Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish

Page created by Betty Jensen
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
    Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
            Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150
  E-mail: Web-site:
    Emergency (only for the sick and the dying): 408-904-9187

                                                                  2: 22-40
                                     M a r k 11: 1 ~ 10

                         April 5th, 2020 ~ PALM SUNDAY

                                ~ Mass Schedule ~
 WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm
          SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm
SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese)
12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English)
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
Pastoral Staff: (408) 248-7786                                      Pastor’s Notes
Pastor: Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, x104,                                                       Dear Parishioners,
Administrative Assistant: Clara Castaneda,                                                        Today is one of those
x106 ~                                                               unique days in the Church cal-
Religious Education Coordinator and
                                                                                             endar when we hear two Gos-
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator:
Paty Rascon, x102,                                                                           pel passages very different in                                                             tone and sen ment, and cer-
Facility Emergencies:                                                                        tainly in content. We begin the
Matt Dutra (408) 904-9181                                                                    liturgy with a presenta on of an
Saint Clare School:                                                                          enthusias c and exuberant
Principal - Cecile Mantecon (408) 246-6797,                                                  crowd as Jesus enters Jerusa-                                                                           lem, the capital of David’s king-
                                                                                             dom. Along the way he is re-
Diane Madruga,                                                                               galed and hailed as Son of Da-                                                                        vid; the prophet, from Naza-
Music Ministry:                                                                              reth; and the one who comes in
Christopher Wemp, Christo-                                                                   the name of the Lord. He gets                                                                          the     red-carpet    treatment:
Community & Service
                                                                                             cloaks and cut branches from
                                                                                             the trees strewn on the dusty
Perig Vennetier,
                                                                                             road; cries of Hosanna piercing
Pastoral Council:
                                                                                             the air; the crowd swelling,
Jasmine Vu,
                                                                                             their voices crying out in a mix-
Finance Council:
                                                                                             ture of scriptural quota ons
Jerome Alabado,
                                                                                             and messianic aspira ons.
                                                                                                  Then, as the Mass progress-
Serra Club of Santa Clara:
                                              es – and somewhat all of a sudden – the mood changes: Our Gospel announc-
Tom Bommarito (408) 243-4647
                                              es that the king has been degraded to the level of a common criminal. The
St Vincent de Paul:
                                              victory confe is replaced by whips, spi ng, and choking dust. Jesus the
Mick Gonzales (408) 645-0506
                                              prophet and Davidic Savior is now Jesus the criminal, the blasphemer, the
Facilities:                                   rebel. The donkey that once carried him in triumph has disappeared, and on
Matt Dutra,             his own back he now carries the heavy and awkward cross. Cries of celebra-
Knights Of Columbus:                            on have turned to calls for death; shouts of joy have given way to the sound
Tony Colombo,                                 of the lash; the parade has become an execu on march.                          It is enough to make our spiritual head spin. For in this yearly remem-
Young Ladies Institute (YLI):                 brance of the passion, death, and resurrec on of Jesus, we are well-reminded
Dolores Wriglesworth,                         of the nature of our own tempta ons and sins. We can o en find ourselves                   with Jesus for the easy part of the journey, but then vanish like the wind
Social Justice Committee:                     when the pressure rises, and the threats of death fill the air.
Anne McMahon,                                      We examine how deep is our own loyalty to Christ in a world where faith                       is so easily mocked, and the name of Christ so easily denigrated. We think
Italian Catholic Federation:                  about the mes when we want to skip ahead to the empty tomb without first
Janet Glaubke (408) 225-0743                  walking to Golgotha. As Jesus tells us, the human spirit can be very willing,
Hispanic Community:                           but the flesh very weak. But there can be no resurrec on without the cross;
Elania Tablada (408) 984-3519                 there can be no new life without first dying to oneself. There is no Easter
Portuguese Community:                         without Good Friday.
Eduina Faria (408) 472-6739                        Let us not be like the crowd: Fickle, inconsistent, swaying with the latest
Mandarin Community:                           wind of popularity and fame, afraid to stand up for jus ce and truth – for the
Contact: Rev. Carlos A. Olivera,              innocent one. But as we journey this Holy Week, let us keep our eyes firmly                              fixed on Jesus. Let us take note of his pa ence, his total and unyielding dedi-
Cantonese Community:                          ca on to doing the will of the Father fully and completely. Then let us take up
Contact: Tony Lau,      our cross of fear and anxiety in these trying mes when Corona Virus spreads
                                              its deadly harvest and follow Christ, so that having shared in his cross, we
                                              might share in his resurrec on.
                                                                                   Fr. Tad
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
NOTAS DEL PÁRROCO                                   Mass Intentions April 4th ~ April 8th, 2020

