Measles Cases on the Rise in State as Flu Outbreak Wanes

Measles Cases on the Rise in State as Flu Outbreak Wanes
March 3, 2014 | VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 08

                                                          TOP STORIES
                                                        Measles Cases on the Rise in State
                                                        as Flu Outbreak Wanes
                                                        New cases of childhood paralysis also reported
                                                        With the statewide influenza outbreak beginning to ease, state health officials are
                                                        now dealing with an increasing number of cases of measles and reports of a polio-like
                                                        disease that’s affected more than a dozen children.
                                                              The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has received reports
Published every Monday, California Healthfax is         of 20 cases of ailments that have caused partial paralysis in children. Officials with
copyrighted by HealthLeaders Media, a division          the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is assisting the CDPH in
of BLR, 75 Sylvan St., Suite A-101, Danvers,            its investigation, described the illnesses as a “rare phenomenon” similar to cases that
MA 01923, and is transmitted solely to the sub-
scriber. Any unauthorized copying, duplication or
                                                        have appeared in Southeast Asia.
transmission is strictly prohibited. Annual sub-              To date, CDPH officials said the root cause of the paralysis remains a mystery.
scriptions are $179. For group and bulk subscrip-       “Physicians and public health officials who have encountered similar illnesses have
tions, call 800-753-0131.                               submitted 20 reports to CDPH and the department has conducted preliminary tests
                                                        of 15 of these specimens,” said Gil Chavez, MD, deputy director of the Center for
           CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER                      Infectious Diseases for CDPH. “Thus far, the department has not identified any
           E-mail Subscribers: If you do not
           receive your copy of HealthFax, send
                                                        common cause that suggests the cases are linked.” In most cases, the paralysis has
a request to:           been permanent.
For renewals or other subscription questions,                 Health officials at Stanford University said two cases in the Bay Area that
please call: 800-753-0131. By fax: 866-592-7573.        caused partial paralysis in the arms and legs of children appear to be caused by
By e-mail:
                                                        enterorvirus-68, a disease that’s from the same family as polio. Keith Van Haren,
            EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS                       MD, a neurologist with Stanford University, said that “during the past decade, newly
            To submit an item for consideration, con-   identified strains of enterorvirus have been linked to polio-like outbreaks among
            tact Doug Desjardins, Editor. By e-mail:    children in Asia and Australia” and that the new cases “highlight the possibility of an By phone: 760-696-3931.           emerging infectious, polio-like syndrome in California.” A total of five cases have been
For other questions, contact Bob Wertz, Managing
                                                        reported in the Bay Area dating back to 2012.
Editor. By phone: 800-639-7477, ext. 3456.
By e-mail:                      The CDPH has also received reports of 15 cases of measles in the state. At this
                                                        time last year, only two cases of measles were reported. An investigation conducted
            ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES                   by CDPH found that three cases of measles were contracted by people who had
           To advertise in California                   recently spent time in the Philippines and two cases were reported by people who
           Healthfax, please contact Susan by           had recently traveled to India. Both of those countries are currently in the midst of
By fax: 781-639-7857. By phone: 978-624-4594.           measles outbreaks.

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Measles Cases on the Rise in State as Flu Outbreak Wanes
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 IN BRIEF                                               TOP STORIES                           CO N T IN U E D FR O M PA GE 1

