno et al., 2017).
Virtual environments assisting engineers and divers perform subsea inspections. Using virtual images of
damage captures under various simulated levels of underwater visibility. Virtual data creating an e cient,
safe, and informed underwater inspection campaign for a wide range of built infrastructure, potentially
leading to better monitoring, inspection, and lifetime performance of underwater structures using AI
techniques (O’Byrne, Ghosh, Schoefs, Pakrashi, & Engineering, 2020). Mobile computing provides tools
for running AR in real-time visualizing and interacting with UCH. Using a waterproof case smartphone
hybrid markers and inertial sensors localize the diver site. The application was experimentally evaluated
at an underwater archeological site in Italy in Baiae with ten expert divers was performed and
signi cantly enhances user experience in underwater archeological sites. (Čejka, Zsíros, & Liarokapis,
2020). Computer technologies enable researchers to acquire accurate models of different environmental
aspects and 3D printing technology is possible to reproduce artifacts (Erič, Guček Puhar, Jaklič, & Solina,

4.1.3 Excavation Equipment ROV, AOV, 3D
VR gives the UAV operator a quick look of the explored site with the vehicle correctly placed in the virtual
scene in real-time (Bacco et al., 2020). Investigating underwater heritage, expert divers need advanced
technology with apparatus, equipment to detect archeological site. Training inexperienced archaeologists
are one of the most challenging tasks as well as underwater excavation dredging. Using immersive VR
techniques focus on excavating underwater while following established archaeological methods and
techniques (Kouřil, Liarokapis, & applications, 2018). Arti cial visual documentation cannot replace
authentic values of underwater tangible heritage. AR technology contributes to intangible property
protection, maintaining the memory and information of underwater archaeology (Malliri et al., 2019). The
seventh group “Excavation Equipment” combines issues “Museum Exhibition”, “Excavation Equipments
ROV, UAV”. Developing a complex platform uses digital bathymetric data from ROV, topographic terrestrial
photogrammetry data from unmanned drones to synthesize 3D digital images of speci c areas (Nomikou
et al., 2020). The excavation will damage the habitant ecosystem and biodiversity loss. The fundamental
principle in situ preservation, excavation should be under strict assessment. The computer vision
photogrammetry technology is automated systems for interpretation of the visual world as a part of AI
rather than cartography (MAUS, JAFFKE, & HASKELL, 2017). The preserved artifacts remain in the watery
environment alternative methods for preservation should be developed and supported by technology
such as automatic measurement, control of microbiological changes, and AI (Erič et al., 2018). The
patterns of cracks in the structural components monitored by UAV. The operator interacts with real-time
data retrieved from a wireless sensor network (WSN) employing the VR environment (Bacco et al., 2020).
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UCH 3D Australia’s continental shelf Barrow Island

