MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -

Page created by Herman Lowe
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
MAY 9, 2021

                               Mission Statement
                         We Worship ~ We Teach ~ We Care
5112 Pocono Crest Road                                    Mass Schedule:
       PO Box O
Pocono Pines, PA 18350                                   Saturday 4:00 pm
     570-646-6424                                    Sunday 8:30 am & 10:30 am
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
May 9, 2021                                       GOSPEL MEDITATION
                                                  “Remain in my love,” and, “I call you friends,” are
 6th Sunday of Easter                             powerful words that are found in John’s Gospel. Most
                                                  of us probably have them committed to memory or have
                                                  at least heard them proclaimed dozens of times. They
                                                  are words that can easily become trite and quickly
                                                  glossed over without fully pondering and digesting their
                                                  profound beauty. When we take the time to immerse
                                                  ourselves in them, they can radically change our lives
                                                  and our relationships. They can open up new doors of
                                                  adventure and hold countless possibilities for meaning.
                                                  The essence of love & friendship are things that can
                                                  easily be taken for granted. They have always been
                                                  there & are a significant part of our lives. Many would
                                                  say that they could not live without love and friendship,
                                                  and they put a great deal of care into preserving,
                                                  deepening & sustaining them. Love & friendship share
                                                  a mutual relationship with each other that deserves
                                                  more reflection. Where does love come from? We can
                                                  consider relationships that have not succeeded and
“If you keep my commandments, you                 conclude that they were somehow due to our “failures
                                                  in love.” In doing so, we assume that human beings are
will remain in my love, just as I have            the ones responsible for love, its success and also its
kept my Father’s Commandments and                 failure. While our weakness, emotional composition
                                                  and sinfulness can easily impact our ability to love, its
        remain in his love.”                      origin is not human. God is love. God is love’s author
                                                  and origin. When we love, it is God who loves in and
                ~Jn 15:10                         through us. It is because of this divine closeness that
                                                  Jesus is able to call us friends! It is not because of
                                                  anything we have done but simply because of who we
                                                  are. Realizing and contemplating this awesome reality
                                                  becomes a game changer across the board. It gives us
                                                  reason to clear the table of anything that can adversely
                St. Maximilian Kolbe              affect the way we love so that we can open the door for
                                                  its author to shine forth.
                      Parish Staff                Coming upon this truth is what leads folks like
                                                  St. Francis of Assisi to leave that which is comfortable
                                                  & worldly & live a radical life. They relate with the
       Reverend Sean G. Carpenter                 love of God that radiates in and through all living things
                   ~ Pastor                       and appreciate their sacredness. It was having an
                                                  intimate experience of God’s love and friendship that
            Deacon Tom Amoroso                    propelled St. Francis and others to embrace simplicity,
                                                  act nonviolently, pursue humility, love enemies, care
               Melissa Laverty                    for the earth and open up avenues for true justice.
                Pastoral Associate                Understanding this profound truth will also help us
       Coordinator of Religious Education         find peaceful solutions to world’s problems, restore
        ~               relationships with our sisters and brothers, bring the
                                                  grace of loving stewardship to creation and heal many
                 Juli Reese                       wounds. Once we begin to see how wonderfully holy all
      Office Manager ~           of life really is, we discover joy. We lose our need for
                                                  fear, develop a fierce fortitude, act prudently and seek
           John Marcinkowski, Jr.                 justice. There is great power in love because it comes
    Coordinator of Music ~        from God. It will never fail. It also enjoys the company
                                                  of two other friends who are eager to become our
                                                  friends as well: faith and hope. These are just as
Visit us on the web @   important to have and to share.

