MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum

Page created by Sidney Sanders
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
The biggest conference
            in the world
   for financial marketers.
                 THE FINANCIAL BRAND FORUM is the largest annual event in the
                    banking world, built specifically for senior-level executives and C-level
                    decision-makers. Learn from the biggest names and brightest
                    minds in banking, as they show you how to tackle your
                    most difficult challenges — three days jam-packed
                    with the latest ideas, best practices and
                    new innovations that are transforming
                    the banking industry today.                                      206-661-5070
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
World-Class Speakers                                                                                                Forum X
The biggest names and                                                                Short, high-level, inspirational speeches
brightest minds in banking                                                         from the world’s most respected thought
will teach you the latest                                                         leaders on what you need to do to prepare
ideas, best practices and                                                         yourself and your institution for the future
innovative strategies that                                                                          — like TEDx for banking.
are redefining the competitive
landscape in banking today.

                                                                                                  Zappos Culture Tours
7-in-7 Sessions                                                                                These 90-minute guided tours
One-hour sessions focused on                                                                  show you what it takes to build
various topics, each featuring case                                                               a world-class brand. This is
studies from seven different financial                                                        your chance to learn the “secret
institutions who have 7 minutes to                                                             sauce” of culture-building from
share their success story with you.                    If you don’t come away                  one of the best brands around.
                                                      with at least a dozen new
                                                          ideas that will build
                                                            your brand and
Makeovers                                                  your bottom line,               P2P Networking Meetups
World class leaders in brand, branch and                        you can              Forge priceless relationships with your
website design will reveal their creative                      have your                peers at two-hour, sit-down plated
process and walk through the critical                                                networking luncheons focused by topic
                                                             money back.
strategic decisions as they tackle actual                                                — from digital marketing and data
projects for real financial institutions.                                                 analytics, and CX and the C-suite.

Free Starbucks                                                                                       Digital USB Toolbox
Enjoy complimentary espresso beverages, served                                        Every attendee receives this 1GB flash
from The Financial Brand’s own private pop-up                                     drive loaded with dozens of valuable white
Starbucks café right in the heart of the Forum                                     papers, research reports and eBooks, plus
2018 exhibit hall — no wasting time finding coffee!                                         digital copies of all session slides.
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
{        The Financial Brand Forum 2018 is built specifically for
               senior-level executives in the retail banking industry.    }

      CMO                                                        VP Retail Experience
SVP/Marketing             CEO                           COO
      VP Brand Experience         EVP/Chief Strategy Officer             VP Branches
  Director of Marketing                      VP Digital Channels
               Chief Data Officer         VP Retail Banking               CXO
   VP Sales + Business Development           SVP Retail Banking
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
Stats + Facts
  $15B $1B     1,750+
                                                                                                                                                                       TOTAL NUMBER OF
                                                                                                                                                                       PROJECTED ATTENDEES

                 ONE OUT OF EVERY FOUR OF THE
                 1,000 BIGGEST BANKS AND CREDIT                                                                                OF ATTENDEES
                 UNIONS WILL BE AT THE FORUM 2018.
                                                                                                      78%                      WORK AT A RETAIL
                                                                                                                               FINANCIAL INSTITUTION
                                                                                                                                                                 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                 $8.3 TRILLION IN COMBINED
                                                                                                                                                                 ASSETS REPRESENTED

                                                       ICELAND                                                                                ONE IN SIX ATTENDEES ARE C-LEVEL

                     CANADA                                                                    KAZAKHSTAN
                                      UNITED KINGDOM
                                               JORDAN                                               INDIA                      SOUTH KOREA
                                                                                                                                                   DI RECT
                                                                                                                                                          OR      VICE   SENIOR    C-LEVELL
                                                                                                                    PHILIPPINES                   OR MAN
                                                                                                                                                       ANAGERR PRESIDENT   VP       EXEC

                                                                                                                                                   28% 38% 14%
                                                                                                                                                            4 16%
                      PANAMA                                                         NIGERIA
                                                                                       SRI LANKA
                              PERU                 BRAZIL

ATTENDEES                                              NAMIBIA                                                                    AUSTRALIA       68% OF ATTENDEES ARE VP LEVEL OR HIGHER

HAIL                                                                                             THAILAND                                         The most common titles attendees hold
FROM              DIFFERENT
                  COUNTRIES                                                SWAZILAND                          NEW ZEALAND
                                                                                                                                                  include CMO, CEO, COO, EVP, VP, SVP and AVP.
                                                         SOUTH AFRICA

MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum
                     MAY 7 MONDAY
                                                                  MAY 8 TUESDAY
                                                                                                              MAY 9WEDNESDAY
    :300                                                                                                                                        7:30 0
  7:45                                                                                                                                          7:45
 8:0   0                                                          REGISTRATION OPENS                                                            8:00
                                                                                                                                                8:0  0
       5             REGISTRATION OPENS                  NETWORKING BREAKFAST IN THE EXHIBIT HALL             REGISTRATION OPENS                8:15
  8:30      NETWORKING BREAKFAST IN THE EXHIBIT HALL                                                 NETWORKING BREAKFAST IN THE EXHIBIT HALL
    :455                                                                                                                                        8:445
  9:0                                                                                                                                           9:00
   9:15                                                                                                                                         9:15
  9:30                                                        CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                                      9:30
  9:45                                                                                                                                          9:45
10:00                   FEATURED KEYNOTE                                                                         FEATURED KEYNOTE               10:00
 10:15            GUY KAWASAKI, APPLE COMPUTER                                                           JASON DORSEY, GENERATIONAL EXPERT      10:15
10:30                                                         CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                                      10:30
10:45                                                                                                                                           10:45
 11:00                                                                                                                                          11:
  11:15                   CONCURRENT                                   CONCURRENT                                  CONCURRENT                   11:155
 11:30                     BREAKOUT                                     BREAKOUT                                    BREAKOUT                    11:30
 11:45 5   LUNCH IN THE    SESSIONS           P2P       LUNCH IN THE    SESSIONS         P2P        LUNCH IN THE    SESSIONS          P2P       11:45
12:00  0   EXHIBIT HALL                    NETWORKING   EXHIBIT HALL                  NETWORKING    EXHIBIT HALL                   NETWORKING   12:00
 12:15                       LUNCH         LUNCHEONS                     LUNCH        LUNCHEONS                       LUNCH        LUNCHEONS    12:15
12:30                      AND LEARN                                   AND LEARN                                    AND LEARN                   12:30 0
12:45                       SESSIONS                                    SESSIONS                                     SESSIONS                   12:45
  1:00                                                                                                                                          1:0
   1:15                                                                                                                                         1:15
                                                                                                                                                1:1 5
  1:30                                                        CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS                CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS          1:30
  1:45                       FORUM X                                                                                                            1:45
  2:00                5x TEDx STYLE SPEECHES                                                                                                    2:00
   2:15                                                                                                                                         2:15
  2:30                                                        CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS                       CLOSING KEYNOTE                2:30
  2:45                                                                                                   RANDI ZUCKERBERG, CMO/FACEBOOK         2:45
  3:0                                                                                                                                           3:00
   3:1 5                                                                                                                                        3:15
  3:30           CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                                                                                   3:330
  3:4                                                                FEATURED KEYNOTE                         CONFERENCE CONCLUDES              3:45
                                                                                                                                                3:4  5
 4 0
 4:0                                                                                                                                            4:00
  4:115                                                              SALLIE KRAWCHECK                                                           4:1
  4:30           CONCURRENT BREAKOUT SESSIONS              THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN ON WALL ST.                                                  4:30 0
  4:4                                                                                                                                           4 5
  5:0                                                                                                        NETWORK WITH ATTENDEES             5:00
   5:15                                                                                                          AND PARTY WITH                 5:15
  5:330                                                                                                                                         5:30 0
                                                                                                               THE FINANCIAL BRAND
  5:445                                                                                                                                         5:45
                ATTENDEE NETWORKING RECEPTION                 ATTENDEE NETWORKING RECEPTION                                                     6:00
   6:15             HOSTED BAR FOR 2 HOURS                        HOSTED BAR FOR 2 HOURS                                                        6:15
                                                                                                                                                6:1 5
  6:30                                                                                                                                          6:30
  6:4                                                                                                                                           6:45
  7:00                                                                                                                                          7:00
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum

Former Chief Evangelist at Apple
If anyone knows how to build a breakthrough brand, it’s
Guy Kawasaki. He has served as Chief Evangelist at Apple
and a strategic advisor to Google. He is also the author
of Rules for Revolutionaries, Reality Check: The Irreverent
Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging & Outmarketing Your
Competition, Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts,
Minds & Actions, and a dozen other books. As one of the
first employees to work with Steve Jobs at Apple, he was
an instrumental force behind the legendary marketing of
the Macintosh computer.

At The Financial Brand Forum 2018, Guy will share the
lessons on branding and innovation that he personally
learned in his years working at Apple alongside Steve Jobs
— not once, but on two separate occasions.
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum

The Most Powerful Woman on Wall Street
Sallie Krawcheck is one of the banking industry’s most
successful executives — and the highest ranking woman
to ever lead a financial institution on Wall Street. She
has a track record of driving growth and spearheading
innovative practices, serving as CEO of Citi’s wealth
management unit, president of BofA/Merrill Lynch, and
CEO of Smith Barney.

She is the author of Own It: The Power of Women at Work,
a book that picks up the conversation where Sheryl
Sandberg left off, offering women a new set of rules to
take their careers to the next level. At the Forum 2018,
Sallie will tell attendees what it takes to succeed in the
dog-eat-dog world of finance.
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum

Former CMO at Facebook
As one of the first 30 employees at Facebook, Randi
Zuckerberg led major marketing initiatives in the
company’s early, formative years. She helped launch the
live streaming video industry by creating Facebook Live,
now used by more than a billion people around the globe.
Randi is a frequent contributor on The Today Show, and
she was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2011.

In her business-keynote-meets-one-woman-comedy-
show, Randi will take a deep dive into the latest trends
that are reshaping marketing, technology and business
today. She will show you how to decode the challenges
and make the most of this exciting wired world, offering
real world advice on how to make martech work for you
and your financial institution, using a style that is lively,
entertaining and educational.
MAY7-9,2O18 | LAS VEGAS - SPONSORED BY - The Financial Brand Forum

The World’s Foremost Expert
on Millennials and Gen Z
After writing his first bestselling book at age 18, Jason
Dorsey quickly became the most sought-after authority
on generational marketing anywhere on the planet.
Featured on 60 Minutes, 20/20, The Today Show, The Wall
Street Journal, The New York Times and Fortune, he has
shared his expertise and insights with millions of people
around the world.

At the Forum 2018, Jason will separate myth from
fact with practical, actionable insights grounded in real
research. With a unique, high-energy style, Jason will
share unforgettable stories that will help you unlock new
potential, grow more relationships with today’s younger
consumers, and drive measurable results. This can’t-miss
keynote will give you a whole new perspective on how to
target generational segments.

     Five notable experts and
industry thought leaders give the                   VP, Ads & Commerce UX at Google
  talk of their lives in 18 minutes.                Catherine Courage leads design and experience strategy for the
                                                    retail arm of Google, a product line that accounts for more than
This unique series of short, high-level strategic   $60 billion in global annual revenues.
presentations is focused on helping you prepare
   yourself and your institution for the future.    Catherine is an expert on customer empathy,
     It’s like TEDx for financial marketers.        innovation and design, widely recognized
                                                    as one of the most influential women
                                                    in Silicon Valley.

                                                    At the Forum 2018, this former
                                                    TEDx speaker will explore the
                                                    power of UX, and how to ignite
                                                    creativity to transform
                                                    your corporate culture.
FORUM X SPEAKER                                                         FORUM X SPEAKER

      Brian Solis                                                             Jim Marous
Principal Analyst at Altimeter                                          Co-Publisher of The Financial Brand
World-renowned digital analyst, digital anthropologist and futurist     Jim Marous is one of the most influential people in banking, and
Brian Solis creates new media strategies and leads interactive and      is respected around the world as the world’s foremost authority
social programs for Fortune 500 companies.                              on fintech and innovation in the financial industry.

