Special Navigator

Page created by Lloyd Snyder
Respite &                CALL CENTERS

                                                                                            Summer Programs
                                                                                            For Families with
                                                                                              Special Needs
        Special Navigator
                       For Families with Special Needs

Information and referral services for                        Mahoning County
families of children with special needs.                     330.747.KIDS (5437)
A Parent / Family Specialist provides free guidance          ppetras@helpnetworkneo.org
to families to help them navigate the maze of medical,
special education, mental health, addiction and community    Trumbull County
support services. A database of special needs resources      211 ext. 213                         Compiled by the
has been developed and is regularly updated.                 bpuchajda@helpnetworkneo.org
Families are assisted in locating services, programs and
information that they will need. The Special Navigator       Visit our website at
                                                                                              Special Navigator
program provides free referral information for individuals   www.HelpNetworkNEO.org             For Families with Special Needs
with special needs from birth to adult in Mahoning,
Trumbull Counties and surrounding areas.
The following information has
                                                                                     been gathered as a service of the

                                                                            Special Navigator
                                                                                  For Families with Special Needs
  Ohio photo ID cards for Children                                                      Mahoning County
         Obtain an Ohio ID card for your child
                                                                                       330.747.KIDS (5437)
             at any Ohio Deputy Registrar                                           ppetras@helpnetworkneo.org

               For further information or                                              Trumbull County
                                                                                           211 ext. 213
             scholarship availability, call the
           Special Navigator at 330-747-5437
                                                                                        Call for additional free referral
          Special Navigator for Families with                                         information for families who have
          Special Needs is a referral resource.                                          children with special needs.
      We suggest families use this information to                                      This Respite and Summer Programs
                                                                             for Families with Special Needs document is available
         contact programs themselves, ask for
                                                                                at the Help Network of Northeast Ohio website:
additional information and make appointments to visit.                                     www.HelpNetworkNEO.org
                                                                                     (Please click on “Special Needs” button)
                                                                                    This service is provided free of charge
   The Special Navigator for Families with Special Needs program does not
      endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services.                   by the Hine Memorial Fund of
                                                                                      The Youngstown Foundation and
                                                                                      Help Network of Northeast Ohio.
ORGANIZATION                  TYPE PROGRAM                   AGES                  DATES            REGISTRATION                TIMES             COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP         THERAPIES TRANSPORTATION    CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                                                                              Preschool 9am-11am                                 Language
                                                                3-5 yrs       Tues Wed Thurs only                             Elementary noon-2pm       $70 per day; Au?sm &     Therapy                    330-505-1606
                               Summer Enrichment for            Kdg-5gr       June 19-26 &               $50 Deadline         Adolescent                Jon Peterson Scholarship Music Therapy              ?ffany.h@aaristherapy.com
Aaris Therapy Group, Niles, OH social skills & academics        6-9 grs       July 10-26                 June 1               2:30pm-4:30pm             Accepted                 ABA as needed none         www.aaristherapy.com
                               Physical, DD, Sensory &                        Day-June-Aug. Wklong
                               Mental Health issues,                          June-Aug,                                       Day Camp 9am-3pm
                               offers Day, Respite wkends        adult -       Wkend Respite Sept-        Applica?on-$35       Respite wkends
Achievement Center for         once a month Sept-Apr            18yrs +,      April 1 each month         before June 1-       Sept -April 1 each        Waivers used,                                              Kelsey
Children Strongsville, OH at   Residen?al 2 wks -               child -       offered please see web      later appl. $50      month Residen?al see      Respite wkend-$355         Medical Staff                    440-238-6200 ext. 224
Camp Cheerful                  children, 6 wks - adults         7yrs-17       for all dates              best asap            website,                  Residen?al $772 -$965      on site         none            www.achievementcenters.org
                               tutoring for all skill                                                                                                   income based financial                                      ACLD Learning Center
                               building, interven?on,                                                    Please call for                                aid, Jon Peterson, Au?sm                                   330-746-0604
ACLD Learning Center           evalua?ons, + percept                                                     informa?on and       8am-4pm by                Scholarship, early best,                                   www.ACLDlearningcenter.com
Youngstown, OH                 motor training                   5 year & up   June 19-Aug 10             applica?on           appointment               evalua?ons-$400            none            none            or visit us on Facebook
                                                                                                                                                        Cost $150 per camper,
                                                                                                                                                        Financial Hardships
Adap?ve Sports of Ohio                                                                                   Deadline to                                    maybe considered,
Program, Dream Camp at          overnight youth sports                                                   register - June 8                              campers may bring                          only from Dalton 330-985-0085
Recrea?on Unlimited, Ashley,    camp for physical & visual                                               Please see website   Weekend                   personal care aid at no                    & Youngstown     info@adap?vesportsohio.org
OH                              disabili?es                7-18 yrs           July 6 -8                  or call ASAP         Please visit Web site     extra cost                 none            OH               www.adap?vesportsohio.org
                                                                                                         applica?on go to                                                                                           Doug Palmer 330-543-8830 or
Akron Children Hospital Camp    Camp Ed Bear for                                                         website by end of                              ACH pa?ents & $20                                           Heather 330-543-8831
Ed Bear at Camp Carl Ravenna,   Hematology & Oncology                                                    March, or ASAP or                              dona?on, no one turned medical staff                         www.akronchildrens.org/
OH                              pa?ents                         6 -15 yrs.    June 1, 2, 3               please call ASAP     Weekend Fri - Sunday      away if unable to pay  on site             none             hematology-oncology
Akron Children's Hospital at                                                                             Please call for                                                                                            Educ Coor Burn Ctr
Rotary Camp                     aluminum cans for burned                                                 informa?on and                                 Free for Campers           Nurse                            Mary or Becky 330-543-8813
Portage Lakes, OH               child camp (ACBC)        7-17 yrs             Aug 5 -10                  applica?on           Overnights Aug 5 - 10     Funded by ACBC             available       none             www.AkronChildrens.org
Alta Care Group Head Start at
Rockford Village, Home,                                                                                  Please visit web     Early Head Start                                                                     Denise Washington
Renaissance, Westchester,       Early Head Start Day                                                     site or call for     Monday-Friday                                                                        330-736-0071
Youngstown,OH                   Program                         6 wks -3 yrs June, July, Aug             applica?on           8am-4pm                   No Cost to Family          on site ST &OT none             www.altacaregroup.org
Alta Behavioral Healthcare                                                                               must be current                                                                                           Bethany Koenig
formerly D&E Counseling,        Mental Health Day                             10 wk session       June   Alta Behavioral      Mon-Thurs 4 days a wk current Alta Behavioral                      based on          330-793-2487
Camp Challenge, Yo, OH          Treatment                       7 yrs -12 yrs 11 -16                     Healthcare client    9am-2pm               Healthcare Client              Mental Health availability      www.altacaregroup.org
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Assessment Referral Dept.
