Media data 201 - Bauverlag

Page created by Ricky Saunders
Media data 201 - Bauverlag
media data 201
communication services for the target group of
owners, managers, building managers of large
enterprises, banks, insurance companies, real estate
operators and property administration companies as
well as local communities


Media data 201 - Bauverlag
media brand
                                                                                                                             FACILITY MANAGEMENT

PRINT                                                                              However you want get into contact with the decision-makers in facility management
1     title portrait                                               page    4       departments – be it in print, online, digital or face-to-face – FACILITY MANAGEMENT
2     distribution analysis                                        page    6       offers you the right platform in every case.
T     editorial schedule                                           page    7       Choose one channel from the '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5 portfolio or combine
P     priceT                                                       page    9       different channels.
F     formats and technical advice                                 page   11
3-L   reader analysis                                              page   13
      additional benefit print: advertorial                        page   16
      additional benefit print: job market                         page   17
      additional benefit print: Who is Who in                      page   18
      additional benefit print: QSPQFSUZDPNCJOBUJPO               page 20
      additional benefit print: specialist advertising formats     page 21
1       portrait                                                   page   23
N       website traffic                                            page   24
P       priceTBOEforms of advertising                            page   25
F       formats and UFDIOJDBMBEWJDF                               page   26
                                                                                                         Who is Who in
NEWSLETTER                                                                                               FACILITY MANAGEMENT
1     portrait                                                     page   28
N     distribution                                                 page   29
                                                                                                                                           FACILITY MANAGEMENT
T     time schedule                                                page   30
P     pricesBOEGorms of advertising                              page   31
F     formats and technical advice                                 page   2
      additional benefit digital: microsite                        page   35
      additional benefit digital: onlinePLUS                       page   37
      additional benefit digital: online-advertorial               page   38
      additional benefit digital: BECVOEMF                        page   39
      additional benefit digital: specialist advertising formats   page   41
      additional benefit digital: job market                       page   42

      DICE@bauverlag                                               page 4

      strong brands - your target market                           page 4         www.'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/                                       FACILITY MANAGEMENT
      combination discounts                                        page 4                                                                          Oewsletter
      contacts                                                     page 4

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
room for print
services            direct marketing                     trade magazines
                                                         fair guides
                                                         special books

                            corporate publishing

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                               title portrait   1
1 magazine name:   '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5
2 short profile:   As an holistic, comprehensive service for a property and the people
                   working in it FACILITY MANAGEMENT aims to attain the highest
                   possible net product per workplace and of the tangible assets.
                   FACILITY MANAGEMENT affects buildings of all sizes and dimen-
                   sions and combines the:
                   1. technical
                   2. infrastructural
                   3. commercial
                   constituent of the facility management. Special articles contain all
                   the information those interested in facility management require.
                   The latest news, product information, legal issues and other news
                   form the trade complete the editorial. A special feature of the jour-
                   nal is the detailed analysis of a finished project in which exemplary
                   facility or building management schemes are already in operation.
3 target group:    owners, managers, building managers of large enterprises, banks,
                   insurance companies, real estate operators and property admini-
                   stration companies as well as local communities

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                                    title portrait         1
4 publication frequency:   6 issues                                         14 page analysis 201 = 6 issues
                                                                            total pages:                                               384 pages = 100.0 %
5 magazine format:         DIN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high)
                                                                            editorial section                                          30 pages =     7. %
6 volume/year:             2UI volume 201                                 advertising section                                         8 pages =     2.%
7 sales price:             annual subscription national       é89.00                     including:
                           annual subscription abroad         é98.00                     job vacancies and classified ads                pageT =       %
                           single copy                        é21.00                     publisher ads                                 1 pages =      %
                                                                                          loose inserts                                 6 pieces
8 organ:                   –
                                                                            15 analysis of the content – editorial section:            30 pages = 100.0 %
9 memberships:             IVW
                                                                            software/CAFM                                               4 QBHFT   =    %
10 publisher:              Bauverlag BV GmbH                                FOFSHZ                                                      QBHFT   =     %
                           Avenwedder Str. 55                               TBGFUZUJNFSFDPSEJOHGJSFQSPUFDUJPO                       QBHFT   =    8. %
                           33311 Gütersloh                                  PGGJDF                                                      QBHFT   =     %
                           Germany                                          services                                                     QBHFT   =    .6 %
                                                  dates/trade fair                                             QBHFT   =    5.6 %
11 editor:                 –                                                QSPQFSUZNBOBHFNFOU                                         QBHFT   =    4. %
                                                                            JOUFSWJFX                                                   QBHFT   =    %
12 advertising:            3JUB4SPXJH                                                                                                   QBHFT        .3 %
                                                                            MJHIUJOH                                                              =
                           4BMFT.BOBHFS International                      heating/climate/air conditioning                             QBHFT   =    3. %
                           QIPOF                                                                                                       3. %
                                                                            #*.                                                         QBHFT   =
                                                                            CVJMEJOHTFSWJDFTFOHJOFFSJOH                                9 QBHFT   =    3.0 %
                                                                            lift/elevator engineering                                    9 QBHFT   =     %
                                                                            justice                                                      9 QBHFT   =    .0 %
                          editor in chief                                   SFBMFTUBUF                                                 8 QBHFT   =    2. %
                                                                            cleaning                                                      QBHFT   =     %
                           Kerstin Galenza                                  GVSUIFSUSBJOJOH                                              QBHFT   =    1.3 %
                           editor                                           outdoor installation/waste management/winter services         QBHFT   =    1.3 %
                           phone: +49 5241 80-75013                         NBJOUFOBODF                                                   QBHFT   =     %
                           e-mail:             GJOBODJBM                                                    4 QBHFT   =     %
                                                                            WFIJDMFGMFFU                                                 QBHFT   =    1, %
                                                                            sanitary engineering                                          QBHFT   =    1, %
                                                                            healthcare                                                   3 QBHFT   =    1,0 %
                                                                            catering                                                     3 QBHFT   =    1,0 %
                                                                            SFTUPSBUJPO                                                  QBHFT   =    0. %
                                                                            literature                                                    QBHFT   =    0. %

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                                                          distribution analysis             2
1 circulation audit:                                                                                   3.1 distribution by Nielsen areas/german states:
2 circulation analysis:   copies per issue (annual average of July 01st 201 to June 30th 201)
                                                                                                                                                               copies actually distributed
                                                                                                                                                                         %              copies
 print run:                                      10,000
                                                                                                       Nielsen area I
 copies distributed:                              9, thereof abroad:                     
                                                                                                       Schleswig-Holstein                                              3.                
 copies sold:                                     1, thereof abroad:                       7       Hamburg                                                         2.                
 subscriptions:                                   1, thereof membership                   14       Lower Saxony                                                   10.                
                                                        copies:                                        Bremen                                                          1.0                 9
 other sales:                                                                                        Nielsen area III
 single copy sales:                                                                                   North Rhine Westphalia                                         2              2,
 free copies:                                                                                      Nielsen area IIIa
 archive and specimen copies:                       
                                                                                                       Saarland                                                         0.                
3 geographic distribution analysis:                                                                    Nielsen area IIIb
                                                               copies actually distributed             Baden-Württemberg                                              13.              1,2
 business regions                                                        %             copies          Nielsen area IV
                                                                                                       Bavaria                                                        18.              1,7
 domestic                                                             98.              9,
                                                                                                       Nielsen area V
 abroad                                                                 1.                  
 copies actually distributed                                         100.0              9,          Nielsen area VI
                                                                                                       Brandenburg                                                      1.              16
                                                                                                       Saxony-Anhalt                                                                  04
                                                                                                       Nielsen area VII
                                                                                                       Saxony                                                          1.                
                                                                                                       copies actually distributed                                   100.0              9,