                                                      Measles Cases cont.
»»Covered California shut down its
health insurance enrollment portal for                      “With an outbreak in the Philippines and measles transmission going on in parts
nearly five days to make upgrades and                 of the world outside North and South America, we can expect to see more import-
repairs. The portal was shut down Feb. 19             ed cases of this vaccine-preventable disease,” said CDPH director Ron Chapman,
for repairs scheduled to last two days but            MD. Children typically get their first dose of measles vaccine when they are between
it did not re-open until Feb. 24. In a joint          the ages 12 and 15 months and receive a booster shot between the ages of 4 and 6.
statement, Covered California and the                 Chapman said any child or adult who has not received their vaccines should do so
California Department of Health Care                  immediately, noting that 99% of people develop immunity to measles after two doses
Services said the website was freez-                  of vaccine.
ing up while people were filling out their
                                                            California is also in the midst of the worst influenza outbreak since 2009.
enrollment forms and speculated that
the problem “may have been brought on                 During the week ending Feb. 21, the CDPH confirmed an additional 35 deaths related
by a software malfunction” during sched-              to influenza to bring the total to 278 for the flu season. There are also another 29
uled maintenance on Feb. 16. “We under-               deaths under investigation that will likely be linked to influenza, which would push
stand the disruption of service has been              the total number of deaths for the current flu season over 300.
an inconvenience to our consumers and                       But the number of flu-related hospitalizations and deaths in the state has been
look forward to serving them through the              declining since January. For the week ending Feb. 7, the state received reports of 45
online enrollment portal again.”                      flu-related deaths and confirmed 41 deaths for the week ending Feb. 14.
                                                            Even though this year’s strain of influenza—H1N1—can cause serious complications
»»According      to a release from the                in people who are otherwise healthy, the vast majority of flu-related deaths in the state
United States Attorney’s Office for the
                                                      have been among people with pre-existing health conditions. The number of deaths in
Central District of California, the for-
                                                      the current flu season isn’t likely to eclipse the 596 flu-related deaths reported in 2009–
mer CEO of Pacific Hospital in Long
Beach has pleaded guilty to charg-                    2010, which was the last time the H1N1 flu hit the state. —DOUG DESJARDINS
es of giving physicians kickbacks over
a 16-year period. Michael D . Drobot ,
the former owner and CEO of the now-
defunct Pacific Hospital, was charged by              Oral Hygiene Program Helps Reduce
the U.S. Attorney’s Office with orches-
trating a wide-ranging conspiracy and                 Hospital Pneumonia Rates
with paying illegal kickbacks. Drobot                 Hospital-acquired pneumonia rates declined 37%
said in his plea agreement that he paid
bribes to state Sen. Ronald Calderon                  A pilot program conducted at three Sacramento hospitals helped reduce the
(D -Montebello ) to support legislation               incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia among patients through improved oral
that delayed or limited changes to work-              hygiene.
ers compensation laws that determined                       The study was conducted by researchers from the California State
how much money medical providers are
                                                      University, Sacramento over a one-year period from 2012 to 2013. The pilot
reimbursed for performing spinal surger-
ies, laws that federal prosecutors suggest            involved a strict oral care regimen among patients that included use of toothbrushes
were essential to Drobot’s spinal surgery             recommended by the American Dental Association along with antiseptic mouth-
                                                      wash and toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate.
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 I N B R I E F Continued from page 2
                                                      TOP STORIES                          CO N T IN U E D FR O M PA GE 2

kickback scheme. Calderon was indicted
                                                     Oral Hygiene cont.
Feb. 20 on federal charges for allegedly                   During the study period, the incidence of non-ventilator-associated pneumonia
accepting bribes from Drobot, as well as             among patients declined 38% from 0.49 cases per 100 patient days to 0.30 cases
undercover FBI agents seeking official               per 100 patient days. The authors of the study, which appeared in the January edi-
acts in relation to other matters. In a              tion of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, concluded that hospital-acquired pneu-
plea bargain, Drobot agreed to accept a              monia among the general patient population “needs to be elevated to the same level
10-year prison sentence and to assist the
                                                     of concern, attention, and effort as prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in
government in its investigations Calderon
turned himself in to federal authorities on
Feb. 24, the Los Angeles Times reports,                    Barbara Quinn, a clinical nurse specialist at Sutter Health who spearheaded
and pleaded not guilty to the charges. He            the initiative, said Sutter clinicians came up with the concept for the pilot program
is scheduled to appear in court on April             when trying to determine ways to reduce pneumonia rates among the general patient
22.                                                  population.
                                                            “Once somebody is in the hospital, there’s only so much you can do in terms of
»»   The National Labor Relations                    interventions,” said Quinn. “So we figured we’d try to focus on the one thing we had
Board (NLRB) has ratified the results                control over, and that was germs.” She noted that oral hygiene is often overlooked
of an election at California Pacific                 in hospitals and that neglect allows bacteria to build up in patients’ mouths. “When
Medical Center in San Francisco                      people are tired and sick, they tend to forgot about oral hygiene,” said Quinn. “And
that will allow 800 nurses to join the
                                                     that allows the bacteria to build up and eventually get down into the lungs and can
California Nurses Association -
                                                     lead to pneumonia.”
National Nurses United (CNA) union.
The results of the December 2013 elec-                     Hospitals involved in the study included two Sutter Medical Center cam-
tion, in which nurses voted 351 to 321 to            puses in Sacramento and Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento. The two Sutter
join the union, were challenged due to the           hospitals have a combined total of 650 patient beds and the Kaiser Permanente facil-
slim margin of victory and issues over dis-          ity has 217 beds.
puted ballots. In a statement, California                  Before the study began, participating hospitals were equipped with oral hygiene
Pacific Medical Center said it has accept-           products and nurses were trained in how to properly brush the teeth of patients who
ed the NLRB’s decision. “We have long                were unable to do it themselves. The study involved all adult patients in all units.
respected the rights of all of our employ-           According to the study, the pilot program resulted in “an estimated eight lives saved,
ees to decide whether or not they want to            $1.72 million in costs avoided, and 500 extra hospitals days averted.” The cost of oral
be represented by a labor union, and they            care equipment for all hospitals for the program was $117,600. Quinn said the impact
have now spoken.” The election boosted
                                                     on cost-savings and patient quality of life was even greater when post-discharge care
the number CNA-affiliated nurses work-
                                                     is considered.
ing at California Pacific Medical Center to
nearly 1,600.                                              “The study didn’t look at what happens to people after they leave a hospital,”
                                                     said Quinn. “But many people who develop pneumonia are discharged to rehabilita-
»»Children’s Hospital Los Angeles                    tion facilities before they’re allowed to return home and that type of care is expen-
received a $17 million grant from the                sive.” She added that both Sutter hospitals have maintained the oral hygiene program
National Institutes of Health to con-                since the study ended and that the incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia has been
duct HIV and AIDS research. The grant                reduced by 50% since the program was launched in 2012. —DOUG DESJARDINS
        « C O N T IN U ED O N PAGE 4 »
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 I N B R I E F Continued from page 3                   TOP STORIES                          CO N T IN U E D FR O M PA GE 3