Belmont Pines Hospital,                                                                                  Based on             Monday-Friday             Most Private Insurance                                     1-800-423-5666
Youngstown, OH                  Summer Day Treatment            8-18 yrs      Begins June                Assessment           10am-2:30pm               Medicaid                   Mental Health none              www.belmontpines.com
                                                                                                         visit website for    games played              $20 per player includes    none
Boardman Challenger Baseball    child with special needs,                                                Registra?on by       Thursday @ 6 pm &         hat, shirt, trophy &       may have                        Jim Colaluca 330-770-6263
at Boardman Field of Dreams     & IEP in M,T,C Counties         5-22 yrs      June 2 -July 29            May 4 or call ASAP   Sunday @ 4 pm             banquet                    buddy on field none              www.boardmancommunitybaseball.com
Butler Ins?tute of American                                                                                                   At Butler Main Branch ,   $135 per camper,                                           330-743-1107 ext 1103
Art at Butler Main,             Summer Visual Arts Day                        2 wks-Tues-Fri             applica?on ASAP      Youngstown, OH            scholarships available                                     mkamenitsa@butlerart.com
Youngstown, OH                  Camp                            8-12 yrs      July 17-20, July 24 -27    available by April   10 am - 2 pm              call early                 none            none            www. Butlerart.com
                                                                              Offers therapy year         Please call or                                 $150 per 6 week session,                                   Debbie Meeker
Camelot Center, Southington,    Therapeu?c Horseback                          round, 6 wk sessions by    email for rider      Sessions by               NEON, Star grants          Therapy on                      330-889-0036 or 330-397-9589
OH                              riding                          4 yrs & up    appt                       forms                appointment               Scholarship available      Horses          none            www.thecamelotcenter.org

                                                            1                                                                                                                             2
ORGANIZATION                 TYPE PROGRAM               AGES           DATES                    REGISTRATION                 TIMES             COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP           THERAPIES      TRANSPORTATION      CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                   SumFunDay 5-21 yrs
                                                                   June-August, Resident-
                                                           Reside 18 yrs                                                                             waivers, & private pay
                            Camps for DD & Not-            & up,   adult-offers 5 wks,                                                                Discovery wk-$1007.15
                            Sum Fun Day, Resident-5        Respite Respite wkends -13 yrs                                                            Respite wkend-$347.86                                        Tess Flannery 800-296-CAMP
Camp Christopher, Catholic  wks Respite wkend 1 per        wkend   & up - one per month,             Online registra?on    Please see web site or    Family $80-$200 please      medical staff    local shudle     campchristoper@ccdocle.org
Chari?es, Bath, OH          month, 3 Family Camps          13yrs + Family camps                      asap or call          call for details          see web site for details    on site         available        www.campchris.org
                                                                   Day Camp 6-18yr                                                                   waivers used,
                                                     Day 6-18 yrs. Resident 7 wks for                                                                Day Camp $500 per
                            Au?sm, DD, Brain Injury, Adults 18 yrs adults 18+up,                                                                     week, Resident wk $750-
                            Williams Disease, Mental +up, 1 wk     1 wk-15-30 yrs,                   Register online or                              $1,400, Kids Resident wk                                     Emily -419-875-6828
Camp Courageous, The ARC of Health, Physical         for 15-30     2 Respite wkend -15 yrs           call ASAP,            Please see web site or    $230, Respite wkend         medical staff                     EmilyF@CampCourageous.com
NW OH, Whitehouse, OH       Disabili?es              yrs.          & up,                             $250 deposit          call for details          $230                        on site         none             www.CampCourageours.com
                            3 Wkend child & adult                  Respite wkends 2 for              applica?on $70                                  Waivers used,
                            Respites, 7 Wklong camps                                                 asap for adults                                 Wkend Respite $293.90                                        800-419-6513 ext. 303
                                                                   adults in Feb & April, 1
                                                                                                                                                     Wklong $780,
                            for DD, Physical, Mental               for child in March,               best by mid March                               Wklong high needs $1000
Camp Echoing Hills at       Health high needs & all                Resident-7wks offered              may register          Please see web site for   camperships may be available medical staff                    info@echoinghillsvillage.org
Warsaw, OH                  abili?es                 7 yrs & up    please see website or call        online or call asap   ?mes & dates              call asap please see web site on site       none             www.campechoinghills.org
Camp Erin Pidsburgh at YMCA                                                                          Registra?on ASAP                                                            Counselors &                     Heather Beachler
Camp Kon-o-Kwee Spencer in Grief Camp for                                                            Please see website    Friday aeernoon to                                    trained                          724-869-6102
Fombell, PA                 Children & Teens               6-17 yrs        June 8,9,10               or call by May 12     Sunday aeernoon           Free                        volunteers      none             www.CampErinPidsburgh.org
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hannah 814-922-3219 or
                                                                                                     applica?on ASAP                                 $655 space limited,                                          toll free 877-863-4824
Camp Fitch                     Camp Barclay                                                          on website or call    Please see web site or    Financial assistance call   medical staff                     info@CampFitchYMCA.org
North Springfield, PA           Diabetes Camp               8-16 yrs        July 15-21                deposit $75           call for details          early                       on site         none             www.CampFitchYMCA.org
                                                                                                     wkend deposit                                   no waivers, scholarship
                                                                                                     with registra?on,                               call ASAP, wkend $85-                                        Hannah 814-922-3219 or
                               family wkends Family wk                     Family wkend - May        wk-$200 deposit                                 adult, child $45, wk long                                    toll free 877-863-4824
Camp Fitch                     longs Parent/child family                   11-13.    wk -Aug         apply ASAP on         Please see web site or    $655 for 9 yrs & up         medical staff                     info@CampFitchYMCA.org
North Springfield, PA           camps                       any age         5-11                      website or call       call for details          under 8yrs $75              on site         none             www.CampFitchYMCA.org
Camp FRIEND-Au?sm Society                                                                                                                                                                                         Tracy Marciano 330-333-9609
of Mahoning Valley,            Inclusive Special Needs                                            Registra?on online       TBA - Please visit                                    Therapist on                     info@au?smmv@gmail.com
Youngstown, OH                 Day Camp                    3-21 yrs        TBA                    or call ASAP             website or call           TBA                         site, BCBA      none             hdp://au?smmv.org & Facebook
                                                                                                  Registra?on opens
                               Diabetes Camp for type 1 5-11 yrs           Open House is June 10, March 15 please                                    Camperships please call                                      Rachael 440-739-4095
Camp Ho Mita Koda,             & 2 Day & Resident       11-15yr            Please see website for see website or call      please see web or call    ASAP,                       medical staff                     Rachael@CampHoMitaKoda.org
Newsbury, OH                   Camps                    14-17yr            all camp dates         ASAP                     for details               $650 for 1 week session     on site         none             www.campHoMitaKoda.org
                                                                                                  $150 deposit at                                    waivers used        ,
                                                       6-18 yrs            5 Respite wkend in     registra?on on                                     Respite wkends $240,
                               Au?sm, AD/HD, Learning, 18yrs +             school year, Resident website or call                                     wk long $850-$1350,                                          Terri Rulon 419-938-7151
                               Mental Health,          Adults-2            6 wks & stay between Early bird by April        Please see website or     Please call ASAP for        medical staff                     Terri@Nuhop.org
Camp Nuhop, Perrysville, OH    Behavior Camps          week                camps offered           for $25 discount         call for details          camperships                 on site         none             www.Nuhop.org
                                                                                                     $75 deposit with                                waivers, camperships                                         Melissa Hart
                               Adults DD                                   5 Adult camps             applica?on by April                             apply ASAP at least by                                       877-546-8568 ext. 165
                               5 wks. of resident & Day                    June-July, Please see     9 waiver -apply &     Week long Mon-Sun         April 9, please call for    medical staff                     mhart@shc-medina.org
Camp Paradise,  Seville, OH
       ORGANIZATION            CampsTYPE PROGRAM          18 yrs + up
                                                              AGES         web or call for details
                                                                                    DATES            ISPREGISTRATION
                                                                                                         by April 9        Day Camp 9am-5pm          current camp fees           on site         none             www.shc-medina.org