                   St. Maximillian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray for us
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
Saturday:      William and Julia Binns
               by Bill and Eileen Binns
                                                             It’s easy to join our parish !
Sunday:        Mother’s Day Intentions                       Go to:
               For The Parishioners                                  and click Join.
Monday:        Mother’s Day Intentions                     Fill in your basic information and a member
                                                            of our parish staff will contact you. Or, call
Tuesday:       Mother’s Day Intentions                      the parish office at 570-646-6424 to have
Wednesday: Mother’s Day Intentions                                   a registration form mailed.
Thursday:      Mother’s Day Intentions
(Although The Ascension of the Lord is a Holyday,
                                                               PARISH OFFICE HOURS
 the obligation to attend mass has been lifted due to
      Covid; morning mass will be at 9:15 am)
                                                                    AT ST. MAX
Saturday:      Mother’s Day Intentions
                                                           MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY
Sunday:        Mother’s Day Intentions
                                                                         10 am to 1 pm
               For The Parishioners
   Bread and Wine for Victims of Abortion                “O Blessed Mother, you received the good news
                                                         of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith
                                                          and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant
                                                                     mothers facing difficulties.”
  Confessions will be heard
                                                             USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities,
        by appointment.                                         “A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers”
      Please call the parish
  office to schedule an appointment.
                                                                     Readings for the Week

                                                         Saturday:      Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21
                                                         Sunday:        Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48;
                                                                        1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17
                                                         Monday:        Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26—16:4a
                                                         Tuesday:       Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11
                                                         Wednesday:     Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Jn 16:12-15
 A Warm Thank You to those who continue offertory        Thursday:      Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23;
   support to our parish during these difficult times.                  Mk 16:15-20
        Donations for April 11th were $4,009.            Friday:        Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17
Your donations may be placed in the basket when          Saturday:      Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28
leaving mass; by mailing to the church, or by online     Sunday:         Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1
giving. Please contact the parish office if you want                     Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19
information on how to donate online.

                      St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray for us
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
                                                                             The St. Maximilian Kolbe Scripture
                                                                             Seekers discussion group meets live
                                                                             on Zoom every Tuesday morning
                                                                             at 10:30 a.m. New members are
         Faith Formation Classes
                                                             always welcome. For more information on how to
         Updates and Reminders                               join, contact Melissa in the parish office. We would
This year, students in the parish’s Faith Formation
                                                             love to “see” you.
                program in grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
                are learning about their faith using the
                                                                       WELCOME TO FLOCKNOTE!
                online program My Catholic Faith
                Delivered. This year, the parish is           Flocknote is the new communication system the
                covering all costs for the program. It’s      parish is using to communicate
not too late to get started if your child hasn’t already      with all of its parishioners via
done so. For more information or if you need to               email or text. In addition to
reset your child’s login password, contact Melissa in         parish news, you’ll also receive
the parish office.                                            weekly communications from
                                                              Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Institute/Engage
                                                              Program. If you are not receiving Flocknote
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FAITH FORMATION                           notifications and would like to, reach out to Melissa
  STUDENTS WHO CELEBRATED THEIR                               or Juli in the parish office.
             LAST WEEK
                                                                  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MASS
                       Gunner Gonzalez                                         During any future Masses, our
                        Brendan Keane                                          parish welcomes anyone who
                        Torin Murphy                                           would like to help us during
                     Samantha Van Buskirk                                      daily and weekend Masses
                                                                               with greeting and/or seating
                         Bryan Vinci
                                                            parishioners, serving as lector, or assisting with
                        Lyssa Weaver                        technology. Anyone interested may contact Juli
                                                            or Melissa in the parish office.
 STUDENTS WHO WILL CELEBRATE THE                                      SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM
     SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION                             In order to understand and appreciate the Sacrament
  Prayers are also requested for our eighth grade          of Baptism, expectant parents are required to attend
 students as they continue their formation for this        Baptism preparation. Currently, preparation takes
   Sacrament with their teachers, Dr. Maureen              place online. A call to the parish office approximately
Rinehimer and Mr. Bruce Reese. Confirmation will
be held on Saturday, May 22, and Sunday, May 23.           four months before your child is
      Zoe Bisono            Nathaniel Cornejo              due will make the scheduling of
      Patrick Domanski      Madelynn Drivon                your pre-Baptism session easier
      Megan Hejnowicz       Dylan Horoszewski              and give you ample time to
      Ayden Hull            Klaudia Kononczuk              prepare for this Sacrament of
      Gerald Negvesky       Michael Peterson               Initiation to the life of grace. For
                                                           more information, contact Melissa in the parish office.
      Jussette Suardi