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                                 editorial schedule             T

issue         dates              topics (as per September 201)                                                          trade fairs/events
1             publishing date: '.                 v PVUMPPL'.NBSLFUJO(FSNBOZ                                */%6453*"-#6*-%*/( &TTFO
              09.02.201                                  v ESJWJOH'.GPSDFTGPS                                   %0.05&9 )BOPWFS
201                                                      v USFOETGPSNVMUJTFSWJDFQSPWJEFST
January/                        TFSWJDFQSPWJEFST                                                                       &XPSMEFOFSHZXBUFS &TTFO
February      deadline:
                                FOFSHZ                   v FOFSHZNPOJUPSJOH                                            'FVFS5365; /VSFNCFSH
              18.01.201                                  v GJSFQSPUFDUJPOTFSWJDFTGPSTNPLFBOEGJSFBMBSNTZTUFNT   */TFSW'. 'SBOLGVSU.BJO
                                TPGUXBSF*5              v TUBUFPGDPOTUSVDUJPONBOBHFNFOU
                                                          v EJHJUBMJ[BUJPOPGTFSWJDFQSPDFTT
                                UFDIOPMPHZ               v NBJOUFOBODFDPODFQUTGPSQSPQFSUJFT

2             publishing date: '.                      v   OPSNTBOEHVJEFMJOFBDUJWJUJFT                              */5&3/03(" )BNCVSH
              08.03.201                                                                                                 .*1*. $BOOFT
              advertising                                                                                                            .BJO
                                MJHIU                   v   GSPN-&%UFDIOPMPHZUPCJPEZOBNJDT
              deadline:                                                                                                  )"//07&3.&44& )BOPWFS
                                TFSWJDFT                                                                                GN/VU[FSLPOHSFTT %VTTFMEPSG
                                FOFSHZ                  v FOFSHZTBWJOHQPUFOUJBMJOCVJMEJOHT
                                 TPGUXBSF*5            v WJSUVBMCVJMEJOHNPEFMTGPSQMBOOJOH

                                                  SPECIAL SECTION ON LIGHTING,
                                           BUILDING SERVICES AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY
3             publishing date: '.                      v   OPSNT                                                       $F#*5 )BOPWFS
              11.06.201        TFSWJDFQSPWJEFST           DMFBOJOHTFSWJDFT                                           *OUFSTPMBS .VOJDI
201                                                     v
.ay/June                        MJHIU                   v   MJHIUJOHDPODFQUT                                           1BSLFO ,BSMTSVIF
              advertising       TFDVSJUZTBGFUZ         v   GBJMTBGFGJSFBMBSNDPODFQUT                               4JDIFSIFJUT&YQP .àODIFO
              deadline:                                      GSPNQIPUPWPMUBJDTUPFMFDUSPNPCJMJUZ
                                FOFSHZ                  v
                                TPGUXBSF*5             v   EJHJUBMJ[BUJPOPGDPNQBOJFTBOEQVCMJDDPOUSBDUPST
                                                         v   FWFSZUIJOHUPEPXJUIUIFOFX$F#*5
                                WFIJDMFGMFFU           v   GPVOEBUJPOTPGFGGJDJFOUNBOBHFNFOU

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
4                     publishing date: '.                                                       v CVJMEJOH*OGPSNBUJPO.PEFMJOH #*.
                       04.08.201        PGGJDF                                                   v PGGJDFDPODFQUTGPSUIFGVUVSF
 201                                                                                              v FSHPOPNJDTBUUIFPGGJDF8IJDIGVSOJUVSFGPS
 July/August           advertising                                                                   XIJDIQVSQPTFT
                                              FOFSHZ                                             v FOFSHZDPODFQUTGPSFEVDBUJPOBMCVJMEJOHT
                                              TPGUXBSF*5                                         v QMBOOJOHBOEPQFSBUJPOPGIFBUJOHTVQQMZ
                       13.07.201                                                                    TZTUFNT
                                              UFDIOJDBMCVJMEJOH                                 v EJHJUBMPGGJDFQSPDFTTFT

                                                                             SPECIAL SECTION ON OFFICE
 Who is                publishing date:
 Who in                .09.201
                                                                                              Who is Who in FACILITY MANAGEMENT 201/201
 FACILITY                                                                             The annual trade directory, printed and online, for the FM and real estate
 MANAGEMENT            advertising                                                                                      branch
                       deadline:                                                                      – further information on page 18+19 –
 5                     publishing date:      '.                                                v    UFOEFSPG'.TFSWJDFT                             7*""/VU[GBIS[FVHF )BOPWFS
                       .09.201             TFSWJDFQSPWJEFST                                        QFSGPSNBODFTQFDJGJDBUJPOTGPSXJOUFSTFSWJDF     TFDVSJUZ &TTFO
 201                                         PGGJDF
                                                                                                  v    PGGJDFDPTUTSFQPSU                          &9103&"- .VOJDI
 September/            advertising            TFDVSJUZTBGFUZ
 October                                                                                          v    GJSFEPPSTJOCVJMEJOHQSPKFDUT                   
                                                                                                                                                         JUTB /VSOCFSH
                       deadline:                                                                  v    FMFDUSPOJDBDDFTTDPOUSPM                         03("5&$ $PMPHOF
                       .201             TPGUXBSF*5
                                                                                                  v    EPDVNFOUNBOBHFNFOUTZTUFN                        0DUPCFSNBJOUBJO .VOJDI

                                                                          SPECIAL SECTION ON SECURITY
 6                     publishing date:      '.                                                  v MJGFDZDMFPGQSPQFSUJFT                           7E4#SBOE4DIVU[5BHF 
                       211.201             UFDIOJDBMCVJMEJOH                                   VTJOHNFUFSJOHNPOJUPSJOHGPSHSFFOIPTQJUBMT               $PMPHOF
 201                                         JOGSBTUSVDUVSFDMFBOJOH
 November/                                                                                         v PQUJNBMNBOBHFNFOUJOIPTQJUBMT
                       advertising            FOFSHZ                                             v UFOEFSMBX&OFSHZNBOBHFNFOUBOE'.
 December              deadline:              TFDVSJUZTBGFUZ
                                                                                                   v PCKFDUEBUBNBOBHFNFOUBOELFZEJTUSJCVUJPO
                       0.11.201                                                                    VTJOHTZTUFN
                                              WFIJDMFGMFFU                                      v GMFFUNBOBHFNFOUCZBQQ