                    Queridos feligreses,                            Sat       5:00 pm   Open
                         Hoy es uno de esos días únicos en el
                                                                    Sun       7:45 am   Open
                    calendario de la Iglesia cuando escu-
                    chamos dos pasajes del Evangelio muy                      9:00 am   St. Clara Parishioners
                    diferentes en tono y sentimiento, y cierta-
                    mente en contenido. Comenzamos la litur-                 10:30 am Ezaltina Caetano Pereira +
                    gia con una presentación de una multitud                          Joao Sousa Silva +
                    entusiasta y exuberante cuando Jesús                              Manuel Brasil +
                    entra en Jerusalén, la capital del reino de                       Vidalia Gaspar Rocha +
                                                                                      Antonio Costa +
                    David. A lo largo del camino es recono-
                                                                                      Manuel Jeronimo +
                    cido y aclamado como Hijo de David; el
                                                                                      Albino Gonsalves +
profeta, de Nazaret; y el que viene en el nombre del Se-
ñor. Recibe el tratamiento de la alfombra roja: capas y                      12:00 pm Karen Pricila Gonzaga +
ramas cortadas de los árboles sembrados en el camino                                  Urbano Amaya +
polvoriento; gritos de Hosanna penetrando el aire; la multi-                          Josefina de la Cerda +
tud acrecentada, sus voces gritando una mezcla de citas                               Marcelino Martinez +
bíblicas y aspiraciones mesiánicas.                                                   Ida Lopez ~ Salud
      Luego, a medida que avanza la Misa, y de alguna                                 Silvia Del Campo ~ Salud
manera inesperadamente, el estado de ánimo cambia:
nuestro Evangelio anuncia que el rey ha sido degradado al                     5:30 pm   Antonio & Ephegenia Rodrigues +
nivel de un criminal común. El confeti de la victoria es                                Anthony & Cece Rodrigues +
reemplazado por látigos, escupitajos y asfixiante polvo.                                Victor & Ann Rodrigues +
Jesús el profeta y salvador davídico es ahora Jesús el                                  Willie & Efigenia Rodrigues +
criminal, el blasfemo, el rebelde. El burro que una vez lo                              Sara Nichols +
llevó triunfante ha desaparecido, y ahora, en su espalda,           Mon       8:00 am   Open
lleva la difícil y pesada cruz. Los gritos de celebración se
han convertido en llamados a la muerte; los gritos de               Tue       5:30 pm   Open
alegría han dado paso al sonido de los latigazos; el desfile        Wed       5:30      Open
se ha convertido en una marcha de ejecución.
      Es suficiente para que nos de vueltas nuestra cabeza          Thu                 Holy Thursday ~ No intentions
espiritual. Porque en esta remembranza anual de la
pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús, se nos recuerda             Fri                 Good Friday ~ No intentions
muy bien la naturaleza de nuestras propias tentaciones y            Sat                 Easter Vigil ! No intentions
pecados. A menudo podemos encontrarnos con Jesús en
la parte fácil de la jornada, pero luego desaparecemos                    *** All Parish events & meetings have been
como el viento cuando aumenta la presión y las amenazas                          Cancelled until further notice.***
de muerte llenan el aire. Examinamos cuán profunda es
nuestra propia fidelidad a Cristo en un mundo donde se                                           “Hosanna to the Son of Da-
burla fácilmente de la fe y el nombre de Cristo es deni-                                         vid; blessed is he who comes
grado de igual forma. Pensamos en los momentos en que                                            in the name of the Lord; ho-
queremos saltar hacia la tumba vacía sin caminar primero                                         sanna        in     the     high-
hacia el Gólgota. Como Jesús nos dice, el espíritu humano                                        est” (Matthew 21:9). With
puede estar muy dispuesto, pero la carne es muy débil.                                           these words the Church en-
Pero no puede haber resurrección sin la cruz; no puede                                           ters the holiest of weeks,
haber vida nueva sin morir primero para uno mismo. No             commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of
hay Pascua sin Viernes Santo.                                     Christ. When the people of Jerusalem cried out with their
      No seamos como la multitud: voluble, inconsistente,         “hosannas,” they were using an ancient Hebrew shout of
moviéndonos como veletas con el último viento de popu-            acclamation that meant “Pray, save us.” The king to
laridad y fama, temerosos de defender la justicia y la            whom they were shouting eventually would save them,
verdad, por el inocente. Mientras recorremos esta Semana          but in a way that would be far from what they expected.
Santa, mantengamos nuestros ojos fijos en Jesús.                  Salvation would come from the wood of the cross as Je-
Tomemos nota de su paciencia, de su total e inquebranta-          sus hung there to bring freedom from sin and life through
ble dedicación a hacer total y completamente la voluntad          death, opening the gates of heaven for all who put their
del Padre. Entonces, tomemos nuestra cruz de miedo y              faith and trust in him. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
ansiedad en estos tiempos difíciles cuando el Virus Coro-
na propaga su cosecha mortal y sigamos a Cristo, para
que al compartir su cruz, podamos compartir su resurrec-