                       St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray for us
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
Send Cards and Notes of Encouragement to our Seminarians!
                        The Diocese of Scranton currently has eight men in formation for the priesthood. In
                       support of vocations, our parish is asking adults and children to send notes, cards, and
                         drawings of support to thank these men for their selfless service to our Church.
                         All cards, notes, and drawings may be dropped off in the parish office or in the
                                 collection basket at Mass, or emailed to or
            The parish will then mail the cards to our seminarians:

                     William Asinari        Michael Boris          Deacon Mark DeCelles
                           Thomas Dzwonczyk       Andrew McCarroll
                Jan Carlo Perez         Marc Phillips       David Pirolli

God is love. These three simple words deserve
a great deal of attention. They have the power to
transform our relationship with God from something
that is static and distant to one that is personal and
real. We all know the power of love and how
important it is to completing all of the human and
divine circuits of our lives. But we do not often              For those whose mothers and grandmothers
consider the awesome fact that it is given to us as a          are still alive - cherish them today. Hug and
gift and is not simply part and parcel of the human              kiss them. Honor them. Thank them. For
package. God is the author of love and love itself.
When we truly love another human being, it is really           those whose mothers have gone home to the
God being God in and through us. The love to which              Lord, remember them. For all who bear the
we are called and the love of which the Gospel                   name Christian, the name of our eternal
speaks is a selfless love that seeks the wellbeing
                                                                family, let us also honor the Mother of the
of not only our significant others but of all of our
brothers and sisters.                                          Lord today. Her maternal care for Jesus still
 This love, which is of God, is a love that will               embraces all those who are joined to Him, as
endure all things and bring immeasurable joy when              members of His Body, by that great new birth
experienced. It is the most sincere form of friendship.
                                                                of Baptism. Finally, let us ask the Lord to
                                                                open our eyes, and our hearts, to come to
                                                                 more fully understand the great mystery
                                                                 and gift of the Church as our Mother. Let
  Katie Scully ~ Eileen Long - Geri Williams
       Mary DeWaters - Elaine Madere                             us live our lives as Christians, by living in
                    Regina Chmil                                 the heart of Mother Church, for the sake
       If you know someone in need of prayers                   of the world into which we are sent to bear
    and would like to have them added to this list,
              please call the Parish Office.                                  the Good News.

