Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau

Page created by Jerome Buchanan
Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau

        Medical metropolises
        Year on year medical and pharma meetings are getting
        bigger. Robin Anderson takes us on a whirlwind tour
        of the world’s leading knowledge hubs

        Two of Europe’s leading medical and
        pharmaceutical meetings destinations
        are devising their own brand of double-
        hubbing thanks to joint hosting of
        the European Association of Nuclear
        Medicine’s annual congress.
           At this year’s gathering, held in the
        Austria Center Vienna in October,
        the Association’s Board decided the
        world’s leading event in nuclear
        medicine will take place again in
        Barcelona in 2019, 2022 and 2025
        and will return to the Austrian capital
        in 2020, 2023 and 2026.                      Fira Gran Via Barcelona
           More than 6,300 participants attend
        the congress, which features 2,000
        scientific abstracts and almost 160                                                       activities in the convention centres
        sessions. New features include a Review         Barcelona’s pharmaceutical                CCIB and Fira Barcelona as well as
        Centre, where participants can view
        presentations they missed and then ask      sector includes affiliates from               the smaller Palau de Congressos de
        questions of the presenters.
           The Association’s president              Sanofi, Novartis, Bayer and                       Social programmes are much more
                                                                                                  limited than they would have been in
        Kristoff Muylle said: “We started
        our long-term co-operation with
                                                    Boehringer Ingelheim                          the past thanks to strict meeting codes –
                                                                                                  usually just a presidential dinner, perhaps
        Barcelona and Vienna in 2016 and                                                          in one of Barcelona’s more unusual venues
        2017 and the overall positive impact                                                      such as a museum. And five-star hotels
        for us as an association and for our        covered by the association involved.”         are no longer used. Sponsorship budgets
        participants made it easy for the              The city’s leading event continues to      are much more limited, exhibition space
        Board to confirm the co-operation           be the European Congress of Radiology,        is reduced, there are fewer invitations for
        until 2026 with both cities.”               which takes place every March at the          associated physicians and accompanying
           So what makes Vienna so uniquely         Austria Center Vienna, and is renowned        persons programmes are no longer
        attractive for these types of meetings?     globally for its creativity and innovation.   organised, he added.
           Vienna Convention Bureau director        It attracts around 20,000 participants.           The CCIB is set to welcome 5,000
        Christian Mutschlechner said: “Vienna                                                     delegates for the European Society for
        Medical University and Vienna               Barcelona                                     Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
        Medical School are key players in the       Meanwhile, Barcelona’s strong medical         in April, while the Fira Gran Via
        development of global healthcare.           and scientific community features             will host 8,000 participants for the
        We never underestimate the value of         its own rich repertoire of congress           European Congress on Orthopaedics in
        these organisations as knowledge hubs       ambassadors, supported by an alluringly       June, 4,000 for the European Society of
        and training providers alongside their      professional array of venues and hotels,      Hypertension in June, followed by the
        congress magnetism.                         all helping to explain the city’s flair       World Ophthalmology Congress with
           “Large congresses tend to take place     in attracting repeat events, according        15,000 delegates.
        at the Austria Center Vienna and Messe      to Christoph Tessmar, director of                 The 2019 schedule includes the
        Wien while our leading hotels offer         Barcelona Convention Bureau.                  European Association for the Study of
        preferred locations for training meetings      The city’s pharmaceutical sector           Diabetes Annual Meeting with 15,000
        alongside our medical associations’ own     includes affiliates from Sanofi, Novartis,    delegates expected and the European
        headquarters,” he added. “Accompanying      Bayer and Boehringer Ingelheim who            Society for Medical Oncology with
        exhibitions tend to focus on research       host meetings in their own right as well      20,000 participants, both at the Fira
        companies specialising in the sectors       as complementing medical meetings’            Gran Via.
                                                                                                                        Continued on page 36