                               for adults 18 yrs & up                      6 Respite wkends-Sept-                                                    Camperships available call
                               overnight & Respite for                     May,                      Register online or    Arrive Sunday             ASAP, apply on Web or call,                                  Charlie Deer 724-758-6238
Camp Spencer Super Star at     Special Needs - all        Adults 18 &      6 wks June-July, Please   call ASAP to save     4pm-6pm leave Fri at      waivers used, please check medical staff                      cdeer@ymcapgh.org
Camp Kon-o-Kwee, Fombell, PA inclusive                  2up                see website-dates         the date              1pm                       website for current prices on site          none             www.ycampkok.org
Camp Star, Children's Hospital                                                                       Deadline at least a
                                                        3                                                                                                                               4
of Pidsburgh at Camp Kon-o-                                                                          week prior
Kwee Spencer Fombell, PA       Amputee Camp Camp Star 8-18yrs              Aug 5-11                  $50 register fee                                                                       2
                                                           child with                                Early best apply on
for adults 18 yrs & up                     6 Respite wkends-Sept-
                                  overnight & Respite for                    May,                       Register online or
Camp Spencer Super Star at        Special Needs - all            Adults 18 & 6 wks June-July, Please    call ASAP to save
Camp Kon-o-Kwee,    Fombell, PA        TYPE PROGRAM
                                  inclusive                      up AGES              DATES
                                                                             see website-dates            REGISTRATION
                                                                                                        the  date                         TIMES             COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP         THERAPIES      TRANSPORTATION       CONTACT INFORMATION
Camp Star, Children's Hospital    for adults 18 yrs & up                     6 Respite wkends-Sept-     Deadline at least a                                                                                           Cindy McCue 412-370-5481
of Pidsburgh at Camp Kon-o-       overnight & Respite for                    May,                       Register
                                                                                                        week prioronline or                                                          OT, PT &                         cindyMcQ1@gmail.com
Camp  Spencer Fombell,
Kwee Spencer   Super Star
                       PAat       Special
                                  Amputee Needs
                                            Camp- all
                                                   Camp Star     Adults
                                                                 8-18yrs18 & Aug
                                                                             6 wks5-11
                                                                                    June-July, Please   call
                                                                                                        $50 ASAP   to save
                                                                                                             register  fee       Week long Sun-Sat        Free Camp for pa?ent       Recrea?onal     none             www.chp.edu/camp+star
Camp Kon-o-Kwee, Fombell, PA      inclusive                      child with
                                                                 up          see website-dates          Early best apply on
                                                                                                        the date                                                                                                      Kelly Krebs 330-620-6357
Camp Star,
Camp  Quality at CampHospital
           Children's             serves children with           cancer 4-18                            website
                                                                                                        Deadlineatatleast by a
                                                                                                                      least                                                          medical staff                     kelly.krebs@campqualityusa.org
of         Butler,
   Pidsburgh       OH Kon-o-
             at Camp              Cancer & their Families        yrs           July 29-Aug 4            early
                                                                                                               prior             Week long                Free                       on site         none             www.campqualityusa.org
Kwee Spencer Fombell, PA          Amputee Camp Camp Star         8-18yrs       Aug 5-11                 $50 register fee                                                                                              Michelle Stumbo 740-992-6696
                                                                 child with                             Early best apply on                                                                                           Stumbo.5@OSU.Edu
Camp Quality at Camp              for medical
                                  serves      physical
                                         children with &                                                Registra?on   best       Friday 27 check in 3pm,                                                              hdp://4hcanterscave.OSU.Edu/
                                                           cancer 4-18                                  website at least by
Canters Cave,
Otyokwah,     OhioOH
           Butler, 4-H Special    emo?onal   needs youth & yrs
                                  Cancer & their Families                      July 29-Aug 4            on website
                                                                                                        early June   or call,    Sunday check out        Youth fee $80               medical staff                     home/experince-it/special-
Needs Camp, Jackson, OH           caregivers               youth               July 27-29               Deadline July 2          11:30am                 Caregiver fee $40           on site         none             need.camp
Childhood Cancer Family                                                                                                                                                                                               Kelli Coder 614-262-2220
Connec?on at Recrea?on         for medical
                               Pediatric    physical
                                         Cancer      &
                                                 Family    Infant to 18 Labor Day Wkend Sept            Registra?on  best
                                                                                                        Must be register                                  Free to registered child   medical staff                     Kcoder@givecckc.org
Canters Cave,
Unlimited,    OhioOH
           Ashley, 4-H Special emo?onal    needs youth & yrs.
                               Camp & Ac?vi?es                           1-2                            on website
                                                                                                        family with or call,
                                                                                                                    CCFC         Friday 5 pm - Sat 8 pm   & family                   on site         none             www.giveccfc.org
Needs Camp, Jackson, OH        caregivers                  youth         July 27-29                     Deadline July
                                                                                                        Applica?on fee2$30-
                                                                         many sessions offered-
Childhood Cancer Family                                                                                 $130 by June 5 call
                                                                         Day, Wkends, Over              ASAP, Financial  aid     Please see website or
Connec?on at Recrea?on         Pediatric Cancer Family     Infant to 18 Labor Day Wkend Sept            Must   be register
                               Camp for Blind, Vision                    nights, Please see             Early best, Balance      call for the many                                   Therapeu?c                       Lindsay
Unlimited, Ashley, OH          Camp & Ac?vi?es             yrs.          1-2                            family with CCFC
                               Hearing Impaired,Deaf,                    website or call,               due  June 5 or           sessions offered and      Please see website or      Recrea?on,                       216-791-8118 ext 4596
                                                                                                        Applica?on   fee $30-
Cleveland Sight Center High    +mult.special needs +                     many
                                                                         Youth sessions
                                                                                Day Awayoffered-
                                                                                          July 3-       schedule
                                                                                                        $130      of 5 call
                                                                                                              by June            age groups, and family   call for the many          Medical Staff                     camp@clevelandsightcenter.org
brook Lodge Chagrin Falls, OH their families               All Ages      Day,
                                                                         Free Wkends, Over              payment
                                                                                                        ASAP, Financial aid      op?ons                   sessions and fees asap     on site         none             www.clevelandsightcenter.org
                               Camp for Blind, Vision                    nights, Please see             Early best, Balance                                                                                           Dave Mirkin
Comfort Keepers of             Home Health
                               Hearing        Aid Service,
                                        Impaired,Deaf,                   website or call,                                                                                                            Comfort-Care-a- Columbiana 330-386-5500
                                                                                                        due June 5 or
Columbiana,  Mahoning   &
Cleveland Sight Center High    Home   Modifica?on,
                               +mult.special needs + Chore school  age & Youth Day Away July 3-         schedule of                                       waivers, insurance, VA                     Van             Mahoning 330-747-3541
Trumbull Coun?es
brook Lodge  Chagrin Falls, OH Service
                               their families              up
                                                           All Ages      Availability
                                                                         Free                           Applica?on
                                                                                                        payment                  24/7                     $17.99 per hour            none            330-744-4145    Trumbull 330-399-6600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Becky Somnitz video phone
Community Keepers offor the
             Center               Home     Health Aid Service,
                                  Youth Enrichment     & Camp                 June-Aug Club &           Applica?on for                                                                                               330-787-0128
Columbiana,   Mahoning
Deaf, Youngstown,   OH &          Home
                                  NuhopModifica?on, Chore         school