will fund research that will be part of the
International Pediatric-Adolescent
                                                     Judge Rules Fresno County Can’t
AIDS Clinical Trials, which will include
more than 50 research teams and orga-
                                                     Terminate Safety-Net Program
nizations. “HIV infection is a global public         Supervisors contend county can no longer afford MISP
health issue, with children, adolescents,
                                                     A superior court judge denied a request from Fresno County officials to shut down a
and women being particularly vulnera-
                                                     safety-net program that provides medical care for indigent patients.
ble,” said Grace Aldrovandi, MD, prin-
cipal investigator at Children’s Hospital’s                The ruling from Judge Donald Black rejected an effort by the Fresno County
Saban Research Institute. “Our work                  Board of Supervisors to terminate the county’s Medically Indigent Services
on optimizing the prevention, diagnosis,             Program (MISP), which provides care for uninsured patients through a contract
and treatment of HIV infection in these              with Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno. The board of supervisors
populations will benefit nations, commu-             voted to terminate the program due to a recent cut in state funding for the MISP. In
nities, and families throughout the world.”          his ruling, Judge Black said there wasn’t enough evidence to support the board’s con-
                                                     tention that it is not “financially feasible” to continue the program.
»»  A California Field Poll found that                     The effort to terminate the MISP program was opposed by several groups
74% of state voters support legisla-
                                                     including Fresno Faith in Community and Health Access California. Those
tion that would require beverage mak-
                                                     groups contend the county should maintain its responsibility as a provider of last
ers to include warning labels on sugary
drinks. Senate Bill 1000—dubbed the                  resort for healthcare. The program provided care for more than 14,000 uninsured
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Safety                     county residents in 2013.
Warning Act—would require any soft                         “This court decision is a big boost for not just thousands of Fresno families who
drink containing sugar and more than 75              will remain insured but for Fresno’s entire health system and those who rely on it,”
calories per 12-ounce container to carry             said Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California. “Rather
a label warning consumers of the link                than spending any more time trying to get out of these requirements, Fresno County
between sugary drinks and problems like              should be spending its time maximizing the benefits of the Affordable Care Act
obesity and diabetes. The bill authored              and getting as many people insured as possible.”
by state Sen. Bill Monning (D-Carmel)                      Supervisors said state funding for the program has been reduced by $14 million
is opposed by CalBev , the California                under a state initiative that is realigning healthcare spending due to charges brought
division of the American Beverage
                                                     about by federal healthcare reform. In a statement regarding its request to discon-
Association. In a statement, CalBev said
                                                     tinue the program, county officials said that “without this funding, the county is not
that “we agree that obesity is a serious
and complex issue” but added that “it                able to continue the MISP unless other public programs are cut.”
is misleading to suggest that soft drink                   The county can request another hearing on the tentative court ruling and is
consumption is uniquely responsible for              expected to consider the issue at its next meeting on March 4. The county has been
weight gain.”                                        administering the MISP program since 1984.
                                                           Though 25 counties in California have MISP programs, Fresno County is one of
»»L.A. Care Health Plan has launched                 only nine that provides coverage for all indigent people regardless of their citizenship
a Blue Button program that allows its                status and one of only two (along with Alameda County) to provide the same type
Medi-Cal beneficiaries to access their               of medical services available under Medi-Cal. The program provides coverage for people
        « C O N T IN U ED O N PAGE 5 »               with annual incomes of up to 200% of the federal poverty level. —DOUG DESJARDINS
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                                                      I N B R I E F CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4        EVENTS
                                                                                               M a rc h 6 - 8 . S t e p p i n g U p to
prescription drug information online. L.A. Care said the program is the first of its kind in
                                                                                               Leadership Conference. Loews
California designed for Medicaid members. The original Blue Button plans were devel-           Coronado Bay Hotel. A three-day
oped for Medicare beneficiaries. “We are excited to bring such innovative technology           interactive physician training pro-
as Blue Button to Los Angeles County residents who can now more easily share their             gram focused on best practices and
