Page created by Leon Logan

 Meeting the
 technicians of


 Technicians for Africa      During each trip, Mantrac made
 (T4A) is a free online      students an offer. Anyone that
 program. Sponsored          applied and completed the T4A
 by Caterpillar, in          program would be eligible for
 collaboration with          summer internships at Mantrac
 Mantrac, it provides        workshops. A hands-on opportunity
 the knowledge               to take the theoretical and apply it to
 required to become a        the practical. This has led to a
 fully trained technician.   dramatic increase in the number of
 The program is              students enrolling, who are now
 available to anybody        working their way through the course
 with an interest in         with hopes of a summer spent
 heavy machinery.            putting their newfound knowledge to
                             the test. Additionally, during this time
 Mantrac’s mission           of COVID-19 precautions, the team
 statements are a set of     have created a WhatsApp group
fully trained technician.   dramatic increase in the number of
The program is              students enrolling, who are now
available to anybody        working their way through the course
with an interest in         with hopes of a summer spent
heavy machinery.            putting their newfound knowledge to
                            the test. Additionally, during this time
Mantrac’s mission           of COVID-19 precautions, the team
statements are a set of     have created a WhatsApp group
ideas that guide us,        where students can ask questions,
and our work, to be         get answers and share information.
the best that we can
be. One of the
statements is:

We strive to be good
corporate citizens in
the markets in which
we operate.

There are many ways
in which we can be
good corporate              Gamal Basit with South Valley
citizens; by protecting     Students
the environment, by
being considerate of
the areas we work in,       It’s not just workshop internships
by behaving                 that Mantrac offers to T4A
honourably in the work      graduates. Such is our belief in the
we do and by investing      quality of the program, employment
in the future of the        candidates that complete it are
markets and                 preferred by hiring managers across
communities we              the company, though we cannot take
operate in.                 in every graduate. As T4A graduates
                            are well regarded by other
In February this year,      companies, where we can, we also
Mantrac staff in Egypt      support graduates when they apply
made trips to several       at customer companies.
of the country’s top
universities to talk        We are proud supporters of regional
about the T4A               development. The T4A program
program. These trips        demonstrates our commitment to
are a chance to             talent development in Africa and the
engage with students        quality of our partnership with
and talk to them about      Caterpillar. The T4A program helps
their future, and that of   to identify those with great technical
Africa, and how the         capability which aids the recruitment
two are intertwined. It     selection process.
We are proud supporters of regional
about the T4A               development. The T4A program
program. These trips        demonstrates our commitment to
are a chance to             talent development in Africa and the
engage with students        quality of our partnership with
and talk to them about      Caterpillar. The T4A program helps
their future, and that of   to identify those with great technical
Africa, and how the         capability which aids the recruitment
two are intertwined. It     selection process.
is also a chance to talk
about Mantrac, where        We welcome graduates that come to
we stand as an              work at Mantrac and recognise
employer and where          those that work elsewhere as brand
we see ourselves            ambassadors for us, Caterpillar and
going.                      the T4A program
Upper Egypt SOM,            Tomorrow depends on our
Gamal Abdel Basit led       actions today
a team of colleagues
on two trips. The first     Our intention to be a good corporate
to South Valley             citizen is admirable, but our actions
University in Qena and      matter as well as our intentions. The
the second to the Arab      ways in which we try to support a
Academy in Aswan.           future that lies beyond the
                            boundaries of our company, is
On each excursion the       something that marks us apart from
team met with               our competitors.
academic staff and
gave a series of            Looking out for ourselves is easy,
presentations to            looking out for others can be much
students. As well as        harder. With the support of CAT and
introducing the T4A         the T4A program we can ensure not
program, sessions           just that Mantrac has a bright and
also covered Mantrac        prosperous future, but that Africa
operations, the history     and its citizens do too.
of and products of
CAT, safety briefings
and a look at power
systems and electronic
engines. Finally, time
was put aside for a
Q&A session,
moderated by the

There was also a trip
to the Engineering
Department at
was put aside for a
Q&A session,
moderated by the

There was also a trip
to the Engineering
Department at
Alexandria University
led by Egypt Technical
Training Manager,
Gamal Fouad and
Egypt HSE Manager,
Ahmed Faisal. The
faculty welcomed the
Mantrac team before
they took to the stage
in front of 400 students
to deliver their
presentations and
once again conclude
with a Q&A session.

Q&A session

Knowledge is an
investment in the

Ayman Ezz El Din,
Group Power Systems
Director and Egypt BU
said ”Organising
university trips can
take a lot of time but it
is time that is well
invested. Preparing
presentations, liaising
with academics and
providing support after
the sessions have
said ”Organising
 university trips can
 take a lot of time but it
 is time that is well
 invested. Preparing
 presentations, liaising
 with academics and
 providing support after
 the sessions have
 ended is essential for
 increasing the
 awareness of T4A and
 driving the successful
 creation of the
 technicians Africa’s
 future will depend on.
 Some of the students
 we meet, will end up
 working with Mantrac
 and our customers, it
 is our responsibility as
 good corporate
 citizens to support
 their development.”
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