Page created by Steve Ellis

                                                                                               @DADDYOFLITTLELADIES    @DADDYOFLITTLELADIES

The digital revolution has had a       The parenting influencer space has grown
                                       particularly rapidly in recent years and there are
huge impact on the world of            few areas in which they’ve created such an
parenting. It’s brought both new       established role in such a short space of time. Ten
solutions and fresh challenges,        years ago, few mums and dads would view social
which have inevitably made a           influencers as a key part of their parenting journey,
                                       but nowadays finding mums and dads who don’t
difference to the way parents think,   follow other parents for inspiration or advice would
feel, communicate and behave.          be a challenge!                                         @JEMKNOWLES             @JEMKNOWLES

                                       According to a Nielsen 2018 study, 49% of people
                                       rely on influencers for their purchasing decisions.
                                       As the impact of parenting influencers has                 49% of people rely on
                                       increased, naturally so has interest from brands.
                                       Marketeers who want to reach parents are
                                                                                                  influencers for their
                                       realising that if influencer marketing doesn’t form
                                       part of their strategy, they’re missing a trick – but
                                                                                                  purchasing decisions.
                                       they want to get the most out of it.
                                       So, we took a look at some of the overarching
                                       trends that will be impacting the world of
                                       parenting influencers to help brands understand
                                                                                                  Nielsen study 2018
                                       the best way to navigate the challenges and
                                       opportunities of this exciting space in 2020
                                       and beyond.
01.                                       03.
           Parenting challenges                      Cultural changes
CONTENTS   in the social age
                                                     + Family formations – the new
           +   Insta vs reality                        ‘normal’
           +   The advice overload                   + The gender question
           +   Parent self-care                      + Parenting styles
           +   Online privacy                        + The feeding debate and
                                                       parental stigma

           02.                                       04.
           The impact of                             Parenting challenges
           technical innovation                      in the social age
           + Tech driven purchase developments       + 5 dos and don’ts for working
           + Smart appliances and the home of          with parenting influencers
             the future
           + Tech ‘solutions’ for age old problems

Being a parent has always had its       Social media has always been about connection.
                                        The parenting community is no different –
challenges as well as its joys. Some    according to Baby Centre Brand Labs, new
of those challenges have been           parents spend an average of 8hrs per day online –
helped by the social revolution         and the need for support and advice can lead to
(feeling like you’re not alone/buying   very close social media connections and tight
                                        communities. While this can be incredibly positive,
random stuff to keep you awake
during the 3am feed, anyone?), but
                                        it can also lead to some divisive conversations and
                                        challenges, and it’s important brands give time
                                                                                              New parents spend an
it’s also true that some have been      and attention to navigating these.                    average of 8hrs per day
exacerbated.                                                                                  online.
                                        Here, we’ve explored some of the key areas that
                                        are on parents’ and parenting influencers’ minds
                                        at the moment, and that will be key topics of
                                        discussion for 2020.

                                                                                              Baby Centre Brand Labs
‘Instagram vs reality’ has been a hot topic   A Wired article highlighted the ways in          On the flip side, influencers that emerged
in recent times, with some parenting          which the Insta visions of new motherhood        as a backlash against the ‘cult of
influencers (Clemmie Hooper                   in particular don’t bear any resemblance         perfection’ – such as The Scummy
@Mother_Of_Daughters, Sam Faiers              to reality: “The part where your body is         Mummies @scummymummies, The
@SamanthaFaiers) being accused of             broken, your clothes still don’t fit, but your   Unmumsy Mum @unmumsymum and
projecting an image of perfection that        maternity clothes don’t work either, your        Hurrah For Gin @hurrahforgin – have come
‘real’ parents can’t hope to achieve.         baby is hungry more than he’s not, you           under attack for celebrating ‘bad
                                              haven’t slept more than two hours in             parenting skills’. Some commentators, like
                                              weeks, doesn’t exist on Instagram”.              Alexis Barad-Cutler writing for Motherly, say
                                                                                               that they don’t actually want influencers
                                                                                               to get too real. “The truth is, we WANT
                                                                                               them to look perfect. We follow their
                                                                                               perfect feeds. We like their perfect posts.
                                                                                               Instagram would probably die if it was just
                                                                                               used for posting relatable, if not sometimes
                                                                                               depressing, pictures of real life.”