information with their doctors and other caregivers,” said Howard Kahn, the CEO of             innovative ways to address com-
L.A. Care Health Plan. “It empowers patients to take an active role in their own health-       mon problems. Sponsored by UC
                                                                                               San Diego and the Institute for
care, increases effective communications, and helps avoid prescription errors.” The Blue       Medical Quality. To register, please
Button program was developed and implemented through a $400,000 grant from the                 visit
UC Davis Institute for Population Health Improvement. L.A. Care Health plan is                 SteppingUptoLeadershipConference.
one of the largest public health plans in the United States with nearly one million mem-       aspx
                                                                                               March 22-23. California Medical
»»  Covered California has launched a new ad campaign with the tagline “I’m in.” The           As s o c i at i o n Le a d e r ’s To o l k i t
commercials, which are airing in both English and Spanish, include personal stories of         Conference. Orange County Medical
formerly uninsured people who now have health coverage and the impact it has made on           Association, Irvine. A two-day confer-
their lives. The campaign launched with television commercials that began Feb. 21 and          ence for physicians interested in pursu-
                                                                                               ing leadership roles in organized medi-
will be followed by billboards, transit stop ads, and posters in convenience stores rolling    cine. Topics include team leadership and
out this month. “We want Californians to see these ads and relate to the people in them,”      setting priorities and boundaries. To reg-
said Covered California executive director Peter Lee. “These new ads complement our            ister please visit http://www.cmanet.
overall marketing strategy by having Californians, in their own words, share why get-          org/events/detail/?event=the-leaders-
ting coverage matters.” The new campaign follows the February launch of a Spanish-             toolbox0
language ad campaign dubbed “I have a plan.”
                                                                                               March 24-26. IHA Ninth National
»»El Camino Hospital in Mountain View has launched a program using a mobile                    Pay-for-Performance Summit. Hyatt
                                                                                               Regency, San Francisco. A national
app that recruits individuals to help provide on-site assistance for people suffering heart    forum focused on new pay-for-perfor-
attacks. The mobile app, developed by the PulsePoint Foundation through funding                mance models, healthcare payment
from El Camino Hospital, alerts those trained in CPR to the exact location of emergency        reform, and value-driven healthcare.
calls that involve cardiac arrest. By using the app, individuals can sometimes respond         Sponsored by the Integrated Healthcare
to an incident faster than emergency crews and begin administering CPR before para-            Association. To register, please visit
medics arrive. “Every day, we treat patients in our emergency rooms that have sudden 
cardiac arrest and we know that quick action to restore heart function is essential to full    April 11-13. 17th Annual Western
recovery,” said Tomi Ryba, president and CEO of El Camino Hospital. “This is an impor-         Health Care Leadership Academy. San
tant investment to bring life saving technology to Santa Clara County.                         Diego Convention Center. A three-day
                                                                                               educational conference for physicians,
»»A computerized safety checklist that provides caregivers with best practice guide-           physician group administrators, and
                                                                                               hospital executives and administrators.
lines produced a sharp decrease in hospital-acquired bloodstream infections at Lucile
Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University. The automated checklist helps              Sponsored by the California Medical
                                                                                               Association. To register, please visit
caregivers maintain and change central lines in patients and provides alerts when a cen-       http://www.westernleadershipacademy.
tral line is due to be changed or cleaned. The program was used in the hospital’s intensive    com
care unit and reduced the number of central-line bloodstream infections from 2.7 per
1,000 patient days to 0.7 per 1,000 patient days. The findings of the study were pub-              Get your event listed in Healthfax!
                                                                                                         E-mail the details to:
lished online Feb. 23 in the medical journal Pediatrics.
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                               benefit package    including
                                        billing and            medical,
                                                      collection        dental experience.
                                                                 management    and vision insur-
ance. Knowledge
      Please sendofyour
                      CCS,resume  andand
                            Medi-Cal   salary   historyCare
                                            Managed       to billing practices preferred.
      proficiency in a physician practice management.      system, MS Word and excel.         EOE