He is a best-selling author who regularly appears in publications       Marous has been featured by CNBC, CNN,
 like Fast Company, BusinessWeek, Ad Age, Harvard Business Review       The Wall Street Journal, New York Times,
                             and many others. He’s a TEDx speaker,      The Financial Times, The Economist,
                                  and has also been named one of        and Forbes.
                                  “Silicon Valley’s Top 40 Under 40.”
                                                                        He has delivered keynote
                                     At the Forum 2018, Solis will      presentations to audiences
                                     explore the competitive            around the globe, and has been
                                      advantages of disruption in       an advisor to the White House
                                        banking — a world where         on banking policy.
                                       modest iterations give way
                                       to giant innovative leaps        At the Forum 2018, Marous will
                                        forward, and experience         take attendees on an interactive
                                        design drives the future        whirlwind tour of the most exciting
                                       of financial services.           innovations and digital break-
                                                                        throughs that are transforming
                                                                        financial services today.
FORUM X SPEAKER                                                                 FORUM X SPEAKER

      Joe Pulizzi                                                                      Kindra Hall
Founder of the Content Marketing Institute                                       World-Renowned Expert on
                                                                                 Strategic Storytelling
Joe Pulizzi is widely regarded as the Godfather of Content Marketing.
He founded the Content Marketing Institute, the world’s foremost                 Kindra Hall understands the unique challenges financial brands face
educational and training organization for content marketing, back in             as they try to capture attention in a crowded marketplace. In her
2007. In fact, Pulizzi literally wrote the book on how marketers can             role as VP of Sales for a multi-million dollar enterprise, Kindra found
                           turn content into sales — actually he wrote           one sales technique out-performed the rest:
                                    five books. His best-selling works           strategic storytelling. If you want your
                                       include Content Inc., Killing Marketing   message to be remembered and
                                           and Get Content, Get Customers.       inspire action, you need to tell
                                                                                 a great story.
                                          Pulizzi will show Forum 2018
                                         attendees how to transform their        In her Forum X session, Kindra
                                        marketing into a true profit center      will show you how to leverage
                                        by leveraging the power of content.      the power of irresistible
                                         You’ll realize that once you have       storytelling strategically to
                                        a loyal audience, you can sell them      build better relationships,
                                        whatever you want.                       stimulate greater levels
                                                                                 of engagement, and
                                                                                 amplify the ROI of your
                                                                                 marketing messages.
                                                                                              CONFERENCE VENUE

                                                                              of Las Vegas
        FORUM 2018 ATTENDEES

        $269   PER NIGHT                               Exclusive room rate for Forum 2018 attendees —
                MAY 5 – MAY 13
                                                       only $269 per night!
    The reduced rate is only available until April
    5, 2018 or until rooms sell out —which will
              happen, so don’t delay!                  The Cosmopolitan is a contemporary venue featuring residential-style living
                                                       spaces with stunning private terraces and breathtaking panoramic views. It’s
                                                       the only upscale property in Las Vegas where you can attend a conference
                                                       without having to pass through a casino.
Book online at
                                                       There are a limited number of rooms reserved for attendees at an exclusive
                                                       discounted rate. Stay any time between May 5th and May 13th for only $269
     Reservations 855-435-0005                         per night (single/double occupancy, includes resort fee and complimentary wifi)
Be sure to mention you are attending the Forum 2018    — a savings of over $125.00 per night!
Nearly 2,000
of your competitors
will be there.
Will you?
Hundreds of attendees from more than
700+ of the most progressive financial
institutions on earth will be at The Financial
Brand Forum when it kicks off, making it the
biggest event in the world for senior-level
executives in the banking industry.

At most industry conferences, half the
attendees are vendors and consultants,
but roughly 80% of those at The Financial
Brand Forum work directly for a retail
financial institution.

One out of every four of the 1,000 biggest
banks and credit unions in the U.S. will be
at the Forum 2018, representing over $8.3
trillion in combined assets.                     206-661-5070
Forge priceless relationships with dozens of your peers at these free intimate, two-hour, sit-down plated
roundtable networking luncheons. Take a deep dive into a single topic as you share ideas and discuss common
challenges. No speakers, no formal agenda — just senior-level banking execs learning from one another.

P2P Luncheon:                                             P2P Luncheon:                                              P2P Luncheon:
Digital Transformation                                    Branch Strategy,                                           Digital Marketing Strategies
Monday, May 7th                                           Experience + Design                                        Tuesday, May 8th
11 am to 1 pm                                                                                                        11 am to 1 pm
                                                          Monday, May 7th
Sponsored by AT&T                                                                                                    Sponsored by Salesforce
                                                          11 am to 1 pm
                                                          Sponsored by DEI
Talking points:                                                                                                      Talking points:
• What are the major milestones in your digital           Talking points:                                            • What does your martech stack look like? Are you
  transformation roadmap and where are you in your                                                                     using CRM tools/solutions?
                                                          • What strategic role should branches play in the
                                                            Digital Age?                                             • How do you allocate your marketing budget between
• What technologies are you investing in? How are                                                                      digital and traditional media?
                                                          • What should branches look like, and how do you craft
  you handling legacy platforms? Are you considering
                                                            the ideal experience?                                    • Where are you investing the most — SEO, paid
  a core conversion?                                                                                                   search, display/programmatic advertising, email
                                                          • Should you design something that looks like an Apple
• Are you looking to become ‘digital first’? Or ‘mobile                                                                marketing?
                                                            Store with a Genius Bar? Or roll out Capital One style
                                                            cafés?                                                   • How do you segment your audience? Are you running
• Are you partnering with fintech players?                                                                             look-alike campaigns? What about retargeting?
                                                          • How big should branches be, and how many FTEs do
• What is your approach to innovation?                      you need?                                                • What is your content marketing strategy? Where
                                                                                                                       does social media fit? Video? Native?
• How are you digitizing products/services and the        • How should you leverage various technologies (e.g.,
  customer journey?                                         video tellers, iPads, cash recyclers)?                   • What is your approach to marketing in mobile
                                                          • Should you emphasize self-service? Or high touch?                                                                                                     206-661-5070
Forge priceless relationships with dozens of your peers at these free intimate, two-hour, sit-down plated
roundtable networking luncheons. Take a deep dive into a single topic as you share ideas and discuss common
challenges. No speakers, no formal agenda — just senior-level banking execs learning from one another.