                        Padre Tadeo
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
Sunday Children’s Program
                               “Finding God”
                       Ongoing Faith Formation and
                    Sacramental Preparation Program
               “Faith Formation is more than a subject to be
                  taught, it is an invitation to a way of life”
                                 Joe Paprocki.

Families are the domestic church and in case we can-
not be together, physically, to celebrate the Holy Week in
our parish, you can celebrate it at home in a holy way.
Here are some suggestions:
Holy Thursday: Maybe you can wash each other feet
before dinner and during dinner talk about how the Holy                           Palm Sunday - April 5, 2020
Mass and priesthood were instituted.                                                  Holy Day of Obliga on
Good Friday: pray the Stations of the Cross and at the                 Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, the beginning of
end everybody can venerate a cross.                               Holy Week, and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ
Easter Sunday: plan your family meal using candles -              in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified.
maybe you can use the ones from your children’s baptism                Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful will
- and use water to bless each other. Talk about the mem-          o en receive palm fronds which they use to par cipate in the
ories of the baptism of your children, the love and resur-        reenactment of Christ's arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels,
rection of Jesus that gives us new life, also about God’s
                                                                  Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey, and to the lav-
light and love that always guide us even in difficult mo-
ments like the one we are experiencing right now.                 ish praise of the townspeople who threw clothes, or possibly
                                                                  palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to email              This was a customary prac ce for people of great respect.
me.                                                               Palm branches are widely recognized symbol of peace and vic-
            Saint Clare of Assisi pray for us!                    tory, hence their preferred use on Palm Sunday.
                                                                  The use of a donkey instead of a horse is highly symbolic, it
            Paty Rascon, Catechetical Office
   408.248.7786 X 102            represents the humble arrival of someone in peace, as opposed
                                                                  to arriving on a steed in war.
                                                                       A week later, Christ would rise from the dead on the first
                                   Turning in your                     During Palm Sunday Mass, palms are distributed to parish-
                                 Rice Bowl Donation               ioners who carry them in a ritual procession into church. The
                                  Our Catholic communi-           palms are blessed and many people will fashion them into small
                            ty in the United States does          crosses or other items of personal devo on. These may be re-
                            something amazing each                turned to the church, or kept for the year. Because the palms
Lent. We come together to practice prayer, fasting                are blessed, they may not be discarded as trash. Instead, they
and almsgiving—and by doing so we help lift families              are appropriately gathered at the church and incinerated to
and communities out of poverty.                                   create the ashes that will be used in the follow year's Ash
                                     On regular circum-           Wednesday observance.
                               stances we will be collect-             The colors of the Mass on Palm Sunday are red and white,
                               ing the CRS Rice Bowl              symbolizing the redemp on in blood that Christ paid for the
                               donations on Easter Sun-           world.
                               day.           Due to the                                 More Lent & Easter
                               COVID-19 we are asking                                  Easter 2020 / Lent 2020
you to count the money you save in your Rice Bowl,                        Begins on February 26, 2020 ends on April 9, 2020
make a check to “Saint Clare Parish” for that
amount, writing on the memo line “Rice Bowl” (this                'So it is wri en that the Christ would suffer and on the third day
ensures that the money goes to the right program)                 rise from the dead' Luke 24:46
then, mail or bring it to the Parish Office. If you are
using cash, please exchange the coins for bills, as
much as possible, put them in an envelope and bring
it to the Parish Office, if closed please drop it into the
mail box. If you have children in the Sunday Cate-
chetical Program write the name of the child on the
       Thank you for using the CRS Rice Bowl as part
of your Lenten journey!
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
RCIA NEWS                             K N I G H T S          C O R N E R
                   *Adult Baptism * Eucharist                       During his homily, Father Tad said,
                        ♦ Confirmation                              “Opportunity knocks and temptation leans on
                Are you or someone you know interested
                in the Catholic faith? Interested in complet-       the doorbell.” I say, “come join the Knights
                ing the Sacraments of Initiation? If so, you        and let’s turn those doorbells into opportuni-
                are invited to participate in the St. Clare         ties to do good for others.”
RCIA Program. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00
– 9:00 pm in the St. Clare Rectory. All are welcome. Al-
                                                                              Contact: Tony Colombo
ready Catholic? If you love your faith and would like to
help mentor someone on their journey, sign up to become          
a sponsor or join the RCIA Team. For more information
     Diane Madruga at *
   Cathy Parshall at * St. Clare
                 Rectory at 408-248-778                                 Do not abandon yourselves to despair.
                                                                              We are Easter People and
                               FIVE SIMPLE WAYS                                 Hallelujah is our song.
                                 TO CELEBRATE                                       Pope John Paul II
                              HOLY WEEK AT HOME
                           Create a simple prayer space in
                           your home, and gather there to
                           pray during the week.
                           Palm Sunday: At your regular
                           Mass time, read the first Palm
                           Sunday Gospel (Mt 21:1–11) and
meditate on or discuss what Jesus might be thinking as he
enters Jerusalem for the last time.
Holy Thursday: Bake bread for sharing at dinner;
make a ritual of stripping the dinner table of all cloths and
decorations after dinner.
Good Friday: Pray the Stations of the Cross at 3 p.m.
Holy Saturday: In the morning, read Psalm 64 and
break your Good Friday fast solemnly with a simple meal.
Easter Sunday: Dress up the dinner table again. In-
clude candles and crosses, so that the candy baskets
aren’t the only festive items present. Sing Alleluia and read
the Easter Gospel (Matthew 28:1-10) with solemnity and

Look online for other suggestions for celebrating Holy
Week at home, to deepen and enrich your experience at
this time of social isolation. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
Boletín Parroquial Español                                      Boletim Paroquial Português

