Mathematics K-2 Draft outcomes and content for consultation 23 March 2021 - 30 April 2021 - NESA

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Mathematics K-2 Draft outcomes and content for consultation 23 March 2021 - 30 April 2021 - NESA
NSW Education Standards Authority

Mathematics K–2
Draft outcomes and content
for consultation
23 March 2021 – 30 April 2021
Released March 2021

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Published by

NSW Education Standards Authority
GPO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Organisation of draft outcomes and content ................................................................................................. 7
Working mathematically ................................................................................................................................ 8
Table of draft outcomes .............................................................................................................................. 10
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1 ............................................................................................ 12
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1 ..................................................................................................... 23
Sample teaching advice .............................................................................................................................. 54
The Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content is now available for a ‘Have your say’ period from
23 March to 30 April 2021. You are invited to provide feedback through an online survey.

Feedback from the ‘Have your say’ period will be used to inform the development of the new Mathematics
K–2 syllabus, as part of NSW Curriculum Reform.

The Masters (2020) review of the NSW school curriculum concluded with several recommendations
related to building strong foundations in the early years.

The review recommended that:

    the early years of school focus on providing every child with solid foundations
     in the basics
    priority learning focus on oral language skills, early reading and writing skills, and early mathematical
     knowledge and skills
    new syllabuses include evidence-based teaching advice to support teachers to identify and respond
     to children’s development and learning needs.
The NSW Government supported the following recommendations that related to mathematics specifically:

    4.1 | Make explicit in the curriculum that … early mathematical skills are top priorities in the early
     years of school, particularly for children who are less advanced in these areas, and that these take
     precedence over other aspects of learning.
    4.3 | Structure the early mathematics curriculum to support teachers to establish the points children
     have reached in their mathematics learning, including by diagnosing conceptual gaps and skills
     deficits, and provide accompanying evidence-based teaching advice as part of new syllabuses in
Draft outcomes and content are intended to be inclusive of the learning needs of all students, including:

    Aboriginal students
    students with disability
    gifted and talented students
    students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D).

Curriculum framework
A new curriculum framework will be released later in the year.

An important part of the framework is a streamlined syllabus structure. Teachers will find a level of
familiarity with the retention of syllabus aim, rationale, outcomes and content. Information currently
included in Stage statements will be included in the support materials.

Learning across the curriculum (LAC)
Literacy and numeracy are the focus capabilities of the English and Mathematics K–2 syllabuses. LAC
will be mapped across other learning areas and Stages and embedded in syllabus content where relevant
and appropriate.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                             4

The Australian Curriculum
The F–10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics is currently under review by the Australian Curriculum,
Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). NESA anticipates the new syllabuses will be aligned to
the revised Australian Curriculum.

National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions
Final outcomes and content will be tagged with Version 3 of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning

Guidance and feedback
Guidance and feedback were received during the development of the draft outcomes and content from:

    syllabus writers, comprising experienced classroom teachers recommended by stakeholders,
     including sectors, unions and professional associations
    sector subject matter experts
    technical advisors, comprising academics from a variety of educational settings.

Reforms evident in the draft outcomes and content
    A new structure that highlights foundational numeracy skills
    New outcomes and content that are informed by evidence and identify skills needed by all students
     to develop competence in mathematics
    A greater emphasis on the development of reasoning for students to support a deep understanding
     of mathematical concepts.

What has been retained?
    Organisation of syllabus into outcomes and content
    Organisation of content into Stages
    Working mathematically processes remain as an integrated set of processes throughout the content.

Evidence base
The draft outcomes and content for Mathematics K–2 are based on evidence that highlights the
importance of:
    understanding the symbols that represent quantity1
    learning the sequence of counting words and making the association between the words and

  Bartelet, D., Vaessen, A., Blomert, L., & Ansari, D. (2013). What basic number processing measures in kindergarten explain
unique variability in first-grade arithmetic proficiency? Journal of experimental child psychology, 117C, 12–28.
  Gould, P. (2012). What number knowledge do children have when starting Kindergarten in NSW? Australasian Journal of Early
Childhood, 37 (3), 105–110.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                   5

     learning different ways of representing quantity – objects, words and symbols – as well as
      understanding that ten (10), for example, is not only a word or symbol but a combination of different
      number pairs, such as 5 and 5, 4 and 6, or 3 and 73
     knowing how to use 10 and 100 as units4
     identifying links between measurement, space and number5
     structural thinking to understand the way things are organised and related6
     being able to provide the reasoning behind the solution to a problem.7