                                                                 5-18yrsage & Summer Camp TBA           each camp                June to August            Free, but has fundraising Interpreter     possible        Paula Long 330-726-8361
Trumbull Coun?es                  Service
                                  iCan Shine's iCan Bike         up           Availability              Applica?on               Must apply for preferred  $75 per biker, must wear                                  Debbie 330-726-3728
Down Syndrome Associa?on of       Camp for Down S +              8 yrs + max                            Applica?on on            session asap, please call helmet, please call for                                   office@dsav.org
Community    Center forOH
the Valley, Boardman,   the       Youth
                                            Needs      & Camp    220#         June-Aug
                                                                              June 11--15Club &         Applica?on
                                                                                                        web  site for            or see web site           addi?onal details         none            none            www.dsav.org
Deaf, Youngstown, OH              Nuhop                          5-18yrs
                                                                 8-15 yrs     Summer Camp TBA           each  camp fee
                                                                                                        Registra?on                                                                                                  Keith McIn?re 412-821-1906
Dr Bill Neches Heart Camp,        iCan Shine's
                                  Dr. Bill      iCan
                                           Neches     Bike
                                                   Heart         16-17yr      June 10-16 always a wk    $25- opens Jan           Heart Camp wk long       Free Heart Camp aeer                                       keith.mcin?re@chp.edu
Down Syndrome
Children's        Associa?on
           Hospital of       of   Camp for Down     S + heart
                                              congenital         8 yrs + max before Father's Day
                                                                 Juniors,                               Applica?on    on
                                                                                                        Registra?on close        Sunday - Saturday        approval for CHP pa?ent,                                   hdp://chp.edu/our-services/
the Valley, Boardman,
Pidsburgh,  at Camp OH            Special
                                  disease Needs
                                            (CHP) & Family       220#
                                                                 18yrs+       June 11--15
                                                                              Family Camp - Sept        web  site
                                                                                                        May 7,  CHP pa?ents      Family Camp Sept         non CHP pay $280 for 1st medical staff                      heart.for-pa?ents-families/
Kon-o-Kwee, Fombell, PA           Camp                           8-15  yrs
                                                                 counselors   22-23                     get priority fee
                                                                                                        Registra?on              22-23                    year-Free aeer 1st year on site            none            heart-camp
Dr Bill Neches Heart Camp,        Dr. Bill Neches Heart          16-17yr      June 10-16 always a wk    $25- opens Jan                                                                                               Pam 330-743-1168 ext 148
Children's Hospital of
Easter Seals                      Camp
                                  Infant for  congenital heart
                                           & Toddler             Juniors,     before Father's Day       Applica?on   please
                                                                                                        Registra?on close                                                                                            pbolling@mtc.Easterseals.com
Youngstown, atOH
               Camp               disease
                                  Preschool (CHP) & Family       6 wks-5yrs Family
                                                                 18yrs+              Camp - Sept
                                                                              Monday-Friday             call
                                                                                                        May 7, CHP pa?ents       6am-6pm                  JFS & private pay          OT, PT and ST   none            www.mtc.easterseals.com
Kon-o-Kwee, Fombell, PA           Camp                           counselors 22-23                       get priority                                                                                                 Margaret 330-599-5502 or
                                                                                                                                                          Free if eligible must be                                   330-743-1166
Easter Seals                      Infant
                                  Weekend& Toddler
                                            Respite for                                                 Applica?on please        Weekend Respite          resident of Mahoning,                                      markovitz@mtc.easterseals.com
Youngstown, OH                    Preschool
                                  children with special          6 wks-5yrs    Monday-Friday            call
                                                                                                        Applica?on please        Friday 6pm-Sunday        Trumbull, Columbiana     medical staff                      or Facebook
Easter Seals Boardman, OH         needsTYPE PROGRAM              to 21AGES
                                                                       yr             DATES
                                                                               Weekends aeer April        REGISTRATION
                                                                                                        call                     5pm                      coun?es from Hine Fund on site             none            www.mtc.easterseals.com
                                  Weekend Respite for                                                                                                                                PT, ST, OT &                     Tiffany 330-599-5504
                                  Young Adult Skills                                                                                                                                 Aqua?cs at                       tbell@mtc.eastseals.com
                                  children with special                                                 Applica?on please
Easter Seals,                     Development - Au?sm & 3HS grad                                        Applica?on please        Monday-Friday                                       Edwards Street,                  www.mtc.easterseals.com or
Easter Seals Boardman, OH         needs                  to 21 yr              Weekends aeer April      call
Boardman, OH                      Special Needs          18+up                 Week days M-F            call Tiffany              7:30am-3:30pm            waiver                     medical staff    none             Facebook
                                                                                                        Registra?on due by
                                                                                                        April 27, 2018,
                                  Overnight Sports Camp 3                                               Registra?on Link
Envision Blind Sports VIP         for children-Blind or     5                                           can be found on our                                                                 6
Summer Sports Camp at SRU,        visually Impaired & their                                             website & on
Slippery Rock, PA                 siblings                    5-18 yrs         June 10-15               Facebook                                                                                3
Young Adult Skills
Easter Seals,                    Development - Au?sm &        HS grad                                  Applica?on please
Boardman,   OH
        ORGANIZATION             Special Needs
                                      TYPE PROGRAM            18+up
                                                                  AGES        Week days M-F
                                                                                     DATES             call Tiffany
                                                                                                         REGISTRATION                   TIMES             COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP         THERAPIES      TRANSPORTATION       CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                                                Registra?on due by
                                                                                                April 27, 2018,                                                                                                     Wendy Fagan
                                 Young AdultSports
                                              SkillsCamp                                        Registra?on Link                                                                                                    724-967-4712
Envision Blind Sports VIP
Easter Seals,                    for children-Blind or
                                 Development - Au?sm & HS grad                                  can be foundplease
                                                                                                Applica?on      on our                                                                                              Envisionblindsports@gmail.com
            OH Camp at SRU,      visually Impaired & their 18+up
                                 Special Needs                            Week days M-F         website
                                                                                                call      & on
                                                                                                     Tiffany                                                                                                         hdps://www.envisionblindsports.org
Slippery Rock, PA                siblings                    5-18 yrs     June 10-15            Facebook
                                                                                                Registra?on due by              Please see website       $400 per person           none            none             ENVISION Blind Sports-Facebook
                                                                                                by applica?on
                                                                                                April 27, 2018,for
                                 Overnight Sports Camp                                          children
Envision Blind Sports VIP        for children-Blind or                                          serious  illnesses:
                                                                                                can be found    on our
Summer Horse Farms
         Sports Camp at SRU,     8 FamilyImpaired
                                 visually  Camps Wkend-
                                                    & their Family                              arthri?s,
                                                                                                website &asthma,
Slippery Rock, Ohio
   Mt. Gilead, PA                Spr+Fall 6 Resident
                                 siblings                    7-15yrs,
                                                             5-18 yrs     mul?10-15
                                                                          June  sessions offered blood,
member of Serious Fun            Camps,                      reside 8-15 Spring, Summer & Fall, heart, craniofacial,
                                                                                                by applica?on for                                                                  medical &                        Olivia 419-751-7077