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        London’s flair for hosting medical
        mega-events has just been confirmed
        with news that the European Society of
        Cardiology, the world’s largest gathering
        of heart specialists, will be returning to
        London in 2021, despite the UK’s vote
        to leave the European Union.
           “It represents a huge vote of
        confidence in London’s position as a
        world-class city for meetings, events and
        medical research,” said Tracy Halliwell,
        director of Business Tourism and Major
        Events at London & Partners, the
        Mayor’s official promotional agency and
        convention bureau for the city.
           When it was last in London in
        2015, the ESC attracted more than
        32,700 delegates from 140 countries
        worldwide and generated £100 million
        in economic benefit for the city.
           The decision to come to London
        again coincides with Mayor Sadiq
        Khan’s adoption of the Healthy Streets          ExCeL London
        Approach, prioritising health in
        transport and planning decisions and
        investing £2.1 billion in schemes that         strength in securing life science events,
        promote walking, cycling and public            both corporate and associations. We         Birmingham
        transport over car use.                        also work closely with a number of          Birmingham’s ICC offers another
           The ESC’s chief executive officer,          medical event agencies such as Ashfield     of the UK’s leading combinations
        Isabel Bardinet, said: “For one week in        Meetings & Events, a global specialist      of conference and exhibition space
        August 2021 London will be the hub             in the pharma meetings sector.              to balance the needs of medical and
        of the battle against heart disease, the          “Yes, certain rules apply to the         pharma associations.
        number one killer in today’s world.”           conduct of all healthcare events.              According to Jenna Hadley, the NEC
           James Rees, executive director              In particular, there are limitations        Group’s PR and Communications
        of ExCeL London, said: “The way                on anything that can be deemed to           manager, the ICC features ten executive
        ESC used ExCeL in 2015 was truly               incentivise delegate attendance. In the     rooms and ten halls ideal for symposia
        spectacular, resulting in a record-breaking    case of corporate events, the business      while the largest hall, with more than
        event all round. And when the congress         content will determine to what extent       3,000 sqm of space is well suited to
        returns, ExCeL will have an on-site            they need to comply with meeting            exhibition action. The venue’s versatility
        Elizabeth Line station so delegates will be    codes. London has several dedicated         also allows for live theatre in the
        able to travel direct from Heathrow in 43      events teams that can help planners         exhibition areas for pharma specialists
        minutes and the West End in just 15.”          navigate the city and point to our          to use for special interest sessions.
           Halliwell added: “With 100,000              wealth of pharma-code compliant                “And with the biggest dining capacity
        sqm of event space, ExCeL London can           venues and accommodation.”                  in the city, the ICC can host gala
        easily accommodate tens of thousands of                                                    dinners for 600-1,000 delegates. We also
        delegates while other large options include
        the CLICC, Central London International
                                                           The launch of MedCity                   work closely with all of our partners in
                                                                                                   the West Midlands Growth Company
        Conference Centre, created from a
        partnership between the QEII and Central
                                                       in 2014 has really galvanised               to ensure that associations meeting at
                                                                                                   the ICC fully understand everything
        Hall Westminster. This is where the recent
        22nd World Congress of the International
                                                       the industry in London’s Golden             Birmingham has to offer them.
                                                                                                      “With strict meetings guidelines in
        Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and
        Metabolic Disorders took place.
                                                       Triangle                                    place, we have to adopt a highly creative
                                                                                                   approach to getting delegates in front of
           “London’s dedicated medical venues                                                      exhibitors outside the normal exhibitor
        include the Royal College of Physicians,                                                   areas. This can include using symposia
        BMA House, the Wellcome Collection                                                         events, additional branding and the use
        and the Royal Society of Medicine.                                                         of enhanced technologies such as our
        London and the Greater South East, now                                                     media wall and media screens.”
        termed the Golden Triangle, is home to                                                        Upcoming events include the British
        four of the world’s ten leading universities                                               Orthopaedic Association with 1,700
        with more than 185,000 students                                                            delegates over five days, plus exhibitors
        specialising in life sciences, alongside                                                   from across the UK, in September;
        3,400 life science companies and 19                                                        the British Oncology Pharmacy
        of the top 20 global pharmaceutical                                                        Association with 800 delegates for
        companies.                                                                                 three days in October; and the Institute
           “The launch of MedCity in 2014                                                          of Biomedical Science with 2,000
        has really galvanised the industry in the                                                  delegates and 250 exhibitors for a
        Golden Triangle, showcasing London’s                                                       four-day conference.
                                                       ICC Birmingham                                                   Continued on page 39