  De Smedt, B., Noël, M. P., Gilmore, C., & Ansari, D. (2013). How do symbolic and non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing
skills relate to individual differences in children’s mathematical skills? A review of evidence from brain and behavior. Trends in
Neuroscience and Education, 2, 48–55. doi:10.1016/j.tine.2013.06.001
  Tabor, P. D. (2008). An investigation of instruction in two-digit addition and subtraction using a classroom teaching experiment
methodology, design research, and multilevel modeling. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southern Cross University, Coffs
  Lowrie, T., Logan, T., & Scriven, B. (2012). Perspectives on Geometry and Measurement in the Australian Curriculum:
Mathematics. In B. Atweh, M. Goos, R. Jorgensen, & D. Siemon (Eds.), Engaging the Australian National Curriculum: Mathematics
– Perspectives from the Field (pp. 71–88). Online Publication: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
  Mulligan, J., & Mitchelmore, M. (2009). Awareness of pattern and structure in early mathematical development. Mathematics
Education Research Journal, 21(2), 33–49.
  Nunes, T., Bryant, P., Barros, R., & Sylva, K. (2012). The relative importance of two different mathematical abilities to
mathematical achievement. The British journal of educational psychology, 82(Pt 1), 136–156.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                    6
Organisation of draft outcomes and content
The diagram below (Figure 1) shows the organisation of the outcomes and content for Mathematics K–2,
illustrating the role working mathematically plays in all areas of mathematics.

Overview of the new structure
Evidence highlights the need to strengthen connections between concepts in mathematics. The new
organisational structure reflects this.

Draft outcomes and their related content remain organised into 3 areas:

   Number and algebra
   Measurement and space
   Statistics and probability.

                         Figure 1: Overview of the draft outcomes and content structure.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                      7
Working mathematically
The processes involved in using mathematical thinking have many different names. They can be called
things like:

   conjecturing
   reasoning about relationships
   justifying
   problem solving
   communicating.
Whatever the names, the processes students use in working mathematically are always interconnected.

When students are working mathematically it is important to help them to reflect on how they have used
their thinking to solve problems. This assists students to develop mathematical habits of mind.

Students need many experiences that require them to relate their knowledge to the vocabulary and
conceptual frameworks of mathematics. In other words, to mathematise what they grasp intuitively.

What might it look like?
Students need to become aware of how they are currently using mathematics to solve familiar problems.
This gives them a sense of how their developing mathematical knowledge and skills can be applied to
everyday situations.

For example:

        A group of children is working with pattern blocks on the floor of the library. They started working
        independently, making patterns, pictures, models and quite abstract designs.

        One of the students notices the resemblance between the yellow blocks and the picture of a
        honeycomb in a book open on the bench nearby.

        ‘We could make that (pointing) with these yellow bricks. Let’s see how big we can make it!’

        They begin and soon use up all the yellow blocks.

        ‘There aren’t any more yellow blocks.’

        ‘Let’s use some of the red ones, or even the green ones. They would fit, wouldn’t they?’

        ‘Let’s try them.’

        After a short while they sit back and survey their work with satisfaction.

        The teacher, who has been supervising groups scattered around the room, observes this

        ‘What made you think of making that design?’ she asks. ‘How did you know you could use the red
        and the green blocks when you ran out of the yellow ones?’

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                            8
Working mathematically

Without being conscious of it, these students have been involved in using the processes of working

 Process                      Example

 Classifying                  The colours and shapes of the blocks.

 Comparing                    Noticing the similarities between the yellow blocks and the picture of the

 Inferring                    ‘We could make that with these yellow bricks.’

 Estimating/predicting        ‘These would fit, wouldn’t they?’

 Verifying                    ‘Let’s try them.’

 Spatial reasoning            ‘Let’s use some of the red ones, or even the green ones?’

 Patterning                   Tessellating the blocks.

 Understanding                How shapes fit together to form other shapes (two red shapes can form
                              the shape of the yellow block).

 Representing                 The honeycomb structure modelled with pattern blocks.

 Communicating/reasoning      Responding to the teacher’s questions ‘How did you know you could use
                              the red and the green blocks when you ran out of the yellow ones?’

Reflection and discussion
Encouraging students to reflect on and discuss the strategies they used and the knowledge and skills
they required assists students to learn to work mathematically.

Students learn to think more deeply by reflecting on what they have done, organising their thoughts and
deciding how to express those thoughts in words. They need opportunities to assess their own
understanding, make connections and compare ideas.

Students need knowledge of mathematical content and how to express their ideas about mathematics so
that others can understand them.

The ongoing interaction with mathematical vocabulary helps reinforce students' understanding, not only of
the words themselves, but also of the mathematical ideas the words express.

Mathematical reasoning is key to later achievement in mathematics. To assist teachers in identifying
occasions to develop mathematical reasoning, rich opportunities are labelled within the content, eg
Reasons about quantity, Reasons about patterns.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                           9
Table of draft outcomes

Working mathematically overarching outcome
A student:

   develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical
    concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and communicating their
    reasoning coherently and clearly.