      Salary is commensurate with experience. We offer an excellent benefit
      package including medical, dental and vision insurance, and 401K. Qualified
      candidates should email their resume with a cover letter and salary history
      to eOe

                                                                                                                   Director, Managed Care Analytics
  Gold Coast Health Plan is currently accepting applications                                           SCA owns and/or provides management services to 185+ ambulatory surgery
                 for the following positions:                                                          centers, surgical hospitals, and hospital surgery departments, in partnership
                                                                                                       with approximately 2,000 physicians and in affiliation with 45+ health systems.
          √ Grievance and Appeals Manager                                                              We currently are searching for a Director, Managed Care Analytics to partner
                                                                                                       with the Sr. Director of Managed Care to deliver analytics that enable operations
         √ Health Systems Data Analyst                                                                 leaders to set and execute a strategy that aligns payer contracting efforts
                                                                                                       with targeted volume growth initiatives, and strategic hospital growth and
         √ Operations Business Analyst                                                                 development.
         √ Senior Buyer                                                                                •       Bachelor’s degree. Ability to work with large amounts of data utilizing
                                                                                                               various software systems
         √ Senior Financial Analyst                                                                    •       Understanding of the hospital, surgical hospital and ambulatory surgery
                                                                                                               center environment, particularly around various commercial and
         √ Utilization Review Nurse                                                                            government reimbursement methodologies, insurance contracts, and
                                                                                                               payor systems
         √ Provider Contacts Specialist                                                                •       Ability to interpret contract reimbursement’s impact on claims and
                                                                                                               utilization data
                                                                                                       •       The ability to identify and understand relevant internal and market data,
         √ Sr. Information Security Analyst                                                                    developing and executing a platform which enables profitable growth
        To review a full job description and to apply online, please visit:                            •       5+ years payor contracting/reimbursement experience in healthcare                                                     industry
        Contact: Amber Lloyd, Human Resources                                                           Email your resume to
TO PLACE A LISTING,                                                      PAGE 8 of 12
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     For subscription services, call 800-753-0131                                                                                              March 3, 2014


                                                                                DIRECTOR OF COORDINATED CARE INITIATIVE
                                                   We are currently             Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates the Care
                                           seeking motivated professionals
                                            to join our Monterey Park, CA
                                                                                Coordination Program for Cal MediConnect Coordinated
                                                      office team:              Care Initiative. Provides leadership and responsible for
                                                                                staffing, directing, and controlling department administrative
                                                                                functions. Ensures effective interface and cooperation with
                                                                                other departments to implement administrative objectives
DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS – COORDINATED                                            and achieve organizational goals.
                                                                                Requires current California RN License; Masters Degree
Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates the Company’s                        preferred. Minimum 5 years experience with acute inpatient
CCI Operations. Responsible for staffing and managing                           nursing, management experience, UM and Case Management
departmental functions. Ensures effective cooperation                           experience, preferably at HMO level. Knowledge of Medi-Cal,
and collaboration with other departments. Develops and                          NCQA, DOC, SDHS, and CMS regulations.
implements programs related to CCI Initiative. Ensures
                                                                                Care1st Health Plan offers a competitive and attractive
program complies with CMS, DHCS, DMHC and all other
                                                                                benefits package. Qualified candidates are invited to visit
regulatory requirements.
                                                                                our Careers page at and submit a resume.
Requires 5-10 years experience with Medicare and Medi-                          Care1st is an equal opportunity employer.
Cal in operational or leadership positions in a managed
care organization or organized health system(s). Strong
knowledge of CMS and DHCS regulations and guidelines.                                       We’re not the biggest or the oldest.
Knowledge of managed care with experience providing care
                                                                                              We’re just out to be the best.
to seniors, low income and vulnerable populations.