Children's network funded by     3 Ranger Camps 1 Sibling yrs. Ranger Sibling Camp is Aug       gastrointes?nal,
                                                                                                children with &                 Please see web site or   Free - aeer applica?on is child life staff                  olivia@flyinghorsefarms.org
Paul Newman                      Camp                        16-17 yr     6-11                  rare diseases
                                                                                                serious  illnesses:             call for details         complete & accepted       on site         none             www.flyinghorsefarms.org
Flying Horse Farms               8 Family Camps Wkend- Family                                   arthri?s, asthma,                                        NEON, Fairhaven,
at Mt. Gilead, Ohio              Spr+Fall 6 Resident         7-15yrs,     mul? sessions offered blood, cancer,                                            Respite, Down Syndrome
member of Serious Fun            Camps,                      reside 8-15 Spring, Summer & Fall, heart, craniofacial,                                     Star, Heros+Halos,
Children's network funded by     3 Ranger Camps
                                 Therapeu?c   Horse1 Sibling yrs.months
                                                     Riding 18            Sibling
                                                                  Ranger+ 2-6 wk Camp   is Aug
                                                                                  sessions  (30 gastrointes?nal,
                                                                                                Pre  registra?on&               30 minute sessions for   Au?sm Speaks-Baker S C,                                    Penny 330-240-2945
Paul Newman
Forget Me Not Horse Farm,        Camp                        16-17
                                 sessions for Special Needs up     yr     6-11
                                                                    180# minutes per wk)        rare diseases
                                                                                                starts in May                   6 weeks @ $240           BB Mancini Founda?on                                       ForgetMeNotHorseFarm@
Girard, OH                       all by appointment           wt. limit       offered                   please call              All by appointment       & Private Pay             Hippotherapy none                gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jane Peachey 330-549-2406 or
                                                                                                                                                                                   Grief Camp                       Camp 330-227-3633
                                 Therapeu?c Horse Riding 18 months +          2-6 wk sessions (30      Pre registra?on          Sunday arrival                                     Therapy Dog                      jepeachey@yahoo.com - subject
Forget  Me  Not Horse
Good Grief Camp at CampFarm,     sessions for Special Needs up         180#   minutes
                                                                              Week longper wk)         starts
                                                                                                                 Mayweb         3pm-5pm Friday           Free aeer applica?on is   Craes/Art                        Grief Camp
Girard, OH
Fredrick, Rogers, OH             all by appointment
                                 Grief Camp                    wt. limit
                                                               8-15yrs        offered
                                                                              July 22-27               please  call
                                                                                                       site or call early       depart 5pm-6pm           completed & accepted      ac?vi?es        none             www.campfrederickohio.com
                                 Games, Computer lab,          K-7 grs
Heart Reach Neighborhood         baking, craes, field trips, 1-4 grs           Mon, Tues & Thursdays Call for ?mes to                                                                                                Kim Fowler
Ministries at Rockford           devo?ons, music, game         Teens          Wed & Friday (reading)stop by and                                                                                                     330-744-1446
Good  Grief  Camp  at Camp
(Eastside) Youngstown, OH        room                          7-12 grs       Week
                                                                              TBA long              Please
                                                                                                    registersee web             11am -3pm                Free                      none            none             kim_fowler@ohionm.org
Fredrick, Rogers,
Heart Reach       OH
              Neighborhood       Grief
                                 Games, Camp
                                          Computer lab,        8-15yrs        July 22-27            site
                                                                                                    Call or
                                                                                                                    to                                                                                              Lisa Scannell
Ministries at Kirwan Homes,      Games, craes,
                                 baking,  Computer
                                                 fieldlab,      K-7 grs
                                                       trips, K-7  grs        Tues, Wed & Thursday  stop by and                                                                                                     330-755-8696
Heart  Reach
Campbell, OH  Neighborhood       baking,
                                 devo?ons craes, field  trips,  1-4 grs
                                                               teens          Mon,
                                                                              TBA Tues & Thursdays  Call for ?mes to
                                                                                                    register                    10am - 2pm               Free                      none            none             Lisa_scannell@ohionm.org
Heart Reachat Neighborhood
              Rockford           devo?ons,   music,
                                 Games, craes,   fieldgame
                                                       trips, Teens           Wed & Friday (reading)stop  by ?mes
                                                                                                    Call for  and to                                                                                                Pastor Bob Wissenger
(Eastside) Youngstown,   OH      room
Ministries at 211 Redondo Dr, devo?ons, music, play            7-12 grs       TBA                   register
                                                                                                    stop by and                                                                                                     330-744-2000
Heart  Reach  Neighborhood
(Northside) Youngstown, OH       Games,
                                 ground   Computer    lab,     1st -6th ???   Tues, Wed, & Thursday Call for ?mes to
                                                                                                    register                    10am - 3pm               Free                      none            none             pastorbob.superkids@gmail.com
Ministries at Kirwan Homes,      baking, craes, field trips, K-7 grs           Tues, Wed & Thursday stop
Hospice ofOHWestern Reserve at devo?ons                        teens          TBA                   register
                                                                                                    Center for                                                                                                      Bereavement Center
Heart  Reach
Fieldstone    Neighborhood
            Farm  Chagrin Falls, Games,   craes, through
                                 Riding (Horse)  field trips,                                        Call for ?mes to
                                                                                                    Bereavement                 Day Camp 9am - 12        $75 fee Scholarship         Bereavement                    216-486-6838
OH         at 211  Redondo  Dr,  devo?ons,
                                 Grief Day Camp play
                                             music,            8-12 yrs       June 18-22            stop
                                                                                                    earlyby   and
                                                                                                           best                 noon                     available please call early support       none             www.hospicewr.org
(Northside)  Youngstown,
Hot to Clot Camp,          OH
                    Hemophilia   ground                        1st -6th ???   Tues, Wed, & Thursday register                                                                                                        Katherine or Kathleen
                                                                                                            call the
Center of Western PA, at Camp                                                                       May 1, closes June 30,
Hospice  of Western
Kon-o-Kwee    Spencer,Reserve at Bleeding Disorder,
                       Fombell,                                                                     Center   for
                                                                                                    online Registra?on at       Sunday-Saturday          Free for pa?ents and     medical staff                      Hemophilia Center of Western
PA          Farm Chagrin Falls, Riding
        ORGANIZATION                     (Horse)
                                 Hot-to-Clot     through
                                              Camp             7-17AGES
                                                                     yrs              DATES
                                                                              August 5-11           Bereavement
                                                                                                    www.campdoc.com             6 nights                 siblings                 on site          none             PA, www.campdoc.com
OH                               Grief Day Camp                8-12 yrs       June 18-22            early best                                           Please call for fees,                                      Jennifer Bracken
Hot to Clot Camp, Hemophilia                                                                                                                             Financial Assistance may                                   330-746-3250 ext. 125
                                                                                                       open Registra?on
Center Community
Jewish  of Western PA,  at Camp child care special needs
                     Center                                   4infant - 5                              Please  call for
                                                                                                       May 1, closes June 30,                            be available call early                                    jbracken@jewishyoungstown.org
Kon-o-Kwee Spencer,
Youngstown,    OH                Bleeding
                       Fombell, on   a caseDisorder,
                                            by case basis      years          all year                 applica?on
                                                                                                       online Registra?on at    7 am - 6 pm              best                     none             none             www.jccyoungstown.org
PA                               Hot-to-Clot Camp              7-17 yrs       August 5-11              www.campdoc.com                                  5 day weeks only Day camp
                                                                                                    On-going                                            price varies depending on                                   Emily Blau
                                                                                                                                                        number of weeks registered.