Draft outcomes
Content               Early Stage 1 outcomes                      Stage 1 outcomes

                      A student:                                  A student:

Representing whole        demonstrates an understanding of          reasons about representations of
numbers                    how whole numbers indicate quantity        whole numbers to 1000 as multiples
                          reads and represents whole numbers         of tens and ones, partitioning
                           to at least 20                             numbers to record and use quantity

Combining and             reasons about number relations by         uses number bonds and the
separating                 combining and separating or                relationship between addition and
quantities                 comparing collections of objects, to       subtraction to solve problems
                           model addition and subtraction             involving partitioning
                          represents the relations between the
                           parts that form the whole, up to 10

Forming groups            forms equal groups by sharing and         uses the structure of equal groups to
                           counting collections of objects            solve multiplication problems and
                          recognises, describes and continues        shares or groups for division
                           repeating patterns

Geometric measure         describes position and gives and          represents and describes the
                           follows simple directions                  positions of objects in familiar
                          describes and compares lengths             locations
                          identifies half the length and the        measures, records, compares and
                           halfway point                              estimates lengths and distances
                                                                      using uniform informal units, as well
                                                                      as metres and centimetres
                                                                     relates part measures of a length to
                                                                      halves, quarters and eighths

Two-dimensional           sorts, describes, names and makes         recognises, describes and represents
(2D) spatial               two-dimensional shapes, including          shapes including quadrilaterals and
structure                  triangles, circles, squares and            other common polygons
                           rectangles                                measures and compares areas using
                          describes and compares areas of            uniform informal units in rows and
                           similar shapes                             columns

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                  10
Table of draft outcomes

Content               Early Stage 1 outcomes                    Stage 1 outcomes

                      A student:                                A student:

Three-dimensional         manipulates, describes and sorts        describes, represents and recognises
(3D) spatial               three-dimensional objects                familiar three-dimensional objects
structure                 describes and compares volumes          measures and estimates internal
                                                                    volumes (capacities) using uniform
                                                                    informal units
                                                                   measures, records and compares
                                                                    volumes using uniform informal units

Non-spatial               describes and compares the masses       measures, records, compares and
measure                    of objects                               estimates the masses of objects
                          sequences events and reads hour          using uniform informal units
                           time on clocks                          describes, compares and orders
                                                                    durations of events, and reads half-
                                                                    and quarter-hour time

Data                      contributes to collecting data and      gathers and organises data, displays
                           interprets data displays made from       data in lists, tables and picture graphs
                           objects                                 reasons about representations of
                                                                    data to describe and interpret the

Chance                    No outcomes in Early Stage 1.           recognises and describes the
                                                                    element of chance in everyday events

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                               11
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Representing whole numbers

A student:

       demonstrates an understanding of how whole numbers indicate quantity
       reads and represents whole numbers to at least 20.


Use the counting sequence flexibly

       count forwards to at least 30 and state the number after or before a given number, without needing to count
        from one
       count backwards from a given number 20 or less
       identify the number before as 'one less' and the number after as 'one more’ than a given number.

Instantly name the number of objects within small collections

       identify the number of items in small groups of up to four items8 without counting
       recognise dice9 and domino dot10 patterns, and count to check
       recognise different finger patterns for the same number.


    Examples of groups of four random dots.

    Dice dot patterns.

     Domino dot patterns.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                    12
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Connect counting and numerals to quantities

       count with one-to-one correspondence, recognising that the last number name represents the total number
        in the collection
       count out a specified number of objects (from 5 to 20) from a larger collection, keeping track of the count
       make correspondences between collections11 (Reasons about quantity)
       read numbers to at least 20, including zero, and represent these using objects (such as fingers), pictures,
        words and numerals
       identify and distinguish the ‘teen’ numerals from multiples of ten with the same initial sounds12
       compare and order numbers to 20
       use the term 'is the same as' to express equality of groups (Reasons about quantity).

Teaching advice
Sample teaching advice is available for this content:

       Early Stage 1: Representing whole numbers

     'I have four counters, you have seven counters. So you have more counters than me.'
     ‘14 from 40, 15 from 50 …’

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                   13
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Combining and separating quantities

A student:

       reasons about number relations by combining and separating or comparing collections of objects, to model
        addition and subtraction
       represents the relations between the parts that form the whole, up to 10.


Reason about additive number relations

       identify situations in which addition and subtraction may be applied
       combine two or more groups of objects to model addition, identifying the relationship between the parts and
        the whole
       model subtraction by separating and taking away part of a group of objects
       use concrete materials or fingers to model and solve addition and subtraction questions
       compare two groups of objects to determine 'how many more' (Reasons about quantity).

Identify part–whole relationships in numbers up to 10

       use visual representations of numbers to assist with combining and separating quantities, identifying the
        relationship between the quantities13
       describe the action of combining, separating and comparing14
       use five as a reference in forming numbers from six to ten15
       create, model and recognise combinations16 for numbers to ten (Reasons about relations)
       count by ones to find the total or difference
       record addition and subtraction informally using drawings, words and numerals, and explain their thinking
        (Reasons about relations).