P2P Luncheon:                                                P2P Luncheon:                                               P2P Luncheon:
Data Analytics, AI +                                         Onboarding + Cross-Selling                                  Customer Experience
Machine Learning
                                                             Wednesday, May 9th                                          Wednesday, May 9th
Tuesday, May 8th                                             11 am to 1 pm                                               11 am to 1 pm
11 am to 1 pm                                                Hosted by The Financial Brand                               Hosted by The Financial Brand
Sponsored by MX
                                                             Talking points:                                             Talking points:
Talking points:                                              • How many times do you touch a new accountholder           • How are you simplifying the customer experience,
• How are you leveraging data sciences like predictive         in the first 90 days? What mix of media are you             streamlining processes and making banking easier?
  analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence?     using?                                                    • In what ways are you personalizing and tailoring your
• How are you stitching together all the various data        • How are you leveraging next-best-product                    experience to each unique customer?
  streams inside (and outside) your institution?               recommendations?                                          • What’s your omni-channel strategy? How are you
• Do you have a Chief Data Officer, or are you planning      • Do you use lead scoring tools or similar segmentation       addressing the customer experience in non-digital
  to? How are you tackling your other data talent              models to determine who receives what message(s)            channels?
  challenges?                                                  next?                                                     • How are you responding to consumers’ expectations
• What technologies are you currently using? What            • How do you measure success? What metrics do                 that everything be on-demand?
  other solutions are you considering?                         you utilize (e.g., depth-of-wallet, products-per-         • How are you leveraging technology to redefine
                                                               household, attrition rates)?                                the customers experience (e.g., biometrics, voice
• How are you managing data privacy concerns?
                                                             • Do you utilize lifestyle triggers or behavioral cues to     recognition)?
• Where does big data come into play?
                                                               optimize your cross-selling strategy?                                                                                                          206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
How to Increase Revenue,                                     Strategies for Community                                   How To Grow
Recall and Response Rates                                    Institutions: Getting Creative                             10x More Loans With
With Neuromarketing                                          and Turning New Ideas                                      Digital Marketing
Nancy Harhut
                                                             Into Tangible                                              James Robert Lay
Chief Creative Officer                                       Business Value                                             CEO
HBT Marketing                                                                                                           Digital Growth Institute
                                                             Jill Castilla, President + CEO of
New research by neuroscientists                              Citizens Bank of Edmond                                    CEOs don’t care about vanity
reveals people don’t actually                                                                                           metrics — clicks, likes, and
“make” decisions, they usually                               Many of the biggest and best                               follows mean almost nothing.
fall back on a reflexive response                            ideas around Citizens Bank of                              These days, financial marketers
without much (if any) thinking. The truth is that            Edmond don’t come from the boardroom. They                 are toast if they don’t have a digital strategy
consumers don’t make logical choices — particularly          come from food trucks, coffee shops and social             that moves the needle and gets real, meaningful
when it comes to their finances. In this session, you        media. With a marketing budget of less than                results. If you want to impress your CEO, you need
will learn how to strategically exploit the decision         $80,000, Citizens Bank of Edmond has found the             to show them how many new loans your digital
defaults that have been hardwired into people’s              secret sauce when it comes to leveraging the digital       marketing campaigns generate. But that’s going
psyches. You’ll see numerous examples from financial         world and building a true sense of community.              to take more than just a website, a Facebook page,
brands using the principles of neuroscience, you can         Come learn how this small bank with only $270              and a few digital ads. This session will show you
make their recall, response and ROI rates soar.              million in assets has developed cost-conscious and         how to transform your approach to marketing by
                                                             forward-thinking programs that create huge results         maximizing your digital growth potential.
What you’ll learn:
                                                             for both customers and the community alike.
• How to apply the latest discoveries in brain science                                                                  What you’ll learn:
  to refine your marketing communications strategy           What you’ll learn:                                         • How to build, grow and cultivate your digital audience
  and craft creative marketing messages that leverage        • How to create your own disruption and build a            • Digital marketing KPMs that matter to your CEO
  consumers’ decision biases                                   culture where you fail forward
                                                                                                                        • How to turn your financial institution’s website into a
• How to trigger desired behaviors using the                 • Why you must always be true to your roots, stay            digital growth engine
  surprisingly simple “Von Restorff Effect”, “Availability     engaged and be opportunistic
  Bias”, “Single Choice Aversion” and other powerful                                                                    • How to run digital ad campaigns that target
  principles of consumer psychology                          • Why it’s so crucial to be accessible and open, respond     consumers and nurture leads throughout the entire
                                                               to community concerns                                      buying journey
• The two most potent neuroscience techniques
  you can use to create headlines and subject lines          • How to turn your loudest critics into your biggest       • Segmentation strategies that will grow your share of
  people can’t resist                                          cheerleaders                                               wallet                                                                                                          206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
The Amazon Prime Effect:                                 Turning Your                                              Leveraging Human
New Mobile Strategies +                                  Digital Banking Strategy                                  Psychology + Advanced
Pricing Models for Financial                             Into a Marketing                                          Digital Strategies to
Marketers                                                Growth Engine                                             Turbocharge Cross-Selling
David Defazio                                            Sam Kilmer                                                Wei Ke, PhD
Partner at Strategy Corps                                Senior Director at Cornerstone                            Partner
                                                                                                                   Simon Kucher & Partners
Over 200 million people subscribe                        Financial institutions can no longer
to services such as Netflix, Spotify,                    count on face-to-face interactions                        By combining the psychology of
Dollar Shave Club, Costco and AAA,                       to drive revenue. Everything is                           human decision-making with
and more than half of all American                       shifting to digital channels, but                         advanced digital strategies, you
households now belong to Amazon                          the focus has been mostly on                              can radically improve your cross-
Prime. Subscription services are quickly becoming the    the transactional side. Digital banking strategies        sell conversion rates. Find out how bundling, digital
dominant pricing strategy for the world’s most savvy     must stretch beyond their nexus as “technology            choice architecture, interactivity and pricing options
marketers, triggering fundamental shifts in consumer     modernization projects” to become an explicit             can be used to reduce price sensitivities and build
behavior and tectonic shifts in the way people buy.      revenue generator. This means you have to take            engagement. This session will show you how to use
Bank and credit union marketers must learn from          ownership for everything affecting your institution’s     behavioral economics and gamify the purchasing
these digital trendsetters in order to drive beyond      brand — from the digital experience and data              experience to increase products per household and
transactions and connect with the digital lifestyle of   analytics, to sales and service. Marketing leaders        grow wallet share. Using real-world case studies,
today’s consumers.                                       today have a simple choice: Either step up and take       learn the psychological principles that create
                                                         charge, or move out.                                      “cognitive ease” and encourage consumers to adopt
What you’ll learn:                                                                                                 more products and services.
                                                         What you’ll learn:
• How companies like Amazon leverage user                                                                          What you’ll learn:
  experience design to deepen customer relationships     • Best practices to turn your digital experience into a
                                                           revenue generating machine                              • Digital campaign strategies that increase response
• How new approaches to UX are changing people’s                                                                     rates, triggered buying behaviors and increased sales
  expectations, and how financial institutions must      • How to build an integrated marketing strategy
  adapt in mobile channels                                 around a cohesive digital-first experience              • How to leverage behavioral incentives and value
                                                                                                                     propositions that deepen audience engagement
• How in-home, voice activated devices are               • Why the most successful marketers are silo killers
  transforming everyday banking tasks                      who assemble the right talent and hyper-coordinate      • How to determine what people will pay for, and
                                                           teams                                                     monetize new digital services with hybrid experiences
• How big banks are stealing techniques from digital
  subscription companies to win more customers           • How, when and where your digital delivery strategy      • How to leverage data analytics for precision pricing
                                                           must evolve                                               and to anticipate consumers’ changing needs                                                                                                     206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
Renegade Thinking:                                        Strategic Leadership: The                                 Forum 2018
Four Traits of The World’s                                Art + Science of Navigating                               Brand Makeover —
Most Effective Marketers                                  Digital Transformation                                    Live On Stage!
Drew Neisser                                              Karen McGaughey                                           Gina Bleedorn
Founder + CEO of Renegade                                 Principal                                                 Chief Experience Officer
                                                          Weber Marketing Group                                     Adrenaline
Why do some marketing initiatives
go horribly wrong, while others                           Success with any digital                                  Reality TV meets bank marketing in
are ridiculously successful? In this                      transformation initiative requires                        one of the most riveting sessions
session, you will learn how the                           big cultural shifts and a total                           you’ll ever see. Two new concepts
world’s most savvy marketers                              organizational commitment.                                for a fresh brand identity will be
generate big results and achieve massive growth.          That’s where the art of effective leadership and focus    revealed to a retail bank or credit union for the first
Based on interviews with CMOs from over 250 of            pays off. But it also takes the science of a solid data   time ever on stage in front of a live audience. Walk
the most progressive and cutting-edge companies           analytics foundation — insights rooted in customer        through the critical strategic decisions and get a rare
on earth, you will hear inspirational real-life stories   behaviors, people’s preferences, shopping signals,        opportunity to learn firsthand how others tackle their
that reveal the secrets and strategies used by today’s    channel usage patterns and product propensity             brand identity and design challenges. This is your
marketing masterminds.                                    models. In this session, learn how to fuse it all         chance to spy on the rebranding process!
                                                          together into one tightly-aligned strategic plan for
What you’ll learn:                                        digital transformation.                                   What you’ll learn:
• The mindset and processes it takes to supercharge       What you’ll learn:                                        • What it takes to create a differentiated image in the
  your marketing ROI                                      • A proven systematic approach to digital                   banking world today
• How the best brands differentiate by taking daring        transformation                                          • How to create, evaluate and refine a new brand
  risks                                                   • Where to get started, and how to drive the digital        identity
• A tangible methodology used by today’s marketing          transformation process forward                          • How you can prepare for your own rebranding
  mavericks to build breakthrough brands                  • How to define buyer personas and create a profitable      initiative
• How marketers are making smart, calculated bets           segmentation strategy within your digital strategy
  on new approaches — even in financial services          • How to identify and tackle customer pain points and
                                                            relevant lifestyle triggers
                                                          • How to make the shift from traditional marketing
                                                            channels and product campaigns to digital media                                                                                                      206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
How Data Analytics +                                     Retail 2020: Branch                                     David vs. Goliath: How
Augmented Intelligence                                   Transformation +                                        Community Institutions
Are Redefining Financial                                 Experience Design In a Time                             Can Capitalize on Their
Marketing                                                of Disruptive Change                                    Competitive Advantages
Allison Nygaard                                          Kevin Blair                                             and Win the War
SVP/Corporate Marketing                                  CEO of NewGround
Regions Bank                                                                                                     Sean Payant, PhD
                                                         Retail environments in the financial                    Chief Consulting Officer
The marketing landscape is                               industry will undergo more                              Haberfeld Associates
evolving at a breakneck pace.                            change in the next decade than
How can financial marketers keep                         they did in the entire last century.                    Every financial institution has
up? Don’t let data analytics and                         Nearly every bank and credit union executive is         competitive advantages. Large banks offer anytime,
augmented intelligence become your enemy. You            wrestling with huge questions about the future role     anywhere convenience and wield massive marketing
must learn how to harness powerful new approaches        of branches. Uncertainty surrounding retail delivery    budgets. Community banks and credit unions have
to data that can fuel your campaigns, improve            models will stretch leadership teams well outside       stronger connections to the local communities
marketing efficiency and free up your time so you can    their comfort zones. Retail strategies and physical     they serve, and usually know their customers and
focus on big picture strategies that move the business   branch environments must transform to meet the          members better. But smaller financial institutions
forward. The future hinges on one word — data. The       evolving demands of consumers. Learn how today’s        have no chance if they simply follow megabanks’
winners and losers in banking will be determined         top-performing organizations are repositioning          footsteps. Community institutions can’t beat
by how quickly marketing keeps pace with the data        themselves to meet consumers’ shifting demands,         big banks at their own game. Every financial
revolution.                                              and are thriving amidst this sea of uncertainty.        institution — large or small — must maximize every
What you’ll learn:                                                                                               opportunity to go beyond their basic advantages.
                                                         What you’ll learn:
• How data powers every part of your marketing                                                                   What you’ll learn:
  strategy — from targeting and personalization to       • The market forces and strategic considerations
  digital communications and ROI metrics                   that will shape your retail delivery model            • How to capitalize on your financial institution’s
                                                                                                                   unique competitive advantages and take your
• The new data skills, tools and talent your must have   • The latest trends in retail distribution and branch
                                                                                                                   financial institution to the next level
                                                           experience design
• How financial marketers must structure their data to                                                           • How to expand market share by growing core
  yield optimal results                                  • Case studies from the industry’s top performers —
                                                           those implementing transformational change
• The critical questions your analytics team must be                                                             • How to extract more revenues from accountholders
  able to address                                                                                                  with smart cross-selling and onboarding strategies                                                                                                    206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
Harnessing The Power                                      Artificial Intelligence and The                             Smart Mobile Marketing
of Cognitive Analytics                                    Future of Financial Services:                               Strategies That Captivate +
to Deepen Customer                                        Turning AI Into ROI                                         Convert Digital Consumers
Insights + Grow                                           Tom Edwards                                                 Michael Mothner
Relationships                                             Chief Digital Officer at Epsilon                            Founder and CEO of Wpromote