                                                                                Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda
                                                                   “ Hossana ao Filho de David! Bendito o que vem em nome do
                       Triduo y Pascua de Resurrección.            Senhor! Hossana nas alturas! Inciamos assim este Domingo
                                                                   que abre as portas da Semana Santa. Uma multidão de
Debido a las circunstancias especiales con el Virus Corona         gente assim gritava á chegada de Jesus Cristo á cidade
(COVID-19), estamos siguiendo las instrucciones de las             santa de Jerusalém. A mesma multidão que gritava :
autoridades de salud y de nuestro obispo, por lo que Misas         Hossana ao Filho de David; gritava mais tarde; “Crucifica-O!
públicas, así como la mayoría de las actividades en grupos,        Crucifica-O! É uma revelação da nossa fraqeza humana!
por ahora están suspendidas. Los mantendremos informa-             Muito susceptível aos interesses pessoais, aos comfortos, O
dos ya que la situación cambia constantemente. Pueden              salvaguardar as aparências. O mesmo Jesus montado num
visitar el sitio de la parroquia: y el       jumentinho, assumido pela multidão como o Messias, o
de la diócesis                    Salvador, foi mais tarde entregue por Pilatos que por
                                                                   sugestão dessa mesma multidão soltou um criminoso de
Las intenciones que han sido recibidas en la oficina serán         nome Barrabás em troco de condenar Jesus, inocente e
ofrecidas en las misas privadas que celebra el padre Tadeo.        justo, á morte de crucifixão. Este Domingo olhemos para as
                                                                   nossas atitudes. Olhemas para as vezes que fazemos
Las familias son la iglesia doméstica y en caso de que no          decisões irreflectidas sem olhar ás consequências. Não
podamos celebrar juntos físicamente la Semana Santa en             podemos ficar apáticos ás decisões governamentais pois dos
nuestra parroquia, ustedes la pueden celebrar de una manera        governos saiem leis que afectam a nossa sustentabilidade
sagrada en casa. Aquí le ofrecemos algunas sugerencias:            como sociedade e como cristãos cabe-nos o dever de
Jueves Santo: tal vez puedan lavarse los pies unos a otros         agirmos como cristãos responsáveis! Como cristãos devemos
antes de cenar y durante la cena hablar sobre como se institu-     estar do lado da verdade! Devemos estar do lado das leis
yó la Santa Misa y el sacerdocio.                                  que favorecem os pobres, os fracos, os imigrantes, os
                                                                   carenciados do mais issencial para viver. Que não caiamos
Viernes Santo: rezar el viacrucis y al final todos pueden adorar   na tentação de fazer tal igual á multidão de Jerusalém, que
una cruz.                                                          condenou um inocente em função dum criminoso. O poder do
Domingo de Pascua: planee su cena familiar usando velas –          mal está sempre alerta para fazer das nossas fraquezas uma
tal vez pueda usar las del bautismo de sus niños – y use agua      arma poderosa contra a vontade de Deus; contra o amor que
para bendecirse mutuamente. Platiquen de los recuerdos del         Deus quer que seja a Sua imagem e plano para o seu povo.
                                                                   Não se pode ser a favor de salvarguardar a vida inocente de
bautismo de sus hijos, del amor y la resurrección de Jesús que
                                                                   crianças ainda por nascer e ao mesmo tempo ser a favor do
nos da nueva vida. Y de la luz de Dios que nos guía siempre        uso de armas de fogo que matam gente nascida, e que são