                                                                                                                          TOC Transition Coach

                                                                                                                          Support members, clinical staff
                                                                                                                          through completion of transiton of
MDS Consulting is a healthcare consulting firm recognized for providing                                                   care and utilization management
customized advisory services. We are an entrepreneurial company looking                                                   programs. Will work, monitor
for similarly minded people that want career growth opportunities in the                                                  members recently discharged from
following roles:                                                                                                          hospital and ensure appropriate
                                                                                  Manager, Delegated Oversight            follow-up including outbound
SENIOR CONSULTANT/MANAGER,                                                                                                member phone calls,member
PHYSICIAN COMPENSATION SERVICES                                                   Develop, manage an effective            referrals.
A healthcare leader able to work with hospitals and physicians to evalu-          delegated oversight program to meet
ate and design provider compensation plans. A successful candidate must           NCQA, CMS, DHCS and contractual,        Experience/Requirements:
be knowledgeable in a variety of physician compensation models and be             regulatory, operational and financial   Current unrestricted CA RN, LPN
able to facilitate change processes. The preferred candidate will have a          requirements. Responsibilities          license or social worker preferred.
Master’s degree and at least two years of relevant experience.                    include develop, maintain delegation    Three years’ in clinical setting.
                                                                                  policies, procedures, acting resource   Experience in care coordination,
SENIOR CONSULTANT/MANAGER                                                         during contract negotiations,           managed care, health plan or
The successful candidate will have excellent knowledge of issues related          overseeing annual compliance audit      medical group a plus. Bilingual
to healthcare reform, managed care, physician alignment, clinical integra-        delegated entites.                      preferred. Strong interpersonal
tion, etc. Strong analytic, writing and communication skills are required.                                                skills, experience with diverse or
The preferred candidate will have a Master’s degree and at least two              Experience/Requirements:                low income community, working
years of relevant experience.                                                     Bachelor’s degree or equivalent,        knowledge of RVS, CPT, ICD-9, and
                                                                                  nursing/clinical a plus. Three years    CPT 4.
HEALTHCARE CONSULTANT                                                             health care compliance or quality
Responsibilities involve supporting projects with skilled analysis. Expertise     HMO audits. Ability to lead, motivate
will include industry knowledge, advanced written and oral communica-             & supervise.
tion skills, financial analysis and modeling, etc.
                                                                                  Alameda Alliance for Health offers excellent salary, benefits. Visit us at
Positions require a desire to work in teams and excellent communication  and click on Employment button for full job
and analytic skills.                                                              information and to apply. EEO
                Email resumes to
TO PLACE A LISTING,                                            PAGE 9 of 12
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   New Century Health is a leading innovator of specialty care
   management programs for oncology and cardiology. We are
currently seeking candidates for the following career opportunities:

3 C
   HIEF MEDICAL OFFICER                3 DW/BI ARCHITECT                  Assistant Director - Contract &
  BOSTON, MA                              BREA, CA                              Network Development
                                                                                           UC Irvine Health, Orange, CA
3 M
  BREA, CA, & MIRAMAR, FL                   BREA, CA                   Job ID: # 4810 Full Time, Days
3 M
   ANAGER,IMPLEMENTATION               3 NETWORK OPERATIONS           UC Irvine Health is an exciting place! Ranked as one of
  BREA, CA                                  ASSISTANT - MIRAMAR, FL    the Top 50 hospitals in the nation for the last 11 years
                                                                       (U.S. News & World Report), we are Orange County’s
3 H
   EALTHCARE SR. BUSINESS              3 INTAKE COORDINATOR/		        only academic medical center, and only Level I trauma
  ANALYST, BREA, CA                         PHARMACY TECHNICIAN        center. We hold magnet status for nursing excellence,
                                            BREA, CA                   and 80 of our affiliated doctors are ranked as America’s
3 UTILIZATION REVIEW RN                                                Top Doctors. But we don’t just take good care of our
  BREA, CA                                                            patients; our employee benefits are unparalleled,
                                                                       including medical benefits active on day one of employ-
                                                                       ment, and a generous retirement plan. If you are some-
     New Century Health pays 100% of employees’ health ben             one that strives for excellence like we do, then consider
                                                                       joining our team.
              Please submit resumes to                                 Reporting to the Chief Contracting Officer, the Assistant
                                 Director is responsible for all physician clinical services
                                                                       contracting including medical group contracts on behalf
                                                                       of UC Irvine University Physicians & Surgeons (UPS),
                                                                       and contracts on behalf of clinical departments, clinical
                                                                       divisions, and individual physicians.
   Contact Susan to Advertise in                                         • Identify, establish, maintain contract relationships with medical
                                                                           groups, independent practice associations, HMOs, PPOs and

