MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

Page created by Dwight Sharp
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche


His Niche
Dr. Asirot shares about his
passions, hobbies, and finding
a sense of belonging.
                                            For the latest updates
                                           on events and resources,
                                                 please visit
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

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Andrew J. Kokkino, M.D. | Daniel Hutton, D.O. | Neil E. Roundy, M.D. | Peter Kosek, M.D. | Valerie Coon, M.D.
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

L ANE COUNT Y MEDIC AL SOCIET Y                                 |    SEPTEM B ER 2020
                                              LCMS MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS

                                      LIFE                             WELLNESS                         PROFILE
Amy Trezona discusses the
different courses she offers        COACHING                           PROGRAM
                                                                                                  Dr. Asirot shares how he
including a mindfulness-                                                                          became interested in the
                                 Shannon O’Leary talks              Jodi DePaoli talks about
based stress reduction                                                                            aging process and how
                                 about building leadership          the counseling resources
course.                                                                                           his involvement in the
                                 skills and discovering one’s       available to physician
                                 strengths and weaknesses.          members.                      community has allowed
                                                                                                  him to meet new people.

                               LCMS MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS

      19 20 22
 MENTORSHIP                          PRACTICE                            MEMBER
  PROGRAM                            MANAGER                              INPUT                   Dr. Geisler discusses the
                                                                                                  use of buprenorphine for
Dr. Gutierrez introduces                                            Dr. Aikawa and Dr. Ambati     opioid use disorder.
the mentorship program           Connie McVein and                  answer some Q&As
and how it can be used to        Dennis Chaltraw kick off           about LCMS events, the
create connections in the        the first meeting since            magazine, and more.
area.                            restarting the group.

                                                                                           MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 3
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

                                                                                                 Lane County Medical Society
                                                                                                    Executive Committee
  GINGER M. OTTESEN                                                                                    Mark Mueller, MD
  FOUNDER & INVESTMENT ADVISER                                                                          President-elect
  REPRESENTATIVE                                                                                       Alice Horrell, DO
  576 Olive Street, Suite 202                                                                            Past President
  Eugene, OR 97401                                                                                      Sara Batya, MD
  (541) 342-SAGE                                                                                       Secretary-Treasurer
  (844) 542-7243                                                                                      Kevin Modeste, MD                                                                     Executive Director
                                                                                                       Shondra Holliday
                                                                                                        Kianna Cabuco

                                                                                                    Advertising Inquiries

   Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through AE Wealth    Lane County Medical Society
   Management, LLC (AEWM). AEWM and Sage Wealth Strategies are not affiliated companies.
                                                                                                        PO BOX 7192
                                                                                                     Springfield, OR 97475

                                                                                                    Phone: 541-686-0995
                                                                                                      Fax: 541-687-1554
                                                2020 MEMBERSHIP
      1/2 Yea

       1/2 Off
                                                                                                  Follow Us on Social Media
                                                                                                Facebook: Lane County Medical
                                                                                                   Twitter: lanecmedsociety

                                                                                                 LCMS Provider
       2020                                                                                     Wellness Program
   Directories!                                                                                 Confidential Counseling
   Order yours                                                                                  Call Cascade Health or access
                                                                                                the 24-hour support line
      today!                                                                                    at 541-345-2800
                                                                                                Stress Reduction Workshops
                                                                                                Amy Trezona, RN
  Email us at info@                                                                             541-912-0216                              LANE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY
                                                       PO BOX 7192                              Executive/Life Coaching
                                                  SPRINGFIELD, OR 97475                         Shannon O’Leary

MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

 Something for Everyone
 Importance of a Strong, Flexible Membership                                                      Provider Wellness
      Something for everyone – that’s our approach for best supporting                                Program
   our diverse membership. Whether it’s new physicians relocating from                      8 FREE visits per member per year
   elsewhere, established physicians looking for family-friendly events,                    Confidential Counseling: flexible
   physicians running small practices, or those employed by large organizations
                                                                                         appointment times, telehealth availability,
   looking to improve leadership skills, we strive to provide resources for all.
      When I meet member physicians, I ask “What benefits
                                                                                           no insurance billed, no EMR created
   do you use and value the most?” Usually it’s social gatherings, educational              Coaching: helps physicians assess
   and entertaining dinner meetings, and most recently, the monthly                       obstacles and possibilities, while guiding
   magazine. Last month, in fact, I received an email from long-time member,                      toward desired outcomes
   Dr. Catherine York about the magazine (see page 7).                                        Mindfulness Training: 8-week
      Unfortunately, I still hear many physicians don’t even know about                       program of mindfulness-based
   their LCMS membership- although the reason isn’t clear. New to the area?
                                                                                               stress reduction for physicians
   Employer paid dues? Communication breakdown? Conversely, others know
   about membership, but jokingly ask, “Isn’t that just the Golf Tournament?”                       and “Lunch & Learn”
   Obviously, we have more work to do to get the word out.                                              for office staff
      Certainly, there are many benefits to membership, but one very
   important one is CAMARADERIE. There’s a mutual understanding that
   others are dealing with many of the same challenges you are… challenges                   Groups
   non-physicians can’t truly comprehend.                                                  & Programs
      You may even notice a few new programs and resources. At different points
                                                                                     wWomen Physicians Group
   in your personal or professional life, these benefits
   can be enjoyable, helpful – maybe even necessary. We                              wPrivate Member FB Group
   WILL move forward, meet challenges head on, and                                              NEW!!!
   stand together as a strong, unified membership. Not                               wPeer Mentorship Program
   only will physician members                                                        wPractice Manager Group
   be supported, but community                                                         wDiversity, Equity, and
   members as well.
                                                                                           Inclusion Group
                                                                                                                 wFinancial Health
                                                                                                                wPPP Loan Guidance
    Advocacy                                                                              Events
                                             Publications                                                         wLiability Issues
 Strong membership                                                                    wAnnual Meeting
                                    Medical Matters: A genuine                                                        wCME
allows a unified voice                                                              wEducational Programs
                                   and informative read for medical                                                 wand more!
 on important issues                                                                  wMonthly Socials
   at local and state              and business professionals alike.
                                                                                   wAnnual Golf Tournament
         levels                   Learn more about the impact Lane
                                                                                      wVineyard Event
                                     County physicians and local
                                                                                       wFamily Events
                                     organizations are making in
                                                                                        wand more!
                                            our community.
         Website                    Directory: Published annually,                                        Community                listing members by group,                                           Connections
  wPhysician and Patient                  specialty, and photo                                      We work to build meaningful
        Resources                               sections                                              connections with local
    wPay Dues Online                                                                                  organizations such as:
                                                                   Financial                      wCommunity Supported Shelters
   wRegister for Events
  wCOVID-19 Resources
                                                                   Discounts                        wFOOD for Lane County
                                                              wOregon Pacific Bank                 wPositive Community Kitchen
   wAccess to member
                                                              wFavorite Healthcare                         wBags of Love
    database (w/ login
                                                                   Staffing                                wShelterCare
      from LCMS)
                                                                                                            wand more!
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche
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                                                                        Healthy Snacks,
                                                                        Healthy Kids
                                                                     Trillium and FOOD for Lane
                                                                 County are teaming up to expand
                                                                 the Snack Pack program. Shelf-stable,
                                                                 kid-friendly snacks will be distributed
                                                                 by 10 school districts through the
                                                                 summer lunch program.
                                                               Learn more at

MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche
Chart Notes

“I get the                     Publication Reviews                                                               SO FAR IN
opportunity                    “I want to let you know how much I appreciated the July 2020 issue
                                                                                                                 2020, WE...
to expand my                   of Medical Matters. The content was very contemporary and topical.
                               I appreciated the articles taking on the tough and timely topics of the
                                                                                                                 ...worked with

social network                 COVID-19 pandemic and systemic racism. I loved the juxtaposition
                               of the articles featuring both a primary care physician and a specialist.
                                                                                                                 our members and
                                                                                                                 practice offices to
of friends and                 I enjoyed the patient advocacy expressed in the article about patient/
                                                                                                                 help respond to the
                               visitor experience during COVID-19. The advertisements were
colleagues.”                   applicable to me as a physician, and even the Advertiser Spotlight                • Surveyed practices
                               featuring a wealth management company felt genuine. Finally, the                    and visited to discuss
– DR. ORESTES GUTIERREZ        photo collage on the back cover including doctors from across the                   goals moving forward
ON THE MENTORSHIP              community made me feel bonded to my medical colleagues.”
PROGRAM                                                                                                          • Created a list of
                               – Catherine York, MD
                                                                                                                   COVID-19 resources
                                                                                                                 • Applied for grants to
  GET                          “I love your magazine and look forward to receiving every issue. Loved
                                                                                                                   help continue PWP
                               your September 2019 cover story, ‘Compassion in the ER.’ You are
  INVOLVED                     providing a great value to your members! Medical Matters is one of
                               the very best county medical society publications I receive. Since I              ...have started and
  Are you interested           receive over sixty similar group publications, I have standing when I             restarted a number
  in becoming more             say that you deserve a gold star for excellence!”                                 of groups and
  involved with LCMS           – Shirley, The Doctors Company                                                    programs:
  and seeking a
                                                                                                                 • Practice Manager
  leadership position?         “My favorite member benefit is the Directory with pictures, it’s nice               Group
  Do you have great ideas      putting a face to a name. I’ve always been a bit of a loner so being part
  for the Society and want     of a professional organization that facilitates activities, such as getting       • Outdoor Group
  to make an impact?           together to go see Wicked at the Hult, is a big plus for me.                      • Diversity, Equity, &
  The LCMS Nominating          I’m still singing, ‘I’m so popular…’”                                               Inclusion Group
  Committee is beginning       – Lisandra Guzman, MD
  to round up names for                                                                                          • Mentorship Program
  open positions for our       “I think it is important to learn about the breadth of professional               ...hosted multiple
  2021 Board of Directors.     and personal experiences that exist in our robust medical                         virtual events:
  If you’re interested         community. Sometimes, the introductions of new physicians or
  in helping guide the         physician services to our community are presented in the magazine                 • Partnered with the
  direction of LCMS,           and that is the only route I hear about them.”                                      LC Dental Society for
  contact us at info@          – Chris Poulsen, MD                                                                 a presentation from                                                                                                Kernutt Stokes on
                               “I now look forward to receiving the magazine monthly. It is so                     PPP Loans
                               attractive with color and an excellent layout. The articles are timely,           • Women Physicians
  LCMS is starting a           inform me of what is important in this medical community. I like to                 Group Meetings
  mentorship program           reward advertisers with my business given their support of my
  to help welcome                                                                                                • First Practice
                               medical community.”
  members to the area.                                                                                             Manager Meeting
                               – Douglas Austin, MD
  Take a look at the preview                                                                                     ...expanded our
  provided by Dr. Gutierrez    “Whenever the LCMS Magazine arrives in the mail my wife and I                     membership
  on page 19 and contact       have to argue over who reads it first. There are always articles that are
  us at info@lcmedsociety.                                                                                       • Over 30 new
                               of great interest and relate to both our community in general as well               members so far this
  com if you’d like to         as to physicians specifically.”
  participate.                                                                                                     year with a goal of 80
                               – Paul Chavin, MD, retired member

                                                                                                     MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 7
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche
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MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