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality

Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                                           priceT, valid from 1 October 201
1 ad sizes and rates QSJDFTJOé                                                                           2 additional charges:
                                                                                                              special position: inside front cover and inside back cover                         € 48.00
                                                                                                                                back cover                                                       € 90.00
 format                        width x height mm                b/w                          colour                             other prescribed positions:                         20 % of basic b/w rate
 2/1 page                            378 x 246                9,.00                      12,.00
 1/1 page                            166 x 246                4,60.00                       6,.00        colour:           per special colour                                              € 1,.00
 3/4 page horizontal                 186 x 198                3,4.00                       5,.00
                                                                                                             format:           ads bleeding over the printing area, bleed ads:
          upright                    135 x 270                                                                                 2/1 page                                                        € 1,3.00
 2/3 page horizontal                 166 x 165                3,0.00                       4,6.00                          1/1 page                                                          € 60.00
 1/2 page horizontal                 166 x 123                2,3.00                       4,.00                          1/2 page and smaller                                              € 36.00
          upright                     81 x 246
 Juniorpage                          109 x 186                                                                                 "ll charges are discountable.
 1/3 page horizontal                 166 x 81                 1,5.00                       3,.00
          upright                     52 x 246                                                              3 discounts:       published within 12 months
                                                                                                                                 3 times           3%             3 pages             5%
 1/4 page horizontal                 166 x 40                 1,1.00                       2,9.00
                                                                                                                                 6 times           5%             6 pages            10 %
          2-col.                      81 x 109                                                                                  12 times          10 %           12 pages            15 %
          upright                     40 x 246                                                                                  18 times          15 %           18 pages            20 %
 1/8 page horizontal                 166 x 34                   60.00                       2,4.00                           24 times          20 %           24 pages            25 %
          2-col.                      81 x 64
          1-col.                     34 x 102                                                                                 property combination
                                                                                                                              20 % property combination discount with BundesBauBlatt
All prices are subject to statutory VAT. Please find the general terms and conditions at:
www.bauverlag. de/downloads/agbs_en.pdf                                                                                       crossmedia discount
                                                                                                                              Discounts for print and online advertising and crossmedia advertising
                                                                                                                              campaigns on request.

                                                                                                                               Bauverlag combination
                                                                                                                               Combination discount for combining the magazines of Bauverlag.
                                                                                                                               Please refer to “combination discounts” on page 4.


Media data 201 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                           priceT, valid from 1 October 201
4 classified ads:     (not discountable)                                             € 3.3                              glued ad media:                                            price ‰
                      situations vacant b/w                                          € 4.2                              postcard                                                   € 70.00
                      situations vacant colour                                       € 3.2                              product samples                                          on request
                      situations wanted                                              € 6.10
                      box number fee                                                                                     technical costs are not eligible for commission and are not
                      'SPNBQSJOUWBMVFPG éZPVSKPCQPTUJOHXJMMCFEJTQMBZFE                                 discountable.
                      POMJOFBUXXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EFGPSGSFF                                                    tequired delivery quantity:       10,300 copies
                                                                                                                         delivery address:                 Merkur Logistics GmbH
                                                                                                                                                           Römerstr. 49
5 special ad types:   bound Inserts                                                                                                                        33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
                      2 pages                                                  € 4,60.00                                                                  Germany
                      4 pages                                                  € 8,3.00                                delivery memo: For FACILITY MANAGEMENT issue …”
                      6 pages                                                  € 12,.00
                      8 pages                                                  € 16,.00                               For further information about special ad types please note
                      (others on request)                                                                                the pages „addtional benefit print“.

                      discounts as per scale of discount 1 sheet = 1/1 ad page                                           We should be happy to compile an individual offer for you
                      please supply bound inserts in untrimmed format of 216 mm wide                                     – ring us or send us an e-mail.
                      and 286 mm high (four pages and more: folded).
                      required delivery quantity: 10,300 copies                                    6 contact:            3JUB4SPXJH
                      delivery address: %SVDLFSFJVOE7FSMBH                                                             4BMFT.BOBHFS International
                                        1FUFS1PNQ(NC)                                                                  QIPOF 
                                        (BCFMTCFSHFSTUSB•F                                                             GBY 
                                        #PUUSPQ                                                                    FNBJMSJUBTSPXJH!CBVWFSMBHEF
                      delivery memo: For FACILITY MANAGEMENT issue …”                             7 terms of payment:   net invoice value within 30 days following the date of the invoice,
                                                                                                                         VAT ID No. DE 813382417
                      loose inserts: (not discountable)
                                                                                                                         Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh
                      maximum Size 205 x 290 mm
                                                                                                                         Deutsche Bank Berlin
                      weight of loose insert                                       price ‰
                                                                                                                         (Bank code 100 700 00 A/C No. 06 94 653
                      up to 25 g and 2 mm thickness                               € 31.00
                                                                                                                         IBAN code: DE 45 100 700 00 0069465300
                      (higher weights and thicknesses on request)
                                                                                                                         BIC code: DEUTDEBBXXX
                      required delivery quantity:    10,300 copies
                      delivery address:              Merkur Logistics GmbH
                                                     Römerstr. 49
                                                     33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
                      for selected circulation: selection costs per selection    € 110.00
                      delivery memo: For FACILITY MANAGEMENT issue …”

formats and technical advice
1 magazine format:              DIN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high;                                     5 colours:          Please make sure that the colour range always contains
                                untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high)                                                      Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Colours which do not
 printing area:                 166 mm wide x 246 mm high                                                                  require their own printing block must be marked as four-
                                4 columns, each 45 mm                                                                      colour separations. Colour mode: CMYK. With RGB, colour
                                                                                                                           differences result.
2 printing and binding methods: Offset printing, adhesive binding
                                                                                                       6 proof:            For all contract-proof ads, digital proofs (with Ugra/FOGRA
3 data transfer:                We accept the following data media: CD-ROM, DVD                                           media wedge V 2.0) are required. The colour profile is iso
                                Transfer by FTP:        on request                                                         coated v2 300%. If no proofs are provided, the publisher
                                By e-mail (up to 10 MB):                                     assumes absolutely no liability for colour shifts/variations in
                                                                                                                           the print image.
                                For larger volumes of data, please contact:
                                /BUJLB,BEJ, phone: +49 5241 80-                                   7 data archiving:   All data files sent to us must be copies; for back-up purpo-
                                                                                                                           ses, you should store originals until publication of the
4 data formats:                 Please send your ad data as PDF data files with embedded                                   respective issue. The documents and indexes must have a
                                fonts, CMYK colour space or spot colours and 300 dpi reso-                                 unique order and page designation.
                                lution. Alternatively you can send us an EPS file with fonts                               If possible, please avoid special symbols, blanks and umlauts
                                converted to paths and 300 dpi resolution or a TIFF file in                                in your data file names. Please ensure that you supply all
                                CMYK colour space with 600 dpi resolution.                                                 elements used. This applies particularly to photos/figures
                                Please note that for open files we may charge editing costs                                and fonts embedded in EPS graphics.
                                depending on the work required.                                                            Data are archived; repeats without changes are therefore
                                If possible, please use only PostScript fonts from the Adobe                               generally possible. However, we do not provide a data
                                or Linotype Library. If you use any other or modified fonts,                               guarantee.
                                please advise us accordingly. For reasons relating to licensing
                                laws, you may not supply fonts to us. If we do not have the            8 guarantee:        The printers working for us can only expose what is stored
                                font used, you must convert the text section concerned into                                on the data media delivered by you. We cannot accept
                                character codes with a graphic program and integrate it as a                               liability for any deviations in texts, illustrations and colours.
                                graphic into your document. In such cases, please consult us.
                                                                                                       9 contact:           /BUJLB,BEJ
                                                                                                                           phone: +49 5241 80-

formats and technical advice

printing size area

format           1/1 page    2/3 upright   2/3 horizontal 1/2 upright   1/2 junior page 1/2 horizontal 1/3 upright     1/3 horizontal 1/4 upright   1/4 horizontal 1/4 2-col.
width x height   166 x 246   109 x 246     166 x 165      81 x 246      109 x 186         166 x 123      52 x 246      166 x 81       40 x 246      166 x 40       81 x 109
in mm

bleed size (additionally 3 mm trim on FBDI page)

format           1/1 page    2/3 upright   2/3 horizontal 1/2 upright   1/2 Junior page   1/2 horizontal 1/3 upright   1/3 horizontal 1/4 upright   1/4 horizontal 1/4 2-col.
width x height   210 x 297   130 x 297     210 x 194      102 x 297     130 x 194         210 x 147      73 x 297      210 x 105      60 x 297      210 x 79       102 x 129
in mm