   For example ten-frames.
   Words describing these actions include makes, joins, combines with, take away, altogether, how many more?
   'Six is one more than five.'

     Examples of ten-frames showing seven dots:                                       'How many more make 10?'

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                14
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Forming groups

A student:

       forms equal groups by sharing and counting collections of objects
       recognises, describes and continues repeating patterns.


Investigate and form equal groups by sharing

       distribute a group of familiar objects into smaller groups and recognise whether the size of each group is
        equal or not
       group and share concrete materials by distributing objects one by one or using another method.

Record grouping and sharing using informal methods

       label the number of objects in a group
       record grouping and sharing informally using pictures, words and numerals and explain their thinking
        (Reasons about relations).

Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings

       copy and continue repeating patterns using sounds and/or actions
       copy, continue and create repeating patterns using shapes17, objects or pictures (Reasons about patterns).

     For example: , , , , , , ,  …

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                         15
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Geometric measure

A student:

     describes position and gives and follows simple directions
     describes and compares lengths
     identifies half the length and the halfway point.


Describe position and movement of oneself

     give and follow simple directions to position an object18 or themselves
     describe the position of an object in relation to another object, such as in, on, under as well as the
      directions up and down
     describe the position of an object19 using proximity terms20 and referring to frames of reference21
     begin to describe the positions of objects in relation to themselves using the terms 'left' and 'right'.22

Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer

     identify the attribute of 'length' as the measure of an object from end to end
     use comparative language to describe length23
     compare lengths directly by placing objects side by side and aligning the ends
     explain why the length of a piece of string remains unchanged whether placed in a straight line or a curve
     compare lengths indirectly by copying a length24 (Reasons about relations).

   For example 'Put the blue teddy on the mat.’
   'The book is in front of the box.’
   Such as near, between, next to.
   Such as in front of, behind.
   For example ‘I hold my pencil in my right hand, so the tree is on my right.’
   Comparative language includes longer/shorter, taller than, shorter than, shortest, longest, the same as.
   For example using the same strip of paper to compare lengths.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                    16
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Create half a length

        divide a length25 into two equal parts (Reasons about relations)
        distinguish between the ‘halfway’ point and half a length26
        describe positions as 'about halfway', 'more than halfway' or 'less than halfway'.

     Such as cutting a piece of ribbon into halves.

     For example

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                      17
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Two-dimensional spatial structure

A student:

       sorts, describes, names and makes two-dimensional shapes, including triangles, circles, squares and
       describes and compares areas of similar shapes.


Sort, describe and name familiar shapes

       sort shapes according to features such as size and shape
       recognise and explain how a group of shapes has been sorted (Reasons about spatial relations)
       describe shapes, including circles, squares, triangles and rectangles
       ask and respond to questions that help identify a particular shape
       distinguish examples of triangles27 from non-examples.28

Represent shapes

       manipulate circles, squares, triangles and rectangles, and describe their features29
       turn shapes to fit into or match a given space (Reasons about spatial relations)
       make representations of shapes in a variety of ways, including paint, paper, body movements and using
       make pictures and designs using a selection of shapes30
       make two-dimensional shapes by tracing around the faces of three-dimensional objects
       identify and draw lines and curves.



     For example 'A square has four sides.'
     For example making a house from a square and a triangle.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                    18
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Identify and compare area

       make closed shapes and identify the attribute of area as the measure of the amount of surface31
       use comparative language32 to describe areas
       predict which of two surfaces will have the larger area and justify the answer
       compare areas of two shapes directly and record the results by drawing, tracing, or cutting and pasting.

     For example a student may state ‘Area is the inside part.’
     Comparative language such as bigger than, smaller than, the same as.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                         19
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Three-dimensional spatial structure

A student:

     manipulates, describes and sorts three-dimensional objects
     describes and compares volumes.


Sort and describe familiar three-dimensional objects

     describe the features33 of familiar objects
     sort objects and identify the attribute34 used to sort them
     make a variety of three-dimensional models and describe them35
     predict the stacking capabilities of various three-dimensional objects (Reasons about spatial relations).

Compare by filling and packing

    fill and empty containers using materials such as water and sand
    use the terms full, empty and about half-full
    compare the internal volumes (capacities) of two containers directly by filling one and pouring into the other
    compare the internal volumes of two containers indirectly by pouring their contents into two other identical
     containers and observing the level reached by each
    establish that containers of different shapes may hold the same amount36
    stack and pack blocks into defined spaces.

Compare by building

     identify the attribute of volume as the amount of space an object or substance occupies
     compare the volumes of two objects made from blocks or connecting cubes directly by deconstructing one
      object and using its parts to construct a copy of the other object
     use comparative language37 to describe volume.