                                                                                               So, if audiences want their influencers to
                                                                                               be aspirational but take them down on
                                                                                               gossip sites for being just that, where does
                                                                                               that leave us?
Behind-the-scenes content is becoming increasingly
popular as influencers seek to dispel those
perfection myths. Brands are starting to get in on the
act, with campaigns that actively highlight reality vs
perfection, with Wren Kitchens’ ‘A Kitchen Lived In –
Perception Vs Reality’ social campaign being one
of the first.

Many influencers are also trying to strike
a balance between the two – neither totally
rejecting the ‘Instagram aesthetic’, nor taking
a warts and all approach. Take, for example,
Canadian Danielle Bevans @daniellerbevens,
who peppers her (admittedly very attractive!)
feed with funny letterboards, designed to
bring humour to the reality of parenting.

                                                          A Kitchen Lived In –
   For brands, the important thing is not just to look    Perception Vs Reality’
   for the influencers with the biggest following. Find
   the people that have a natural and genuine fit with    Wren Kitchens
   your brand, both aesthetically and attitudinally.
The internet can undoubtedly be a              A popular meme brings this feeling to life:
lifesaver for parents looking for advice on
how to raise their kids, but with so many      “How to be a parent today – make sure
varied views on how best to parent, it can     your children’s academic, emotional,
feel overwhelming.                             psychological, mental, spiritual, physical,
                                               nutritional and social needs are met while
Many high-profile baby experts offer           being careful not to overstimulate, under-
conflicting advice, for example, while         stimulate, improperly medicate or neglect
Gina Ford warns against too many               them in a screen-free, processed-foods-
cuddles, Dr Sears promotes baby wearing.       free, plastic-free, body positive, socially
With so much contradictory information         conscious, egalitarian but also
flying around, it can be hard for parents to   authoritative, pesticide-free, multilingual
choose which path is right for their family,   home.”                                                                   @THIS_FATHER_LIFE
causing many to become anxious that
they’re not doing the best for their           So can the modern parent ever feel totally
children.                                      up to the job? And how can they find a
                                               path through the never-ending stream of
                                               advice out there?

                                                                                             @GABRIEL_SEY               @MARTHASHAPPILYEVERAFTER
The answer could be an idea first coined     The best parenting influencers are as
by the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott:       focused on creating a community to
                                             share experiences and advice as they are
"the good-enough parent". His approach       about platforming their own views. At a
focuses on being non-judgemental,            recent Connects Verified Views event,
believing that good-enough parenting is      Martha Lewis (@marthashappilyeverafter)
simply providing a secure environment        said, “[My followers are] a fountain of
sympathetic to the child's needs and         knowledge. I asked about potty training
capacities. “It’s not about how to raise     the other day and I got so many replies
your child's intelligence or how to have a   giving me tips and advice – we’ve got
baby that never cries,” he says.             four children, and I’m still no expert – and
                                             then I shared back all my answers. So I’ve
                                             been helped, and hopefully I’m helping
                                                                                            CONNECTS VERIFIED VIEWS EVENT
                                             back, but it’s not just my opinion. I’ve got
                                             the opinions of loads of others to share
                                             with people.”

    Look for influencers who create a                             VIEWS”
    sense of community and have a two
    way relationship with their followers.
    This will foster genuine engagement.
We’ve all heard the “Put on your oxygen       So, self-care strategies are important and are
mask first, before putting on your child’s”   definitely becoming part of mainstream
message, right? But this isn’t just an        parenting thinking, with the view that taking
aeroplane safety warning; it can also be      time for you and your needs will help you be
an important way to think about parental      there for your kids, both physically and
wellbeing and the importance of self-care.    mentally.

In striving to protect their children from    In her book The Happiest Mommy You
harm and set them up for success, parents     Know: Why Putting Your Kids First Is The Last
can forget to prioritise their own needs.     Thing You Should Do, Genevieve Shaw
This can be detrimental not only for them,    Brown says,
but also for their children.