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        Belfast’s burgeoning reputation for
        hosting large-scale events and conventions
        has been complemented by a billion
        pounds of investment in the city’s tourism
        infrastructure over the past ten years. And
        by the end of 2018, another 1,000 hotel
        rooms will have come on-stream.
           Around 13,000 people study life
        and health sciences and related subjects
        at university and Northern Ireland is
        home to the UK’s first BSc and MSc
        courses in stratified medicine. Ulster
        and Queen’s Universities rank among
        the top ten in the UK for bioscience
        research. The area’s research and
        development infrastructure provides
        specialists and investors with a skilled
        workforce and the international access
        needed to deliver the full benefits that
        precision medicine can deliver.
           The Northern Ireland Biobank
        collects, stores and distributes samples to
        support innovative R&D, focusing on
        malignancies from the gastrointestinal         The multi-purpose Belfast Waterfront complex
        tracts, thoracic cavity, breast,
        lymphoreticular system, head and neck,
        genitourinary and gynaecological tracts.
        And NI Geonomic Medicine Centre
        is a partnership with NHS England,
        Geonomics England and the UK Medical
        Research Council bringing together the
        health sector, academia, industry and
        patients, placing Northern Ireland at the
        forefront of medical innovation.
           Thanks to the Belfast Ambassador
        Programme, Visit Belfast works closely
        with a broad spectrum of research
        centres to attract meetings business,
        including the Centre for Cancer
        Research and Cell Biology, the Centre
        for Stratified Medicine, Centre for
        Experimental Medicine, the Intelligent
        Systems Research Centre and the
        Nanotechnology and Integrated Bio              The Convention Centre Dublin
        Engineering Centre along with the
        Biomedical Sciences Research Institute.
           The multi-purpose Belfast Waterfront                                                       dating from 1592, the Guinness Store
        complex can host conferences for up              Ireland supplies 95 of the                   House, the Royal Hospital Kilmainham
        to 2,000 delegates while the walkway-                                                         and, of course, the CCD itself.
        linked Hilton hotel caters for events of      world’s top 100 countries with                  Regulations affecting catering costs may,
        up to 450 participants.                                                                       of course, impact the choice of venues
                                                      MedTech products                                used for medical events,” she added.
        Dublin                                                                                           “Our 2018 calendar includes an
        As the second-largest exporter of                                                             event involving a major pharmaceutical
        MedTech products in Europe, Ireland           the industry, state agencies, regulatory        company with 1,800 delegates using
        supplies 95 of the world’s top 100            authorities and universities in driving         up to 15 hotels in the city. The 32nd
        countries, reflecting the development         research and development nationwide.            International Congress on Occupational
        of its formidable medical device                 “The high-tech Convention Centre             Health takes place in April with 2,500
        products sector.                              Dublin operates well within pharma              delegates and a large expo. Then the
           Suzanne McGann, head of                    code guidelines making it highly                International Society on Thrombosis
        Marketing and Communications at               attractive for medical meetings. We             and Haemostasis (ISTH) 64th Annual
        The Convention Centre Dublin, said:           work closely with other city venues,            Standardization Committee will run
        “We have also seen conferences in this        particularly for social events, including       over four days in July with an expected
        sector develop beyond just medical            the Georgian period Royal College               2,500 to 3,000 international delegates.
        and pharma meetings to embrace                of Physicians in the centre of Dublin           And the 9th World Congress of the
        other areas including technology. We          city, which dates back to 1564, Trinity         World Institute of Pain will be bringing
        enjoy excellent collaboration between         College, which commands a heritage              2,000 delegates to the city in May.
                                                                                                                           Continued on page 41