                                 Day Camps Special Needs 1-8 gr 9-10          Many camps & dates    registra?on,                                                                                                    330-746-3250 ext 152
                                                                                                                                                        For members -star?ng at $98
Jewish Community Center          partnership though the 4gr-leader            offered please see web $75 deposit                 8:30am -3:30pm          per week, non-members                                       eblau@jewishyoungstown.org
Youngstown, OH                   Knapp Center             training            site or call          toward camp fee             extended care available star?ng at $130 per week    none           none             www.jccyounstown.org
                                                        7 1-12 grades,                                                                                                                     84
Keystone Kids for Children                                Young adult         1-12 grades Day
Blind & Vision Impaired,         Youth Enrichment Club-   meets 5             programs meets once a
                                       Day Camps Special Needs 1-8 gr 9-10              Many camps & dates    registra?on,
Jewish Community Center                partnership though the    gr-leader              offered please see web $75 deposit
Youngstown, OH
       ORGANIZATION                    KnappTYPE
                                                   PROGRAM       training
                                                                      AGES              site or call
                                                                                                  DATES       toward  camp fee
                                                                                                                REGISTRATION                        TIMES              COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP          THERAPIES      TRANSPORTATION        CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                 1-12 grades,                                                                                                                                                      Jennifer Lilly
Keystone Kids for Children                                       Young adult            1-12 grades Day                                                                                                                            724-347-5501 ext. 248
Blind &Community
Jewish  Vision Impaired,
                   Center              Youthcare
                                       child  Enrichment   Club-
                                                  special needs  meets - 55
                                                                 infant                 programs meets once a Please call for                                                                                                      jennlilly@keystoneblind.org
Hermitage,  PA
Youngstown, OH                         Blind or Vision Impaired
                                       on a case by case basis   ?mes
                                                                 years a year           month
                                                                                        all yearall year      Rolling applica?on
                                                                                                              applica?on                   Please call for details
                                                                                                                                                                Free                             none            possible          www.keystoneblind.org
                                                                                                                                                                Ohio JPSN Scholarship,
                                                                                                                  On-going                                      Ohio Au?sm Scholarship,
                                       Day Camps Special Needs          1-8 gr 9-10     Many camps & dates        registra?on,                                  Insurance, Extended
Knapp Center
Jewish  Communityfor Childhood
                        Center         Day Camps for
                                       partnership     High the
                                                    though              gr-leader       offered please see web $75 deposit                                       School Year, Knapp Ct aid
Youngstown,        Boardman, OH        Func?oning
                                       Knapp  CenterAu?sm, AD/          JCC 6-13;
                                                                        training        site or call              toward camp fee          JCC 8:30am-3:30pm    at JCC, Boardman Park,
& aides at Jewish Community            HD & other unique                YMCAgrades,
                                                                        1-12   3-13;                              Please call or visit     B Park 8:30am-3:30pm YMCA varies with # of            Applied
Center, Boardman
Keystone               Park, YMCA,
           Kids for Children           learning needs                   B Park adult
                                                                        Young  6-12;    June grades
                                                                                        1-12   23-July Day
                                                                                                       31 for all web site for             YMCA 8:30am-4pm      day & support needed             Behavior                          Dr. Julie Knapp 330-629-2955
& Great
Blind    Lakes Sci
      & Vision       Center
                  Impaired,            Child,Youth-22
                                       Youth  Enrichment Club-          GLSC pre-12
                                                                        meets   5       programs meets once a applica?on                   GLSC 8:30-3:30pm     please call for details          Analysis (ABA) none               www.knappcenter.org
Mahoning County
Hermitage,    PA      Board of         Blind or Vision Impaired         ?mes a year     month all year            Rolling applica?on                                                                                               Debbie 330-797-2849 or
Developmental Disabili?es at                                                            July 18-July 27                                                                                                                            330-797-2847
Leonard Kirtz School                   Summer Enrichment                                no camp week of           Applica?on               week days Mon-Friday       Waivers, sliding fee scale                                   jnovak@mahoningcountyoh.gov
Aus?ntown, OH                          Program                          6-22yrs         July 4th                  Deadline May 4           9am - 3pm                  or $500                    PT , OT ST      limited           www.mahoningdd.org
Knapp      Dystrophy
       Center    for Childhood         Day Camps for High                                                         Applica?on online                                                                                                Valerie 440-816-0916
Associa?on at Recrea?on
Development        Boardman, OH        Children withAu?sm,
                                       Func?oning     Muscular
                                                             AD/        JCC 6-13;                                 best early call          Wk long residen?al                                    medical staff                      vgalbicsek@MDA.org
&  aides at in Ashley,
            Jewish       OH
                     Community         Dystrophy
                                       HD  & otherCamp
                                                    unique              8-17yrs3-13;
                                                                        YMCA            June 17-22                ASAP call or visit
                                                                                                                  Please                   camp                       Free for MDA members       on site         none              www.MDA.org
Center, Boardman Park, YMCA,           learning camps:
                                       Summer    needs Art, STEM,       B Park 6-12;    many23-July
                                                                                        June    sessions
                                                                                                       31offered   Please
                                                                                                          for all web      apply
                                                                                                                        site for &                                                                                                 Donna Trapani 614-468-8869
&     State
   Great     School
         Lakes        for the Blind,
                 Sci Center            Child,Youth-22
                                       Fairy, ECC, Mult D, Math,        K-2grs.pre-12
                                                                        GLSC     3-7    please see web site or applica?on
                                                                                        programs                  register by June 1       Day Camp-Mon-Fri-8-4                                                                    SummerCampOSSB@ossb.oh.gov
Columbus, County
Mahoning     OH       Board of         Ocean, & Volcano Braille         grs. 8-12 grs   call for details          or call ASAP             Resident Camp Sun-Fri Ohio resident-$25               none            none              www.ossb.oh.gov
Developmental Disabili?es at                                                            July 18-July 27           Before April 30 Early
Leonard Kirtz School                   Summer Enrichment                                no camp week of           Bird-Jr $125 aeer
                                                                                                                  Applica?on                                          Financial Aid call ASAP,
Aus?ntown, OH                          Program                   6-22yrs                July 4th                  $150,  10yr-HS
                                                                                                                  Deadline    MayEarly
                                                                                                                                    4                                 Jrs $125-$150,                             offered at
OYO-Ohio's    Camp for Deaf &
Muscular Dystrophy                                               Jr 7-9 yr              Jr. Aug 1-4,              $175  aeer $200,
                                                                                                                  Applica?on     online                               10 yr-HS-$175-$200,                        Community         contact DSC 614-841-1991
Hard  of Hearing
Associa?on          Kids at Camp
              at Recrea?on             for Deaf &
                                       Children     Hard
                                                 with    of
                                                       Muscular  OYO-10-High            10 yrs-High School        Register.