Let’s face it – parenting can be absolutely   You can’t just think, ‘Someday soon I’m
exhausting. According to a Pew Research       going to take a day for myself’. We have         Parents find time with their
report, parents find time with their kids
more rewarding than paid work but also
                                              to prioritize ourselves the same as we
                                              would prioritize things for our kids. We’d
                                                                                               kids more rewarding than
find parenting more exhausting. When we       never miss an appointment for our kids,          paid work, but also find
feel exhausted, we get stressed more          because they are important. Equally
easily; when we’re stressed, we’re more       important is prioritizing yourself and your      parenting more exhausting.
likely to experience mental health            own needs.”
challenges such as anxiety.
                                              So parents today are increasingly looking
                                              for a way to incorporate real self-care into     Pew Research
                                              their lives, and influencers are leading the
Getting the balance right

Jeff Brazier (@jeffbrazier) told us:

I’ve been a life coach for six years, and a lot of   [It’s finding] the right balance between your
my mum clients drill into themselves that they       role as a parent and giving to yourself. That's
have to be present at all times. They can't go       when you've cracked parenting. But I don't
anywhere or do anything outside a certain            think anyone manages to do that the whole
quota [of time off]. And putting that pressure on    way through. You usually get to a point where
yourself then means that actually, when the          your instincts tell you you’ve got to get a bit of
children grow up, they’re lost because they          a balance.”
didn't maintain who they were and what their
interests were.
Megan Rose Lane @megan_rose_lane’s
post-partum-body celebration

Megan wanted to end the stigma around
post-partum bodies. She asked her
followers to send her pics of their
stomachs post-partum. She then posted
10 in a carousel to highlight how
incredible the human body is, and how it’s
unrealistic to expect bodies to ‘bounce         CONNECTS CLUE
back’ after birth. She was fighting the lack
                                               It’s important for baby and child
of representation of real bodies and how
                                               brands to think about the support they
so many women struggle to see the
                                               can give to the parent themselves, as
beauty in their changed bodies after
                                               well as the solution they can provide
becoming mothers. The posts evidently
                                               for their children. Brands could consider
resonated, with c600 comments and 17.5k
                                               ways to promote self-care as part of
                                               their overall messaging.
In 2018, locking down an Instagram            Stacey Steinberg, of the University of Florida’s
handle for your baby before they were         College of Law, has weighed the effects of
even born was all the rage, but as time       silencing parents against the rights of children
moves on, parents have become                 and says that it’s important to give children
increasingly concerned about whether it’s
ethical, or indeed safe, to share so much     the right to say no to posts about them.
of their child’s life online.
                                              Steinberg’s not trying to convince parents to
The UK children’s commissioner recently       maintain complete radio silence about their
                                              families but to give more thought to what they
                                                                                                 By the time a child is 13,
released a report entitled ‘Who Knows
What About Me?’ which illuminated the         post, eliminate unnecessary layers of              their parents will have
                                              information like geotagging, and talk to their
ways in which we share children’s data
and how that might put them at risk in the    kids as soon as they’re able to about what         posted roughly 1300 photos
future. It is estimated that by the time a    they’re posting. This approach will not only
                                              improve a child’s sense of autonomy, but alert
                                                                                                 and videos of them online
child is 13, their parents will have posted
roughly 1300 photos and videos of them        them early on to the potential dangers of
online(which might even seem like a           oversharing, giving them a good sense of
conservative figure!). Children’s             what is meant to be public and private.
                                                                                                 Who Knows What About Me?
advocates are now questioning the
practice of ‘sharenting’ and trying to
                                                                                                 Children’s Commissioner
educate parents to think harder about
posting content about their children

Many parents are now opting to be more
intimate (and targeted) with their photo
updates and child-related online content.
They’ll have private accounts with a
tightly limited audience or use modern
family album apps like Tiny Beans, which
allows parents to add specific people and
post one picture a day (with a caption)
into a calendar-like grid.