                                                                                                                                                                       reader analysis             3-L
19 industries/business sectors/company types
                                                                                                         21.2 function description: position in the company/organization
                                                               percentage of readers determined
                                                                                                                                                                       percentage of readers determined
 recipient group                                                         %            projection
                                                                                        (approx.)                                                                                %            projection
 industry, banks, insurance companies, hotels, housing and             32.1
 industrial construction companies                                                                    owner, co-owner, managing director                                   28.6                2,
 real estate companies, real estate operators, real estate                                                unit manager, department manager or group leader                     52.7                 
 management                                                                                               administrative officer, skilled worker, scientific officer           14.9                1,
 clinics, hospitals                                                    12.8                1,          independent consultant                                                0.1                    
 colleges, universities                                                 2.6                            other, no information specified                                       3.7                  3
 public authorities                                                     6.3                                                                                               100.0                 9,
 architectural and construction engineering office, planning                                              rounding difference                                                                          
 office for technical building services                                 6.9                            actually circulated copies                                                               9,
 consulting companies                                                   1.8                  
 service companies                                                     12.1                1,1         22.1 education/training: professional training
 other, no information specified                                        7.3                  6
                                                                                                                                                                       percentage of readers determined
                                                                      100.0                9,
 rounding difference                                                                          +                                                                                 %            projection
 actually circulated copies                                                                9,                                                                                                (approx.)
                                                                                                          university degree/study qualification                                59.4                5,
                                                                                                          technical college                                                    19.7                1,8
20 size of the business unit
                                                                                                          apprenticeship                                                       15.6                1,4
                                                               percentage of readers determined           others                                                                3.7                  3
                                                                         %            projection          no information specified                                              1.6                  1
 by employees                                                                           (approx.)                                                                            100.0                 9,
   1–9 employees                                                       15.8                1,          rounding difference                                                                         +
  10–49 employees                                                      28.8                2,          actually circulated copies                                                               9,
  50–99 employees                                                       9.9                  
 100–199 employees                                                      6.9                  657         23 age
 200–499 employees                                                     15.3                1,4
 500–999 employees                                                      6.9                                                                                         percentage of readers determined
 1.000 employees and more                                              15.8                1,                                                                                 %            projection
 not specified                                                          0.6                   5
                                                                                                          up to 29 years old                                                    5.4                  
                                                                      100.0                9,
 rounding difference                                                                          1          30–39 years old                                                      18.0                 
 actually circulated copies                                                                9,          40–49 years old                                                      29.8                 
                                                                                                          50–59 years old                                                      34.0                 
                                                                                                          60 years old and older                                               11.1                 
                                                                                                          no age specified                                                      1.7                  
                                                                                                                                                                             100.0                 9 
                                                                                                          rounding difference                                                                         +1
                                                                                                          actually circulated copies                                                               9 

reader analysis

24 community size classification: Not surveyed.
                                                                                                                                      percentage of readers determined
25 usage                                                                                   archiving                                           %              projection
                                                  percentage of readers determined                                                                             (approx.)
 potential page exposure                                    %            projection        entire copies are archived                        68.9                   172
                                                                          (approx.)        individual reports/articles are archived          24.9                     62
 (almost) no pages                                         3.1                    8        the issue is circulated/is photocopied            35.9                     90
 only a few pages                                          5.2                   13        the issue is thrown away                          14.0                     35
 around quarter of the pages                             19.1                    48        several responses (100% = 250)
 around half of the pages                                18.3                    46
 around three quarters of the pages                      13.4                    33
 (almost) all the pages                                  40.9                  102
                                                        100.0                  250
 potential page exposure                                 65.6                              28 expectations
                                                                                                                                      percentage of readers determined
                                                                                           Important topics
                                                                                                                                                %            projection
                                                  percentage of readers determined
 reading time                                                                              dacility services engineering                      84.6                 212
                                                           %             projection
                                                                          (approx.)        dnergy management                                  83.0                 207
 up to 15 minutes                                        27.2                    68        security                                           69.3                 173
 16–30 minutes                                           38.4                    96        drafting of contracts and legal issues             57.5                 144
 31–45 minutes                                            8.9                    22        real estate management                             57.5                 144
 46–60 minutes                                           15.1                    38        project development/management                     56.9                 142
                                                                                           lighting systems                                   49.7                 124
 1–1,5 hours                                              4.1                   10
                                                                                           IT and telecommunications                          47.0                 117
 1,5–2 hours                                              1.7                    4
                                                                                           cleaning                                           44.4                 111
 more than 2 hours                                        4.6                   12
                                                                                           software                                           41.8                 104
                                                        100.0                  250
 average in minutes                                      32.8                              housing sector                                     38.0                   95
                                                                                           office Management                                  37.4                   94
                                                                                           FM for local authorities                           34.8                   87
                                                                                           contracting                                        33.8                   85
                                                                                           industrial FM                                      30.3                   76
                                                                                           several responses (100% = 250)

additional benefit print

services            direct marketing
                                                         trade magazines
                                                         exhibition guides
                                                         special books