Stress Reduction Course
BY AMY TREZONA                                 a downloadable workbook and guided            the surface, and offering compassion
NBC-HWC                                        meditations. MBSR is helpful for people       and kindness rather than judgement
                                               coping with illness, job or family-related    allows for response-able choices and
                                               stress, anxiety and depression. The next      builds emotional intelligence. Cultivating
                                               course will begin on October 6th.             non-judgmental awareness helps one
                                                                                             understand that most things aren’t
                                                                                             personal. All valuable concepts for a
    Whole       Heart      Communications
specializes in helping individuals, teams       “I work with people                          healthy and thriving workplace.
                                                                                                 Once a year I offer a more in-depth
and organizations live healthier, happier,
and more productive lives. As a National
                                                in a positive way to                         6-month mindfulness workshop, called
Board-Certified Health and Wellness
Coach, my expertise is in the impact
                                                develop an ongoing                           Your Essential Self. Participants are
                                                                                             required to take the MBSR before signing
of stress and anxiety on the body and I             mindfulness                              up for the course. This workshop is a deeper
                                                                                             dive into the practice of mindfulness and
                                                  practice that taps
assist clients to increase their capacity to
                                                                                             is designed for those wishing to further
manage that stress in order to live more
                                                                                             personal and spiritual development. This
fulfilling and meaningful lives.
    Anxiety and stress keep people off
                                                 into their personal                         workshop will begin on October 7th and

                                                 strengths, reduces
                                                                                             meets twice a month for 3 hours for 6
center, and unmoored with a low-level
                                                                                             months. Near the end of the course, there
dissatisfaction that colors their world.
As a life coach, I work individually with           stress, builds                           is a 1-day silent meditation retreat held at
                                                                                             a private cabin in the Coburg Hills.
                                                   resilience, and
people utilizing mindfulness practices and
                                                                                                 Once a month I lead 1-hour guided
presence, attuned to the message beneath
                                                                                             meditation circles, picking a different
the words. I help clients find themselves in
the present moment with more capacity              increases well-                           topic to bring into the meditation. This

                                                                                             is a free offering via Zoom, and you
to be in touch with their deeper desires,
                                                                                             can learn about it through my website,
set realistic goals and reclaim meaning in
their lives. I work online via Zoom or over                 -AMY TREZONA                     or on social media. Dates for the fall are
the phone. When it is safe, I will return to        ON HOW THE PROGRAMS WORK
                                                                                             September 8th, October 8th, November
in-person meetings.
                                                                                             5th and December 3rd from 6:30-7:30 pm.
    I also lead an 8-week Mindfulness-
                                                                                                 Mindfulness is an ancient practice
Based Stress Reduction course that is now
                                                  I offer stress management strategies       which is about waking up, being fully
offered online. Using mindful movement,
                                               and resilience building exercises to teams    alive, and present for the richness of
guided meditation, deep relaxation,
                                               and organizations. Whether a 1-hour           each moment you are living. Coaching in
dialogue, and reflection, participants learn
                                               lunch and learn or a 6-month custom           mindfulness is my passion and calling;
to observe and discover their reactions
                                               designed program, I make learning             the transformation that is possible from
to life’s stressors and make the choice to
                                               mindfulness engaging and fun. I place         slowing down, paying attention and
respond from a more neutral place. With
                                               high value on what the group can achieve      waking up to your precious human life is
practice, they can then apply these skills
                                               together while supporting the diversity of    a gift that illumines the world. Awakening
to everyday situations and connect more
                                               those in attendance. I work with people       in this way reveals inner peace, joy and a
fully to themselves and the life they are
                                               in a positive way to develop an ongoing       deep sense of meaning. u
living, becoming wiser, more factual, and
                                               mindfulness practice that taps into their
more authentic about the degree and
                                               personal strengths, reduces stress, builds    Contact Amy at 541-912-0216 or
causes of stress and anxiety in their life.
                                               resilience, and increases well-being.
It is possible to make constructive and
                                                  Learning mindful listening improves        As one of the PWP options, LCMS
sustainable changes that lead to more joy
                                               communication skills. Understanding           can cover the cost of an 8-week course
and better health. The course includes
                                               personal reactivity that lives just beneath   for members.

                                                                                                MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 9
MEDICAL MATTERS - Finding His Niche

Executive & Life Coaching
BY SHANNON O’LEARY                              start to see themselves as creative,           negotiation to achieve a win-win
EXECUTIVE/LIFE COACH                            intelligent, loving, and generous. They        outcome.       Remove limiting beliefs.
                                                climb out of the victim stance and the         Improve interpersonal relationships
                                                imposter syndrome, empowered to claim          through the development of one’s ability
                                                all that they are and can be.                  to understand other people’s moods,
                                                    Others are able to invent new options      behaviors, and motives.
   Are you living the life you had              and generate their own answers. They               Everyone has leadership ability.
envisioned for yourself when you were a         no longer look outside themselves for          Coaching can help clients hone this skill
kid? Or in medical school? Since you’ve         solutions. With new thinking comes new         set to utilize with staff and patients, or
been in practice? If not, what’s stopping       actions and new, better results.               in a leadership role within one’s own
you? Who’s stopping you?                                                                       organization. Clarify the organizational

                                                   “Benefits from
   To quote former 2020 Democratic                                                             mission and align one’s team with its
presidential        candidate       Marianne                                                   vision through effective strategizing
Williamson, “Our deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that       coaching include                             and corresponding actions. The key to
                                                                                               success is how to do it, by driving emotions
we are powerful beyond measure. It is our
light, not our darkness that most frightens
                                                   the recognition                             in the right direction. This ignites
                                                                                               colleagues’ passions and inspires them to
us…We ask ourselves, ‘who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’
                                                 that life is already                          be their best.