    California Healthfax Today!                                            other third-parties to enable patient referrals. Collaborating with
                                                                           UPS President creating, updating, executing physician contract-
                                                                           ing strategic plan.
                                                                         • Monitoring physician contract performance and assuring compli-
                                                                           ance to contract terms.
                                                                         • Work with UPS President and Business Development staff to
                                                                           evaluate new clinical programs, evaluating costs and recom-
                                                                           mending new clinical service contracts.
                                                                         • Participates with medical center contracting staff to initiate/
                                                                           review contracts with third-party payers, key referring medical
                                                                           groups in response to contract proposals.
                                                                         • Represents UPS in UC System-wide contract negotiations.
                                                                         • Work in conjunction with Physician Billing Group (PBG) and exter-
                                                                           nal billing agents to be sure contract terms are easily adminis-
 CALL SUSAN:                                        Place your             tered.
                                                                         • Acts as the liaison with the payor on behalf of UPS to resolve
 PHONE: 978-624-4594                                ad today!              operational issues arising from the contract language and terms
 FAX: 781-639-7857                                                       • Manage Contract Management staff, including evaluating perfor-
                                                                           mance, hiring, training, conflict resolution, providing guidance to
                                                                                        To apply, please go to
  EMAIL                                Please be sure to carefully review the “Required
                                                                         Qualifications” before submitting your application.
TO PLACE A LISTING,                                                          PAGE 10 of 12
                                                                         PLEASE CALL 978-624-4594
     For subscription services, call 800-753-0131                                                                                                       March 3, 2014


                                                                                     The successful candidate will participate in multi-disciplinary man-
                                                                                     agement teams to develop and monitor all mechanisms required for
                                                                                     continued licensure and accreditation, installation of new electronic
                                                                                     health record and the opening of Casa Colina’s new 31-bed med-surg
                                                                                     Qualifications for this exciting and highly visible position include a
 This executive level position facilitates the optimal delivery of qual-
                                                                                     bachelor’s degree (master’s preferred) in a business or health related
ity services to patients of Casa Colina through oversight of the
                                                                                     field and a minimum of 5 years of supervisory experience in a group
day-to-day operations of thirty-five (35) 1206d physicians’ clinics.
Responsibilities include selection and management of staff; setting                  practice or similar healthcare setting managing daily operations.
priorities and developing strategies for process improvement; regu-
latory compliance; budgeting and control of salary, non-salary, and                  Casa Colina has a great benefit package that includes group medi-
capital expenses; continuous update of policies/procedures/protocols,                cal, dental and life insurance, voluntary life insurance, dependent life
and maintenance of effective and responsive relationships with                       insurance, accidental death or dismemberment coverage, 403(b)
physicians, patients and other departments to promote goals of the                   retirement program with a company match plus a profit sharing
organization.                                                                        plan, 28 paid time off days per year, tuition reimbursement and other
Successful candidate will possess a proven track record of success                   attractive features.
in clinical practice management with knowledge of total therapy
treatment process; ability to perform financial assessment including                       To apply, visit us at
annual budget process, charge audits and daily planning and expert                                   Principals only at this time.
written and verbal communication.