                            corporate publishing

additional benefit print


When you have a little more to say …                                               Büroorganisation im
                                                                                   Zeichen der Zeit
… the advertorial is your first choice. Present your company or your new product            Innovationen im Facility-Management bringen flexible Bürokonzepte und
                                                                                            Kostensenkung in Einklang
in detail – in the Look & Feel section of FACILITY MANAGEMENT and therefore
(at the first glance) as a feature of the editorial reporting.                     Bis zum Jahr 2020 – so die Prognose auf Basis einer im Auftrag von Citrix
                                                                                   Systems vorgenommenen Ipsos-Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2012 – werden
                                                                                                                                                                           and mental changes that will best define
                                                                                                                                                                           its New World of Work.“ Der moderne,
                                                                                   Unternehmen weltweit ihre Büroflächen um rund 14 Prozent reduzieren.                    zeitgemäße Arbeitsplatz muss damit
                                                                                   In der aktuellen Kommunikationsgesellschaft wird externe Arbeit immer                   zwingender auf die unterschiedlichen
                                                                                   zeitgemäßer. Durchschnittlich liegt die Auslastung von Büroraumen bei                   Arbeitsweisen und -modelle der
It’s this simple:                                                                  40- bis 60-Prozent. Mit kosten die sich im Mittel auf etwa 10.000 Euro
                                                                                   pro Jahr und Arbeitsplatz belaufen, bietet die Arbeitsplatzkonzeption ein
                                                                                                                                                                           Menschen eingehen und gleichzeitig
                                                                                                                                                                           kollegiale Interaktion und team-
                                                                                   immenses Einsparpotential im Space Management. Ein simples Rechen-                      orientierte Fachkompetenzen fördern –
                                                                                   beispiel: Bei 20.000 m² Bürofläche ergibt eine 10-prozentige Reduktion                  die Erfolgsformel der heutigen
1. you book the advertorial of your choice                                         eine Ersparnis von 450.000 EUR jährlich.                                                Wissensarbeit.
                                                                                                                                                                           Die größte Anforderung an die
2. you supply your texts and images until one week before advertising deadline     Schon heute werden für immer mehr
                                                                                   Menschen die Grenzen zwischen Beruf
                                                                                                                               anderem die Planung der Telekom
                                                                                                                               veranschaulicht: bis 2016 sollen 2,5 Mil-
                                                                                                                                                                           Innenarchitektur wird mit dem
                                                                                                                                                                           Faktor „Flexibilität“ benannt.
                                                                                   und Freizeit zunehmend durchlässiger.       lionen neue Hotspots in Deutschland         Hersteller entwickeln daher
3. we set your content in the layout of FACILITY MANAGEMENT                        In 2020 – so die Prognose der Citrix/       realisiert werden.                          multi-funktionelle, platzsparende
                                                                                   Ipsos Studie – wird nur noch etwa die       Folgerichtig bedeutet das für Firmen        Systeme. So präsentiert die Firma
4. you give the final approval to your advertorial                                 Hälfte der Arbeitnehmer orts- und
                                                                                   raumgebunden im Firmengebäude
                                                                                                                               auch ein grundsätzliches Umdenken in
                                                                                                                               der herkömmlichen Bürostruktur.
                                                                                                                                                                           Bruynzeel Storage Systems ein neues
                                                                                                                                                                           Konzept wobei Sachen wie Akten,
                                                                                   sitzen. Der herkömmliche Büroarbeits-       Wichtig: Die Idee und die Vorteile von      Bücher, Zeitschriften und Bürobedarf
                                                                                   platz bekommt damit durch das Home-         innovativen Raumkonzepten – und             an einer Stelle im Büro aufbewahrt
                                                                                   Office oder das Arbeiten an z.B.            damit einer neuen, attraktiven und          werden, zusammen mit Jacken und
And the best thing about it:                                                       öffentlichen Orten Konkurrenz. Der
                                                                                   ‚interne‘ Büroplatz der Zukunft wandelt
                                                                                                                               inspirierenden Arbeitsumgebung –
                                                                                                                               sollte Teams und neuen Mitarbeitern
                                                                                                                                                                           anderen persönliche Dingen. Mit
                                                                                                                                                                           integrierten Optionen wie einer Kaffee-
The design s already included when you book your advertorial!                      sich damit zum multifunktionellen
                                                                                   Arbeitsplatz nach dem „Clean Desk
                                                                                                                               verständlich vermittelt werden.
                                                                                                                               „Grundsätzlich streben Menschen nach
                                                                                                                                                                           machine oder einem Flachbildschirm
                                                                                                                                                                           wird das System zum informellen Treff-
                                                                                   Prinzip“. Dabei werden moderne Infor-       einer gewissen Stabilität und Sicherheit    punkt oder Brainstorm-Punkt im Büro.
                                                                                   mationstechnologien zukünftig die           und wehren sich erst einmal gegen           Dieses neue Raumkonzept von
price:        advertorial 1/1 page          6,.00 €                             Arbeitswelt noch weitaus intensiver
                                                                                   prägen, als das heute der Fall ist. Immer
                                                                                                                               Neues“, so Ralf Köhle vom Vertrieb
                                                                                                                               Office & Library bei Bruynzeel Storage
                                                                                                                                                                           Bruynzeel wurde dafür bereits auf der
                                                                                                                                                                           ORGATEC, der internationalen Leit-
              advertorial 1/2 page          4,.00 €                             neue Möglichkeiten der Kommunikati-
                                                                                   on, Kooperation und der Informations-
                                                                                                                               Systems. „Eine klare und offene Kom-
                                                                                                                               munikation hilft, dass Bedenken zügig
                                                                                                                                                                           messe für Office und Objekt, mit dem
                                                                                                                                                                           Innovationspreis „Global Award for the
                                                                                   nutzung werden kreiert, wie unter           abgebaut und die neuen Vorteile im          very best in Interior and Architecture“
                                                                                                                                                     Arbeitsalltag für     prämiert.
                                                                                                                                                     jeden Mitarbeiter     Bruynzeels Ziel ist mehr Nutz- und

3JUB4SPXJH                                                                                                                                          offensichtlich
                                                                                                                                                     werden.“ Klaus
                                                                                                                                                                           Arbeitsfläche durch eine flexibel ge-
                                                                                                                                                                           staltbare Arbeitsumgebung zu kreieren
                                                                                                                                                     Hole Andersen –       und damit zugleich signifikante
4BMFT.BOBHFS International                                                                                                                          Vice President
                                                                                                                                                     von Microsoft
                                                                                                                                                                           Kosteneinsparungen zu realisieren. Mit
                                                                                                                                                                           diesem flexiblen System kann bis zu

QIPOF                                                                                                                               Western Europe –
                                                                                                                                                     bringt es auf den
                                                                                                                                                                           50 % zusätzliche Nutzfläche hergestellt
                                                                                                                                                                           werden. Gleichzeitig entsteht ein Büro
                                                                                                                                                     Punkt: „There is      das sowohl für vorhandene Angestellte
GBY                                                                                                                                 not a one-size-
                                                                                                                                                     fits-all solution.
                                                                                                                                                                           als auch für zukünftige Talente attraktiv
                                                                                                                                                                           und inspirierend ist.

FNBJMSJUBTSPXJH!CBVWFSMBHEF                                                                                                                     Each organization
                                                                                                                                                     must embark its        Lesen Sie mehr:
                                                                                                                                                     own journey to-
                                                                                                                                                     wards the physical

                                                                                                                                                           3/2013                     7

additional benefit print
                                                                                                 job market

Successful recruiting...
...with a vacancy posting in '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5!

Your benefits:
tprint circulation of 10,000 copies
ttarget group: owners, managers, building managers of large enterprises,
  banks, insurance companies, real estate operators and property admini-
  stration companies as well as local communities.
ttargeted communication with your audience - much less scattering loss
  than in daily newspapers
toption to combine all of Bauverlag‘s magazines, newsletters and websites,
  which offers a considerable price advantage

Information about recruitment postings can be found in the price list on
page 10.

I can happily make you an offer for a personalised job vacancy posting -
contact me!

Nicole Euler
phone: +49 5241 80-75019

additional benefit print
                                                                                              Who is Who iO FACILITY MANAGEMENT

offers you a fast and directly access to the products and services of the technical, infrastructural and commercial facility management.

You can present your company, your products and services the desicion makers of the real estate industry

8IPJT8IPJO'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5      '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5/FXTMFUUFS                    XXXGNXIPJTXIPEF

publishing date: 19.09.201
advertising deadline: 2.07.201

additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                      Who is Who iO FACILITY MANAGEMENT

                                                  1/1 page colour                     company portrait                                base board                               1/2 page colour
                                                    2,550.00 €                           2,550.00 €                                   1,040.00 €                                 1,030.00 €
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Produkte und Dienstleistungen

                                                                                                                                                                                      RGM Holding GmbH                   roda Licht- und Lufttechnik GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                                      44137 Dortmund                     89129 Langenau
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tel.: +49 231 987087-0             Tel.: +49 7345/9685-0
                                                                                                                                                                                      E-Mail:                E-Mail:

                                                                                                                                                                                      roda Licht- und Lufttechnik GmbH   Sauter FM GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                                      30916 Isernhagen-Kirchhorst        86153 Augsburg
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tel.: +49 5136/97737-0             Tel.: +49 821 90673-0
                                                                                                                                                                                      E-Mail:               E-Mail:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Damit RWA-Anlagen im Brandfall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          einwandfrei funktionieren, müssen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          sie regelmäßig gewartet werden.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wir sind Ihr kompetenter Partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          für die Wartung und Sanierung von:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‡ 5:$*HUlWHQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‡ ,QGXVWULHOOHU/IWXQJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‡ 7DJHVOLFKWWHFKQLN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‡ )DVVDGHQV\VWHPHQ



printing area wide x high                           100 mm x 190 mm                    company details + logo                        220 mm x 45 mm                               100 mm x 90 mm
bleed wide x high                                   126 mm x 216 mm*             about 2,000 characters, 1-2 pictures                240 mm x 58 mm*                             126 mm x 108 mm*
(* additionally 3 mm bleed on the cut sizes)