                                                          St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
Mother’s Day Baby Shower                                WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS
  Sponsored by St. Max Social Concerns
      This weekend—May 8th and 9th                            His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C.
This will support the pro-life ministry of Shepherd’s      Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the
 Maternity House & Pocono Pregnancy Resource                   Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples
Center. Items requested to aid Mothers and Babies:        celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in
     Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Baby bottles,            2021 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on
            Pacifiers, Diapers size 1,2,3,                     Sunday, June 6 at the Cathedral of St. Peter.
   Unscented Baby Wipes and Desitin Ointment.               The Mass will begin at 2:30, and attendance will
   Collection bins will be at the rear doors of the                    require advance reservation.
          church and in the office hallway.                      To register for the celebration go to : https://
                     Thank You.                 
                                                           -6-2021/ . For questions or concerns, or if there are
           EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP                              issues registering online, please reach out to Jen
                  RECOGNIZE GOD                                Housel, Director for Community and Family
        IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS                             Development. (,
Choosing to Love One Another                                               570-207-2213 x 1104)
Love one another. The greatest commandment, the
simplest commandment — and if you’ve ever loved               Knights of Columbus # 13752
anyone, you know it’s also the hardest.
                                                              Virtual Baby Bottle Campaign
I’m man enough to admit it. I’ve seen one or two of
those cheesy Hallmark movies that are especially          Ways to Donate:
popular around the holidays. Boy meets Girl. Boy
                                                          1) Online by May 9th– go to:
and Girl encounter a catastrophic roadblock to their
relationship — they’re coaches of rival high school       and click on Dues/donate button & scroll down
volleyball teams, or he runs a dog kennel and she         to baby bottle section.
works at a feline rescue, so it could never, ever         2) Mail check to Knights of Columbus Council #13752,
work out, right? But sprinkle a little movie magic        PO Box 916, Pocono Pines, PA 18350
over the whole situation and Boy and Girl find what       3) Drop in the church collection box using a separate
Hallmark tells us is true love.                           envelope labeled Baby Bottle Campaign, with check
I could make a list of all the things that are            made out to K of C #13752
inaccurate about these movies, and something I                                 THANK YOU
would put right near the top — maybe even above
the sometimes-unbelievable storylines — is the idea                                    Golf Committee
that love is a feeling.
See, I’m not sure if it’s accurate to call these movies                              Seeks Volunteers!
love stories. Attraction stories, sure. But if you’ve                         The St. Maximilian Kolbe
ever forgiven someone who’s hurt you, nursed a                                Golf Committee is looking
dying parent, gotten up for an infant’s night feeding                         for several parishioners to join
or let your kid have the last piece of cake, you know     the committee. Traditionally, the golf tournament,
that real love is a verb. It’s something you do. And      held each August, is the biggest fundraiser for our
it is almost always a choice.                             parish, and the work involves five or six meetings
Love one another. How often do we hear this? How          over a 10 week period beginning in early June and
often do we think about what it really means? How         ending in mid August. If you have any interest,
often do we take a moment to consider the action          please contact the parish office at 570-646-6424 or
Jesus is asking us to take and the choice he is asking    email
us to make? — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS                       Your help is greatly needed and appreciated.

                        St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray for us
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK                                        ST. MAX MASS SCHEDULE
Monday:        St. Damien de Veuster, Priest                      Saturday 4 pm
                                                              Sunday - 8:30 & 10:30 am
Wednesday: Sts. Nereus and Achilleus
           St. Pancras                                        Daily Masses: Mon.~Thurs. at 9:15 am
                                                         All masses will be on a first come, first serve
Thursday:      The Ascension of the Lord                 basis. Overflow seating will be in the parish
               Our Lady of Fatima                        hall with live television. Everyone is required
                                                         to wear a mask and ushers will take everyone
Friday:        St. Matthias, Apostle                     to their seats, following social distancing
                                                         protocols. We humbly ask for your patience and
Saturday:      St. Isidore                               cooperation with this arrangement.

                                                            To access the Masses live on Facebook -
                                                          Saturday @ 4 pm; Sunday @ 8:30 & 10:30 go
                                                           to and in the search engine,
                                                               type “St Maximilian Kolbe Parish,
                                                                      Pocono Pines, PA.”

                                                                Online Masses will also continue on the
                                                                    Pocono Catholic YouTube site at
    It’s easy to join our parish !                       
    Go to:                                You can access this Mass featuring Fr. Sean
            and click Join.                                             and Fr. Gregg at any time
  Fill in your basic information and a member                            on Saturday or Sunday.
   of our parish staff will contact you. Or, call
   the parish office at 570-646-6424 to have
            a registration form mailed.

At Jesus’s ascension, the two angels declared: “This
same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven,
will come back in the same way you have seen him go
into heaven” (Acts 1:11).
The ascension creates a longing for Jesus’s return. It
reminds us his reign is “already” but “not yet.” Though
presently seated at the right hand of the Majesty in
heaven (Heb. 1:3), Jesus will return earth to establish his
kingdom in fullness and put his enemies under his feet
(1 Cor. 15:24–27).
It’s no wonder we are longing for the return of our King!
When Jesus descends in the way he ascended, the bad
times will be over for good, the darkness will lift, and
everything sad will at last come untrue.

                       St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, pray for us
MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care - MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care - MAY 9, 2021 Mission Statement We Worship We Teach We Care -
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