   Such as flat, round, curved.
   For example colour, size, shape, function.
   For example 'I made a model of a robot using a ball and some blocks.'
   For example demonstrate that a tall narrow container may hold the same amount as a short wide container.
   Such as has more, has less, takes up more space.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                 20
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1

Non-spatial measure

A student:

     describes and compares the masses of objects
     sequences events and reads hour time on clocks.


Identify and compare mass using weight

     identify objects can be heavy or light
     compare two masses directly by hefting38
     predict which object would be heavier than, lighter than, or have about the same weight as another object
      and explain reasons for this prediction (Reasons about relations).

Compare and order the duration of events using the language of time

     use terms such as daytime, night-time, morning, afternoon, today, tomorrow, yesterday, before, after and
     sequence events in time39
     compare the duration of two events.40

Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions

     recall that there are seven days in a week
     name and order the days of the week
     identify events that occur every day and relate events to a particular day or time of day.41

Tell time on the hour on analog and digital clocks

     create the layout of an analog clock42
     read analog and digital clocks to the hour using the term ‘o'clock’
     describe the position of the hands on an analog clock when reading hour time.43

   'This toy feels heavier than that one.'
   Sequencing time activities may include ordering images of daily events.
   'It takes me longer to eat my lunch than it does to clean my teeth'.
   'Assembly is on Tuesday', 'We come to school in the morning.'
   For example draw a clockface or position numeral cards around a hoop.
   Such as ‘The minute hand is on the 12 and the hour hand is on the 2.’

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                          21
Draft outcomes and content for Early Stage 1


A student:

        contributes to collecting data and interprets data displays made from objects.


Respond to questions, collect information and discuss possible outcomes of activities

        predict possible responses to a question44
        collect information about themselves and their environment
        pose and respond to questions about the information collected.45

Organise objects into simple data displays and interpret the displays

        group objects according to characteristics46
        compare the sizes of groups of objects by counting (Reasons about relations)
        arrange objects according to a characteristic to form a data display47
        give reasons why a row of three objects may look bigger than a row of four objects (Reasons about
        interpret information presented in a data display to answer questions48 (Reasons about quantity).

     For example ‘What is your favourite colour?’
     Such as 'Did anyone in our class have a favourite colour of green?'

     For example sorting blocks or counters according to colour, size, shape or texture.

     Blocks forming a data display
     'How many children in our class have red as their favourite colour?'

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                        22
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Representing whole numbers 1

A student:

       reasons about representations of whole numbers to 1000 as multiples of tens and ones, partitioning
        numbers to record and use quantity values.


Use counting sequences in two-digit numbers

       identify the number before and after a given two-digit number
       count forwards and backwards by ones from a given two-digit number.

Continue and create number patterns

       model and describe odd49 and even50 numbers using counters paired in two rows
       count forwards and backwards by twos from any starting point.51


     An odd number of dots (7) with the odd dot in grey.

     An even number of dots (6).

51 For example using a numeral track.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                         23
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Represent numbers on a line

     sequence numbers and arrange them in a line52 by considering the order and size of those numbers
     locate the approximate position of multiples of 10 on a number line that starts at 0.

Represent the structure of groups of ten in whole numbers

     count large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens
     partition two-digit numbers to show and record quantity values53
     apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order two-digit numbers
      (Reasons about quantity)
     use number lines and number charts to assist with locating the nearest ten to a number
     estimate, to the nearest ten, the number of objects in a collection54 and check by counting in groups
      of ten (Reasons about quantity).


   A number line from 5 to 14 with missing values.
   For example showing 32 as 30 and 2.
   Such as estimating the number of children in a room to the nearest ten.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                    24
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Representing whole numbers 2

A student:

     reasons about representations of whole numbers to 1000 as multiples of tens and ones, partitioning
      numbers to record and use quantity values.


Use counting sequences of ones and tens

     identify the number before and after a given three-digit number
     count forwards and backwards by tens, on55 and off56 the decade, with two- and three-digit numbers
     identify how many more to the next multiple of ten with two- and three-digit numbers.

Form and regroup three-digit numbers

     count and represent large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens and hundreds
     use models such as base 10 material, interlocking cubes and bundles of sticks to explain grouping
     apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order three-digit
      numbers (Reasons about quantity)
     state the quantity value of digits57 in numbers of up to three digits (Reasons about quantity)
     identify the nearest hundred58 to a number
     recognise units of 10059
     use place value to partition three-digit numbers in different ways60 (Reasons about relations)
     estimate, to the nearest hundred, the number of objects in a collection and check by grouping and

Teaching advice
Sample teaching advice is available for this content:

     Stage 1: Representing whole numbers 2

   On the decade counting back by ten, 40, 30, 20, …
   Off the decade counting by ten, 427, 437, 447, …
   For example 'In the number 583, the 5 represents 500 or 5 hundreds.'
   Such as ‘600 is the nearest hundred to 583’.
   For example 100 cents in $1, 3 groups of 100 in 326, 10 groups of 100 in 1000.
   For example 326 as 3 groups of one hundred, 2 groups of ten and 6 ones, or 32 groups of ten and 6 ones.
   For example show 180 pop sticks and ask students to estimate to the nearest hundred.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                     25
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Combining and separating quantities 1

A student:

     uses number bonds and the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems
      involving partitioning.