How to present
                                                                   basic entry      basic package     classic package premium package       The following advertising forms can
 trade name + addressJODMFNBJM XFCTJUF QIPOF GBY                ✓                  ✓                  ✓               ✓              also be added:
 product group                                                          1                 5                  10             15
 company´s logo                                                                           ✓                  ✓               ✓               company‘s logo                                                                      11.00 €
 advertisement 1/1 page DPMPVS                                                                               ✓               ✓               product group                                                                       10.00 €
linking e-mail address + internet (online)                                                                                  ✓                establishment                                                                        7.00 €
 company´s logo on homepage (online)                                                                                        ✓                theses prices are valid for 12 months.
 presentation in FACILITY MANAGEMENT newsletter (online)                                                                 one-time
 product information (online)                                                                                               ✓
 these prices are valid for 12 months.                              7.00 €            5.00 €         1,9.00 €      2,80.00 €

For further information:
"SJBOF&XFST#VTDIF                            /BSJO:FMNBO
4BMFT.BOBHFS                                  4BMFT.BOBHFS
QIPOF                        QIPOF 

+                    Magazin                                                                                            BEEJUJPOBMCFOFmUQSJOU
                                       BundesBauBlatt                                                                                                               property combination

property combination: the strong
advertising duo
■ 10,000 '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5recipients +
  12,000 BundesBauBlatt recipients=
  22,000 recipients in the property sector
■ with BundesBauBlatt decision-makers for privately used industrially used property
 + '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5decisionmakers for residential property
■ quality of the readers and of the media performance of both titles guaranteed by
  TNS Infratest

Your combination advantage:
   You book:         advertisements in the same format in '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5 and

   You receive:      20% property combination discount

property combination =
coverage, decision-makers and quality for the best price                                                                                                 BundesBauBlatt

                                                                                                                                                         target group:   decision-makers for
                                                                                                                                                                         privately used residential

                                                                                                                                                         edition:        12,000 copies

                                                                                                                                                         Price:          1/1 page col. 5,4.00 €
                                                                                                                                                                         1/2 page col. 3,4.00 €


Note: Applies for advertisements from 1/8 page onward; in the quantity and series discount rate the Property Combination counts as one page/placement.

additional benefit print
                                                                                                                    specialist advertising formats

Looking to draw a particular kind of attention?!
We can implement a variety of attractive special advertising formats with FACILITY MANAGEMENT to suit your communication needs!

For example...

...sleeve                          ...altar fold                      ...attached samples

                                                                      ...cover page fold-out                  ...or as a personalised AdSpecial!

We can also offer you other attractive specialist advertising formats in FACILITY MANAGEMENT. Request a personalised offer now:

4BMFT.BOBHFS International

room for EJHJUBM

services            direct marketing

                                                       product databases


                            corporate publishing

                                                                                              portrait   1
1 webTJUF:         XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF

2 short profile:   More and more facility managers and decision-makers in technical,
                   commercial and infrastructural building services management are
                   using the Internet in their day-to-day work.
                   XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF complements the printed
                   edition and also provides readers with an additional interactive
                   component with extensive user benefits. 
                   As in the printed issue, the online pages ofFACILITY
                   MANAGEMENT focus on current topics. These are presen ted in
                   competent, focussed and application-oriented reports.Together
                   with '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5,
                   XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EFprovides a target-group-friendly
                   platform with crossmedia synergies for your advertising campaigns.

3 target group:    managers responsible for property and estates that are used
                   commercially, publicly or industrially.

4 publisher:       Bauverlag BV GmbH

                   contact editorial department:
                   Kerstin Galenza
                   phone: +49 5241 80-75013

                   contact online advertising:
                   Axel Gase-Jochens
                   Head of Digital Sales
                   phone: +49 5241 80-75018

                                                                                               website traffic   N
1 traffic audit:     –
2 website traffic:   unique user:           7,
                     visits:                8,
                     page impressions:     
                     (source: Google Analytics; average per month July 201 - June 201

priceTBOEforms of advertising
1 priceT and forms of advertising:
 forms of advertising                placement                                                     format JOpixel width x height)          max data size              prices per month €
 fullsize banner                     complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        468 x 60                         100 kB                           46.00
 superbanner                         complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        728 x 90                         100 kB                           58.00
 skyscraper                          complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        120 x 600                        100 kB                           .00
 skyscraper sticky                   complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        120 x 600                                                         7.00
 wide skyscraper                     complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        160 x 600                         100 kB                          81.00
 wide skyscraper sticky              complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        160 x 600                                                         90.00
 half page                           complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        300 x 600                         100 kB                          90.00
 half page sticky                    complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                        300 x 600                                                       1,05.00
 medium rectangle                    complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                      300 x 250                           100 kB                          93.00
 wallpaper                           complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others                728 x 90 + 120 x 600                      100 kB                        1,05.00
 expandable wallpaper                complete website, in rotation with max. 2 others          728 x 90 + 120 x 600 (300 x 600)                100 kB                        1,10.00
 layer ad                            website                                                               individual                          100 kB                        1,35.00
                                                                                                   (with frequency capping)
 vacancy                             individual                                                            individual                          100 kB                          .00
"ll prices are subject to statutory VAT
Please find the general terms and conditions at:
2 disocunts:                           QVCMJTIFEXJUIJONPOUIT
                                       3 months     5%
                                       6 months 10 %
                                       12 months 15 %

3 special advertising formats:         additional options
                                       wallpaper: coloured, clickable background          30 % additional charge

For further information about special ad types please note the pages „addtional benefit digital“. We should be happy to compile an individual offer for you – ring us or send us an e-mail.

Axel Gase-Jochens
Head of Digital Sales
phone: +49 5241 80-75018

formats and technical advice
1 file formats:    JPG, GIF, Flash, HTML-Tag, Redirect -Tag                                        3 delivery deadline: 4 working days prior to beginning of the campaign.
                   Weight: max. 100 kB per banner                                                                       5IFTFMFBEUJNFTgive both of us sufficient time to test the formats and
                                                                                                                        to ensure reliable delivery of the campaign. Otherwise, we can bear no
                   Additional information for Flash Banner:                                                             costs for delays caused by late delivery to us.
                   v Please send a swf-file for Adobe Flash Player 9.
                   v Please provide us a alternative GIF- or JPG- file as a fallback-image,                            Please send your materials together with the required meta information:
                     which will be delivered to the users which have not installed a Flash                             v฀customer name
                     Plug-in.                                                                                          v฀booking period
                   v Please do not use more then 24 frames per sec. , we recommend to use                              v฀booked site
                     a frame rate of 12 frames per sec..                                                               v฀advertising format
                   v The swf-file should support the clickTAG variable: On any click, Flash                            v฀contact person for inquiries
                     ads should redirect to the URL specified in the clickTAG argument;                                v฀motif name
                     there should be no other redirection in between. The variable name                                v฀target URL
                     must be spelled. „clickTAG“ (upper-case TAG; no space between click
                     and TAG) and not „click tag,“ „Click Tag,“ or any other form.                 4 contact person:   /BUJLB,BEJ
                                                                                                                       phone: +49 5241 80-
                   For detailed information please see our spec sheet:                                                 e-mail:

                   On request you will get a reporting about ad-impressions and ad-clicks.