                                                   pretty terrific...
                                                                                                   Through this experiential, individually
Actually, who are you not to be?”                                                              tailored coaching process one can
   Life is neither simple nor easy.
Everyone needs additional knowledge                Clients start to                            optimize physician success, work
                                                                                               satisfaction, and create life balance.
and support along the way to achieve
their full potential. Coaching can provide
                                                 see themselves as                                 Achieve goals such as:
                                                                                                 • Developing leadership/
the kind of support that assists people to
move quickly from realized insights into
                                                creative, intelligent,                              management skills
                                                                                                 • Expanding impact and influence
setting goals and taking action to change            loving, and                                 • Augmenting interpersonal
behavior in the present and create the
future they want.                                    generous.”                                     communication skills
                                                                                                 • Transitioning successfully to
   From the coaching relationship clients                                                           new roles
can shift easily from problems to solutions.       Increasing self awareness of one’s            • Taking charge of career development
Coaching helps people discover what they        strengths, limits, emotional capacity, and       • Improving self care
want in every area of their lives with ways     compassion for others engenders a new            • Managing stress/burnout
to unlock their own brilliance to achieve       confidence. And with it comes a greater          • Balancing work and personal life
their dreams. Unearthing and articulating       sense of life satisfaction. Another client         Even in times of great uncertainty
an individual’s personal vision is essential.   shared recently, “I am happier than I have     and stress, there has never been a better
More than resolving immediate problems          ever been.” Life circumstances hadn’t          time to utilize this life-changing and life-
and more than trying to help someone            changed that much, but her approach and        enhancing process to improve your overall
achieve a set of prescribed goals or            attitude toward life had.                      well-being and quality of life. u
meet certain standards, uncovering a               Through coaching, one can overcome
person’s hopes and dreams is the key that       obstacles and the resistance to change.        Shannon O’Leary, Executive/Life Coach
unlocks positive emotions and intrinsic         One can get out of one’s own way. Get          and Organization Development Consultant,
motivation—and propels that person to           beyond what holds one back. Make small         helps physicians assess their needs,
genuine, lasting change.                        changes which lead to big ones. Create         aspirations, obstacles and possibilities and
   Benefits from coaching include the           new habits. Get motivated to set goals         then guides them to desired outcomes.
recognition that life is already pretty         and take actions that fit one’s true values.   Contact her at 541-255-2669 or visit her
terrific. As one client said upon entering      Embrace one’s own emotions, and respond        website at Eight
the coaching relationship, “I know I have       empathetically with others’.                   annual counseling or coaching sessions
a great life. I just can’t feel it.” Another       People can learn to deal confidently        are included with LCMS membership as
benefit is the expanded life vision. Clients    with conflict, and learn the art of            part of the PWP.

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                                                                                                                          MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 11

Cascade Health Provides
Counseling Through the PWP
BY VANESSA SALVIA                            the very least, not provide the best care       and give so much is really important.”
FOR LANE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY              to their patients. Burnout or other work-          Doctors are seen as “care givers”
                                             related mental stress does not have to be       not “care receivers,” so there is often a
   It’s no surprise that physicians face
                                             a natural consequence of doctors working        reluctance to seek medical and psychiatric
daily stress in their professional and
                                             long hours in a highly stressful job.           care. Wellness programs like the one for
personal lives. But what may be surprising
                                                “We’re living in such uncertain,             LCMS members through Cascade Health
is that physicians don’t always handle
                                             unpredictable times right now that              helps to combat that idea.
it well. According to a recent survey
                                             being stable emotionally and taking care           Lane County Medical Society created
conducted by The Harris Poll of more
                                             of yourself is vitally important,” says         the Provider Wellness Program (PWP)
than 300 family medicine and internal
                                             Jodi DePaoli, LPC, Cascade Behavioral           through Cascade Health in 2012 with the
medicine physicians, 80% of physicians
                                             Health’s Provider Wellness Program              intention of helping physicians deal with
say practicing self-care is very important
                                             manager. “We know stress can weaken             the demands of their work and personal
to them, but only 57% practice it “often”
                                             the immune system and causes all sorts          lives. LCMS members receive up to eight
and only 36% do so “sometimes.”
                                             of other compromised health issues. So          free and confidential sessions. Right now,
   Burned out physicians may be more
                                             making it a priority to take care of yourself   appointments are available in person or
likely to leave medicine altogether or at
                                             when you’re being asked to do so much           by telehealth. There is no diagnosis, no

                                                                                                       Kev i n S i t t n e r, C PA M B A


                                                                                                 pandemic situation.”
“We’re living in such uncertain,                                                                    DePaoli says during this unprecedented
                                                                                                 time, doctors are being relied upon in
unpredictable times right now that being                                                         increasingly complicated and difficult