aun en momentos difíciles como los que estamos viviendo.           assassinadas a torto e a direito nas escolas, nas igrejas, nos
                                                                   locais de divertimento, nos empregos, etc. Sejamos
Papa Francisco sobre la Comunión                                   coerentes e conscientes com as nossas decisões para não
En esta situación de pandemia, en la que nos encontramos           agirmos e vivermos a vida tal qual a multidão de Jerusalém.
viviendo más o menos aislados, estamos invitados a redescu-        Nesta caminhada para a Páscoa da Ressurreição, peçamos
brir y profundizar el valor de la comunión que une a todos los     ao Senhor que nos dê a coragem de sermos resolutos nas
miembros de la Iglesia. Unidos a Cristo nunca estamos solos,       nossas decisões; que não sejamos como Pilatos e lavarmos
sino que formamos un solo Cuerpo, del cual Él es la Cabeza.        as mãos do que é justo e correcto. Que vivamos as nossas
Es una unión que se alimenta de la oración, y también de la        vidas sabendo que o Nosso Deus é um Deus de vida, pois
comunión espiritual en la Eucaristía, una práctica muy reco-       por seu Filho herdamos a salvação. Que não fiquemos pelas
mendada cuando no es posible recibir el Sacramento. Digo           sextas feiras da morte pois o nosso destino “e a vida na
esto para todos, especialmente para la gente que vive sola. 15     Páscoa da Ressurreição do Senhor Jesus Cristo.
de marzo, 2020                                                                                Notícias
                                                                   Semana Santa – Tríduo Pascal: Quinta Feira Santa;
Acto de Comunión Espiritual                                        Missa da Última Ceia, lava pés, e mudança do Santíssimo
Creo, Jesús mío, que estás real y verdaderamente en el             Sacramento da igreja para o salão paroquial ás 7:30 da noite.
cielo y en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.                      Sexta Feira Santa: Cerimónias da adoração da Cruz e
                                                                   narração da Paixão “as 5:30 da tarde. Via-Sacra nocturna na
Te amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo fervientemente reci-
                                                                   rua após as cerimónias da Cruz ás 7:30 da noite..
birte en mi alma, pero no pudiendo hacerlo ahora sacra-            Sábado Santo (Aleluia): Ás 8:30 as cerimómias da
mentalmente, ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Y          benção do fogo, seguindo-se depoisa missa e os baptismos
como si ya te hubiese recibido, te abrazo y me uno del todo        para os novos candidatos a entraram na nossa religião.
a Ti. Señor, no permitas que jamás me aparte de Ti. Amén           Para mais informações verifiquem o programa que está na
                                                                   secção em inglês. Aqueles que participaram no programa
                     Corresponsabilidad Financiera Gra-            “tigela de arroz” por favor entreguem o valor dos vossos
                     cias a todos los que apoyan financiera-       sacrifícios nos escritórios da reitoria até ao meio dia da
                     mente la misión y los ministerios de          Quinta Feira Santa.
nuestra parroquia. Como saben dependemos totalmente de             Os leigos portugueses escalados para exercerem seus
la generosidad de nuestros feligreses para sostenerla. Sa-         ministérios neste Tríduo vejam os dias e horários dos ensaios
bemos que todos estamos pasando momentos difíciles y les           ou contactem com a Diane Madruga.
pedimos que consideren enviar su ofrenda financiera por
correo o hacerla por Internet. Puede ir al sitio de la parro-         Um Santo e Alegre Domingo de Ramos para todos!!
quia – - seleccione “donations” y siga
las instrucciones.
Mass Schedule Mark 11: 1 10 - St. Clare Parish
October 26-27