Parenting influencers are also giving a lot
of consideration to how to feature their
children in their feeds without
compromising privacy; with some
declining to show their little one’s faces
(such as Hannah Gale, @hannahfgale)
while others, like Sally Fazeli ,@sallyfazeli,
are happy to include their children in their
social media, but make sure never to
show identifying features like school

Parents can often be early adopters    Some of the technologies for which they show a
                                       much greater degree of excitement than non-
of technology and are particularly     parents include smartphones (91% excited vs. 76% of
keen to embrace technological          non-parents); smart-home technology (74% vs. 55%)
advances that can help make life       and wearables (64% vs. 49%). Dads are particularly
                                       enthusiastic about artificial intelligence, with 64%
that bit easier. A recent Marketing    saying it excites them compared to 38% of
Charts survey found that over 50% of
parents agree that they’re ‘excited’
                                       respondents overall.
                                                                                               51% of parents believe AI
about emerging technologies,
                                       Part of parents’ excitement about AI relates to
                                       relieving them of some of their daily tasks: 51%
                                                                                               will increase their quality
compared to 45% of respondents         believe it will increase their quality of life by
                                                                                               of life
without children.                      enhancing and automating everyday tasks versus
                                       38% of non-parents, and parents already have
                                       above-average adoption of voice assistants, smart-
                                       home devices and voice-activated remote controls.

                                       This all means that for tech marketers, parents are     Marketing Charts survey
                                       definitely a key group to keep an eye on. And if
                                       you’re not a tech brand? You should still be aware of
                                       the ways in which parents engage with technology
                                       and how they can consider tech innovations in the
                                       context of their campaigns.
The Pitney Bowes’ 2018 Global                SOCIAL SHOPPING
eCommerce Study found that 46% of            Discovery is what makes social shopping fun,
households with children shopped online      and there’s a powerful opportunity to translate
at least once a week, compared to 23% of     that excitement into purchases on Instagram
childless households. But how are these      and Pinterest. With social platforms finally
purchases being made?                        evolving their experiences to be more
                                             conducive to shopping behaviour, social
VOICE                                        commerce is hitting its stride. The convenience
When parents have to master the art of       of seeing something you like on an influencer’s
holding a baby with one arm and cooking      feed and clicking straight through to purchase
dinner with the other, Alexa can easily      is very appealing to time-poor parents.
become their best friend. It’s been
predicted that by 2020, 50% of
all searches will be conducted via voice
                                             SUBSCRIPTION                                       It’s been predicted that
                                             Subscription buying is certainly nothing new,
and now not only are smart speakers          but it’s making a digitally driven resurgence      by 2020, 50% off all
common, but voice search also exists on
watches, headphones, washers, dryers,
                                             with more brands driving automatic repeat
                                             purchases as a key part of their sales offering.
                                                                                                searches will be voice
ovens, toys, cars and more. So as a brand,
it’s really important to consider whether
                                             This trend is now working its way into the         searches
                                             parenting sphere; from baby food to toy
you’re voice ready, as it will be key to     sharing, nappies to postpartum recovery kits,
future success with a parenting audience.    and so on. As children grow, their needs and
                                             those of their parents will change quickly, so
                                             it’s important that brands looking to launch       Nielson 2018
                                             subscription services have thought about how
                                             their offering can adapt accordingly.

Alexa, how will you affect my kids’

A Childwise report in 2018 warned that
kids growing up with the likes of Google
Home and Amazon Alexa may be
learning bad manners and poor
communication skills as a result of ‘barking
orders’ at their smart speakers with no             @JEMKNOWLES
consequences. It suggested saying please
and thank you to your devices as you
would to another human, in order that
your children don’t think it’s OK to speak            46% of households with
to people like they’re robots.
                                                      children shop online at
                                                      least once a week
   When using influencers to directly drive
   sales, it’s important to fully assess the
   consumer purchase journey to ensure it’s           Pitney Bowes study
   friction-free. Make it as easy as possible for
   influencers to direct consumers down a
   streamlined purchase route to minimise
   drop off and maximise sales.
“Social robots will become family            Beyond smart speakers, fridges, dishwashers,
members in the homes of the future.”         washing machines, coffee machines and so
That’s the prediction of Cynthia Breazeal,   on are making life easier and helping people
Director of the Personal Robots Group at     to shop more efficiently. As smart-home
the MIT Media Lab.                           technology becomes increasingly more
                                             popular, the benefits of it are becoming less of
While that may seem a long way off, a        a luxury and more of a necessity – especially
recent PWC survey indicates that £10.8bn     for parents who want to ease their
will be spent on smart home devices in       considerable workload.
2019 and research from YouGov reveals
that close to a quarter of Brits (23%) own
one or more smart home devices
(excluding smart meters). The report also
shows that once someone buys one smart
                                                                                                £10.8bn will be spent
home device, they’re more inclined to        Social robots will become                          on smart home devices
purchase another, with one in 10 owning      family members in the homes                        in 2019
two or more.
                                             of the future.”
                                             Cynthia Breazeal, MIT Media Lab