Louis Richardson                                          Artificial intelligence (AI) and                            If most marketers were brutally
Chief Storyteller at IBM                                  intelligent systems are rapidly                             honest, they would confess that
                                                          redefining the customer experience.                         they struggle in the mobile channel.
In the past, it was easy to know                          Banking providers are embroiled in                          Banks and credit unions are even
your customer. You could meet                             an arms race to see who can best                            further behind the curve. Financial
them face to face in a branch and say hello. But these    integrate AI solutions that enhance the user experience,    marketers must leverage modern mobile marketing
days more interactions occur in online channels           improve marketing ROI, cut costs through automation,        tools, tactics, tricks and techniques — from geo-
than in the real world. Do you know who your digital      and increase revenues. In this session you’ll learn how     targeted ads and in-store tracking, to localized search
customers are? How much — if anything — do you            financial institutions like yours can apply AI to deliver   and voice search. In this session, attendees will learn
really know about them? This session will show you        a more personalized experience, identify patterns and       the latest in marketing strategies that accelerate the
how to arm yourself with powerful new data-driven         connections that humans can’t, and automatically field      customer’s mobile journey and help grow market
insights, so you can know your customers, learn what      customer inquires in real-time.                             share.
people want and understand what makes them tick.
                                                          What you’ll learn:                                          What you’ll learn:
What you’ll learn:                                        • The future of AI and augmented reality in the             • Innovative ways to engage and appeal to digital
• How to build relationships and increase revenues          banking industry                                            consumers
  by leveraging the rich streams of data available to     • Where and how data-driven automation,                     • How to influence consumers to take action when
  financial marketers today                                 machine learning and predictive analytics must be           interacting with your institution in the mobile channel
• How cognitive systems can help you and your               integrated into your marketing strategy
                                                                                                                      • How to optimize your mobile experience and
  customers make better decisions                         • How the 4P’s of marketing must evolve                       marketing messages for the thumb
• How augmented intelligence can help you navigate          from “Product, Price, Place & Promotion” to
                                                                                                                      • How you can target people within 50 feet of your
  the complexities of the customer journey today            “Psychographics, Predictive, Proxy & Pervasive”
                                                                                                                        branch with marketing messages on their mobile device
• The shifts required to make the leap from traditional   • The potential impact new fields like ambient
                                                                                                                      • Why your mobile marketing budget isn’t anywhere
  data analytics and cognitive computing                    computing, brain-controlled interfaces and quantum
                                                                                                                        near what it should be
                                                            computing could have on financial services                                                                                                        206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
Satisfying The Google Gods:                                Transforming Financial                                    The Financial Marketer’s
Secrets to Supercharging                                   Services: Kick Starting +                                 Guide To Creating
Your Search Engine Traffic                                 Accelerating Your Innovation                              Compelling Content in
Wil Reynolds
                                                           Program                                                   Social Channels
Founder + Director of Digital                              Scarlett Sieber, Chief Innovation                         Lux Narayan
Strategy at Seer Interactive                               Officer and Head of                                       CEO of Unmetric
                                                           Strategic Transformation + Digital
Content — it seemed like the Next                          at Opus Bank                                              Drawing on AI-powered analysis
Big Thing just a few years ago.                                                                                      and insights, attendees will go
                                                           What does innovation really
Everyone ran out to create as much                                                                                   on a visual journey highlighting
                                                           mean, and what does it really
of it as possible, and waited for                                                                                    best practices in social media for
                                                           look like — particularly in a risk-averse industry like
the traffic to come pouring in. But for many, it didn’t…                                                             financial institutions. No boring data dump here.
                                                           banking, where change typically occurs at a slower
Why? For starters, Google began to answer the simple                                                                 Attendees will see a year’s worth of compelling
                                                           pace? Scarlett Sieber, the former SVP of Innovation
questions on its own. What else has the search engine                                                                content in under an hour — real campaigns from their
                                                           + Digital Businesses at BBVA, knows from first-
goliath done to turn your SEO strategy upside down                                                                   peers and competitors that drove engagement, action
                                                           hand experience. In this session, she will show you
in the last year or two? This session will review new                                                                and real results.
                                                           how innovation is best applied in a retail banking
ways to “go deeper” and understand consumers search
                                                           setting — how to set up appropriate expectations
behaviors better, and turn your insights into answers                                                                What you’ll learn:
                                                           and metrics, the role that culture plays in innovative
that will drive substantial growth in your site traffic.
                                                           thinking, and some quick wins to kick start your          • How to craft the type of social content that resonates
                                                           financial institution’s innovation program.                 most with financial consumers
What you’ll learn:
                                                           What you’ll learn:                                        • How to create a content blueprint that engages your
• How to assess your own level of SEO preparedness,
                                                                                                                       social media community and deepens customer
  and evaluate your competitors’ SEO strengths and         • How to define innovation — both incremental and
  weaknesses                                                 transformative — to set expectations with board
                                                             and C-suite                                             • How to respond and resolve issues, and benchmarks
• How to prepare your search strategy for the changes
                                                                                                                       for customer service in social channels
  to come and future-proof your approach to SEO            • How time should to allocate on internal vs. external
                                                             innovation and the values of each                       • How to leverage social media to promote cause
• How to steal clicks away from sites ranking above
                                                                                                                       marketing and corporate social responsibility
  you                                                      • How to run your own innovation competition that
                                                             generates real results
• How to identify organic keywords that convert at
                                                                                                                     • How to celebrate your organization’s culture and
  high rates — search terms you aren’t targeting today     • The critical role that culture plays for innovation
                                                                                                                       humanize your brand
                                                             success                                                                                                      206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
Deepening Human                                             Doorways to Creative                                       Customer Service
Connections in an                                           Genius: Building a Culture                                 Experience Strategies for
Increasingly Digital World                                  of Innovation                                              Social Media Success
Joe Sullivan                                                Tim Harrington                                             Carlos Dominguez
CEO of Market Insights                                      President of TEAM Resources                                President at Sprinklr