stable emotionally and taking care of                                                            ways. She encourages doctors and staff to
                                                                                                 remind themselves and the people around
yourself is vitally important.”                                                                  them that self-care is more important
                                                                                                 now than ever.
                                                                                                    “Being emotionally and physically
ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF DURING THE PANDEMIC                                 stable yourself so that you can take better
                                                                                                 care of others is vital,” she says. “This is
                                                                                                 a very difficult time to be a doctor so we
insurance billed, no record available to        burnout, relationship issue, etc.
                                                                                                 encourage doctors to take advantage of
LCMS, and no reporting to the Oregon                “We take very brief notes and there’s
                                                                                                 this program and pass the information on
Medical Board. Two licensed clinical            no diagnosis so it’s all very confidential,”
                                                                                                 to others.” u
social workers, one licensed professional       DePaoli assures.
counselor, and one psychologist, all                Due to the pandemic, most sessions
                                                                                                 Cascade Behavioral Health & EAP
with extensive experience working with          are virtual now, which can help reduce
                                                                                                 Provider Wellness Program
healthcare professionals, are available as      the scheduling, time, and transportation
                                                                                                 Physicians can schedule PWP
part of the PWP program.                        barriers that might prevent someone from
                                                                                                 appointments by calling 541-345-2800.
    “All people have to do is call our office   scheduling an appointment.
                                                                                                 Appointments are held at 2650 Suzanne
and give the front desk a little bit of             “One reason people may be reluctant to
                                                                                                 Way, Suite 120 in Eugene.
information about what they are seeking         reach out is that it can feel like one more
help for,” DePaoli says. “And then they         thing on a calendar that’s already so full,”
                                                                                                 Eight annual counseling or coaching
schedule with one of us based on our            DePaoli says. “But the nice thing about
                                                                                                 sessions are included with LCMS
availability, what the issues are, and          virtual visits is that people can do it during
                                                                                                 membership as part of the PWP.
what we specialize in. They get on our          the day without having to leave their
calendar and we try to get them in as soon      office, or they can go sit in their car, or
as possible.”
    Physicians can be assured of
                                                they can go for a walk and talk to us on the
                                                phone while they’re walking. Now, more
                                                                                                        “The nice thing
confidentiality when they call to make
an appointment, as well as an assurance
                                                than ever, accessibility is not a reason to
                                                not get counseling.”
                                                                                                   about virtual visits
of privacy. Schedulers also do their                DePaoli says that in 2019, the top two           is that people can
best to ensure clients they may be
seeing separately for the same issue
                                                reasons professionals sought counseling
                                                were due to depression and work-                  do it during the day
don’t accidentally run into each other
in the lobby.
                                                related stress. Frequent issues include
                                                relationship            conflicts         and
                                                                                                     without having to
    Each of the counselors available
through the program—Anderson, DePaoli,
                                                burnout. Recently, the counselors are
                                                seeing many people wanting to talk
                                                                                                      leave their office,
Jeff Lenker, and Dr. Kari Primo-Liddy—          specifically about how the pandemic               or they can go sit in
                                                                                                 their car, or they can
can respond quickly with a phone call           has impacted their work. DePaoli says
or Zoom meeting if urgency is needed.           physicians deal with many of the same
Otherwise, appointments are generally
available within two weeks of receiving
                                                issues that other workers are dealing with
                                                right now, such as an increase in virtual
                                                                                                  go for a walk...Now,
a call. If more than eight sessions are
needed, physicians can bill through
                                                visits, trying to work from home when
                                                they also might have kids at home, or a
                                                                                                        more than ever,
insurance at any time, or private pay.          spouse that’s out of work.                          accessibility is not
                                                                                                    a reason to not get
    LCMS receives no information about              “A lot of people feel overworked and
who utilizes the program. At most, LCMS         don’t have the support that they need or
receives utilization data to track numbers
and the presenting issue, which is defined
                                                the resources to do their job effectively to
                                                help people,” DePaoli says. “It can easily
in a general sense as stress, anxiety,          feel impossible to work during this kind of

                                                                                                   MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 13
Asirot sits in front of some
of his architectural sketches
he drew when he was in
high school.

His Niche
Dr. Asirot’s hobbies, involvement, and
passion for work has helped him build
      connections in the PNW.

               BY KIANNA CABUCO

          ugene is very different from my life in Manila,” says Dr.
          Rechelle “Ritz” Asirot, who grew up in the Philippines. “It’s
          a busy and densely populated city where it took me about an
          hour or two to get to school. I hated the traffic – it wastes time.”
             Asirot moved to the United States in 2010 when he
          started his residency in Texas before moving to Eugene.
          “Maybe it’s serendipity or my innate curiosity, but I wasn’t
          too sure I would like the area when I first moved. Six years
          later, I’m still here. I like the pace in this town. I feel a sense
          of belongingness.”

                                  MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 15

Family Influence                               child. We sampled street food foreign to         optimization compared to managing
    The greenery and outdoor lifestyle         us and did several fun activities,” Asirot       chronic complex diseases.
attracted Asirot to the area when he           remembers. “She was totally different                “All my cousins wanted to be doctors,
finished his medical training. He mostly       the last five years of her life. It was really   and although I originally wanted to
sees adults to elderly patients in his         hard for me and my family. This strongly         become an architect or an engineer
primary care practice with a focus on          influenced my interest and work with the         because I like design and math, ” he says. “I
management of skin and aging-related           aging population. I thought, ‘There has          was the only one who ended up becoming
conditions, and preventive care.               to be a way to switch off the debilitating       a physician like our older family members.
    “I chose to pursue a geriatrics            genes and slow down aging.’”                     I like that medicine is not absolute. Its
fellowship after residency because I              One of his big takeaways from his             evolving nature can be very frustrating,
wanted to learn more about the aging           experiences with his grandma and his             but also gratifying. You can literally
process,” he says. “I was especially close     patients is that vitality in life is more        change lives, if not save them.”
to my grandmother, who helped raise me         important than longevity. “You not
                                               only want to live a longer life, but a           Immersing into the Community
while my parents were working.”
    As she got older, his grandmother          robust life that’s disease-free or at least         Asirot is a big fan of travel and
began to suffer from Parkinson’s disease       well-managed.”                                   adventure. He’s lived in many different
and dementia. She lost her ability to talk        The balance he finds working with             places and only knew a few people when
and walk, eating was difficult, and she        geriatric patients along with younger            he first moved to Eugene. When he’s not
became very depressed.                         patients through family medicine                 working, his hobbies help keep him busy,
    “My first travel on a plane was also her   also allows him to work on disease               and he’s built a network of friends and
first trip outside the country way before      prevention, which he says can be more            peers through a number of events and
she became ill. She was excited like a         strategic and pragmatic towards health           volunteer work.