2 delivery address: Please send the ad media for your campaign to

                                                                                                                  formats and technical advice   F

forms of advertising

format              fullsize banner                     superbanner            skyscraper             wide skyscraper            half page
width x height      468 x 60                            728 x 90               120 x 600              160 x 600                  300 x 600
in pixel

format              medium rectangle                    wallpaper              expandable wallpaper   layer ad
width x height
                    300 x 250                           728 x 90 + 120 x 600   728 x 90 + 120 x 600   on request
in pixel
                                                                               (300 x 600)
Please see our notes on data formats and programming.

                                                                                                     portrait   1
1 name:                 '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5OFXTMFUUFS

2 short profile:        The FACILITY MANAGEMENT Newsletter sends readers news from
                        the sector by e-mail. Issued once a month, it keeps facility
                        managers up to speed with the latest news items and articles from
                        the print version of the magazine.
3 target group:         managers responsible for property and estates that are used
                        commercially, publicly or industrially

4 publication frequency: monthly

5 publisher:            Bauverlag BV GmbH
                        contact editorial department:
                        Kerstin Galenza
                        phone: +49 5241 80-75013
                        contact newsletter advertising:
                        Axel Gase-Jochens
                        Head of Digital Sales
                        phone: +49 5241 80-75018

                                                                                distribution   N
1 recipients:    The '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5OFXTMFUUFSreaches managers in
                 facility management.

2 circulation:   2,1 recipients
                 (dated /PWFNCFS 201)
                 (dated /PWFNCFS 201)

                                                                                                                             time schedule          T
 newsletter   publication date   booking deadline   trade fairs/events                                            special section

                                                    */%6453*"-#6*-%*/( &XPSMEFOFSHZXBUFS
                                                    FMFLUSPUFDIOJL     */5&3/03("
 2/201                         'FVFS5365;

                                                    -JHIU #VJMEJOH
                                                                                                                  lighting, building services and
 3/201                         )"//07&3.&44&
                                                    GN/VU[FSLPOHSFTT                                  energy technology

 4/201                         GN/VU[FSLPOHSFTT


                                                    *OUFSTPMBS          4JDIFSIFJUT&YQP
 6/201                         1BSLFO


 8/201                                                                                       office

 9/201                         TFDVSJUZ

10/201                         03("5&$



                                                                                                                                       priceTBOEforms of advertising               P
1 prices and forms of advertising:
 forms of advertising                    placement                                      format (pixel, width x height)             max data size        prices per newsletter JO€
 fullsize banner                         content                                                   468 x 60                           50 kB                     45.00
 skyscraper                              next to the content                                      120 x 600                           50 kB                     55.00
 wide skyscraper                         next to the content                                      160 x 600                           50 kB                     .00
                                                                                         headline up to 50 characters
                                                                                         + text up to 500 characters
text adQSFNJVN                           UFYUBEJOUIFOFXTMFUUFS                                                                 50 kB                    .00
                                                                                          + 1 image (275x255 pixel)
                                                                                                    + link
                                                                                         headline up to 50 characters
                                                                                         + text up to 500 characters
 text ad                                 content                                                                                      50 kB                     .00
                                                                                          + 1 image (275x255 pixel)
                                                                                                    + link
                                                                                         headline up to 50 characters
                                                                                         + text up to 500 characters
 text ad PLUS                            content                                          + 1 image (275x255 pixel)                   50 kB                     95.00
                                                                                                    + link
                                                                                               + response form
                                                                                         headline up to 50 characters
                                                                                         + text up to 500 characters
 vacancy                                 content                                                                                      50 kB                     55.00
                                                                                          + 1 image (275x255 pixel)
                                                                                                    + link
"ll prices are subject to statutory VATPlease find the general terms and conditions at:

2 discounts: published within 12 months
                 3 months         5%
                 6 months        10 %
                12 months        15 %

                                                                                                                                             formats and technical advice                           F
1 file formats:    JPG or static GIF, max. 50 KB (without animation)                                                      Please send your materials together with the required meta information:
                   The KB data given for every advertising material are maximum sizes and                                 v customer name
                   represent the total sum of all data defined by the advertising materials                               v booking period
                   (including files to be loaded later, sniffer code, images, flash, etc.).                               v booked site
                                                                                                                          v advertising format
2 formats:         HTML or text                                                                                           v contact person for inquiries
                                                                                                                          v motif name
3 delivery address: Please send the ad media for your campaign to                                                         v target URL
                                                                                                                          Reporting: On request you will get a reporting about the opening rate and
4 delivery date:   4 working days prior to beginning of the campaign.                                                     ad-clicks.
                   These lead times give both of us sufficient time to test the formats and to
                   ensure reliable delivery of the campaign. Otherwise, we can bear no costs
                   for delays caused by late delivery to us.                                          5 contact person:   /BUJLB,BEJ
                                                                                                                          phone: +49 5241 80-

                                                                             formats and technical advice              1

                 fullsize banner   skyscraper   wide skyscraper   text ad                   text ad PLUS
width x height
in pixel         468 x 60          120 x 600    160 x 600         headline                  headline up to 50 characters
                                                                  + up to 500 characters    + up to 500 characters
                                                                  + 1 image                 + 1 imagee
                                                                  + link                    + 1 image
                                                                                            + response form

additional benefit digital

services            direct marketing

                                                         product databases


                            corporate publishing

additional benefit digital

A microsite is a compact website with its own navigation within the
website XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF.

You have got the possibility to present your advertising message
• detailed,
• clearly and
• in pleasent design

At once you profit by the direct contact to your target group owners, managers,
building managers of large enterprises, banks, insurance companies, real estate
operators and property administration companies as well as local communities.

Use the microsite
• as main advertising medium of your online campaign
• as part of your crossmedia package
• as Special on a specific topic (for this we are your exclusive partner)
• for a product launch

Every microsite will be promoted according to prior agreement with you via
• online-teaser/banner on XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF
• '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5OFXTMFUUFS
• advertisement in the print issue '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5

You will deliver headlines, text, images, charts, videos, contact details etc. Please
request our microsite specifications.

We recommend a runtime of at least 3 months for a microsite.

Price for a microsite with up to 5 navigation points, runtime 3 months: 6,45.00 €

additional benefit digital



Would you like your microsite to ‘come alive’ and tell a story (digital storytelling

Then, make use of’s know-how, Bauverlag‘s Intelligent Media Solutions Agency.
We would be happy to advise you and make you an individual offer.

                                                        Tobias Fedeler
                                                        Head of DICE@bauverlag
                                                        phone: +49 5241 80-89165

additional benefit digital

Flesh out trade articles and product announcements about your company or products that are to be published
in print or digitally with additional online content.

We offer the following extra information:
tadditional images and diagrams
tvideos (e.g. product videos, montages, corporate image films)
tPDF downloads (brochures, product information documents, flyers, etc.)
tlinks to further information at your website

In print articles, we refer to additional content at the end of the post, in an eye-catching box.

The added value draws attention: The onlinePLUS posts are some of the most-clicked posts during
the months that they are published.

price: € 95.00
Requirement: editorial article or booked advertorial

additional benefit digital

The online-advertorial* as a form of native advertising offers you the
opportunity to communicate your specialist information to your target
audience with an editorial look and feel.

Every online-advertorial is composed of at least two elements:

  v฀ the actual ad (catchline, text, image(s), even videos and PDFs as well
     as a link to a landing page of your choice)

  v฀ an ad teaser (catchline, text and image)

Price (display time 4 weeks): € 1,10.00

It is also possible to place additional teasers in the newsletter or in combi-
nation with banner formats. We would be happy to calculate a personalised
offer for you.