                                                                                                PWC estimate

A smarter kitchen

Kitchen innovations have arrived thick       LG’s refrigerator even lets you knock on
and fast in recent years, from appliances    the door to see inside – useful if you’ve got
                                             a baby on your hip and a bottle in your
that can be operated via smartphone to
                                             hand. Some washing machines will also
new solutions for simple tasks. Samsung’s    integrate with Amazon’s Dash
refrigerators have a camera inside them      replenishment system, automatically
that can show parents the shelves of their   ordering more detergent when needed.
fridge, without needing to open the door
and waste energy. Other smart                                                                 CONNECTS CLUE
appliances allow parents to see when
food is expiring and can suggest meals or                                                    Smart technology is no longer just for
recipes that make use of what's in the                                                       the tech savvy or wealthy households,
fridge, as well as recommending other                                                        it’s accessible and affordable for many
ingredients to buy next time they shop.                                                      and is only going to grow in popularity
                                                                                             so brands need to consider how they
                                                                                             can claim their place in the home of
                                                                                             the future
Hands-Free Pumping

For the extremely busy parents of today,
hands-free tech is a must – especially
when it comes to feeding. The Pinterest
parenting report revealed that searches
for wireless breast pumps are up 114% yoy,
with the likes of the Willow Breast Pump,
the Elvie and the Freemie showing
significant growth. These technological
wonders slip underneath a bra and don’t
need to be hooked up to
an outlet, meaning mums can                     Searches for wireless
theoretically multitask while pumping.
                                                breast pumps are up
                                                114% on last year

                                                Pinterest parenting report

Audio Story Time                             Audiobooks and storytelling devices give
                                             children and their parents the chance to use
Pinterest also found that searches for       technology in a more active way, putting their
’audio storytellers’ were up 126% in 2018    creativity to use during story time. The Lunii
and that trend has continued in 2019. With   Fabulous Storyteller enables users to choose
kids spending more time than ever in front   from 48 stories with hundreds more available
of screens, parents may take heart in the    for download, and kids get to customise
rise in popularity of a new device that      various elements of the stories, like a modern
leaves more to the imagination.              "Choose Your Own Adventure." The Echo Dot
                                             Kids' Edition makes use of a similar concept,
                                             with access to ‘over 300’ Audible children’s
                                             audiobooks. Alexa will also offer kids
                                             interactive tales they can build by answering
                                             questions, playing a character, or directing
                                             the action. Some might say that nothing beats
                                             the tradition of parents reading a story to their
                                             children, but for those times when that might
                                             not be possible, it seems technology is here to
                                             step in.
Smart Sleeping

Welcoming a newborn baby into your lives      Several brands have also launched blindfolds
causes seismic shifts to parents’ sleeping    with technology which, according to their
patterns. It doesn’t take much for sleep      claims, can get you to sleep nearly
deprivation to turn into a serious lack of    immediately, meaning no more tossing and
lucidity, so what can parents do to get a     turning for parents in between night feeds.
good (or even just OK) night’s sleep? A
                                                                                              CONNECTS CLUE
range of connected smart pillows, beds
and even blindfolds are now available,                                                       There’s currently huge growth around
potentially helping sleep deprived parents                                                   wellness topics, with the once-fringe
get a few more Zs.                                                                           ASMR hitting mainstream news and
                                                                                             apps like Calm and Headspace
Sleep Number beds integrate with an app                                                      consistently high in the charts. Be
and machine, learning to automatically                                                       where your audience are, and
adjust to the perfect position and firmness                                                  embrace the tactics they’re using
level for your personal sleep patterns. A                                                    to improve their quality of life.
smart pillow from Zeeq, which syncs with
your Amazon Alexa or Google Home, will
track your sleep cycles, turn music off
when you fall asleep and wake you up at            @LETSTALKMOMMY
the optimal point in your sleep cycle
(crying baby permitting!).