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                                                                                                “Joining LCMS also provided me
Meeting my peers and putting a face to a                                                    opportunities for networking,” he says.

name makes the practice of medicine more
                                                                                            “It’s important to have a rolodex of doctors
                                                                                            so if you’re referring to a colleague, you

relaxed and personal .”                                                                     can determine whether a patient will be a
                                                                                            good fit for that doctor or not.”
                                                                                                Asirot says he’s been able to exchange
                                                                                            information with peers as he meets them
                                                                                            in-person and his connections have
    “I have several hobbies,” he laughs.     and events.                                    allowed him to expedite referrals. “It’s
“I love nature, food, and gardening. I          “There is a growing Filipino and            important for patients to get along with
hike once a week. I read a lot, workout,     Asian community here. When we have             their doctors because delivery of care and
and paint.” His colorful oil paintings are   gatherings, there might be around 40 or 50     adherence to treatment relies as well on
displayed on walls throughout his house      of us – pre-COVID, of course! It’s just like   patient-doctor relationships.”
and some of his architectural ink drawings   home,” he says. “I also started checking             One of his favorite and most
from when he was in high school are          out different organizations and attending      memorable LCMS events, he says, was
framed above his couch.                      events where I’ve gotten to know a lot of      the lecture on medical marijuana. “Before
    “I’m also, at present, writing a book    professionals outside of the medical field.”   that, I only knew it was used for chronic
about preventive aging,” he says. “When         His involvement with the Eugene             pain and anxiety reserved for HIV and
I first started writing it in 2018, it was   Chamber of Commerce and the Eugene             cancer patients. I didn’t know much about
a very convoluted protocol on how to         Young Professionals has allowed him to         safety, formulations, evidence, etc. It was
slow and reverse all the biomarkers and      work with various community members            really informative.”
hallmarks of aging.”                         and politicians to discuss how we can             He also appreciates the ability to
    As he attended various medical           make the area more robust and attractive       get to know his colleagues on a more
meetings,      exchanged     ideas    with   for young people to stay.                      personal level. “We’ve exchanged best
colleagues, and applied his knowledge                                                       practices, our frustrations, as well as
in his clinical and aesthetic practice,                                                     common interests,” Asirot says. “Meeting
he chose to narrow his writing to focus                                                     my peers and putting a face to a name
on nutrition, integrative skin care, and                                                    makes the practice of medicine more
non-surgical aesthetics.                                                                    relaxed and personal.” u
    “The idea to publish started because
I was increasingly getting frustrated by
the false information on social media and
online; not to mention the ‘anti-aging’
treatments being offered locally that
lack evidence and safety standards,” he
says. “As a geriatrician and researcher, I
can deduce whether a treatment outside
of mainstream medicine will work or
not. With a healthy dose of skepticism
and open-mindedness, I can extrapolate
which ones are founded on pseudoscience
and what truly helps make someone look
youthful and live longer.” Asirot hopes
the book will be finished by next year and
thinks his manuscript will still undergo
several iterations.
     Pre-COVID, he was also involved in
multiple organizations and groups in         Left to Right: Asirot uses vegetables and herbs from his garden when he cooks; his
the area, attending various meetings         vibrant oil paintings provide color on multiple walls throughout the home.

                                                                                              MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 17
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Physician Mentorship Program
   Dr.          Orestes                         What are you looking forward to with           when we can meet in person again at our
Gutierrez      has     a                        the program?                                   monthly socials, which were so much fun.
private        practice                            I am looking forward to a mentorship
where he works in                               relationship with another physician since      What can others expect from the
family medicine. He                             they have been tremendously valuable in        Society as a whole and from the
serves as a member                              my career. I have benefited by learning        mentorship program?
of the LCMS Board                               how to be a better physician, leader, and         Becoming involved in LCMS and the
to help make guiding                            communicator from my mentors.                  mentorship program is a great way to
decisions for the Society and is the Regional                                                  stay connected with a peer on a personal
Assistant Dean for Oregon medical               How can this program help with                 level. Many times in our busy professional
students at Pacific Northwest University of     everything that’s happening with the           lives, we put up barriers to connecting
Health Sciences in Yakima, WA. He is also       pandemic?                                      with others. Becoming involved with the
a writer and competitive runner, competing         As we know, even before the pandemic,       mentorship program is a great way to stay
in the 400m and 800m race at the World          physician burnout was a huge problem.          connected with a colleague and help make
Masters Athletics Outdoor Championships         One factor is professional isolation and       a difference in their life and career.
in Malaga, Spain in 2018. Gutierrez enjoys      loneliness that is linked to physician
that the flexibility of his work allows him     burnout. Feelings of isolation and             Anything else you want to add about
to travel, camp, and spend time with his        loneliness have gotten worse with the          the mentorship program or LCMS in
family, and is looking forward to the 2021      pandemic. The mentorship program               general?
track and field season.                         and the connections that will be                  I am honored that LCMS has asked me
                                                formed between colleagues will have            for my opinion on mentorship. These are
What is the mentorship program?                 a positive impact for the physicians in        incredibly stressful times for everyone
   The mentorship program is a win-win          our community.                                 in the world with the current pandemic.
relationship between a physician who                                                           By establishing a formal mentorship
is new to the area or recent graduate           How did you become involved with the           program for LCMS members, we are
from residency with a physician who has         LCMS Board?                                    making a difference by directly dealing
been in practice for many years in the             I originally attended a meeting led by      with professional isolation that is linked
area and is an LCMS member. This can            Shannon O’Leary for physicians in private      to physician burnout. This program allows
be viewed as a collaborative sharing of         practice. During these meetings, I learned     a new –or new to the area– physician the
ideas where both the mentor and mentee          many things from my colleagues on how to       opportunity to learn valuable lessons
learn and grow.                                 improve my private practice.                   from an experienced physician and
                                                                                               become integrated into the community. A
How did you choose to get involved?             What are some of your favorite                 physician who has been in the area awhile
   In my career and training in the             benefits?                                      will be able to share their knowledge
Navy, Mayo Clinic, and Toastmasters                 What I love most about LCMS and            and wisdom and know they are making
International, I have been involved in          the mentorship program is that I get the       a difference. The most important thing
many mentorship programs. I have found          opportunity to expand my social network        that we can do is stay connected. LCMS
that having a mentor, for me, has been          of friends and colleagues. I love to connect   is doing its part by establishing a formal
invaluable in helping me learn and grow         with my peers, especially outside of the       mentorship program and an opportunity
both personally and professionally.             work setting. I am looking forward to          to support each other. u

“Becoming involved with the mentorship                                                            How can others get involved if

program is a great way to stay connected                                                          interested?
                                                                                                     If you’d like to get involved, reach
with a colleague and help make a difference                                                       out to us at
                                                                                                  to request an LCMS Mentorship
in their life and career.”                                                                        Program questionnaire.