                                                                                     Sat 5:00 PM       $ 867.00
                                                                                              March 28-29 2020
                                                                                     Sun 7:45 AM        1,091.00
                                                                                     Sun 9:00 AM          832.00
                                                                                         10:30 AM     not495.00
                                                                                     Sun 12:00 PM         588.00
                                                                                     Sun 5:30 PM          679.00
                                                                                     Mail Collec on

                                                                                             Total: $4,552.00

                                                                                     WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO
                                                                                        SIGN UP TO GIVE
                                                                                       If you’ve never donated
                                                                                             online before,

                                                                                     Upcoming Second Offerings:
                                                                                   Signing up           is easy!
                                                                                    11/10     our   website
                                                                                                 Clare School at; https:
                                                                                   and  click,Archdiocese
                                                                                                 Make aforDonation
                                                                                                               the Military on
                                                                                   the collection you wish to donate
                                                                                       then become
                                                                                              Click; Recurring     Donation,
                                                                                                       a good steward  of
                                                                                   enter yourSt. donation      amount
                                                                                                   Clare Parish.          and
                                                                                   frequency.. Once you’ve added
                                                                                   your account information, dona-
                                                                                   tions will automatically deduct
                                                                                   from your account. It’s that easy!
                                          Baptism                                         Any Questions?
                        Contact the Parish office to arrange for Baptismal          Please contact the Parish Of-
                         preparation, and to sign up for Baptismal Class.                       fice
                                       Spanish Prep Class:                             (408) 248-7786 X 106
                                      1st Monday at 7:00 pm;
                                Baptism: 3rd Saturday at 10:00 am
                                       English Prep Class:
                                      2nd Monday at 7:00 pm;
                                Baptism: 4th Saturday at 10:00 am
 Stand And Be Counted
Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic
community and a commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages,
recognition, and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishioner
makes things much easier when it is time for infant Baptism, weddings, when
asked to be a Baptismal or Confirmation Sponsor and even funerals.
We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptismal and Confirmation
Sponsors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contribu-
tion member.
                    So, are you a registered parishioner?
If not please consider registering. Registration forms are available in the Par-
ish Office and in the Church vestibule.
You can also read