Represent and solve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit

     apply the terms add, plus, equals, is equal to, take away, minus and the difference between when
      combining and separating quantities
     recognise and use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)
     record number sentences in a variety of ways using drawings, words, numerals and symbols
     fluently use count-by-ones strategies62 to solve addition and subtraction problems involving one- and
      two-digit numbers (Reasons about relations).

Recognise and recall number bonds

     recognise, recall and record combinations of two numbers that add or bond to form 10, using a ten-
     model and record patterns for individual numbers by making all possible whole-number
      combinations, for example:
      0 + 5 = 5 (Reasons about patterns)
     create, recall and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers less than 10, eg two
      numbers add to give 8, what could they be?
     describe combinations for numbers using words such as more, less and double63 (Reasons about
     model the commutative property for addition and apply it to aid the recall of addition facts, eg 4 + 5 =
      5 + 4 (Reasons about relations)

   Count-by-ones strategies are counting on from the larger number to find the total of two numbers, counting back from a number
   to find the quantity remaining and counting on or back to find the difference between two numbers.
   For example describe 5 as 'one more than four', 'three combined with two', 'double two and one more' and 'one less than six'.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                  26
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

       relate addition facts with related subtraction for numbers to at least 10, eg 8 = 5 + 3, so 8 − 3 = 5
        and 8 − 5 = 3 (Reasons about relations).

Use flexible strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems

       use non-count-by-ones strategies such as using doubles for near doubles64 and combining numbers
        that add to ten65
       select and apply strategies using number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems with one-
        and two-digit numbers by partitioning numbers using quantity value66 and bridging to 1067 (Reasons
        about relations).

Represent equality

       use the equals sign to record equivalent number sentences involving addition, and to mean 'is the
        same as', rather than as an indication to perform an operation, eg 5 + 2 = 3 + 4 (Reasons about

     To find 5 + 7, double 5 and add 2.
     For example to find 4 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 3 first combine 4 and 6, and 7 and 3, then add 8.

     For example

     For example 3 can be used to bridge 17 to the next ten (20).                  .

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                          27
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Combining and separating quantities 2

A student:

       uses number bonds and the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems
        involving partitioning.


Represent additive relations

       create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers from 11 up to and
        including 20, eg two different numbers add to give 11, what could they be?
       create, model and solve word problems represented by a number sentence
       represent a constant difference68 between two numbers using concrete materials69 and diagrams70
       use concrete materials71 and drawings to model how addition and subtraction are inverse operations.


     The difference between 4 and 7 is the same as the difference between 5 and 8.

     The difference between 7 and 4 represented by blocks.

     The difference between 4 and 7 shown as a 'jump' of 3.

     For example

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                       28
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

       use related addition and subtraction number facts to at least 20, eg
        15 + 3 = 18
        so 18 − 3 = 15
        and 18 − 15 = 3
       use a variety of ways of writing number sentences, eg
        15 + __ = 18
        __ = 8 + 3
        15 = __ + 6

Form multiples of ten when adding and subtracting

        use and record strategies that make 10 or make 100 to solve addition and subtraction problems,
         including the jump strategy72 on an empty number line73, separate tens and ones for addition (only)74
         and an inverse strategy (shopkeeper’s method) to change a subtraction into an addition75 (Reasons
         about relations).


     Modelling the jump strategy for 15 + 8.

     Modelling the jump strategy for 79 – 33.
     For example 37 + 45 is the same as 30 + 40 = 70, and 7 + 5 = 12 so 37 + 45 = 82.
     ‘For 100 – 38: start at 38, adding 2 makes 40, then adding 60 makes 100, so the answer is 62.’

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                         29
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Forming groups 1

A student:

        uses the structure of equal groups to solve multiplication problems and shares or groups for division.


Count in multiples using rhythmic and skip counting

        count by twos, threes, fives and tens using rhythmic counting and skip counting.76

Use skip counting patterns

        identify and describe patterns when skip counting forwards or backwards by twos, fives and tens
        determine a missing number in a number pattern with a constant difference77
        describe how the missing number in a number pattern was determined (Reasons about relations).

Model and use equal groups of objects to represent multiplication

        model and describe collections of objects as groups of78
        determine and distinguish between the number of groups and the number in each group when
         describing collections of objects (Reasons about relations)
        find the total number of objects using skip counting.