It’s not just the rise of digital and          The modern family looks very different and
technological innovation driving change        vastly more varied than it used to and views
in the world of parenting – significant        on traditional parenting roles have changed
cultural and societal changes have been        dramatically. The way that we treat children in
taking place which continue to impact on       terms of gender is also undergoing significant
the way that families operate.                 change, with stereotypes being questioned or
                                               actively challenged.
In their report on the 21st century family,
media agency Mindshare says, “Families         However, some of the cultural hot topics in the
are becoming increasingly fragmented           parenting sphere seem to have been around
and diverse. Our rapidly evolving world is     forever; the ongoing debate surrounding
affecting our domestic lives and, as a         breast or bottle feeding, for instance, or why
result, there have been shifts in the family   only working mums (and not dads) get
structure, how its members interact and        questions about how they manage a job and
how we think of family.”                       looking after children.

                                                                                                 Brands need to be aware of (and sensitive to)
                                                                                                 both cultural developments and persistent
                                                                                                 challenges faced my parents, if they want to
                                                                                                 engage effectively.
The traditional nuclear family, with mum     According to the Office for National Statistics'   Brands can still identify and appeal to the
doing the childcare and dad going out to     Trends in Families and Households report, the      universal, unifying experiences of parenthood,
work, just isn’t representative of the way   number of cohabiting-couple families               which apply whether you’re married or single,
the world works at the dawn of the 2020s.    continues to grow faster than married-couple       straight or LGBTQ+. Mindshare’s 21st century
                                             and lone-parent families, with an increase of      family report suggests that, “Brands need to
                                             25.8% over the decade 2008 to 2018. The            embrace family diversity by creating a
                                             number of same-sex couple families has grown       coherent message and meaningful
                                             by more than 50% since 2015 too, with more         connection. The key is to [have] a point of
                                             than four times as many same-sex married-          view, embracing and driving the reality of our
                                             couple families in the UK by 2018.                 eclectic and vibrant family ecosystem.”

                                             It’s clear that modern families come in every
                                             size, shape and colour, and while that variety
                                             and diversity can be slow to make its way
                                             through into traditional advertising, it’s
                                             definitely coming through in the influencer
                                             space. An increase in diversity doesn’t
                                             necessarily mean that these different family
                                             structures need to be ‘othered’, though.
Platonic parenting

As traditional notions of family continue to be
redefined, some people are even choosing to
raise children as platonic partners. Platonic
parenting, sometimes referred to as ‘co-
parenting’, is a term used to define people who
are not romantically involved with each other
who decide to raise a child together. Reasons to
become platonic parents vary. Sometimes,
LGBTQ+ people decide to get together and form
a family that departs from the traditional
heterosexual household, while in others, co-                             The number of same-sex
parenting arrangements come from long-time
friends who decide to raise a child together.
                                                                         couple families has
                                                                         grown by more than
                                                                         50% since 2015

   Smart technology is no longer just for the tech savvy or wealthy
   households, it’s accessible and affordable for many and is only
                                                                         Office of National Statistics
   going to grow in popularity so brands need to consider how they
   can claim their place in the home of the future
As traditional family structures change, so   It seems like every few months a brand
do traditional gender roles, with more        apologises for gender stereotyping children’s
women becoming the main domestic              clothing, toys or activities. Mainstream brands
breadwinner and more men becoming the         from Boden to H&M and Mothercare have all
primary care-givers. There’s also a move      made mistakes, but when brands such as John
towards a greater variety of gender           Lewis have gone the other way and sought to
representation being accepted within          remove specific gender labelling from
society as a whole.                           children’s clothes, they also faced criticism.