                                                                                                                  best earlyDeadline
                                                                                                                               call        Overnights-please see      Early Bird deadline is medical staff        Centers for the   OYOcamp@DSC.org
Unlimited in Ashley,OH
         Perrysville,    OH            Hearing   Kids
                                       Dystrophy Camp            School
                                                                 8-17yrs                July  29-August
                                                                                        June 17-22       4        July
                                                                                                                  ASAP 15                  web site for details       April 30               on site             Deaf              www.oyocampNuhop.org
Poten?al Development                                             2-6yrs,                many sessions offered Applica?on
                                                                                                                  Please apply&&                                                             OT & ST at all
                                       Summer camps: Art, STEM,
Ohio State(4School
              sites) Youngtown,
                      for the Blind,                             K-8 grs, 3-7
                                                                 K-2grs.                please see web site or must      beby
                                                                                                                  register   a PDP
                                                                                                                                June 1     Preschool & school age Ohio Au?sm Scholarship sites, PT at Pre                          Paul Garchar 330-746-7641
                                       Fairy, ECC, Mult D, Math,
Howland,   OH
Columbus, OH                           Extended    school year
                                       Ocean, & Volcano Braille
                                                                 grs. 8-12 grs          mid   July -mid
                                                                                        call for detailsAug       student
                                                                                                                  or call ASAP             8:30am-2:30pm          Waivers, Sliding fee scale school         none                   www. Poten?aldevelopment.org
                                                                                        5 wks-Day Camp 7 Youth
                                                                                                                   Before April 30 Early
                                                                 Day 5-22yrs,           Respite wkends, 8 Adult
                                                                                                                   Bird-Jr $125 aeer
                                                                                                                   $35 register  fee
                                                                 Youth 8                Respite wkends, 8 wks
                                       youth & adults Physical & yr-23yr,                                          $150,
                                                                                                                   early best, at Early
                                                                                                                          10yr-HS least
OYO-Ohio's Camp for Deaf &                                       Jr 7-9 yr              Resident  for Youth &
                                                                                        Jr. Aug 1-4,                                                                  waivers or private pay
                                                                                                                   $175 aeer $200,
Hard of Hearing Kids at Camp           DD  health
                                       for Deaf & concerns
                                                  Hard of Day, Adults   23 yrs
                                                                 OYO-10-High            Adult, Prader  Will Camp
                                                                                        10 yrs-High School         30 days prior                                      Respite wkend $412
                                                                                                                   Register. Deadline
Recrea?on  Unlimited
Nuhop, Perrysville, OHFarm &           Wkend   Respite,
                                       Hearing Kids     Wklong   +, 2 Youth
                                                                 School                 July
                                                                                        July 2-6, no cost 4Greif
                                                                                             29-August             With waivers $75        Please see web site or     Wklong $820                medical staff                      Chris Link 740-548-7006
                                                                                                                   July 15
     Camp Ashley, OH                   CampsTYPE  PROGRAM
                                              offered             Au?smAGEScamps         Camp JulyDATES
                                                                                                    9-13          REGISTRATION
                                                                                                                register. Fee&             call for details           Free Greif Camp            on site          none             www.recrea?onunlimited.org
Poten?al Development                                           2-6yrs,                                          Applica?on
Program (4 sites) Youngtown,                                   K-8 grs,                                         Applica?on
                                                                                                                must be a PDP RAC                                                                OT, ST,                           Gregory 330-941-1927
Rich Au?sm
Howland,  OHCenter at YSU              Extended school year    9gr-21yrs                July
                                                                                        mid 10-Aug   16AugOff on students,
                                                                                             July -mid          student non RAC            8:30am-2:30pm              School District            Behavioral bills                  gvboerio@YSU.Edu
Youngstown, OH                         Extended school year    2 1/2 -16 yrs            Fridays
                                                                                        5 wks-Day Camp 7 Youth  call for availability      Off on Fridays              private pay TBA            insurance        none             www.richcenter.org
                                       Day Camps,   Camps for 5Day 5-22yrs,           Respite  wkends,yr8 Adult
                                       Child & Adult: Respite                         Day  Camp-sch                                        Day Camp 10am-4pm,
                                                                        Youth 8       Respite wkends,              $35 register fee
                                       wkends,                                        Sunday   Camp, 8 21 wks                              Sunday-1pm-5pm,            No waivers, camperships
                                       youth &Resident     wks for &
                                                  adults Physical       yr-23yr,      Resident for Youth &         early best, at least
                                       Siblings too, For  Au?sm,  DD,                 Wkend Respite, 1             $50 deposit early       Wkend Respite-Fri          based on income, Day
                                       DD health concerns Day,          Adults 23 yrs Adult, Prader Will Camp      30 days prior
                                       Down,   Blind, CP, SB, LD,                     sibling Wk, 6 Wk-Child,      best please see         6pm-Sun 10am, Wk           Camp $305 per wk,                                            Dawn Housley 330-644-4512,
Recrea?on Unlimited Farm &             Wkend Respite, Wklong            +, 2 Youth    July 2-6, no cost Greif      With waivers $75
                                       Mental                           6 & up child 2 Wk-Adult Camps              web site or call for    long Sun-Fri, please see   Respite wkend $305,     medical staff                         dawnh@akronymca.org,
Fun Camp Ashley, OH                    Camps health
                                                offered& mul?            Au?sm camps Camp July 9-13                 register. Fee
Rotary Camp at Akron, OH               Disabili?es                      & adults      offered                       details                 web                        Resident wk long $640 on site              none              www.akronymca.org/rotarycamp
                                                                                                                   Please visit website
Special Touch Ministry at              Physical & Cogni?ve                                                         & go to Getaway                                    $410 per camper                                              Duane & Tracie Corll
Heartland Conference &                 Disabili?es, May have Aid                                                   Op?on or call ASAP      Monday-Friday              Scholarships may be        medical staff                      330-507-9281
Retreat Center, Marengo, OH            adend                     510 yrs+ up     Aug 13-17                         Deadline July 16        5 days overnight           available please call asap on site         none              www.specialtouch.org/getaways
                                                                   Special Needs Please check website or
Special Touch Respite at               Saturday Respite Night for 9all ages,     call for available       Registra?on is                                                                                10
Highway Tabernacle Church,             Physical & Cogni?ve         Siblings less Saturday   dates   6pm - required, Please
Aus?ntown, OH                          Disabili?es- may have Aid than 14 yrs     8:30pm                   go online or call
Please visit website
Special Touch Ministry at          Physical & Cogni?ve                                                       & go to Getaway
Heartland Conference &             Disabili?es, May have Aid                                                 Op?on or call ASAP
        Center, Marengo, OH        adendTYPE PROGRAM         10 yrs+
                                                                 AGESup           Aug 13-17 DATES              REGISTRATION
                                                                                                             Deadline  July 16                  TIMES             COSTS/SCHOLARSHIP          THERAPIES      TRANSPORTATION      CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                                  Special Needs   Please check website or    Applica?on RAC
Rich    TouchCenter
     Au?sm    Respite
                    at at
                       YSU         Saturday Respite Night for all ages,           call for
                                                                                  July     available
                                                                                        10-Aug  16 Off on     Registra?on
                                                                                                             students,  nonis RAC                                                                                            Duane & Tracie Corll
Highway  Tabernacle
Youngstown, OH       Church,       Physical &school
                                   Extended   Cogni?ve
                                                    year      2 1/2 -16
                                                              Siblings     yrs
                                                                        less      Saturday
                                                                                  Fridays    dates   6pm -   required,  Please
                                                                                                             call for availability     Saturday Respite Night Free -aeer registra?on is medical staff                         330-507-9281
Aus?ntown, OH                      Disabili?es-
                                   Day Camps, may   havefor
                                                 Camps   Aid than 14 yrs          8:30pm                     go online or call         6pm-8:30pm             complete & approved       on site             none             www.HighwayTab.church
                                Child & Adult: Respite                            Day Camp-sch yr                                                                                                                            Loree Stubblefield
                                wkends, Resident wks for                          Sunday Camp, 21                                                                $30 for 1 hour session                                      330-733-3132
                                                                                  4 week sessions by         Please call or
                                Siblings too, For Au?sm,   DD,                    Wkend Respite, 1           $50 deposit early         All sessions by           NEON (FSS), insurance,     Social Work,                     ponykids@neo.rr.com
                                Therapeu?c     Horse   Riding                     appointment March-         email for
                                                                                  sibling Wk, 6 Wk-Child,    best please see
Stable Solu?ons in Alliance, OH Down,
                                         healthCP, SB, LD,     5 year & up        Dec.                       applica?on                appointment               IO,+Self waiver            Counseling      none             www.myponykids.com
                                Mental health & mul?           6 & up child       2 Wk-Adult Camps           web site or call for      Spr session               Spring-$320, Summer-       Social Work,                     Loree Stubblefield
Rotary Camp at Akron, OH        Disabili?es                    & adults           offered                     details                   3:30-7:30pm Summer        $500, FSS,PASS, &          Equine Asst.,                    330-733-3132