The 3D and VR enrich remote inspection providing a reconstruction of monitored sites with the location
of the sensors. An interactive virtual scenario of the underwater site to the general public, based on the
combined use of optical and acoustic technologies provides a digital 3D reconstruction of underwater
scenarios (F Bruno et al., 2019). Bacco et al. (2020) suggestion monitoring system integrates
environmental and mechanical data acquired through IoT with the images and UAV information
collection to build a 3D reconstruction of structures, showing the position of the deployed sensor,
allowing the operator dynamically to interact with the real-time readings from IoT. The 3D reconstruction
focuses on the integration of data captured by acoustic and optical systems to obtain a complete
representation. The underwater site inspection aims to identify the location of archaeological remains
and classify important priority from an archaeological view (F Bruno et al., 2019). Once the survey
activities ended, optical and acoustic data are merged to create a multiresolution textured 3D model of
the underwater archaeological site and surrounding seabed (F Bruno et al., 2019). The UCH of Australia
beginning some 65,000 years ago, using 3D seismic datasets cover vast areas of Australia’s continental
shelf regions proximal to Barrow Island. The 3D seismic bathymetry revealed a highly complex and
mature coastal landscape preserved at depths of 70–75 m (O’Leary, Paumard, & Ward, 2020).
4.2 SOP and One-Stop
Technologies protect UCH against conditions of degradation, deformation, or destruction. The mission of
any museum implements new concepts of preservation and presentation for educational purposes (Erič
et al., 2018). Any adverse effects might arise from activities incidentally affecting UCH. The 2001
UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the UCH stipulates in-situ preservation must be conducted
before engaging in activities to prevent incidental damage (Aps, Lees, Herkül, Roio, & Tõnismaa, 2020).
Trawlers can pull wrecks apart and drag objects for kilometers along the seabed, speci c to the
underwater environment, particularly common in shallow seabeds and the high volume of shing activity
(Pearson, 2019). New methods of underwater archaeological assets and sites in situ protection provide
additional guidelines for operators, restorers, archaeologists, conservation scientists, geologists in the
UCH (Ricca & La Russa, 2020). Sowers et al. (2020) claim written SOP are pretty straightforward to the
tools and the latest version developed an SOP to ensure importing data and using a pro le. Nur Mobi &
Majumder (2019) view a one-stop service is an effective policy to decrease hassles and signi cantly
reduces anxiety arising from administrative complications. The research indicating UCH investigation
and preservation involves multifaceted issues and competent agents. Based on in situ preservation
principles create general SOP for UCH investigation and preservation. Research generates the general
SOP for UCH investigation, preservation, and gathers agents' involvement in UCH for collaboration
forming a One-Stop service.


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1. Any possible heritage identi cation by o cial authorities in the public transparent Competent
     authority establishes ONE-STOP service for convenient application access and implements
     enforcement or creating agent institution in the legal framework.
  2. The main functions indicator would be simple and A measurable table in speci c characteristics with
    a score on the list and evaluates heritage value accumulation on the The total scores indicate a
     different level of valuation at 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and 0 respectively.
  3. Each authentication of potential heritage is evaluated by the o cial The total score offers monitor
    performance and an estimated schedule in progress on the public website.


  1. Generally, shing vessels, expert divers, or o cial patrol show great probability than general people
    to nd the possible UCH and reports ONE-STOP service for authentication immediately.
  2. An incentive mechanism for discovering UCH, no one reports heritage site even nds it because of no
     bene t for himself/herself/themselves.

(iii)The reporting system provides open website development of update tracing function.

(3) Authority Implementation

  1. Once received a report from One-Stop service, authority establishes a team of projects immediately.
  2. Comprehensive data collection of heritage in situ preservation, authority prohibits any intrusive
     action in the scene.

(4) Analyze Authentication

  1. A total score below 70, the central government hands over to the local government in the
     arrangement at a regular visit written report.
  2. The score above 70, arrangement regularly visits the scene to collect data, comparative analysis, and
     comprehensive integration through technology.
  3. Keep going data collection, accumulation, integration, and analysis if the prospect of archeological
    site report demonstrates a potential value.

(5) Project Team

  1. The team members should widely cover diverse aspects from the professor in academic theory,
     associates with a practical expert, stakeholder, and local community resident participation.
  2. Technical network connection crossing trans-boundary establishes functional subdivision for each
     team as an alternative.
  3. Depending on adaptability to real demand, implements effective movement, and carry out adaptive
    management for dealing with change.

(6) Monitor and Feedback Mechanism

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1. Precautionary measure implementation.
  2. List item, progress schedule for monitoring performance.
  3. Feedback amendment and adjust modi cation on direction and speed.