* Each online-advertorial is indicated to be an advertisement

additional benefit digital




additional benefit digital
                                                                                                   newsletter takeover

newsletter takeover
Would you like to communicate more to our newsletter recipients than will fit in a text

Then simply “take over” the newsletter as an exclusive partner and occupy all of the ad
space in the newsletter.

Use up to 4 text ads for valuable information in bite-sized chunks and benefit from
branding spaces, including up to 3 fullsize banners and a skyscraper.

Package price for one edition: € 4,.00

Booking subject to availability, not available immediately before industry trade shows.

additional benefit digital
                                                                                                                        specialist advertising formats

Looking to draw a particular kind of attention!?
We can implement a variety of attractive special advertising formats at www.'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/ or in the FACILITY MANAGEMENT newsletterto
suit your communication needs!

For example…

     ...wallpaper with coloured, clickable background,    ...sleeve ad

We can also make other attractive specialist advertising formats possible for you. Request a personalised offer now:

Axel Gase-Jochens
Head of Digital Sales
phone: +49 5241 80-75018
fax: +49 5241 80-6066

additional benefit digital
                                                                                                job advertisements online and in the newsletters

Successful recruiting…
… with a vacancy posting on XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF or in the '"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5OFXTMFUUFST!

our benefits:
tup-to-date communication via the website XXX'"$*-*5:."/"(&.&/5EF or via the
ttargeted communication with your audience managers responsible for property and estates that are used
  commercially, publicly or industrially
ttargeted communication with your audience - much less scattering loss than in daily newspapers
toption to combine all of Bauverlag’s magazines, newsletters and websites, which offers a considerable price
Information about recruitment postings on the website and in the newsletters can be found in the respective
price lists.

I can happily make you an offer for a personalised job vacancy posting - contact me!

Nicole Euler
phone: +49 5241 80-75019

Intelligent Media Solutions Agency
                     IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY!«
As an agency of Bauverlag we see ourselves as a partner for        What makes us unique?
know-how and communication for Content Marketing and                  expertise in the sector: our-construction know-how
Events in the construction sector. We are in touch with the           we know the target groups
dynamic developments within the sector and actively make              the Bauverlag comprehensive network
use of them – working with you.

Communication experts, event managers, media designers
and IT specialists all make up the DICE@bauverlag team.
Together with our customers, we produce creative and intel-
ligent communication and marketing solutions – from classic
corporate publishing and event management to integrated
planning of campaigns.

our components
Intelligent Media Solutions Agency

                                       strategy und conception
                                          project management
                digital storytelling
                                           performance review
                          websites                                                                           events
                        microsites                                                                           specialist events
               360° photography                                                                              fairs, conferences and
             video/moving image                                                                              congresses

                          webinar                                                                            roadshows
                                                                                                             speed datings
                                                                                                             delegation trips
                                                                                                             clients trips

                     media design
                  editorial design                                                                 content
                       web design                                                                  corporate publishing
    participation to design awards                                                                 content marketing
                                                                 intelligent media solutions       technical paper
                                                                 intelligent campaign conception   case studies
                                                                 event promotion                   interviews
                                                                 ad specials
                                                                 video/moving image

                          FOR YOUR COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS!«

Tell us about your ideas and concerns. Because knowing and            All components are matched to each other in terms of time,
understanding exactly what your requirements are, we can              content and design. That’s how a perfect piece of architec-
offer you effective consulting. That way, we can support              ture is created: your intelligent media solution!
you on projects as a partner on equal terms, and comple-
te them successfully. Consulting with us includes not just a
clear briefing at the start, but also controlling and feedback
after completion of the campaign. Because for us commu-
nication has been successful only when you have achieved              CONTACT
your goals.                                                           Tobias Fedeler
                                                                      Head of DICE@bauverlag
We make it possible to combine good content offering value            phone: +49 5241 80-89165
to the user with the right design in print and digital form.          e-mail:
Your message will be experienced live at events.            

Ttrong Crands – Zour Uarget Hroups
    *average per month analysis of Bauverlag B7 GmbH
                                                                         DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift

                                                                         contacts print Bnd digital:  *                      Donstruction

                                                                                                                                   contacts print Bnd digital:  *

                  Cuilding Naterials

                     AT International
   recovery – Recycling Worldwide
                    BFT International                                                                                              Draft
     ZJ Ziegelindustrie International                                                                                             bauhandwerk
             ZKG Zement Kalk Gips                                                                                                  dach+holzbau

contacts print Bnd digital: 62 864*                                                                                                metallbau
                                                                                                                                   SHK Profi
                                                                                                                                   KKA Kälte Klima Aktuell

                                                                                                                                   contacts print Tnd digital:  *

                                                           Seal Fstate
                                        FACILITY MANAGEMENT                                                   Uechnical Cuilding Tervices
                                                       BundesBauBlatt                                           tab Das Fachmedium der TGA-Branche

                             contacts print Bnd digital:  *                                                contacts print Bnd digital:  *

combination discounts

By booking several of theses magazines take advantage of a        conditions:
combined discount with the Bauverlag Combination:                 Minimum four adverts in two or more magazines.
                                                                  Minimum size 1/4 page; order acceptance within 12 months
                                                                  staggered repeat discount
AT MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide                                   from 4 adverts ....................................................................... 3 % discount
bauhandwerk                                                       from 6 adverts ....................................................................... 5 % discount
Bauwelt                                                           from 12 adverts ..................................................................... 10 % discount
BFT INTERNATIONAL                                                 from 18 adverts ..................................................................... 15 % discount
                                                                  from 24 adverts ..................................................................... 20 % discount
BRANDSCHUTZ                                                       from 48 adverts ..................................................................... 25 % discount
COMPUTER SPEZIAL                                                  quantity scale
dach+holzbau                                                      from 4 pages ......................................................................... 5 % discount
DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift                                       from 6 pages ....................................................................... 10 % discount
                                                                  from 12 pages ....................................................................... 15 % discount
                                                                  from 18 pages ....................................................................... 20 % discount
KKA Kälte Klima Aktuell                                           from 24 pages ....................................................................... 25 % discount
recovery - Recycling Technology Worldwide
SHK Profi
tab Das Fachmedium der TGA-Branche
5HIS Tiefbau Hochbau Ingenieurbau Straßenbau
Zi Brick and Tile Industry International                                Please note: The discount scales listed here replace the
                                                                          scales in the respective rate cards of the magazines.


4BMFT.BOBHFS International             )FBEPG4BMFT
3JUB4SPXJH                             "YFM(BTF+PDIFOT
#BVWFSMBH#7(NC)                      #BVWFSMBH#7(NC)
(àUFSTMPI                         (àUFSTMPI
(FSNBOZ                                (FSNBOZ
QIPOF                 QIPOF 
GBY                   GBY 

France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Marc Jouanny                            TelesBMFT
International Media Press & Marketing
16, rue Saint Ambroise
                                        job market
75011 Paris
                                        Nicole Euler
phone: +33 1 43553397
fax: +33 1 43556183
mobil: +33 608 975057
                                        phone 75019
                                        fBY 6926
Ediconsult Internazionale S.r.l.
Signora Paola Pedevilla
Piazza Fontane Marose, 3
16123 Genova
phone: +39 010 583684
fax: +39 010 566578

USA, Canada
D.A. Fox Advertising Sales
5 Penn Plaza, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10001
phone: +1 212 896-3881

                   We will support your mediaplannings – just give us a call or send us an e-mail!
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