                                                                                                             Please call or
                                                                                                             Please visit website
Special Touch Ministry at          Physical & Cogni?ve                            Spring, Summer & Fall      email for                 session 2 x wk for 3      Scholarship please call    Growth &                         ponykids@neo.rr.com
                                                                                                             & go to Getaway
Stable Solu?ons
Heartland        in Alliance,
           Conference   &     OH   Horsemanship
                                   Disabili?es, MayProgram
                                                     have Aid     open            sessions                   applica?on                wks. 10am-2pm             asap                       Learning        may be available www.myponykids.com
                                                                                                             Op?on or call ASAP
Retreat Center, Marengo, OH        adend                          10 yrs+ up
                                                                        Aug 13-17                            Deadline July 16          Thursday & Friday
Stepping Stones to a Beder         Day Camp for Grief                                                        Please call for           10am-2:30pm at Zion                                                                   Sister Pat-Grief Support
                                                          Special Needs Please check website or
Tomorrow,   Zion
Special Touch    Lutheran
               Respite  at         Special
                                   SaturdayNeeds  - case
                                             Respite     by for
                                                     Night              call for available                   details & is
                                                                                                             Registra?on               Lutheran Church           Free aeer applica?on                                        Specialist 330-792-2353 or
                                                          all ages,
HighwayCornersburg,    OH
         Tabernacle Church,        case basis
                                   Physical & Cogni?ve    6-17 yrs.     June 21,22,23                        applica?on                Saturday - TBA            process approved           Grief Support   none             330-792-4046
                                                          Siblings less Saturday dates 6pm -                 required, Please
                                                                                                             Applica?on on
Aus?ntown, OH                   Disabili?es- may have Aid than 14 yrs   8:30pm                               go online or call                                   $300 Camp fee
Summer Enrichment Program Summer Day Camp for                                                                website or call,
for Handicap Children of        Children with Special                   5 weeks            mid               must be received by       Monday - Friday           Parent Par?cipa?on                         transporta?on is 330-637-8991
Trumbull County, Howland, OH Needs Parent Run                           4 week
                                                          6-22 years June to     sessions  by
                                                                                      mid July               Please    call or
                                                                                                             early April               9am -2pm                  needed, no waivers used none               provided         hdp://septrumbull.org
                                Therapeu?c Horse Riding                 appointment March-                   email   for at
Stable Solu?ons in Alliance, OH mental health             5 year & up Dec.                                   applica?on
                                                                                                             Farmer Jim’s Sports
                                                                                                             Complex -2971 St
                                                                                                             Please    call or on
                                                                                                             RT 46, Cortland,          Sundays 4pm-5:30pm
TOPSOCCER                                                                         Aug 5 - Summer
                                                                                  Spring, Sept 30 & Fall     email   for
                                                                                                             April 28 at               at Pearl Park 140 Pearl   Fee $25 for Season                                          Cathie 330-219-7302 or
of the Mahoning
Stable Solu?ons inValley,
                   Alliance, OH    Special Needs may
                                   Horsemanship        have a
                                                   Program        open            All Sundays
                                                                                  sessions                   applica?on
                                                                                                             10am-1pm, April 29        St. Old Cortland Ele      includes t-shirt, socks+                                    330-638-4050
Cortland, OH                       buddy on field                  4-19 yrs.       except Sept 2              at 1pm-3pm or call        Fields                    ball for new players       none            none             celwings1@aol.com
Stepping Stones to a Beder         Day Camp for Grief                                                        $25  registra?on
                                                                                                             Please    call for -
                                                                                                             includes&shirt, hat,                                $25 registra?on includes                                    Trumbull County Adap?ve
Tomorrow, Zion Lutheran            Special Needs - case by                                                   details
Trumbull County Adap?ve                                                                                      trophy   picnic                                     shirt, hat, trophy &                                        Baseball-330-448-1903
Church, Cornersburg,   OH          case basis                     6-17 yrs.       June 21,22,23              applica?on
Baseball at                        Adap?ve Baseball Buddies                                                  register
                                                                                                             Applica?on by May
                                                                                                                            on 1 or                              picnic by May 1 or call                                     tcadap?vebaseball@AOL
Summer     Township Park
         Enrichment   Program      allowed, Day
                                   Summer   safety ballsfor
                                                Camp     used     4 yrs to adult June to July                call visit web
                                                                                                             website or call,          TBA 3-4 days a week       visit Face book          none              none             Facebook
for   Penn Burn
    Handicap    CenterofCamp
             Children              Children with Special                         5 weeks           mid       Please
                                                                                                             must becall   for by
                                                                                                                        received                                                                                             Jennifer 412-578-5295
at Camp Kon-o-Kwee
Trumbull              Spencer,
         County, Howland,   OH     West Penn
                                   Needs      Burn
                                          Parent    Center
                                                  Run             6-22 years June to          mid July       applica?on
                                                                                                             early April asap                                    Free Camp for children medical staff                         jennifer.robinson@AHN.org
         PA                        CampTYPE   PROGRAM
                                         for Kids                 7-17AGES
                                                                        yrs      June 2-6 DATES              atREGISTRATION
                                                                                                             Registra?on               5 days                    treated for burn injuries on site          none             www.westpennburncenter.org
                                                                                                             Farmer Jim’s Sports                                 YMCA members $35-day
                                                                                                             Complex         $30
                                                                                                                         -2971 St      week days Mon-Friday,     $130-week,                                                  Nikki Murray 330-480-5658
                             YMCA Camp high             6                                                    Financial
                                                                                                             RT 46, Cortland, on       9am-4pm,                  non members $40-day &                                       nmurray@youngstownymca.org
YMCA Davis Center, Boardman, func?oning or with an aid 6-13yrs
TOPSOCCER                                                                         June54-July
                                                                                  Aug    - Sept15
                                                                                                30& July     Assistance
                                                                                                             April 28 at               extended hrs 7am-9am,     $160-week, Financial                                        www.youngstownymca.orgasum
OHthe Mahoning Valley,
of                           (Knapp Needs
                             Special Center)may have a 14-17yr                    16-Aug
                                                                                  All      26
                                                                                      Sundays                available call
                                                                                                             10am-1pm,        ASAP
                                                                                                                            April 29   & 4pm-6pm available       Assistance call asap       none            none             mercamp.php
Cortland, OH                 buddy on field               4-19 yrs.                Summer
                                                                                  except    3 week
                                                                                          Sept 2             registra?on     $22
                                                                                                             at 1pm-3pm or call        summer Tues &Thus                                                                     Drew 330-744-8411
YMCA Central, Youngstown,    Swim Lessons for Special                             sessions         Spr 6     YMCA
                                                                                                             $25      member,-
                                                                                                                  registra?on          11:30am-12 or 5pm-5:30 Financial assist available                                     dsapp@youngstownymca.org
OH                           Needs                        4-18 yrs                wk session                 $44 nonshirt,
                                                                                                             includes    member
                                                                                                                              hat,     spring-12:30-1pm       please call asap           none               none             www.youngstownymca.org
Trumbull County Adap?ve                                                                                      Applica?on
                                                                                                             trophy   picniconline                            please call for fee info
YWCA at                      Adap?ve Baseball Buddies 6 wks.- K                                              or please
                                                                                                             register  bycall
                                                                                                                           Mayor1 or                          wk in 2 mile radius                                            330-746-6361 ext 126
             OH     Park     child caresafety balls used 4ready
                             allowed,                       yrs to adult          June
                                                                                  weekto July
                                                                                       day M-F               visitvisit web
                                                                                                             call                      6:30am-7pm available discounts 5-10% available none                  none             www.ywcaofyoungstown.org
West Penn Burn Center Camp                                                                                   Please call for                                                                                                 ppetras 4/5/2018
at Camp Kon-o-Kwee Spencer, West Penn Burn Center                                                            applica?on asap
Fombell, PA                  Camp for Kids               7-17 yrs                 June 2-6                   at least-mid May

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