4.3 International Politics
Since no one lives beneath the sea, leaders do not nd opportunities for political gains from
archaeological sites. Until politicians in Canada, Russia, and China used shipwrecks on the sea oor to
project sovereignty into new maritime territories. The politicized abuse of science puts the world on a
path toward con ict (Campbell, 2015). Kesisoglou (2019) view cultural objects have the international
character, due to continuous activity in art and antiquities are the guardians of cultural property, not only
 nancial, moral interests of the parties involved but also learn to incorporate predecessors’ culture. The
cultural Political extends understanding of diverse possibilities of managing warship wrecks and UCH to
examine diversity and e cacy of alternative approaches to the management and protection of cultural
heritage beyond the stipulations of the 2001 UNESCO Convention, speci cally the Convention’s
preference for in situ preservation as a rst option and the ban it places on commercial exploitation
(Pearson, 2019). The domestic legal framework is the fundamental base of implementation. Without
lawful intervention and strict enforcement from governments is no meaningful change at site
preservation in cultural heritage (Cheng, 2017). Coastal states performing UCH sovereignty in inland
water with jurisdiction face foreign countries claim UCH ownership. The scenario involves international
negotiation with state jurisdiction and coastal states negotiate in site preservation with foreign countries.
Such as transnational governance approaches might enhance the protection of UCH. New solutions are
needed to perform global regional-level regimes, and community-centered collaborative governance to
provide additional protections for UCH (J. Martin, 2019). A broader discussion on legislative reforms to
future UCH management, better engagement at the global and regional negotiating table supports
adopting a uni ed and consistent policy aiming at any remaining UCH preservation (J. B. Martin & Gane,

Underwater shipwreck value accumulated with marine resources and naturally formulated an ecosystem
since it was sunk until discovered. The site locates at the seabed in inland waters under state jurisdiction.
The foreign country should apply for an investigation of heritage and commence operation until approval
from the state administration (Ministry of Culture, 2015). Allocating resources and risk assessment is an
important infrastructure for cultural preservation. The holistic framework of trans-boundary ameliorates
the performance of underwater ecological conservation. The archaeology is a tool of peacemaking when
cultural heritage meets social activism, politics, and community identity. Using social media builds a
community at underwater tourism between myth and reality (Melotti, 2017). The involvement of countries
needs to identify common protection approaches, standards, and actions to exchange practices.
Reconciling private and public interests to protect UCH should be governed by international law
(Kupusović et al., 2019). Developing a perspective aims to ensure the protection of UCH sites.
Cooperation actions include: (i) the identi cation of UCH sites; (ii) common legal protection; (iii) sharing
practices about monitoring, protection, and mitigation measures for endangered UCH.
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5. Conclusion
Domestic regulation and international conventions of any heritage activities would be based principle of
in situ preservation on UNESCO. A valuable discovery of historical culture, shipwreck heritage as time
capsule since it was sunk until discovered. The coastal states claim UCH jurisdiction in situ protection
and foreign countries demand sovereignty to evolve an international political event. Consequently, UCH
becomes a political tool. The paper identi es signi cant issues about UCH to provide SOP, One-Stop
service, and nds a way for international disputes. Results showed 13 issues with no signi cant
difference and conversion into seven groups with a signi cant difference. The top three groups, MSP,
Digital Technology, Excavation Equipment identi cation contribute to better UCH investigation, and
 nding transnational collaborative governance offers better preservation. Finally, suggestion MSP
activating idle assets construct UCH research center through digital technology with excavation
equipment and link AI, IoT to improve UCH investigation and international collaboration.

Con ict of Interest

No con ict of interest exists.

The author con rms that there are no known con icts of interest associated with this publication and
there has been no signi cant nancial support for this work that could have in uenced its outcome.


No funding was received for this work.

Intellectual Property

The author con rms that has given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated
with this work and that there is no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with
respect to intellectual property. In so doing we con rm that we have followed the regulations of our
institutions concerning intellectual property.

Ethical Approval and Consent to participate

“Not applicable”

Consent for publication

“Not applicable”

Availability of supporting data

                                                 Page 17/24
“Not applicable”

Authors' contributions

“Not applicable”


“Not applicable”

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Figure 1

The Standard Operation Procedure

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Figure 2

The 13 issues of UCH showed no signi cant difference and were grouped from a total of 18 topics

Figure 3

Conducting the Chi-Square Test of the 7 groups showed a signi cant difference

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