                                                                                    REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION INCLUDE:
              Providence is calling a full time
       Regional Director Cardiovascular Services                                    • Bachelor’s Degree in health care, business, economics, or related field
            to our Southern California Region.                                      • Ten years of progressive management experience in healthcare, preferably with
                                                                                    in-depth knowledge specific to cardiovascular services
IN THIS POSITION YOU WILL:                                                          • Experience in an innovative, multi-site regionally integrated health system
The Regional Director is accountable for leadership, direction and implementation   • Physician and medical group alignment and integration experience
of Cardiovascular Services for Providence Health & Services Southern California,    • Significant experience leading teams, group facilitation, project management,
including developing and implementing a physician-driven regional strategic plan    and building management systems
across the care continuum to achieve improved access, Triple Aim performance,
                                                                                    PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION INCLUDE:
and market growth. Key responsibilities include creating physician alignment
strategies to drive clinical and financial integration; developing ministry and     • Master’s Degree
market-specific growth plans; building innovative cardiovascular programs           • Experience with academic and community partnership models
that create an exceptional patient centered, integrated care experience across
the continuum; creating new care delivery models and pricing strategies for
                                                                                                     Answer the call.
participation in value-based payment with payers, employers and consumers                      When applying online, please reference job number 50554.
that recognize and reward improved performance; and facilitating strategies
to promote collaboration, share best practices and drive clinical transformation                                      Apply online:
throughout the region and Providence to improve health outcomes and create                     
healthier communities.                                                                       Providence Health & Services is an equal opportunity employer
TO PLACE A LISTING,                                        PAGE 11 of 12
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                                                                           SUPERVISOR, PHARMACY TECHNICAL OPS                Req. #13-1107
 About Us:                                                                 QUALITY/5 STAR INITIATIVE DEVELOPER               Req. #13-1057
   Located in Huntington Beach, CA and backed with a significant           PROVIDER FINANCIAL AUDITOR                        Req. # 14-1370
   capital commitment from Francisco Partners, a leading global            CARE PLANNER RN SERVICE EXPANSION                 Req. #13-1264
   private equity firm, Landmark Health is committed to improving          VP RISK ADJUSTMENT                                Req. #13-1202
   healthcare for the highest acuity patients. Landmark works with
   health plans, providers, and other risk-bearing entities to manage      MARKETING ANALYST                                 Req. #14-1357
   their sickest members on at at-risk basis.                              PHARMACY RELATIONS COORDINATOR                    Req. #13-1235
                                                                           CONFIGURATION SUPPORT SPECIALIST                  Req. # 14-1375
 Open Positions:                                                           HEDIS ANALYST SR.                                 Req. #13-1282
   • VP, Human Resource Talent                                             REGIONAL DIRECTOR NETWORK MANAGEMENT              Req. #13-1310
                                                                           NURSE PRACTITIONER (STOCKTON)                     Req. #13-1311
   • Senior Health Economics Lead
                                                                           CARE PLANNER RN – MEDICATION SAFETY               Req. #13-1314
   • Director, Health Plan Operations                                      DELEGATION OVERSIGHT SPECIALIST                   Req. #13-1318
   • Director, Outreach & Engagement                                       ACTUARY                                           Req. #14-1325
   • Director, Coding                                                      HCC TOOLS SPECIALIST                              Req. # 14-1367
                                                                           MEDICAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SPECIALIST             Req. #14-1372
                                                                           CLINICAL REVIEW NURSE                      Req. #14-1355
         For more information and to apply for an open position,
        please visit our career page at            STRATEGIC PROJECT PROFESSIONAL             Req. # 13-1285
                                                                           SALES REPRESENTATIVE (CONTRA COSTA COUNTY) Req. #14-1358
                                                                                      For more information, please visit our website at:
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                                                                           SENIOR BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST,
                                                                          HEALTHCARE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                  BREA, CA
                                                                      The Senior Business Systems Analyst (BSA) is responsible for
                                                                      the improvement of business processes for gaining operational
                                                                      efficiency through process reengineering and automation. The
                                                                      position will partner with internal and external Subject Matter
Senior and Disability Community Advisor                               Experts (SMEs) to build detailed requirements and provide
L.A. Care, America’s largest publicly-operated health plan, is        end-to-end project management oversight during project life
leading the way in L.A. County during this time of great change in    cycle. The incumbent will act as a dependable interface between
health care. We seek a talented individual to be responsible for      Information Technology (IT) and business partners to manage
developing and cultivating strong relationships with community-       expectations and timely resolution of open items for meeting
based organizations, advocacy groups, government leadership           project commitments. This position reports to the Vice President,
and community leaders. The Advisor will identify and engage
key advocacy groups that represent L.A. Care’s special needs
                                                                      Process Improvement & Program Management.
populations served by the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI ), the     ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
Duals Demonstration Pilot (Cal MediConnect), and L.A. Care’s
Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plan. In addition, this position     √ Provides subject matter expertise in healthcare claims pro-
will oversee strategic outreach initiatives targeting L.A. Care’s       cessing and utilization management processes.
special needs populations who use specialized services such as long
term care services and supports (LTSS), and will ensure that their    √ Identifies process areas for improvement in collaboration
needs and preferences are successfully supported in organizational      with IT and business operations team. Uses fact base data
efforts and programs. Health Plan Operations Experience Desired.        analysis for sizing opportunity and recommends prioritization
Located in downtown Los Angeles, L.A. Care offers a great working       based on ROI (Return on Investment).
environment, competitive salaries and excellent benefits.
                                                                      √ Improves business processes through process reengineering
                                                                        and automation as appropriate.
ABOUT L.A. CARE                                                       √ Conducts requirement gathering sessions with SMEs, docu-
L.A. Care Health Plan (Local Initiative Health Authority of Los         ment requirements, and builds prototype (as required) to
Angeles County) is a public entity and community-accountable health     obtain stakeholder sign-off.
plan serving residents of Los Angeles County through a variety
of programs including L.A. Care Covered™, Medi-Cal, L.A. Care’s       √ 5-10 years in healthcare required
Healthy Kids, L.A. Care Health Plan Medicare Advantage HMO, and                   Please submit resumes to
PASC-SEIU Homecare Workers Health Care Plan. L.A. Care is a           
leader in developing new programs through innovative partnerships
designed to provide health coverage to vulnerable populations and
to support the safety net. With more than one million members, L.A.
Care is the nation’s largest publicly operated health plan.

Qualified candidates please send resume to
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