                                                                                                 MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 19

Practice Manager Group
    Connie McVein from Oregon Neurology        medical field changes constantly and
and Dennis Chaltraw from Oregon                having the opportunity to collaborate          “Forming positive
                                                                                               and collaborative
Imaging/Radiology Associates are helping       and support one another is important to
to restart the practice manager group. The     ensure the success of all of our practices.
first meeting was held on August 12 with
about 10 attendees. Here’s a quick look at
                                               D: To take advantage of the strong
                                               healthcare experience available in our        relationships fosters
what they hope to see:                         community.       There won’t be much
                                               that one of us hasn’t experienced before,
                                                                                              cooperation, which
Why did you want to restart the                especially in regard to governmental            is important in a
practice manager group?
                                                                                                community like
                                               navigation be it Medicare, VA or similar
C: The practice administrators of Lane         types of payor issues such as TriWest.
County are knowledgeable, creative, and
diverse. We have a lot to learn from one       What do you hope you and others will             ours...[it] makes
another and it’s nice to have a platform of
like-minded individuals to bounce things
                                               get out of the group?
                                               C: I hope everyone will feel supported
                                                                                                problem solving
off of and to learn from.
D: Although the issues regarding
                                               and hopeful about the future. There are           much easier.”
                                               state and national practice administrator
legislation,        compliance,          and   groups, but having a group with your local                -CONNIE McVEIN
reimbursement          have      significant   colleagues is important as well. We can
commonality in healthcare, it inevitably       focus more on our community needs.            is your greatest challenge?” We
varies by practice type and/or specialty.      D: I hope we can expand our contact lists,    could share known resources. “Who do
Bringing together colleagues across            especially in an age of social distancing,    you use for your EMR / PM / electronic
various practices diversifies options          and create task lists regarding issues that   billing / lawyer / group insurance/
on how to handle key industry related          impact us all.                                accountant / etc.”
concerns or questions.                                                                       D: I hope we’ll create work groups that can
                                               How can this help build a sense of            meet independently to work on topics and
Why do you think it’s important to             community?                                    key concerns to help address questions or
have this group available?                     C: Forming positive and collaborative         issues brought up by members. It seems
C: Managing a group of providers and           relationships fosters cooperation, which      we’re all focused on minimizing COVID
running a medical clinic is hard! The          is important in a community like ours.        exposure so that would be a start.
                                               When issues arise, having good working

    “I hope we can
                                               relationships makes problem solving           Anything else you want to share?
                                               much easier.                                  C: I just really appreciate LCMS stepping

 expand our contact                            D: Developing collegial friendships
                                               with Lane County healthcare experts
                                                                                             up and offering to relaunch this important
                                                                                             group! Lane County continues to use
    lists, especially                          who bring together experience from
                                               diverse backgrounds.
                                                                                             the Referral Form created from the
                                                                                             previous LCMS practice manager group!
  in an age of social                                                                        It has stood the test of time!!

   distancing, and
                                               Is there anything in particular               D: The one local committee I’ve been
                                               you want to bring to the group?               a part of has to do with Appropriate

   create task lists                           Ideas, organization and best practice
                                               tips, etc?
                                                                                             Use Criteria and we’ve had excellent
                                                                                             participation in getting the message
   regarding issues                            C: We could ask participants:
                                               “What is your biggest pet peeve in
                                                                                             out. Other key industry topics are out
                                                                                             there to be had so looking forward to
 that impact us all.”                          medicine?” This will likely lead to some      identifying other key trends to clear
                                               great topics to discuss/work on together.     the fog on complex issues through the
          -DENNIS CHALTRAW                     “As a practice administrator, what            expertise of this group. u

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Q&A with Dr. Yumi Aikawa
   Dr. Yumi Aikawa works as a family           Have you attended or been interested            kid-friendly events that allow both
physician at Springfield Family Physicians.    in other events?                                parents and kids to learn something new
During her time as a medical student,             Too many to count! I’ve mostly been          and socialize. u
she spent two years in the area and was        interested in academic opportunities, but
happy to return to the Eugene-Springfield      due to my children being young I often
community. In her free time, she enjoys        miss out on events, which makes me so
spending time with her family outdoors.        sad!

How or why did you become a member             What is your favorite part about our
of LCMS?                                       monthly magazine?
   I became a member through my                   I always love seeing familiar faces
employment with Springfield Family             of colleagues. I appreciate their expert
Physicians.                                    advice and pearls of wisdom.

How did you hear about our event in            What are some of your favorite
the winter? What were some parts you           benefits of membership?
liked most about it?                               I appreciate the numerous free events
   I heard about last year’s winter event at   it offers, especially family-friendly ones.
the Jordan Schnitzer Museum through an
email invitation. I am always appreciative     What do you hope to see from LCMS               Dr. Aikawa helps her son make a
of family-friendly events since my             in the future?                                  holiday card at the LCMS winter
children are still young and on my off days,      It’s difficult in the face of the COVID-19   event hosted at the Jordan Schnitzer
my focus is on them.                           pandemic, but I would love to see more          Museum of Art.