   The number words sequences for fives and tens produce a rhythm, which can be used in choral counting. Skip counting by two
may develop from stressing each second number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …) followed by skipping over the non-stressed numbers (2, 4, 6,

     Two groups of three.
     For example 2, 7, 12, __, 22, 27, 32.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                  30
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Recognise and represent division

     use concrete materials to model a half and show the relation between the half and the whole
     model sharing division by distributing a collection of objects equally into a given number of groups79
      to determine how many in each group80
     model grouping division by determining the number of groups of a given size that can be formed81
     describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using the given group


79 Ten objects split between two groups.
   For example, determine the number in each group when 10 objects are shared between 2 people.
   For example, determine the number of groups when 20 objects are shared into groups of 4.
   For example, when 22 objects are shared into groups of 4, there are 5 groups of 4 and 2 objects left over.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                        31
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Forming groups 2

A student:

        uses the structure of equal groups to solve multiplication problems and share or group for division.


Represent and explain multiplication as the combining of equal groups

        solve multiplication problems using repeated addition83
        use objects, diagrams, images and actions to model multiplication84 as accumulating equal groups85
        form an array of equal rows and equal columns
        determine and distinguish between the number of rows/columns and the number in each row/column
         when describing collections of objects
        model the commutative property of multiplication, using an array86 (Reasons about relations)
        model division by deconstructing an array equally into a given number of rows or columns.87

     For example, ‘3 groups of 4’ is also ‘4 + 4 + 4’

     Three groups with three items in each group visible                               followed by a skip count of 3, then 6, then 9 when

the items are not visible                               before using repeated addition, 3 + 3 + 3 is 9
   Finding the total of 3 groups of 3, progresses from having the objects visible to using representations or markers of the groups
accompanied by a skip count or repeated addition, to using number facts.

     ‘2 rows of 3 dots’ rotated to show it is the same amount as '3 rows of 2 dots'.
     For example ’Determine the number each person receives when 10 objects are shared between 2 people or the number of

children, if there are 10 marbles and each child receives 2 marbles.’ 10 marbles shared between 2 people                             , 10

marbles and each child receives 2 marbles.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                           32
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Model doubling and halving

        model doubling and halving groups and the relation between the processes88
        re-create the whole given half89
        use concrete materials to model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a collection90
        solve multiplication and division problems using objects, diagrams, imagery and actions
        record answers to multiplication and division problems (including those with remainders) using
         drawings, words and numerals.


     ‘Double 2 is 4 and double 4 is 8, so half of 8 is 4 and half again is 2.’

     For example, finding the whole given half 'Here are half (3) my marbles. How many do I have altogether?'

90 Recording the whole and quarters of a collection of 12.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                         33
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Geometric measure 1

A student:

     represents and describes the positions of objects in familiar locations
     measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, as
      well as metres and centimetres
     relates part measures of a length to halves, quarters and eighths.


Follow directions to familiar locations

     give and follow directions, including directions involving turns to the left and right, to move between
      familiar locations91
     give and follow instructions to position objects in models and drawings
     describe the path from one location to another on drawings and diagrams.

Measure the lengths of objects using uniform informal units

     use uniform informal units to measure lengths and distances by placing the units end to end without
      gaps or overlaps
     select appropriate uniform informal units to measure lengths and distances
     recognise and explain the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed92
      (Reasons about relations)
     count informal units to measure lengths or distances and describe the part left over
     record lengths and distances by referring to the number and type of unit used
     use a single informal unit repeatedly (iteratively) to measure length.93

   For example within the classroom or school.
   For example ‘More paper clips than pop sticks will be needed to measure the length of the desk.’
   That is ‘Make, mark and move’.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                       34
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Compare lengths using informal units

        compare the lengths of two or more objects using appropriate uniform informal units and check by
         placing the objects side by side and aligning the ends
        explain why the length of an object remains constant when units are rearranged94 (Reasons about
        estimate lengths, indicating the number and type of unit used and check by measuring.

Halve lengths to find fractional parts

        use concrete materials to model95 both half96 and quarters97 of a whole length, highlighting the length
        identify two equal lengths and the relationship of the parts to the whole length, linking words and
        recognise when lengths have or have not been divided into halves and quarters.98

Teaching advice
Sample teaching advice is available for this content:

        Stage 1: Geometric measure 1

   For example 'The book was seven paper clips long. When I moved the paper clips around and measured again, the book was
still seven paper clips long.'
   For example divide a strip of paper into quarters by halving one-half, 'I halved the length of my paper then halved it again and
now I have quarters.'

     Demonstrating half by folding a piece of paper in half (with the edge highlighted).

     Demonstrating quarters by folding a piece of paper in half and then folding it in half again.
     A piece of paper folded into half and then one half folded in half again to form a quarter.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                                          35
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Geometric measure 2

A student:

        represents and describes the positions of objects in familiar situations
        measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, as
         well as metres and centimetres
        relates part measures of a length to halves, quarters and eighths.