Some families are now choosing to raise       So are brands damned if they do and
their children without revealing their        damned if they don’t when it comes to
genders, in a bid to “mitigate the gender     gendered children’s products? It certainly
bias that society places on children” (The    seems brands need to both be aware of
Guardian). Most aren’t going as far as        society’s changing views towards gender and
fully-fledged gender-neutral parenting,       make sure they are sensitive to parents’ views.
but would simply prefer to see a world
where more children’s products are unisex
and children have more freedom from the
traditional gender tropes.
One study in the Journal of Adolescent
Health found that children subject to strict
gender expectations are at an increased
risk of mental and physical health
problems. A separate study published in
the Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology found that kids enrolled in
Sweden's gender-neutral kindergarten
system had access to more opportunities,
and predicted this would equate to more         CONNECTS CLUE
success as adults.
                                               Influencer networks can be used for
A BBC documentary ‘No More Boys and            much more than content curation.
Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?’           Why not use your ambassadors as
followed a class of seven-year-olds and        sounding boards and ask their
observed that girls called themselves          opinions on ever-developing cultural
pretty, but had lower self-esteem than the     considerations?
boys, while boys had a limited vocabulary
when describing their emotions.
Are you a Tiger, Free-Range, a Helicopter, a Lawnmower or a Lighthouse?
Since the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind’s famous findings on parenting styles have remained largely unchanged. But with the rise of societal scrutiny on the
way we parent, it seems a new crop of parenting styles pops up every year. These are some of the more recent buzzwords when it comes to types of parents, which
might be useful for brands to bear in mind in order to achieve balance when creating content aimed at parents.

Tiger                                    Free-Range                               Helicopter                                Lawnmower                               Lighthouse
Often displaying rigid and harsh         Allowing their children the              If you’re an overprotective parent        Instead of preparing children for       One of the more balanced
characteristics, tiger parents are       independence and self-reliance           who feels the need to control             challenges, this type mows              methods of parenting, the
described by iflscience.com as           of being less-supervised or              most aspects of your child’s life,        obstacles down so kids won’t            lighthouse approach was coined
expecting “first-time obedience,         unsupervised in public. For a long       you likely fit the bill of a helicopter   experience them in the first place,     by pediatrician and author Dr.
excellence in every endeavour            time, parents who practice this          parent. Thebump.com notes the             weareteachers.com explains.             Kenneth Ginsburg who said in his
and a child who never talks              style were considered neglectful,        characteristics of a helicopter           Lawnmower parents (also known           book, Raising Kids to Thrive, "We
back.” This term gained                  endangering their children due to        mum or dad as someone who,                as snowplow or bulldozer parents)       should be like lighthouses for our
mainstream attention due to Amy          lack of supervision – some even          “Constantly intervenes to prevent         are willing to drop everything to       children. Stable beacons of light
Chua’s book Battle Hymn Of The           faced trouble with the law after         failures, overlooks kids’                 fulfill all their child’s wants, no     on the shoreline from which they
Tiger Mother, in which she               allowing their young children            weaknesses and hovers closely.”           matter how small. These parents’        can measure themselves
describes tiger parenting as an          independence. But, more                  These risk-assessing tendencies           good intentions, motivated by not       against.” This type strives to find
authoritarian method commonly            recently, the hands-off parenting        are often driven by fear and              wanting their children to               the perfect balance between
used in Chinese culture.                 style has been seen as instilling        anxiety, and can hinder a child’s         experience struggle, can actually       protecting their children and
Iflscience.com notes that while          strong qualities like self-sufficiency   ability to learn integral life skills,    strengthen a child’s fear of failure.   nurturing resilience.
tiger parents can raise children to      and resilience.                          confidence and self-sufficiency.
be more productive, motivated
and responsible, children can also
experience anxiety, poor social
skills and difficulty functioning in a
day-to-day setting due to their                   CONNECTS CLUE
parent’s high demands
                                                 When selecting influencers for your campaign, remember parents aren’t a homogenous group
                                                 but as diverse as any other audience segment. By identifying the archetypes that align with
                                                 your brand, you can work with a variety of people and appeal to different audiences.
To breastfeed or bottle feed remains one       The RCPCH believes more must be done to
of the most hotly contested topics             support women to continue breastfeeding
surrounding parenthood. It just won’t go       beyond the first few weeks and to continue
away.                                          doing it for “as long as they wish”, but
                                               president Professor Neena Modi said,
According to the Royal College of              “Regrettably the attitudes of a large part of
Paediatrics and Child Health, the number       society mean breastfeeding is not always
of UK mums choosing to breastfeed is           encouraged.” She went on to say, “Some
currently among the lowest in the world        mothers cannot, or choose not to, breastfeed     @MEGAN_ROSE_LANE
and shows “little sign” of improving. 40% of   and this also needs to be respected.”
UK babies are still breastfed at 6-8 weeks
of age compared to countries like
Norway, where 70% of babies are still
                                               In April 2019, the National Childbirth Trust’s
                                               president Seána Talbot resigned partly
                                                                                                  Among formula-feeding
breastfed at six months. The RCPCH             because the organisation is publicly               mothers, 67% reported
believes the UK rate remains low due to        supporting parents who use formula. This
social stigma and women getting mixed          sparked a slew of commentary about the             feeling guilty and 68% felt
messages.                                      ‘war’ between breast and bottle-feeding