Every technological breakthrough                            Traditional banking providers are                          In today’s social world, great
has changed humanity in deeply                              facing a crisis of innovation. This                        service gets rewarded and poor
profound ways, but one thing never                          session will show you how to build                         service goes viral. Just in the past
changes: human beings will always                           a dynamic culture that encourages                          year, bad customer experiences
crave a sense of connectedness.                             ingenuity and innovative thinking.                         have ruined the reputations of at
The tech-saturated, hyper-connected world we live           Learn how to get everyone in your organization to          least a dozen major brands, including banks. Financial
in today feels less and less personal. That’s why           overcome their internal creative roadblocks and            institutions know they have a problem — just look
financial marketers must find new ways to effectively       the systematic obstacles that are holding your             at what people are saying online. So why aren’t they
blend digital+personal to create relevant, contextual       organization back. Any financial institution can tackle    changing things? How do they get the customer
and personalized experiences. This thought provoking        the challenges of digital disruption and fintech threats   service experience so wrong?
session will challenge your thinking about what it          when everyone sees beyond the cloud of limitations
means to be “a bank” today, and outline tangible            that block their potential.                                What you’ll learn:
actions every financial institution can take to deepen
                                                            What you’ll learn:                                         • The critical role social channels should play within
the human connection.
                                                                                                                         your organization’s overarching growth strategy
                                                            • How to cultivate the creative potential lurking
What you’ll learn:                                                                                                     • How your customer experience influences
                                                              inside your organization and tap the creative
• The Science of Human Connection – How our                   genius inside us all                                       what consumers say about your brand online
  brains are wired, and how different psychological                                                                    • How to deliver a world-class service
                                                            • A creative framework and a system to teach
  segments define value                                                                                                  experience in social channels
                                                              creativity to staff
• Humanizing Digital – How to deepen human                                                                             • The best practices for social media
                                                            • How to infuse everyone in your organization with a
  connections and drive bottom line results by                                                                           communications
                                                              fresh approach to problem-solving
  leveraging neurosciences, and fusing personal +
  digital experiences                                       • How companies use creativity to grow revenue             • How to protect your online brand and
                                                              twice as fast as their competitors                         manage any crisis
• Competitive Differentiation – How to move beyond
  the endless battles of product, pricing and features,     • How creativity can be used to leapfrog the
  and position your institution in ways that truly matter     competition                                                                                                         206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
Crafting a ‘Branch of the                                 The Art of Onboarding:                                    Forum 2018
Future’ Design Strategy in                                Building a Killer Program                                 Website Makeover —
the Digital Age                                           That Grows and Retains                                    Live On Stage!
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
                                                          Relationships                                             Craig McLaughlin
President of SLDNXT                                       David Acevedo                                             CEO of Extractable
                                                          SVP/National Sales Director
As the role of branches continues                         360 View                                                  Your website is the biggest “branch”
to evolve, banks and credit                                                                                         you operate, yet most banks and
unions alike are wrestling with                           Everyone knows how crucial                                credit unions are way overdue for
big questions about their retail                          the first few months are in any                           a redesign. This session will walk
strategy. How do you ensure your                          new banking relationship. And                             you through the process as a real
branch network remains relevant with today’s digital      yet community banks and credit unions say they            financial institution gets a professional online makeover
consumers? Should you consider alternative branch         are deeply disappointed with their own onboarding         from a top-notch web experience firm that specializes in
formats, and if so, which ones? How do you need to        efforts. In this session, you’ll learn how fix your       the banking industry.
adjust your staffing model? What about universal          financial institution’s onboarding problems by building
bankers? Virtual tellers? And how should branches         a positive and effective program — one that grows         Here is your chance to prepare for the strategic
fit within your overall omni-channel retail strategy?     your revenue, increases retention, and improves the       decisions you’ll face in your next web project, while
This session will show you how to build a retail branch   experience.                                               learning how to redefine your digital experience.
design strategy that maximizes your investment and
drives new growth for your bank.                          What you’ll learn:                                        What You’ll Learn:
                                                          • The steps needed to build a strategic onboarding and    • How to navigate through the stages of a major
What you’ll learn:                                          cross-selling framework                                   website overhaul — from initial strategy to launch
• How to leverage retail design to build and shape your
                                                          • Why some onboarding programs fail                       • Best practices for an optimal digital user experience
  institution’s brand
                                                          • How other financial institutions have generated big     • Which design trends are fads and which ones are
• How to create a branch experience that strikes the
                                                            results by successfully implementing onboarding           here to stay
  right balance between personal interactions and self-
  service, technology-driven transactions
                                                          • How to leverage new technologies to automate your
• New emerging formats for branches and how they
                                                            onboarding program
  impact your retail strategy                                                                                                      206-661-5070
Breakout Sessions
The Psychology                                              Forum 2018 Branch                                          One Size Doesn’t Fit All:
of Irresistible Fintech                                     Experience Makeover –                                      Personalization + Machine
                                                            Live On Stage!                                             Learning in Banking
Barnaby Riedel, Ph.D.                                       Ralph La Macchia                                           Karl Wirth
Psychologist and Lead Researcher                            President at La Macchia Group                              CEO and Co-Founder of Evergage
Riedel Strategy
                                                            Banks and credit unions around                             Companies like Amazon, Netflix
What makes some technologies                                the world all want the answer to                           and Spotify have forever altered
irresistible? How can you                                   one, big burning question: “What                           the relationship between
incorporate those factors into your                         should our branches look like                              companies and consumers.
digital banking solutions? This                             today?” Everyone agrees the role                           Today’s consumer now expects
session will give you the psychological explanations        of branches is evolving, but there is little clarity       highly personalized experiences from every brand
for why users adopt, obsess and even become                 about how branch designs should respond to these           they interact with, including financial institutions.
addicted to certain financial technologies but not          changes.                                                   And yet two out of five banking providers say don’t
others. Drawing on insights and lessons learned                                                                        personalize anything at all.
from fitness trackers and social media platforms,           In this session, the La Macchia Group, one of the
you’ll learn how a deeper understanding of human            best branch design firms in North America, will            This session highlights how data and technology —
motivations can inspire successful digital banking          tackle a real branch project for a retail financial        especially artificial intelligence and machine learning
innovations.                                                institution and present their design concept live on       — have fundamentally changed the game, and how
                                                            stage.                                                     financial institutions can deepen relationships by
What you’ll learn:                                                                                                     catering to each individual’s unique needs in real time
                                                            What you’ll learn:                                         and across all touchpoints.
• How to apply the six factors of irresistible technology
  to your digital banking solutions                         • The principles of strategic design, and how to craft a
                                                                                                                       What you’ll learn:
                                                              dynamic branch experience
• How to maximize ROI on your tech investments and
                                                                                                                       • How to deliver relevant, meaningful experiences
  radically increase consumer engagement                    • How to shape your institution’s branch strategy by
                                                                                                                         to prospects to drive increased loan- and account
                                                              working through the common design issues retail
• How to evaluate digital technologies through the lens                                                                  applications
                                                              banking providers face today
  of a behavioral psychologist
                                                                                                                       • How to automatically identify upsell and cross-sell
                                                            • How one of the banking industry’s leading retail
                                                                                                                         opportunities, and respond with offers in real time
                                                              design firms attack the challenges of branch design
                                                                                                                       • The critical role machine learning plays in delivering
                                                                                                                         individualized experiences across channels                                                                                                          206-661-5070
Registration Info
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recordings of                    PASS                                                      PASS
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and breakout            All-Access Pass for                               Upgrade to a Gold Pass
presentations          Banks + Credit Unions                              for an Additional $300
when you           Includes all keynotes, all breakout sessions, three       New for 2018! Each Gold Pass includes
                                                                          everything you get with an All-Access Pass,
get home.             complete breakfasts, three full lunches, two
                     hosted networking receptions, complimentary          plus access to video recordings of all keynote
                        snacks and refreshments for three days.               presentations and breakout sessions.