Explore simple maps of familiar locations

        make and sketch simple models from memory, photographs, drawings or descriptions99
        interpret simple maps by identifying objects in different locations100
        create a path from one location to another.

Compare and order lengths, using appropriate uniform informal units

        make and use a tape measure calibrated in uniform informal units101
        compare and order two or more shapes according to their lengths using an appropriate uniform
         informal unit
        compare the lengths of two or more objects that cannot be moved or aligned (Reasons about
        record length comparisons informally using drawings, numerals and words, and by referring to the
         uniform informal unit used.

     For example make a model of a familiar room.
      For example find a classroom on a school map.

      For example calibrate a paper strip using footprints as the repeated unit.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                          36
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Recognise and use formal units to measure the lengths of objects

        recognise the need for formal units to measure lengths and distances
        use the metre as a unit to measure lengths and distances to the nearest metre or half-metre
        record lengths and distances using the abbreviation for metres (m)
        estimate lengths and distances to the nearest metre and check by measuring
        recognise the need for a formal unit smaller than the metre
        recognise that there are 100 centimetres in one metre
        use the centimetre as a unit to measure lengths to the nearest centimetre, using a device with 1-cm
        record lengths and distances using the abbreviation for centimetres (cm)
        estimate lengths and distances to the nearest centimetre and check by measuring.

Repeatedly halve to form eighths

        use materials to model an eighth of a whole length, highlighting the length103
        recognise when a length is divided into eight equal parts.104

      For example use a paper strip of length 10 cm, marked in centimetre units.
      For example compare the results of successively halving a strip of paper 3 times with halving one-half of a half.

      For example ‘What fraction of the whole is the arrow pointing to?’

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                              37
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Two-dimensional spatial structure 1

A student:

        recognises, describes and represents shapes including quadrilaterals and other common polygons
        measures and compares areas using uniform informal units in rows and columns.


Recognise and classify shapes using obvious features

        explore, manipulate and describe features of polygons105
        use the terms side, vertex and two-dimensional to describe plane (flat) shapes
        create repeating linear patterns with shapes, two-shape patterns:    
        create repeating linear patterns with shapes, three-shape patterns:      
        compare, sort and classify polygons according to the number of sides or vertices106
        select and name a shape from a description of its features, identifying triangles, quadrilaterals,
         pentagons, hexagons and octagons (Reasons about spatial relations)
        recognise that shapes with the same name may have sides of equal or different lengths (Reasons
         about spatial relations)
        identify shapes presented in different orientations.107

Transforms shapes with slides and reflections

        recognise that sliding or reflecting a shape does not change its size or features (Reasons about
         spatial relations)
        identify and create a slide (translation) or reflection of a single shape and use the terms slide
         (translation) and reflection to describe the movement of the shape
        recognise that performing a reflection creates line symmetry (Reasons about spatial relations)
        make designs with line symmetry using paper-folding, pattern blocks, drawings and paintings.

      For example ‘A triangle has 3 sides and 3 points.’
      For example classify rectangles and squares as quadrilaterals.

      For example a square in different orientations is still a square.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                 38
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Indirect comparisons of area

     indirectly compare the areas of two surfaces that cannot be moved or superimposed108
     predict which of two of similar shapes has the larger area and check by covering.109

Measure areas using uniform informal units

     explore area using uniform informal units to cover the surface in rows or columns without gaps or
     measure area by selecting and using appropriate uniform informal units (Reasons about relations)
     explain the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed to measure an
      area110 (Reasons about relations)
     explain why the area remains constant when units are rearranged (Reasons about relations)
     record areas by referring to the number and type of uniform informal unit used111
     identify any parts of units left over when counting uniform informal units to measure area
     estimate areas by referring to the number and type of uniform informal unit used and check by

    For example by cutting paper to cover one surface and superimposing the paper over the second surface.
    For example when comparing the area of two desks check by covering with books or sheets of paper.
    'I need more sticky notes than workbooks to measure the area of my desktop.'
    'The area of this surface is 20 sticky notes.'

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                     39
Draft outcomes and content for Stage 1

Two-dimensional spatial structure 2

A student:

        recognises, describes and represents shapes including quadrilaterals and other common polygons
        measures and compares areas using uniform informal units in rows and columns.


Represent, combine and separate two-dimensional shapes

        make representations of two-dimensional shapes and combinations of shapes in different
        combine112 and split single shapes and arrangements of shapes to form new shapes113114115
         (Reasons about spatial relations).

      For example create a square from three triangles and identify what other shapes can be formed.

      Three triangles combined to form a square.

      Three triangles combined to form a larger triangle.

      Three triangles combined to form a rectangle.

Mathematics K–2: Draft outcomes and content for consultation                                                        40
You can also read