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Q&A with Dr. Bala Ambati
   Dr. Bala Ambati works as an                    When LCMS had a physical office, we                              How has LCMS helped support
ophthalmologist at Pacific ClearVision.        had several journal clubs there. They                               your work?
He graduated high school at age 11 and         helped us coordinate the space so we                                   They helped introduce me to the
medical school at age 17. Typically, Ambati    could get in and out of the buildings and                           community through the various events
works with multiple international groups       would help us organize catering as well                             they host and though the magazine.
to help bring eye care to those in need, but   when needed.
COVID-19 has pressed pause on travel. To                                                                              What was your experience like
read more about his work, you can visit our    Are there particular events you’ve                                  being featured in the magazine? Did
website for          enjoyed most?                                                       you receive feedback from peers and
a digital issue of our July 2018 magazine        I like the meet and greets or socials                             coworkers?
where he was featured as that month’s          where I get to talk with other members.                                It was very nice to be featured. The
member profile.                                                                                                    interview was easy and the story was well-

                                                         L ANE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY | JULY 2018

                                                                                                                   written. I was able to review it before it
What benefits of LCMS do you like                                                                   MATTERS        was published so I could add a few more
the most?                                                                                                          details. My colleagues seemed to enjoy it.
   I enjoy connecting with physicians of
other specialties and through the monthly                                                                             Anything else you’d like to add
                                                      A Broader
magazine, Medical Matters, which shows                Vision                                                       about being part of LCMS?
the human side of our physicians.                     “The day after a surgery is
                                                      always my favorite day of
                                                      the week because somebody
                                                                                                                      It is nice to hear about the evolution
                                                      can see again.”
                                                                                                                   and advances in other parts of medicine,
How has LCMS helped support the                                                                                    especially through the lectures and
ophthalmologist group?                                                                                             magazine articles. u

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                                                                                                                     MEDICA L M ATTERS | SEPTEMBER 2020 23

Buprenorphine is a Potential
New Gold Standard for
Opioid Use Disorder
BY ERIC GEISLER, MD                             majority of these patients appreciate.            the medication, it is difficult to misuse or
SERENITY LANE                                   By the second week of treatment, they             overdose on buprenorphine. A patient
                                                typically no longer experience withdrawal         who is ready to stop using buprenorphine
                                                symptoms or cravings. Because of the ease         will experience opiate withdrawal
                                                and effectiveness of buprenorphine, these         symptoms, but these are often less severe
                                                patients have much less temptation to             than withdrawal from opioids themselves.
    In the struggle to help patients recover    leave treatment or start using again.             It is recommended that medical providers
from opioid addiction, professionals have           In reality, methadone clinics are not the     manage the tapering from buprenorphine.
needed additional and more effective            best treatment model for all patients. They           Once a patient is stabilized on
tools. Now, success is frequently achieved      often find it difficult to return to the clinic   buprenorphine, psychosocial therapy
by prescribing buprenorphine.                   every day, particularly when methadone            should be added to the treatment plan.
    Buprenorphine is a partial opioid           is not controlling their use or when there        The combination of medication and
agonist and antagonist that is approved by      is a conflict with the clinic schedule. For       therapy has proven to be far superior in
the Food and Drug Administration for use        practitioners, methadone clinic licenses          treating opioid addiction compared to
in the treatment of opiate use disorder. It     can be difficult to obtain and maintain.          abstinence-only based programs. When
is also endorsed by the American Society        If, instead, patients can visit a private         patients are in recovery, they benefit
of Addiction Medicine and the U.S.              physician office for a prescription renewal       from the counseling and other modalities.
Surgeon General. Because buprenorphine          or a monthly injection of buprenorphine,          They become aware of the consequences
is effective and relatively easy for patients   recovery becomes more manageable.                 of their drug addictions and the toll it
to access, it has the potential to become           The two oral prescription options for         has taken on their relationships, careers,
a new gold standard of maintenance              daily administration of buprenorphine are         finances or other social functioning. The
therapy for people recovering from opiate       a tablet or film preparation administered         counseling may be done in group therapy
use disorder. From initial stabilization        under the tongue with absorption                  or one-on-one sessions; the bottom line is
from withdrawal to maintenance therapy          through the mouth. Some patients prefer           that both medical and clinical elements
in a medical office, buprenorphine              a sublingual film because the texture of          help patients maintain their recovery.
succeeds in achieving harm reduction, a         the tablets bothers them; others prefer               Opioid addiction is affecting many
lower overdose risk than methadone and          the taste of the tablets compared to the          American families. We need to move
improved patient management.                    films. Either option may be prescribed            past shame to diagnosis, treatment and
    This evolution of thinking is based on      by physicians, nurse practitioners or             the resumption of a healthy life. Medical
practicality and the successful hands-on        physician assistants who have received            maintenance that is achieved with
experiences of practitioners.                   a federal waiver. Any pharmacy can                buprenorphine is potentially the new gold
    I’ve seen the difference myself with        fill the prescriptions for patients to            standard to do it. u
the residential patients on the campus          self-administer in private. Alternately,
of Serenity Lane in Coburg where I treat        the medical provider can administer a             Eric Geisler MD, ABAM, ABFM, is board
over 600 patients a year. Opiate patients       monthly injection of Sublocade®. This             certified in addiction medicine. Since
may have tried to detox on their own or         third option is a subdermal implant. The          2016, he has served Serenity Lane as its
experienced daily trips to a methadone          medication is injected as a liquid under          director of medical services. Previously, he
clinic for treatment. At every point along      the skin and then transforms into a solid         had a family practice clinic in Thurston
that path, relapse is a real possibility.       mass the size of a marble. The implant            for 20 years. He is available to medical
In contrast, buprenorphine provides             slowly dissolves over 30 days, releasing          professionals who have questions about
consistency that the overwhelming               the medication evenly.                            addictions and treatments.
                                                    Whichever option is used to administer

You can also read