                    You also get the Forum 2018 Digital Toolbox            You don’t have to worry about missing any
                    — a 1GB flash drive loaded with white papers,        presentations. And you can watch the sessions
                     research reports, charts/graphs, and digital            again when you get back to the office.
                                copies of all sessions.
                                                                                      * Speaker restrictions and/or technical difficulties
                                                                           during the live event may prevent a small percentage of presentations
                                                                                    from being included in the final compilation of videos.                                                                   206-661-5070
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Banks and          All-Access Pass for
                                                                      Sorry, but this
                                                                                                          $1, 345
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                                                                                                                                              $1,495                          $1,695

credit unions
                                                                                                                                          Save $200.00                  Don
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that register                                                    EARLY BIRD ALUMNI SPECIAL – ENDED FEB. 15TH                               FINAL ALUMNI DISCOUNT – ENDS APRIL 5TH

now will           Gold Pass for Past
                   Forum Attendees
                                                                               Sorry, but this promotional rate
                                                                                                                                              Save $450.00 when you register by March 29th!

save $200          (Banks and credit unions only)                                   is no longer available.                                                Hurry, ends soon!

on an All          Group Rates                                   3 ATTENDEES                  4 ATTENDEES                 5 ATTENDEES                6+ ATTENDEES             10+ ATTENDEES

Access Pass.       Each attendee gets a free
                   upgrade to a Gold Pass
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Former             (Banks and credit unions only)                   per person!                 per person!                  per person!                per person!               per person!

attendees          Vendors, Consultants, Analysts, Suppliers, Associations + Everyone Else
                   (Includes automatic upgrade to a Gold Pass. Limited to 100 attendees in this category. Don’t wait, only 10 passes left!)
save even
more!              Attendee Companion Pass (Spouses + Friends Only — No Co-Workers)
                   (Includes 3x breakfasts, 3x lunches + 2x receptions for your spouse or special traveling companion.)

                   * ALL RATES & DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE.                                                                                                                  206-661-5070
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