                                                                                                  Liverpool university
As Hadley Freeman said in an article in
The Guardian, framing it as a ‘war’ is not
just unhelpful, but untrue, as many
mothers will try both. She says,

Motherhood is messy and resists staying
within the lines of one’s own expectations,
let alone broader ideological debates,        @LETSTALKMOMMY
and it’s one of life’s more unfortunate
ironies that it is when a woman is at her
most exhausted and vulnerable that these        At 6-8 weeks of age,
arguments will rage around her most
loudly. No doubt, formula companies
                                                40% of UK babies are
have used questionable marketing                breastfed
methods, but breastfeeding campaigners
can also be guilty of exaggeration and
emotional blackmail.
                                                Royal College of Paediatrics
Researchers at Liverpool University studied     and Child Health
the experiences of more than 1,600 new
mums in 2016.
Among the 890 who formula fed, 67%
reported feeling guilty, 68% felt stigmatised
and 76% felt the need to defend their
feeding choice. Similar emotions were less
common but still present among the
breastfeeding mums, particularly for those
who supplemented breastfeeding with
formula.                                         CONNECTS CLUE

There are so many ways in which parents         Parents are looking for brands that
can be made to feel guilty or experience        understand and support their individual
stigma because of their choices and             parenting choices. Positive influencer
nobody should face criticism for the way        relationships that promote choice and
                                                provide non-judgemental support for
that they decide to feed their baby, so
whether it’s properly welcoming                 different types of feeding journeys can
breastfeeding in public, being fully            really help reduce stigma. Brands should
supportive of a decision to use a bottle or     take note of these discussion points and
embracing the mix of both, here’s hoping        look to create supportive campaigns off
                                                the back of relevant hot topics.
2020 might herald a new dawn of
acceptance and support.

5 dos and don’ts for working with parenting influencers

 DO                                                                  DON’T
 1. Think about realness/relatable families and align influencer   1. Only go after celebrities. Yes, that drives immediate
    audience demographics to your audience demographics               recognition/PR and reach but the audience may not find
    (sounds obvious but many brands fail on this).                    them as relatable.

 2. Think long-term when working with parenting influencers –      2. Go for flash-in-the-pan badging exercises or commoditise
    build a relationship.                                             influencers. Genuine recommendations have more
 3. Think in an integrated way about influencers, incorporating
    them into your broader marketing plans and supporting their    3. Run influencer activity in silo. Always make it part of a
    content via paid media/retargeting.                               symbiotic wider strategy.

 4. Really consider your objectives and develop KPIs for           4. Focus purely on vanity metrics like numbers of followers
    partnerships accordingly.                                         and likes, which look good on paper but don’t necessarily
                                                                      pay off in sales conversions.
 5. Use the influencer data to determine who’s resonating with
    your customers, whether that’s tracked UTM links or owned      5. Don’t gift/pay and hope. You need to ensure the strategy
    insight.                                                          is correct and you’re thinking of the archetypal alignment
                                                                      of each person and the goals they deliver.
At Connects, we’re passionate    We take a progressive and creative approach to         Our desire to further enhance our knowledge of
                                 influencer marketing and a key facet of that           the parenting space lead us to explore and share
about harnessing the power       approach is our belief in the power of personality.    some key trends and noteworthy topics with our
of influencers to drive impact                                                          valued existing clients and other parent focused
for brands.                      We’re passionate about the power of personality;       brands that we’d love to work with.
                                 the human experience of influencers creates
                                 genuinely unique content that inspires consumers       We hope you’ve found our report interesting and
                                 and drives unrivalled proven impact for brands. This   we’d really like to find out more about your brand
                                 enables us to deliver the most authentic, engaging     and discuss how influencer marketing can help
                                 and effective campaigns for our clients.               drive its success in the future.

                                                                                        If you would like to hear more about working with
                                                                                        influencers and how we could help you and your
                                                                                        brand, we’d love to hear from you.



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