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        BioValley                                   diagnostics and medical devices to      continents, including 200 students.
        (Switzerland, Germany, France)              address a wide range of diseases in     Main sessions were complemented by a
        One of Europe’s leading life science        multiple therapeutic classes. The       programme that featured Bottmingen
        clusters, BioValley uniquely spans across   presence of two of the largest global   Castle, the picturesque Hotel Krafft and
        three countries, Switzerland, Germany       pharma companies in the world,          a dinner cruise on the Rhine. Claude
        and France, and includes the global         Roche and Novartis, stimulates          Nicollier, the only Swiss astronaut to
        life science hub in Basel. In all the       the development of other ventures       have ventured into space, delivered a
        cluster includes 100,000 students at ten    including Basilea Pharmaceutica,        captivating keynote address.
        universities and research institutions      Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Transgene        Basel also hosted the 16th Annual
        including the Max Planck Institute,         and Santhera Pharmaceuticals.           Biotech in Europe Forum with more
        Freiburg University and the University         The Congress Center Basel (CCB),     than 600 delegates and 100 presenting
        Basel plus some 14 technology parks.        recently hosted the 47th World          companies involved in 12 plenary
           BioValley has more than 50,000           Congress of Surgery staged by the       panels/workshops and more than 1,500
        working in life sciences, with 600          International Society of Surgery with   one-to-one meetings. It was the third
        companies developing therapeutic,           2,000 participants from across all      time the CCB had welcomed the event.

                                                                                            Malaysia’s genial and architecturally-
                                                                                            spectacular capital Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                            provides a reasonably-priced location
                                                                                            in the middle of Asia and is proving
                                                                                            increasingly popular especially with
                                                                                            organisers and delegates from the
                                                                                            developing world.
                                                                                               It enjoys strong support from the
                                                                                            Ministry of Health and the national
                                                                                            convention bureau, MyCEB, which
                                                                                            specialises in providing education
                                                                                            on conference management to local
                                                                                               Izad Ismail bin Abdullah, PR &
          The Congress Center Basel
                                                                                                                 Continued on page 43

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        Communications Manager with               Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society in
        Malaysia Convention & Exhibition          September 2020.
        Bureau, said: “Local pharma                  Beyond KL’s richly exotic
        companies always adhere to local          enticements, delegates can savour plenty
        conduct codes and Malaysia offers         of CSR activities including tree-planting
        plenty of meeting venues that meet        at the Forest Research Institute of
        the pharma codes. Of course, they         Malaysia and orangutan and elephant
        impact the expenses incurred by           conservation in Sabah and Sarawak.
        such companies in hosting delegates
        attending medical conferences.”           Monaco
                                                                                                Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
           The events schedule at Kuala           Monaco may be one of the glitziest
        Lumpur Convention Centre features         square miles of tourism territory in
        the 6th World Congress of Total           Europe yet, these days, it is developing an                       organised by the profession, is set to
        Intravenous Anaesthesia & Target          awesome reputation as a fully-compliant                           commit the Principality to applying full
        Controlled Infusion in August, the        destination for many forms of healthcare                          transparency for all healthcare congresses.
        World Cancer Congress 2018 in             congresses.                                                          Catherine Decuyper, CEO of
        October, the Urological Association of       The Principality’s expertise in an                             EuroMediCom, said: “Choosing Monaco
        Asia Congress in August 2019 and the      imposing spectrum of medical disciplines                          as a venue for the Anti-Aging World
        Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asia   is spearheaded by the specialist teams                            Congress was one of the keys to its success.
                                                  at Princess Grace Hospital, the Medical                           Monaco is an exceptional destination
                                                  and Surgical Orthopaedic Institute of                             on many counts: superbly located and
                                                  Monaco, the Monaco Cardiothoracic                                 with a climate that is mild almost all year
                                                  Centre, Monaco Scientific Centre,                                 round. Monaco Tourist and Convention
                                                  Monaco Haemodialysis Centre and the                               Authority is a real partner, keen to offer
                                                  Rainier III Gerontology Centre.                                   help and advice at all stages and the
                                                     And from this month the MedTech                                Grimaldi Forum is a perfect congress
                                                  Europe Code of Professional Ethics,                               centre, set in an amazing location and run
                                                  governing all aspects of the industry’s                           by highly professional staff. The hotels
                                                  relationship with health professionals                            are also real partners, who listened to our
                                                  and healthcare organisations within                               needs and took time to welcome each of
         Grimaldi Forum Monaco                    the context of congresses and events                              our 8,000 participants as individuals.”

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                                                                                                                    January 2018 m&it 43

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Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau Medical metropolises - Monaco Convention Bureau
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